When Dreams become Reality: Chapter 13: Curiosity Killed the Cat....

Story by wolfy22 on SoFurry

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#13 of When dreams become reality

DISCLAIMER: This chapter is where the story starts to get VERY serious, so please be advised for the content that is going to occur for the next several chapters. 18 and below please leave now. I used a few reference links again, as well as showing the Google street view of what I envisioned the supermarket looked like. Other than that please check Ryan Masterpaladin's page, since he will actually be a part of this story soon as well. Enjoy :)


Six days had now passed since Tony's birthday, with it now being Monday. In that span of time, Tony and myself did quite a few productive things together, along with my family, as well as Sull and Ord. We showed my family around the city, we all went bowling again (Tony especially had fun with that with his new Bowling ball), and we even went to see The Lion King on Broadway thanks to Junir, who apparently had friends that were part of the show. Gantu and Kum went back to their home in Hartford after the party, and Baloo & Seth also went back to their house in New Jersey. I kept in contact with all of them though online....especially Junir, whom I couldn't stop thinking about everytime my enter key was pressed to send him an instant message.

It was nice having Tony, Sull, and Ord always around, especially knowing that the two bears were still on the loose after escaping from prison. The news was still hot on the story, and my parents eventually found out about everything as well only a couple of days after we first found out about it. They certainly were VERY worried about my well being, but they also knew that I had the other three always around, so that certainly helped calm them down.

I had also finally written my first column, introducing myself to the readers of the newspaper, as well as publishing the interview I did with Tony. I decided to take out some of the controversial questions I had asked Tony originally though, since I didn't want to introduce myself with people looking at me the wrong way. I was able to replace those questions with more basic ones, and Tony was able to guide me through the whole process of submitting everything to the paper. It was also nice to publish the interviews I had with the Detroit Tiger players, though I was hoping that the people reading wouldn't look at me awkwardly for not talking about the Yankees.

I woke up after a very wild & steamy night with my Tiger, looking over at the digital clock to notice that it was 10:15 A.M. I was on top of Tony, laying my head on his chest as he got up.

"Hey hun" Tony whispered, with me lifting my head off of him and the two of us kissing each other. My ass was filled with Tony's seed after I rode him endlessly last night, and the bed was also covered in a layer of cum all over the place. "Hey Ton... so....what we doing today?" I replied back, as we got up to start the day. "Hmmm...not sure....I haven't been called to do anything lately....what about your column?" Tony said as he stretched after getting up, still fully naked. "I haven't gotten anything yet, but worst case scenario I could just interview you again or maybe Sull and Ord haha" I replied back with both of us laughing.

"Hard to believe it's been nearly a week since you gave me this amazing gift" Tony said as he walked over to the framed jersey that was now hanging on the wall above his TV, along with the ball in the case that was on the TV stand.

"Yeah...time just flies, doesn't it?" I responded.

"It'll be summer before we know it!" Tony laughed back. The two of us took a shower together not long after, and we both figured that we'd do some fun things as a couple today since neither one of us had plans.

"Hang on, lemme check my phone here to see if I got any messages here..." I mentioned as we started getting dressed. As I put on a pair of khaki shorts and a Sonic the Hedgehog shirt, I turned on my phone and immediately got a pop up notice.


"Hmmm....I wonder who called me?" I asked as I dialed my voicemail number to see who left a message. I put my ear up to the phone, and listened to the automated voice talking.

"You have 2 new messages.....new message:

"Hey Mike it's Dad, just calling to let you know that we got back home safely after leaving last night. Mom and will went back to school today and everything is fine here. Stay safe with Tony and tell him I said hi. See you later! Bye." I smiled at that moment, being happy that my family got back home safely after saying goodbye to Tony, Sull, Ord and myself after we all had dinner together the night before.

"New message:"

"Hi there Mike! It's Judy from the Daily News. I just wanted to see if you could possibly come down to the headquarters so we could talk a bit about your column. Take care!"

I hung up the phone looking somewhat worried. "What's wrong hun?" Tony asked, putting on his black shorts. "Judy....she wants to talk to me about my article.....I don't know if that's a good thing or a bad thing...." I mumbled back, putting my phone down next to the TV. "Don't worry hun, I'm sure everything is fine, I saw your column and I thought it was GRRREEEAT!"

