Gym Showers Ain't The Place For Gay Shit!

Story by Gruffy on SoFurry

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#6 of The Inevitables (Long Kinky Stories)

Man, that's one mighty interesting gym! :P

This is a pornographic anthropomorphic homoerotic piece of fiction. Just that you know what you're doing!


Alright, y'all,

I wasn't too happy with how my last one-smut turned out, so I decided to redeem my ways and write something else, and hopefully, better, too, for our mutual enjoyment. This is a type of story I haven't really written before, so I do hope that it is up to scratch. At 12,000, it should also provide a long, nice read, too!

If you have any comments, don't hesitate to drop me a line or two! Also remember that votes, faves and watches help others to find these stories to enjoy as well.

Have a messy read!


"Won't you fucking look at that?" the booming voice of the bull whose horns almost scraped the tiled ceiling of the gym showers called out across the room populated by half a dozen furs getting cozy after a good workout.

"Jesus fucking Christ Owen are you pawing off?" the equally loud though less basso-toned voice of a stallion joined in on the leering exclamations.

Paws that had been scrubbing shampoo over fur and gym-achy muscles stopped, tails flicked, balls stopped being lovingly and slowly washed, ears perked, and water-soaked heads turned to look towards the direction where the bull's hand was pointing. It was the last shower in the line of seven showerheads, under which a tall, buff brown bear stood, bathing in the constant stream of hot water. Unlike the other guys who had been keeping things business as usual and stared at the wall to avoid any peekings on various types of masculine equipment around, the bear faced the far wall and was actually staring alongside the line of dudes and seeing pretty much everything there was to be seen in a gym shower filled with thickly muscles furs. The bull had not been wrong in his declaration, either, for a long, pink erection jutted out from a mass of curly brown fur, and the bear's paw was moving up and down over that water and soap suds-lubed length while he openly stared at the free eye candy available to him.

"What the fuck?!" the shaggy-furred wolf who had been soaping up his sheath quickly pulled his paws over his groin to protect it from the all too curious eyes of the bear.

"What homo business is this??" the fur nearest to the bear, a lion, jumped out of his place and off to the side, dripping water all over the floor tiles as he tried to scurry away from the voyeur ursine.

He collided with another fur, a German Shepherd who was only just entering the showers, one paw holding onto a towel he had around his waist, but the sudden crash of a wet lion caused him to drop it to the wet floor and jump out of surprise and shock.

"Hey, watch it man!" the Sheppie only barely had the time to react to the immediate crash before he realized why all the other furs in the shower were not looking at him getting lion-crashed but towards the far corner of the shower where a big bear happily stood, pawing off and flicking his ears as he smirked at the amount of attention he was getting all sudden.

"Fuck you Owen, this ain't place for that shit!" the stallion who had called the bear by name yelled at the brown male again, giving him sharp ear flicks to show that the stallion didn't want to see that kind of shit here at his regular gym.

"Couldn't help it, Cooper," the water-washed bear replied and winked, his paw never stopping its lewd, slippery glide over his cock. "I mean, you going on that treadmill for forty-five minutes...bounce, bounce, bounce, bounce, bounce..."

He demonstrated the motion by grabbing the base of his long, thin erection and made it bob up and down by flicking it with his fingers.

"Shit, Owen!"

The bull switched off his showerhead and walked over now, passing the wolf, the lion and the Sheppie before he took a position standing next to the stallion, easily twice as heavy as the horse, and displaying a huge, pendulous pair of balls hanging between his thick thighs. His black sheath glistened with water and was a much appreciated sight for the bear, who licked his lips broadly across his muzzle.

"What've you fed for that, Ace?" the bear grinned, never missing a stroke.

The stallion smacked his tail as he crossed his arms across his chest and scowled at the bear and the bull in turn.

"Don't give him any fucking ideas, Ace," he bared his blocky teeth and nickered low in his chest, trying not to watch the seesawing motion of the brown bear's paw on his pink cock, or listen to the disturbing slurping sound.

The beefcake bull elbowed the stallion and grunted, much to the bear's amusement, for he only laughed.

"I do have plenty of fucking ideas, especially about you, Cooper, "the bear winked again.

The black stallion snorted and waved a fisted paw in the bear's direction, but the bull only laughed, and smacked his own tail against his own thigh, to make a fleshy sound over wet meat, almost like the fap fap fap of the bear's paw going up and down on his exhibitionist bastard dick. He stepped up, across the rush of water left by the jumpy lion's vacated shower, and stood there in the makeshift waterfall affect, glaring at the bear who stood there, backed against the rear wall, furry back touching the tiles. The brown bear didn't show any signs of stopping his openly displayed act of masturbation, however, but kept going even when the bull leaned over him, one hand smashed against the wall by the bear's head, as he tilted his head down and opened up in regards to his thoughts about the bear.

"OWEN! HOW many times we gotta tell you that if you keep doing that GAY SHIT here in OUR gym, you're gonna get your ASS kicked so hard that you won't walk for a week and it AIN'T because you got some fucking good time from one of your fag buddies?!"

"Is that soap in your muzzle or what?" the bear commented briefly as he watched the bull's snout become almost foamy from all the shouting he was doing, which had caused everyone's ears to fall flat in the shower room.

The bear's blue eyes looked up calmly to the panting bull, his ears flat, but his smile still there, on his muzzle. The stallion stared at the bull's broad back and ass, covering most of the bear, expect for the all to evident motion of his elbow against his hip as he still kept pulling his pud slowly despite the impeding threat of violence coming from the bull. The wolf, the lion and the Sheppie stood in a small cluster off to the other side, unmoving and simply staring at the odd display taking place right in front of their very eyes.

Ace waved his huge fist in front of the bear's muzzle and bared his huge teeth, just to show him who was the boss around here, and that certainly wasn't some faggy bear getting off by staring at HIS big and weightlifting-perfected rump.

"SHUT THE FUCK UP!" the bull snorted and huffed madly.

"Hey, Ace, chill down, dude!" Cooper the stallion called from behind him, his ears flat and his tail flicking nervously. "He's not worth it, dude, you don't need trouble with the cops again, man!"

Owen the bear flicked his thumb over the shiny head of his cock and tilted his head over to the side as he smirked.

"Why don't you make me shut up, then, Ace?" the bear taunted.

Ace bellowed out a dark, deep noise. The next sound any one of them heard was the smack of the bull's hands landing on the bear's shoulders, hard enough to cause his knees to buckle and make him fall down over to the slick floor. Owen's paw slipped off his dick as he took some of his weight with his paws upon landing to the ground, and he let out a grunt at the sudden impact.

"Fucking fag, always getting on my nerves," Ace grunted, eyes boring to the bear now kneeling in front of him, with the bull's paws still holding onto his shoulders.

The bear's blue eyes were still all so innocent as he looked up to the dripping bull.

"Such a great vantage point from here, Ace," the bear's curious eyes stared at the swinging balls and the thick sheath that now were only a foot away from his nose.

"Little fucking fag pussy," the bull snorted and slammed one of his hands behind Owen's neck, only to push the bear's muzzle against his own big sheath.

