Corsi INC 28

Story by Joey Porter on SoFurry

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#28 of Corsi INC

Chapter 28

Cedar had called out for his sister. Corsi was already on the way, being carried by Nova Lontosh. Nova knocked at the door to Cedar's office and stepped inside. Cedar and Coyra had asked for both of them to visit to discuss something important.

When they entered, Cedar was going through a few papers and was dressed in a business suit. "I have court later today. Just the usual but something else had come up."

Corsi churred a little puzzled. "Okay but what does this all have to do with Nova? We are not getting any sort of lawsuits for him are we? Those people can't know where he is from overseas."

Cedar shook his head. "I was actually doing the books for the taxes this year and I came across something odd about Nova.

Corsi looked confused for a moment and then her eyes widened. She looked down to Nova and giggled, "Is it that you noticed Nova is the only pet in the mansion that had been here before he appeared in the magazine?"

Cedar and Coyra nodded. "He's the only one. What is so special about him? Well other than the striped fur of course."

"It's a very long story. You'll want to sit down. All this happened about a year ago..."


The music was pounding at the Black Rose. Corsi had taken the place over to scout talent for the magazine. Her closest pets were all sitting with her in the front row as fur after fur stepped up to the stage and danced their hearts out. Nearly all of the people in the club were from the mansion just taking some time out to enjoy things.

Yoiko, Lone and Corsi stood along with Tamera and Lorna the Mini furs just as one dancer had finished her routine. Lone just stared up to the stage with a blank expression. He shook his head and sat back down.

Yoiko looked puzzled down to Lone and questioned, "What?"

Lone answered, "She lacks the natural ability. She looks like she is trying far too hard on the stage. You know that is not what we are looking for."

Corsi interjected, "But she could be trained. Her body is very shapely."

"For a lioness." Tamera laughed."

"Well I say she's good. She's got my vote." Yoiko retorted and sat down.

"No way. I'm not voting for her. Maybe if she had training but this is about natural talent." Lone replied with a scoff.

Tamera and Lorna were also at opposite ends unable to agree.

Corsi shrugged her shoulders. "Well then I suppose your fate lies in my paws. And I vote yes. Welcome to Porn."

Lone protested as the Lioness bolted off the stage screaming ecstatically. Finally Lone stood once again and commented, "Okay that's it for now. We need a break."

"Yes definitely. Us microfurs have rather small bladders."

Kelly tapped her on the shoulder. One of the older pets from Greysons time. "You need help? They still haven't installed ... well ... you know."

Corsi turned around a little upset. "No way. I think I can handle it myself."

Corsi hopped down from the chair and most of the furs in the room stood up as she left and mingled with each other for the time being. The hallway was darkened due to a burned out light bulb and a soft breeze rolled in from the back alley. "I'll have to have someone lock that before we're walked in on."

Corsi squeezed her way under a small gap in the door to the restroom disappearing from sight. From the hall, one could barely hear Corsi's struggles inside. Amidst a boatload of cursing and straining came the distinct sound of a light splash of the mouse accidentally falling into an undisclosed body of water. At that point, the cursing became twice as loud.

It took several minutes for a now soaking wet and not too happy mouse to crawl back out from under the door. She groaned to herself that the next time she has to do this, that she would take the help.

A low growl caught her attention and snapped the mouse back to reality. She looked back to the alley nervously. The growl was distinctly feral in nature and obviously feline. She started to run back with her cry for her wife drowned out by the loud music only to stare muzzle to muzzle to an alley cat. Her ears flattened back. There was no time to run back under the bathroom door. She would easily be caught.

The growl grew louder. The cat was obviously hungry and Corsi was to be its meal unless she could get away.

In a flash, she bolted for the back door into the alley. The cat was close behind her as she leaped off the edge of the stoop and ducked fast. The cat jumped right over her. It bought her a few seconds. Ahead of her was an 8-foot tall wooden fence that she could get under easily but the feline would have to jump. That would buy her even more time. Maybe enough to get to the front door.

She took off running with the cat now in hot pursuit. She ran under the wall and headed to the front of the building. She looked back and watched as the cat leaped to the front of the fence and scouted around. She turned on the speed and turned to look how much further she had to go.

