The Digimon Wars Chapter 2 Getting Filled In

Story by Tarranium on SoFurry

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Authors note: God damnit! I just remembered that I forgot to describe his clothes! Fuuuu-

Anyway he's wearing red jeans black sneakers white T-shirt and a black and white hoody.

Oh and he also has short dark hair.

Sorry for this but, well.... Off to the story with you!

Michael was lying unconsious in one of the big tents beds.

Lilymon Tailmon and BlueMeramon were discussing about what happened.

Tailmon told them what she saw.

''I was helping the little ones escape when I heard the BlackGarurumon attacking the Agumon that was defending him, after that he transformed into- Somekind of an Greymon.''

BlueMeramon was worried.

''He clearly digivolved but how?''

Lilymon put her hand on his head to measure his temperature.

''What makes me wonder is that form, it was a virus type that's for sure but. What was that? It was like MetalGreymon without its wings and arm and chest cannons.''

Tailmon took one of the papers that were written in German and jumped on his bed.

''Somewhere here must be the answer, that power on a champion level digimon...''

''I know.'' BlueMeramon said.

''I doubt that I would have standed a chance against him and I am an ultimate level digimon.''

Tailmon was looking at the numbers in the text, Michael had know the excact date and reason why and when the humans came to the digital world, that is proof that he is the saviour.

Lilymon was a little worried.

''What about if 'he' finds out? His anti virus teams would destroy him immideatly.''

BlueMeramon started thinking, he crossed his arms on his chest and started thinking a way to keep this a secret.

This wasnt excacly a secret, they have been saying that humans will save them for years now and especially now when a human came to the digital world the news will spread.

''I think our only hope right now is to travel to the machine kingdom.''

''Machine kingdom?'' They both said in confusion.

Tailmon was the first to protest.

''Do you realise how hard it is to pack all our stuff and then move to an another location after you say that that's our only hope? We have chanced our campsite four times this year now, people are tired and scared!''

''I know! But now when the human has come we can certainly live in peace.''

They all stopped their arguments when they heard Michael doing some wierd sounds.

Lilymon checked his temperatue again, it seemed fine.

Tailmon put away the papers and jumped on the bed.

Michael was starting to wake up, he slowly opened his eyes.

''What happened?''

Tailmon came closer to him.

''You digivolved.''

''I what?'' Then he rose to sitting position, he was holding his head.

Lilymon helped him to stand up from the bed.

''Easy now, you have used a lot of energy.''

Michael was now standing, he looked around to confirm his location.

He was still confused.

''I remember.... Chancing.... Killing.... Roaring...''

''You somehow became an digimon for a moment.''

Lilymon said.

Michael couldnt really believe that but then again he was in this wierd world where giant wolfes speak perfect English so...

''If that is a power that I have then, then I'll use it to our advantage.''

''Our? Do you mean?''

He turned his head to her.

''Yes, I will help you to end all wars and bring peace.''

She was so happy she hugged him, Michael couldnt really believe that a pixy thing or something was hugging him.

He got her off of him and walked to the entrance of the tent, the sun was setting.

''If I'm going to lead a war I need an advisor, Tailmon you up for it?''

Tailmon nodded.

''I can tell you anything you desire.''

BlueMeramon wanted to ask something.

''I'm sorry but we still don't know your name.''

That was true, he still hadnt told them his name.

Michael didnt personally like his full name and it was going to be a pain to get them memorise it so he decided to rename himself.

[I'd love to be named after a hero of somesort, preferably an military genius.

Who saved a lot of people? Who chanced history? Who won wars because of his tactics? Who did something that is still effecting humans?]

''Call me.''

He then turned to face them with a smile.


In the morning all the digimon in the camp were packing their belongings and tents.

BlueMeramon had stepped down from being the leader, he had made Michael his follower.

Michael, or Napoleon knew a lot of leading because of his gamer years but he always knew that actully leading something would be entirely different.

Lilymon worked as a secretary and body guard.

Tailmon worked as an advisor, she had already told him much about digimon and digivolutions.

Michael could now recognise almost every digimon in the camp.

They were:

Poromon, a bird in training digimon.

Nyaromon, a cat like in training digimon.

Tanemon, a plant in training digimon.

Koromon, a dragon in training digimon.

Kokomon, a bunny in training digimon.

Tokomon, a mammal in training digimon.

Piyomon, a bird rookie digimon.

Aruraumon, a plant rookie digimon.

Elecmon, a electrik beast digimon.

Lopmon, a bunny rookie digimon.

Patamon, a mammal rookie digimon.

Plotmon, a cat rookie digimon.

Agumon, a dragon rookie digimon.

There were also few Greymons who defended the village from any pssible attackers.

All the digimon were packing their stuff or helping others pack, Michael felt a little useless.

He was standing and watching some Lopmon packing a tent.

Tailmon walked to him, she had some papers.

''Here they are just like you asked me.''

''Thank you.'' He said and took the papers.

The papers were actully maps that Lilymon had drawn.

