Corsi INC 34

Story by Joey Porter on SoFurry

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#34 of Corsi INC

"So is this the entire plan?" Nita Razelle asked disbeleiving.

Corsi, Lone, Nidaja, Alps, and Queen Razelle sat on the ship not a day away from home in the tactical meeting room.

"You're kidding." She protested. "What if something goes wrong?

"We are severely outnumbered Nita." Nidaja explained. "A risk like this will be needed to even have a chance at victory."

"But we are risking too many lives with this." Nita responded. "I won't allow this"

"Then we all die." Lone said solemnly. "Most of our pets are here out of loyalty to Mistress Corsi, not you. They have families at home. We want a plan that has the most chance of success."

Nita went quiet for several moments and a silence filled the room with only the sounds of Corsi's family of pets heard from the deck of the ship as they practiced.

"These are my people and my responsibility. If they die and some of them will, I have to tell their families, I have to tell someone's children they are not coming home. That's even if I make it out of this." Corsi stated plainly as she strolled over the maps and markers on the table over to the Queen. "We either fight as one or as allies. Either way, we are going with this plan."

Nita pursed her muzzle. She obviously uncomfortable with the idea but knew the cosequenses if they did not go along with this. "Are you sure this is going to work?"

"No. But this seems to be the best course of acton." Nidaja said as she sat down. "At the very least, it will put a major dent in their army to give us a better chance."

Nita rested her paws on the table. She took a deep breath and ordered, "Have a message sent to shore. They will need to be prepared for this."

Alps nodded quietly and darted out of the room, taking the messages that were already written along with him.

As he walked out, Corsi sighed, "Myrilla is not going to be happy about this."


The warship settled at dock and the pets poured off down the runway. They were escorted to the guest military barracks so they were seperated from the rest of Nita's army. The chakat pets setup tents on the front lawn of the castle. A quiet rumble roamed over the concerned group and the last ones to leave were Lone carrying Corsi, Myrilla and Tanya with their cases, Yoiko, and Nita with Nidaja by her side.

"I'm not pleased with this idea." Myri kept muttering over and over.


Tanya and Myri had gone off to their more private room they were to prepare for Lone, Corsi, and Yoiko while they joined Nita in her throne room.

When the doors were opened, there sitting on the steps up to her seat was a battle dressed true chakat. She looked up to the queen with a rough angry smile. "You are late Razelle."

"Who are you?" She shouted as she stormed across the high and wide room. "What do you want?"

"The standard parlay. I am here to discuss things with you. Terms and conditions of war. I have been waiting for a week." Her voice was deep but still feminine.

"You declare war on us and have the nerve to request parlay? What do you possibly have to say?" Nita shouted sitting on her throne with Nidaja and the rest standing defensively behind them.

"Well, all we want are our slaves back. You return them to us and we don't have to invade your land. You stole them from us..."

"THEY CAME WILLINGLY!!!" Nita spat back.

"They are our property."

"They aren't anymore it seems." Lone commented, stepping foreward. "It would seem that those.."

"Who asked you mutt?" The soldier interupted.

"I did. You will respect my knight as you would respect me." Nidaja replied. "Sir Wolfe, please continue."

"Thank you." Lone nodded with a bow to the general. "As I was saying, those that left your company, according to your own laws of government, are the rightful property of anyone that places a leash on their neck. If one is so foolish to allow their slave to escape, they no longer deserve them." He had been up studying the laws of the country for several nights on the trip overseas and nearly quoted the rather bizzare law.

"Good job mutt. But you missed a part." The soldier retorted. "A slave in a conquered house is the new property of conquering house."

Nita started to speak, but when Lone raised his paw, she stopped.

"So sir. You do realize that what you are saying is that if you win this battle, your country will have ownership of the slaves again?" Lone asked casually.

"Yes. And there is nothing you can do about it."

"That is correct. So if one army defeats the other, it is conquered?" Lone again asked casually.

Nita heard the careful wording and smiled.

"Are you deaf mutt? I said yes!"

"Very good then. Be prepared to turn over all the slaves you have left. On the battlefield, you will learn dicipline the likes of which you cannot fathom." Lone said, crossing his arms triumphantly.

