A New World -Chapter one: The Dream, The Wish, The Future

Story by bruskedragon on SoFurry

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A New World

Chapter 1:

The Dream, the Wish, the Future

Sebastian, (aka me!!)

I wake up violently in the pitch black of the night, panting and sweating from the horrific nightmare I had just experienced. It has been the same one for the past week or so. The "dream," starts off with me alone in a room. I don't know how I get there or what room I am in. all I know is that the room is dark and cold, and from what I can tell, it's spacious. I see a door with a dim light shining out from under it, and head toward it. As I open the door and am about to step through it, I suddenly feel a rough, scaly, clawed hand grab my shoulder firmly. Frozen if place from fear I hear words but I can't make them out no matter how hard I strain to hear. Suddenly I am spun around to find myself facing a menacing, evil, grinning face of a dragon. It stares at me with a hunger and licks its lips and shard teeth. Then just as it lunges at my face open mouth ready to bite my face off I wake up.

I head to bathroom to wash myself off and get the stench of sweat off of me. All I'm wearing is my underwear so I don't have to worry too much about changing clothes. As I get to the top of the stairs and head down the hall to the bathroom I see my bedroom door and window open letting a crisp chilling breeze into the house. Finding it odd I walk into the room and close the window. I turn around to find my door now closed which I don't remember doing but I pass it off as me being sleep deprived. I see the dim light from the stairs shining in from under the door. I walk to the door and open it, and on my way out I feel a hand soft reassuring and comforting, but at the same time firm strong, scaly and ... CLAWED!! I begin to panic and my mind starts racing hope it is just a dream but at the same time knowing it's real.

"Hello, Sebastian. Don't fret I'm here as a friend and I'm here to give you something you asked for not too long ago," the stranger says, his voice gruff but not scary, almost as though he has know me his whole life. He swiftly, but gently, turns me around. I then see the familiar face from my dream, but it has changed. His face seemed softer, kinder, and even gentle, and a feeling of slight relief flooded over me. I looked at his eyes, which were stately silver in color, mesmerized at the beauty of them. I just stare at him dumb founded and in awe, but not breaking eye contact. "I know you don't know who or what I am, or how I know you, and even probably what I'm doing here." He talks to me like a parent giving instructions, caring but firm enough that you don't ignore them. I'm still I awe just staring and wondering exactly what he just said. After a few moments of silence he continues, "My name is Zerok. I am what you humans would call a 'furry'. A few weeks ago you made a wish, not a small wish either, but you wished for it with great heart and thus have been allowed that wish to be granted." I think back and remember the evening when I made the wish. It was a warm nice night with a gentle breeze rolling through the town. It was cloudy but I could still see the moon and opposite it on the other side of the sky I saw a lone star shining through the clouds, I recognized it as the star Arcturus. I decided, even though, or so I thought, that it would not come true, to make a wish. I wished that I would be able to become a furry of my choice, to be specific a horse furry, and that all those who identify themselves as furries would become furries. The rest of the world would become furries too, but would believe that several decades ago we mastered genetics and made the world furry or something similar like that. "Now, to have your wish granted there are a series of tasks that you will need to do." I was now in complete shock and disbelief at what I was being told, but I didn't want to interrupt and was listening intently. "I won't disclose what these tasks are but your must succeed or your wish shall not be granted."

I stood waiting to see if he would say something else. I sat down thinking if I really wanted to do this. "He said I would be able to become a furry... but the tasks, what are they, and I don't know if I will even be able to succeed. Hm, well I will not know until I try and this would be a dream come true. But what if it is something I can't do? What if they don't play to my strengths? Oh I just don't know. I guess I should try."

"These tasks will take place at my village, but to enter the village you have to first become a furry. This will be permanent but you won't have to worry about that because you will still be in a society of furries. To become a furry you have to have the seed of a furry in your body and I think you understand what that means. Now you may think it over as long as you like, but I will ask now, do you accept this opportunity?"