"Thanks Ton, it really means a lot to me." I said back, walking over to the big guy and hugging him. "So I guess I have to head into the city today....." I replied, breaking my hug with Tony and still looking downward. "Like I said Mike, you'll be fine." Tony said to me, putting his hand on my shoulder.


"Huh? Who's calling?" I asked, walking over to my phone. My mouth widened, letting out a grin when I noticed that it was Ord's cell phone number showing on the called I.D.

"Hey Ord!"

"Hey there mike, how's things over there?"

"Pretty good, Tony and I had some....fun....last night if you catch my drift hehe" I laughed.

"Haha! Sull and I sorta acted a bit naughty ourselves. But anyway, I wanted to ask ya something."

"Oh yeah? What's up?"

"Well, since I beat Birth by Sleep completely a few days ago, I wanted to get that new Kingdom Hearts game that came out for the DS not too long ago, you know that game called Coded I think it is?"

"Yeah...I actually have it, but I left my DS back at my house in Massachusetts since I never play it...heh"

"Awwww.....well either way, I found out that there's a video game store that apparently is not far from the Big Apple Mart, it's like less than a few blocks down the road from it, you wanna check it out?"

"Wow, talk about good timing dude, I'm actually supposed to head to the Daily News building anyway since my boss....wants to talk to me about my article...ugh..." I let out with a groan.

"I thought your article was awesome hun. Wanna check out the store though afterwards?"

"Yeah definitely. What is the store called?" I replied.

"It's called "New York Gamer's Underground." From what I read, they also have arcade games in their store."

"That's SICK dude! I DEFINITELY wanna check this place out. Should we just come pick you up?" I asked, looking over to see Tony nod in approval.

"Sure! Sull had to leave to run a bunch of errands, so the three of us can hang out for the day!"

"Sounds good then! We'll see ya in a bit!" I replied, hanging up my phone. "Ready to go big guy?" I asked Tony, who was now fully dressed, wearing his leather jacket that Junir gave him for his b-day, and his sunglasses. "Yep, let's go hun." I quickly put on my shoes, and the two of us eventually headed out to head over to Ord's house.

****** "I'm getting frustrated here, even with this damn bonus being offered" The boar lashed out at the Cougar, as the two got out of their car again near the Big Apple Mart. "Well, at least we know he's alive, he'll have to show up here eventually" Eric replied.

"Shouldn't we be helping them though....with those giant ass shipments they've been getting?" Jim asked. "They've got those other three guys with them from what boss told me. They're the experts on that shit." Eric replied. "Yeah, sure...let's just get this day over with." The boar said back. "Meet back here at the usual time, got it?" "Got it." The two separated and headed out to search the area.*****

After driving about 30 minutes to get to the Yonkers area, we finally arrived at Ord and Sull's place. Tony and I got out of the car, and walked right up to the front door.


"Hey guys!!" Ord exclaimed after he opened the door, hugging Tony and myself as if he hadn't seen us for the longest time, even though we all hung out the day before. "Ord...you'rreeee....squishin.gg.......meeeeee...." I murmured. "Oh...sorry heh" Ord replied, breaking the hug. "So, what's the game plan?" Ord asked, having all of his stuff ready at the door.

"Uhhhhh.....good question....we need any groceries?" I asked Tony. "Yeah....now that I think about it...we don't really have much...." Tony responded, still thinking about what we possibly needed. "Let's play it by ear then, I'm ready to head out" Ord said to the both of us, putting on his jacket and walking out towards the car. He was wearing his New York Dragons jersey again along with some blue jeans, though he wasn't wearing any footwear. "You gonna be ok like that?" I asked Ord, looking at his giant dragon feet. I actually thought they were pretty good looking, and I wouldn't have minded giving him a pedicure right then and there. "Oh yeah I'll be fine, don't worry about me, I'll get some new shoes soon," "Not like you really need any" I thought to myself, letting out a grin. The three of us got into Tony's car, and headed out to the city to fulfill what we needed to get done.