She dropped to her knees staring straight into the eyes of at least seven more felines. End of the line. Corsi swallowed hard as she started to back up and tried to run. Another four blocked any hope of an escape.

The only thing around her was a cardboard box that had been discarded. There was no time to get into it or under.

The cats stalked her down like a piece of meat. She cowered into a ball just as the one that had pinned her down and forced her outside leaped in for the kill.

Out of nowhere she felt the warm fur of someone else cover her body. The sounds of cats bouncing off of the brick wall of the Black Rose and the cracking of wood as one was thrown against the wooden fence echoed in her head. In the seconds she opened her eyes before fainting, all she could see was the black and white stripes and long obviously vulpine tail of her rescuer. Her life was spared.


Corsi came around about an hour later. Yoiko held her in the palm of her hand looking quite the worried and crying.

"She's awake everyone!" Came Lone's shout and everyone stood up to get a look.

She was back inside the Black Rose. Corsi sat up in her wife's palm as she was brought to her muzzle and snuggled. "Beloved, you're okay now."

Her mind was still a little fuzzy about what happened and she said in a frail voice, "What in the hell just happened?"

Lone spoke up, "A tramp had you. I got rid of him. He was a street fur. Looked rather un-kept to say the least."

Corsi lay back down. "I was almost killed." She churred. "Someone ... saved my life. Who was it?"

The entire crowd looked over to each other puzzled. Yoiko shook her head. "What do you mean beloved? The striped wolfox picked you up and we took you back from him."

THAT got Corsi's attention. She sat straight up and jumped to her feet. "Striped? Black and white striped?"

Yoiko nodded, "Yes Mistress."

Corsi's expression turned to one of anger. She turned to Lone with a scowl. "Puppy, you had better find him. I owe that fur my damn life and you threw his ass back out on the street? You don't sleep until he's at the mansion."


The next morning, Lone walked into the main hall. He had been up all night looking in the vicinity of the Black Rose for the mystery fur. He nearly collapsed on the floor in exhaustion.

Corsi was waiting. "Report puppy." She commanded angrily.

Lone looked up and kneeled obediently. "Nothing. No sign of him Mistress. The only thing we found was over a dozen dead stray cats in the back alley and the box he was living in. The fur was definitely homeless and was living off the street."

Corsi took a deep quick breath. "Come. We're going back out to look."

Lone begged to be allowed to rest. "Please Mistress, I didn't know he..." Lone silenced himself as Corsi took out a small rod that looked like a riding crop and folded it in her arms. Lone's ears flattened as his eyes grew wide. "Yes Mistress." Was his reply and he lay his paws on the floor for Corsi to ride in his palm.

The two rode in the limousine day after day. Searching every inch of the city and moving from area to area in the surrounding towns. Every day, Corsi's frustration grew more and more heated and every day Lone grew more and more exhausted.

Yoiko stopped the mouse one morning as she stood in the front hall, awaiting the night's report from Lone. "Beloved, he's gone. Please let Lone sleep. He didn't mean it." Just as the front door opened and the mighty Lone nearly collapsed through.

Corsi walked up and stood defiantly. "Report puppy." She demanded with Yoiko standing behind.

Lone looked up shaking and struggled to hand his mistress the handle of a leash. Corsi took it in paw as Lone passed out unconscious.

Corsi pulled on the leash that led outside and around the door. From hiding, came the black and white striped wolfox looking just as exhausted. His fur was very unkept and matted. He looked down to her swaying to the side. He looked like he too had not slept in days. In a few moments, he fell to his knees and passed out on top of Lone.

Lone didn't even stir.


Two days passed since that morning. Lone was still out cold. The wolfox he had rescued woke up the night before lay resting in a bed next to him. His ears stayed flat the entire time. He did not remember too much about being brought to the place at all. He was asked to just stay put. His fur had been washed, bringing out the white stripes vividly. The room was empty other then medical equipment and the two of them.

Lone finally stirred and opened his eyes. He let out a low groan and then sat up with a start. "Oh shit. I'm in trouble. I have to find that Folf." He shouted to himself as he jumped out of bed and collapsed in a heap on the floor.

"You mean me?" The striped one said timidly. He had a slight accent that was not readily apparent. "Where I am from, we are Wolfoxen."

Lone spun around as he stood to his feet. "You're here?"

