The Digimon Wars Chapter 1 Confusion

Story by Tarranium on SoFurry

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Authors note: This story is meant to show that I love Digimon just like I love Pokemon. But this story took a while to write, why?

Well it's because when I started writing this It accidentaly got into the length of three chapters and I hadnt 'made' the digital gate yet so....

There was also a lot of planning and character development, also I suggest that if you don't remember what some digimon look like just google them.

Off to the story you go!






There is a world known as the digital world. Inside this world there are digital monster called Digimon, they lived in peace until now. Now the digital world is in war, the virus digimon against the normal digimon. But our story begins with a young man who is yet to be eightteen. Michael is an smart man who hates humanity, not just because of the wars and such. It's because the society doesn't accept him. Michael is smarter than a normal person, he knows a lot about history, politics, wars, current affairs and anything else that is actully important. But he hates the goverment and the current world, racism, poor education system and letting people starve. He also hates religion, because there has been proven multiple times that there isnt a god and every single war there is and has been has an religious reason behind it. Also RAP or as he calls it Retards Attempting Poetry and Pop culture has ruined todays generation. That culture has made people 'retarted' and he remains as the only mature and actully smart person. Todays teenagers smoke, drink and do drugs. Michael has never come to eye to eye with teachers because he considers them unfit for the job, nor has he made any friends with the 'retarted' students. And thus his grades arent the best, because of this he couldnt get an education for himself and has lost his faith in humanity all together.   He lives with his mom and little sister in an apartment in the outskirts of his city. It was early morning. He was just going to take out the trash when he stumbled upon some retards. ''Hey you.... whoever you are, whatcyo dooin?'' Said one of the two youngsters. ''Taking out the trash.'' He said with an very dissapointing tone. The retards were laughing and pointing. ''Oh helping momma are we? How sad.'' ''Why are you retards even here?'' ''Oh calling out the big gunz are we nao?'' ''No what I mean is why do you even excist? Evolution of an species gets rid of the bad bunch but for some reason humans make more of them.'' ''Again with the evolution! Why donz ya giv it a rest?'' ''Because it's been proven by science and I am considerably smarter than you are.'' Then the retards started laughing out right at his face. ''Oh really? Then whats my moms name? Huh huh? You dont know that do you?'' ''Alright first what does that have to do any of this? Second, who the hell cares? And third, if I would have to guess Id say Ben Dover.'' He then put the trash in the ben and closed the door.   ''Wrong! And thats a guys name stupid!'' ''Unlike you, I know.'' He answered and started to walk back to his appartment home. ''Fucking idiot, he doesnt know anything.'' As Michael was walking away he was already in his thoughs. [Only if law didnt prohibit the killing of retards...] Home he was on his computer, he was just surfing through the news. ''The son of George W. Bush gets elected to be the president on USA. Sigh Here we go again, probably next week they are going to invade Iraq or something.'' He took a pill from his pill case that was in his pocke, he got it down with a glass of water. He started to sing to himself a little. ''299 pills on the wall...'' He closed his browser and was thinking what game should he play. ''Hmm Civilazation 6 sounds good but I think I'll wait for the patch. Rome II Total war is going to get its expansion pack soon... Skyrim has already been 'raped' to death... Fallout 4, no I can't be bothered to continue my mod. Dead Rising 3 isn't goin to be released for a while... My roleplaying friends are asleep in The Old Republic... Ahh! Team Fortress 2. A classic, I wonder if anyones online...''   As he was going to check on Steam the computers screen went black. ''Whatta? I'ts on.... What the hell?'' Then the screen started showing 'data flows' like in the matrix except this was more like a tunnel. Michael was starting to get a little worried, then the screen started shining. From the screen came an huge wind that knocked over all his stuff and was gettting stronger. Michael was screaming as the wierd gust started to pull him into the computer screen, after that came blackness. He was regaining his conciusness, he slowly got up holding his head. [What just happened?] ''Hey, you!'' Startled he opened his eyes and looked for the one who spoke, it was some ugly creature that looked like a green goblin. He took a quick look where he was, he was in a forest with trees that he didnt recocnize. ''Hey I'm talking to you!'' The wierd goblin creature yelled pointing at him eith his club. ''What did you find Goblimon?'' Said another creature that came from the bushes, this one looked more like an green ogre and was holding an skull club. Michael was really freaked out, he started to think a way of escape. He knew that those creatures would just catch up to him and beat him with those clubs. ''I found somekind of an creature.''   ''Really? Lemme see.'' The ogre thing said and came to him. ''Fool! That's a human!'' Michael was even more freaked out, they knew 'what' he was and now they probably want to kill him even more. ''You mean from the prophecy?'' Now he was more confused that scared, prophecy? ''Yeah just like from the prophecy five years ago, finally things are going to chance!'' [What the hell is going on? Overdoze? No I'm always careful about that, but seriusly what prophecy?] ''Come on Goblimon let's take him to the camp.'' ''Alright.'' Then the two creatures started to walk towards him. Michael was really scared now, he was backing away from them. ''We're not going to hurt you human, we're just going to take you to our camp so you can save us.'' ''Save you? From what?'' Then his pill case  fell on the ground from his pocket, he quickly grabbed it and put it back in his pocket. The ogre thing grabbed him and carried him like a husband carrying his new married wife. [This, this is embarrassing. Where am I? Should I ask?]   