Internal Auditor

Story by FalconMage on SoFurry

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#1 of Internal Auditor

This story came up to my damn mind while I was in class during Corporate Governance. I'm a major in accounting and business is kinda my nature. So, I was thinking, hey, maybe I could incorporate what I learn, into something yiffy and writing. What do you know! It happened. The fuck shit is, I wrote this down while in class, with two pages full of outline. The girl sitting next to me saw my notes and was amazed at the amount of notes I managed to jot down within three hours. Yeah, right. It's me being pervy.

Word of warning and advise, to read this story, I actually suggest that readers know who or what an AUDITOR is. If not, read it and learn. Or get to the yiffy part.

Internal Auditor

"Welcome all, to our internal meeting of the board. I'm glad that all of you could attend on such short notice but as you all know, the company's financial statement will be presented out to our beloved shareholders and it is our duty to discuss about any matters that might come up after the audit."

Mr.Gram placed both paws on to the table and scrutinized his surroundings while glaring at each member of the board that's present in this very room. He was the Chief Executive Officer of this stronghold and it was his duty to assemble meetings like this successful and by the looks of it, everything is in order. Mr. Gram was a brown badger with jet black lining striped across his arms, wore a black suit and white formals underneath. One trait that made him different from the rest of the board would be his height. There were occasional gossips on how a short guy like him managed sit in the board but that's none of their concern.

"Let's start off with something important, shall we? Mr. Smith, if you may." He got off to make space for the man in line.

Smith cleared his throat and got up, pushed the chair behind as he stepped right in the middle. On the right of his arm, a small book with details about his speech while on the left, leaflets of paper placed on to the table. He looked up and fixed his glasses, wondering if his motives of coming to such a meeting would be worth his time. Mr. Smith was a large tiger that works as an internal auditor for this particular company and he's not quite fond of working here to be honest. The bulky feline had certain disputes between a few staff but that was his job. Standing at nearly six feet and more, he was feared by some within the walls of the building. Not to mention his large frame as well. The tiger was muscled in some way or the other and it's not common to actually have such a guy like him, being the brains of audit for the company. There's the old stereotype saying: if you have brawns, most likely you'd not have the brains but in the case of Mr. Smith, he was the complete opposite.

He fixed his squared glasses and tie in the process, cleared his throat as he began his speech. As he continued to inform the members about the on-goings of the company and their operational structure, his movements were seductive and calm. Each curve of his arms portrayed significant power and muscles underneath his suit and while his shirt looked comfortable for him, in dull notice, it wasn't. Smith was beginning to get irritated with his garments but tried to conceal his worries. At the moment, he had other matters to attend to.

"Gentlemen, as you all know, the company has been running smoothly with slight bumps along the way but regardless, we were able to conceal those incidents and came up with better solutions for them," the tiger went over to the board behind him and pulled down a chart showing the financial income of the company. "I present to you, this year's ending report."

A few murmurs were heard but most of them nodded in return. The board mainly consists of six members and half of these members were directors while the others are non-independent directors; as we call them, NED. NEDs are usually from diverse cultures that have no knowledge at all about the business world but still sit on the board to help the company to be independent. Their jobs are usually monitoring against the directors and making sure that work gets done within their capabilities. Besides being a pain in the ass of monitoring each directors, they are, too, directors indirectly since they have veto powers in voting and acceptance. Once, there was a dispute between the NEDs and Directors and it was a miracle that no fists were exchanged in the process.

Finally, the room descended to a silent and Smith continued. "Members, I would like to open up a discussion about a particular incident that has been happening within the company and I think, some of you may know about."

"What may that be, Mr. Smith?" A paw went up and a question was raised.

"I will come to that mr..."

"Shaun, an honour to be here." The owner of the voice got up and smiled, introducing himself to the others. It was a male about in his late 20s and a grey pelted wolf, dressed sharply in his jet black suit while smiling broadly.

"Yes. Mr. Shaun, I'll come to that." Smith turned towards the board and opened up a chart. "Gentlemen, please do look at what's happening here. Our subsidiaries have been making some false inventory statements within their individual reports and I've taken the liberty of investigating the reason behind this. If you would look at the handout that I gave to you, you'll see a sharp decline in inventories between prior and current year and I've been thinking about it. Don't you?"

