Steele's Bound Bitch

Story by Thakur on SoFurry

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#1 of Balto Inflation

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This story is unrelated to my other Balto series, and is a standalone. Stay tuned for the alternate ending!

The storm had picked up suddenly, snowfall blanketing the countryside. By the time Jenna could look back to make sure each of her puppies were still following, their footsteps had already disappeared. She still had three miles to cover to get back to Nome, and it was just as far back to Balto's boat. If Jenna didn't come up with some sort of shelter soon, she and her six puppies would freeze to death!

She trudged along, stepping back to grab her children by the scruff and pull them ahead when they got stuck in the rapidly drifting flurries. Should she take them into the forest? The branches would trap some of the snowfall, but no one would know to look for her there. Perhaps she should turn around for Balto's boat. He'd surely have noticed the snow and come looking for them! With two mouths, they could ferry the pups quickly to safety.

Just as she was about to turn around, her eye caught a strange building she hadn't ever noticed before. Well, she'd seen it many times on the walk to Balto's boat, but the large, run-down wooden shack had clearly been abandoned for years. Now, a useless building turned into a vital sanctuary from the snow. "This way!" she cried to her puppies, setting off for the abandoned structure.

She shivered as she entered the first room of the building. The door was halfway off, which allowed the dogs in, but also let the snow drift. Still, with four walls around them, they were much safer. "Huddle up for extra warmth, kids. I'm going to check out the next room to see if there's anything to help."

Her five little balls of red and white fur piled onto each other, with little, gray Aleu laying on top of them. Jenna couldn't help but smile. Still, she had to check the large main room of the complex. Maybe she could find some blankets...

Leaving her puppies in the foyer, Jenna entered the next room. Apparently, the building wasn't a house at all, but rather some sort of manufacturing plant. She entered one, giant room, with metal catwalks suspended over broken down vats. Abandoned junk littered the certainly didn't seem safe for puppies. On the left side of the stairs to the catwalk, were several ominous looking tanks and tubes. Empty wine bottles littered the floor. Why would the humans leave this plant like this?

She turned to go, not expecting any blankets in such a cold, eerie place. But between her and the door stood someone with whom she was quite familiar.

"Steele!" she gasped.

She hadn't seen the black malamute in almost a year, and he looked quite a bit worse for the wear. His ragged fur was matted and unkempt, and he seemed to have lost weight. "Is this where you've been hiding?"

His grin was even more disturbing. "Since my disgrace, you mean? Oh, it's not so bad here. But I do get awfully lonely..."

Jenna stepped back. "Steele, I never did anything to wrong you. Please...let me go." The red husky shivered, knowing that he wasn't likely to agree to that. Jenna cursed under her breath. She had weaned her puppies early, and was already in heat again...part of why she had taken the kids down to see Balto. But the couple hadn't been able to find any time to themselves with all the puppies running around.

His teeth gleamed, light reflecting off the snow outside. He said, "You don't remember that night in the boiler room? When you refused me, me, in favor of that ragged mutt. My rump still burns, Jenna."

"Steele, I..."

"Shut up. I've seen you walking back and forth, carrying that mongrel's puppies. The fates have finally smiled on me, and you've walked neatly into my home. I just wish your whelps were here as well!"

He didn't know about the puppies...but if she ran, he would. Neither she nor her children would last long in this snow. She couldn't leave. Her only hope was to talk some sense into Steele. "Steele, you don't want to do this. Wait out the storm with me, and come back to Nome. It's been a long time, Steele. I'll help the other dogs accept you."

He spat, "I don't want their pity." He stepped forward, eyes cold, sniffing the air. She curled her tail between her legs, knowing exactly what he was smelling. "I want you...and here you are, ripe for the plucking."

Jenna knew then and there that he would rape her. What could she do? If she escaped, he would surely find her pups, and Jenna did not doubt he would kill them...or worse. Why did she have to be in heat, as well? She would do anything to save her children, even allow herself to be raped by this...this monster. But she hadn't been with Balto since giving birth. Her fertile womb was ready and waiting for Steele.

Gritting her teeth, Jenna realized what she had to do. Still, she couldn't help but shudder as she turned around, lifting her tail. Tears forming at her eyes, she looked over her shoulder, whimpering at Steele, "I can't stop you. Let's just...get it over with."

The mangy malamute laughed. "Good girl. I didn't think you'd give up so easily, but I guess I'd forgotten what a slut you are."

Jenna shivered as he neared, sniffing under her tail. She was deep in heat, her swollen vulva 'winking' at the feel of his warm breath. She had to keep her mind off of Steele and concentrate on her puppies in the next room. They would be able to ride out the storm in peace, huddled in each other's warmth while she 'occupied' Steele. Whatever he did to her would be worth the price of saving her six children.

"You're already wet for me," he taunted, giving Jenna a quick lick on her soft mound. The husky yipped, her mind once again forced to consider her own situation, rather than just her puppies. She jumped forward, away from the door to the outside. She certainly didn't want one of the puppies hearing the two of them and coming to investigate!

He strode confidently after her, saying, "Where are you going, cum bucket? I've got a full batch of puppies to shoot into you!"

Jenna stayed put, not wanting to anger the malamute. They were in the middle of the factory floor, and the storm outside was raging. Her puppies wouldn't be able to hear long as she didn't scream too loudly.