"What the fuck!" the lion shouted as he saw the brown, fluffy furs of the bear's chin make contact with the leathery skin of Ace's sheath, muffling a surprised "hmmph!" coming from Owen the bear with a boner freely bouncing between his kneeling thighs.

Thick bovine buttocks clenched as the bull rubbed his groin against the bear's muzzle, feeling hot breath and friction over his sheath from the harsh motion. Ace grunted and kept holding onto the bear's head firmly.

"Showing the fag some manners, like SHUTTING UP when you GOTTA SHUT UP!" the bull grunted and kept humping his impressive package over the bear's subdued face.

"Ace, Jesus...," the stallion's eyes widened as he watched his gym buddy's humping motion from the back, how those big, round, wet ass cheeks clenched firmly together, and how Ace's back muscles were simply rippling up and down rhythmically with his effort of grinding his dick to the exhibitionist gay bear's muzzle.

He couldn't deny that the sight was making his own sheath feel heavier than before, and he was already fighting the urge to cop a feel, just a quick one, to readjust his itchy sheath.

The bull smacked his tail and snorted and used his grip on the bear's neck to push that slick, hot mass of furs more firmly over his swelling sheath. Some pink, thick bull bovine cock was already peeking out of the fleshy fold of black skin, smearing against the huffing bear's cheek.

"Just giving the bitch what he wants, Cooper," the bull gave a brief glance over his shoulder, "if you want some too, wait for your turn, but if you ain't wanting to get your share of the bitch, get the fuck out of here."

Cooper opened his muzzle to speak in protest, but Ace harrumphed and turned his big head to face towards the trio of other males standing off to the side, and gave them a loud, open-mouthed grunt and a snort from his big, fleshy nostrils adorned by a big, shiny nose ring.

"Same goes for you, you are either in it or get going before you join the bear in the cocksucking duty, that clear?" the bull growled, making sure that the onlookers could see how his thick dong pushed up out of his sheath and molested the bear's muzzle with firm humping motions coming off the bull's beefy hips.

The room was quiet for a moment, discounting the rush of water from the still operating showerheads and the bear's muffled sounds of approval as he got some musky bull cock rubbed rudely all over his face.

"Ace...," the stallion, his hand now covering a growing boner and doing a poor job in hiding such a thick dong from any prying eyes, spoke in a low, broken voice.

"Fucking gay shit, I'm outta here," the wolf snorted and stomped towards the door, only to disappear into the locker room, dripping water and with a few soapy suds still sticking to his furs. He didn't even stop to get his towel from one of the numerous hooks on the wall next to the door which closed itself with a slamming, metallic sound.

The Sheppie and the lion simply stood there, wet, slick-furred, and with their eyes fixed on the bear now servicing the aggressive bull with his muzzle. They daren't look at each other, or the stallion still standing off to the other side, his own eyes glancing between the top of the bear's head as it moved, spurned by the bull's huge, thick arm, and Ace's own, big, beefy, definitely not faggy ass and swinging tail. Cooper's own erection was already past half mast and well on its way towards his maximum limit of eleven and a half inches of thick, pink and black horsemeat, a big source of masculine pride for the ever so popular stallion. Now the mare-loving horse couldn't pry his eyes away from his bull gym buddy's big, wet ass.

Ace, after seeing that the wolf was gone for good, turned his head down to give the bear a harsh, dark look. He moved his hands over and grabbed onto the bear's head to tilt it up, and bared his teeth as he stared down to Owen's curious, amused ursine eyes, seemingly non-pulsed by the rough treatment in the bull's hands. Judging by his still fully hard cock and its many pink inches, there was no doubt that the confirmed homosexual bear was enjoying his predicament in this locker room shower. The bull's own erection reached the topmost of his dark-furred abs and must have topped off at a whole foot of tapering red flesh, pushing out of a wrinkled sheath. It was perfectly in proportion with the big pair of furry balls, prominently displayed between his jutting legs.

Ace snorted.

"You bite on it, bitch, and you'll eat with a straw for the rest of your life, you got that?"

Owen's wet, heavy paw raised from his thigh and landed against the bull's hip, for balance, because he liked to give his best, whatever the circumstances.

"Ohh honey, I'd never mistreat such a fine...piece of art," the bear's eyes enjoyed the sight of that huge, pulsing cock as much as his watering muzzle was bound to enjoy it, he was sure of that, not to mention the musky scent that overcome any lingering industrial soapy smells that might have persisted from the time when someone was actually doing some washing here.

"What a piece of shit," Ace growled, his other paw falling to push his cock down for the perfect angle for the bear to gobble it all down. "Swallow it."

Owen hardly needed any more encouragement before he was already at it, his constrained head tilting as much as it could while he moved his slick, brown-furred bulk forward to get that bovine cock into his muzzle. He murmured approvingly as soon as he got the first taste of hot bull flesh between his own thin lips. It was musky and dark in taste, thanks to being asleep inside that murky, unwashed sheath all day, and had probably only been out last time either when the bull was taking a piss or jacking off. Owen lapped the tip clean in the few seconds it remained there, simply resting against his lips. Ace growled deeply.

"Go on, bitch..." his thumb pressed against the side of the bear's trapped chin as he urged the slutty bear to move on with the muzzlejob.

Owen pushed his broad tongue out and made it into a slide of sorts, pressing against his own lower lip as he opened wide and pushed his head forward to take as many inches into his muzzle as was physically possible. His rough, spit-slickened tongue welcomed the underside of the bull's cock that grew in thickness with every inch passing through his lips, forcing Owen to open his maw more by the time five inches had entered into the warm cavity of the bear's broad muzzle.

Ace's body heaved as the heat of the softly sucking bearmuzzle infused through his dickflesh and got the best of him, and he threw his head back and mooed, low from his chest, his shoulders slung back, and his tail made that familiar smacking motion again. It caused Cooper to jump a little, surprised by the sudden sharpness of the sound after the relative silence before that was now regularly punctuated by slurps coming from the juncture of bear muzzle and bull cock making intense, wet contact with each other. Cooper nickered softly and cupped his balls into one of his palms and rolled them around, enjoying the gentle squeeze he was giving to his own gonads while he watched the lewd display take place right there. His other hand was already curled around his cock, below the gently flaring head. The stallion held his horsemeat in a gentle grip, still slightly puzzled over why he, the pussy-eating champion of the neighborhood, was standing there with a giant boner over some pervert bear dude sucking off another DUDE in the gym showers of all places. His ropey white tail flicked nervously over his own pert ass, and he felt odd heat over his cheeks and chest as he stared at the bear's head bobbing up and down over the bull's dick while Ace husked dirty words, both hands gripping on the brown head furs.

"Yeah...getting a taste of a REAL man now and none of those puny fags, aren't you Owen?" the bull growled as he slowly thumped his bear-spit-soaked cock into the kneeling male's subby muzzle.

The bear rumbled something nobody could have deciphered, but he sounded happy enough with his new role as the bull's personal cocksucker and the recipient of all the insulting slurs Ace could come up with while giving it to the bear up to the choking point. One of his paws gripped to that part of the cock he couldn't into his muzzle and only barely made it around the thick base of the impressive dick trying to push down his throat.

"Yeah...that's what a cock that's been in a PUSSY tastes like, Owen, bet it's a really new thing for you, fag!"

