STARGAZER: First Ground - 01

Story by Donivahn_Miros on SoFurry

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Hello! Donivahn there! I must thank you all. All my stories got five stars! I would never believe that! THANK YOU!

However... I have one thing to tell you... I'M LACKING IMAGINATION TO CREATE NEW ALIENS! I would apreciate any help. Please, don not let your idea on the comments. I would like it to be a surprise for the others. Those who are in on creating new aliens to help, just remember: _ NO SUPER-POWERED ALIENS! _ I'm not building up nothing like that. I would really appreciate, though, the deeper you could get on details about their phisiology.

If nobody help me, I guess you will be stuck with these story so far till my imagination come back... I really hope that it's not that long. Thank you all again and sorry about interrupting your story.


I guess that I wasn't ready for what was about to come when I entered on the First Ground. I knew things would really get worse and to rise would be harder, but I was determined. I promised them all to break free from this hell where we were stuck and I never broke my word before. I wasn't going to turn this on my first exception.


The new room Darison moved in was almost twice bigger than the previous. Listaria also informed him that, if he wanted, now he could have up to ten protectors! But he should take care, 'cause after this Ground, this number would not increase too much. However, he could have as many pets as he please without needing to worry for space. As a proof of that, the reward he was granted against Razikrot, his lunch and dinner, were already there, waiting for him. Two new pets: a male wolf-like guy, sitting like a dog and, at his side, a female rabbit-like young girl, with moderated bust, sitting on ground also. As long as they were covered with fur, they haven't hair. The wolf's eyes were brown as the rabbit were deep blue.

"Welcome, Master..." said the rabbit "We're your new pets, according to agreement made against Razikrot."

"Well... Thank you, I guess..." Darison said. "Do you have names? My mind is kinda full right now to think..."

"They used to call me Narcross." answered the wolf. "And she was called Irinathy. However, if these names aren't at your liking..."

"Fine by me. Just give me time to get used." Darison answered. "Well... I'm gonna rest a bit... Who will cuddle on me?"

The Dragoen was the first one to jump over Darison, grinning. Listaria, Krianyra and the others also joined that hug as they walked to the room. The wolf guy seemed somewhat puzzled, as the rabbit girl just grinned and went with the flow, joining the embrace and going to sleep with them.

Darison woke up just a few hours later, with only the wolf boy on ground, rounded as any wild wolf would be. He looked for the clock: just morning on STARGAZER's time. He grinned and caressed the two around him: the Dragoen at his front and Listaria on his back. With them moving, the others also woke up. Swampwalker got up to prepare breakfast. Krianyra decided to help hir. Hengeor took his children to play. Listaria just embraced Darison stronger and kissed him, as also Arinya licked hir cheek.

"Good morning, Master... May I be useful this early?"

"I don't know..." Darison grinned. "Why don't you keep Listaria busy while I talk with our newcomers?"

The Dragoen just nodded and Listaria grinned. Darison just saw them starting with foreplay before sitting on the bed to look the rabbit and the wolf. "Narcross, right? And she..."

"Irinathy." said the rabbit.

"Your name will give me trouble... May I call you Irin?"

"As you please, Master." She grinned. Besides not so much as Arinya, Irinathy was animated by having a master too. Narcross, in other hand, seemed just satisfied to not be eaten alive.

"Well then... Where did you come from?" Darison asked.

"All pets are breed there, on STARGAZER." was Narcross' answer. "All of them." he was looking to the Dragoen, now eating Listaria's pussy passionate.

"Wanna the Dragoen?" Darison asked with a grin. "Go ahead. Get her by behind. I like to watch how she seems to enjoy anyone in anyway..."

Narcross then give his first smile and, still on all fours, jumped over the bed, put both hands, or fore paws, on Arinya's hindquarters and started strong and fast strokes on her, making the Dragoen go with more enthusiasm against Listaria's pussy.

