Sis, part 2 _ A Gray Muzzle story

Story by Gray Muzzle on SoFurry

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Sis, part 2- a Gray Muzzle story

(In part one, an Afghan hybrid ends up sleeping with her brother. In the final scene, after taking him out to dinner, then to her hotel room, she tells him the she is pregnant.)

I accidentally inhaled most of my drink. By the time I had caught my breath again, Sis was very quiet. She sat with her knees pulled up close, her arms around her knees. I could see her sex. It struck me that it was really weird, looking at my sister's sex at a time like this, but that's exactly what I was doing. It was covered with white fur, but even without shaving, I could see her pink parts. She was very matted, and the sex itself was vivid pink and swollen. My cum was leaking from her, pooling in a little dark spot under her ass. Sis was wearing her glasses. Sis always wears them, since she is mostly kind of blind. Her glasses are big, round and frameless. The size of the glasses, and the strength of her prescription make her eyes look a lot bigger, so they give her this child like cartoonish look.

"Are you OK?" she asked, after a time.

I was sitting on the edge of the bed.

"I don't know. My head is spinning. It's way too much to take in so fast. You're having the baby, I assume?" I asked. Sis nodded.

"Is this something.....I mean, did you plan.....did you mean to do this? " I was looking at the wall.

Sis was quiet for a long time. When she spoke, her head was down, and she was speaking through her legs, still drawn close to her chest.

"When Ma died, I realized for the first time, I was all alone. Looking at my situation, I knew that I didn't have a lot of options. It just happened that my time arrived just when you got here."

I pondered what she had said.

"Go on....."

"That night, I thought about There was no one else I know it was crazy, but I decided to seduce you...."

"Impregnate you."

"Don't say it like that!"

Sis was crying. Instinctively, I drew her to me. She lay her head on my shoulder. When she began to speak again, she was still crying.

"I've always loved you. I knew that what I felt.....the feelings I had, were not feelings that a sister should have for her brother. When you were dating, when you married, I was SO jealous! I dreamed that it was me laying there with you. When.......when you lost your wife, I felt terrible guilt, you know, like my bad thoughts caused it. So, I withdrew."

Sis was now kneading my chest like a kitten.

"I just knew that I wanted this more than anything in the world. It was our last chance."

"I just wish you had spoken to me first."

"Can't you see that I couldn't risk it? Sometimes you have to ask forgiveness, when you can't ask permission. And I AM so sorry......"

I held her close, not knowing what to do. She lay on my chest, neither of us speaking for the longest time. Then, she asked that question.

"Is there any part of you that's .....happy......maybe even a little?"

I looked over. I never remember Sis looking that scared. Well, maybe when she was four, and I slammed the storm door on her, and the window broke, and she was bleeding like a stuck pig. But certainly not since.

"Yeah. Actually, yes......."

I was smiling. Weird. It shocked me. It certainly caught Sis off guard. She pinned me to the mattress, her paws on my shoulders, as she knelt over me.

"Really? You are?"

Then, she grabbed me in a bear hug, and give me a fierce bite on the neck. I said nothing. Before I knew it, she was on top, her sex rubbing against mine.

People talk about makeup sex being the best. Well, I disagree. Sex where two people are scared out of their minds, and don't have any idea what to do but to fuck like animals is the most incredible thing in the world. She didn't talk, she didn't play games. She simply reached down, and put my now very erect organ into her pussy, and fucked me like a stallion. This wasn't any girly lovemaking; this was down and dirty urgent needy HUMPING. I did my best to rise to her needs. We had made love several times already, so I could hold off a while. She was full of my cum, so there wasn't so much friction. But she was possessed, needing my love like nothing I'd ever encountered. When she fell to my chest, we were both exhausted.

"Babe? Did you mean what you said? I mean about the baby? Really?"

I nodded.

"I did. But my head is spinning. I have no idea what we'll do. I do know that if you have this child, I'll be the best father to him.....or her.....that I can possibly be. I don't want to be an 'Uncle' or 'Mommy's friend'. But, what will we do? Our brother will just go absolutely nuts! There'll be scandal......."

Sis leaned over my shoulder.

"I'll be going to the farm next weekend. Come up for a few days. We can talk there."

"Gee, Sis, I don't know...."

She kissed me.

"Just say you'll come! I need do you. Come on, PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE.....

My sister's horse farm was in the farthest corner of upstate New York. Years ago, she had bought it, the only thing she could afford on her meager budget. There were fifty flat acres, a plain little house, and a generous barn. There were miles of trails to ride, and not a soul for miles. I didn't leave the city until after seven, and it took another hour plus to make the Taconic Parkway. The Taconic is a highway, of sorts. It has a median, and four lanes, but it is not elevated, and there are all kinds of unmarked intersections to snare the unwary. At least it gave me time to think. Not that that was much help. How does one make rational decisions about starting a family with your own sister?