Cooper's cheeks felt even hotter as he listened and watched the muzzlefuck continue. His eyes also wandered over to the other side of the room where the Sheppie and the lion stood at a respectable distance form each other, seemingly nailed to the spot, while they too kept watching the surprise show. The lion was sporting a good-sized barbed cock, fully hard and already dripping that copious feline pre-cum, like Cooper had seen on some porn flicks on occasion. The Sheppie's sheath was definitely swollen, too, and he had a paw over it, but the stallion couldn't see any cock yet. He also wasn't sure why he was looking at the two dudes standing there and comparing their dicks or potential dicks with his own impressive endowment currently held in the gentle caress of his own palm and fingertips. His big balls couldn't find anything to complain about resting against his supporting cupped hand, giving the twitching pair of horse testicles some pleasant extra warmth.

He quietly wondered whether the strange lion and the strange dog were watching him, too.

At the very least the bull didn't seem to mind having an audience, though, as he kept sliding his red dick into the bear's brown, warm, inviting muzzle. The faggy bear's tongue kept tickling his length as it probed the depths it could reach within that makeshift fuckhole. He could go as far as the back of the bear's throat, his pointed tip poking so deep occasionally that the bear made a loud, wet, gurgling sound, but at least judging by the continued eagerness with which he kept plunging his head down over the throbbing dick, he didn't seem to be in the danger of gagging too badly on the big cock being fed to him. Owen's own cock stood out as a pink hot spire of throbbing flesh, slickened by shower water and pre that kept oozing out of him in thin strands from the small piss-slit on the heated tip. He pawed himself off slowly, by no means taking any hurry in pleasuring himself while his main objective was treating Ace to something nice and interesting. His other paw kept moving slowly over the bull's cock, going to the opposite direction to the way his own muzzle slid across the delicious piece of beef in his wet and slurping oral cavity, and he even remembered add that signature twist over that veined flesh he was famous for amongst everyone who had ever gotten their cocks sucked by one Owen Riggins.

"Yeah...pussy bear can't get enough of bull dick...," Ace kept on his crooning, thrusting slowly into his new hole, "shows you that you better not mess around with your gym buddies unless they're into it."

Cooper's ears flattened as he decided that he was already almost too much into it, as he realized that he was slowly sliding his hand up and down his manly pride tower of horse cock while he spied on the bull giving a full rough treatment to the kneeling bear. His balls swayed back and forth with every slow thrust he made into the bear's wide-open muzzle, even going as far as making soft smacks as wet furry skin met the furs on the bear's muzzle. His slick lips slid over the red shaft, suckling onto the savory flesh on each pass he made over the lusty length of a very horny and dominant bull taking his pleasure from using the outrageous bear's muzzle.

Cooper had always considered himself straight, but he couldn't help but wonder how that must've felt like, since the bear was obviously a very eager to do what he was doing at the moment, giving head to the big bull towering over the kneeling bear. He'd only known Owen for a few months as a casual acquaintance at the gym, and while the bear hadn't exactly been hiding nor openly waving the flag about his sexual orientation, to actually see the bear jacking off at the sight of his hunky straight gym buddies and now sucking one off...that was something fucking different. Cooper felt way too turned on by the sight of the bear blowing the bull, and that combined with the fact that from the corner of his eye he could see the lion pawing off too, and the Sheppie was fondling his balls, he wasn't the only one in the locker room shower feeling aroused by the horny peep show put up by the dirty bear and the massive bull driving his cock into Owen's throat.

The stallion would have hard time denying the fact that the bull's body wasn't such a bad thing to look at either, him being almost eight feet tall, almost nine when you added the horns, and as thickly muscled as anyone of his size could be without getting that ridiculously large bodybuilder look. He might not have had that level of muscle definition, but there were no layers of fat covering any of that mass of muscles bulging at every part of the bull's tall frame. The hot ripples coursing across his back, from his broad neck all the way to the backs of his calves where the fused with his hooves kept that hot wet fur in a constant state of motion, drawing extra attention to the fact that you didn't want to mess around with this particular male. His ass was big and fleshy and simply so big that you could only call it a rump, no other word was able to cover its immense size and roundness, at least to Cooper's slightly confused mind. He was sure of the fact that his eyes were being drawn to the curves of that motherfucking big bull ass adorned by the swinging tuff-tipped tail occasionally coming to a rest over the deep crevice between those massive rump cheeks. Cooper nickered softly and shook his head, but did nothing to stop the incessant stroke of his hand over his heated, throbbing horsemeat.

Ace the bull was into it alright. He was still continuing his work of slowly muzzle-fucking the willing bear with his whopping bull cock. Some of the water that had been clinging to his furs had already been replaced by a thin sheen of sweat from the exertion of pummeling his dick into that by now slowly numbing muzzle. Owen still had the energy left to swirl his tongue over the thin cocktip whenever Ace withdrew enough to give him space to work around the cock inside his muzzle, but normally he was kept full to brim by the mass of bull-dick being fed to him on each ball-smacking thrust coming from the horny bull. Ace huffed and snorted and breathed hard and kept grunting between his broad lips, hurtling further obscenities towards the brown bear's flicking ears.

"Bet you didn't expect this, pussy bear? Thought you could get away with that shit?" the bull growled. "And stop jerking off, Owen!"

He stomped the tiled floor with a hoof, making a sharp clicking sound that caused Cooper's ears to flatten and made the Sheppie jump, the stallion found out as soon as he turned to look at the direction of the distant random canine giving himself a pawjob while ogling at Owen's oral pleasuring of the king of the gym locker room showers, Ace bull. The noise also had the wanted effect of making Owen drop his paw from his dick, leaving it to throb and leak pre on its own while he rested his paw gently over his own thigh.

"There we go, ain't keeping that business up here...yeah, use that tongue, fuck yeah..." Ace's fingers flexed over the back of the bear's fluffy neck, sinking further into the thick furs as he forced that head down over his cock once again. "Show what you professional cocksuckers can do, Owen."

The bear moaned obediently around the dick in his muzzle and kept up his work of offering the bull a hot, tight hole to shove his cock into while still holding onto Owen's head furs and making sure that the bear wasn't trying to stop doing what he had been told to do.

Cooper took a tentative step off to the side and then closer, so that now he stood off to an angle from the action going on there at the corner of the showers, the bear kneeling, back against the tiles, the bull leaning against that same wall while he let the bear's muzzle service his obscenely thick dick. His head was now hung down as he watched Owen working over his glistening meat, and supplied the bear's natural motions with little pushes on the back of his neck as well as thrusts from his own flexing hips.

"You like this shit man?" he noticed the aroused stallion's approach from the corner of his head and flicked an ear at Cooper while giving him a harsh huff and a grin over his thick bovine lips.

Sweat dripped off that shiny metal ring on his snout, the stallion noticed, almost dully, as he took in every visual detail of the bull using the bear. His cock was oozing a lot of pre that made its way across his knuckles, leaking from his blunt tip and over the flared head to his hand, now wet with his own sweet-smelling juices while he openly watched Ace's ass clenching in such an inexplicably fascinating way.

"He seems to like that shit, yeah," Cooper nodded his long muzzle towards the bear happily slurping on the bull cock.

