Argonians Revenge Part 1 - The Desire

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#1 of Revenge

Argonians Revenge

Part 1. The Desire

By Kendo Kawabata

If you're underage, don't bother reading. If you're just going to read this, then nitpick at all the mistakes and things I get wrong, then please. Get a life.

If there was a time and a place to gain revenge, Roka knew that it would have to happen with your target least expects it. When they have their guard down. When they believe they are safest. And most of all, when they absolutely 100% trust you.

The orc to die, was the one that Roka called 'Father'.

The orcs name, was Malgar. Six years ago, when Roka had been only twelve, Malgar had ruined not just his life, but the life of his family. His mother, his father, both of them had their lives ruined, and Malgar was the reason behind it.

Malgar was the commander of an army that had been travelling throughout Tamriel over the last six years, but Roka knew they had been travelling for a lot longer. An army comprising of the many races that inhabited Tarmiel, they were known as the Scarlet Brigade.

Roka was an argonian, a lizard man. Well, a lizard boy. He was only eighteen himself. Hardly a man. But he had been trained to take down a man. Especially ones bigger then he was. He was the pride of Malgars collection of soldiers.

He stood at attention, like he had been trained to do, staring at the back of the huge towering orc that stood at the table in the middle of the room. While Roka was slender and trim for his age, Malgar was at least two heads taller and maybe as wide as two of Roka standing side by side. The orc was a dark mottled green, muscles bulging on every part of his body. Clad in only a pair of scarlet greaves, he stood bare chested.

Rokas eyes travelled over the many scars that inhabited Malgars body. There seemed to be no place on his body that hadn't been sliced in some way. In a way, that made him look tougher. In other ways, it made him look like a freak.

Roka was dark skinned, almost a soft black, if such a colour could be possible. His eyes were a sharp purple, and his head was adorned with a mane of sharp quills. Dressed in his scarlet armour, he wore it, but not proudly. He hated the amour, hated what he had been trained to do, and most importantly, hated everything he had been trained to believe.

The Scarlet Brigade operated out of a dead town once known as Hackdirt. It had once been a shady town, built in the sticks and dishevelled and worn down. Located to the south of the city of Chorral. The residents would often lure unwary travellers in, and offer them as sacrifices to the 'Deep Ones', cannibalistic men living in the underground caverns of the town.

But someone had killed the Deep Ones, and then proceeded to murder the towns residents. After a complete murder of the residents, the town had been left abandoned. No-one really cared about such a town anymore.

Six years ago, the Scarlet brigade had set up in the town, and taken it for themselves. No-one had stopped them. With such a large and deadly army, who would?

"Son, come over here" Roka head Malgar say. Roka obediently nodded as he walked over to the large table. A complete map of Tamriel lay spread out before him, every town, cavern, tower and ruin marked on it.

"Yes father?" Roka asked him as he looked up at the muscular face. Malgars face was the only thing on his body that hadn't been touched by a blade. Two thick ponytails were draped down each side of his neck, and a third down his back. A jewelled finger ring hung in the bridge of the orcs flat nose.

The orc drew a thick finger across the map, tracing a possible route to a marked tower from the towns marker.

"This tower. It belongs to a warlord named Roarks" Malgar said as he stroked his thick chin firmly. "His fortress, as he calls it, is well fortified. Archers at every window, and the windows span the entire way around the tower. They can see in every direction. And only one main door in. And it's sealed. Only way to get in is with a key, or one high level alteration magic" Malgar said to him. Roka looked at the map fo a moment. His mind was quick to see the situation.

"We wouldn't get close enough to the door to try it" Roka said to him. "It's too well defended. Any attempt on the door would mean death to the ones who try" he said. Malgar nodded as he rubbed his chin again.

"Why do we need to go after him?" Roka asked him as he looked over the map. He saw Malgar trace a finger over the path again. But his finger went in a different direction. An option, he thought. Or one of many.

"Gold. It's rumoured he has a number of gold coin deposits, as well as some high quality Deadric armour inside as well" Malgar said. "That, and he has a few nice elven women and men under his command. Some of the boys are getting pent up and are tired of the same old pussy" he added with a deep chuckle. "They could use some fresh meat. Our current stock of slaves are getting rather old and worn out."

"I see" Roka said, his reptilian features not showing any emotion over what was said. He was getting better at hiding his true feelings from the orc, but on the inside he squirmed slightly. "So what do you intend to do with Roarks tower?" he asked. He knew what the answer was anyway.

"We're going to launch an ambush" Malgar said to him. "There's a river here. And it stops at this point" Malgar said as he tapped the map. "And emerges back here" he said, tapping another point. "So what's in between?" he asked.

"Roarks tower" Roka said as he saw the marker between the two points. "It's built over the underground part of the river. Is that a possible weak point to exploit?" he asked.

"Indeed" Malgar said with a grin. "The tower is fortified extra with magic and spies. They can see people coming from a good distance. But from what our spies are telling us, there's no protection from the underground area" he said with a grin. "Our mages are going to conduct a little magic, and make the water boil. And its going to destroy the soil under the tower and make the whole thing collapse. Hopefully onto its side" he said.

"So we take down the whole tower from underneath?" Roka asked. It did sound plausible. Malgar was good at strategy. Malgar nodded as he traced a third route on the map. Another possible way over. "And then what will we do?"

"Take it all" Malgar said. "Kill anyone that fights back, no matter if they're armed or not" he said with a smirk. "And take any of them that might be a good lay. I always enjoy breaking them in" Malgar said with a grin to him.

"Yes father" Roka said with a nod to him. He knew that well enough. "It's not going to work though" he said calmly. Malgar stopped in his movement of rolling the map up as he looked over at Roka.

"Now, why wouldn't it work?" he asked skeptically. Roka didn't hesitate to answer.

"Boiling the water won't do anything if its just going to keep passing under. It is a river after all" he pointed out. "all you can do is continue to heat the stream as the water passes on. And running water like that wouldn't heat properly anyway" he said. Malgar rubbed his chin slightly as he thought it over.

"I had not thought of that" he said to himself. "Agron had mentioned that idea to me. Should have known that stupid mage was an idiot. Maybe a few less fingers will make him think harder next time" he growled.

"You can try this" Roka said as he took the map from the big orc and unroll it again. He spread the map out and pointed to the marked tower. "Block his end, where the water comes out" he said. "If you seal it over with rocks, or just make the tunnel collapse. Once that end blocks up, the river has nowhere to go" he said.

Malgar thought it through. If the river was blocked in that way, then the pressure from the water would build up.

"And most towers like this, would have some sort of water system in the depths of the basements" he said as a grin slid across his features. "The water would rise inside, and soon flood the tower. And with any luck, make those inside freak out and come running outside"

"Where you're waiting with an ambush" Roka said to him. Malgar grinned as he rolled the large map up and slid it into the desk that had been under it. He seemed very pleased with himself.