I made sure I put on my Ipod for Ord to listen to, since he didn't really listen to Eurobeat in the few times we drove together because he was always playing his PSP. "Hey Ord, you ever heard of this song?" I asked as we got onto the highway, putting on the song "Moonchild" by Ace. (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NhHD7duIYns) As the song started playing, Ord was beating his head repeatedly. "Wow, this is good stuff!" Ord said to me from the back seat of the car. "Yeah, it's hard to believe that there's over like 210 volumes of Super Eurobeat....get this guys, it's called Eurobeat, most of the songs are made by Italian Artists, the songs are almost all sung in English, yet the CD's are sold in JAPAN!" I exclaimed. "Wow, really?" "That's crazy!" Tony and Ord both replied with a very surprised look. "Yep, thank god for torrents HAHA!" I then added, with all three of us laughing after that.

After spending 45 minutes in the car from dealing with Traffic, we finally made it into the city. It wasn't long after that that we arrived at the Big Apple Mart, and the parking lot was PACKED. "Damn, I'm surprised it's THIS busy for a Monday" I mentioned with my eyes wide open, as we struggled to just find a place to park. "I wonder if Easter has anything to do with it since it's this upcoming Sunday" Ord replied. "You're probably right, but even so, this is crazy." I said back. Tony finally found a place to park in not too far from the corner of the building near several trees, and the three of us got out of the car afterwards. "I guess I'll head into the supermarket and start grabbing some groceries, I just hope I don't get bombarded with people askin for stuff heh" Tony said with a smile on his face. "I'll head over to the video game store then, you two just wanna meet me there?" Ord asked both of us as we all started walking from the parking lot. "Yeah we can do that....not sure how long it will be though..." Tony responded. "Yeah I don't know how long Judy's gonna want to talk to me, but I don't think it'll be long. The three of us eventually went our separate ways, heading to the three different buildings.

*****"Ugh......I need that damn money" Eric thought to himself, walking across the street from the Big Apple Mart, back and forth in-between endless amounts of people that were walking by on the sidewalk he was standing on. "I wonder if Jimbo has had....any........................luck..................................." "........................."



"FINALLY..." The cougar exclaimed, looking across the street, noticing who was walking away from the supermarket area. "Time to give Jimbo and boss a call here...."******

I finally made it to the Daily News building, and walked up the stairway into the headquarters. I came up to the front desk, and asked the clerk "Is Judy around?" The female skunk smiled back at me and replied "Yep, you can go see her in her office, I'm almost positive she's there." "Alrighty. Thanks!" I said back, walking past the front desk area and passing by certain offices before finally coming to the one I needed to be at.

"Hey Mike!" Judy shouted, finishing typing some stuff on her computer. "Take a seat here!" she then added. I kept getting more nervous, wondering what she was going to tell me in regards to my column, though she did seem to be in a good mood. "So what's up Judy?" I asked the Fox, as she pulled up a couple things on her computer.

"I just wanted to point out a couple of things you should work on for your next column. Let me just get yours up here.....there we go. Ok, now I wanted to let you know that you might want to broaden your vocabulary just a bit, since I noticed that you tend to repeat several words, which are: Like, as, which, and smaller words like that. Other than that though, your column looked REALLY good for your first week."

"Whew! That's a relief that you thought it was good" I replied, but I was also still thinking at that moment. "So...for my future columns, do you suggest anything that I should write?"

Judy thought for a sec herself, before looking at her computer again. "Well, you and Tony seem to know each other pretty well, maybe you should let the reader get to know the Tiger more, like above and beyond what they see on TV. You did a good job with the interview of him, though I'm sure the reader would probably want to know at least a little more than what you wrote."

"That sounds good, Tony also has a couple of friends that are also pretty big names, so I think people would like reading my column if I were able to add them into the column as well."

"Yeah, that's a great idea! Now I need to let you know a few other things for future reference here Mike..." Judy pointed out to me, pulling out last Friday's newspaper and showing me where my column was.

"The Daily news recently formed a new partnership with some sponsors, so they'll be placing small ads all over future printings of our paper. And unfortunately, this is gonna affect your column a bit, so you may need to cut back somewhat."

I was a bit surprised, and then I asked a question I probably shouldn't have.