"Hell yeah," Ace made a show of slapping his big balls against the bear's chin with a good thrust of his hips, putting up a bit of a display for the curious stallion. "Sucks it like a bitch."

"So it seems," Cooper answered almost dully, watching how those lips were stretched around the thickest part of the bull cock the bear was able to take without dislocating his jaws.

"And the thing he does with his paw, look at that!" Ace waved his hand over Owen's laborious paw, still doing his infamous curling squeeze across the base of his massive dick, on each pass his lips and tongue made along the bull's shaft.

Cooper even started to mimic it, slowly, whenever his paw made it past the thick ring around the central part of his own stallion dong, gving it an extra squeeze on each slo-mo stroke. His tail flailed behind him.

"Yeah, Ace, looks like he's been born to do this shit."

"Ain't yah, Owen?" the bull grunted and spat over the bull's face, making him squeeze his eyes shut tight, and to growl low and deep around the dick buried in his muzzle.

"Fuck yeah he does," Cooper spurned the bull on, hoping, secretly, that if Ace got off in Owen's muzzle, he, too, might get a go with the bear and his blowjob skills.

He was even closer now, too, almost unconsciously moving towards the rutting pair, wanting to see everything even better. Ace seemed to take notice of this, for he snuffled and then chuckled, smirking at the stallion from his half-hunched position as he looked at him from under his outstretched beefcake arm.

"Now, now, don't be fucking selfish, man, you're blocking the view from those two guys over there," Ace flicked his ear.

Cooper quickly turned his head to the indicated direction, where the lion and the Sheppie were still standing, both sporting boners that were being slowly jerked off by their respective owners, deeply immersed in watching the obscene, slurping performance. His ears flattened as he realized that he had indeed been standing directly in front of the two male's line of sight, and clip-clopped off to the side again, leaning against the wall himself so that he wouldn't lose any of his great view.

"There we go," Ace smirked, his thumb playing with Owen's nearest bear, "why don't you two give a bit of a show as well, eh? It's pretty selfish too that Owen here..." he punctuated his statement with a thrust that put his cockhead deep into the bear's throat, making him gargle, "...gets to do all the work while you're just standing there like selfish pricks."

The Sheppie huffed and swished his tail in annoyance, but the lion chuckled in a low, purring feline rumble.

"Why don't you jerk each other off?" the bull spoke, and while it sounded like a question, there was still no doubt that it was an order, not a suggestion.

For a while Cooper, his heart racing, was sure that the two random dudes would never go for it, since they had been just standing there for so long, just watching and idly playing with their dicks. That was nothing compared to actually grabbing some guy's hard COCK and taking it into your paw and trying to stroke it like you were giving some private paw time to yourself, but this time the pre over your palm belonged to someone else. He hadn't even touched any other dude's cock himself...although he suspected that it wouldn't feel too bad to cop a feel of Ace's big boner...maybe.

"I'm game," the lion smirked toothily and gave the Sheppie a wink and flicked his tail broadly.

The German Shepherd have the lion a nervous glance, his eyes bouncing between the bull, the bear, the stallion and the big golden cat standing there with a pointed red barbed boner quite well in open view. It was a cock that he had been invited to, too, both by the lion and the bull's command, but yet he hesitated.

"Come on," the lion made the decision for them both and grabbed the Sheppie's cock into his own paw and gave it a firm tug, just above the fully formed bulbous knot near the base.

The Doggie's tail lashed out, tensing at the sudden sensation of a strange paw on his most sensitive meat, the lion's grip firm but considerate.

"Wow, it's really smooth with no barbs," the lion grinned happily, his cock throbbing wildly as he explored the new sensations eagerly.

"Fuck...," the Sheppie's ears flicked down but he did not make a move to swat the lion's paw away.

"There we go...ohh yes...boy love in the making...," Ace taunted, chucking roughly while he never stopped pumping his cock into bear's happily vibrating muzzle.

Cooper chucked throatily, his big buck teeth bared while he nickered happily at his gum buddy's dirty antics.

"Doing the best with what I can get," the lion smirked confidently, starting to paw the Sheppie off properly now, sliding over that hot canine meat slowly.

"Ohh man...," the Sheppie wagged his tail.

The lion grabbed onto the Sheppie's nearest paw and brought the docile limb over his own slightly smaller but definitely no less hard erection, and left it there, his own fingers wound around the canine's as he closed the paw around his barbed flesh.

"There we go...just feel it...," the lion crooned, hissing slowly between clenched teeth, his barbs already tickled by soft palm furs.

Ace shook his big head, an antler scraping against the back wall while he chuckled deeply.

"Seems that everyone's a fag around here, Jesus fucking Christ!" he punctuated his statement with some lusty thrusts into the bear's muzzle.

Cooper's ears flattened upon hearing the words, but he didn't react otherwise, simply stayed as he was, leaning his butt and his back against the cool tiled wall and jacking off his own impressive stallionhood with slow, deliberate movements. He wanted to draw this out, and there was no point in hurrying anywhere as long as Ace was having his fun with Owen.

Off to his left side, the Sheppie was actually holding onto the lion's cock on his own accord now, and he no longer had to coax the canine into moving his paw over his prickly erection. The big golden-furred cat kept purring loudly, enjoying the treatment clearly while he too worked on the Sheppie's own engorged member with firm strokes.

"Can't find anything wrong in his cocksucking though," Ace mused, stroking Owen's head fur almost tenderly, "such a good cocksucker bitch..."

The bear flicked his ears and rumbled something that made no sense, but it didn't sound like he was very much minding being talked to like that, especially when his throat seemed to be kissing around Ace's cocktip, making the bull moo softly under his breath.

"Fucking tight...wonder if his pussy is as tight...," the bull groaned, huffing hotly from his big snout, " warm..."

"You...," Cooper breathed our harshly, getting more and more turned on by the dirty talk and the wet sounds coming from all directions now, "you planning to find out?"

The idea was so taboo, so great, so massive, that he couldn't ever believe that it could happen.

Ace winked.

"Sounds like YOU want to find out, Cooper," the bull grinned.

Cooper's ears flattened as he was put on the spot, but the surge of pre from his piss slit was nothing but a dead giveaway.

Ace chuckled darkly.

"You total queer," he snorted and shook his head broadly, "fuck...but if you wanna blow your load up the bear's ass, be my guest."

With that he heaved himself backwards, letting his cock slowly slide past the bear's still-sucking lips until he was finally all the way out and left the bear's muzzle with a wet popping sound, followed by a rough gasp from the breathless bear who had been huffing through his nose for the duration of the blowjob he had to endure for so long.

Ace grabbed the bear's paw still curled around his dick and pushed it aside.

"Get up, Owen, you're getting it up the pussy from Cooper London, you ready for that?" the bull grunted hotly down to the slack-jawed bear slumped on the floor.

"Bet 10 bucks he's gonna do it," the lion chuckled nasally from his spot, paw busy at work giving the Sheppie some free gym buddy service right there and then.

Ace chuckled.

"Fuck you, punk, nobody's gonna fall for such an easy trick," he licked his own lips as he smirked evilly at the paw-happy lion, before he glared down at the seated bear again. "Heard that, Owen? This lion here's accusing you of being a cheap whore, how're you gonna react to that?"