"You are a good son" Malgar said wit ha grin as he closed the desk drawer. "I would never have seen those flaws in the plan. I think Agron deserves to lose a hand for being such an idiot" he said. "Now, go run me a bath" Malgar said to him as he turned to face the smaller argonian. A thick and large hand caressed the side of the lizards face almost tenderly before sliding down his red armoured front and down into the front of his greaves. "I want to enjoy a nice hot soapy fuck with you tonight" Malgar growled in lust.

"Yes father" Roka said to him with a light groan as he felt himself harden against the hot and warm hand. Malgar had always insisted he went bare underneath his armour, always for reasons like this. And that orc always knew how to get a reaction from the argonian.

Their home used to be the towns inn, but it had been converted to house only Malgar and Roka. The house was furnished in some of the best pilfered goods around. Rokar had no room of his own, having to share Malgars large bed every night, whether he liked it or not.

The top half of the home had Malgars personal quarters, a the current study where they were, and a room that had been converted into a bath house. The room had a large metal tub on four legs. A tank on the roof collected rainwater and a single pipe into the room helped to fill it with a turn of a valve. Everything in the house was the best of what they had taken as plunder.

A bit of destruction magic lit a fire under the water and helped to heat the bath water. A table in the room held a selection of bottles and vases, each one holding scented oils. Roka had made them all himself, since alchemy had been part of his training. He poured one in, the oil gave the water a pleasant smell. Roka filled the tub to the brim before he walked over a stone bench. Slowly, he began to strip.

His shining scarlet boots, greaves, chest plate and gauntlets all came off, leaving him naked. His sword and dagger were the last to be removed. They did not match his armour. His dagger was a gleaming silver blade, polished for perfection. The other was an Akivari Katana. The sharpest blade owned by the elite guards of the Emporer. The Blades. There was only way to get a blade. To pry it off their cold dead hands.

They always were kept nearby. As he had been taught, never leave your weapons being your reach. Roka left them unsheathed on the stone bench. He knew he could grab one and slice a throat open in one movement. He had done it before. Even if they were across the room.

Steam began to fill the room and slowly swirled around his naked body as the water heated up. His body was tall for his age, his scales smooth and began to glisten from the steams moisture. His muscles were finely toned and lean. Excess bulk would have made him stronger, but he would have been slower due to the bulk.

He stood by the tub, slowly swirling a hand over the water as he smelt the spices and herbs that had come with the oils. A glance at the door and a moment of listening told him that he was alone. He saw no shadows under the door. Feeling safe, but not safe enough, he mouthed the words, with as little movement as possible, that he told himself every night for the last six years.

"My name is Roka Sunder. My mother is Mallie. My father is Orba. I was their son. Malgar took them from me. My mother is dead and my father is dying. Malgar is not my father. I am not his son. I will never be. And one day, I will make him pay for the sins he committed" he mouthed silently. As he spoke, he remembered once more what had happened to him six years ago.

Six years ago, a noise in the middle of the night had woken him up. Sitting up in his bed, Roka clutched the blankets tightly in his fists. The twelve year old boy dared not to breathe as he listened to the sound of the house underneath him. Growing up on a farm in the attic of his home, he was used to his father or mother leaving the house in the middle of the night for all sorts of reasons. If it was just his parents, he needn't have worried.

But a second noise, this time a loud crash, ripped through the silent night air. It sounded like someone had burst the front door of their cottage open. He let out a cry of fear. This was not his parents leaving the house to check on the sheep outside.

Roka trembled as he heard shouts downstairs, followed by a scream. It sounded like his mother. The shouting continued, and he heard things break. Loud, angry voices and terrified cries filled the small space. He heard the sound of what could be punching and shouts that sounded like pain.

Roka did the only thing he could. He jumped out of his bed and crawled underneath it, pushing himself back as far as he could. His heart was pounding hard as he trembled in fear.

"Mommy...daddy" he whispered as he wrapped his arms around his body as he shook. He had never felt this scared in his life. Sure, he had been afraid of the dark and the monsters under his bed and of the ghost he had seen in the mine near his home, but he had never felt this scared before.

"Search the attic" he heard a deep and threatening voice bellow. "I want this place stripped"

The trapdoor in the floor burst open, almost flying off its hinges as a shape emerged up the ladder. He saw the grinning face of a Kahjiit climb up the ladder. Roka had seen the felines before. They were nice people who came to fathers' farm and always were nice to him. But this kahjiit, he did not look nice.

"Found a boy" the feline called down the ladder. "Looks ripe for the picking" he added as he stood up. Roka saw him wearing armour coloured a deep and brilliant red colour. He tried to go further back under the bed, but he found himself pressed up against the wall. The scarlet boots drew closer to the bed as Roka whimpered in fear.

"Please...leave our son alone" Roka heard his mother cry out from downstairs, but a loud smack followed and he heard her cry out in pain. "Shut your mouth you bitch" he heard the deep dominating voice snarl at her.

With a sudden rush the bed almost flew into the air as it was lifted almost easily off the floor. It slammed against the thatched roof as Roka screamed in fear, exposing the shivering child to the grinning male.

" please" Roka screamed out as he tried to get up to run, but the tall kahjiit grabbed him and pulled him against his bigger body. Roka felt an armoured hand clench around the back of his neck as he struggled, but the grip was too strong for him to break out of.

"Go ahead and struggle. You won't be the first little boy who's neck I've snapped" the Kahjiit snarled, the seriousness in the males voice made Roka stop trembling, but he couldn't stop the tears streaming down his face.

"Now get down the ladder bitch" the kahjiit snarled. He forced the crying boy down the wooden ladder, forcing him downstairs into the main room of the house. The house only had three rooms downstairs. A small bathroom, his parents' bedroom and the main room which they ate in.

Standing around the main table, broken plates and crushed fruits scattered on the surface, stood his parents. Mallie, his mother stood trembling, dressed in her ripped nightgown, her rather firm breasts exposed. A cut across her cheek dripped red blood down her scales. Tears streamed down from her eyes as she was held by a tall and fierce looking Redguard. The dark skinned man held her by her throat, her hands tied in front of her.

Standing next to her was his father Oba. Dressed only in a pair of tan trousers, he looked worse than his mother did. He was trembling as well, his right eye starting to swell and his scales darkened from what looked like very fierce punches across his body. The Imperial male who stood behind him held a knife against his throat, threatening to slice it open. He was bound like his wife.

"Mommy. Daddy" Roka cried out as he ran towards them. He ran up and wrapped his arms around his mothers waist as he grabbed a hold of her, burying his face into her nightgown.

"Roka..its' ok" his mother whimpered, unable to hold her only son. "It's ok sweetie. It will be fine" she said as she cried fresh tears

"Mommy, what's going on?" Roka asked as he looked up at her face. The redguard behind her sniggered in enjoyment as he held her neck in a tighter grip that made her cry out.

