Antone's Recovery

Story by SwiftWindSpirit on SoFurry

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The following story was made by me. All characters bull, husky, or otherwise were created by me. This means you can read but you can't touch, understand?

Antone's Recovery




Two days after Antone came into the hospital they finally allowed the bull to be released once they figured he was not a suicide risk anymore.

The weary eyed bull got out of his hospital gown throwing it in a hamper next to the closet his clothes hung in. He threw on a pair of slacks, a maroon blazer, and a Roman Catholic chain cross. He completed the look with a pair of blue tinted shades which made his light brown face and long patched colored horns pop.

He got into an elevator along with a female wolf who could barely keep her eyes off of the impressive taurin as she scanned his body licking her lips feeling her pussy get wet in her panties.

The elevator stopped at her level and she quickly made her way out of it going to the nearest empty room locking the door to take care of some much needed pleasure.

Antone could only sort of laugh as the doors closed even as moans echoed from the room the wolf was in.

Antone made his way out to the busy lobby checking himself out and finally making his way out into the beautiful early afternoon air.

An hour later the bull was standing at the foot of his driveway looking at his house as he made his way to the front door. He dugout the keys from his pocket placing them in the lock of the front door opening it making his way inside. He froze suddenly once inside as tears welled up in his eyes recounting what Henry had done to him. The bull had no love lost for Henry as his tears of sorrow turned to tears of rage making him clench his fists burying one of them into a nearby wall as he let loose rage only a bull knew how to do. Steam poured out of his nostrils as he destroyed all of Henry's belongings he didn't take with him throwing them against the wall or goring them to bits with his horns.

His friend Boe pulled up in the driveway and overheard the loud noises coming from inside the house immediately getting out of his SUV running inside the house gripping the raging Antone around the neck whispering soft it will be oks in Antone's ears making the bull calm down forcing tears of pain to seep out.

"I'm sorry Boe, I'm now starting to realize how much of a dummy I was to get forced into a marriage I did not want" Antone said in a choky voice.

"You need a vacation Antone, it is that simple, if you want to divorce him you need to go about it with a clear head" Boe said in a calm voice rubbing the bull's tense shoulders.

"Yeah Boe you are right as always. I need to get out of here for awhile and re-gather myself because I know in my heart I will never solve anything with my raging temper" Antone admitted.

"You have the right to let your frustrations go Antone because what Henry did to you was nothing short of adultery" Boe said in a serious tone lightly petting the head of Antone making him close his eyes enjoying the light touch of his best friend.

Suddenly the bull snapped out of it lurching away from Boe who had a very concerned look on his face at the reaction of his friend.

"I'm sorry Antone I just don't want to see you hurting like this. It really affects me deeply to see you have to go through all this" Boe admitted flattening his ears in shame.

"Boe listen, it is not your fault, you could of been standing right there in the kitchen watching all this unfold and it still would not have changed what has happened" Antone said pointing his finger at the kitchen. "I never wanted to be married to Henry and neither did you or his friends. He pushed me into it without caring about my feelings towards it" Antone said strongly taking his shades off revealing the deep pain still buried within his eyes. "The bottom line is this Boe, I made a bad mistake by saying yes when I should of stood up for myself and said no" Antone admitted.

"Antone since the day I met you you've always been true to yourself and know what you want to do versus what you don't want to do" Boe said smiling at Antone. "You're not the loser, Henry is and I guarantee you he's going to get his in the end because I promise you word will spread of this if it hasn't already" Boe said walking up to Antone getting nose to nose with him.

The smile and the big blue soulful blue eyes of the husky made the bull start to giggle like a small calf bounding in a meadow as his scowl turned to a huge grin.

"Boe this is why I love you as my best friend because you know how to find a way to cheer me up" Antone said cracking a big smile.

"Antone, we've been friends twenty years and you think I want the next twenty to not be the same?" Boe cheerfully said kissing Antone on the forehead.

"If only you could take this trip with me Boe." Antone said ruffling the light blue head hair of his friend making him giggle as his tail swished from side to side happily.

"I think I can arrange that Antone, my boss doesn't really need the extra help this month until the holidays start in a couple weeks. I can call him now and ask for time off" Boe said happily. "And anyway I haven't had a true vacation in several years " Boe said making Antone jump for joy inside.

"All I know is Boe, I want to go as far south as the roads will take us" Antone said in cheerful tone.