Darison grinned and saw the bunny also watching the show. He then pulled her closer, so she also could feel his eager cock. "You will help me with a big task..." He then made his hard cock slowly penetrate that rabbit's little, tight and warm vagina, still on low speed, feeling her by inside, caressing her breasts, but still letting her and himself to look at the wolf boy on Arinya's.

They've all came almost together, lying on the bed for a couple more minutes enjoying the afterglow. Only after little time, however, did the wolf boy take off his cock from the Dragoen. Darison, at first, wondered why, but then he saw a cock-knot small on his penis, wondering how big that thing should get inside his Dragoen.

"Well then... Now go have your breakfast, all of you." Darison ordered, as the pets walked way. Listaria, however, seemed to understand.

"You can't order me to do anything..."

"Oh I can... Wanna see?" Darison then looked her in the eye. "Open these legs of yours, my lioness... 'Cause tomorrow you will already be feeling heavier..."

"As you wish, my Human..." she answered and opened her legs wide.

Without wasting time, Darison made his still hard cock slid completely inside her wet waiting pussy, already at great speed and with powerful strokes. With that, he also licked her face before joining in a long passionate kiss. While still on act, he could feel his testes changing in some way that he never felt... Something was happening and he knew exactly what: it was the surgery he asked for making effect! Listaria just kept groaning and purring, loving each second she could have with that Human inside her.

Darison wasn't going to handle it for too long, so he allowed himself to explode in pleasure, filling her with his seeds, now perfectly compatible with the Miratian's body. Listaria, after receiving his seeds, hugged him and kissed as long as they could. "I love you, Darison... and... I'm in heat... I guess we've made it..."

"We'll be extra sure by night..." he grinned "But wait for help..."

"Will be my pleasure..." she answered. They then decided to have breakfast.

At table, Darison was informed by Frinya and Erezor which room they've picked up to play their web, as Darison remembered them of their promise. Arinya's breakfast was served again at Darison's feet, as she refused to eat before him. "Now that you got a break, I'm able to say about a few changes I received by the comm. First: the fee for leaving the room changed. 0 credits! You can walk free now by the corridors!" Swampwalker said.

"Another thing..." Krianyra said. "On this ground, there are still The Sundays, but you can also trade, buy and sell pets our protectors anytime on the corridors. However, I still recommend you to walk with your protectors all time..."

"Good... So I'm free to walk now... Good bye cabin fever..." He grinned. "However... I can't see myself going out right now..."

At that right time, someone knocked the door. Swampwalker opened it to reveal an otter-like creature, with a long hair along her back. Instead of a single pair of gorgeous breasts, her skirts enabled Darison to count easy four pair of small breasts. "Welcome for the 1-G. I am Raikra, pet of fighter 11474 Enara. I'm there to any of your wishes as a welcome gift." Darison at first got suspicious, asking Listaria and Hengeor to pass her for a full check to not have any danger. Much for his surprise, she was completely clean, grinning. "My Master told me you could not believe me. She wanted me to say that there, on the 1-G, fighters only kills each other on the Arena, and even so, many try not to do."

"Well then... What is happening? Why she send you to me?" Darison asked

"I'm her way to say 'Hello to 1-G, fighter'. I'm yours for 24 hours since you accept me as your welcome gift." Darison looked around.

"Sorry... I already have everything I want by there. Just return to your master and tell her that I don't want anything from you."

"But I must return 'used'." She said calmly. "If I don't, my Master will punish me."

"And how she will know that you were 'used' or not?"

"I'm virgin."

Surprised, Darison was without words. He really didn't want anything from her. In truth, he wanted to return his efforts in helping his roommates. Then an idea crossed his mind. "Narcross, you will get her. BE GENTLY. I want her to LIKE it. And about you, I claim you right now as my gift and I order you to receive Narcross as he was I."

"As you wish, Master." Narcross grinned as done Raikra. They left for a room and left the others chatting.