"Yes, why don't you tell your son what we plan on doing?" he said with a grin as he stuck his tongue out and dragged it over her ear. She let out a disgusted cry and tried to shake him off.

"Leave my wife alone you bastard" her husband said with a snarl as he struggled to fight back, but the imperial pressed the blade against his throat all the more tighter. He snarled but held still as he felt that blade threaten to tear his throat open.

"Strip this place" Roka heard the deep voice say. "Now. We take everything of value."

The kahjiit and another male, a tall looking elven man both nodded and proceeded into the bedroom where they began to tear it apart. Roka clutched his mothers night gown and held on tightly before he looked over.

Standing by the doorway was the tallest, meanest looking orc he had ever seen. He had a bare and scarred torso and carried a huge looking blade in his hand. He wore scarlet greaves and had three ponytails around his head. He had a flat and ugly bare nose. And an evil grin on his face.

Roka felt a tremble of fear coarse through his body as he saw the hungry look in the orcs face. He seemed to look the smaller boy over, like he was a prize or something. He wondered briefly if this was how his fathers sheep felt when he checked them over for the markets.

"What's your name, little man?" the big orc said as he dragged a wooden chair from the table and sat his hulking body down on it.

"Leave him out of this" Oba said angrily to the big orc. His outburst got him a slam against the side of his neck with the base of the dagger.

"Daddy" Roka cried out as his father crumpled onto his neck, clutching his neck and gasping to breath. He found himself pushed away by the Imperial who grabbed the back of Obas neck and hoisted him back, keeping him on his knees.

"Please...don't hurt him" Mallie cried as she was forced to her knees as well. A dagger found its way under her chin as she closed her eyes, her body trembling in fear.

"Maybe if you let me have at that pussy of yours, I'll talk my friend into not cutting his balls off" the Redguard said with a grin behind her as he licked the inside of her ear again. Mallie cried out in disgust and shivered in fear.

"Little man, I asked you a question" the huge orc said again, seemingly unfazed by the way the two argonian adults were being treated. Roka sniffed a few times as he wiped his eyes of tears before turning to the huge orc.

"R...Roka" he said in a small voice.

"Come over here Roka. Sit on my knee like a good boy" the huge orc said as he patted his armoured thigh a bit, like a tender invitation.

Roka looked over at his mother and father for a moment. His heart was pounding with every breath his little body was taking. His mother and father stayed on their knees, but they held their focus on their son. Roka sniffed a few times to hold back his tears as he turned around and slowly walked over to the huge orc.

"That's a good boy" the huge orc said as he leant forward and lifted the young argonian up onto his knee. "Do you know who I am, Roka?" the orc asked in a kind sounding voice.

"No" Roka whimpered as he looked up at the big orc. He felt the huge hand press softly against his back as the bedroom door banged open. The two soldiers walked past them without looking their way, carrying a few small bags of whatever they considered valuable. The orc showed no reaction to that.

"My name is Malgar, and I'm the Commander of the Scarlet Brigade" he said as he slowly rubbed the childs back. "Have you heard of us?" he asked.

"You're nothing but a pack of bandits and thieves" Oba shouted at the orc. "Nothing but failed mercenaries..." he said before he was interrupted by a heavy punch against the side of his face. Mallie cried out for her husband as she saw him stagger back up, the side of his face dripping scarlet.

"We're warriors" Malgar said, as if the incident didn't happen. Roka wanted to get off and run over to his father and help him up, but the gentle hand on his back kept him in place. "And, as warriors, we're entitled to things" he continued as he spoke.

"Like gold and weapons" the kahjiit said with a grin. "And, new recruits. And...other things" he said with a grin as he eyed Mallie with a hungry look in his eyes.

"And some such things, are what others refer to as, 'slaves' " Malgar said to the small argonian with a kindly smile. Roka thought he was going to wet himself in terror.

"No...please..." Mallie whimpered as the Redguard behind her pulled her back again, this time by her head spines. "Please...we haven't done anything to you" she cried out.

"I know you haven't" Malgar said to her as he looked over at her. "But, slaves don't get asked" he said firmly as Oba was pulled back hard by his dorsal fin. "They get chosen. And your family" Malgar said down to Roka "has been chosen to be our new slaves" he finished.

"Not our son, please" Oba begged as the dagger was swept back against his neck to hold him in place. "Please...he's too young...just let him go" Oba begged.

"Please...just let him go" Mallie begged as well as tears coursed down her cheeks.

"Why? He could be very useful to us" Malgar said as he looked down at the silently crying child on his lap. "How old are you boy?" he aske.d

"I'm...twelve" Roka said as he sniffed once or twice in order to ask.

"Oh, you are lucky" Malgar said with a grin as he cupped the boys chin in his spare hand and made him look up at the huge orc. "Twelve year old boys have a very special place in our brigade" he said. With a look of horror upon their faces, the two argonian adults saw the orcs hand trail his fingers down the front of their sons shirt down to caress over the boys squirming crotch.

"NO" Mallie shrieked as she struggled, but the redguard held her firmly in place. "Please...not that. Anything but that" she cried out.

"Do it to us instead" Oba shouted as the Imperial held him back as he tried to move forward. "Do it to us. Take us in his place. Do anything to us. Just leave him alone" he shouted.

Malgar took his hand from the boys crotch and looked over at the struggling parents.

"You would offer yourselves to prevent him from having such a wonderful position?" Malgar said with a grin to them both.

"What?" Roka asked as he looked over at his parents as they struggled, then back up to the orc. A wonderfull position? What was he talking about.

"You see boy" Malgar said down to the argonian. "I can turn your parents into slaves, but I was going to offer you the chance to be part of our warriors" he said. "As my captain said, we need recruits. And we can consider you" he said.

" are?" Roka asked as he wiped his eyes free of tears, feeling slightly less afraid.

"You see, a lot of people say a lot of bad things about us, so we have to do things like his" Malgar said as he gestured towards Rokas parents as they were held back. "And young boys like you, we offer a position to be a good warrior in our brigade. Have you ever thought of being a warrior?" he asked.

Roka had to think for am moment. Part of him was still too terrified to answer, but the other part of him, the curious part, couldn't help but wonder about it.

"Maybe" he said softly as he looked up at the huge orc.

"Well, I'm giving you the chance to join up" Malgar said to him. "I'll train you myself. Imagine that, the commander of the brigade himself helping you learn everything. You'll be trained by the best to become the best. All my men and women have been trained by me. And look at them" he said as he gestured to the two grinning males behind the argonians, and at the other two males that stood by the door. "They are the best. And you can join them" Malgar said.

"I....I can?" Roka asked as he looked up. Could this be true? Did the huge orc really come here all this way just to let him join?

"No Roka" Oba shouted as he struggled again. "Don't believe him. He only came here to capture us" he shouted.

"Please" Mallie begged as her husband was silenced by a gag that was shoved into his mouth by the imperial behind him. " whatever you want to us...just let our son go" she whimpered, before she was gagged as well.