Corsi chittered as she the door swung open with Yoiko carrying her. "Yes. You did well Lone. You can go back to sleep."

Lone shook his head and kneeled back to the floor. "I am ready to perform my duties mistress."

Corsi held up a paw and churred. "No. You were out looking for our friend here for two weeks without sleep. And I know what it's like to go without sleep for a long time." She looked up to her wife with a smile and glanced back to Lone. "Rest. You have the next three days off."

Lone bowed his head and stood back to his feet. He excused himself and walked past Yoiko out of the room.

The wolfox looked almost shocked and puzzled all at the same time. "You did not beat him." He stated plainly.

Now it was Corsi's turn to look puzzled and Yoiko as well. Yoiko responded. "Of course not. Lone did what he was ordered to do. Thus he got a reward."

Corsi nodded in agreement and added, "Now if he did not find you, he would still be out looking." She paused a moment and chittered. "What is your name?"

"Nova. Nova Lontosh." He replied. "Am I to be a slave too?" He asked with a scared tremble in his voice.

Corsi looked back up to Yoiko and then over to Nova. "Only if you want to be Nova. You are free to go or you can stay as my guest for awhile. You saved my life. It's the least I can do."

Nova blinked and smiled. "That was you? That's what this is all about?"

Yoiko nodded and sat down with Corsi on Lone's bed. "Please. Enlighten us to why you were dwelling out in the open and why it was that you were in the shape you were in. Although you were quite dirty from being out, it was evident that you were well kept at some recent point. You're fur had been manicured in the past few months."

Nova blinked a little confused.

Corsi translated. "She asked why you're homeless if it looks someone was taking care of you."

Nova nodded though his ears tightened back even more. "Are you ordering me to tell you?"

Corsi nodded her head, "If that's what it takes to get you to explain."

Nova almost started to cry. He sniffled, "I don't want to go back there."

"Back where?" Yoiko and Corsi replied in unison.

Nova cringed. He looked down to the sheets of his bed. "I stowed away on a boat from overseas."

"You mean from Nita's country?" Corsi asked.

"No. Just south. I couldn't take anymore. My owners beat me severely. My striped fur kept it from being seen and even still it wouldn't have mattered." He started to nearly cry. "I'm a bastard child. I'm a half-breed." Nova admitted.

Yoiko set Corsi back to the bed and walked over to the wall. She pressed the intercom button and said, "Lone, We need you in here."

No sooner had she sat back down next to her wife then Lone appeared in the door and knelt with his head bowed next to the bed. He was stark nude unlike the shorts he had been wearing when he had left.

Corsi laughed, "Sorry to take you from your fun but Nova here seems to think that Folfs are looked down to around here."

Lone looked up with his brow quirked. "You've got to be kidding."

Corsi just shook her head. Yoiko laughed softly and Nova just became even more confused.

Lone looked over to Nova with a wide smile. He stood to his feet and bowed once before saying in his soft tone. "I'll be right back." He walked over to the intercom and called into it, "This is Master Lone. All folfs to the hero's room immediately." He stopped and looked back over to Nova before adding in, "All ligers as well. If you are busy in a session, or production just disregard."

"You ... You stood. You're not supposed to be allowed to do that! And you shouldn't call yourself Master if you are owned!" Nova shouted.

Corsi smiled and replied, "Things are quite different here. It's not your country anymore. You're not a slave and neither is Lone."

"In fact, Corsi and I are the only ones Lone answers to." Yoiko added just as the knock came at the door.

Lone opened the door wide and ordered. "Fall in rank. First rank sitting, second kneeling, third standing. If you can't get in, you are dismissed."

One by one, towering ligers and tall folfs started to fill the room. At least thirty of them crowded around the bed leaving one very shocked Nova. All shapes and sizes, male and female all wearing fine clothing or nothing at all and all wearing the same collar around their neck in one way or another.

Lone said with a grin. "Tall and muscular ligers, and handsome seductive folfs. The ligers are looked at here as powerful men and women. Body builders with the long thick manes other furs love to run their paws through. Folfs like you and myself are seen as very sexy and seductive. The long plush tails of a fox mixed with the strength and chiseled frame of a wolf make anyone aroused."