The heavily breathing, aroused bear flicked his ears rapidly and chuffed.

"I'm not in the habit of fucking for money, Ace," the bear chuckled.

"There we go!" Ace grabbed the bear's arm and gave it a firm tug.

The docile brown ursine got up to his footpaws with a couple of deep groans, and even flicked his little tail when the bull's big paws again guided him roughly so that he was facing the wall.

"Bend over, bitch, "Ace gave the bear's shoulder a push that left little room for interpretation.

"He's gonna do it," the lion chuckled.

"Fuck I think he is," the Sheppie's voice was low and raspy, distracted by the hot glide of paw on his sensitive dick.

The bear's paws splayed wide over the wall in front of him as he was told to bend over and brace himself against the wall. Owen didn't forget to wriggle his big, furry ass a bit in a blatant display of what he was packing in that end as well, while he gave the stallion a look, over his outstretched arm.

"Go on, Cooper...if you ain't going there soon I bet Ace's gonna tap it," the bear's slack tongue licked over his lips slowly, suggestively.

Cooper nickered, a constrained, hot voice, as he moved forward, his hand around his massive almost foot-long cock.

Ace made a little whoo! sound and gave the bear's as a slap as me stepped back to make some room for the stallion to take his rightful place behind the bear's offered rump.

"Go on, big boy...the bitch wants it hard in the pussy," the bull smirked, his own paw taking a lazy grasp over his spit-soaked length while he studied the newly unfolding situation.

Cooper was barely paying any attention now to the bear or the mutually masturbating pair to his right. Instead he was watching the bear's nub of a tail and the broad ass cheeks that formed his rump. It was probably not as firm as the bull's was, because he saw the mass of flesh undulate under Ace's slap over that big ass, but he was sure that the soft furs and its very fleshy size made it a fun thing to stick his cock into. The fact that it belonged to a thirty-something gay bear DUDE bending over in a gym shower filled with musky aroused guys seemed to fade out somewhere to the background, like the white noise generated by the still running, abandoned shower.

"Bet he's got a really tight pussy, bro," Ace huffed from behind him, making Cooper's tail flick rapidly while he contemplated the sight of that big ass right there in fucking distance.

The stallion's cock throbbed as he stared at Owen's rump, eyes going up and down the furry taint that ended in the bear's pair of snug balls and the base of his own dick. He couldn't really even see the bear's asshole amidst all that damp fur, and there even seemed to be bit of soap left there as well, since the bear certainly had not been concentrated on giving him the best bath possible while standing under the shower earlier.

The bull snorted again.

"Just spread those cheeks and get to that pussy, man."

The stallion took a deep breath before he landed his paws on either side of that big, fleshy rump and tried not to tug on the furs too hard as he pried Owen's ass cheeks apart, to better expose the forest-like crack between them. His eyes finally located the brownish but clean-looking hot bud amidst all that messy fur, clearly wrinkled and very tight.

"There we can see it's right there for you," the bull continued, his big bulk moving to the side a bit to get an even better view without blocking the line of sight again, "he needs something really big and horsey in his hot little pussy...ain't that true, Owen?"

The bear murred and his hole seemed to wink at its onlookers, squeezing tightly, and he flicked his tail.

"Yeah, Cooper, go on, do your friend Owen a favor and give him a sore ass," the bear spoke, his dirty talk almost as obscene as the bull's earlier slurs, at least so the stallion thought while he stood there, momentarily indecisive whether he actually wanted to stick his dick into another dude, especially with an audience of three watching his every move and non-move.

Ace gave the bear's rump another smack from his hand, making him groan deeply.

"You heard the bear, Cooper, he needs it bad, and if you ain't up to it, I sure will," the bull breathed harshly, his cock showing that he wasn't joking.

"I can take it, man," the bear smirked as he lowered his head in submission, claws scraping against the wall when he adjusted his bracing position. "Just gimme it to me, stud..."

"Go on, give the cock slut his wish!"

Cooper grunted with dark determination in his voice as he scowled and pushed his cock between those thick ass cheeks. His shaft was immediately swallowed on all sides by fleshy softness, and he felt almost ticklish as the fur stroked over his firm, wet shaft. It almost felt like the bear's ass cheeks were gripping down on him, so firmly touching him as he ground their hips together. He nickered loudly as their bodies came together, and he grunted, his tail swishing rapidly.

"Yeah, fuck yeah!" the bull enthused.

"Hmmmm!" Owen wriggled his butt against the offered cock and rumbled happily at his favorite sensation.

The Sheppie gasped when the lion's other paw began to play with his balls.

Cooper gave the bear's ass a couple of hard thrusts before he slipped a paw between Owen's rump cheeks and lined up his cocktip with that brown-skinned asshole barely visible as a bald patch amongst the curly brown hair. He could feel the skin move upon being touched, and it was hot, and alive, and much unlike a pussy, but still ,instinctually the stallion knew that it was something that was good to fuck, and his cock knew as much, because it immediately twitched and drooled watery pre all over the hot hole.

Owen already moaned.

" big...can't wait...ahhh..."

The bear's dirty talk was suddenly cut short by the sensation of that same blunt cock tip being jammed firmly against his hole, the stallion putting most of his considerable strength and his weight behind the action of thrusting his dong against the bear's pre-smeared asshole. The ring-shaped wrinkled pucker-muscle pulsed against the horse's flesh, resisting him for a few hissing moments before the only marginally lubed anus began to yield.

"Fuck yeah, look at that hole sucking on up..." Ace couldn't resist, he slapped the bear's ass again.

Owen groaned and by the virtue of that distraction, his tailhole clenched and then opened up, allowing the first inches of that thick cock to slip right past his asshole and into his tight rectum. The horse immediately nickered upon the sensation of the hot flesh closing around his cock tip, his own ass muscles clenching with the effort of keeping his hips steady with such tension growing over his flesh.

"Fuck it's in..."

"OHHH YEAHHH..," the bear's voice rose to surprisingly high tenor as he felt the horse cock split him open.

Cooper gave his hips an experimental thrust and watched how another pink inch disappeared into the bear's ass, swallowed by the depts. of that tight, clenching hole that kept squeezing on his shaft just below his flared tip burrowing its way into the bear's bowels.

"Go on, man," it's all yours," Ace grinned, enjoying the show while jerking himself off slowly.

"Ahhh...hell...fuck me, Cooper, fuck me..." the bear's head was held down, his ears were flat and he hissed between tightly clenched teeth, but he was also pushing his ass back against the invasion of the eleven inches of cock trying to slide into it, and he managed to gain another inch and a half, by that movement, making his penetrator stallion groan deeply.

Cooper grabbed onto the bear's fat-covered hips and roughly shoved his hips forward to impale Owen on yet another portion of that thick stallion dong. His long shaft pulsed and twitched as it continued burrowing into the ursine's tight rump, and he couldn't help it, Cooper had to start fucking that hole right away .He began to thrust, slowly, only using a couple of inches at a time, going in and out, but a little by little, more and more of his shaft disappeared inside the bent over bear.