At that question, not many were happy about it. Some were expressionless while others flipped through the pages as if trying to take interest in the talk that was going on. However, there were two or three members listening attentively. The tiger scrutinized and sighed in defeat. This wasn't the first. Every time he came into this very room and present a problem out to the others, most of them would ignore his plea or told him to get lost. It was hard enough being in this position and the work of an internal auditor isn't one of the best jobs around. It's not that he doesn't like his job but this company has been showing signs of fraud and miscalculation towards their shareholders.

Rubbing the bridge of his nose, Smith continued with his speech. He was tired of this but there's nothing that he could do about it. All he could do now is bear the ignorance that came with the job and leave the room as quickly as possible.

"Please, I suggest that we change the audit report as soon as possible before the final date of reporting to shareholders and - "

"No." It was sharp, short, concise and rebellious.

He was taken aback by that respond. "But that wouldn't show a true and fair presentation."

"What do you recommend we do, besides changing the report?" A fair looking kangaroo spoke while throwing the given handout away.

"There is nothing that we can do besides change the report!" Smith flustered, "Evidently, place a disclosure towards shareholders. That's the ethical way to go."

"No." There it was again.

"W-What do you mean by no? Are you suggesting that we report a false statement?"

With that said, the board was silent.

"You've got to be joking, right?" The tiger slammed both fist on the table. "This is not right and you know it. With the drop of false inventory, the statement of comprehensive income will show a substantial amount of profit and that's misrepresentation! Do you know that in my line of work that that's an offense?"

"Hey!" This time, the kangaroo had lost his temper. "Listen, you're hired to place a good internal control of the company and not make any decisions for it. Know your place... tiger." He spat.

Smith's tail straightened and fist balled up with anger. Nobody talks to him this way and gets away with it. However, it was for his better judgment to leave as it is. There's no point in fighting against these furs.

"Furthermore..." The kangaroo got up and walked around the table. "You may want to consider your actions. With the statement showing a substantial amount of profits, shareholders may reward us for doing a job well done. As they have promised, they will reward with a hefty amount of money if everything goes well. You will get a share, of course.

"You have got to be joking me." Smith whispered under his breath.

Before the tiger could retaliate, another member of the board stood and crossed his arms. It was Shaun. "Mr. Smith. It seems that we are all in agreement of keeping our mouth shut and go with the flow. Why can't you do that same?"

The tiger growled aloud. He crunched a paper up and threw it at the wolf. "Because it's not the right thing to do. Its false pretense and it's against my nature of work."

"Do not make things worse, Mr.Smith..."

"Go to hell..." Smith threw the rest of the paper and stormed off. The door closed behind him and the board was left without the auditor.

A few moment of silence was present within the room but in a few minutes, the kangaroo was quick enough to break the tension. He started picking up scattered papers and sighed deeply. This was going to be hard to explain and if the tiger were to expose their plans, this might spell trouble. Looking over to Shaun, he nodded and the wolf replied back with another nod.

The office was beginning to quiet down as the day had come to an end. Most workers were too tired and tensed to even think about anything else but to just go home, soak under a nice hot tub of bubble bath and doze away; to some, spending time with their families. Each vehicle in the parking area left the building and by late evening, there were only a few cars available. Most directors of the company stayed late to finish off any excess of work that was backlogged from previous days but today, it seemed that most of them were gone. All except for a particular stripped tiger.

He had taken his suit off and was only wearing a buttoned up shirt, a little disheveled at some places and he seemed to be busy with his call. The tiger had been talking for hours on end with a client and he really needed to settle this issue as soon as possible. Each proposition that he made with the man on the other line kept coming to a dead end and soon enough, the tiger was sweating all over. Furs slightly matted from the heat and the air-conditioner didn't help much, despite being on full blast.

He was too busy talking to his client to realize that the door to his office opened up a little. As the door opened bigger, a lean looking wolf came into view, clad only with a torn t-shirt and jeans. The wolf closed the door quietly and leaned over to the side, both arms crossed as he eavesdropped upon the tiger's conversation.