"Tell you what Antone my folks have a mountain cottage in the hills of Southern Kentucky. I can call them and ask them if we could use their cottage for a couple weeks" Boe said.

"Boe that would be so awesome to spend a couple weeks in Kentucky with you! I absolutely say yes!" Antone exclaimed as his deep blue eyes sparked making Boe shudder in equal happiness.

"You're on Antone! Get packed and I will pick you up in the morning and we'll go down there" Boe said as he made his way out of the house.

As Boe was making his way towards his SUV Antone couldn't help but stare at the well defined bubbled butt of his best friend grinning quietly to himself at how the pants he wore gave off the definition of his butt.

Boe swung his head around winking at Antone who blushed like mad giggling to himself.

"Until tomorrow Antone, bye!" Boe said in a flirtatious voice making Antone blush even more.

"Bye you naughty flirt you" Antone managed to eek out even as his friend smacked his own ass making Antone's mouth go dry.

Boe got into his GMC Jimmy firing the engine of the little SUV making it sputter to life as he backed out of the driveway of Antone's house looking out his passenger window at the waving bull beeping the horn a few times returning the gesture as he drove off.


The next morning Antone was up early before the crack of dawn getting packed. He made sure to pack enough clothes for two weeks laying them all out on his bed.

By seven thirty he had two rolling suitcases full of clothes and other essentials sitting by the front door of his house. Fifteen minutes later he saw a big red GMC Yukon come bounding down the street pulling up in his driveway.

His eyes sparkled and his grin widened as there getting out of the big SUV was Boe in a pair of shorts, a red skin tight shirt, shades, and flip flop sandals.

Antone couldn't help but drool at the well defined arms and rock hard abs barely being contained by the shirt let alone the well defined bump in the front of his shorts which hugged the front of them moving and jiggling as the husky walked.

Antone wore a maroon tank top and cargo shorts which did little to conceal his well defined taurin body as his friend gave him the once over as he made his way up to him.

Boe looked at the impressive bull's arms and chiseled body barely contained inside the tank top letting his eyes rest on the big bulge of the bull whistling a loud flirtatious whistle making the bull turn redder then the tank top he was wearing.

"Wow, don't you look hot today!" Boe exclaimed running up to Antone giving his friend a big hug.

Antone fought the impending urge to whimper as the big paws of his friend wrapped around his body making his heart start to pound.

"I *gulp* think you have me beaten by a country mile Boe" Antone said nervously feeling his body tremble.

"Oh come on you big soft sissy, admit it, you are looking really hot yourself" Boe said with enthusiasm breaking the hug collecting the bull's suitcases carrying them to the Yukon flipping its trunk door open throwing the suitcases in the back of it slamming it shut.

"Where the heck did you get this beauty of an SUV Boe?" Antone asked marveling at the Yukon as he looked it over opening the hood admiring the Corvette inspired engine.

"When I told my parents we were going to Kentucky they gave me one of the spare SUVs they never use and told me as long as I kept gas in it they would make sure it was ready to go for our trip" Boe said cheerfully.

"I thought you lived by yourself Boe" Antone said with a raised eyebrow slamming the hood shut resting his lower back on the GMC emblem folding his arms.

"I do live by myself Antone, but my parents live in the same area of town I do and they always have given me things when I needed them" Boe said resting his paws on his hips leaning against the light cover on the left side of his friend.

"Why?" Antone asked turning his head squinting his eyes at his friend.

Boe bit his lower lip pausing for a minute before he spoke: "My parents have always loved me for who I am and how hard i work. I was a lucky pup to have drawn parents like them. They knew I was gay but they didn't care what I was so once I moved out I just bought a place here in town near them" Boe said smiling at his friend.

"I wish my parents were like yours Boe" Antone said shaking his head with a shameful look on his face.

"Hey listen Antone from the minute I met you to the minute your parents did what they did to you I always made sure to show you you could make something out of yourself if you believed in your heart you could do it" Boe said resting a big paw on Antone's shoulder.

"I know but I never got what you did Boe, I had to scrape working odd jobs just to get this small house and then work graveyard shifts at overnight warehouses to make ends meet" Antone said sighing. "And not to mention the fact I'm currently on leave from my clerk job at this old machine rebuilding place until they feel I'm well enough to go back to work" Antone said frowning.

