The Fangs of the Mountain

Story by Arghos on SoFurry

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So here is another Sergal story, one that had been on my mind for some time. It has some story to it, so if you want to skip to the sex, hit ctrl + F and find beads. It is the beginning of the sex scene. (No beads are actually involved.) Enjoy the story! And don't forget to comment, fave, and rate!

The Fangs of the Mountain

My eyes narrowed as sweat dripped from my brow. The dummy was a good league away, and the other soldiers behind me whispered and exchanged bets. The bow was taught beneath my fingers as the wind rustled in the trees. I had seen many other warriors try to take the same shot, only to miss. I would not fail. A crack resounded in the area as the long, bladed shaft pierced the air and soared in an arc through the sky. "Nice shot." The general yelled as my arrow hit the straw dummy in the head. I looked over my shoulder and nodded at her, noting the countless scars on her leather armor, and the blood lines drawn under her eyes. Her fur was a pale blue, only accented by the white of her underbelly, a strong arm held a spear as the other held a shield, two items she never left camp without. "High praise general. One I hope is well deserved." I said as I unstrung the bow and leaned against it. She merely nodded her head and let out a feral howl, signaling for the troops to return to camp. It had been rigorous, the weeks of training I had undergone. A constant flood of sparring rituals, archery training, and history of war. It was not what I was expecting when King Maredecus asked me to be the first human soldier in the Northern Sergal army. "We need this alliance, the southern kingdom has allied themselves with the southern Sergals." I remembered the king saying. "You are the best knight we have, you are master of the bow, and a master of the spear. From what the elders have conveyed to me, you also have other talents as well." I shook my head, trying to focus on the troops as they walked into the camp. A roaring fire in the center of the forest clearing signaled the entrance, and around it formed a circle of small huts and makeshift housing. I heard the rhythmic pounding of a smith's hammer, and saw sparks flying from the furnace as a modestly heavy set Sergal worked the steel of a large sword. He looked at me with his one eye, the other covered in a star formational scar. "Human! Come here." He called out. I broke from the group of soldiers and approached him, watching intently as he drew the blade from the water, all five feet of it. It was clearly a bastard swords make, the width roughly wider than my hand face down. The dull gray metal did not shine, and held no reflection, so it was most likely a fusion of one or more metals, as was Sergal custom. I noted the handle was only wrapped with a layer of leather, he hadn't made a proper wooden handle yet. He whipped the blade above my head, testing the weight as it came crashing down on a log behind him. The log split in two with a resounding crack, to which he smiled as if aroused by the blade work. "This is a known as a Fang of the North. We have made few in the time since the beginning of the war, only handing them to the generals and riders on the front lines. I plan on giving this to the General, and I wanted a humans opinion on it." He laughed as he tossed it to me. His laughing ceased as I snatched the blade from the air, swinging it so the tip came menacingly close to his scarred muzzle. I ran the my hand along the flat of the blade, testing the metal for any marks or warps in the blade itself. "It's unwieldy as hell. You would need to raise it far above your head, and the attacks would be sluggish at best." The Sergal blacksmith snapped his tail against the ground, and his claw rested on the tip as he dragged the blade lower. "So what would a human do to make it more wieldy?" I laid the blade on the anvil and pointed to the tang. "You can make the handle twice as long as the original design, adding more room for the hands to maneuver, thus allowing more leverage to be added to the swings. " The aged blacksmith scratched his chin as a fanged grin extended along his jaw, the fires of artistic creation exploding in his eyes. "A longer handle? I could that would be to garish... perhaps I could." He forgot I was even here, standing next to a blade I could handle, a human no less." "Well what do you want, shove off!" he finally yelled, grabbing the blade and retreating behind a fabric veil. I sighed and left the yurt, following the suddenly intoxicating smell of fresh meat and alcohol. I walked past the men as they repaired the armor or comforted the female warriors, and I suddenly realized why they looked at me with such disdain. Sergal men never saw combat. It was a matriarchal society, one where the oldest and wisest females were treated as priests, shamans, and queens. The General was no exception. She had lived through countless battles, and for that held the highest seat in the northern tribe. I walked into the large canopy tent, watching the females compete in acts of strength, endurance, ad agility. Darts flew like sparrows through the air, as did blood and teeth in the sparring ring, where two could settle their differences amongst watchers. I spotted the general, her shield and spear propped against her table, and approached her. "General, permission to sit." She looked at me momentarily before drinking from her wineskin, her breath smelling of death and meat. "Sit Cassiel, I wished to speak with you anyway. " she replied as she drew a scroll from the folds of