"I'll get to you as soon as possible. Don't worry. The report will be done in two days, I promise." With that, he clicked on to the phone and the deal was done. He sighed in relief but jumped abruptly when he finally saw the presence of a canine.

His fur bristled due to the sudden shock but slowly came down to growl, hissing slightly. "What do you want, Shaun."

Seemed like the wolf had intruded into the tiger's solitary office and he wasn't ashamed of that at all. His eyes scrutinized the place and whistled lowly. "Nice place you've got here. You know, I've never entered into your office before. This will be a first."

"Yeah, now you have. Now get out." Smith threw the phone on to the nearest chair and slumped behind his desk, turning the computer back on.

"Aww... c'mon, Smithy, don't be such a spoil sport. It's after working hours! Let it out! You don't mind if I call you Smithy, right?"

The tiger sighed in defeat. "Look, Shaun, I'm tired. I've had a bad day today. I just want to be left alone and finish up my job. Is that too much to ask?"

The wolf chuckled. "Just that? Is that what the big and mighty auditor wants? I've always thought that auditors like you were boring and studious and here I thought you could prove me wrong. It's extremely rare to get an internal auditor, just like you. Buff with beefy arms, fit as a fiddle. Heck, you could probably enter into a muscle competition!"

"Shaun!" He cried out. "Do not patronize me. I will say it again, leave my office, now."

"Or what?"

"Is that a threat?" By now, Smith was about to punch him.

"No but Smithy, do tell me one thing..." He walked towards the tiger, eyeing him with glee. "Who was that you're talking to?"

Smith growled and leaned towards his chair. "None of your business."

"It is if it concerns the company." The wolf reached over to the table and sat on the edge with legs crossed over.

"It's about the receivable reports from one of our subsidiary. I need the copy by tomorrow in order to make the audit report deadline. That's just it."

"Nothing concerning about inventories?"

Smith was taken aback by his comment and his eyes downed to a squint from suspicion. It was after office hours and he was talking about work and not only that, work from this afternoon's meeting. Apparently, this matter wasn't urgent at all because if it was, he would have approached the tiger by the time he left the board room. Something was up and he didn't like the way the wolf was dressed up.

Shaun was pretty much a run of the mill wolf; freshly fluffed grey fur running across his body with a distinct brown lining across his forehead till the back. Apparently, he's been wearing some sort of faint cologne as it permeates through the air and his garments weren't formal either. During office hours, he usually wore a formal white shirt with jet black pants, a typical corporate worker but when night falls, the wolf was quite a feral looking canine. His shirt was pulled out from his pants with a few missing buttons and upon closer inspection, Shaun was quite a looker.

He was lean with some to none fat placed upon his body and a few definitions of muscles were quite prominent upon them. The wolf wasn't large compared to the tiger but what he lacks in size, he makes up with attitude. Big broad smile that melts the coldest of heart and his bright and perky attitude makes him an easy guy to befriend with. However, this could not be the same with Smith.

The tiger looked up. He clearly wasn't amused with him entering into his sacred sanctuary but he couldn't look away from that lean body. Sure, Smith was attracted to men but not men with an attitude that irked him up. Those were a turn off but there's just something about him that's alluring but couldn't quite put a finger on.

"Smith, I have a proposal for you and I would not take no for an answer." Shaun smiled.

"And why should I take your offer?"

"Because it keeps food on your table, that's why. As far as I know, internal auditors need to gain experience from working in firms like where you are now and gets to be in some bit shot group that I don't care about, no? So... if you do not take what I have to offer, you might want to find another job and redo everything back again." The wolf mused for a while.

That hit a snag.

"Again I ask, are you threatening me...?" Smith placed both arms on to the table, smiling sarcastically.

"My dear dear Smith... it's not call threatening. How'd you say... negotiation?" Shaun chuckled. "I could get the remuneration committee to increase your salary, give you bonus, increment, perquisites... you name it. I can do it."