"Don't kid yourself Antone, I've worked in a fast food place and now am working in a Italian eatery as a waiter making a majority of my money from tips. Don't think because I have this nice SUV that I don't have to get up at the crack of dawn everyday working until late at night trying to make ends meet" Boe said looking Antone in the eyes raising his chin as the bull pulled it away from his paw.

"It's just that I don't feel like I deserve to be riding in your parent's Yukon both of us could never afford on our budgets" Antone said giving his friend a look of shame.

"Look, I'll let you drive this thing if you want to because I want you to see it isn't about what you have as much as it is about who you are in your heart when you are away from it." Boe said grabbing one of Antone's horns playfully making the bull grunt and shift his head away from Boe's paw.

"Anyway Antone we got a long way to go today and I want us to make it to the cottage by daybreak the next day" Boe said.

"It ain't gonna take us that long is it?" Antone asked with a stunned look.

"I decided on the scenic route away from the highways once we got out of greater Chicagoland" Boe said walking over to the driver's side door opening it.

"I better let you drive this first part then and I will drive the backroads" Antone said making his way towards the house.

"Its a deal and I want to stop off for brunch along the way too so go lock up your house and let's get moving!" Boe commanded making Antone do a bow and salute of yes captain!

Antone ran into his house collecting a cooler full of drinks and throwing on a pair of small driving shades. He ran upstairs and got his customary Roman Catholic chain cross throwing it around his neck making his way down the stairs and out the door.

As he was locking his house up he saw his neighbor Molly making her way towards him smiling as she made her way up to him giving him a hug. .

"Going somewhere Antone?" Molly asked as Antone returned her hug with one of his own.

"Yes maim I am with my close friend Boe in the Yukon" Antone said happily pointing over to Boe sitting in the driver's seat who waved at Molly making the bruin smile.

"Well you have a great time, I will watch over the house for you, ok?" Molly said.

"That's ok Molly, really, there is nothing here even a robber would want to steal and anyway I'm probably going to move away from here once I get back" Antone said in a serious tone.

"I don't blame you one bit Antone, in fact, my husband Roy tells me he wouldn't at all be surprised if you end up moving" Molly said.

"Why's that?" Antone asked raising an eyebrow squinting his eyes at the bruin.

Molly bit her lower lip realizing she had said too much. She had heard Roy tell her what happened when he watched Henry have a massive snit in his car at the truck stop in South Bend. She quietly sighed realizing it was better Antone not know.

"Listen to me Antone, you have a great time and I will see you when you get back, ok?" Molly said quickly masking any sadness she had with a smile.

"Ok then Molly we'll see you later" Antone said as he heard Boe beeping the horn for him to come on already.

"He gave Molly a big hug before he ran to the SUV getting into the passenger side of the vehicle. The engine fired to life and the big SUV backed out of the driveway and drove off making its way to the main road.

Once the SUV was long gone Molly rested her back up on the front door of Antone's house looking up at the clouds as they rolled across the sky. She recounted everything which had happened and silently sighed as she saw a big Kenworth pull into her driveway. Her husband Roy got out of it and she went to greet him. Both bruins looked at each other with knowing looks in their eyes as they made their way into their house shutting the door letting the silence of their house take over their thoughts.


The miles clicked off as the greater Chicagoland area was replaced by flat Illinois farm country as Antone and Boe silently let their thoughts roll until they got off the highway driving a few miles down a country road until they spotted a diner on the side of it.

The diner was a quaint little place fashioned right out of the fifties. The sign on the side of it read in all caps: "BEST FOOD IN ILLIONOIS" making both friends raise their eyebrows in interest as they made their way inside. It was a seat yourself place so Antone and Boe selected a spot by the window.

A few seconds later the hostess came out of the back asking them what kind of drinks they wanted. Antone got a hot cocoa and Boe ordered a glass of orange juice.

A couple minutes later a huge glass of orange juice was set in front of Boe and a mug of hot cocoa was set in front of Antone as the two friends talked:

"I can't believe I'm getting to spend some time with you Boe" Antone said as he sipped his hot cocoa.

"Yeah I was really ready to get away from the city and am glad I got to do this before the holidays start at our eatery" Boe said looking up from his menu at Antone.

A waitress cow came up to the table with a pad and a pen in her hand looking at the two friends paying extra attention to Antone:

"What will it be fellas?" She asked.

"I'll have fruit pancakes please" Antone said pointing to the entry on the menu.

"I'll take bacon eggs and sausage with a side of toast" Boe said as he watched the waitress scribble down their order.