They walked for a good hour throught the forest when they finally came out of the forest. He saw something on a high hill that was infornt of them, he couldnt see it from this far away thou. They walked up an hill and when they were almost on the top he saw it, a camp of somekind. It was surrounded by a wooden palisade wall, they walked in from an opening that was supposed to be an gate of somekind. ''Alright walk from here.'' The ogre ket him down, scared he obeyed. Inside there were a bunch of weird monsters and creatures, some were cute some looked humanoid some looked like animals and others looked like demons. All of those 'things' looked at him, some smaller ones hid and some just stood there. What really suprised was that some of them started crying. But those tears, they werent tears of fear or sadness those were the tears of happiness. There were small tents where they were suppose to sleep, there were also some camp fires. Michael was suprised by the creatures, some threw flowers on the path they walked and few even cheered. ''Freedom has come!'' ''He has finally arrived!'' ''The prophecy is true!'' ''The Fuhrer has come!''   [Fuhrer? That's German, why or how could they know German?] They stopped infront of an big tent. Event thou he didnt walk he was exhausted, his legs almost failed to keep him standing. Some creatures gasbed for air when they saw in how bad of an condition he was on. They sounded like a mother who just saw her child get hurt or something. [Why are they so worried about me?] The green ogre yelled. ''Hey BlueMeramon you were right! We found a human!'' [Blue what?] But the 'person' himself came out of the tent, he was a blue flaming person. He was much bigger than a human, the guy was on freaking fire! But the fire was blue? BlueMeramon looked at him and said. ''Finally my Fuhrer, you have come.'' He kneeled before him like bowing down to an king. Everyone else did the same, Michael was very confused. How could they know German? Why were they bowing down to him? Where the hell was he? A woman who looked like she was dressed up as an somekind flower pixxy stood up from the crowd and walked to him. She was only inches smaller than him, Michael was suprised how much this creature looked like a human. ''I am Lilymon.'' She bowed. ''You must be exhausted from the long trip, how about we go inside?''   She walked in the big tent where that blue fire dude came from, Michael followed her inside. Inside there was a couple beds, tables, maps, food, and some more of these small creatures. There were three small cats on two feet, they all bowed to him. [Why are they wearing gloves but no shoes?] Lilymon showed a chair infront of an table where he could sit. Michael sat and the little cat like creatures hurried to get some food. They brought him bunch of different fruits and vegetables. Michael was never a big fan od salad but he loved fruit. He carefully took one of the fruits, it looked like an pear and an apple at the same time. It was yellow and didnt seem to have an peel. He took a bite, it was good. It tasted like the combination of an apple and a pear after all. The little cat things where anxious to know if he liked it or not. ''It's good.'' One of the cats fainted and the others were 'charmed' by his voice. [Oookayy? First time that's happened.] Lilymon looked like a waitress, she had the same pose and all. BlueMeramon came in the tent. ''May I ask what your name my Fuhrer?''   ''Fuhrer? I'm not-'' ''Sure you are, you are the human the prophecy told us of.'' ''Prophecy?'' Lilymon walked to one of the tables that had some papers, she took some of them and brought to him. ''This is the prophecy the last human told us.'' ''Last human?'' ''Excacly.'' Said one of the cat like creatures. ''There was a group humans that came here five years ago from this day, they told us that 'some time from now our Fuhrer shall arrive and relieve you of all your conflicts'.'' Michael was looking at the papers, it was in German. ''They also gave us these papers, they told us that if we keep it hidden and safe they would reward us.'' He was searching the papers for any clues. Michael didnt speak German but he knew a couple of words. ''Attack, digital, revenge, leader, arrive, new, kill Stalin, take Moscow, suprise the allies.'' Then he found it, the date. ''1945 the 1st of september, this is a day before the Soviets attacked Berlin!'' The creatures were confused, Lilymon leaned to him and asked. ''You can read that?''   Michael looked at her, he then fought of what would happen if he would tell them who this 'Fuhrer' truly was. They could kill him for decieving them, or worse... ''Yes I know a few words written in this language.'' The creatures all looked at eachother in joy. ''What?'' BlueMeramon told him why they were happy. ''You see the humans who gave us these told us that the saviour would know how to speak this secret code.'' [Secret? German isnt- Nevermind, Hitler probably would have preferred that way anyway.] The cat jumped on the chair next to him. ''Please tell us about them and why havent they gotten here sooner.'' ''Oh excuse me, my name is Tailmon.'' Michael was thinking how could he make Nazis seem good people, he couldnt find anyway so he decided to make up his own story. ''You see according to these papers they came here 66 years ago, apparently the time flows differently between our worlds. Also about these people, I am the last one amongs them. You see Accoeding to this they got here one day before they were all killed, I and few others have lived in secret even since that day.''   