He was inspecting the best possible route to the Machine Kingdom.

''We'll go throught the forest and then we stop on this river, we'll rest there.''

He handed the maps back to her.


''Let's get going as soon as everyone has packed.''

Tailmon nodded.


Then Michael remembered something, he took his pill case and opened it.

He took one pill and swoled it, he then put the case back.

Tailmon didnt know what that was so she asked.

''What was... That?''

Mivhael didnt really know how to explain his P.D that blocked all social interaction with other people, so he made something up.

''Those are the only things keeping me alive, in the human world I got what you could call a virus. Even thou my mind remaings unaffected my body would fail if I didnt take these pills every single morning.''

Tailmon looked concerned.

''How many do you have left?''

''98, I had 200 more back home.''

Tailmon looked as if she was debating to herself if she should tell him something or not.

Michael saw this and decided to ask.

''What is it?''

Tailmon looked a little startled.

''Ahh nothing...''

Michael didnt buy it.

''You sure?''

She only nodded while looking at the ground.

[What might she be hiding from me?]

Once all the stuff was packed they left, all they left behind was the palisade wall.

Michael had ordered all champion level digimon to the outline of the convoy to repel any attackers.

Along the way Tailmon filled him with the current situation of the digital world.

There was a war between the Virus kingdom and the Greymon empire, the war started because digimon didnt accept the virus types into their society.

Three digimon didnt stand for this and formed their own society only for virus types, it was formed by ChaosDukemon, BlackOmegamon and BlackImperialdramon.

These three very powerful digimon destroyed three digimon that lead different parts of the digital world.

Magnadramon was the ruler of the floating sky temple witch trained the finest guardians of the digital world but...

ChaosDukemon attacked it with a large force of Gigadramon, ChaosDukemon defeated Magnadramon and destroyed the air temple.

BlackImperialdramon destroyed his brother, Imperialdramon. He was the trainer of the Royal Knights, BlackImperialdramon wiped him and the Royal Knights off the digital world by himself.

BlackOmegamon attacked the most sacred city of the digital world, Holymonopolis. It's a city that has worked as a capital city and the source of the finest digimon there are, but today it's known as Virusopolis the capital city of the Virus Kingdom.

BlackOmegamon destroyed the capital city with an huge army of Devidramon and MetalTyranomon, thats where he found the ancient treasures and the dark powers he possesses.

No one knows for sure but everyone thinks that he has found a way to force digivolve virus type digimon, that would explain his huge armies.

That's when the leader of all of the digital world decided to destroy every single virus type digimon there is, EmperorGreymon only has one virus type digimon he trusts. a blue MetalGreymon, he wasnt always a virus type thou.

During the first attempt on taking back the city one of his *MetalGreymons stumbled upon their virus modificator, it's a horrible device that chances normal digimon to virus types.

When he destroyed it the machine turned him into a virus type but he still served EmperorGreymon, no one believed his story and wanted to label him as a spy but the commander of the Volcano platoon AncientGreymon convinced EmperorGreymon to spare him. Even today that virus MetalGreymon has proven to be very valuable to thei war effort.

When Michael had asked Tailmon how many different Greymons there were Tailmon couldnt answer, all she knew the troops and some of the commanders of the Grey army.

They had recently found a way to chance the digivolutionary line of Greymon's. They had chanced every single Greymon to GeoGreymon's and had some RizeGreyomon, the only commanders Tailmon knew were the most famous ones.

AncientGreymon is a huge digimon who leads an platoon called the Volcanoplatoon that contains of 3000 Greymon or now GeoGreymon, 1.500 MetalGreymon and 240 RizeGreymon.

He was the main offensive and the reason why so few troop was because he himself was fighting on the battlefield, just like all the other commanders.

VictoryGreymon is a leader of the Vaporizers a squad that has 13 WarGreymon. They mainly work as sabotage and assassings of the enemy commanders but they will always join a battle if they are close by.

ShineGreymon leads an army of 3.400 MetalGreymon and 2.700 RizeGreymon, they are a fast moving army called the Sunrise.

He aslo has an clean up force of 4.100 BurningGreymon who also join the main battles.

Tailmon didnt know about the virus type commanders but she knew about one army, the army that destroyed her home.

BlackWarGreymon is a leader of the vicous Death Bringers. 700 SkullSatamon, 3.400 Deltamon, 78 Phantomon, 700 Bakemon, 1.200 DarkTyranomon, 160 SkullGreymon, 600 MetalTyranomon and a MetalPhantomon who leads the army with him.

This army is the one fightin EmperorGreymon himself, no one knows what he has marching behind him but one things for certain. He is pushing them back.

Michael could hardly believe the size of the virus types army and if they were pushed back then how big would that army be?

He asked if the virus leaders had armies of their own, Tailmon didnt know but she could guess that their armies would be even bigger.

Michael didnt plan on the huge enemy armies so he had to make allies, he asked if there were any neutral factions.

Tailmon told him about the independed bugs lead by HerculesKabuterimon. They would be a strong allie but they wont go to war easily.