her armor, rolling a map onto the table and slamming her knife in the corner to hold it in place. "Here is where we are." she said as a claw pointed to a small grove in the mountains. "And here is where the southern forces are gathering." She implied, pointing a good months trip down south. "They are so far, so why do we advance?" I asked as I leaned in the fur covered chair. "For they believe us to be weak. They stay hidden in the sands in which they live, hopping up like toads with poisoned darts and whips. "A dirty tactic indeed." I replied grimly. She growled and rolled the map back up, twisting it in her hands as she looked back at her soldiers. "They are strong, we will drag them down." I comforted. "I know that Cassiel. My soldiers are strong, but the southern kingdom has sent a rather strange request." She looked at a Sergal that stood in the corner, her head facing the floor as she sharpened a menacing set of daggers. Her fur was a lighter shade of blue than the other members, and her muzzle was longer and slimmer. I realized she was not a pure northern Sergal. Her expression became one of anger as her blade slipped, and I saw her finger collide with the blade. "She isn't apart of this tribe is she?" I asked. "She is the Lords daughter. The southern lord raped one of my closest soldiers..." the generals face became one of sadness. "My closest friend." "Is she the effect of their union?" The general nodded her head and stood up, taking spear in hand as we walked towards her. "The lord has stated he will withdraw his forces moving north if he can have her. We all have spoken, elders and humans, deciding that she will return." I stopped her and held my hand out. "you cant send her back, who knows what lord Arekesh will do to her, how do we even know he will live up tot the agreement?" I hissed. Her eyes became golden globes of ice as her hand wrapped around my neck, and the other soldiers stared as she lifted me off the ground. "My soldiers are my concern and my concern only, you will do well to learn that human." I reached behind my back and drew my knife from my belt, swinging it around and slamming the hilt into her hand. She cried out in pain as she dropped me, and I pivoted into the fall and crouched low, the blade tightly gripped in my hand. "I will not let you do that, all of us deserve a place here, and none of us would dare sacrifice another." a few Sergals behind me muttered an agreement, and the general narrowed her glare as she grabbed her spear. "If you wish to argue your point, then we will settle it with claws and fangs. Come and fight me in the center of camp, if you wish to prove yourself dominant." "Fine." I growled. The young Sergal behind me barely noted my actions, following the group as the general led me to the center, two men drawing a circle in the dirt with white dust. She stood in the center and removed the leather straps holding her armor to her chest, and a cascade of white and blue fur fell out as her hand carelessly cast the armor aside. Standing before me only wearing her leather greaves and a leather tunic; the general appeared a strong opponent. Her arms were well defined and tight, exposing the knotted muscles within, scars could easily be spotted, but my eyes were drawn to hers, my flame versus her ice. I removed my own armor as well as my tunic, throwing it outside the circle. "Give the human a blade, make this match fair." She yelled. The blacksmith ran to my side and presented a dagger, one of the same steel as his sword from earlier. I looked at him as his eyes glued to the floor, and I knocked the dagger from him with a growl. "I do not need a handicap general!" I roared. Her eyes felt like ice on my soul, and smile hinted at her lips. "Very well. Then let us declare wagers." "My terms are simple, if I defeat you, then you let us march on the capitol of the Southern forces, and rip the flesh from their bones. You will also not bow to the demands of Arekesh." The general thought on it a moment, and then smiled and nodded her head. "If I win, then you yourself will escort liandra to Arekesh." "Agreed." There was whisperings among the watchers, and all eyes fell to the young female Sergal as her eyes darted to us. "I will try not to break you human, but I make no promises." I yelled a challenge and rushed at her, my fist colliding with her ribs, the sound the first of many. Her eyes whipped down and her claws came down with a heavy hammer attack, and I had barely enough time to dodge as her claws sunk into the earth. I rolled away from her onslaught of swipes, making connections with kicks and punches where I could. "Well versed human, I see why your king sent you here." Her words came out in a ragged growl. I blinked and saw her body connect with mine in a tackle. We rolled on the ground as my naked chest pressed against her tunic, and a sudden gasp escaped her lips as my knee brushed against her thighs. Her body was hot against mine, the sounds of our bodies slamming in the dirt echoing against the trees and silence of the night. She rolled over again and mounted me, her arms pinning mine down as her dripping maw came close to my face. "you are bested human." she whispered, trailing her tongue along the side of my face. "Am I?" I smirked. I raised my hips and made contact with her crotch, and her face grimaced with pleasure, giving me a second to release one of my arms. I flung my fist at her face, smashing a good hit against her jaw. She rolled off me and chuckled, her tongue flicking off the blood from her lip. "An impressive tactic, using my heat against me, if you were a Sergal, I would have