Sitting blankly I stare at him, looking at his body. To me he was tall, very well hung by human terms, quite muscular but not to the point where it looked excessive, his body looked smooth but the scales added a nice texture to it. He also had a pair of wings that I believe that when outstretched would be quite large and allow him to carry a great weight while flying. His tail was the most interesting part though, it was long , but not long as in to the floor, but maybe twice that, it was thick at the base but became thin with the end not a point but slightly rounded. It also had slight bumps on the sides and top of it with a row of rounded spines going all the way from the tip of his tail to just before the top of his head. I thought this whole thing over carefully wondering, "do I take the plunge and be happy even with the partial success or do I regret not trying and stay where I feel comfortable. Looking at him is wonderful, I mean he is gorgeous. I would love to, but I'm scared and don't want a broken heart. But I might as well try because my dream will come true at least for myself at the least. But I'll think the night over it and decide in the morning." After I moment, a stated, "Let me think this through, and I'll decide on what to do in the morning. I just don't want to rush. You can make yourself at home and sleep here if you'd like, I'm going to take a shower and then I'm going to head off to bed. Oh and there is food in the fridge downstairs so you can make yourself something. Well, good night." I smile at him and walk off to the bathroom closing the door quietly behind me.


I look at him admiring his body as he walks off and closes the door to take a shower. "He's so cute and that's so nice of him to let me stay here, but he really didn't have to give me his bed. I've watched him ever since I was a child because when I was told that I would be destined to be with him I just had to know who he was. I know everything about him. He is 21 from the state of Louisiana in America and was kicked out of his home at 16 when his parents found out he was bisexual. They thought it was wrong. He still went to high school, he got a job, and he moved here to Tromso, Norway for college 3 years ago. He is 6'2 blond and has the most gorgeous blue-grey eyes that seem like they could calm anyone who look at them. He loves the outdoors and is interested in archery and broadswords. He has never dated or mated with anyone because he never found his true love. He is kind and calm and good looking. He cares more for others than he does for himself, and even though all the trouble and hatred he has dealt with he shows no spite or anger toward anyone. He is adamant about anything and everything he does. He love to paint and sculpt and his life experiences are show through the expression in each of his pieces. He can sing and is very athletic. He is selfless and when given the chance will help anyone. He is currently and intern for the local vet working in town and animals just warm up to him faster than anyone else there. I am scared that he might not like me though, what if he goes off with someone else. I hope I don't have my heart broken." I am sitting there as still as can be just thinking about him and what his decision might be. I lie back and stare at his ceiling; it's painted to look like the night sky as if seen for everything it is and more. I see the erratic and the calm smooth brush strokes giving off emotion of the past, the light and dark contrast of the deep blues and blacks, overlapped with the subtle yellows, reds, and greens, and the sharp defined white stars, galaxies, and the milky way. His walls have a collage of small pictures painted of him and his parents, his small little sister and their cat, and pictures of his favorite locations and views, pictures of random people and buildings, all correlating in some way to his emotions and family. The room its self rather plain with: his bed, nightstand, and some drawers, and his closet. They are all a calm blue color varying in tint and tone. In awe I look over everything. The trees look like they could just start growing all around, the rivers flow right out of the wall, the skies immense, and the people as if they could start moving like movie changed from pause to play. I look at the pictures of his family the detail of every hair and scar and detail exactly the same as if they were right there. His little sister a cute little brunette, a little pudgy around the age of four or five, holding a teddy bear like it was her only comfort standing between her mom and dad with her brother maybe 14 at the time holding her close. Her eyes were a vivid blue, deep, and warm. She has her hair in braids. In some she is running with him in others drawing with chalk, but always she had that teddy bear. I looked closely at it and saw on the foot in one picture sewn in "From your loving brother, I am always with you" it was so fine but it was there. Sebastian always drew her, when he drew his parents they always had a tired look in their faces, but they had a loving, caring look, never a negative emotion was ever shown.

I look at one of the drawers; it has a picture sticking out of it. I open the drawer to find letters sent by his sister who now 7 seven years older has been sending him secretly with pictures of her and their parents. I look over them, and I notice his parents never have a happy face, only longing and distraught. The pictures of his sister, her name is Suzanne, are from all different occasions both happy and sad, and there are pictures of her with her friends many of them supportive of him and all going to the GSA he had started at his high school. I guess she was actually 8 years old but she always looks so young and now she is 15. I read over one of the letters and it tells of how their parents miss him and wish they hadn't disowned him, but they don't know that after he was kicked out he went on. They think he's dead. I found he changed his last name. Suzanne writes that after she graduates she plans to move in with him. After I read it I set it back down and closed the drawer slowly and quietly. I hear him humming in the shower since its right on the other side of the wall. I lie back down on the bed and just listen to him, the sound of his singing lulling me to sleep.