"Why you haven't got her?" Swampwalker asked.

"Come on... I must fulfill your dreams already. I guess it's enough for quite some time"

"Oh... I really forgot your surgery..." Swampwalker grinned.

"Arinya, come with us. You will let Swamp there to get you while I help hir dreams..."

"Yes, Master!" the Dragoen replied happy. The rabbit-like pet looked a bit disappointed.

"Don't be that way, Irin..." Hengeor grinned. "You can come with me while they're busy..." ()

Irinathy waited for Darison's agreement to accept and they took another room, always letting the bigger room for Darison. The Dragoen quickly jumped over the bed, waiting for her master's next order, as Darison just grinned to Swampwalker. The Felitaur just got over her and raised hir tail, waiting just for Darison to complete what they were about to start.

With everyone together, they joined for some good time, caressing, loving, teasing and many others -ings till finally they were cumming all together. In the mean time, as it was Darison's personal task, he made sure to turn hir testes perfectly compatible with Swampwalker. This time, though, he felt something different, a sensation more than in his testes, but along all his reproductive system: even the Miratian-compatible sperm was changing itself do adapt to Swampwalker's species DNA.

Tasks done, they laid for some time together, with Darison cuddling in middle of both of them. He caressed Arinya's face with a hand and Swampwalker's with the other. "I guess I love you..."

"What? Only guess?" Swampwalker returned his grin. Arinya just cuddled more near him, like a pup looking for heat. "Well... Will you make her pregnant too?"

At that exactly moment, by the emphasis Swampwalker put on 'her', Arinya got a bit worried, even if she couldn't let that emotion escape by her face.

"I pretend. She makes too much for me... if she wants to be mother, I shall fulfill her dreams."

"I dream not..." answered Arinya. She was about to say more, but she hold on.

"Well... I will go see what our Miratian and Mercurian duo are planning..." Swampwalker grinned and exited the room.

"Does shi don't like me?" Now the Dragoen seemed somewhat sad. However, while she had no courage to say that in front of Swampwalker, she felt that she could trust on Darison.

"What? What are you talking about?" Darison hugged her and caressed her face.

"No-nothing, Master..."

"Arinya... Tell me, right now."

Fear overtook her. Now she had hidden that from her master. Will he punish her? Will he be mad at her? Will he sell her? That last thought made her wish fifty times more be killed than living with any other's order, than Darison's... "I... I think shi doesn't want me to be pregnant..."

"Oh... that's what is troubling you?" Darison grinned. "You're worrying needlessly. Shi likes you almost as much as I do. Shi was just curious if I would like a few little Dragoen running around..."

"Really?" After she made the question, she understood that she was trying to obtain confirmation. From his Master? His words should be her laws! She could not live without obeying him.

"Yes, really." Darison kissed her cheek. "If you're doubtful about that, I could try giving you a child right now..."

"Master... It's impossible..." Darison was curious now. She heard about his surgery.

"What are you talking about?"

She got his hand and put over her belly. "I'm pregnant, Master..." Now Darison was surprised. "When Master was asleep after the fight... I couldn't help myself... Master was all hard while sleeping... On my people, when this happens, it can hurt too much... So I wanted to make sure Master would not suffer..."

"But even so you..." Then Darison remembered something said in front of him last night. "You understood as if you're allowed to have children..." Now Arinya was afraid for have been doing something wrong. "Hey... calm down... that's alright, okay?" Darison grinned and caressed her face, pulling her against him into a hug. "I would eventually ask if you wanted a child sooner or later..." Then another thought came to Darison's mind. "You're pregnant?"

"Yes, Master... I'm waiting a human child..."

Darison caressed her face. "Thank you, Arinya... I really must thank you then." he kissed her muzzle, which quickly turned into a full kiss.

With that, Arinya was happier than ever. Everything happened too quickly but ended in a good thing to her. She grinned and lick-kissed Darison's face. "You don't need to thank me, Master..."