Seraphimon and Ophanimon who lead the sky temple after Magnadramon died, theyr HolyAngemon and Angewomon would be excellent asset and they have a grudge against ChaosDukemon.

HiAndromon is the leader of the machine empire so he could hel them, with their powerful armies commanded by Machinedramon would be the perfect first line offensive.

MedievalDukemon and the remaining Royal Knights would also be easy to persuade into joining them.

Rosemon and her 'tree huggers' won't probably join the war effort.

If they could find the GrapLromons rangers they would certainly help them.

But for the time being they would avoid the dragon island because of the dragon wars that have been going on for years now.

They wouldnt go to the seas either because of MetalSeadramon and his army

They had reached the river.

Michael started giving orders.

''Alright were stay here for the night! BlueMeramon you'll select the night guard, Lilymon go scout around for any possible hostile digimon. Tailmon could you round up your friends and go search for food?''

BleaMeramon went to look for suitable guards and Lilymon flew into the sky.

Tailmon was half way going when she stopped.

''Arent you worried? I mean you are going to be here without us, you know protecting you.''

Michael checked his watch.

''Im going to be fine, now go.''

She did as commanded, she got her two other cat friends and went on to find food.

Michael was now 'alone'.

[I think I can get used to this, I wonder...

The Soviet Union did attack Berling for revenge and to get their technology, I wonder if they also found the machine that was used to get to the digital world...

If they did get it they certainly havent used it, but if they figure it out...]

His train of thought was interrupted by an Plotmon that pulling his pants to get his attention.

He kneeled down to it's stage.

''What is it?''

The Plotmon was clearly nervous, from the umms and hmms he could see that it was a she.

''I... I was wondering if...''


The little Plotmon blushed.

''I was wondering if you could tell us about the human world.''

''Us?'' Then he saw that there were three other digimon only a few meters away, how cute! They sent one of them to talk to him because they were scared.

There was a Lopmon, Patamon and an Kokomon.

''Alright.'' Then he stood up and found a suitable rock to sit on.

''Round up children and Napoleon's going to tell you a bit about the human world.

The kids cheerlfully sat in front of him, anxious to hear what he had to say.

''What would you like to hear?''

The kids were thinking about what they would like to hear, then the Lopmon got an idea.

''Are there any digimon there?''

The other kids laughed a little.

''Of course not!'' The Patamn said as he was laughing.

''Actully there are.'' That made the kids to stop laughing and to listen.

''Digimon excist in the human world as well, only they arent alive like you. Instead they are controlled by humans. What else would you like to know?''

Again the kids were thinking on their next question.

Now the Plotmon got the question.

''Can you tell us about the humans that came here the first time?''

Michael didnt really speak of the Nazis willingly but now he had to make up a story, he would have to make them look like heroes.

On the other side BlueMeramon had got the guards and was now coming to ask for his next assingment, but he was just watching the kids being fascinated by his story.

''Are you sure that he is our saviour?''BleaMeramon turned to face the speaker.

It was their 'captain' of guards, Tyranomon.

''I mean look at him, he is so small and weak.''

BlueMeramon yurned his head back to the kids who were listening to Michaels story.

''I believe he is, he told us that humans body might be weak but the human mind is an unstobable thinking machine.''

''He has told us a lot about humans and their inventions, he is alsoo worried about something.''

Tyranomon took a few steps closer.


''sigh I don't know. everytimw we talk about humans his mood goes down.''

''He probably has a dark history with humans just like we have with the viruse digimon.''

Michael was just finishing his story.

''....And thats how there are only me and few others still alive.''

The kids started cheering for the 'happy' ending and wanted to hear more, but Lilymon had come back.

''Napoleon, I have searched the nearby area and there doesnt seem to be any enemies.''

''Good job.''

He stoodd up from the rock.

''Let's get on looking at the maps shall we?''

The kids wanted to hear more but some Swangmon came and told them that it's dinner time.

They left partly sad because they wanted to hear more about the human world.

Michael was going to get some dinner to himsself as well.

After dinner it was dusk already, he watched the sun setting thinking about his future.

''Is it anything like in the human world?''

Michael turned to look who it was, it was Lilymon.

''It's pretty much the same.''

Lilymon walked next to him to look at the sunset.

''Do you miss the human world?''

''Occasianolly yes, but when I remember everything else that's not my family I say good riddance.''

Lilymon couldnt really understand what he meant but she went with it.

''Would you want to have someone from the human world here?''

Michael didnt really understand why she was asking something like that.

''Well i would like to have my sister here, she would love this place.''

His sister Phione is only 11 but very mature for her age, much like her big brother.

She adores him like a god, she has followed his gamer footsteps almost the excactly same way.

Phione is the only person who actully listens to him, she actully wants to know everything he knows.

Michael has told her about politics, finances, games, history and common people. She believes every word because she knows that it's the truth, unlike the rest of the world...

Michael had enough of the sunset.

''Alright I'm going to bed.''