"That's different. You can't demand that!"

"Oh yes I can. You want this battle by your laws, you will play by all of them. And there is nothing you can do about it."

The soldier was shaking in rage. He did not take pleasure in hearing this nor in knowing that this halfbreed painted him into a corner. "So be it." She growled and stormed off out of the hall.

When the door slammed behind her, Corsi giggled, "You've been hanging around Cedar too much."

Nita replied for him. "That may be true but because of this meeting, the stakes of this fight just got alot higher."


"Everyone got the plan?" A tiny voice squeaked from the center of a huddle of furs. "We only have a week left until we meet on the battlefield here. We can't afford to make any mistakes with this."

All of the group in the huddle were micro and mini.furs. In the center stood the group leader. Corsi herself.

"I told you guys I was going to do this with you and I meant it. Now tonight we are going to start primay setup. We will have no verbal communication so we're on our own." Corsi said quietly. "Once the moon sets fully, we move out. Everything must look the same as it did before. No mistakes. Got it?"

And the soft drone of the small band of pets whispered "Yes Mistress."

"Everything depends on these night missions. All of our lives rest on this."


That evening, Corsi and the squad of microfurs and minifurs sat in the middle of camp ready to move out. The moon was about to set over the horizon with Lone keeping a lookout with a set of binoculars. Both camps were on either side of a large field preparing for an honorable battle.

Nita's army had other more covert plans much like what would be expected from the other force. Only their side had the advantage of having smaller furs able to really be sneaky and get onto the battlefield itself.

The battle field before them was nothing more than the large open field surrounded on one side by a high ridge that cast a shadow over the field early in the morning. The other side of the field was a dense forest line that stretched the entire two hundred yards of the field. The field itself was about one hundred fifty yards wide with grass about a foot and a half to two feet tall and dotted with small and large boulders that had rolled down from the ridge years before.

The field was the only safe travel directly between the two countries as the ridge very treacherous and continued on for miles of coastline mountians. The forrest itself was full of all manner of snakes and feral packs wolves that could strike and take down even the most compitent of warriors. And with the area being entirely electronicly dead, travel other than land was impossible.

So it's no wonder that through the ages, the field set the stage for countless battles. This one would be no different.

As the moon settled over the trees, Lone and the mansion gaurds were paired up with Nita's gaurds keeping watch. The plan was for Lone to light a torch in case someone from the opposing gathering army tried to sneak across the field.

As the dead of night blackened the landscape, the small band of pets moved out with Lone and Nidaja's blessings and luck.


The first night passed without issue. The minifurs gathered in Queen Razelle's tent along with both of the makeshift armies leaders and generals. Nidaja standing behind the queen and Lone standing behind his mistress.

Krana was kneeling before them dressed in full battle armor and barding. "Mistresses Nita and Corsi, I have spoken to my company and we have a request." Her head bowed respectfully down, staring to the floor.

Nita and Corsi stared at one another intently for a moment before Corsi squeaked, "Stand up pet and tell us. You know you don't have to kneel."

"For this Mistress, I would prefer to." Krana replied quietly staying stiff as a board.

Nita stood adjusted herself in her seat looking to the slave/pet's bowed head. "Well, out with it."

Krana started to speak, her voice cracking in her nervous tension. She cleared her throat and started over, "We have discussed this and we all agree. My company wishes to be on the front line."

"NO!" Nita shouted. "We're fighting here for your lives. Not the other way around."

Krana glanced up to Corsi looking for permission to continue. She was trembling with fright in what she was saying but did not want to back down.

Corsi knew her pets. She sat up a little straighter and squeaked, "Queen Razelle, I think we ought to hear her out." Her mind all ready swimming with ideas about this new turn of events.

Nita looked sternly to the mouse as if to say this was her castle but the expression of thought on the little rodent made her think as well. She turned back to the chakat and conceeded, "Very well. Why should we put you on the front line to be directly in the line of fire?"

"Queen Razelle, we are fighting for our freedom and for a better life for us. It should be us up there to lead the fight. And if we die, there is no need for our former owners to continue the battle." She drew a deep breath and continued, "Besides, if we are brought back there, they will kill us anyway. Better to die fighting than to die pointlessly."