"Will...this...affect how much I make from the company?" I mumbled. Judy didn't really look surprised, as she was still pointing and marking out areas of the paper to me where new ads would be placed.

"It...shouldn't, but your first check from the paper should actually be out I think....you should go check with Roger, he puts out the checks into everyone's personal mailbox a few rooms down.

"Thanks Judy, I'll go check it after" I replied. "So basically, I should probably set.....let's see here.....maybe a 750 word limit?" I asked, looking at how much space I had to work with after re-reading my column.

"Yeah, but the ad spacing will change from time to time. You should be fine though, just email me, or call if you need to talk about it. And I'm here almost every day anyway." Judy said back.

"Do I have your email?" I asked, since I couldn't remember her contact info in the first place.

"Here's my card if you need it, it has my phone and email on it." Judy said to me, reaching into her front drawer and grabbing a small business card to give to me.

"Thanks a lot Judy, I'm just glad everything went well for that first week heh. I just hope that nothing happens like beforehand when I supposed to originally turn...my column in....ugh" I grieved, now thinking about those goddamn bears escaping from prison again and what they originally did to us at the pawn shop.

"Sounds good Mike, keep up the good work! Oh yeah, and tell Tony I said hi, he sounds like a really great guy" Judy said to me while I started walking out her door.

"I will Judy, thanks again!" I waved back at her, and then walked over a few rooms down to the mail room.

******"Holy shit, you FOUND HIM?!" The Boar exclaimed on the phone.

"Yes, get back here to the mart, I got a perfect plan, but HURRY OVER HERE!" The cougar shouted from the pay phone across the street from the supermarket.

"Gotcha, I'm only like a couple blocks away I think" Jimbo said back, and hung up not long after.*******

"Let's see.....M.....M.....Mike.....there we go!" I said to myself, finding my small personal mailbox that was in-between at least 100 other ones. I opened it and noticed a check in an envelope, as well as a flyer in the mailbox too. I pulled out the flyer and started to look at it. I sarcastically smiled when I saw what the flyer read.

"COMPANY PICNIC.....THURSDAY, APRIL 22ND, CENTRAL PARK. Food and Drinks encouraged! Bring your friends! Family! Games and Fun Activities for everyone!"

"Looks like I'll have to check this out, I'll just put this in my cell.....phone........app................................" I stopped thinking as I tried feeling my pockets, only to notice that I had my Ipod on me and nothing else.

"SHIT!!!!! Where the fuck did I leave it?!?!?" I frantically exclaimed, looking all around the areas I had just walked through. I walked from the mail room, back to Judy's office and back near the front entrance area.

"Mike? Something wrong?" Judy asked, peeking her head out of her office. "I....think I lost my phone....holy fuck..." I replied, feeling like I was about to have a panic attack. "Here, let me call your number, see if you can hear it." Judy replied, walking back to her phone in her office. I quickly rushed over and ran into her office as well, hoping I would hear my Tears for Fears ringtone somewhere in the building. "Ok I dialed it, listen..." Judy softly mentioned.


It was dead silent around the room, including the outside of the room. She kept calling my phone, though I couldn't hear it anywhere in the building. "fuck....oh my god...." I murmured, now walking back and forth like crazy all over the building. I passed by Judy's office again as she kept dialing my number. "Could it be in your car or something?" She asked me.

".......hey.....you could be right...." I responded, immediately bolting for the front entrance. I ran outside, almost jumped off the 6 steps that were in front of the building, and just started running back towards the Supermarket, nearly hitting a few people as I bypassed them on the sidewalk.

As I finally got to the Supermarket parking lot, I had to catch my breath after running unbelievably fast over there. "Holy.....shit....." I said to myself, breathing very fast. I started slowly walking towards Tony's car again, and as I got closer to it, my heart was pounding faster than ever. I finally got up to the front of his car, and let out the BIGGEST sigh of relief.

"Oh my god....thank the fucking lord" I exclaimed to myself, seeing my phone on the floor of the front seat. It must have fallen out of my pocket when I had gotten out of the car earlier with Tony and Ord. Unfortunately, I couldn't get the phone out since I didn't have the keys to the car, but I was happy to know that my phone was at least there.