_Fucking hell... this guy's even got the remuneration committee to commit such fraudulent act?!_Smith was about to burst and blow his head off at that comment. From the rules and regulations of the company, NEDs could be placed into many sub-board committees and Shaun was even in the remuneration division. That committee basically writes down payment and salaries of directors, NEDs, internal auditors, external auditors... every single hot shot placed in the company. They are responsible to set their salaries and now, this petite canine was able to force the committee to do as he pleases? Something must be wrong...

"I can't believe that the remuneration committee is involved in your scandals."

Shaun burst out laughing. "Oh god! Smithy! You don't know? You've got to be joking! You! You're the auditor and you don't know? Seriously! You. Don't. Fucking. Know."

Smith sneered at him, baring those pearly white teeth as he got up. "What did you do?!"

"Cool it!" The canine pushed the tiger back into his chair and immediately sat on to his lap. "Calm down and cool it. Shh... don't think about it."


"Nice and easy..." His voice was soft and soothing with a hint of dominance but what he wanted to do wasn't what the tiger had expected. "Nice and easy... relax..." Those soft grey paws wandered around the tiger's body and both arms gripped at his side, coaxing another growl.

"What are you doing...?" The tiger questioned.

"Just making the deal sweeter." A small laugh was ensued.

"By seducing me...?"

The wolf's paws were more than happy to wander around the tiger's massive bulk. He had touched males far larger than he could handle but there's just something about this guy that the wolf couldn't understand. Smith isn't the largest tiger that he had seen but those definitions of muscle and mass is a huge turn on for him. However, he wasn't here to dilly dallying about but get to the point. If he was to keep him shut, he'd better do it now or else something unfortunate would have happened.

Soft and smooth paws glided across the stripped feline's chest and slowly unbuttoned the top. At the notion, Smith smacked his paw away. "I'm not in the mood for carnal acts in the likes of you."

Shaun smiled. "To be honest, I am in the mood. Let's get to the point. As I've said before, the remuneration committee will reward you with a handsome sum or..." He successfully unbuttoned the top of the first button. "We could fire you instantly. It's not hard you know. With an opening of your position, I'm sure we'd be having a hard time choosing a candidate rather than finding one."

It felt like an arrow had struck through the tiger's vital points and he went cold, unable to retaliate. His words were sharp and true and he's stuck at a corner now. He loves his job but hated the company and yet he wants to keep it. Furthermore, he's only a year away from getting a higher earning pay with the top management. His position has been secured through and through... but is he willing to let it all go...? Either way, he's gonna lose out, there's no denying that fact but still...

As he began to ponder and consider his choices, Shaun had unleashed another two to three buttons from the tiger's shirt and before he knew it, he was exposed shirtless to the wolf. His chest and abs were hard and ripe for the picking and his assailant was more than happy to be of service. Without hesitation, the other male grabbed both of his pecs and squeezed them, earning a hiss of awkwardness. It wasn't the fact that the tiger was new to sex. Hell no. He was good in that department and every now and then, he would get laid with a friend or two but what made him uncomfortable was the fur doing it. The wolf's attitude and demeanor as a turn off for him and with the fact that he's working for this bastard didn't make it any better.

Despite his unreciprocated feelings, the feline's body said otherwise. Every touch from that soft and gentle paw across his chest made him squirm and grunt with pleasure, eyes fluttered like butterflies through plains. His fur was comfortable and fluff to the touch and it didn't help the tiger's position when it had finally landed on both of his nipples. Shaun gave a simple pinch and tug, earning a yelp, followed by a moan.

"My oh my... you're sensitive over there, no?"

"S-Shut it! Let me go..."

"Let you go?" Shaun leaned forward and licked the tiger's nose. "Let me get this straight. You're larger than me, far more powerful, double my height and weight and all you could do is say 'let me go'? No wonder you're not considering my proposal. Your screw is lose."

Smith let another gasp escape from his throat and fell back to his chair, clearly, by now; he's more relaxed than he used to be. He didn't know when the last time he'd ever had such a treatment before was. Every single point and touch made his fur bristled and stood on end. No one had done this before. Heck, not even his fuck buddy! This wolf isn't an amateur when it comes to sex and after a few gropes here and there, he got to the tiger's weak spot. His balmy paws pinched against his nipples for a moment before leaving for town, finger gently traced from the top of his sternum till the valley that part between two sides of abs. Each sizeable six pack that the tiger possessed under his white underbelly fur was as defined as can be. This tiger definitely had the time to work out because what he had developed under these shirts didn't do any justice for him.