Nita slumped back in her throne. She looked over to Corsi when Nidaja spoke up.

"Nita, she has a good point. And if we take into concideration the fact that this enemy wants their slaves alive, it's likely they will not engage them with everything they have. And this will fall in pefectly with the rest of the plan."

"Not to sound morbid here but putting myself in their shoes, I would want to torture the chakats than to let them die quickly in battle." Corsi commented on the side.

Nita pressed her fingers together and pondered for a long moment in deafening silence.

"Please My Queen. This is our fight first. So let us fight first." Krana pleaded. She looked up to Nita almost begging to be there.

"Very well but on one condition." Nita bargained. "Corsi's pets will be at the back lines and on the ridge with bows. This is not their fight. We'll have to sneak them all out there the night before battle." She paused a moment before continuing, "Scouts report that the enemys full army is making up time. They will be here in two days which means we will battle in three." She turned to Corsi and solemnly spoke, "I hope our night missions go swiftly. Everything depends on it."

"They will. Don't worry about that." Corsi said with a smile.


That evening the mini furs along with Corsi herself slipped into the low brush of the field. Tamera and Lorna taking the biggest task. A large black bag nearly half as large as them. Several of the other minifurs carried smaller backpacks. Each of them dissapeared into the field in the blackness of the moonless sky.

Back at camp, Lone and Tanya set out for a scouting party on the ridge. Lone had a sectioned staff slung on his back with a longbow in his hand. Tanya in her usual manner had a small pistol with a silencer in her hand and on her back, a crossbow.

As they scaled the ridge, Lone whispered, "So tell me again why you are carrying the gun in your hand and the crossbow over your shoulder."

"The gun is more fun." Tanya answered simply. "Besides, it's not like they are going to ..."

Lone put his paw back to hush her as he looked over a boulder seeing a chakat from the opposing army close to their base. They stood in dead silence watching the creature. It was hardly ready for a patrol. The obvious slave wore just a tunic that had seen much better days, and a cloth over his back that offered far less than adequate protection.

Behind them, Ikari clambored up behind them. He as well crept in silence until he was right behind the pair. He was equipped with a short bow in hand and a katana slung on his back. He rested his hand tto Lone's shoulder and whispered, "She was followed. The other is heading this way master."

"Silence then. Ikari, move out before she arrives and signal when the coast is clear. Stay there and stand guard." Lone whispered just as another chakat padded up, this one dressed for battle. She wore full chain barding and tunic and had a blackened pair of swords at her side.

Ikari barely crept backwards, making sure to be dead silent. In a few moments, he was out of sight.

The soldier pushed the slave out of the way, glancing boldly tall, looking over to the Razelle army camp. She turned back to the slave and growled quietly. "You are to stay here. Kill anything that moves." She looked out along the ridge back the way they had come. At least you were accurate in your survey. You have some worth. If we were up here, we would be easy targets. You are going to come up here with the rest of the slaves. You miss, we will just kill you too." She turned back to the slave and gritted her teeth together "You're quiet slave."

"Slave listens to orders. Slave wants to make master pleased." The servant replied.

The battle clad chakat just smiled. She leaned in close and whispered too quietly for Lone and Tanya to hear before she turned and trotted off.

They waited a few more minutes until a single arrow shot overhead in their direction a dark green.

"There's Ikari's signal. Keep an eye out if he sends the red one. I'm going to talk to the slave." Lone whispered.

"Yes master." Tanya replied silently.

Lone stepped out with his bow trained on the chakat. Slowly he crept up behind her. He whispered just barely enough for her to hear and keeping low. "Who sent you?"

The chakat spun around startled. She froze in place for a long moment unable to speak.

"Who sent you?" Lone repeated pulling the string of the bow back and training it in.

"Freedom!" She nearly shouted. "Are you Master Lone?" She finished in a whisper.

Lone dashed forward disarming his bow and putting his paw over her muzzle. "Quiet. You don't want to die do you?"

The chakat shook her head in fear thinking Lone would kill her for her actions. She was litterally shaking.