****** *Grins* "There he is.....you know what to do." *******

"Guess I should go meet up with Tony now" I thought, now walking back towards the supermarket. Knowing that my cell phone was safe made me feel SO much better, but at the same time, I felt very winded from all the running and from all the thoughts that were going on in my head before I found my phone. As I started walking back towards the supermarket, I heard some sort of banging noise coming from the area of the lot that had several trees near it.

"What the fuck is up with this piece of junk!" I overheard a low voice shouting about a couple of rows of cars down to the left of me. "GODDAMMIT!!!" The voice then shouted. "Fuck....I need to get home!" the guy then exclaimed, and I figured I'd go over to see what was going on. I was sorta surprised to see that the car that was being worked on looked almost exactly like the old car I used to have, which was a grey Oldsmobile, probably a late 1980's model.

"Need any help here?" I asked as I came up behind the guy, who was wearing what looked to be hell's angels clothing, as well as sunglasses and a black hat. It looked a bit intimidating but the guy sounded like he really was getting frustrated. "Yeah....The damn thing won't start! Think you could look at it at all?" The guy said to me, still looking inside the hood of his car, though he wouldn't pull his body out to show me what he looked like. "I don't know much about cars, though this does look like an old car I used to own......maybe I could see if there's any loose connections or screws?" I replied, now standing next to the guy and seeing his face a bit. A couple thoughts started to go through me when I saw the side of the guy's face, with the brown fur sticking out.

"Wait......why does....this guy....look familiar??" I thought to myself, knowing that I had seen this person's face somewhere before. "Here, take a look, the wires are way down there" The guy pointed out. I didn't want to stare at him since I thought that would be rude to do so, so I just poked my head in where all the car parts were. I proceeded to look near the engine, seeing some wires lodged deep into the car as well as a few bolts and nuts, but nothing looking out of the ordinary. "Everything seems to look fine....maybe you should see if the engine... *CLONK* "................................................................................................"

****** "GOT HIM, Hurry up here, get him in!" The Cougar softly spoke to the Boar, holding a wrench that he just used to knock the human out while letting out a very inhumane grin. "fucking hurry!" Eric exclaimed, looking all around as the human laid on the ground knocked out cold. A couple of humans were walking out of the supermarket, but were too far away to even notice what was going on.

"Open the damn trunk!" Jim replied, quickly getting out of the car and dragging the human over to the back part of the old car. The cougar kept looking all around, trying to make sure no one was noticing what they were doing. "Tie him up!" Eric frantically mentioned as he unlocked his trunk. The Boar lifted up the human, and quickly duck-taped the legs and the body of the human while he was now in the trunk. Right as the boar closed the trunk, the two of them didn't notice that a car had just pulled in behind them about a row in a half down. (http://maps.google.com/maps?hl=en&safe=off&q=market+basket+seabrook&gs_sm=e&gs_upl=1269l3946l0l4050l22l16l0l7l7l1l238l2080l1.7.4l12l0&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.&biw=1920&bih=960&um=1&ie=UTF-8&sa=N&tab=wl)

"HOLY SHIT!!!!" A woman screamed in her car, quickly pulling out her cell phone and dialing 9-1-1.

"9-1-1 state your emergency."

"Yes....holy shit....two guys that look like they're in a gang just threw a human I believe in the back of their trunk!!"

"Where are you at right now?" Stay calm."

"I'm at the Big Apple Mart, they're driving off now, but I think their license plate read......745-JEB, I'm not sure though, oh my god!"

"We'll send the police over right away ma'am, just stay on the line with us."*****

***** "Come on!!! One more block...SCORE!" Ord yelled, playing the classic Tetris machine in the video game store. After entering his high score into the machine, Ord looked up at the clock. It was now 1:30 P.M., and it had been about an hour since the three split up to do their own thing.

"Where are those two? Guess I should head back to see if Tony's still at the Supermarket..." Ord said to himself, walking out of the video game store and heading back to the Big Apple Mart.