"And see, your parents don't want that" Malgar said as he cupped the boys chin. "They would rather you be a slave like them, and not something great" he said.

"They...they would?" Roka asked as he looked over at his parents. He was starting to not feel afraid anymore. For some reason, the orc was starting to make sense.

"Yes. They're farmers, people who will not amount to anything. Tell me Roka, do they make you work all day?" he asked.

"Yes" Roka said as he looked back at the orc. His parents did make him work. They always said he had to learn to work to do it properly.

"All day? Every day?" Malgar asked him as he stroked the boys back softly.

"Yes" Roka admitted. Now that he thought about it, he always worked. They hardly ever let him go play outside, or inside. They always seemed to make him work.

"They want you to work" Malgar said. "And they always want you to work. And they will make you into a farmer like them. Just another argonian farmer who will do nothing but work his whole life" Malgar said.

"They...will?" he asked as he looked over at his parents. The two of them, his mother crying and his father struggling, both shook their heads at him.

"See them try to deny it?" Malgar said with a grin. "They don't want you to believe that you're nothing but a hard worker to them, who will be nothing but a worker" he said.

Roka looked back at his parents as they shook their heads and pleaded at him with their eyes. Were they trying to deny it, because it was true? Or were they trying to convince him that it wasn't?

"And now they'll do anything to make sure I don't give you a future" Malgar said as he made the boy look back up at him. "You heard them. They know what I was going to offer you. And they don't want you to do it. They'll do anything to show you how much they don't want you to have a great future" he said with a grin.

Roka turned back to look at his parents as his mother silently cried and his father pleaded once more with his eyes. Roka felt himself start to see his parents in a whole new light, like they were different people.

"Do you want to join?" Malgar asked with a smile down to the boy. Roka looked back up at him. "I'll give you the choice, instead of letting your parents decide your life" he said to him. "I'll let you decide your future" Malgar said with a smile.

"You...will?" Roka asked, suddenly feeling better about the whole situation. Did the orc really want him to join up and be a great warrior?

"Of course" Malgar said with a smile. "Your parents want you to be nothing but a dirt poor farmer who looks after dumb animals and digs up vegetables all his life. But I can make you be a great warrior, who will conquer caverns and ruins and have everything you can dream of at your fingertips" he said with a grin.

"That's right kid" the Redguard said with a grin. "We joined up. And we love it. We do what we want, whenever we want" he said.

"Whatever we want, we take" the imperial said with a grin. "How can anyone not want that?" he added.

"You'll learn everything" the kahjiit said. "Loyalty, honour, discipline. Everything you need to be a great warrior like the rest of us" he said.

"See? You can join us, and we can help make you great, or you can join your parents and be nothing" Malgar said. "It's your choice" he said with a smile.

Roka looked at his parents as they seemed to have nothing left to fight back with. They slumped against their hind legs as they looked up at their son. His mother cried and his father pleaded with his eyes, but Roka didn't feel anything about it anymore.

"What about them?" he asked, looking up at the orc. His mother cried again and his father groaned in defeat, as they both realised they were rapidly losing their son and they were unable to do anything.

Malgar smiled down at the small argonian boy and gently rubbed the boys back, just above his tail.

"Since they were so ready to choose your future without your consent, I'll let you do the same" Malgar said as he slowly stood up. He wrapped a thick arm around the boy and held him in place against his huge chest as he carried Roka over to the table.

Roka found himself being knelt onto his knees on the table as the orc stood behind him, keeping his thick arm around the boy as he pressed up behind him. The other males in the room grinned. They knew what was coming. And it got them aroused.

"Look at them" Malgar said to the argonian boy as he took his free hand and slowly slid it down the boys front over his stomach. "They're willing to decide your future. They've always intended to keep you on this farm, and make you work for the rest of your life" he muttered into the boys ear.

Roka whimpered as he felt those thick lips against his ear as they nommed on the edge, seeming to touch places on it that he didn't know existed. But it felt oddly good. The orcs huge hand slowly skimmed over the boys shirt and then slid under it to slide over his soft little stomach.

"And now, they're telling me that they'll do anything to stop you from joining up, of your own free will" he murred into the boys ear. Roka let out a soft gasp as he felt the orcs thick tongue slide over the rim of his ear and into it as he let out a soft whimpering moan.

Mallie could not watch anymore as she hung her head in defeat. Beside her, her husband struggled as best he could, but there was nothing he or his wife could do. Mallie felt her tears drip down her face and drop onto the floor as she heard the orc take away her son from her.

Oba felt helpless as he struggled futilely against his bonds. He tried to get his sons attention as he looked up at his son on the table, but he could see his sons eyes start to glaze over as he was touched in places by the orc that he should never have experienced.

Roka moaned softly as the orcs hand on his chest found the boys nipples and started to tease them. Rokar felt his little nubs start to harden as tingles of pleasure rocked his young body. His mind began to cloud over with the pleasure, as a new found lust was building up inside him.

"Your parents wanted to hold you back, boy" Malgar murred as he started to grind his huge body against the smaller male. His greaves felt tighter as his length hardened up inside them. His arousal for the boy was growing with every moment that passed. "They don't want you to become something great. They just want you to be nothing but a worker for your existence" he murred as he slid his tongue back into the boys ear.

Roka let out a whimpering moan as the orcs hand found his pants and undid the simple cord around his waist that held them up. He was feeling too good from the manipulations to notice as his pants slid down to collect at his knees as his young length was exposed. The orcs thick fingers found the small rod and began to tug on it gently.

Malgar grinned along with the other brigade males in the room as they watched the boy be pleasured in front of them. Malgar had broken them all like this in the beginning. He had taken them into a world of pleasure in exchange for the lifetime of service in the brigade. And not one of them in that room regretted any of it. With a smirk on each of their faces they watched as the argonian child started to pant with the arousal building up inside him.

"I can give you more of this" Malgar said with a grin as he slowly worked his fingers around the immature length of the boy. Roka panted and reached up to hold onto the orcs thick ponytails as his body trembled in a pleasure he had never known existed.

"I can give you so much more then you've ever known" Malgar grinned as he delved his tongue into the boys ear, making him almost squeak. He felt the boys body tremble more and knew he was close.

" I do?" Roka asked with a whimper as he drew his gaze upwards at the huge orc holding him. He felt the orcs hands slowly down and stop and he whimpered his desire for more building inside him.

"Give me your parents" Malgar said. "And give yourself to me. I'll make you the best warrior in my brigade. Give me your future, and give me theirs, and I'll make you the best I have ever trained" Malgar promised him. Roka whimpered as he felt the orcs fingers trace over his nipples again. He was about to answer, when a question fought its way through his lust filled mind.

"Are you going to kill them?" he asked almost drunkenly. Malgar chuckled as he kissed the boys forehead.

