The Tiger Lily

Story by Pig Fly high on SoFurry

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Janet walked down the dim, deserted street, her high heels clicking on the warped sidewalk. The yellow-orange street lights cast dim shadows of the garbage on the street creating a dappled mosaic on the sidewalk. She looked down watching the shadow of her knee length skirt sway as she walked towards her apartment. As she checked her watch to see it was half past midnight, she heard a noise ahead of her. Looking up she caught the glint in the cat's eyes as it streaked in front of her. Not superstitious herself, she was just a bit spooked by the sudden movement and noise. She decided to take the road on her left home instead of turning ahead.

She hadn't been down this street before, but she enjoyed the new scenery. It was just as run down as the other street but the yellow-orange tint of the light hit the windows in the old brick buildings, reflecting like a beautiful sunset. Looking at the shimmering images in the windows she sang tunelessly to herself as she held her arms keeping herself warm. Stepping on an uneven piece of sidewalk she looked down to see a beautiful tiger lily growing out of a crack in the sidewalk. Mesmerized by its beauty she looked closer, it seemed to glow in the orange light. Unable to leave such a beautiful flower in this rocky crag of a home, she moved some chucks of sidewalk and gingerly dug around the flowers roots. Looking around she found a plastic grocery bag, taking out a newspaper and dampening it with water from her water bottle she wrapped the roots in the wet newspaper and wrapped that in the grocery bag. With the hypnotically beautiful flower safely packed up she picked up her spaghetti strap purse and headed back to her apartment.

Climbing the stairs and fumbling with her keys she opened her apartment. Kicking off her shoes she padded in her stocking feet to the laminate table where she placed the bagged flower. Walking back to her bedroom she went into the bathroom and washed the makeup off her face and relaxing as the cool night air soothed her, blowing through her long, silky hair. Half unzipping her dress she felt freed from its tight grip as she drifted silently into the kitchen. Looking at the table, her mouth fell open in silent surprise as the flower had disappeared.

Looking around at the counters and cabinets, she caught a glimpse of a shadow racing out a doorway. Silently creeping to peer around the corner of the doorway she caught sight of a long orange tail slipping around the corner, she gasped quietly in surprise. Covering her mouth to avoid letting whatever was now in the apartment from hearing her she turned to go back to her bedroom. As she turned, she heard the click of animal nails on the laminate floor. Turning back to face this new sound she felt a soft but very powerful push on her shoulder carrying her to the floor her head landing in the soft shag carpet. As she felt the animals nails rip through the dress she was wearing and lightly push into her skin, she bit her lip to keep from making a noise that might upset the animal.

Opening her eyes slowly in fear and then in amazement she looked up into the deep brown eyes of a strong tiger. His coat was as soft as plush where it touched her skin. His belly fur the white of purest snow and his back of a radiant orange, almost seeming to glow like the... like the flower! She gasped a quiet gasp in realization at the connection. Its strong tail slowly moving from side to side brushed her inner thigh, making her inhale sharply at the soft fur stroking such a sensitive area. Sensing her muscles tensing the tiger looked down sniffing down her dress, its paw still holding her down. Trying not to provoke the tiger into doing anything harmful to her she tried to relax and not move until it lost interest in her. Watching the tiger's shadow in the moonlight from the kitchen window she saw him sniff at her. Inhaling deeply the tiger smelled the woman's scent, the scent of her fear and then just barely the scent of arousal. The attack had scared her, but had excited her in a way that she could not have explained. Being dominated by this majestic beast had an effect on her that she had yet to notice. Smelling that excitement the tiger decided to investigate its paw catching the fabric of her lower dress and ripping and pulling it down. Janet's pulse quickened as she felt the thin protection of her clothes being shredded. Her panties becoming useless as they were cut and just laid over her sex. Her breasts being exposed as her dress was pulled farther down.

The white skin catching the tiger's eye, he moved his head up sniffing at her breasts tickling the sensitive skin with his hot, moist breath. His rough tongue slipping out to lick at her nipples, hardening them into peaks as Janet began to realize how turned on she was. She still feared making the tiger angry, so she kept still just hoping that he stayed to licking at her breasts as her body yearned for more.

The tiger tasted the salt in her sweat, liking the bite of it he licked until the girl below him squirmed in pleasure at the feeling, something from his memory of being a cub told him what to do next as he suckled at a nipple and then the next nipping softly making Janet squirm in pleasure. Raising her arms in pleasure Janet ran her hands through her hair as she moaned softly at the attention her breasts were receiving. Smelling a musk smell, Janet looked up to see that she was not the only one aroused, the tiger's member was hardening, growing longer. Her breath quickened at the idea of it, just as her mind rebelled at the idea, wanting it and not wanting it at the same time. The only clear thought was that she could not resist if that was what he wanted. She did not have the ability to fight him and she did not want to provoke him.

Suckling at her breasts the tiger moved his paw from her shoulder pulling the fabric of her dress with it, he ripped her dress exposing her body to him. Smelling her arousal more strongly, the tiger moved his head down, his nose tickling her skin as he moved towards her skin. She was soaked with the juices of her arousal, even her torn panties were soaked. Licking at her belly button as he sniffed his way down she squirmed at the tickle of his tongue on her stomach. Reaching her sex he inhaled her rich, strong scent. Giving a lick he got the panties out of the way. Janet gasped at the intense feeling of the tiger's first unguarded lick, with his rough tongue against her soaking, aching womanhood. Her sex ached for attention, asking for more.

The tiger tasted her sex, enjoying the sweet taste and licking more, making Janet writhe in pleasure below him. With each lick she moaned more and louder, giving up more juices to his ravishing tongue. Each lick bringing her closer to the edge and him to a full erection. As Janet gave voice to her first orgasm her body arching in pleasure as she moaned her agreement, the tiger became fully erect licking the juices she was squirting. As Janet came down from her first orgasm she realized what the tiger had in mind as she saw his full erection.

Rearranging himself above her, his first thrust missed, his member grazing her pucker. Janet's body clenched with excitement and pleasure at the grazing of her pucker, making her clench her buttocks. With a better aimed thrust the tiger slowly entered Janet. His barbed member causing her pain and pleasure, the two feelings becoming one to her. Slowly the tiger pushed further into her with each slow thrust, filling her, stretching her around his enormous girth. She moaned at the feeling of being so completely filled. Finally he paused as he hilted her, his member resting on her cervix trying to push into her womb. She looked up wanting more and met his eyes as they looked at her. A look passed between them, a question asked an answer. An expression of need replied to with a resumption of movement. The tiger started slowly thrusting into her. Slowly gaining she as she grabbed at the shag carpet, holding on to it as her body was rocked with pleasure. She closed her eyes, feeling the movement of his body into hers, feeling him stretching her. She could not take it, she climaxed, coating his member in her juices and clamping onto his member, making him pump all the harder. As she started to come off of her second orgasm the tiger roared as he orgasmed, shooting his seed into and filling her womb. The filling of his seed filling her womb brought her back to orgasm as her muscles milked his member for all of his seed. Crouching lower the tiger licked her cheek almost romantically and it lowered itself resting on her.

She felt his soft fur covering her, surprised by the loving lick that she had been given. Drowsy from the afterglow of her two orgasms and happy with the feeling of fullness of still having the tiger's member in her she dozed off. When she awoke the tiger was gone. Getting up she looked through the house for her new lover. She could not find him. Looking in the kitchen again she saw the flower on the kitchen table. Had it all been a dream? Had there ever been a tiger? Feeling her sore, but satisfied sex she decided that he had been real and that she would take care of that flower until he burst forth again.