At least 3 police cars sped right past Ord as he left the video game store. I wonder where they're headed...." The blue dragon thought to himself, before he looked down a few blocks and noticed where the police cruisers were pulling into. "Holy shit.....what happened?!" Ord exclaimed as he now began to run over to the area that the police cruisers were at.*****

***** "Ok kids, Say GRRRRRRRRREAATTTT!!!"

"GRRREEAATTT!!" Several kids shouted around Tony, who was still in the supermarket in the cereal isle. People were approaching him left and right, asking him questions and wanting autographs & pictures. He was in a good mood, so he didn't mind doing all of these deeds, especially with all the young kids around. After taking a group picture with a whole group of young kids and adults, Tony looked over to the front area of the store, where a lot of people seemed to have their eyes glued on the windows looking outside. "What's going on?" Tony thought to himself, walking over to the front checkout now.

Now being able to see outside the store windows as he was checking out all of the groceries he intended on getting, he noticed that there were three police cars in the parking lot. "Oh shit...they're not far from my car!" Tony thought to himself, as everyone kept looking on to see what was going on.

Tony paid for his groceries, and stormed outside with everything. He ran over to his car, only to notice that nothing was wrong and that everything was safe. "Thank god! Whew....I wonder what happened" Tony thought, looking over at the Cruisers, and the policemen that were now talking to some woman in her car.

"TONY!" Ord shouted, running towards the big tiger's car.

"Hey Ord! Where's Mike?" Tony asked.

"Uhhhhhh...haven't seen him at all, I thought he might be with you?"

"I haven't seen him either....maybe he's still talking with Judy over at the Daily News.....

"Maybe...but I wonder what's...."


"Hey, mike's phone is ringing!" Tony pointed out, quickly unlocking his car and looking at the phone that was on the floor of the passenger's seat.

"Looks like it fell or something, cause I doubt he'd leave it on the floor of the car" Ord replied, as Tony quickly grabbed the phone and answered it, as well as putting the phone on speaker so Ord could hear it too.


"Oh....Mike?" A woman's voice answered back.

"No...this is Tony...who's this?" Tony replied back looking puzzled.

"Oh hey Tony, this is Judy at the Daily News, you found Mike's phone?"

"...............................uhhhhhh....yeah...where's Mike?"

"He stormed out of the building about 15 minutes ago looking for his phone, he said he'd go look for it back at his car.....wait....did he mean your car?"

Tony and Ord looked at each other, now more confused than ever.

"Yeah...he rode with me into the city....what the hell is going on?!" Tony exclaimed back into the phone.

"Hang on, where are you Tony?" Judy asked.

"Over here at the Big Apple mart. Can you meet us over here? I'm next to my car here" Tony said back.

"Definitely, I'll be there in a couple of minutes" Judy responded, hanging up her phone.

Before Tony and Ord could ask each other anything, the two of them overheard the woman talking a few rows down from them to the police officers, who was now out of her car.

"Yeah...I was just in my car, looking at my phone messages and I saw these two guys throw this guy into their trunk!" The woman explained to the hyena that was questioning her.

".................." "..............."

"..............WHAT DID YOU SAY?!" Tony screamed, running over as fast as he could over to the lady, with Ord right behind him. The lady almost didn't want to explain herself again, especially since she looked pretty shaken up over what she had just witnessed. The cops looked even more stunned to see a giant Tiger and a Dragon running over to the lady, and almost got in the way to make sure neither Tony nor Ord would intimidate the human lady too much. "Some....older kid....I saw him get thrown into the trunk of some old car that two guys were running...they looked like gang members...." The lady mustered out.

".....Oh....my.....god......" Tony slurred, now feeling like he had a knife struck through him. Ord was simply speechless, not mustering a single word after what the lady just said. Tony started to pace back and forth in-between the cars in that area, while the policemen were talking to each other about everything. Just then, a woman's voice shouted from behind the area.

"Tony?" Judy asked, running over to the scene where all the police cars were at. "What....what happened???"

"..............." ".......................I....don't.....know....." Tony mumbled, putting his hands over his face, still feeling powerless at that moment.

"What happened?" Judy then asked the woman that saw the whole incident.

"Two guys....they kidnapped this guy not far from my car.....they did it over there...." The woman replied to Judy, pointing out where the incident happened. The woman then saw something out of the corner of her eye when she was pointing out where everything took place.