"Do you want me too?" he aksed him with a smile. "Their futures are in your hands, just like yours was. If you want them to die for holding you back, I'll grant it. Just like that" Malgar promised him.

"I...." Roka said as he felt the haze of pleasure leave just enough of his mind to let him think it over. He looked back over at his parents, who could not even meet his gaze, and he made up his mind.

"I don't want them to die" he said to the huge orc above him. "Can you...keep them slaves....instead?" he panted out as he felt the orcs fingers around his length again.

"Of course I can" Malgar said to him. "I was going to keep them as slaves anyway. But...I can keep them alive as long as you want. If" he grinned down at the boy. "You do something for me."

"What?" Roka asked him as he felt the orcs fingers leave his body alone fro a moment.

"I will train you. I will make you the best. I will give you more pleasure like this. And I will keep your parents as slaves. And I will keep them alive" Malgar said to the lust drunk young argonian in his hands. "But, I have a condition" he said firmly.

"What ...condition?" Roka asksed, just as he let out a moan to feel the fingers around his length speed up. He felt his length spasm and throb in a way he had never felt before and his body tingled all over from the pleasure he experienced.

"You submit to me" Malgar said as he worked the boys body over. "And you call me father. If you call me Father, that means you no longer belong to them. You are no longer their son. You belong to me, as my son" he growled into the boys ear as he felt the boys body tremble.

Roka heard every word Malgar had spoken as he felt a tingling in his loins. Something inside him, something incredible, something wonderfull was happening to him and every fibre of his body told him to get more of it.

"I...I...." Roka moaned as his body began to heat up and his heart hammered in his chest as he felt whatever it was inside him threaten to burst out of him.

"DO you promise?" Malgar said ash e looked over the panting boy to his parents. Mallie looked up and cried into the gag as she saw her son be molested in front of her, seeing him actually enjoy what was happening to him. She had heard the offer and she prayed to the Nine that her son would not say yes.

Oba struggled again, trying his best to get out of the bonds. He shouted and threatened into the gag as he watched the orc abuse his only son in such a perverted way. He tried to shout to his son to say no, to throw the offer away. To just not give in.

"Be my son... that way you will never belong to them, but to me" Malgar murred into the boys ear before he slid his tongue in deeply, one large hand working one the small boys hard little nipples and the other working his small pulsing length.

Roka never saw his parents as he let out a small cry of pleasure as whatever was building up inside him erupted and overflowed. His body shook as his hips jutted forward in small short thrusts against the orcs hand as his small orbs emptied their contents.

Malgar and the brigade males all smirked as they watched the boys orgasm, quite possibly his first, happen right before him. They all knew that every time he experience pleasure and achieve orgasm like this, his mind would always, in some small way, shape or form, return to this moment. Always. And who gave it to him.

Roka panted as his seed squirted into the orcs fingers, the small spurts of watery seed dribbling down the orcs thick fingers as his mind became a thick fog of lust and pleasure. His body trembled and sagged against the huge orcs body as he panted for breath. The only thing he had on his mind then, was to get more. His body wanted more, his mind wanted more. He had to have more. And there was only one way to get it.

"Yes Father" Roka said with a smile up at the huge orc.

"That's a good son" Malgar said as Mallie broke down crying and Oba screamed into his gag.

Roka watched the water swirl around his fingers as he brought himself back from his memories. His emotionless reflection swirled back into focus as he watched the oils and herbs float to the bottom of the tub.

That night, Malger had taken him to his bedroom upstairs and gave him more of the pleasure he had given him. Accompanied by the screams of his parents below, Malgar had taken Rokas virginity that night on the boys bed. Even though Roka could not walk properly the next day, his insides wouldn't function properly after being rearranged so harshly, and he was constantly sick, when they had left the ruined farm, he had found he loved it.

But so much had changed since that night six years ago. So many things had happened to him and around him that had altered everything he thought he knew about the world. He had been trained, as promised, and had received lessons in almost everything the brigade had thought he needed to know.

And he had embraced them all. He allowed himself to swallow all the information, all he lessons, and all the training. He had embraced, and welcomed them all into his life. He allowed them to change him, who he was and who he would be.

He was taught loyalty. Discipline. Honour. He was taught to think of the brigade as his family. That every male was his brother. That every female was his sister. That the slaves were beneath them That they were better than them, and the other beings of the world.

The life of the Scarlet Brigade came first. Malgars orderes came before their own existence. Their life was about training, and becoming the best. That loyalty to your brothers and sisters came above yourself. That the needs of the brigade came before your own. To be in the Brigade, meant you were in something better than anything you had been in before.

Whenever he got something right, or perfected a piece of his training, or helped them in soem way, they had cheered for him. Every accomplishment, no matter how small, had been met with encouragement and congratulations that made him think this really was the life.

And every night Malgar took his son into his bedchambers and gave him the pleasure he had promised. Every night he took the huge orc cock a little easier, and the feeling became a little better.

But something had never set right with him since that night. Something stopped him from completely believing it all. He understood how it all mattered, how it could be believed. But he couldn't believe it. Some nagging piece of information had stowed itself in the back of his mind, but he simply couldn't understand what that information was.

The defining moment for Roka, that broke down the mental walls of the brigades beliefs, had been the day his mother died.

He had almost turned thirteen. He had killed his first Blade soldier not long before. To kill one so early in his training had hailed him a hero amongst the Brigade. The months of nonstop drills and training had paid off as he had no problems battling the young warrior and ending his life. The male had been barely a man, not even in the prime of his life. For a boy as young as he was, to take down someone older and more skilled, it had given him a euphoric feeling.

The euphoria of that kill had lasted for days, helping him to heighten his training and even helped make the nightly pleasure he received from Malgar become better.

That euphoria died when he saw his mothers body in a ditch in the woods.

He rarely saw his parents after that night. He heard talks from the other soldiers as how good of a lay his mother was, how she screamed and how she cried for mercy at their hands. He felt nothing when he heard the soldiers laugh about how they had just kept going and made her cry.

The slaves in the brigade were used for everything, from manual labour to sex. But the brigade did get bored with the slaves, especially ones that broke easily. They were always looking for that new piece of ass, or that new piece of pussy.

Seeing the body of his mother in a ditch in the woods hit him like a slap in the face. Malgar had brought him there and smirked as he showed his son his former mothers' corpse. She lay naked in the dirt, her body a full display of abuse and scars from how she had been treated. Her body was withered, pale and seemed out of place. Her quills were all snapped off, her body cut up. He hardly recognised her.

But what took his breath away was the small body that lay discarded next to her.

His mother had been pregnant. Captain Rishka, the kahjiit male that had been with Malgar the night he invaded his parents home, had claimed her and made her bear his child. In the past months, when she became at risk, he had kept her in his home, tied to his bed and had continued to enjoy himself against her wishes.

But that morning, she had gone into labour. Her abused and withered body had not been able to cope with the toll of labour and her heart had given out. Unable to be born properly, the child had not survived either.