Lone was not paying the least of attention. His gaze peered past her and off along the ridge just as the red arrow shot overhead. "Shit." He whispered. He had to think fast. He quickly snapped an arrow in half and thrust the feather end to the chakat's chest. She screamed out in shock. "Perfect. Now lie down, hold this to your chest and don't move. Go as limp and dead as you can. We'll take care of the rest."

The chakat stared at him in confusionFor a second.

"Now." Lone commanded harshly. "Tanya get up here."

Tanya ran up to them just as the slave dropped to the ground eyes closed and Lone let loose an arrow.

The soldier had just come up to watch the slave slump to the ground with Tanya. The arrow whizzed past her head with the feather nicking her ear. She heard Lone cursing about the miss and rather than stay and take an arrow, she fled with haste.

Lone let another arrow loose just to be sure the ruse was beleivable. He stared off in the harsh darkness to make sure the soldier was gone. Once he was certian, he turned to Tanya and whispered "Get her down to base. Wait with the queen until Ikari and I get back." And before Tanya could say a word, Lone took off into the darkness.

Tanya just smiled and looked down to the frightened chakat, "You're safe now. You can get up."

The chakat stood to her feet warilly. She looked back to the ridge. She could barely see a thing. "They think slave is dead?"

"Yes. Come on. We can't stay here anymore. You have to brief us on what's going on." Tanya said in near silence as she headed back down to the camp. "Not exactly as planned but good enough." She muttered to herself.

They made their way into camp and went straight for the Queens tent pushing the flaps aside.

Nita was half asleep when she looked up to see Tanya barreling in. "What is going on?" She demanded on seeing the tall girl behind her.

"Slight change of plans Queen Razelle." Tanya shrugged. "She shrieked. And her escort. Rather her owner came back. We ... or Lone faked her death as if we killed her. Looks pretty good for a dead chakat doesn't she?"

"Indeed." Nita replied as Corsi herself awoke from a small pillow she had curled up on.

"Oh great. Lone improvised again." Corsi joked just as the he and Ikari walked into the tent. "What's your name girl?" She asked to the scared slave.

"Slave does not..."

"Yes you do have a name. You are not to refer to yourself as 'slave' again. Is that understood?" Corsi interupted.

After a few awkward moments of silent staring, Corsi asked again. "So what's your name?"

"This one was born as Sneff Mistress Corsi." She said softly and almost embarrased to say a name she was previously forbidden to even refer to.

Nita was getting impatient. She interupted the heartfelt moment, "Sneff, you have done well. But everything rides on your report. What is going on with your former owners?"

Taking things litterally, Sneff replied. "Slaves ... I mean this one's owners were kille... Excecuted for not willing to take part in all this. Her owners were.."

"Sneff. You may ... Correction, you WILL use proper pronouns like I, me, and my when referring to yourself. You're a heroine not a slave as of this moment forward. Do you understand?" Corsi interupted with a start. "What is happening on the other side of the field? With our scouts? With the plan?"

"Sl... I am sorry Mistress Corsi. They are at full strength. The reinforcements arrived last evening. They are planning on sending over a captain for last chance parlay first thing in the morning." Sneff swallowed hard. "Their army is more than twice the size of this. Even with us slaves on the ridge shooting at them there are too many."

Nita turned to Corsi quizzically. "How in the..."

"Microfurs." She answered already knowing the question. "The states uses microfurs for intelligence recon missions. We make perfect spies. Our microfur pets are over there right now. They should be coming back tonight in fact."

"There is some good news." Sneff commented. "All the bows they have are being given to us. We make up only a quarter of the Army. But the plan they are working is supposed to be the slaves on the ridge to force you to charge."

"What are they going to do to keep you in line?" Nita asked trying to resolve a strategy.

"Six soldiers Mistress. Slave was ... I was supposed to be closer to your camp. They wanted sl .. me to die because of my masters betrayal." She finished almost in tears with her head down in shame.

Nita sat up straight. "What's wrong with you? This is not the time for..."

"Queen Razelle!" Corsi shouted at the top of her lungs. "This is not an interrogation! Can't you see what she's been through? You ought to know better than anyone. Nidaja bought Alps from that country. You know how he was."