"What is that??" The woman asked, seeing a small white piece of paper next to a car that was near the empty parking spot where the incident occurred. Judy walked over to the area, now seeing a few droplets of blood in the parking spot, along with the small piece of paper next to it. As Judy looked down, her eyes widened when she saw that it wasn't a piece of paper she was looking at, but rather the business card that she gave to Mike earlier on.

"Oh my god.....Mike!!!!!" She exclaimed, picking up the business card and looking all around the area. People were now staring left and right at the cop cars as they were entering and exiting the supermarket.

"That's.....it....." Tony slowly spoke, now clinching his fist in rage as he took his hands off his face. Ord looked like he wanted to cry at that moment, since he wasn't sure what he could do. "Lady....what was the license plate number, you remember?" Tony asked, giving her a look like he was going to raise hell if the woman didn't give him the information he wanted.

"It...was 7.....45-JE...B, I think....the car was a grey oldsmobile.... but I really can't remember much more than that....they went out of that area though that leads to the highway I think.......I need to head home now..." The lady responded, acting like she was having a very bad headache now. "Hey Tony, where are you.......................going?" Before Judy could finish asking her question, Ord and Tony bolted for their car and immediately drove off, speeding right out of the parking lot. "Hey, they're going WAY too fast!" one of the cops exclaimed, looking on at the impala that left the area. "I would be too.....that's one of my employees that was kidnapped...." Judy then mentioned to the cop. "Well if they're not careful they could REALLY hurt someone. Anyway, Ms. Muldoon, thank you for letting us know everything, we'll investigate everything and try to find out as much as we possibly can from this."

"Ok....thanks....I need some aspirin...." The woman finally replied, still looking distraught before getting back into her car to head out.

"If I get any information on anything..... I'll let you guys know first thing" Judy then mentioned to the cops that were now getting ready to head out from the station. Her body was now shaking, having absolutely NO idea of where Mike was taken.

"Thanks, we're heading out now" One of the cops said back. Everyone dispersed from the scene not long after that.

"Tony....not so fast! You could kill someone!" Ord frightfully exclaimed as Tony blazed through the roadway, trying to bypass everything possible to keep his car running along.


Ord looked at Tony's face, almost being struck with fear himself. In all the years he had known Tony, he had NEVER seen the Tiger with that much of a fierce look in his eyes. Tony's car had now left the busy part of the city, and had gotten back onto the freeway. Going a whopping 90 MPH, Ord was now hanging onto everything around him for dear life, as Tony's eyes kept getting more and more serious.

"Tony! Slow down!!!!! We don't even know if they're going the same direction!!" Ord screamed, shaking uncontrollably now. There weren't many cars on the freeway, and Tony kept passing by each one very quickly, now going 95 MPH.

****** "How long till we get up there?" The Boar asked, constantly looking back at the trunk to make sure no banging was occurring.

"Shouldn't take more than a couple of hours, they told us to meet at some rest area where a giant truck will be waiting. I think boss said that we're meeting up with some human" the cougar responded, gripping the steering wheel while driving a cool 70 MPH on the highway.

"Why do I have a feeling that someone saw what we did though?" The boar asked, still looking back at the trunk.

"No one saw us, at least I couldn't see anything. I think I did see a couple guys walking towards the entrance but he was like 7 or 8 rows away from us. Besides, we were in a corner of the lot so not many people can see everything in the area we were parked at."

"Yeah, those trees being there I think helped, but still, I have a bad feeling...."

"Don't worry, as long as we go the speed limit and play everything cool, we'll get there. The cops won't have shit on us."


"Damn, someone is REALLY coming up fast, look behind at that car!" The boar pointed out, though the Cougar kept driving along.

****** ".......................you son of a BITCH!!!" Tony screamed, now noticing an Oldsmobile as he kept blasting by cars on the highway. "Tony.....slow down please!! The cops will get you before you can reach mike!!" Ord shouted frantically.

Tony was not listening. He saw the grey car with the license plate 745-JEB, and gripped the steering wheel harder than ever, now almost going 100 MPH on the highway. "What are you going to do Tony? Mike is in there! You could hurt him!" Ord exclaimed, shaking in fear more than ever. Ord then closed his eyes to let Tony do what he needed to, wondering if he would live to see another day. Just then, he heard a noise coming up from behind the Impala.