Darison grinned and caressed her face. "How much of your body can you control?"

"Almost everything of it, Master..."

"Can you seal your womb's entrance?"

"Pretty sure, Master."

"So, allow me to feel what you've done to me while I was unconscious."

Her eyes were lit by a new light as she heard that. After a long time together, they got up and looked to each other for a long time. Walking outside, they met with the others socializing. When they joined with the rest, Darison saw the children coming out of a room, grabbing many cleaning stuff and returning to the room.

"They're really up to cleaning?" Darison grinned. "That part was a joke..."

"They don't seems like losing their so funny 'thread room', how they call it." Hengeor grinned. "By the way, Frinya invited you for a night on her first web-bed... or something like that..."

"But go warned." Swampwalker was smiling. "She's already interested in you. She asked me about how to pleasure you."

"What? Isn't her too young? I mean... her body..." Darison was surprised.

"For children, yes. For anything else, as you was told before, Arachnes born ready." Listaria answered.

"Well then... let's see what happens..." Darison grinned and walked to the 'thread room'. There, Erezor and Frinya were finishing the cleaning up, but for a hammock made from threads. Frinya stopped what she was doing to hug Darison.

"You came to try my web hammock?" She asked. Her speak was improving faster than Darison thought. She was already talking a lot better than Krianyra.

He just grinned. "Yes, I will. But will it resist for a whole night?"

"That... I don't know..." She said a bit embarrassed.

"That's okay, sweetie. I will still try it out. The worse that can happen is we fall on bed." With Darison's smile, the young Arachne was hit by a new joy.

But first Darison had one more thing to do than sleep. He entered on the room that Narcross and that pet had entered just to see the wolf guy stroking on her ass as stronger as Swampwalker pierced his Dragoen the first time they tried. After he finished, Darison used that time to talk to her.

"What are the limits of the orders I can give you?" Darison asked.

"There is none. Any order you give me till this day end I must obey." She answered.

"So, after you're free and before midnight, you will contact your mistress and tell her that from now on you belong to me." Darison grinned. "And you, Narcross, I want her unable to walk when you finish, if you understand."

"Pretty sure, Master. Your wish is my order!" And Narcross returned to his potent strokes, making her groan from both pain and pleasure.

Darison grinned and returned to the hammock he was supposed to try out. Frinya had also improved it with more thread, in order to try keep it resistant enough for them not to fall. Darat grinned at her and Erezor darted out the room to get a suitable place on bed at his sire's side.

"Well then... let's go?" Darat said and laid on the hammock, which Frinya created over the bed. Even if she hadn't plan on falling, she made sure to protect them if that happened. The arachne joined him and laid at his side, caressing his breast, as Darison looked her in the eye. "You're growing into a beautiful arachne..."

"Thank you..." she hugged him "Dad told me you felt comfortable when you entered on his tread hole..."

"Oh he told you?" Darat grinned. With all that happening at his side, Darison slowly lost his shyness. "Well... It's warm and soft inside... I decided to maybe try it out later, so I can't be completely sure if I like it or not."

"Wanna try it out with me?" she asked, with her tiny child hands running through his body.

"Don't you think you're too young?"

"Dad told me that he and mom met at my age, only a few days after hatching. In the next day they were copulating already..." she answered. "I can wait till tomorrow if you want..."

That got Darison by surprise. "Well..."

"That's why mom not killed dad." she said. "You know... instinctively, we, female arachnes, tend to bite our mate. And with poisonous fangs, it's natural that males die. But when relationships starts while young, the chances of dying falls considerably due to the emotion the couple develops with time. I know I still don't love you, Darison. But I have this strong feelings for you. And if they bloom into love, I don't want to kill you..."

"Oh, darling..." Darison now felt shame for thinking on her as an infant. After only a few days alive, she already learned how to talk and now had taught him a lesson about the species she never knew. "You really wanna try that out? We can do whatever you want today..." He caressed her face.