"Ahhh...filling me up...yeah...yeahhh..." Owen wasn't shy to tell exactly what he felt when that thick cock stretched him wide and made his tight back passage fill to the brim with ass virgin stallion meat sliding into the bear's ass. The flared tip soon nudged past his prostate on its way deeper into the bear's guts, causing his own cock to jump briefly over his belly, twitching and leaking more pre over the floortiles.

This time Ace's hand didn't come down over Owen's ass but Cooper's own tight, muscular rump, landing over his right butt cheek without much force behind it, and simply stayed there, over smooth flesh. Cooper hissed a little at the odd sensation, but he felt a hot breath over one of his ears, and Ace chuckld, and gave his ass cheek a squeeze.

"Fuck him, sweetcheeks," the bull huffed and gave Cooper's ass a little push.

"Go on, make it really sloppy for me and the doggie!" the almost forgotten lion called out too, cheerfully, enjoying the lewd show and its associated noises and scents as much as the clumsy pawjob over his own dick.

"You heard what the audience says and what the bitch says, get to it, pony boy," Ace seemed to decide that taunting the fucker was as effective as the fuckee, and he gave the stallion's rump another firm squeeze from his big hand, practically feeling up Cooper's ass!

"Ngghhh!" the stallion's grip on the bear's hips tightened as he neighed and pushed himself all the way into Owen's ass.


The thicker base stretched him open wider than before, causing his poor ring-muscles to grab tightly around the horse's cock, practically milking him with fast, involuntary motions around the place where the horseflesh met the bunched-up sheath.

"Tally-ho with the ho, man!"

"Fuck me, Coop...!"

The stallion began to fuck the bear earnestly now, bucking his hips against that springy rump with abandon. Their balls smacked together, almost painfully, but it only added to the hot sensation coursing through him as he drove his cock in and out of the moaning bear. It was such a tight little hole, couldn't realty be compared with a pussy, Cooper thought almost dully while he kept pounding Owen's ass hard, keeping himself in constant motion inside that churning little tunnel.

"Now ain't that called fucking!" Ace chuckled, standing behind the stallion, his paw still resting over Cooper's ass cheek while he watched the horse fuck the brown bear bending against the wall.

"Some sloppy seconds for me please!" the lion purred dirtily, tail and ears flicking happily at the prospect of some well-used hole in the near future.

"It's got...ughh...your name on it...whatever that is ahahahhhh!" Owen felt like his prostate was being beaten into a pulp by the constant bumping of that thick tip against his nut of pleasure, deep inside his rectum.

"We'll see if your ass is worth a second date," the lion smirked and gave the Sheppie's cock a firm tug.


"You'll get your share too, friend...ohh the bear's gonna like this...thick and knot and he'll like a good knot to keep all that spunk in his pussy after we're done with him..."

The Sheppie moaned almost meekly, but as a whole, it was so hot that it only spurned Cooper into pounding the bear even harder than before, no matter that he probably couldn't last very long at all if he kept this breathless pace up for much longer.

"Look at that...," Ace shook his head briefly, feeling the constant humping motion of the stallion's ass, "so fucking hot.."

The bull stepped forward then, deciding that he wanted some action, too, and moved forward, his broad arms coming around the stallion's chest and holding him against his own chest, while his cock got nudged against the small of the slightly shorter horse's back. He didn't mash their bodies together, exactly, because he knew that the stallion needed some fucking space, but still, he could hold the stallion's body close to his without obstructing the range of motion afforded for his busily fucking hips.

Cooper stood still at the sudden sensation of the bull closing in on him, especially at the sensation of that wet, throbbing dick pressing at his tailbase, and he tilted his head and bared his teeth.


The bull smirked and moved his splayed hands upwards, to find the stallion's pecks and the little nubs of the horse's nipples upon them. He gave what the found a squeeze, and rubbed his hips slowly against the stallion's back.

"Won't fuck you unless you ask me to, but thought I'd give you a little help," he tugged on each warm little nub he could find, making the horse nicker and moan.

"Ahhhh shit..." Cooper's hips pressed forward automatically, driving him again balls deep into the bear who gave him an approving sigh at being filled fully once more.

"Go on..we'll hump him together...go on..fuck him..." Ace crooned to the horse's ear, still playing with his nipples, slowly, while holding the thick-muscled stallion against his own sweaty chest.

The stallion decided that being cuddled by a dude while he had his cock inside another's ass wasn't any more gayer shit than the other act, so he let it pass and simply began to fuck the bear again. The bull's hips pressed against his own, after a moment as he found his rhythm, and he found out that Ace was mimicking it, keeping them in constant contact without in any way making it more difficult for him to pound the bear into submission. The bull's hot breaths and nips over his ears and his fingers tweaking on his nipples was probably a bit too affectionate for this to be just good old guy-on-guy experimentation, but shit, it felt good, he got to fuck, the bull got off too, Ace got a big hot ass, so be it.

"That's so fucking unbelievably hot," the lion spoke out in a low purr, almost completely ignored by the trio involved in their threeway fuck against the bathroom wall.

The Sheppie just moaned.

Owen groaned and simply had to concentrate on holding himself steady while Cooper kept fucking his ass hard and fast, assisted in part by the bull who was supplying his extra dirty tricks to keep the stallion as horny as possible. Both his tailhole and his ass cheeks already felt battered and probably needed a proper break soon, but he still had four males to service, and Owen was never nothing but up for a good little ass challenge, especially when it came to hunky gym guys like these around him. One of them already had his cock in his ass, after all.

Cooper's balls were telling the big black horse that he might not be able to keep this up for much longer, though, as he felt then draw closer to hi body, and his pre-spitting cock twitched deep inside the bear's rectum, feeling like it was trying to swell into even larger size, nestled in that steamy hot little tunnel. The stallion was panting, driving himself to the limits in an effort to get himself off, seesawing at a breakneck speed now and causing his own teeth to clatter with the intensity of the pounding he was giving to the bear's vulnerable, squishy rump. The ass cheeks cushioned the force of the impact of his hips over them, but still, the bear was bound to be sore, the stallion was damn sure of that, as he fucked himself closer and closer to what he hoped to be a mind-boggling orgasm.

"Fuck...gonna...think I'm gonna..."

Ace breathed hotly to the stallion's ear and held him close to himself, squeezing over Cooper's chest while he ground his cock against the horse's tight butt.

"Go on..shoot your load in there...make it all slick and good for your buddy Ace...he'll give the bear another load of the manmilk he needs...real bull milk..."

Ace bit on Cooper's ear, causing the stallion to bellow as he drove his hips against Owen's ass, and he was done for good. The stallion's big balls exploded as the pleasure filled his body, and he was about to fill the bear too, with a hefty load of some hot horse cum brewing in his twitching balls. His flared tip pulsed as the first globs emerged and began to pump into the bear's guts, adding to heat already caused by the mass of horsemeat lodged balls deep inside his rectum. The twitching cock filled him up good, not only because there was almost a foot of stallion dong inside Owen's well-fucked butt, but now it also got a coating of some very nice white horse cream, flowing freely into his overworked back passage by every pulse coursing through that satisfyingly thick shaft. Cooper get huffing and grunting while his body kept going, wave after wave of pleasure wracking through him, keeping the orgasm going, making his muscles clench rhythmically all over his tall, bull-embraced frame. Pleasant warmth spread over Owen's belly at the sensation of more and more cum shooting into his ass.