Nita gritted her teeth hard until a realization shot through her like a bullet. "They'll take him too if we lose. Oh shit."

"Now's really not the time to be thinking of that. We need all the information we can obtain to prevent something like that from happening. And Sneff here is the vessel of that information." Corsi stopped for a moment pondering and thinking of how to proceed. She sat up straight. "We need Porn."

"WHAT?!? How in the world can you be thinking of that? You're the one that just said we needed to be serious!" Nita raged.

Corsi just smiled and turned back to the Queen. "Porn is a rabbit. Remember the Bondage Bunny issue a few years back? Tall hermaphrodite rabbit, stark white with a big erection?"

Nita just stared in disbeleif at the mouse.

"She was tied up legs over her head and forced to suck her own cock while Lone and Jaxx took turns stuffing her."

"OH! That rabbit was named Porn?" Nita remembered amongst a snicker from several of the awakened furs in the tent.

"Yes. She's an amazing marksman. Pisses Tanya and Myri off to no end. She shoots better than they do, and she can fire a gun better too." Corsi joked. She nodded her head to one of her pets whom bolted from the tent. "She'll be nude. They don't really make pants that will fit her. And because of her size, her body makes added blood so she doesn't pass out every time she gets aroused. And because.... Well, without explaining it, she appears like she is at a constant state of arousal."

A few minutes later a beautiful white rabbit opened the flap of the tent. She was almost shimmering bright. And the cock she had was so large, it hung stiff as a board with a sack that looked more like a duffel bag than a set of balls. Her breasts were giants as well, being at least a triple H in size.

"Dear lord child, you must have back problems." Nita could not help but comment.

"Nah." Porn dismissed as she grabbed lewdly at her softball sized balls, "These help counterweight."

Nita just stared in near shock.

Corsi shook her head. "Should have warned you about that too. Porn will say exactly what is on her mind no matter what."

"Evidently." Nita commented.

"Porn. We will need your sniping abilities." Corsi said plainly. "Your entire task in this is to take out six soldiers. They will be forming on the ridge. Get yourself in a tree and bring Tanya here with you. You have one hour to fet into position."

"Yes mistress."

"Good girl. Make me proud of you."

"Don't forget to fix my bath before you go." Corsi called after her.

Porn turned back and bounded back, "You can always draw it yourself mistress." Standing right up close to the mouse.

"Wait a second. You bathe in..."

"Cum. It's great for the fur. Why do you think my fur is so shiny?" Corsi explained to the stunned queen.

Nita stared at Corsi in near shock. "After all this is said and done, I'd like to see that."

"Well for full sized furs, we'll have to comb it into your fur but I think we can get Porn, Myri, and Lone to make enough for you."

"We're getting off topic." Nita commented trying to regain the sutuation.

"So I should just have Yoiko help this morning?" Porn asked with a grin.

"Yes. Now go get in position." Corsi ordered with a casual wave of her hand.

After Porn left, both Nita and Corsi turned to the now startled Sneff.

"Back to what we were discussing, are the microfurs that we sent over okay?" Corsi asked the silent chakat.

Sneff stared for a moment before stammering. "Yes Mistress. They have been hiding in tent folds during the day and scurrying around at night spreading the word of the rebelllion to all the slaves. None of them are opposed. We hear how well slaves are treated here. We would rather fight for a better life than die as kicked on mistreated slaves."

"Well then. You're going to be alot easier to train than Krana. Took her weeks." Corsi mentioned as a side comment.

"Krana!?! She's here!?!" Sneff blurted out, taking everyone in shock.

The tent flap opened and Krana's head peeked through from blackness of night. "Someone call me?" She said timidly until she saw the grey form before her. "SNEFF!! I thought I'd never see you again!"

"You two know each other?" Nita asked looking from one to the other.

Sneff hugged Krana tightly in her arms. "I haven't seen you since you were sold. I thought you were dead. That's what my owner told me."

Krana stopped short. "Sneff, you took to freedom quick."

"It's not that easy to remember to say me and I but I don't want to upset Mistress."