Yoiko nodded in agreement. She looked back to Nova with a wide smile. "You're actually one of a kind here. You have stripes. If you go out on the town, I promise you will turn the head of every female you meet."

"Can I have first crack at him?" One fur called out from the back row. A beautiful folf in deep black fur stepped out from the ranks with just her collar on. Her collar was of black leather and gold showing she had gained a little rank in the Mansion.

"Sorry sweetheart. He's mine first before anything." Corsi churred. She turned to the speechless folf in bed and asked, "Nova. I am offering you a job here. You will start out with a black leather collar and copper. That's a high rank around here. However you will need to be trained."

Several paws raised from the group offering to train the new recruit to be.

Yoiko looked over and churred, "Dismissed. Everyone except Lone. And someone bring Magick back here."

One of the folfs bowed and said softly. "She is in session."

Corsi cocked an eyebrow and replied. "Then tell her to cum one last time and get down here for fresh meat."

Nova slid up a little straighter in the bed with his ears slicked back as the folf bolted from the room.

A few minutes later, a tall white feline stepped through the doorway still putting in a black silk bathrobe. "You summoned me Corsi ... Holy cow where'd we get him?" Magick screamed out, staring at Nova. "He's gorgeous. Can I have him?"

Nova looked over to Corsi. In his mind she was now his mistress. She captured him after all. Nova went to slide off the bed and realized he was still nude. He pulled the sheet over his lap with a warm blush running over his cheeks. "Mistress?" He asked simply.

Corsi nodded her head with a smile. "Lone, Magick, you are dismissed. I think Nova and I need to have a talk just one on one."

"I should leave as well." Yoiko agreed and stood to her feet ushering everyone out the door. She peeked through with a smile and said, "Go easy on him beloved."

Corsi nodded as her wife quietly closed the door. She hopped up onto the bed with Nova, sitting on his leg. She smiled up to him with a grin and chittered, "Nova. I want to personally thank you for saving my life. I want to give you a reward."

Nova bowed his head down and nodded quietly without saying anything. "You may do with me as you wish."

Corsi shook her head. "Hon, look at me."

Nova raised his head as he was told.

"I want you to stay here with me. We'll keep you hidden from your former mistress. You may work in the mansion if you like or just relax. You will be a free pet in the building with the highest rank." Corsi reminded.

"Really?" Nova asked quite puzzled. From where he was brought up, such things were unheard of. "Permission to ask a question mistress."

"Granted hon. But you don't have to ask. Lone doesn't and you have the same rank as he does."

"What is this place?"

Corsi practically turned white. "Nova hon, this is the Greyson Mansion. Home of the production studio and filming studios of Corsi Incorporated. You've heard of the magazine haven't you?"

Nova shook his head looking a little ashamed.

"We're the biggest adult magazine in the world. We're sold in almost every country."

"Except mine. That sort of thing is outlawed in my country."

Corsi smiled softly turning it into a mischievous little grin. "So your mistress would never see it if you appeared in the magazine?"

"No mistress."

"And have you ever been curious about places like this?"

"Yes mistress."

"And would you like to experience some of the things that go on around here?"

Nova swallowed hard looking down to the small mouse. "Yes mistress." He paused a moment and with an embarrassed and odd expression he said, "Permission to ... Sorry. Mistress, I have to ask."

Corsi started counting down to herself.

"If that purple rabbit is your wife and that tall folf is also your lover ... How can you actually..." Nova stammered out unable to find the words. "How do you go about ... I mean how can you actually ... DO anything to them?"

"Is that an order?"

Nova's eyes opened wide and he stared down to the little mouse as she looked up to him with her little tiny smile on the small five-inch tall mouse. From just the thought of what possibilities might befall him, his long shaft peeked out from his sheath under the sheets. And as he stared speechless, he watched with wonder as the little rodent walked up along his leg and to his bare chest.

"Pull the sheets back so you can watch." Corsi commented with a sly smile. Her prehensile tail stroked carefully along his chest as she stared up to him.

Nova shook his head. "I didn't mean for you to actually show me Ma'am. I just..."

"I was planning on it anyway Nova." Corsi interrupted "You saved my life. And you're cute. Believe it or not I have already done this to you twice while you were unconscious. You weren't protesting then."