"Good job, bro!" Ace grinned as he licked over the stallion's ear, grinding his own leaking cock against the horse's ass for a little moment more before he stood back to admire the sight of the stallion still mounted on his makeshift mare.

"I'd be clapping if my paws weren't busy," the lion grinned as he tormented the shy waggy-tailed puppy.

Cooper breathed hard, watching the flicking motion of the bear's ears as they both came down from the hot fuck. His cock still pulsed idly inside that warm tunnel, now coating in what felt like a coke bottle's worth of cum sloshing in there, heating everything extra warm, and much to his liking. Cooper neighed softly and stroked his paws over the rumbling bear's ass, hoping that he hadn't done any damage to the sex-crazed ursine's rump. Judging by those happy rumblings, the bear wasn't too bad off, though.

Ace gave the lion a dirty look before his hand returned to Cooper's ass, giving it a firm pat.

"Come on, you had your fill, let the big boy show how it's done," the bull breathed harshly, holding onto his cock with his free hand now, as if he was already taking aim and couldn't quite choose between his two dark-furred targets.

Cooper flicked his tail but he was hardly an argumentative stallion to begin with, especially after his balls had been so thoroughly drained by some hot and forbidden anal sex with the gym gay guy. He moved backwards, hooves clopping on the tiles while he watched white-stained inches of pink and back clock slide through the bear's asshole, followed by ever-increasing amounts of cum that flowed down into his messy taint. His cocktip caught on the rim of the hole, briefly, but a soft extra yank complimented by a rush of cum out of that tight little hole released his flared head and left the bear's ass gaping open, as if his tail was gasping for air after such a thorough and deep pounding.

He didn't get much time to eye his clockwork, before the bull pushed him aside and lined his own pointed tip unceremoniously against the bear's puffy pucker. He never had any time to tighten up, and especially since the horse was overall thicker, it didn't take much effort for Ace to simply thrust about half of his dick into the bear's cum-dripping rump before that tight ring actually for the fires time tried to close around his shaft. He made a squishy sound as the newly renewed presence displaced some of the cum that was held inside that snug little tunnel, and their ball sacs were well-soaked by the time Ace was pushing the last, extra thick inches of his cock into that complaining anus.

"Fucking tight bitch...such a sloppy pussyhole you've got Owen, this a regular thing for you letting straight guys gangbang your faggy little asshole, Owen?" the bull's dirty talk came back renewed as he groped over the bear's smarting ass cheeks, his cock throbbing deep and buried in his hole.

"Not often enough...Jesus, Ace, careful with that cooooooooo...K!!"

Ace tugged on the bear's hips to pull Owen fully down on his dick, and he went in to the hilt, giving just a little bit of extra challenge to the bear taking the bull dick into his cum-soaked guts.

"Here we go, baby bear...let's see how you can handle a real male doing stuff to your ASS!"

He didn't any time in something like letting the bear get used to the one foot of bull cock inside him before he was already going at a full ball-slapping pace, fucking Owen with long, hard strokes, just the way he did all his cows and mares too, no discrimination made. The slapping sounds filled the shower room, making everyone's ears flick, including Cooper's, who stood there, watching almost mesmerizedly how that gigantic bull ass swayed with the fucking thrusts that were driving ace balls deep into the bear's not so tight butthole covered in the horse's earlier nut. The sounds were extremely rude by this point, slurping and belching on each in and out movement from the bull, as he fucked the bear against the wall.

"Fucking yeah...take the big cock...take the big bull boy cock...not a fag cock...not a twink cock... yeah!"

The over-macho dirty talk might have sounded ridiculous, but it was damn hot, too, and Cooper's cock was still hard, pulsing over his abs as a dripping reminder of his earlier fucking adventure with the bear's rump. His tail flicked from side to side as he stared at the slippery fucking action going on, listening to the groans and moans and the lewd chucking coming from the lion.

"Look at that bull doing okay, bear?" the lion asked, even.

"Maaaaarrr----VVEelous!" Owen's voice ebbed up and down while he made clawmarks on the walls, his own cock bouncing uselessly against his messy belly.

"Hope there's enough butt to spare for us too when you're done, Ace," the lion snickered.

"Fuck off, punk," the bull didn't even bother to look at the lion while he kept pounding the bear's rump.

His pace got even more vicious, and he was truly pile-driving into the constantly moaning and rumbling bear now, fucking him hard and fast, nothing held back as he fucked the subby gym slut with all his might. He hardly even broke his pace when he suddenly felt warm arms around his chest, and a hot cock against his taint, belonging to the stallion who had moved behind him, to mimic Ace's own earlier action.

"Fuck that bitch," Cooper grunted against the bull's ear and licked it, just like Ace had done to him, as he began to grope the broad slabs of his abs in search of the bull's big, brown, juicy nipples.

"Hell yeah...,ohh yeah!" the bull grunted, pushing his ass against the hot cock lodged between his own ass cheeks now, liking how that slick flesh rubbed over his anus, definitely off-limits to EVERYONE, but a little bit of external stroking action was always nice, as he found out, while he drove himself over the edge with another series of battering ram-hard thrusts.

"Here we go, here we go, here we...HO!" the bull began an odd chant of sorts, his balls grinding against the bear's cum-covered pair while he let out an even loader moo.

The giant bull cock unleashed a torrent of spunk into the bear's stretched-out rectum, and for all his girth, his tailhole couldn't hold that much inside after a few moment of slow churning fuck-pistoning action from Ace, still slowly driving himself in and out of that sloppy little hole despite the fact that he was already shooting his load inside the sub bear. It messed the bear's crack even worse than it already was, matting the curly furs alongside the walls of that crevice, made a thick stain over Ace's own belly, and made his balls glisten as they got covered in warm, fresh, runny spunk. Even more got pumped into the moaning bear's back passage, and he rumbled contently, even when Ace pushed Cooper off his back and stepped back, withdrawing from his tailhole with a long slurp.

"Damn it...what a pussy...," Ace swiped his fingers against the gaping muscle-hole and then cleaned up his messy hand over the relatively unmessy furs over the bear's back, before he moved over, tail flicking happily now that he'd gotten himself some nice pussy.

On his way, he passed Cooper on his way, and knuckle-punched him over his chest, and winked.

"Thanks for the help, dude."

Cooper wasn't sure how to respond to being thanked for help in buttfucking, but he flicked an ear, and nodded.

Owen didn't have much time to catch for breath before the lion was coming forth, closely shadowed by the Sheppie with a huge boner waving in front of him whenever he moved, or wagged his tail, as he watched the lion move into place. The big cat began to running his paws over the bear's ass, groping and stroking the furry rump while he purred low in his throat.

"I'm called Leo, by the way," he snickered as he used a paw to rub his pointy cock-tip through the bear's ass crack, smearing it with the ultimate in the line of natural lubes, mixed bull and horse cock oozing out of a stretched-out ursine fuckhole called Owen.

"You're joking," Owen huffed, head hung down in submission as he felt the prickly tip make ticklish rounds around the rim of his well-porked puckerhole.

"So did my parents...UH!" the lion snorted and grunted gruffly as he pushed his cock inside the bear in one smooth movement, sliding into the hot cum-hole without any resistances to speak about.