you ravaged and covered in marks of my teeth right now." "well that's a shame." I said after spitting my own blood onto the ground. I raised an open hand in front of me and issued another challenge, waiting to see how she would respond. What an interesting Human. The general thought to herself as she looked at the male combatant in front of her. His attacks were well calculated, strong, and had some kind of unseen force behind each one. "I am almost spent Cassiel, lets say the next attack declares the winner." she huffed. I closed my eyes, I felt the power leaving my body as we stood, awaiting my reply. "Very well. No holding back general." Her grin widened, and I saw her long sharp fangs beneath her lips. "Never dream of it." I rushed forward, my hand raised back and curled into a fist, hoping to knock her out unconscious with a final charged blow. She smiled and I witnessed her jaw unhinge, and as I tried to throw the punch, my arm ended up in her mouth, which snap shut like an iron trap. I felt my feet lift off of the ground as she whipped her head and me around, flinging me to the ground with the crunch of my bones. I felt every bone in my left arm crack and snap, and a cry of pain echoed across the campo as her mouth broke its grasp. I lay on the ground puking and staring at my mangled and broken arm, the others watching silent as the night itself. "you came close human, but you forgot the element of surprise." the general stated as she leaned her head back and swallowed my blood in one gulp. The act itself was frightening, but I felt a small pang of arousal as she did it. The way she fluidly leaned her head back and drank my blood, the look on her face as her body shuddered while doing so. "General, how will this man escort me if his arm is chattered?" Came a soft yet strong voice. I struggled to look up and saw liandra facing the general, and for the first time I saw her eyes, eyes that were as blue as the mid-day sky. Her hands held a knife to the generals throat, and in the condition I left her, I doubted she could beat the young one. "him? He will be healed by tomorrow. And that is when he will take you back to the Southern forces." the general growled. "liandra, leave her, I have lost, and will live up to my promise." I managed to choke out, using my good arm to stand. She came to my side and gingerly picked up my arm, gasping as she witnessed the punctures began to slowly close themselves. "What are you?" she asked quietly. "A mage, a user of magick, wielder of the arcane." The general called out, her eyes falling on the troops. "Imagine if one man, one spellsword like him could almost defeat me, what chances do you have with a few hundred, a thousand of the best under Arekesh' command?" The troops turned their head down in thought, some even looking frightened. "How long have you known general?" I asked, grabbing a spear from the weapon rack to stabilize myself. "Since I tasted your energy rich blood. A rare delicacy among my people, you best cover the wound, lest my troops descend upon you at night." I grunted and limped to my tent, only to have liandra grab my good arm and loop it around her shoulder. She did not speak to me as I laid on my cot, and left without so much as a word, leaving me to my own thoughts and dreams.

~The next day~

I awoke to the sounds of armor clashing together, and I quickly bounded out of ym tent with a repulse talisman I hid under my cot in hand. I saw the troop gathered half circle around liandra and the general, who were fighting with acrobatic movements. I walked forward and saw the blacksmith, a wrapped package in his hands, tears in his eyes. "what's going on?" I asked. The two fighters froze as all eyes fell on me, the blacksmith spitting on my feet as he threw the package to the ground. He stormed off as liandra went to a pack, her strong arms lifting it with ease. The general approached me and bent forward to pick up the package the blacksmith had brought, taking the fabric off of it with care. "You will be escorting liandra to the Chrysemere mountains, there Arekesh will meet you with a small battalion to pick her up. He will then give you an agreement and truce, which you will bring back to me." she said as she drew out a sword of a make I never had seen. The blade was dark gray, with speckles of reflective steel, the pommel in the shape of a diamond, which connected with a long rosewood handle ending with a steel ring wrapped with a string of red chord, a symbol of the Northern tribe. "Take this blade, forged with the blood of my self and the others of this tribe, and do what must be done." I took the blade and strapped it across my back, feeling the weight of the long sword. liandra stood beside me as she nodded at the general, and then to me. "It is a three days walk, we should make haste." "indeed, thank you general, for sparing my life." I said with a bow She took my shoulder in her hand and smiled, her eyes speaking unspoken commands. "You have earned the honor of calling me Rain. My name is Rain Silves to you from here on Cassiel." "Thank you General Rain. I will carry out my duty." I said as I placed a fist to my heart, bowing before walking away. liandra awaited me at the edge of camp, a pack slung across her back and daggers strapped to her side. I smirked and looked at the sun rising above the peak of the mountains, casting a soft glow across the valley. "Are you ready Cassiel?" liandra asked as I walked to her side, admiring the beauty of the mountainside. "Yeah. I'm ready." We walked down the trail, and I looked back to see Rain nod her head at me, my instructions were clear.