Roka had a half brother. The small body was a kahjiit male, born with soft coloured fur the colour of earth. He felt a pang in his heart, something he had not felt in months at the sight of the small and fragile form that would never move again.

Rishka tossed a torch onto them both without hesitation. With the lessons on loyalty to family and the honour of respecting the fallen and the dead of the brigade, Roka watched as Rishka simply turned away and walked off. Before the flames had managed to cross over to lick at the dead child, Rishka had already taken another young female, barely older then Roka, and had her screaming in his bed.

As Malgar left Roka to watch his mother and brother burn like discarded waste, Roka felt his mind shatter as he looked back on that day almost a year ago and see the look in his mothers eyes. Her eyes were the same now in death as they had been in life since then. And his heart ached as he realised that his mother probably wouldn't even recognise her son standing there in front of him.

That night, he spoke his prayer for the first time. And he had spoken it every day since then. And something else happened that day. He felt his eyes open once more. He could not see the brigade the same way again.

They were nothing but brutes who valued their own existence above all else. They took what they wanted, took whoever they wanted, and killed any that stood in their way. To them, their way was life. To live any other way, was treason.

And those that were convinced of treason, their lives were forfeit. Roka had seen, over his time in the brigade, members who had been loyal their entire lives, who had fought and lived without second guessing anything, killed simply because they questioned it. Or because they tried to leave.

He had seen one family slaughtered in front of everyone else. A high elf soldier had tried to escape with his lover and their young child. The high elf had begged Malkar to let his lover and their newly born child go, to take his life instead. Malgar took his life, and the lives of his family without hesitation.

Moments like that only seemed to prove to Roka that the brigades beliefs were nothing but talk. They talked of honour and loyatly, but only when it seemed to suite them. Malgar himself preacehed of loyatly to the family of the brigade, but never hesitated to sharpen his blade with the blood of a traitor.

Whatever loyalty they may have had for each other, was obviously thin. Roka found himself unable to trust anyone, or confide in anyone, as many seemed eager to turn in another. If someone even heard a whisper of someone questioning the way of the brigade, no-one hesitated to turn them in. He had seen brothers, sisters and life long friends turn on each other in a moments notice. Even in bloody ways.

And he realised what that nagging feeling had been, what had been buried nthe back ofh is mind that he hadn't been able to figure out. What had stopped him from fully believing everything that they had taught him.

He had been tricked.

But that was all he knew. How he had been tricked he honestly didn't know. He felt like he should know, but he didn't. Maybe he didn't understand, or he wasn't able to realise it. All he knew was that he had been tricked that night.

Roka closed his eyes as he pulled his hand from the hot water and stood up. His face was impassive as he heard the heavy footsteps of Malgar walking down the hall towards the bathroom.

"Ah, it's ready I see" Malgar said with a pleased smile. He shut the door behind him as he took a breath in, smelling the scents of the herbs in the air. "Ah, your alchemy skills are paying off. This scent is good to my tastes" he said with a low murr.

"I'm glad you approve father" Roka said to him with a small smile as he watched the orc stride across the room, the huge hand trailing in the water to test the heat.

"Strip me" Malgar ordered as he stood up in front of his son. With a nod Roka stepped forward and began to undress the hulking orc. Even though Roka was taller then he used to be, Malgar was still bigger than him.

The heavy greaves were undone and placed on the bench with his own armour. The huge two handed akivari blade was unstrapped and laid out as well. Then came the huge heavy scarlet boots, the orc stepping out of each one in turn as they were placed with care next to his clothing.

Roka took the orcs pants next, sliding them down the thick tree trunk legs. The orc went commando under his pants, the huge cock sprung free, already half hard.

The orcs cock was just as big and as intimidating as Roka remembered it that first time it had invaded him. At sixteen inches long and a dark mottled green, Roka could still manage to put both hands around it, with his fingertips almost an inch away from touching each other. The orcs balls matched the size of his monster sized cock, each one the size of a small melon. The argonian knew they could plaster his entire face and chest with their thick loads, and recharge quickly for a second round.

Malgar grinned as he stepped out of his pants and kicked them aside. His length swung back and forth between his thick thighs as he looked at the argonian on his knees before him.

"Do it son" Malgar said with a smile across his features as he placed a heavy hand on Rokas head as he guided the boys face against his crotch. Roka offered no resistance as that huge cock began to harden against his face as he was pushed against it.

"Open up son" Malgar growled as he ground his crotch against the boys face, his huge cock hardening up as it rubbed against the scaley cheeks. Roka felt the orcs sweaty musk start to invade his nostrils as he inhaled the heavy scent of an orc in arousal.

Malgar watched as Roka obediently opened his mouth and took the huge mushroom head in. In the beginning, he had not been able to do it without dislocating his jaw. Now, it fit and filled his mouth as he took it slowly in, feeling it reach the back of his throat in one movement.

"Ooh, yeah son. That's it. Get your father good and ready" Malgar growled as he pumped his hips forward, sending another few inches into Rokas throat. Roka choked slightly before he relaxed his throat enough to take more of the monstrous length into his throat.

He closed his eyes as he felt his own erection gain life and throb between his legs as he took one hand and started to stroke along the fat green shaft, feeling it pulse against his fingers. The orc tilted his head back with a moan as he felt Rokas other hand cup a huge testicle in his hand, the huge ball easily filling his fingers.

Roka felt the huge head open his throat as it passed in and out, delving a quarter of the length into his passage and expanding his throat. The bulge grew and shrunk as he bobbed his head back and forth like an obedient boy should.

"Oooh" Malgar grunted as a thick spurt of pre shot in the back of Rokas throat, sliding down the squeezing passage and into his stomach. Rokas length throbbed harder as he tried to ignore himself as he focused on the task at hand.

The huge orc gave a sharp thrust forward and buried half his length into the argonians throat, making him choke more as he struggled to take the sudden intrusion. Ignoring him Malgar thrusted forward more, sending a few more inches into his throat before he started to pump his hips back and forth.

Roka shut his eyes as he placed both his hands on the orcs flexing thighs, feeling that monstrous cock plunge down his throat with every pump forward. Breathing through his nose, he could smell the musk of the orcs crotch, and he could feel his own lust and pleasure rise up.

Malgar grinned as he heard Roka moan in longing as he reached down and grabbed the sides of the argonians head and held him in place as he continues to throat fuck him, his hips bouncing back and forth as he pushed half his huge length down that tight passage. Although with the constant practice, Roka was unable to take anything more than half the length. But the way his throat tightly constricted around his length more than made up for it.

"MMm, such a good son" Malgar groaned as he drooled his pre down the boys throat as he continued to face fuck him. He grunted and growled as he felt his body start to sweat, his green skin glistening as he pnated.

Roka felt himself burning with desire as he moaned around the huge cock, holding his hands flat against the orcs pumping thighs as he let Malgar use this throat. He opened his eyes and looked up as Malgar grinned back down at him. The orc saw the pleading look in the boys eyes and it turned him on even more.