Corsi just nodded with a sly smile. "First time you came you were obviously backed up. I would almost think you were a virgin."

Nova turned almost beet red. (Shade factor 10 for those wondering)

"You WERE a virgin! Oooooo. That makes one more for me!" Corsi commented.


"Yoiko and I have a thing going on deflowering virgins. Now with you I'm up by three."


"We don't even try and play the game with Magick. She's already gotten more than both of us combined."


Corsi stood to her feet and folded her arms in front of her. "Are you just gonna sit there shocked or am I gonna have a little help in fucking the hell out of you?"


Corsi just rolled her eyes and disappeared underneath the sheets. She scurried her way down over his chest to her new slave's already hardened shaft. The little mouse was already so aroused herself that she snuggled against the long cock like a desperate lover. Her paws caressed gently along its length as her tail started to slide down and under him.

Nova, still getting used to the shock of everything going on, quite literally tossed the sheet off to the side, nearly ripping the thing from the bed. He stared in disbelief down to Corsi with his muzzle agape. The sense of intimidation slowly gave way to the warm feelings of pleasure that started to work their way through his body.

Corsi just smiled. Her tail coiled around the length of his shaft as she nuzzled affectionately against the beautiful cock. Once again, her world started to disappear from around her. The crowd of furs she could hear listening at the door. The heavy breathing of the folf and hero she was attending to. And even the thoughts of the things that still needed to be done for this months print run all faded from her mind only to be replaced by the exquisite delicacy and warmth of that throbbing cock.

Nova couldn't help but lean back against the propped up hospital bed. He rested his paws at his sides holding to the sheets underneath him. His eyes drifted to the little figure on him as the last fragments of his will fell and left the heated desire of his lust. His claws started to dig into the soft mattress as he let out a long, slow easy breath, totally relaxing to Corsi's attention.

Corsi didn't even notice. What she DID see however was a warm trickle of pre starting to form on the tip of her cock lover. She nuzzled up, allowing it to smear over her warm cheeks. She licked greedily at the sweet cream before turning her tongue loose on Nova. She licked carefully along the ridge of that soft cap, gently working with soft playful kisses down to his sensitive underbelly. Her sex, hot and needing gyrated against the cock as it pulsed with it's own desperate lust for the little mouse.

Nova, reflexively started to grind up to the minute lover. His turned his head to the side already in his heavy panting. He let out a long and low moan before looking back to the little mouse. He could not believe his eyes. There was the tiniest little thing he had ever seen, actually getting as much enjoyment out of his cock as he was from whatever it was she was doing. All he could manage is to enjoy this blessing of pleasure.

The long pink tail snuggled around Nova's cock carefully uncoiled. Corsi knew in the back of her mind that with Nova being rather inexperienced since he had just lost his virginity, he would cum rather quickly if she did not do something. Her long and oversized tail wrapped once, tightly around the base of his shaft and then figure-eighted around his rather full sack like a cock and ball ring but entirely out of her tail. Now he would not cum until she was ready to allow him.

Nova's eyes blinked wide as he felt the tail constrict like a snake. The blood in his shaft continued to pump hard and furiously as he bucked his hips up to a mouse lover that he could not penetrate. He felt completely at the rodent's mercy. He started to howl out but his dry voice came out more like a sour squeak through his heavy panting.

Now with everything taken care of, Corsi wanted to see how much her new little slave could take. He drown herself in the sweet lust of Nova's beautiful cock once again and trailed her fingers over the warm cap of his shaft. Her sensitive fingertips caught every beautiful detail, every bump of flesh, every peak, every throbbing vessel contained within as her tongue lapped carefully at his cock.

Back up on the bed, Nova struggled to move. Such a little mouse, such an intense rush. His eyes opened wide and he managed to cry out, "Mistress, I am going to..."

"No you're not Nova. Not until I am ready for you to cum." She gave another long and careful lick over his underbelly before she continued. "You're going to pass out. Then later tonight I will let Magick have you." Her paws caressed the crown of his cock. Her plush furred cheek nuzzling in warm and affectionately, she chittered, "We have to get your stamina up so you can get up on camera."