He could see that their expressions were sad, even the blue fire dude was clearly sad. ''How did you get here?'' Lilymon asked. ''If you were all killed how did you get here? They used somekind of an device to travel between our and their world.'' ''That's the wierd thing about it, I don't know. I didnt even know about this world, I got transported here by accident.'' The creatures were suprised by this. The cat creature or Tailmon asked him. ''So you don't know what we are?' ''No.'' BlueMeramon started explaining. ''We are digital monsters or Digimon. We are all data just like this world and now you, but we are never the less alive. Right now we are at war with BlackOmegamon, an evil digimon who has managed to raise a lot of support. Against him stands EmperorGreymon and his armies, we are only digimon who believe that humans will come to save us from utter destruction.'' Michael didnt know who or what these two 'Digimon' were but one things for sure, he wanted to help these Digimon. ''I'm sorry but humans will only destroy and ruin you.'' All of them were shocked by his words, what did he mean? ''What do you mean?'' Lilymon asked.   ''What I mean is that humans would only destroy you, if not only that they would bring 'religion' and make you cheap labourer and tools of war.'' Tailmon leaned to him a little. ''But you arent like them right?'' ''No, I'm nothing like them. They are what you could probably call viruses to humans, it spreads fast and is very hard to get rid of. Our people are the only ones that are completely immune to this 'virus', it's not easy to live like we do. We have to fight to be heard and even then our words go to deaf ears, and our ways go to blind eyes.'' The Digimon clearrly showed passion, Lilymon took a chair and sat next to him. Tailmon jumped down from the chair and went to the other side of the tent. BlueMeramon was little excited even. ''So you understand what war is like? You must help us, you must.'' ''How can I help? I don't have powers or anything, besides you people are clearly more cabable of handling this than me.'' BlueMeramon was going to object when they all heard an explosion outside, they all ran out of the tent to see what was going on. Michael saw numerous Digimon fleeing in panic when some flying digimon were firing down fireballs or something. BlueMeramon quickly ran to the gates direction and Lilymon flew up high. Tailmon ran to organize the evacuation.   He was left alone, seeing Digimon panicking and running didnt oddly startle him, he was still at a state where he didnt believe that this was real. Then a huge black wolf like digimon jumped from behind some tents, it was spraying blue flames everywhere. When it saw Michael it started to run for him, directly from his incstinct he ran. He ran for his life but the monster quickly reached him, it jumped infront of him and growled. Michael was so scared he could barely breathe, just when the monster was about to unleash its flames a small fireball hit its face. An small orange dinosaur looking creature ran infront of him yelling. ''If you want our saviour you have to go throught me first!'' The wolf monster answered. ''My pleasure.'' And then punched him aside, the creature yelled in pain. Michael ran to him. ''Are you okay?'' He then saw a stream of data exiting the creatures body. ''Im okay, run. If you die we all die.'' Then he creature exploded into data and slowly flew away. [What is this? If this is really reality then, then these 'Digimon' are willing to die for me. I-I can't allow this! I want to- No I must help them, I must help them somehow!]   Then some of the data turned dark blue and flew back, It didnt flew back to the spot where the creature had died but to Michael. He was startled to see the data flowing into his body, after the data had gone inside him he started to feel wierd. It's not pain but something like the feeling, It was like a seizure without the shaking. He didnt know what was happening, he closed his eyes in this wierd feeling. Michael was starting to glow, he was shining white right now. He started to get bigger and bigger, he started to take a form. He was slowly forming into an T-Rex like creature except much, much larger. He Started to take color, he was getting dark blue and black stripes along his back and legs. He got a horn of some kind on his head and then the head got covered in metal of somekind. His long tails tip also got a metal part, it got a bayonette like shape and it looked like the end of an gun. His body was getting very muscular, and he was getting huge as well. His transformation had been completed, he opened his eyes and the first thing he did was to roar. He roared so loud that the wolf like monster was whimpering. All the fleeing Digimon stopped and looked at the monster, the first thing that went throught their minds was: Friend or Foe?   After his roar he set his eyes on the wolf monster that now looked like a stuffed toy compared to him. He put his head facing the sky. ''Mega Flame!'' And down came the head with a firey breath that quickly destroyed the wolf monster to bits of data. All the Digimon were still confused and scared, but Tailmon started cheering. ''The prophecy is true!'' With this the Digimon started to cheer. Michael ran for the gate. BleaMeramon was there with a bunch of other Digimon, they had been defending the main entrance. He saw a bunch of 'tanks' coming up the hill. He didnt stop to think, he and his enourmous body started to run down the hill destroying the 'tanks' into bits of data. There was no tank Digimon left to destroy so he got his eyes on the sky, the remaining flying Digimon were fleeing. Michael was starting to walk back up the hill. On top of the hill at the gate there were a lot of Digimon cheering for him, but the screams of happiness quickly turned to screames of fear when he quickly transformed back to himself and collapsed.

The Digimon Wars Chapter 2 Getting Filled In

Authors note: God damnit! I just remembered that I forgot to describe his clothes! Fuuuu- Anyway he's wearing red jeans black sneakers white T-shirt and a black and white hoody. Oh and he also has short dark hair. Sorry for this but, well.... Off to...

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