"You want it boy?" he growled as he pulled out slowly, letting his boy feel every inch as it slid from his throat. With a wet plopping noise the huge cockhead fell from Rokas mouth, making the boy pant as he suddenly found his mouth free.

Roka panted, his torso heaving and dripping with the water from the steam in the room. He could feel every drop of the orcs musky sweat as it dripped onto his body as he looked up from his kneeling position.

"Yes father...please give it to me" he begged as he looked up at Malgar with pleading eyes. His body and mind burned with the desire to be bred by him. He wanted, no he needed to have that huge cock inside him again as he leant forward and licked the fat mushroom head.

"Bend over the bath" Malgar ordered. With a nod and a small smile Roka eagerly got to his feet and turned towards the bath, gripping the edge in his hands as he leant over, his chest almost touching the hot water as he lifted his tail, his legs spreading as he exposed himself.

Maglar reached forward and ran a hand over the argonians muscled backside with an appreciative murr. The boys almost sculpted physique turned him on every time he saw him. And the boy had the best ass he had seen in the brigade. Thick, muscular and round, it almost stuck out like a pair of melons that almost begged to be fucked.

Putting his hands on the boys hips he thrusted his own forward, sliding that thick saliva covered log between the boys cheeks, like meat in a bun. With a low growl he started to pump his hips back and forth as he slid that fat log up and down.

Moaning back as he gripped the edge of the tub, Roka felt the huge cock between his cheeks as he felt his body tingle from the contact. The heat from the cock between his cheeks drove his lust higher as he moaned and pushed back almost eagerly.

"Please father, don't tease me" Roka gasped out as he pushed back, looking over his shoulder at the huge glistening orc. "Please, give it to me. I need it so badly" he moaned in a desperate plea at him.

"You want it boy? You want your father to breed you?" Malgar said as he looked into his sons eyes. He could see the need, the desire, the desperation that burned within him. He knew his boy was hooked on this. And he had been for the last six years. He had watched the small farm boy grow into a fine warrior that would obey his every whim. And he was a proud father.

"Please father" Roka begged him as he pushed his ass backwards as best he could, moving his hips in small circles as he tried to align the huge cockhead with his tail ring. His heart hammered in his chest and his head swam in a thick fog of pleasure as he wanted his father to impale him. "Please...breed me."

With a grunt, Malgar grabbed his huge length and positioned it under Rokas tail and began to push forward. There was some resistance at first, but it was brief. It always was. All it took was just a few moments before he let out a grunt and Roka let out a cry as the huge mushroom head forced its way into him.

Roka felt his ring spread open easily once the resistance was forced through. After years of being bred, his ass practically moulded itself around that huge length and could now take every inch inside him. He panted as he gripped the edge o the tub tightly and felt that huge head pulse in him.

"By the nine, always so fucking tight" Malgar growled as he held the boy by his hips and started to push forward. The huge orc growled as he slowly sunk inch after inch in to the smaller lizard, every inch that slid in made them both groan out loud. Once at least half the cock had been buried inside Roka, Malgar started to pull out.

Roka groaned as he felt his insides expand as the huge cock slide into him, and a feeling of emptiness engulf him as he felt it slide out. His insides gripped tightly at the huge invading length as he moaned in pleasure.

Malgar grinned with a low growls as he felt Rokas insides try to almost pull the huge cock back into him as he slid out. When only the head remained against the tight ring of the boy underneath him, he plunged forward, burying half his length in one go as he gripped his hips tightly.

Roka cried out as he felt his stomach expand a bit, a bulge forming as half the length buried itself in his guts. But a moment later that bulge disappeared as the length slid out, but that was brief before it rammed itself back in. He gasped as his stomach and guts expanded once more before deflating as he was bred.

The wet sounds of hips against ass were heard in the bathroom as Malgar picked up the pace, wasting no time as he gave his boy what he so deeply desired, and what he himself enjoyed so much. With every thrust forward he sent just a bit more of the huge cock he had into the boys tight backside.

The orc huffed and grunted as he bred the tight ass, feeling it clench around every inch of him as he buried it repeatedly into his boy. Every thrust forward sent his huge cock into the tight vicelike grip of the argonians anal passage, where it was gripped like an iron glove around his cock.

"Oooh, yeah boy. Take that orc cock" Malgar grunted as he held his boy by the hips and continued to thrust forward. More of his huge cock slammed into the boys ass as he buried it in and out.

Roka cried out as he felt his stomach expand more, soon a bulge forming as Malgar kept several inches buried inside him with every thrust, pushing more in and taking less out as he felt that huge cock pulse inside him. He panted and grunted as he felt inch after inch slide in and out and around inside him.

Roka felt the orcs sweat drip down on his back as he struggled to keep himself upright, having to move his hands from the edge of the bath at his waist to the other side as he held himself with his ass pressed backwards. He gasped and panted as the water rippled underneath them from the dripping juices of their bodies.

Malgar let out a roaring growl as with one savage thrust he buried every inch onto the argonian, burying himself balls deep. Roka let out a loud cry as his insides bulged beyond their normal capabilities, the bulge sloshing into the water underneath him.

"Mmm, fuck yeah" Malgar growled as he ground his hips against the muscular ass of his son. Roka moaned as that one special spot buried inside him sent crackles of electricity through him as that huge cock was ground inside him.

With his huge balls resting between Rokas thighs, Malgar continued to grind his crotch against his boys ass, feeling every contraction from the boys insides as they were stimulated from his huge length.

Roka panted as he felt Malgar resume his hard thrusting into him, feeling his guts contract and expand as he pulled out only a few inches then slammed them back in. His own length, ignored this whole time, slapped and slammed against the hot side of the tub, his balls being slapped by the orcs huge nuts with every thrust inwards.

A flash of silver cut through his vision and the thick fog of pleasure in his mind as he focused on the flash. He turned his head as he held on tightly to the tubs edge as he realised it was his silver dagger. Angled in just the right way, he saw the flash of silver again and the fog lifted a bit more.

He remembered his promise as he focused on the dagger, pushing the pleasure and lust that had been building inside him back into the recesses of his mind. The words of his prayer that he had spoken for the last several years re-entered his mind.

Above him, Malgar continued, his huge grunting body drenched in sweat continued to move as he kept up his hard thrusting. He closed his eyes and tilted his head back as he continued to pound into his sons ass, drilling the huge cock deep inside that tight orifice.

Roka panted as he kept his focus on the dagger. It wasn't within reach from where he was, and if he scrambled for it, Malgar would notice. And he would be stopped before he even grabbed the handle.

But, if he pretended to slip and fall into the tub, Malgar would pull him out and thrust him onto the floor on all fours. It wasn't the first time that had happened. As much as he wanted to fuck his son in the bathroom, Roka knew Malgar didn't want him to drown during it.