Shaun chuckled and growled in dominance, grinding his ass against the tiger's growing appendage. His teasing has finally bore fruit and he's more than happy to get to the next part of his plan.

"Take my proposal, no negotiation, and you'll get what you want. Do not make it hard for you as it is now."

The tiger gripped on to the side of his chair and spat out. "You're trying to seduce me to your option, is that the best and professional way to do it?"

"Smithy, please, hear yourself speak. Professional? There are stuffs besides being 'professional'."

"Ungh... like sex..." Smith threw his head back when another surge of energy coursed through his veins.

"Yes, like sex," Shaun lowered his head and started sucking on to the tiger's right nipples. "Tell me, do you lead a boring life? I've heard stories that job like yours meant no social interaction. Is that true?"

His loins hardened even more as the wolf spoke words truer than fact itself. What is he even doing with his life? His life is nearing to the edge of aging and he has yet to actually enjoy sex. It was lonely, very much lonely when a man has no one to hug and kiss over, knowing the fact that when you open your eyes, you have your loved ones beside. There's nothing much to say about his sex life. He doesn't have a proper mate yet but just casual sex from time to time and the wolf's seduction didn't make it any better. This handsome man had yet to land into a proper male and his cock has never seen the likes of another paw or maw that could pleasure the big kitty; not even his usual casuals.

The wolf saw how effective his words were and continued on. "I've seen you around, Smithy, staring at asses when their walking about but you just never had the courage to do it. Instead, sit around in your pleasant confines and dream about it." Shaun went lower and a paw rested against the tiger's crotch. "I've always wondered how large are you packing." With those words, a quick clip and zip, the tiger's pants were off.

Smith did nothing to stop his seducer but enjoyed every second of it. His mouth hung loose as his tongue rolled out, saliva hanging just by the end of his lips, whimpering slightly. No words could have explained the much needed desire to have another male around his groin and this was his chance. Despite the fact that the guy doing this was somebody he wasn't fond of but sex is sex. To him, he has yet to reach to the level of reciprocity and love was something he had never thought off. Sure, it came to mind once or twice but never permanent. His job was too demanding and the amount of work from this company was absurd. Every hour, he would have another paper work ready for him.

Due to pressure, he's never out and randy to find a partner. As his thoughts drifted absentmindedly, the wolf had uncovered the musky prize that he was aiming for when he started grinding hips against it. Needless to say, the tiger didn't disappoint. Standing at full erection, the feline had a sizeable cock that could probably break him in half if he wasn't too crazy with it. Copious amount of pre stacked upon each other at the slit and with a flick of his finger, it dripped down towards the base, covering the lion's white underbelly.

"You're big..." Shaun mused.

"Ruggff..." That was all Smith could mutter out.

"What was that?" The wolf smiled devilishly.

"Suu.... Fuuu... ungh..." Smith arched his hips upwards, bringing the wolf along but he knew better than to move forward too much. With the combine weight of him and the canine, he wasn't sure if the chair that held both of them could hold on. It creaked a little but ignored the noise.

"Smithy..." Shaun's sultry voice whispered towards his ears as his soft and caring paw grasp along that fuck pole. "Do you know that your colleagues gave you many nicknames to follow along with your job?"

Smith shook his head as he bit his lips, trying to hold back his moans. The wolf shook his head. "They call you the 'police', the 'bastard'... the 'spy'... They are labeling you as a spy of the company. Don't you think that that's insulting?"

Instead of giving a reply of agreement and retaliation, Smith burst his bubble and finally let go a powerful moan that reverberated through the room. His voice multiplied tenfold as he roared like a feral tiger, mating against his woman. Shaun had to cover his ears and held back as he tried surviving his deafening roar. As the tiger did what he needed, his shaft began to throb and spurt another force of pre, dribbling down the length and travelled all the way down to his thigh.