~two hours later.~

The forest path liandra and I walked down was well trodden, tracks from horses and carriages apparent. liandra had been silent the entire trip thus far, her eyes locked on the trail ahead. Her hand went to her daggers once in a while, sometimes when she heard a twig break. She suddenly looked at me, her blue eyes evaluating my face and trailing down to my arms, and then back to me. "Tell me about magick." She said. I paused and thought. There were tomes full of information, what should I tell her? "What would you like to know?" I asked. She paused and cocked her head to the side, a smile suddenly spreading across her muzzle. "how did you manage to almost defeat general Rain?" she inquired. "The first thing you need to know about magick, is that mages draw their power from feelings and emotion. Each emotion has a different effect. Much like pain and rage. Rage and pain make magick fields unstable, explosive. Its easier to direct splash damage when angered. In order to direct a more precise line of magick, mages have to focus, using emotions like calmness and hope. Hope can make any spell insanely strong, even a simple levitation spell." liandra drank the knowledge in and nodded her head, her eyes shifting back in forth in thought. "what about... other emotions?" she asked quietly. "like what?" I asked, unaware of what she meant to ask. Before she could answer, we heard a roar as if from a creature of hell echo above the trees, and the sound of snapping branches echoed in the forest as a black dragon descended from the sky and landed in front of us. "A Maniculus? They shouldn't be out this far!?" liandra cried out as the beast bared its fangs and smoldering embers poured from its mouth. "What kind of dragon is that?" I asked, noticing the spikes along its entire body. "Dangerous kind. Few have ever seen them up close and live to tell." I drew my sword and held it over my shoulder, my free hand tracing unseen glyphs in front of me. Something about this dragons energy was off, and it would take my third state of vision to discern what. My third eye opened, and I immediately saw the disturbance before me. The dragon was dead, long dead judging by the chunks of energy missing from its core. Something had brought it back. "Its undead. I might be able to kill it, but first we have to make an opening for my spell." "no problem." liandra growled as she threw the pack to the side, drawing her daggers from their scabbards. She charged headlong, deftly avoiding the stream of molten fire that burst from the open maw of the dragon. I rolled to the side and held a ball of energy in my hand, calling the forces of wind and water to my aid. "Ventus Aqua." I whispered, feeling the familiar thrum of power as water beneath the earth surged forward, unleashing a small geyser in the face of the demon. The torrent of water drenched the flames, leaving bits of ash and stone clotting the dragons snout. liandra leaped onto its back and stabbed viciously, yelping as she was bucked off seconds later. The fowl creature reared it head and bellowed a roar, the sound shaking the trees and the earth beneath. "did you get beneath its hide?" I asked, my mind running through my arcane knowledge trying to find a way to kill the beast. "It's as thick as iron! My blades didn't even leave a scratch." She admitted, her breath ragged and sharp. I focused on the dragons chest, beneath its soul decaying. I would only be able to destroy it if I could break past the skin, and a sudden idea struck me. "Bite me liandra." "What!?" I looked at her and thrust my sword into the ground, pointing my extended hand at the now charging dragon. "Bite me now!" I ordered. A feral growl came from her as she came forth and sunk her fangs into my exposed arm, sending tremors of pain throughout my body. The pain was good, fear and pain suddenly became a virile fuel, which I directed into a column of energy. "Infernus Incarta!" A wall of white flame suddenly sprang forth from my hand, engulfing the dragon in blankets of fire. I saw his skin peel and burn away, a cry of pain breaking the ringing in my ears. The dragon slumped forward, and suddenly stopped feet away from me, crumpling in on itself as the flames receded, leaving a charred skeletal remain on the burned ground beneath. I felt my arms and legs weaken, and I fell forward into the waiting arms of liandra. Her eyes were filled with fear and worry, but her face and the forest around me fell into black.


