Poker Face

Story by Mickey Torrento on SoFurry

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Poker Face

Warning: Unlike my other stories this one is straight. I thought straight furs should also get a story from me. :3

"3 Aces... Take 'em off. Hehe."

Hey there. I'm Danny.

"If you are cheating then I will make sure no one ever plays with you again."

I'm 21 years old fox and as you might have guessed I'm addicted to poker.

"You just can't stand the fact Imma gonna undress you two."

And what I love most about poker is the rules you can have.

"Heh... Getting horny about it? I'll make sure you show your fox butt first."

Oh yes... the rules can be quite dirty. Rules like this are most entertaining. See that hyena girl? The one with brown hair and blond fringe? Aye. That's Katy. She's good-looking and as far away from those stupid blondies you sometimes encounter. Speaking of blondies... this wolf girl over there is Sophie. Aye... she's blond but she's quite alright. Talkin' about body too... look eet 'em boobs. Size 37D at least... Oh yeah, I'm so getting to see them today. Seems luck is on my side.

"Checking you, guys." Katy placed a few good cards on the table but in the end she found out that once more my cards are better. It's as if the furs from above themselves wanted me to get laid today. I mean c'mon... if I can get them to undress then I will probably get them to do anything.

"That's not fair... Another Straight Flush? Are you sure you're not cheating?" She eyed me with a comic face. I smiled and replied: "'Ey... You're the one that had another ace hidden in yer bra a few weeks ago." Katy sighs and takes her undershirt off, revealing her perfect belly and awesome curves at the waist... I had to use all my self-control to continue playing.

"Enjoying yourself?" She asked. I raised my eyebrow and replied: "Not until you take more off." She grinned. I knew she had something on her mind and I soon found out. "Let's make it fair, shall we? If I or Sophie wins... you will paw off in front of us." Yep... that's Katy, h'alright. Heck... I'm gonna win anyway, right? "Alright... BUT... if I win then you two will suck me off." Sophie's ears perked up. She seemed to be shocked: "What? No one asked me if I am alright with that." She crossed arms. Katy leaned over the table to talk with her. "Hey... think of the humiliation Danny'll have to go through if we win." Sophie sighed and agreed: "Alright, alright... but if we lose then you owe me a toothbrush." This reply made me automatically assume she was actually going to suck me off.

And so we carried on playing.

"Full house. Take that sweatshirt off, Danny."

We carried on undressing.

"Flush... Pants down, Danny."

And I kept on losing. Was this a sign not to bet like that ever again? Soon enough I ended up with just underwear on. Katy had strings and bra on while Sophie still had her jeans. I looked at my cards. Hehe! Finally some luck! I placed the cards for others to see. "Three of aces. You're so taking your bra off, Katy." And indeed... my cards were the best. Katy gave me annoyed look and slowly took her bra off. I could straight away tell that her nipples were hard. It seems this game is a turn on for her. I am one set of cards away from winning!

3 Minutes later of passing cards around and doing poker faces we started putting cards on the table. I place my pair of fives, knowing I'm in danger since it's quite a weak set. She placed her cards on the table aaaaaand...

"Full house."

...I can't believe I actually lost... Katy rested elbows on the table and supported head with paws. She had a wide grin on her muzzle. "Well?" I can't believe this... "I would think you had some cards in your bra again but yeah... you don't have a bra on." I sighed, stoop up and slipped my boxers off. My 7 inch furhood was hard all that time since she took the bra off. As dirty as I am, I couldn't stop a blush of shame as I grabbed my cock with a paw. I sat down on a sofa and started slowly moving paw up and down my shaft.

The two girls were grinning at first but soon I could almost sense their interest. I clenched muscles on purpose to let a drop of pre form at the tip of my canine cock. "Like what you see?" - I asked. They both blushed so I continued: "Let's make a draw, shall we?" They knew what I meant. Sophie slowly walked up to me and said: "If you really want to..." I shook my head: "I was just giving an idea but if it's so-" She interrupted: "No, no. It's fine." She kneeled in front of my crotch. I stopped pawing to let her know she's free to touch it. With hesitation she finally places a paw on my meat. Mmh... I love that feeling of soft paws women have. She slowly started licking it. The tease drove me insane but she soon wrapped her muzzle around my cock. I felt that lovely warmth and tilted head back just to spot Katy standing behind the sofa with her pants and strings off. Her pussy was beautiful. Reminded me of rose flakes. I knew what she wanted and I smiled at her in approval. Katy placed herself in front of my muzzle as I had it tilted back. It wasn't too comfortable but who cares?

I stuck the tip of my tongue out of my muzzle and teased her clit with it. She started rubbing my white fur on the neck while letting out gasps as I drove my tongue further and further in. Sophie removed her bra and placed her globes around my meat. Was I in heaven? When she started moving them up I knew I indeed was in heaven. It got me so turned on I grabbed Katy's butt and drove her closer to slightly sink tip of my muzzle in and suck. She moaned and grabbed my head to make sure I don't stop. Heck, I wasn't! Sophie soon stopped sucking me off. Few seconds later I could feel hot softness all around my cock. I knew what that meat but I had to make sure. Looking down I saw Sophie sitting on my lap, waiting for the feeling to settle in as my cock was fully in her.

Katy quickly turned my head back to her and pressed pussy against my muzzle. I reached paws up for Katy's tits and so she leaned forward to help me out. I started massaging them, rubbing thumbs over her nipples. She was in heaven, and so was I. Sophie was going up and down my cock with her tight pussy gripping the hell out of it. "A-aah!" - Moaned Katy and thrust more forwards. I could feel my fur on the muzzle getting wet from her. She had an orgasm. I started licking here and there to give her the afterglow. I myself could feel that point of no return but I ain't a heartless dickhead.

"Sophie... I'm... You gotta stop now." She slowed down but didn't stop. My cock was on fire. I was so close but I couldn't do it to her... "Sophie!" I shouted just as she had her orgasm. Sophie then lifted herself up and placed the cock back inside her muzzle. I felt my body going through a light spasm as my load went straight into Sophie's willing muzzle. She swallowed... all of it. Then she licked her lips and got up.

We started putting clothes on and ridding any signs of our lil' secret. Half of our later we were dressed up and ready to go to the town with our poker faces as if we just finished playing an ordinary poker game.

The End

Story is copyright © Mickey Torrento

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