Chapter 2: the prophecy.

Story by Zerothedragon on SoFurry

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Chapter 2: the prophecy. (warning. If under 18 leave please. Blah blah you know the drill. If caught if your underage isn't my fault. Enjoy!) Zero looked at the baby digimon it looked so cute to him. It was small but courageous looking "Who are you?" he asked. It looked at him "I'm babydmon. Your my partner" it said. Suddenly all the digivices glowed and morphed to ipodish models still tge color of their original d-3's "well that's new." he turned it around "it reads d-nova" he said. The angemon looked at zero "You all must be the ones from the prophecy" zero blinked "What prophecy?" he asked. He was confused before the five other eggs glowed to become: patamon, dorumon, kamemon, falcomon, and a black chessmon. Kamemon ran to Tim and hugged him. Tge chessmon went to Ashley and she smiled. Patamon went to zack who smiled at it. Dorumon went to Zane. Zane petted it and actually showed emotion. Falcomon walked up to Greg and smiled as Greg smiled back. Zero blinked in confusion "Ok why dies everyone have a rookie besides me?" he asked before babydmon glowed and became Dracomon, thus knocking him down "There we go..." he said out of breath on the floor. After awhile they were sitting down in a house that belonged to angemon. "So angemon. What's the prophecy?" he asked. Angemon smiled briefly "a smart question. The prophecy is an old one about six furs coming here to save it. You aren't tge first to come to the digital world. But this of many prophecies is you all's" he said. After given food and supplies angemon looked at them "you all need to head for yarrow village. There look for the shamanmon" he said. "head in this direction" he pointed east. While walking the gang started talking, except Zane of course. They learned many things about each other. As night arrived they built tents that angemon had given them. They slept throughout the whole night. The next morning ------------------------------------- Zero opened his eyes to see Greg and Zach sleeping side by side with him. There were only two tents and zero, Greg, and Zach got tge first as Tim, Ashley, and Zane got the other. After an hour or so they resumed walking to the east. The skies overhead were clear blue as sounds were heard in the forest. They walked and soon came up to the village. It was small and many palmon were roaming it. Zach walked up to one "hello" he said "were looking for shamanmon." the palmon smiled "the village priest lives there" the digimon said pointing to a hut and walking away. Inside the hut was an ogre like digimon withba club "I've been expecting you digidestined." he said. "you must find the 12 digi-eggs." he said "there will be 2 for each of you" he said "the first will be at the next village. From there on your destiny will point you to the others. Have courage digidestined." he said. Inside the hut zero and Zach were talking as the rest sat quietly "So Zach what Do you think?" he asked. Tge alligator shrugged "I don't know but were heading south as shamanmon directed." he said. After a few hours they started heading south to search for the eggs that would soon lead to answers. After traveling awhile the gang ended up in a slightly bigger village than they expected. They were al thinking about the digi eggs and what would happen once they got them. They were looking around till a few digimon ran by, as if they were being chased. They were very scared and zero knew it "come on guys. We have to save them" he said as he and Dracomon ran in the direction the digimon had run from. Once they reached the place they saw some angry looking mushroommon coming at them. Everyone started to get ready to run"guys. We stay" zero said. He was feeling courageous and he had to fight.

Changes: chapter 3

Disclaimer: I do not own the turtles, or any of it's characters. Only Zero. Please R&R Enjoy! * * * Chapter 3: Dance of steel * * * It had been a week and a half since Zero had met the turtles. He and raph had something, but since...

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Changes: Chapter 1

Changes. Chapter 1 An OC Tmnt story from episode 1- the end and beyond. This story was originally what I had in mind. Before I started generations due to a friend request, I started that first. I'm going to hold off a little on that story...

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Tmnt- Generations: Chapter 3: bonds

Tmnt Generations. Chapter 3: bonds ---(disclaimer)--- I do not own tmnt, nor any of the characters. --- "our lives have been as brothers, but what happens if it becomes more than that? Thinking about this is hard.--Rapheal" --- ...

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