_ You cannot let her fall into his hands. She is the key Peace is close You must end the violence Kill Arekesh_


I awoke with a start, beads of sweat running down my face as the sounds of night reached my sensitive ears. I looked around and saw black, the only light coming from the fire before me. Liandra sat beside, me, a sharpening stone in hand as she smiled. "glad you came out of it. I thought you had overpowered yourself." I groaned and sat up, grimacing as pain went from my arm to my chest. Liandra laid her stone down and approached, her soft padded hand pressing against my chest. "Are you hurt?" She asked, her eyes not leaving my chiseled chest. Years of training had left me with a well defined body, albeit at the cost of scars. Her fingers trailed along the first closest, a long thin scar that ran down the length of my chest. "Cant you just heal these?" I coughed and shook my head. "It takes a lot of energy to heal such wounds, some deeper than others." She released her grasp on me and came closer to me, her hand grabbing my injured arm and bringing it to her eyes. "You are not healing like the last time." "I do not have the rage I did last time, I used that source of power to heal my wounds." She looked at me with her soft blue eyes and blinked slowly. "If you were to find another source of energy, could you heal yourself faster?" "I could, but where would I find..." My words were cut short as her hand slipped between my trousers, her hand gingerly outlining the sides of my now semi-hard shaft. "Liandra? What are you doing?" I grunted. "I tasted your blood Cassiel, It was unlike anything I have ever had, and now I wish to see if your essence holds the same pleasures." she cooed as she brought her muzzle to the opening she had made, slipping her long forked tongue down the crack. I felt her tongue go along the sides, the soft, warm, wet appendage circling the head. I gasped as her hand slowly removed my pants, casting them to the side and looking at me expectantly. "My goddess... It is much different than a male Sergal..." She cooed, her hand exploring the soft flesh of my cock. Her eyes met mine as she smiled, her hand massaging my scrotum. "Pleasure is an emotion yes?" I found it hard to string together a sentence, and nodded my head as she continued to lick my cock, her hand cradling my balls at the same time. "I am glad, I wish to show you the same honor you showed me when you fought general Rain." She whispered huskily, her eyes not leaving mine as she opened her maw. The sight of her fangs made me uneasy, I had never received oral pleasure in my life, whether it be from human, Sergal, or other species. She took my cock into her mouth, moaning as it slid against the roof of her mouth and the top of her tongue. She slowly withdrew and sucked it back in, tenderly loving me as her hand went to my abs, a claw dangling across the scars. I felt pre-cum ebb from the head of my penis, and her tongue created a ravine for it to travel down. She swallowed the bit eagerly and continued to massage my throbbing member, her eyes meeting mine as I looked down to admire her. "I have never seen a Sergal commit such an act." I stated. She looked at me as if she wanted to know if I wished her to stop, and I shook my head from the pleasure. "Please continue Liandra." She purred, the resounding vibration reaching her mouth, driving me into pleasure I never knew existed. The fire suddenly roared higher as my pleasure peaked, and she continued to suck at the pre-cum flowing out of me. She stopped and slid my member out of her mouth, sparingly looking at the fire and then to me with a mischievous grin. "Was that you Cass?" she asked with a raised eyebrow. "Afraid so, I tend to lose control when my emotions take over." She purred again and rubbed my cock against her cheek, licking the tip as she did. "you really like that don't you?" I joked. She merely smiled and stood before me, her hands reaching behind her to grab at the straps that held her armor on. She sighed with relief as the raiment fell away, revealing a mane of fur covering two perky breasts. She laid on tope of me, hovering inches above my skin as her hand went back to rubbing my cock, which was well lubricated with her saliva and pre-cum. "Don't think I haven't noticed you staring. You have had your eyes on theses since before we left camp." she said while proudly displaying them in front of me. "I cant deny you have a lovely form." Her smile went away as a red flush set into her face, and she came within inches of my face. "What?" I leaned in and held her head with my good hand, my lips brushing against the soft short fur above her lips. "I got aroused whenever you so much as drew back your bow." She smiled and continued to tease me with her lips. "tell me what you would do to me." My hand reached down and cradled a breast, my thumb and forefinger pinching the hardened nipple lightly. "I would heal myself, and then have you lay back on the ground." "Boring." "I would then kiss you, our tongues lapping around