Krana giggled. "You'll get used to it." She turned to Corsi. "Can she come home with us Mistress?"

"That is yet to be discussed. But if Nita is okay with it..."

Nita nodded, "I don't have a problem with it. But we're running out of time. We can have the family reunion later."

Sneff and Krana knelt in unison.

"We have Porn and Tanya taking care of the ridge. Is there anything happening in the forest?" Corsi asked sitting on her pillow. Ikari and Lone stood silently on the side still awaiting instructions.

"Yes Mistress Corsi. There will be a small group of soldiers coming in through the treeline. They are supposed to sneak into this camp to kill off anyone that did not charge." Sneff said quickly.

"How many?" Nita said as she sat back on her throne.

"About a dozen."

"You and Ikari." Corsi said to Lone. "Take up position near camp. Ikari with bow and Lone with your double tipped spear. Ikari will set up deeper in and Lone, I am sure you can handle paw to paw."

"A dozen may be too many. Might want to take Nidaja with you. I am sure you can take them out and be back on the front line before the charge." Nita offered.

"You don't have an issue with that Lone, do you?"

"No My Mistress." Lone said with a bow. "Though she will be upset at getting woken up so early."

"Wake her up anyway." Nita commented with a smile. "If it's you, she won't have an issue."

"Come Ikari. And fill up with arrows." Lone ordered as he left the tent.

When it was just the four of them left, Sneff looked up slowly. "May I speak Mistress Corsi?"

"Sneff, you can speak any time you like." Corsi said with a smile.

"Slave does not feel right in using the terms mistress asks. Slave would rather be punished than show that disrespect even if ordered." Sneff said shaking in terror of the direct disobedience.

Corsi just laughed. She hopped down and climbed up onto Sneffs head. "You can use whattever you feel comfortable with pet." She stroked affectionately along her ear and continued, "Though you are a pet now and not a slave."

"Pet can be comfortable with that mistress. Pet thanks you." Sneff cooed in glee. "But pet is not free yet. Not until pets friends are free."

Nita stood from her seat. "Yes. It's getting close to dawn. We need to be ready."

"And we need to hide Sneff. If she is seen, that could blow everything when that captain comes for words." Corsi commented. But awaken everyone. This is going to be a very interesting morning."

Krana nodded quickly and asked, "Mistress, I can take her back to my tent. It's in the back so they should never see us."

Corsi nodded and the two dismissed themselves with a deep bow.

The pair of chakats walked slowly through the dark tents. Occasionally they would hear a couple talking inside one or another. They walked in silence until Sneff commented, "It's great to see you again. Pet has missed you greatly."

"I have missed you too Sneff. We used to ..." Krana trailed off looking down to the ground. "This one is unsure where to go from here. It's been a long time Sneff."

"It's okay. Pet cannot beleive you are here. Pet loved being with you. How did your owner treat you after you were sold?" Sneff asked timidly.

Krana stopped short. She stared off for a moment and bowed her head down silently.

"Krana? What happened to you?"

"This one was kept chained up at night. As soon as morning came, she was whipped from the moment she woke if she did not perform perfectly as ordered." Krana whispered. "Mistress Corsi was a blessing. When slave was purchased by Mistress Corsi ... All that got this one through before Corsi was thinking you were alive." She sniffled back tears and continued, "When slave was told you were dead, she didn't want to go on. Mistress Corsi gave this one a purpose."

"Pet missed sleeping cuddled with you." Sneff said quietly. "If we get through this, slave wants to again. Pet does not want to lose you again."

Krana stared up to Sneff for a moment before she lunged forward, wrapping her arms around her and hugging her close like a scared child would clutch onto their mother.

Sneff held her protectively for a moment before whispering, "We should go. You have work to do and pet has hiding to do."

Krana nodded low and carefully stood back straight. "I'm sorry dear. I shouldn't have done that. Come, it's this way."

The pair contiued on through the maze of tents until they reached Krana's. Sneff settled in and Krana stayed for a few minutes to help her relax.

When she left the tent, the glow of dawn was edging over the horizon. She looked to the ridge and caught a glimpse of a silhouette agaist the rising sun of a slave taking position.

The battle was about to begin.