I wake up suddenly not realizing I had fallen asleep. I look out the window and see it's just the start of sunrise, the faint glow of light blue filling the sky. I leave the room and head downstairs to the kitchen remembering him saying that I could make myself something to eat. As I walk in I'm startled to find him already there frying up some eggs and bacon. I forgot that he was a good cook too. I take a deep breath, breathing in the delicious scents of food, and then exhaling, a little louder than I meant to. This startled him and he almost drops the pan he is holding, and then looks back to see me. I could tell he was a little shocked to see me, I'm guessing he forgot that I was upstairs him probably thinking it was a dream.

"Well good morning Zerok," Sebastian exclaimed somewhat excited, "go ahead and sit at the table over there, the foods almost ready!" He points to the table across the room with the spatula he is holding, and then resumes to cooking the food. I suddenly see a pancake flip in the air, me not realizing that he had those going too.

Blushing, I stutter, "oh, um, thank you. I-it smells delicious, but, uh, you don't have too, really..." I sit down at the table and stare over at him.

"Yes, I do, and I insist, you are a guest after all. I was thinking this morning about what you said, unsure if it was a dream of not, and I've decided. But I'll tell you after breakfast. I'm quite relieved though that it wasn't a dream. I was thinking of going to my bedroom to check but I didn't for fear of waking you," he walks over and sets a tray of pancakes on the table and a bottle of syrup. I look at him, admiring his kindness, I really did love him, and I'm happy to get this chance to be with him. He walks back and sets down the bacon and eggs on another tray and hands me a plate and silver ware. "So what is it like in your village, I mean you seem pretty comfortable in these surroundings, but your clothes are... tribal, I would say so I'm just curious."

I look at him and think for a moment he was only wearing a pair of underwear and a sleeveless T-shirt. He was watching me intently waiting for an answer, sipping coffee out of his mug with his calm face. I begin, "Well we use the same devises more or less that you do so it's easy for us to live, but the clothing we were is like this one because it is comfortable but also because we still believe in our traditions of using these for ceremonies and battle but we also use them for every day because the clothes you all wear would look weird for us but that is our opinion. I also brought some for you, but it won't really fit unless you become a furry. So life is normal more or less compared to your culture." He just looks at me with those steely-blue eyes of his with great fascination.

"That's so cool! So how do you like the food I hope it's enough. It is just a simple meal. Would you like some juice 'cause I have orange and apple. Or I can make you some coffee, and I have milk to if you prefer that"

"I'll just have some orange juice please." And put a few pancakes on my plate and some bacon and eggs, then chopped it all up and ate it. He comes back shortly and sets a pitcher of orange juice on the table, after pouring me a glass. He smiles at me and I could tell, even though I was not paying attention to him exactly, that he was watching and examining me. My clothes consisted of a leather strap that goes across my torso with a buckle and a place for me to attach a pouch or bag, and leather belt with cloth coverings on both front and back that go about knee length to cover ourselves. I looked up at him and he had this look of fascination on his face but I could tell that he was not really paying attention and his eyes were somewhat closed, for the fact that he was still a bit tired, and he would take a sip of his coffee occasionally.

After I finish scraping up the last of my food, I look up at him and say, "Well that was very good, thank you very much, but you didn't have to go through all that trouble just for me."

His eyes widen as he starts paying attention again. "It's alright I wanted to, and besides I did it because you were a guest here. So don't worry about it. So I was thinking about what you said last night it think that I will do it. I mean I have nothing to lose by trying, and everything to gain. I would become a furry which I've always wanted and even if I fail and I don't make the world 'furry' I wouldn't care because I would be in a society of furries. And it would be awesome once I was a furry. Now why don't you head upstairs and I'll join you shortly, and don't worry about the dishes I'll take care of them."

"Are you sure, I could help you if you'd like."

"Yah besides I don't want to burden you because of what your already doing for me which I am quite grateful for."

I watch him as he cleans up the dishes and hesitantly I walk upstairs to wait for him.


_"Oh, this is so exciting, I can't wait. All I have to do is finish with these dishes, and then I get to have some fun and I will finally be a furry!"_I kept thinking to myself that over and over as I scrubbed the dishes clean. I only had one more dish left, and I could not believe how much food he ate but I guess all things considered I would too if I was as big as he was. I wasn't able to stop thinking about him, Zerok was so hot and I think I was falling for him even though I have only known him for less than a day. I haven't loved anyone till now so it was surprising me to the point where I believe I found my true love. I finished the dishes and I looked at myself, I was producing so much pre it was soaking my underwear. I was wearing a simple lime green and white sleeveless and some dark blue boxer-briefs. I head up stairs to my room to find him lying on the bed, erect and ready.