It was after midnight when I finally arrived. There was a light on, but no sign of Sis. Finally, I saw the note.


Tried to wait up, but no could do. You know where the bedroom is.

See you in the morning.



So, I trudged up the stairs. Got my clothes off, didn't even bother to brush my teeth. I fell fave down on the bed. I slept well. I usually do there. It's so dark, and so far away from the city, there are no distractions. I have trouble, usually, but not here. Must have been tired, because it was almost eleven when I got up. Sis was no where to be found, but there was coffee made. I poured a cup, threw on some jeans and a shirt, and went outside looking for Sis. I found her at the barn.

"Afternoon, city boy!" she laughed, throwing a work glove at me, almost upsetting my coffee.

"What....?" I stammered "is this?"

Sis had been moving a full cart of hay. She was wearing these jean shorts- VERY short ones. What little leg there was was rolled into cuffs. Though she was pregnant, there was no way Sis had gained an ounce. The waist of the shorts hung loose, without a belt, and, if you were standing close enough, you could look down, and see.....well, one could see what one would be looking for at the bottom of a woman's pants. She was not wearing panties.

But that was ALL that she wore. No underwear, no bra, no shirt, just those little swear soaked jean shorts. It was a hot morning, and you could see where the sweat ran down her furry chest. Her nipples were dark and erect.

"What? You mean this?" she swept her paw across her lithe body for emphasis. "Listen; this is why I have a place like this- no one around to force their opinions.....or their clothing......on me. Why can't I do my work in comfort?"

She had a point, although she hardly looked comfortable, clothing or not.

"Alright, I'll back off. What are we doing?"

"I thought we'd go for a ride. Horses are good for the soul. We can talk....."

"Alright. Just take it easy; I'm a tenderfoot......"

She smiled.

"Such a girl! There's one more thing"

She stopped, and dropped her shorts to the dusty barnyard.

"We're going nude......"


"Oh, MAN UP!"

She was already off to get the horses.

I must admit that once the shock value wore off, it was kinda neat. Being alone with Sis on horseback WAS kinda neat. It was quiet, almost spiritual. Riding the flat trails, watching her curled tail bobbing lazily was a new and wonderful experience. And we weren't the only naked ones. We were riding bareback, with only reigns to assist us. This was a new one for me. Sitting there, with my naked ass astride a naked horse was at least a mildly erotic experience.

"I'm glad you suggested this. It was a good idea" I offered

"For a GIRL?" she chided.

"It was a good idea. I've been doing some thinking. I'm more certain than ever that I want to raise my....our.....child- as a family! But.....I have no idea how. I know we can't do it back home. I don't care- but I won't subject the child to that."

She gave me a soft, sweet smile. Her hair in bangs hung low on her forehead. Her long hair was in a braid down her back. She kept that smile. Not too long after, we reached a clearing. She dismounted, and tied our horses up. She grabbed a blanket and some water from a saddle bag. She spread the blanket, and handed me a water.

I accepted it gratefully. Never had water tasted so good. When I put the bottle down, she still had that smile. She was leaning back, arms behind her. I inhaled deeply. There was this incredible scent in the air. She must have smelled it, too. We smelled of sweat, and hormones, of dirt and horses. There was something so primal about it all, it was simply the most erotic thing I had ever smelled. Just from the way Sis looked at me, I could tell that this was exactly what she had planned.

I leaned over, and ran my index finger down her skinny leg. As if commanded, her legs parted, revealing the treasure that they concealed. Her sex wet from sweat and desire glistened in the early afternoon sun. I touched her clit. She shuddered, and threw her head back. It was then that I lowered my muzzle to her sex. Ah, that smell! Did I mention that she paused for a squat as soon as we got off the horses? There was still a drop of it clinging to her fur. She smelled of horse, and she smelled of that smell that girls get when they think very sexy thoughts. I ran my tongue over her sex, and savoured the symphony of smells and tastes that I craved. My tongue chased the scent, from her clit, to the base of her tail. She wanted it just as much, because no sooner had she cum, when she took me in her mouth.

Now, until a few weeks ago, Sis was a virgin. She had never experienced 'oral' in either direction. It is hard for me to believe that today. Sis has such a soft mouth. Maybe it's that we sighthound were bred to retrieve game, but she serviced me in a way that was sheer heaven! We 'did it' there on the blanket until both of us was fully satisfied. By then, the sun was ready to set.

"Crap!" she exclaimed "we better get going; horses don't have headlights..."

We made it home sometime after dark. With nothing to eat since yesterday, we were both starving. Sis suggested I take a bath while she cooked. I drew a warm bath and settled in. The next thing I knew, Sis was waking me up.

Sis was kneeling by the tub, looking at me with her huge, soulfull Afghan eyes. At least they were huge behind her glasses.

"Come live with me. Here at the farm"

Oh my God. I can't believe I'm actually considering this.