"FUCK!!!" Tony screamed, now having a cop chasing his tail with his lights flashing throughout the highway. Tony was now VERY close to the Oldsmobile. He then mentioned very softly "Better hold on Ord, I don't care what happens here....I gotta save him".

Ord still had his eyes closed, as the cop was now almost right on Tony's tail. Cars were getting out of the way left and right as the chase kept occurring, yet the Boar and the Cougar didn't even notice that they were the ones being the mouse, with Tony being the Cat and the cop being the dog.

***** "Better get out of this car's way, that police car is hot on it" Jim mentioned. "Yeah....but he's in our lane...what the fuck is he doing?!" Eric replied, now noticing that the car was getting near their rear bumper.

"Wait.....oh.......fuck....." Eric replied very slowly, now looking in his rear view mirror and seeing who was behind the wheel. "SHIT!! HANG ON..." With that said, the Cougar sped up his Oldsmobile as fast as he could. "Shit...this thing can't handle anything over 85!" the Cougar shouted, still looking back and seeing that the Chevy was RIGHT ON THEIR TAIL. "FUCK! That car is going to hit us no matter what it takes!" Eric screamed, bracing for impact from the Impala.

****** "Unnnn....gggghhhh......umnffffffff......." I mustered, barely being able to breathe as I woke up in total darkness with my body taped up, as well as my mouth. "What the fuck happened?!" I thought to myself, seeing nothing but a tiny glimmer of light near the crack of what looked to be a trunk door. It was then that I realized that I was looking into an Oldsmobile earlier on, only to not remember anything after that. I struggled with the duct tape that was around my body, trying to do ANYTHING I could to free myself. The bumpiness of the area that I was in gave me a headache, and my head felt like it was throbbing uncontrollably. I didn't even know who attacked me, or where I was going. I apparently still had my Ipod on me since that was in my buttoned pocket on my Khaki shorts, but I couldn't reach it with my body being the way it was. It wouldn't have helped much anyway, though I could've tried to leave a note on it somehow.

I kept struggling, trying to find a single way to muster loose out of the tape wrapped around me. I started to feel a part of the tape wiggle a bit near my legs, when I felt a sudden jolt in the trunk.


Something had hit the car, with the force of the hit throwing my body into the metal wall of the trunk, immediately knocking me out again.******

"TONY STOP IT!!!! YOU COULD HURT HIM!!!!!!" Ord shouted as Tony smashed the front of his car into the bumper of the Oldsmobile in the far right lane of the highway. Tony seemed like he wanted to personally get his hands on the guys in the front seat of the car, who were now frantically moving back and forth in their seats from what Tony was seeing. "Those bastards....come out and fight you motherfuckers!" Tony screamed, before something else took the both of them by surprise.


The cop that was on Tony's tail had moved into the middle lane, getting on Tony's blindspot while Tony was focused on the oldsmobile in front, and sideswiped Tony in efforts to stop his car. The sideswipe forced the Chevy to hit the guard railing, causing a VERY bad dragging noise against the right side of the car. " .....MIKE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Tony shouted as loud as he possibly could, while Ord still had his eyes closed, not wanting to see anything that was happening. Tony's car dragged so badly that it caused the car to slow down very quickly and have sparks fly out on the right side of the car, while the Oldsmobile drove off and proceeded to get further and further away from the Impala. Eventually, the car was out of sight, and Tony felt like he was going to break down at that one moment.

"GET OUT OF THE CAR!!!!!!!!!" A loud voice shouted from behind as Tony's car came to a complete stop on the breakdown lane, after dragging against the guardrail for a good several hundred feet. "..................Mike........" Tony spoke softly with his head down on the steering wheel, now realizing that the car was gone.

"GET DOWN ON THE GROUND!!!!!" The cop yelled as loud as he could, with Tony slowly opening his door not long after. The male leopard had a gun drawn and had it pointed right at the Tiger. Tony immediately got down on the ground, not even thinking about what he had just done in terms of speeding and hitting another car. All he could think about was one thing......Mike was gone.