Nova didn't hear a word of it. His teeth were clenched tight with his claws digging into the mattress, literally piercing through the fabric. He tried to sit up straight for a moment, only to find himself totally paralyzed. He couldn't even so much as pump up with the little mistress. Every inch of his body was on fire. As if he was feeling one long continuous peak of his orgasm and not being able to blast out and fall over the edge. Plateaued on the verge of ecstasy, he started to shake as the pressure just kept building. His sensitivity was at its peak. He could feel every touch, every stroke, and every gentle lick of that tiny tongue.

Corsi looked up to him with a smile. Any more and her new pet might die of a heart attack when she finally let him loose. But she wanted to cum so badly herself. No matter, it was Nova she wanted to please not herself. And with one long last slow lick, she released the pressure of her tail.

Nova cried out in a feral lust of pleasure as he felt his cock erupt like Mount Saint Helens. The first shot of his cum blasted from him so hard, it was actually audible. The cum streamed from his shaft like cannon fire. His thick seed spattered himself right in his open muzzle as he screamed out once again. The shocked folf swallowed reflexively as the rest of his cream painted his entire muzzle and chest with the last little driblets trickling over his belly. In seconds, he was passed out cold on the bed with his claws still embedded in the fabric of the bed.

Corsi sat up straight with a bright smile. She skittered up to his warm chest with her tiny paw stroking over her burning sex. She looked back to the door pondering a moment before taking part in a pleasure that no one but herself could feel. She lay down in one of the hot pools of folf cum with her knees parted wide. She looked down at the rapidly deflating shaft as her fingertips played along the hot folds of her labia.

She used the thick steamy cum as lubricant. Her fingertips dove lustfully into her tiny crevasse with a gasp of heated lust echoing from her body. She was already very close. This would not take long. Her body became lost in the striped fur of her lustful hero with her mind becoming lost in the warmth of the cum that soaked into her fur. She turned over to her paws and knees, burying her muzzle in the seed with one paw under her and the other behind her

Fantasies started to fill the little rodent's mind while the world around her faded once again. She thought of Tirant the rat thrusting hard into her tailhole as she rode hard onto another mouse. The tips of her fingers teased gently over the soft bud of her pulsating clit while her other paw bathed her voluptuous breasts in the thick cream around her.

Her tongue licked a little of the cum from her muzzle as she pushed in carefully with her fingertips. Her talented paws diving in deeply and drawing in a little of the folf cream. Corsi let out a deep sigh of her lustful need as she pinched hard at her own nipple with visions of Nova himself teasing her.

Her mind raced over her thoughts when at last she met with her hero. Corsi glanced back up to him steadily breathing body for a moment as her paw started to work a little harder over her delicate clit.

She leaned to her side, soaking her muzzle in the hot cum. Her body was completely covered at this point. She scratched her free paw over her chest and around to her tight rump, gently circling her tailhole while she dove deeply inside herself once more.

She let out a long high squeak as she pressed past the tight pucker of her tailhole. She felt herself start to peak and carefully slowed down her heated rhythm. No need to finish herself off so soon.

Her muzzle smeared the salty sweet cream onto her tongue as she pumped her tiny body against the heated lust. 'To hell with waiting.' She argued with herself as she frantically worked at her already intensely abused clit.

Her training from years and years of experience forced her to reflexively hold back with an inner struggle of allowing herself to release and wait for her partner to do so first. She was her own partner.

Then with one loud scream of her heated bliss, she flooded her fingertips with her lustful juices as the orgasm she had wanted overtook her. She trembled as her paws rode her through wave after wave of her explosive orgasm. Her long and high chittersqueak rippled over the room until the little mouse became nothing more than a trembling little fuzz on her hero's chest.

Her euphoric afterglow was shattered when she heard Nova peep in, "Thank you mistress."

Corsi quickly looked up to Nova. He still did not catch her. His eyes stared up to the ceiling as he spoke. She replied, "No sweetheart. Thank you. Were it not for you, I would not even be here right now. I owe you my life."

"Mistress Corsi. At the risk of sounding cliché, you've already repaid that favor. I saved your life. You have saved mine by letting me stay." He raised his head slightly and whispered. "I have two questions though."

"And they are hon?"

"One, when does this Magick fur start my training?"

Corsi giggled, "So you DID hear that. She'll start with you tomorrow." She paused a moment and laughed, "And the other question?"

"What's this funny taste in my muzzle?"