Nothing could have prepared the tiger for such an act of pleasure and the moment had yet to end. His voiced came down to a drowning whimper and his body had started to sweat profusely. Despite the room's slightly chilled temperature, the tiger had his fur matted down with his own perspiration and that burned his desires to cum even more. The wolf watched at how strong and perfect this male is.

His pecs and abs were more in detailed compared to before and that turned him on even more. Both paws grabbed against that massive chest, molding and massaging slightly before devouring the tiger's cock in a single gulp. His hunger and passion for sex fueled to another level when the stripped feline grabbed both of his ears, scratching in between but had better things in mind. The canine bobbed his head as hard and fast as he could but that wasn't enough for him. No, that's not what he wanted. Smith wanted more than just a slow and meaningful blow job. Heck, he wanted it rough and hard!

"Shit! Your mouth... is... it's... wonderful... ungh... how'd you get your tongue all over it!" He gasped for air.

Shaun did nothing but ignored the tiger's questionnaire. The tiger's fur bristled as pleasure shot right through his senses and his shaft leaked like a never ending river of pre. So much so that the wolf had to pull away to lap at the excess amount that dripped by the corner of his mouth. His tongue slurped away and grinned devilishly. Whatever his intentions were, the tiger didn't know how to react to it. Shaun motioned his paw lower and rolled those two ball sac together, bumping against his chin with delight but his maw had yet to stop its initiation. Opening up as wide as he could, the wolf struck downwards and took the whole length in, wet nose buried down to the base, inhaling the tiger's utmost musky scent.

The stripped male's odour wasn't unpleasant or foul. In fact, it was overpowering and lustful. Somehow or rather, this auditor broke every stereotype there is about a boring and uneventful life of being in the accountancy line. His pungent smell of sex assaulted his nostrils like thousands of tiny daggers stabbing at the edge, resulting in a pure moan of lust. Shaun's eyes dilated over and took it all in stride. Never once had his tongue left that deliciously thick and wet malehood and his paws rolled around the tiger's balls as they churned and gurgled with content that he wanted all along.

He could never look at Smith in another way, ever again. Despite his proposal for a 'come tag along' choice, perhaps he could make him as his personal fuck toy. Shaun gave that cock one last smack before pulling muzzle away from it. Smith gripped at the arm chair and his body quaked and trembled like he was about to spasm. However, the feline managed to endure his upcoming climax. Looking down below, he saw the wolf's soft and kind expression. His brows lowered and he smiled like a loving partner. Paw caressed on to his sweaty abs, feeling each heated muscle as the feline continued to slowly quiver uncontrollably.

"What do you say, Smithy? Do you want to take what I've got to offer?" Shaun had his tongue tip flicked at the tip of his member.

Smith grunted with eyes closed but tried to give a direct answer. "Do-Do I have any other c-choice...?"

"To be honest, Smithy, no, you don't have a choice." The wolf's paw had two fingers circling around that bulbous head, sliding down along the length of it. "You're either in, or you're out and when I mean out, I really mean out from this company."

"Shit! Ah!" The tiger gripped on to his chair even harder. "W-What if I blow t-the whistle?"

"Aww... come now, Mr. Big sexy tiger," Shaun got up and straddled at the tiger's lap, careful as not to touch that throbbing maleness. "Don't you think that that's kinda cruel, hrm? I mean, all of us just want to earn a little more income, right? You get some, I get some, we all win. It's a win win situation!"

"It's not a win win situation when the shareholders do not obtain their dividends that you guys had promised them."

At those words, Shaun grinned. "That is why we want you to join us. Manipulate the account. Do some creative accounting! You have the knowledge and skills, do what you can and we'll all be scot free. The audit committee has agreed to it as well."

His words were thorough and simple and yet, the tiger had a hard time deciding. No matter what the consequences are, he's already involved in this company's grand scheme of fraudulency. Sighing in defeat, perhaps it's best that he joined in the party. If anything were to happen, he will find a better way to escape this treachery.

"F-Fine... I'll accept your proposal and take your word for it."