Ace leaned against the wall and started to play with his balls, rolling them lazily in his cummy palm while he watched the lion's golden butt go into the telltale back and forth motion associated universally with a hard, good assfuck. Cooper was lingering nearby, too, not leaning against the wall but just standing there, his cock as hard as ever as he watched the bear getting pounded roughly from the rear end by a horny and pent-up lion. The lion who claimed to be bestowed with the name Leo had no qualms about having sex with a guy in public, it seemed, and his tail kept swaying cheerfully throughout.

He wasn't much for dirty talk, either, and Cooper almost chuckled when Ace began to supply it for everyone's benefit, seemingly bored if there wasn't anything X-rated being spoken at all times while the bear's sloshing innards got reamed with a barbed dick at a rapid pace.

"Yeah...there it goes...up and down that yellow ass goes...fag ass...maybe it's a fag of those really well-groomed boys who like to do it up the ass...bear ass...yeah...yeah, work it, pretty ever break nuts between those cheeks, looking great! Work it, it, show your mute friend how it's done..."

"I'm not mute!" the Sheppie barked, suddenly, almost bashful as he stared at the buttfucking going on three feet away from him, the flashes of pink signaling when the lion's cock disappeared into the bear's hole.

"The shy bi-curious Sheppie..."

"Fuck you!"

"Nope, don't do butt stuff with my butt involved," Ace waved his dong tauntingly at the Sheppie, bouncing it up so that a few globs of cum flew off from the bobbing tip, "so there we have...the cocky German Shepherd who might or might not be bi-curious watches the lion pound the creampie ass of Owen the bear, who is a homosexual and likes sex with rough straight dudes twices his size..."

"Hear...ahh...hear...!" the bear crooned. "You should...ahh...try it!"

"The homo keeps gaining intense pleasure even though the newest dick is much smaller than the bull's awesome rod that was inside his ass before, but since he doesn't discriminate, the bear doesn't mind at all..."

"Never...DO!" Owen gasped.

Cooper cock's felt unnaturally hard as he listened, cheeks burning, oddly.

"With that much manmilk in there, though, it's like making a milkshake inside the bear's's the creampie doing, Leo!"

"Pretty...grrrreat!" the lion chuckled, his balls giving a good pounding over the bear's taint.

"Excellent," Ace hissed briefly as he tugged firmly on his ball sac, "why don't you add your owns to that pretty fast so that your buddy can plug that hole with his doggie cock for a great finish for the bear's butt pleasure night in the hands of some rough straight and one bi-curious dude!"

"Jesus, man!"

"The son of Man he was, quite right," there seemed no limit to the bull's obnoxiousness while he kept narrating the lion's fuck on the bear's ass in his own rambling and perverse manner, until Leo the lion gave a shrill roar and pushed himself firmly against the bear's springy butt.

"Hmmm yesssss...."

The Sheppie surprised all four of them by suddenly moving forward and grabbing the lion's hips with his paws, and he gave the apparently still-cumming feline a firm tug, enough to get his spurting cock to slip out of the gripping, suckling rectum of the bear who was almost face-down collapsing over the slick wall. His back got a couple of extra white streaks from the lion's spunk, as the deposited cat still shot his stuff all over the bear's back, moments before was turned to the opposite direction.

"I'm tired of this fucking shit, here it comes!" the Sheppie growled to himself, roughly, and didn't waste any time for any ceremonies other than the rapid insertion of a thick nine inches of canine cock into the bear's sloppy hole.

Owen moaned approvingly as he felt himself very gently stretched through the quick slide of that dick into his ass, filling him up nicely, but not too much, if you didn't count the knot that was already touching his sloppy pucker from the moment the Sheppie's fuzzy balls kissed his taint. Firm paws grabbed onto Owen's hips, complete with claws for extra grip, and the Sheppie didn't sound like he meant anything but business as he howled out and began to fuck.

"Look at that, man!" Ace chuckled, his ears flicking almost in rhythm to the butt-pounding tempo of the Sheppie going to town on the bear's sloppy muscle-hole.

Cooper's eyes were following the wagging sway of the dog's tail, moving from side to side while the nameless fur drilled Owen's ass at maximum speed available to him as he straddled that ass and punch-fucked it with his thigh doggie cock, letting out a series of hot, horny grunts and rumbles and little barks in the process. The black-backed smooth-furred stranger surely seemed to take fucking seriously, the stallion with a very slowly wilting boner had to admit, as he watched the newest male on male rut take place in a loud and smelly manner at the corner of the sweaty gym shower room.

"Ass business," Cooper noted dully.

The lion watched the proceeding from the side, briefly, and then sauntered over to the assorted males with cum-stained dicks, joining them with a smirk and a smack of tail against the wet floor, as he grinned.

"He sure had to wait for a long time to get to that," he smirked, listening to the bear's moans and the dog's barks.

"Be quiet, punk, the doggie obviously doesn't need a narration here," the easily twice the lion's size bull grunted and glared.

The lion simply snuffled and gave each big male's ass a hearty smack on one buttock with his paws, making both of them jump.



"Sorry, wanted to do this so much when you were going all humpy-grindy on each other while you took turns at that bear ass," the lion grinned, "you were so hot, dudes! Made me wish I was in your place."

Cooper rubbed his slapped rump and snuffled, but Ace winked.

"Glad to hear I still get perved over," the bull flexed one of his thick arms and made a muscle, just to amuse himself, and the lion, too, maybe.

"You two boyfriends or something?" the lion with the drippy dick asked.

"Hell no!" Ace replied, but only before he kissed his bicep goodbye.

"Nah, ugh!" Cooper added.

"Hehhey, would any of you care to go out with an open-minded lion, then?" the lion smirked.

Cooper's eyes widened upon the words.

"I'm kinda girls only, sorry, dude, no offense," the stallion who had ass-filling cum dripping off his cock, answered.

Ace snickered.

"If it's just mindless sex only, then I could be your bull, if you know what I mean," Ace flicked his ear.



"Sounds like he just put his knot in that bear y'know," the lion pointed his thumb at the Sheppie's rapidly humping ass and the bear who was practically tearing down the tiles from the wall.

"Ahhhh am cumimng...ahhh..." that was Owen, now, moaning as his cock exploded, painting an abstract Guernica over the white tiles.

"Well, if you're gay enough to have some more private gay sex with a gay lion...," the feline continued his sweet-talking of the bull whose eyes were fixed on a pair of furry balls bouncing off the bear's while the Sheppie humped himself to completion, tied into his bitch.

"Sure," Ace winked and flicked an ear, "always gay enough for that, unless you want me to go cock and butt exclusive, which is a no."

"I can live with that," the lion grinned.

The Sheppie bit over Owen's shoulder, marking him as his bitch as he added his creamy loud to the crammed-up asshole belonging to the cum-hungry bear slammed against the shower room wall. Owen simply let out a satisfied moan, feeling how cum was dripping hotly along the insides of his thighs.

Ace snorted loudly, his nose ring jingling with the rush of air.

"Jesus it stinks here, someone ought to take a shower, what's with the smell!" the leering bull yelled.


Thank you for reading my story.

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