"Alrighty gents it'll be out in a few minutes" the cow said. "Oh and my name is Jenny if you boys need anything else before your order gets here" Jenny said winking at Antone who blushed like mad as she made her way into the back kitchen leaving the two friends alone.

"Why do most women want to flirt with me Boe, I don't get it" Antone said sighing.

"Antone, you are a hot attractive guy and most women would love to have a stud like you in their arms" Boe said as his hand gripped Antone's making the bull silently whimper in his mind.

"Yes, but most of them figure out I'm gay and move on" Antone said squeezing his friend's massive paws.

"Yes but most of them just want you for the sex, not the companionship. When you told me about the lady wolf in the elevator I don't think I've laughed so hard in my life." Boe admitted grinning widely.

"Yeah to be honest Boe I didn't know what to think. When I heard the moans it made me blush a little knowing I have that effect on women" Antone said staring at Boe contently.

"Yeah but there is one thing a woman could never do like a man can do." Boe said looking deep into Antone's eyes.

"What's that Boe?" Antone said returning his friend's gaze.

Boe's lips met Antone's lips for a deep kiss making the bull go wide eyed as he broke it staring passionately in the eyes of the shocked bull.

"That" Boe said as he winked at Antone whose face by now was as beat red as could be.

Antone felt his bulge stirring sharply as he reached down to adjust it just as the cow waitress came into the room with their order stopping in her tracks glaring at the impressive bulge of the bull almost losing their order on the floor.

The sudden clink snapped both friends out of it as they looked up embarrassed for a second.

"Here's your *ahem* bacon, eggs and sausage with toast sir" Jenny said as she shakily sat Boe's order in front of him.

"Here's your *gulp* fruit pancakes sir" Jenny said in a shaky voice as she nearly put them in Antone's lap.

"Are you ok Jenny?" Boe finally said as he looked up at the cow who was in a deep shade of blush red making Boe wink at her as she quickly made her way to the back of the kitchen.

"What's wrong with her?" Antone asked raising an eyebrow.

"It's like I said Antone, women look at you for a sexual reason and hope you're not gay. When they find out you are they always end up like her" Boe said chuckling.

"That was uncalled for Boe and you know it" Antone said in a semi serious tone.

"So what, you enjoyed it too Antone" Boe said pointing at Antone's blush red face.

Antone knew his friend was right and they quickly consumed their food leaving a tip and the bill on their table.

They watched Jenny come out of the back kitchen with disheveled clothes and a funny walk making them laugh out loud as they both got into the Yukon with Antone in the driver's seat backing out of the parking lot getting back on the country road.

They stopped two more times along the way for gas and swapping out of drivers as morning became late afternoon. They were making good time and were into Kentucky by dusk. Another two hundred miles and by the next morning they were going down a little mountain road leading to the cottage.

When the cottage came into view Antone's jaw dropped when he saw it was in this big meadow which overlooked the mountains. As dew mixed with early morning rays glistened off the trees Antone took a minute to view the incredible acreage beheld in front of him. It was astounding let alone beautiful as the Yukon came to a stop right alongside the front door.

Antone got out for a second and marveled at the view as he felt Boe coming up behind him. Boe rested his chin on Antone's shoulder as a light cool early morning breeze gently brushed across his exposed arms.

"Wow Boe, this is incredible." Antone marveled as he felt Boe giving his ear a quick lick making him shudder a little.

"You should see the cottage Antone, it is just as beautiful." Boe purred softly into Antone's ear making the bull immediately walk away.

"Boe as much as I want to be in desire for you I'm here just to get my mind off Henry" Antone said looking a Boe seriously.

"Yeah yeah, I get it, ok, let's get unpacked" Boe sighed flattening his ears as he walked up to the cottage stairs.

He made his way up the stairs to the front door of the cottage opening it as it creaked open with a squeak.

With Antone following him they made their way into the cottage. Antone's eyes went wide as they came into a den with wooden interior built by hand. The den area itself was a rustic type of setting with a couch and a fireplace dominating the space. A small tv lay on the counter which led into an impressive kitchen with oven in the middle with pots and pans hanging on hooks above it. There were two bedrooms connected to one bathroom with a shower and a spa in it on the left side of the den.

Antone made his way into the room he selected to be his and took a minute to look at the great view of the meadow and the mountains as he set his suitcase down on the queen sized bed.