each other exchanging juices." "Better... then what?" "I would release you from those greaves, planting soft kisses along your thighs until I reached your moist, wanting lips." She cooed and bit my lower lip lightly, her hand quickening its pace on my manhood. "what then?" "And then I would mount you, our bodies locked in a tangled web of pleasure." She moaned loudly, her facial expressions highlighting her awaiting arousal. "And to finish?" "I would hold you on the ground as a wave of sexual pleasure washed over us, and then release my seed into you." She growled and gripped me, and I whimpered in response. "You might not have seed to finish with." she state as she lowered herself back to my cock, her mouth sliding back over as she suckled every drop of fluid that came from me. I leaned back onto my knapsack and let her work, her mouth and tongue sending waves of ecstasy over me. I took that energy and mended my arm, bottling up the rest for later. I suddenly seized up and grabbed the back of her head, panting as her serpentine tongue wrapped around me and coated my entire thighs with her drool and saliva. The combined massage and warm sticky mixture of saliva and pre-cum engorged my senses with pleasure, and I soon felt the need for release. "Liandra... I cant hold on much longer..." She purred, and the vibration brought me over the edge into bliss. I bucked my hips and cried out, releasing strands of hot cum into her anxiously waiting mouth. She yelped wide eyed in surprise and then purred softly, her mouth sucking all of the cum she could get. Her tongue slid up and down the bottom of my shaft, as is she was thanking it for the essence. I felt her mouth tighten, milking all of the cum from me as she let me slide my cock from her mouth. She sat up and brought her face close to mine, blowing a scent of my own musk at me teasingly. She then smiled and opened her mouth, showing me the cradle she formed with her tongue, which held a gratuitous amount of my sperm within. She sloshed it around and slid her head back, swallowing the load whole and licking her lips as she did. "Delicious, I will have to do that again and savor the taste longer" Words did not immediately come to my mind. I was caught up in the ecstasy, the rapture, and the forbidden taboo I had learned in life to deny. Making love to a Sergal. "Very arousing, I might just have to sample your fine selection as well." I finally sighed, my eyes falling on her as a smile came to her face. She looked around and found a good sized boulder, and walked to it while beckoning me with her long tail. "Come and sample then." she cooed, her hands reaching to her belt as she undid the clasps with ease. As soon as her greaves came away I felt a surge in my flaccid cock, and it perked at the prospect of seeing action again. Her hips were wider than the greaves revealed, supple and curvaceous. I saw her eyes looked away from me, her hand covering the moist prize beneath. I stood and walked to her, kneeling as my hand touched hers. "Having second thoughts?" I teased. She looked down at me and smiled, allowing my hand to pull hers away, and the moist, pink folds beneath released the strong scent of arousal, and that was not the only thing that was released. Her clitoral hood curved upwards away from the walls, and I smiled as it appeared to wave me in. "Something slow to start the moment." I whispered, my palm pressing against her, moving slowly against the moist surface. She cooed softly and placed her hands on my head, trailing her claws across my scalp. "Cassiel... I want you to take me now. Throw me down and dominate my will." I laughed to myself, her arousal was driving her into heat, but I was not only a mage, but a gentleman. I would have to return her favor before either of us got dominated. "Not yet my feral little friend." I chuckled as I slid my fingers into her waiting cunt. She cried joyously, her hands grabbing tufts of my hair, her legs quivering from delight. She had probably never mated, I decided after noting the tightness of her canal. Her hood curled around my hand and urged it to go farther, as if it had a mind of its own. I smiled at the little flap of skin and pulled it back with my free hand, and saw the small clit beneath. "So that's what you've been hiding." I mused, bringing my mouth forward closer. I smiled at her as she continued to roll her head in fits of pleasure, and decided it was time to taste the prize. I licked the nub once, and I felt her legs almost cripple with the new shock. I then smiled at her, her face beaming with joy. Her juices were not of bad taste, clear, sweet arousal dripped from her as I continued to lick and finger her, groaning as my cock became hard once more. "My god Liandra, you taste delicious." I said with a grin, noticing her blush settling down. "come here and let me taste." she said with a wink. I stood, not letting my fingers leave her, and leaned in for a kiss. Her tongue grazed my lips as her mouth opened ,a and I gladly let my tongue explore the wonders