He looked amazing, he was a teal dragon with a tint of silver all over; his chest, stomach, and under chin were all slightly lighter than the rest of his body. His cock had to be more than a foot long, and maybe 4-5 inches in girth. His balls were like a pair of hacky-sacks. He was just staring at me waiting me I presume to take action. I walk over to the bed climb up on top of him and I begin to rub his chest and belly. He begins to make a purring sound, and I could tell he was enjoying this. With my one had still rubbing him, I take my other hand and rub his cock slowly, taking in the feel of it. It was a deep shade of violet and had small bumps and ridges all over it, and the head was flared which excited me because I knew that would feel amazing once I got started. He began to leak pre so I stopped rubbing him and began to lick it up which caused him squirm with pleasure and his purr became deeper and more guttural. His pre tasted delicious, it tasted like what you would imagine roses and honey to taste like, I almost didn't want to stop but what I wanted even more was to feel him in my mouth and I wanted everything he had to give me. I licked the entire length of his cock and then I took the head into my mouth. It was hard to fit it but luckily I had a big mouth so it wasn't too much of a strain. I took the first 7 inches of him in my mouth and began to slowly move my mouth up and down his cock. The texture of his cock sent me into ecstasy, it felt amazing swirled my tongue around his dick taking in the texture. I feel his tail start to rub over my back working its way to my hole. I stopped sucking him for a moment to take off my shirt and briefs. I continued to suck his cock milking the moment unsure if I would ever get one again. I felt his tail reach my entrance and it slowly wiggled its way in which made me groan I pleasure. It moved slowly in and out stretching me but not to the point and I could tell he wanted this to last too. Having never done anything with anyone I came, and I groaned and sped up slightly. He began to moan and I could tell he was ready for release, so I kept going, wanting to taste his cum. His tail sped up which made me writhe, and he began trusting, suddenly and came what seemed like gallons into my mouth. There was so much I could not swallow it all, most of it spilling down his cock. The flavor of his cum was like that of his pre but intensified and addictive in taste. His cock was still rock hard and ready for more but I stopped and pulled myself away and began to lick up everything I could not swallow.

After I had "cleaned" it all up I looked up at him, and he had this lustful, loving look on his face. "Now are you ready for the ride of your life?" he said still with a faint purr in his voice. My eyes told him everything because he got off the bed, pulled his tail from my ass, causing me to groan wanting more, and then climbed on top of me. He took the head of his cock and rubbed it against the entrance, and the pleasure it was sending through me made me back up into it. He pushed it in gently not wanting to hurt me, and slowly worked it in. The sheer size made me gasp, but it didn't hurt which surprised me, his tail didn't stretch me near enough for him to go in that easily. My body was in pure ecstasy and pleasure, and by then I had cum another 2-3 times. I don't know how long it was, because I wasn't paying attention but I suddenly felt the base of his cock go in which surprised me that I could take the entirety of his length. He began slow steady pace going almost all the way out and then back in, the flared head tickling my insides and the bumps and ridges just massaging me the entire way, it felt amazing. By now I was panting and twitching with pleasure.

"I..*huff-huff*.. love you..." I manage to say panting with pleasure. Could barely do anything it felt so good. After say that he speed up which caused to explode with feeling and gasp deeply and suddenly.

"I love you too!" he said, and at that moment I knew I found the one I truly loved. He slowly picked up his pace and finally with one last thrust came inside of me, the warm fluids filling my insides and leaking out the opening of my now well stretched ass. I could feel it seeping into my skin and just before blacking out he picks me up and kisses me.


My name is Sebastian. I am a third year at a university in Norway. Form this you might have guess I am gay, but in truth I am bi. I am six foot two and I identify myself with horse furries. I love dragon and tiger furries. I am a wishful, happy, and positive person, and today my life has changed forever. I love karate and taekwondo. I use broadswords and bow and arrows. Zerok is a kind and loving dragon anthro who you will all learn about in the future. My life was ordinary and now I will embark on an amazing adventure. Hope you like my "tail". Hahaha.


well this is a long story at least 5-6 pages in size 12 font on microsoft word. you might be able to tell maybe not but im a virgin but im quite proud of this 1st chapter of my story. it took about 4 days to write and im in high school as a senior so if you notice any repetition or its not that great quality of writing thats why. im very proud and there will me much more to come. hope you liked it. ~Sebastion


CH 2 http://www.sofurry.com/view/291775