He made his way out to see Boe bringing in supplies putting them in the cabinets and the fridge.

"Need any help there Boe?" Antone asked stopping at the foot of the kitchen.

"Yeah I sure do Antone, I need you to park the Yukon on the otherside of the cottage for me." Boe said throwing Antone the keys.

Antone made his way out to the Yukon starting it up and moving it to the otherside of the cottage. Once that was done the bull made his way back into the cottage. He saw Boe sitting on the couch lost in a paper reading it as a big fire blazed in the fire place.

"Hey Boe I need a nap, it's been a long trip so I'll see you later this afternoon, ok?" Antone said as Boe turned his head from looking at his paper.

"Ok Antone, I'll be outhere if you need me" Boe said flashing Antone a grin.

"Hey Boe before I forget, thank you for doing this for me, I hope the next couple of weeks will be fun." Antone said smiling at Boe.

"They will be Antone, I promise" Boe said blowing Antone a kiss.

Antone smiled as he turned going into his room shutting the door and collapsing on the bed falling asleep within minutes.


Later on in the afternoon Antone awoke and needed to get a shower. After a few minutes he emerged clean and smelling good. He didn't see Boe in the cottage or his room so he assumed the husky had gone out for a bit.

He rummaged around the cabinets looking for something to eat as he took a moment to locate some Wheaties and a carton of milk. As he was about to pour them into a cereal bowl he heard a sound coming from outside and figured Boe must be outhere so he went to go say hello to the husky.

He opened the front door walking out onto the front porch in nothing but a pair of briefs. He walked around for a second because he didn't see Boe anywhere on the deck. He made his way over to the Yukon and didn't see Boe there either as the early fall sun blazed its warm rays on the back of his neck.

Finally after some time he made his way to the back of the cottage and came upon a small deck which overlooked the forest.

He froze dead in his tracks when he came across Boe who was stretched out on a long bench sunning himself in nothing but a black Speedo which barely contained the massive package huddled within it.

The small fabric did nothing other then make an impressive outline of Boe's bulge as he reached inside the small waistband adjusting it and resting his paw inside it.

Boe's crotch hair puffed out of the Speedo as he stroked it slowly pulling his paw out to adjust his covered balls making little circles around them as he went down tracing a line down his covered crack making an almost small wedge as his other paw felt up his body stopping at his nipples twirling them around before moving to his belly making sure to rub it making his sweat gleam in the warm rays of the sun.

Antone stood there transfixed as he started to drool feeling his own bulge poking out stretching his briefs to their limit as he accidentally low moaned catching his friend off guard as he sat up stunned.

Antone was way too far gone to run or even react as he stood there blushing like a mad fool at his friend who grinned a sly mischievous grin.

"You like watching me don't you Antone" Boe said seductively as he reached down into his Speedo fondling his cock and balls getting it hard as the impressive bulge got bigger and bigger.

Antone felt his body gather him as he instinctively walked over to Boe kneeling down sniffing at the working paws deep inside Boe's Speedo. He gave them a lick with his tongue as Boe looked down at his friend.

"Yes sir, I do and please I want to taste it for myself" Antone begged as Boe took his paw out of his Speedo resting his impressive throbbing cock and swollen knot on the waist band.

"Do you want to taste it on my fingers Antone" Boe said in a deep husky tone.

Antone opened his mouth and sucked on the damp pre soaked fingers of his friend feeling his own erection throbbing and ripping the front of his briefs open.

Boe stared down and was licking his lips as he saw 25 inches of pure throbbing bull cock pulsating making the husky's mouth go dry forcing him to pant.

Boe's rock hard fifteen inches of doggy cock throbbed as he took his fingers out of Antone's mouth putting them into his Speedo pulling out two enormous orbs about the size of oranges resting them on the band of the Speedo.

Antone was in awe as he looked up at his friend who motioned him to stand up which he did obediently. When his massive bull cock was level with Boe's mouth he took as much of it as he could in his maw making Antone gasp outloud. He fondled Antone's balls with one paw while the other gripped the ass of the bull.

Antone rammed his cock into the throat of his friend humping him like mad as pre shot out of his cock deep into the throat of Boe who wrapped his tongue around Antone's throbbing rod making the bull moan outloud.

Before long all twenty five inches of Antone's cock was hammering itself in and out of the throat of the husky as he greedily sucked down his pre like a vacuum. He wanted his motherload so he placed a digit or two deep into the ass of Antone until his sweet spot was found.