Steele taunted, "You still think you're going to get out of this somehow, don't you? Well I've got news for you, bitch. Balto isn't coming this time."

He thrust his snout up under her tail again, and instinctively she pulled it to the side. She whimpered again, saying, "I know..." She was his to do with as he pleased. He leaped onto her back, feeling lighter than before. He hadn't been eating well out here, and the dirty white fur on his belly dug into her back.

"Steele..." she said, wanting to beg, plea for mercy, but she knew now that he had no mercy left. She could feel him, his erection peeking out of his sheath, so close to his goal. Jenna knew that the malamute had fucked nearly every girl in town, and he had always wanted the cream-colored husky to complete his collection.

He lowered his muzzle to her flattened ears, to whisper as he held her tightly in his grasp. "How long do you think Balto will search before he bothers to check this old factory? Two days? Three?"

Jenna's eyes went wide. He wasn't going to let her go. Forgetting her puppies for the moment, she tried to struggle out from under him. "Steele, no! You wouldn't!" she cried.

But the malamute had pinned her down, holding her small hind legs in place. Jenna squirmed and struggled, but if her efforts accomplished anything, they just aroused Steele even more. "Maybe he'll never think to look," Steele barked. "You'd like that, wouldn't you, cockslut? Giving it up for me every day for the rest of your life?"

She opened her mouth to deny it, but instead of words, she screamed. Steele had thrust forward, piercing her with his giant cock. He rammed his way through until his tip collided painfully with Jenna's cervix. "How can a dam be so damn tight?" he cried, through gritted teeth.

Jenna whimpered and whined as Steele began raping her, his speed increasing. Soon he was humping her three times a second, while Jenna trembled and moaned. The worst thing about the experience was that Jenna's genitals were primed and ready for him, pulling him deeper and clenching around his glistening cock. In her heat, his massive erection triggered a deep, intense pleasure that clouded her mind. Even as he violated her against her will, she moaned and thrust back, her cunt indifferent to who it was occupying her. She was too occupied to worry about keeping her screams down.

"Feel that," he taunted, reveling in her aroused, shuddering body. "You want it, don't you? Your entire body is aching for me to fill that little womb of yours!"

She gave a low whine, unable to deny the truth in his words. Her tail ached from holding it firmly to the side, and her rump twitched and gyrated around his cock, engulfing him. She could feel his swollen knot teasing the edge of her labia, causing the husky to spread her legs apart and push back with a grunt.

Steele's hot breath panted against her face. He said, "I'm going to plug that hole and let nothing escape..."

Shaking from guilt and arousal, Jenna yelped, "Do it!" and pushed back even harder. She let out a loud, dwindling whine, wondering how it had come to this? Steele was raping her, and she liked it. She felt as though her own body were betraying her. He was a monster, and nothing stood in the way of his cock as it aimed right toward her unprotected womb!

With a vicious thrust, Steele finally sank all the way into her, his knot spreading her vulva into a grotesque bulge. Jenna yipped at the sharp pain, which faded as quickly as it had come once her straining lips closed tightly around him. He was huge! Her vulva stretched out like a balloon, and his tip was grinding into her cervical walls. Her vagina ached, stretched wider than ever before, every cubic centimeter of her insides filled by his erection. The only place left unoccupied was her fertile womb.

"At least Balto will be glad to know that you're staying warm in this blizzard," he said, grabbing the scruff of her neck in his teeth as he began to pound her mercilessly. Each short thrust poked painfully against her cervix, but the pain was more than offset by his massive knot squeezing against her clitoris. Whining, all she could do was push back and moan.

"" he panted in her ear through his teeth, and he slammed forward, not pulling back as he erupted inside of her.

Jenna let out a long, plaintive scream, "Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhh!" as he began flooding her. His cock filled her tight vagina, leaving only her uterus to take his delicious serving. Jenna could feel the walls of her cervix bending inward against the pressure of his ejaculations, straining and aching to keep his cum out. With a loud splurt, she felt the dam break, and his fluids flooded her most sacred place. Every last ounce of Steele's seed poured out into her womb, having nowhere else to go.

Jenna twitched and moaned, her belly beginning to swell as more and more dog seed spilled into her. Looking down, her eyes widened to see her small abdomen growing larger and rounder, until she almost looked a month pregnant again. Her tongue dangled uselessly from her mouth, saliva spilling down onto the factory floor.

Jenna was still moaning and whimpering by the time Steele was done with her, still knotted deeply inside of the bloated husky. Grabbing her chest with one paw, the strong malamute picked her up and walked forward, carrying the shuddering husky with him. Still tied above her, he dropped her back to all fours near some metal devices left ages ago by the humans who had owned this factory. With a simple flick of his paw, Steele closed the shackles around first Jenna's right front paw, and then her left front paw, locking her in place.

Jenna looked at the shackles with a sudden flush of fear. She was trapped, and he meant to keep her! At least he didn't know about the puppies sleeping soundly in the foyer! But still, she was in a tight bind, figuratively and literally.

Steele flipped over her, standing rump to rump, leaving the husky shivering, still moaning as another twinge of pleasure wracked her small body. Looking over his shoulder at his new prize, he said to her widened eyes, "You're not going anywhere."