inside. Her taste spread from my tongue to hers, and she moaned into the kiss, taking the taste from my mouth. I pushed my digits in as far as they would go, and she grabbed my arm with her hands and urged them to go faster. "Quit toying with me mage..." she growled. "Very well then, let me show you what magick fueled by lust can do." I exclaimed, focusing a small jolt into my fingers. My now somewhat charged hand went to her left breast, the shock causing her fur to stand to my hand. She shuddered, my hand now trailing energy not only on the surface, but inside her as well. "By the goddess!" she cried, her canal tightening even more as her body spasmed from the newfound pleasure. She lowered her head to see my hand at work, and began to hump my hand as she neared her climax. "Are you ready?" I asked, her eyes half closed and filled with lust. A steady moan was her answer as she suddenly stopped and arched her head back, letting out a howl as my hand became coated with her warm love. I pulled my fingers out and brought my hand between us, and our tongues wound around my fingers, cleaning them as best we could. "You said you would mount me Cassiel, are you ready to live up to your promise?" she stated as she got on her hands and knees, exposing her sex to me in a most arousing manner. "Not like that Liandra, tonight I want to show you how humans mate." I laid on my side and beckoned for her to bring her back to me, one hand wrapping around her outer thigh as I held it up. She seemed interested in the foreplay, and complied. I held her leg apart and guided my member to her warm cunt, the scent of arousal and sweat filling the air. "Enter mage, I beg you to." She whined, my crown brushing against the outside. I pushed my hips forward, and entered her slowly, savoring the still warm tightness of her sex. She whined, the size of my member pushing in. "Do you wish me to stop?" I asked. She shook her head violently and felt my hand reach over and pinch her nipple, while my mouth went to the nape of her neck to suckle. "This is much different than how males mate." she sighed, enjoying the exploration my hand was doing. "Have you mated before?" She looked behind at me and grabbed the side of my face, leading me to kiss her again. "Never. Although during the winter there are competitions on who can pleasure a man faster, who is better at mating. General Rain has been the champion for five years, and I learned a lot by watching." I smiled, my member suddenly growing harder at the thought of Liandra watching the general rutting with a male. "Did you like to watch?" I hissed, my suckling becoming nibbling. She gasped, her hand reaching up for mine. "Yes." I continued to penetrate her gently, loving the look on her face as she told the story. "Did you imagine you were the general?" At that question Liandra smiled and looked at me, a blue flame in her eye. "I imagined I was the male." I groaned and pushed myself in as far as I could, my thighs making contact with hers. She cried out and laughed, enjoying the sudden roughness of my actions. "Do you like the thought, me and the general rutting, our bodies entwined as she assails my cunt with her tongue?" I groaned even louder, my hand now gripping her breast as the fantasies pounded in my head. "She offered once. When we fought before our departure, she made a suggestion that if you made it back to camp alive, she would mate with you and I." The thought burned images into my mind, Rain's strong arms pinning me down as she ferociously parted my mouth with her tongue, Liandra behind her massaging her breasts. "then..." I began to say as she howled softly with each of my thrusts. "I better get us back alive." Her eyes locked with mine as we continued to mate, the sudden thrusts becoming harder and more spastic. She kissed me ferociously as our bodies burned with pleasure, the fire suddenly becoming cold compared to our mateship "Cassiel, I cant... I cant... Uuuughh." Liandra droned, losing the ability to make words. I felt it to, her canal constricted tightly on my shaft, and I felt the need to cum. "Cum with me Liandra, let our bodies climax as one." My words seemed to have an effect, her legs closed tightly as her head rolled back and a howl louder than the last split the silence of the night. I cried out as well, I felt the thick ropes of cum erupt from me, and her cunt drank at it greedily, the load feeling warm inside her. Liandra panted as her hand went to her stomach, her eyes filled with contentment. She leaned forward and kissed me, a slow ember still present in our bodies. "That was amazing." She sighed, her body turning so she could wrap her arms around me. "Indeed. Just imagine what it will be like when we return to camp." She chuckled and traced a finger along the scars on my chest. "We had best practice again before that happens." I nodded my head, sleep clouding my thoughts. "But next time, we mate like a Sergal would." "sounds exciting..." I yawned, her smile the last thing I saw before we slept in each others arms.