The bull could take no more as he screamed a rut call at the top of his lungs filling Boe's throat with bull seed which drooled out of his mouth onto the deck make a huge cum puddle on it.

Boe hungrily lapped down as much of Antone's seed as he could fit as he felt his cock getting coated with bull seed as it dripped off the tip trickling down his balls making a mini pool inside his Speedo.

After a few seconds the cumming stopped and he released his grip of Antone who fell butt first onto the deck sweaty and spent.

Boe's stomach looked like a small beach ball as Antone's offering churned in it warming his insides as he rubbed it contently.

While he was waiting for Antone to recover the husky slowly twitched his cock up to his belly letting some of Antone's seed coat it as he rubbed it into his belly fur murring happily to himself as he shut his eyes licking seed off his lips with his tongue.

Antone after a few seconds noticed he needed to repay Boe for his blow job and he got down on his knees burying Boe's bull seed soaked cock deep into his throat as the husky moaned outloud in surprise.

Antone's fingers found Boe's ass as they tore away his speedo giving them free roam of the husky's ass. Antone jammed two fingers deep into Boe's ass making the husky wail out a scream as he shot jets of pre into Antone's throat.

Antone used Boe's pre as lube wrapping his tongue around the husky's cock while he twirled his balls around feeling them tense against Boe's body.

Antone squeezed his tongue around Boe's cock and that's all it took for the husky to howl at the top of his lungs unloading his seed deep into the throat of Antone who milked it for all it was worth.

Boe spasmed like mad hearing his howls echo across the forest as he rammed his cock with carnal lust into the maw of his friend until it finally ebbed and Antone released his maw's grip of Boe's cock as the husky rested the pads of his paws on the bench trying to catch his breath.

The husky was spent as he looked down at Antone looking up at him with satisfied eyes waiting for him to speak as the husky tried to cool down.

It took several minutes for the husky to regain his breath before he finally spoke:

"Antone you are fucking incredible at blowing you know that?" Boe said looking down at Antone who grinned mischievously.

"Honey you ain't so bad yourself" Antone purred licking at the tip of Boe's softening cock making him groan and grunt.

*Snort* "So I guess this means everything I felt for you was not a lie" Boe said in tired tone.

"Boe I need to be honest and tell you I really was not expecting to walk into you sunning yourself" Antone admitted sitting down next to his friend placing his right arm across the husky's shoulders.

"I didn't know you were watching me until I heard you moan. I thought you weren't going to do anything like this because of Henry" Boe said looking deep into his friends light blue eyes smiling.

"Boe I don't care about Henry anymore, I care about you but I never wanted to admit I had a secret love of you. Ever since the day you came into the hospital and were there with me through my worst time I knew then and there you were more then just a friend" Antone admitted kissing Boe on the forehead.

"Antone all I wanted you to see was it isn't what you have but who you are with which matters. I know you have a hard road ahead of you with Henry and I'm not going to leave your side because I love you" Boe said softly kissing Antone on the forehead.

Antone picked the husky up in his arms and the two exchanged a deep hot kiss as Antone with Boe in his arms made his way back to the cottage.

They broke the kiss just long enough to see the sun creating a beautiful multi colored sunset as it shimmied off the mountains setting slowly in the west.

"This is going to be a fun two weeks Boe and I can't wait to see what tomorrow with you brings." Antone said looking down at a blushing Boe.

"Me too Antone, but you know we need showers because I'm not fixing any dinner with our smells on us as they are now." Boe said softly scanning down the sweat soaked body of the bull who returned the gaze looking down at Boe's cum soaked sweaty body blushing lightly.

"I'm all for it honey and this time its my turn to clean you up." Antone softly said looking at Boe who smiled deeply.

"You're on" Boe said as his friend carried him into the cottage shutting the door behind them.

To be continued..

Henry's Lament

T **he following story was and is made by me. All characters and their players are also mine so that means Mr. Pirate if you think about taking this as your own you can expect to get a call from my lawyer. And yes you saw this print and I'm not joking...

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Antone's Lament

**Antone's Lament** **By** **SWSP** ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- It was a cold yet very stormy night as sheets of rain came down by the bucketfull cascading down...

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100 User Special (WIP)

The following story is owned by me and so it's pretty obvious the characters are going to be that way too. If you can't read what those statements mean you have no business trying to take this for yourself Mr. Pirate. If you are offended by huge cocks...

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