And if he was flung onto all fours, the dagger would be within an easy reach. If he let Malgar continue to thrust into him for a few minutes and lose his attention back to the pleasure he was feeling, then he could strike.

All it would take was just a few seconds. He could reach forward and grab the dagger in one hand, and lean back against Malgars huge body, pressing his back against the orcs torso. One movement, just one movement of his arm would allow him to slam the dagger back behind his head and straight into the centre of Malgars throat. Hopefully straight through and into the base of his skull.

Even if he didn't kill him in that shot, he could pull the dagger out, pull off the huge cock, spin around and slice his throat open in one movement. And it would all take just a few seconds to do. And Malgar would be dead before he even realised what had just happened

But something held him back. Trying to focus on the task at hand, his revenge just a matter of movements away, Roka couldn't start himself. Above him, Malgar continued to thrust as he hammered a bit faster, his huge balls slapping painfully against Rokas thighs.

Roka panted as he strained his body, willing it to move. But something in the back of his mind couldn't let him do it. Something was holding him back. Something buried deep inside of him was telling him not to do it. Not to kill him.

"Why...why can't I do it?" Roka screamed inside his mind as he hung his head and looked down at the shimmering reflection of his face. He could feel the fog of pleasure and lust build back up inside him. He strained to keep it at bay, to focus on his revenge, but his body's desire and need slowly pushed those thoughts away.

"Father, seed me" Roka cried out as his mind fogged back over and his desires peaked inside him. Once again he lost himself to the lust that had built up and his body desired for Malgar to finish what he started.

"Take it boy" Malgar growled as he emptied his balls deep into the boy, his orgasm reaching its peak as he slammed every inch into the boys tight backside. A huge flood of cum erupted from his balls and swirled around in the boys tight rear.

Roka cried out as the hot seed flooded his insides, expanding his stomach and guts even more as the torrent of liquid heat filled his insides. He gasped as he felt his loins tingle with his own approaching orgasm.

With a cry against the water underneath him, Roka felt his cock throb with the pulsing of his orgasm as he erupted against the side of the tub. The constant stimulation to his insides and the liquid heat inside him cause him to erupt hands free. It wasn't the first time it had happened, and it wouldn't be the last either.

Malgar let out a roaring cry as he felt the boys ass constrict around his cock almost milking him dry as he flooded the boys guts. He could almost hear the thick load of cum slosh and work its way through the boys expanded guts as he filled him.

With a growl he ground his cock against the boys muscular ass, several spurts of his seed squirting around the length that stretched his hole wide open and began to dribble down his legs as Malgar slowly pulled out.

"Oh, good boy" Malgar growled as he felt the boys ass contract, still trying to pull the huge log back into him as the boy moaned in a drunken state of pleasure. Roka felt his body quiver and tremble as the huge cock was pulled from his backside and left him witha deep sense of emptiness. He could feel a thick river of the orcs seed run down the back of his legs.

"Father..." Roka moaned out as his body trembled, arms growing weak as he almost slipped into the water. He felt Malgars huge hands slide under his chest and pull him upwards, letting his boy go limp against his huge sweaty muscles.

"Yes my son. Your father is here. And he's very proud of you" Malgar said with a grin down the boy in his arms.

"Thank you father" Roka said with a smile up at the huge orc, feeling the river of cum reach his ankles by now as his body started to regain some of its energy, enough to let him stand by himself.

"Now, go back to the bedroom and wait for me while I take my bath" Malgar said as he gave the argonian boy a firm smack across his ass, making him jump slightly. "If you're lucky I just might have another load ready for you" he said with a growl.

"Yes father" Roka said with a nod as he somehow managed to hobble over to the stone bench and gather his things. His legs felt like rubber as he gathered his armour and weapons into his arms as he heard Malgar slide into the tub with a contented sigh.

Rokas mind was a haze of confusion as he made his way back to the orcs bedroom. He was panting slightly, his heart hammering again in his chest as he walked into the room.

He placed his armour onto the large dresser by the side of the wall and then shut the door, making sure that it was closed tight as he hobbled over to the bed. Rather than lying down on it, he sat instead, wincing slightly to the feel of his tender backside making contact with the blankets.

"Why...why couldn't I do it?" he thought to himself. He didn't trust his surroundings enough to talk to himself out loud. Even though the room appeared empty, he knew that there were ways to spy on someone.

"I had the chance" he thought as he rubbed the back of his sweaty neck. "I had it. It was right there. I know I could do it. I know I could have gotten my revenge tonight' he thought as he rubbed at his face with his hand.

"So why? Why couldn't I do it? What's holding me back?" he thought as he tried to work out the confusion in his mind.

Malgar had stormed into his house that night and had turned his life upside down. He had convinced Roka to determine his parents fates, and had proceeded to destroy their lives. His mother was dead, used as a meaningless whore by every male in the brigade. He didn't even know his brothers name, or if he had even been named. His father had been used and abused in much the same way, and now he was dying himself.

"He deserves to die" Roka thought bitterly to himself. "He deserves death for everything he's done to me and my family and everyone else he's come across. I can do it, I know I can" he thought to himself. "So...why can't I do it?"

Something was holding him back from doing it. He knew he hated that orc with every fibre of his being, but when it came to actually carrying out his desire, his body wouldn't respond. Or...maybe something else stopped him.

The thought of actually having the orc dead and out of his life, it should have made him happy. It should have given him a euphoric feeling as high as that first orgasm the orc had brought upon him. But...for some reason, that thought made him grow cold.

"Right here" Roka thought to himself as he placed a hand over his chest, where he could feel his heart beat. "It's right here, that feeling. That cold and empty feeling. Why is it here?" he thought to himself as he felt the pulse against his palm.

Was this what was holding him back? This cold and empty feeling that wrapped around his heart when he thought of the result of his desire for revenge?

"By the Nine" Roka thought as a cold and deep shock emitted through his body. It penetrated every fibre of his being, covering him from head to toe. It felt like his body was going numb. And his heart thundered at a pace he never believed was possible.

He suddenly realised why he couldn't do it. And the very thought terrified him.

"I think I love him."

Argonians Revenge Part 2 - The execution

Argonians Revenge Part 2 The Execution By Kendo Kawabata "Kill me. Please, just do it. I hate him with every fibre of my being for what he did, for what he's done to us. He makes me sick to my stomach every time he touches me, every time he...

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Prince of the Hill 2

Prince of the Hill Chapter 2 By Kendo Kawabata "Blossom" was considered to be a mixture of both Fable, Oblivion and Mass Effect. In a world twice the size of Oblivion, and with a medieval fantasy of Fable and every good and back action effecting...

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Leather and Chocolate Sauce

Leather and Chocolate Sauce By Kendo Kawabata A new chapter was requested by Dragontail, who asked very nicely. This is not a continuing chapter, just a little side story after the events of the previous chapters. I hope you enjoy. \*Beep\*...

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