"Splendid!" The wolf clamped both paws on to his shoulders. "Just the answer that I wanted to hear."

The deal was sealed and done...

"And to give you a taste of how this whole deal will feel like, let me finish you up, hrm?" Paws left his shoulders and backed off to position that he was prior to this. Paws began to fondle and dwindled along the feline's sculpted body while giving a quick muzzle job to his shaft. The more the wolf sucked, the harder it was for the tiger to keep it down. His voice was about to break the walls again and with every self control that he had in him, he tried to suppress the urge.

This guy ain't an amateur. In fact, he must be quite a pro at this... oh fuck... Smith's mind was completely blown at how skilled this young wolf is. Being at his young and tender age, it is of no surprise at how many cocks he had sucked down. Perhaps he's been doing his little part in 'persuading' the rest of the members and committee to fall into the company's bad intentions.

Whatever it is, the tiger wanted to just finish off and be done with. The mere thought of deception within the organization had left his mind and quickly replaced with just sheer pleasure he was receiving from below. Another puff and groan, followed by a snap of a growl, leaving off signs and warnings that his impending orgasm was about to be let lose. Smith knew all too well that this was going to a huge shot but before he could warn the wolf about it, his eyes jolted open and gave a thundering roar.

Ropes after ropes of pearly white tiger seed splashed into the wolf's maw, sloshing down his throat with glee. His maw was buried all through the base, tickling against nose slightly but compared to the size of that cock within his mouth, he had other things to worry about. Both canine and feline closed their eyes in bliss and accomplishment; one overwhelmed with undulating pleasure while the other trying not to choke. Eventually, with a heavy sigh, the tiger relaxed as his body started to shut down. There was nothing more that he could do but sit there lazily, enjoying the afterglow that had started to kick in. In fact, he even ignored the wolf between his legs.

Shaun popped the limp shaft away and licked his maw hungrily from side to side. It was quite a delicious meal and filled with protein goodness from the tiger. It wasn't salty or tangy. Rather, sweet and thick. This male was definitely in control of his diet. A man's dietary could easily be recognized by the taste of his cum and bearing the fact that this auditor was fit as a fiddle, it didn't come much as a surprise. Legs trembled underneath his weight but he managed to held on to both strong thighs that belonged to a particular stripped feline.

"Did you like that?" Shaun huffed while sitting on to the nearest available lap.

"Y-Yeah..." Slight quiver but an answer.

"Good tiger," the wolf replied and stroked at the tiger's stripped fur. By now, his orange and black stripped body was soaked wet with sweat and few droplets of saliva clung on to him. "I'll see you in the morning, sexy."

Brave, ambitious and bold. Those are the three words to best describe how the wolf worked. No one from the committee had ever braved into such act of carnal actions and he was ambitious at what he wanted. As long as his goals were achieved, it didn't really mattered how it was gained. Results are the most important criteria in being in this company and apparently, Smith learned it the hard way.

The canine took a tissue and wiped the cum off his face, throwing it down to the rubbish bin while swaying his hips from left to right. Nothing wrong there but just the way he walked. It was practically calling out to the tiger to come and get it but at that point, the feline's mind was in a haze. He didn't even know if he should call the wolf back or to just let it go and follow along. No matter what the decision it, it was far too late for that now.

"If you need anything, ring me up. You know that I'm here all the time. NEDs are part of the board too, no? We contribute." His paws held up the door while leaning on to the side as he spoke.

"NEDs.... Non-Executive Directors... you're important to us and yet, you made a loophole into the company."

Shaun chuckled a little. "Like I said, if you need anything, just come find me. And I mean... anything..." His voice slurred softly before closing the door, earning a click to indicate that the tiger was alone once again.

What have I done...? Smith threw his head back; paw covered his face and groaned pathetically. He was involve, very much involved and if he backed off now, there's no telling what the wolf could have done. Blackmail most likely since he knew that he loved to get his cock sucked up by another male. Not to mention them knowing that he was gay, no doubt. He's gone through a dead end and there's nothing that he could have done.

Done but I think it's not a big turn on for most. I know.. pfft... it's business. It's boring. Some sort like Wall Street. Cookies!!!