"I wanna you now... What happens after that, is what you decide..." she answered vaguely. Darison grinned and rolled her on her back, showing her three holes, which made Darison grin. On Hengeor, the 'cock-hole' was the first, he put himself on position to start when she opened her dreamy eyes.

"Not that I mind, Darison... But I think I'm still too small for you there... Can't you keep to my vagina right now?"

Confused, Darison looked at her. "So... where is it?"

"The last one, of course... On males, you were about to enter the cock-hole, but to a female arachne, the love-hole is the last, so it could be easy to reach while mounting..."

Darison grinned and caressed her face. Her body, tiny compared to her sire's, allowed Darison to look her in the eye, while his rigid cock caressed now the right place. "Makes sense... sorry for that..."

"You could have asked..." again she closed her eyes, waiting for what was about to come. With Darison slowly entering inside her, first she felt a point of pain due to her body being opened slowly to receive his maleness inside in a way she never had. Also, that virgin pussy slowly put Darison into a delirious stage. He slowly kept thrusting inside that tight, warm hole, feeling her tiny body, hearing her groans and filling her with his all his meat.

Darison kept thrusting inside the tiny Arachne's body, feeling his cock being compressed by each new contraction when he entered her. Frinya's eight tiny spider paws hugged Darison's back and her arms around his neck, while he kept there, stroking each time stronger, respecting her body's limits. First she came, having her first orgasm and then, when Darison came to his climax, she had come again. She was panting after that, but Darison was just grinning to her.

"How was your first time?" He asked.

"It's... always... like this?"

"We can improvise new positions... Like I do with the others every time..."

"Can you..." she was still panting "show me?"

"Why don't you rest a bit first?"


Darison could not argue with that child's eyes. He took his meat of her insides and pointing it now for her thread hole, in the middle of them, as on Hengeor. She grinned, still trying to recover her breath, closing her eyes again. As Darison slowly entered, she felt nothing more than that cock sliding inside easy. But after remembering it was Darison's cock, she groaned in pleasure. Only then she noticed that the pleasure was not for her thoughts, but for Darison's caress on her tiny, but sensitive, body. He kept there, trying that new hole, while kissing and caressing all her body, exploring her sensitiveness for the best results. She came again, but this time, just a bit before Darison, which filled her thread hole with more hot thick protein source.

Another of Darison's gift was his flexibility. He got out of her again, and after seeing that she still wasn't at all satisfied, he turned his back to her, now trying to pierce her tight ass. At first she forced her eyes, waiting to feel a rush of pain. But before that, she felt Darison caressing her pussy, covering a bit of her love fem juice and spreading it over the thread-covered cock. With the other hand, he got more juice and caressed it on her tiny ass, hoping for that to act as humans' should do, and make easy for her to receive him. Arachnes' fem juice proved to be an excellent lubricant: he just entered inside that extremely tight ass without her not even groaning of pain. All her groans were from pleasure, which was due to the fact that he was also curving his body to lick her pussy, while stroking on her ass.

What a delicious sensation... what an incredible feeling... Those were thoughts that crossed Darison's mind about what the Arachne cub was thinking, because she was getting each time more excited. His thrust were facilitated after each penetration and with that new sensation, she come to orgasm three times before Darison reached his third, filling her ass completely, with the excess sliding outside her body. After that, Darison give just a few more licks to clean her pussy and turned to her face. She had a grin of her own, but was now more sleepy than awake. She just gave him a good night kiss and fell asleep. He hugged her and gave a quick kiss on her lips, not sleeping for a long time yet. He kept caressing and admiring her body. To call it 'tiny' for sure was only in comparison to her sire's body. She had almost Darison's size from her head to the end of her abdomen.

"Good night, Frinya. Dream with your mother... I know she's waiting for you at the other side... Whatever the Arachnes' heaven is like..." he said and closed his eyes to sleep embraced with her.