Snow Bunny Ch.25

Story by Kaikan on SoFurry

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#25 of Snow Bunny

A/N: Well guys, only two more chapters after this one then you'll have to wait. Everyone has been so supportive and everything. I can't believe it has been almost a month since I've started to post this story. Still waiting to see if anyone has done any fanart or something. Well not to keep you in waiting to see what happens, on to the show.

Chapter 25

Derek couldn't sleep. He just laid there, staring blankly at nothing as he held Moku's cold hand. He felt empty and cold himself. Those loose fingers were pressed against his lips. He didn't know how much time had past. He did pass out occasionally during the night but immediately woke when Gira changed Moku's bandages or check his vitals. They didn't speak to each other, Derek helping her raise Moku up when she needed it.

Now he just lay there, unresponsive. Moku's breathing had quieted down. During the night he would randomly start coughing and choking, sometimes whimpering and whining like mad. In response, Derek would pet him, kiss his hand and forehead, whispering incoherent things, trying to get him to calm down.

Just remembering that time made tears slide down his face and he kissed those fingers already pressed against his lips.

The hand twitched in response and fingers curled.

Wait a second...

Silver eyes snapped open and his head up to find blue eyes staring back at him. Derek looked at Moku shell shocked, hardly believing his eyes. The short amounts of time he could sleep were filled with dreams of Moku waking up so he didn't believe it. It was too good.

"Moku?" The whisper was so soft that he wasn't sure if it even escaped his lips.

Moku smiled back and rasped out. "You look like shit."

Derek felt relief wash over him in a pounding wave that left him weak. Without his permission a sob escaped. He collapsed onto the injured boy before a whimper of pain made him leap back. "I'm sorry!"

Moku just smiled and breathed out. "It's okay."

Derek nuzzled his head into Moku's neck instead, probably the only part that didn't have an injury. He cried, trying to hide it but his breathing gave him away. The hand still in his gave a gentle squeeze.

"I would nuzzle you back..." Moku said weakly. "But my head is throbbing."

Derek choked at that. "I thought you were going to die."

"I guess I'm tougher than you think."

Derek laughed helplessly. "It's the wolf blood, you know. We're like cockroaches."

Moku laughed but ended up choking and coughing.

Derek raised his head, wiping away his tears and looking into Moku's half lidded eyes. "I love you."

Moku closed his eyes at that and smiled sadly. "I know."

Derek felt worry wash through him like icy waters, petting Moku, trying to get him to open his eyes. "Moku? Moku. Please. Don't close your eyes."

Blue eyes slowly slid open. "But I'm tired." The words were just breaths now.

Derek felt powerless and whimpered. "But I'm afraid if you do then you won't open them again."

"I should rest, Derek... and I shouldn't... talk..."


Moku's eyes slid back open with difficulty. "I'll wake up again... I promise..."

Derek nodded, wetting his lips nervously. "Can... Can I kiss you?"

Moku almost laughed and gave a weak smile. "Alright. Just one."

Derek leaned down and pressed his lips against Moku's, still afraid that the boy would stop breathing but relief overwhelming that. He felt Moku's lips part and something wet licked across his lazily.

Derek froze, hardly believing that it actually happened. He pulled back minutely before going back down, his own mouth opening. His tongue licked out and Moku's lips parted for him. His tongue slid across Moku's, feeling two partially healed puncture wounds from when the boy had bit his tongue. He didn't worry about it. When pups got their fangs for the first time they always accidentally bit their tongues. It would be healed by tomorrow.

They began a low dance, Moku's tongue lazily moving with his. The boy didn't have much energy but he needed this.

He finally pulled back and whispered. "I hope that... that gave... you your... answer..." His words slurred before the boy fell asleep again.

Liolyn looked at the measly rabbit presented to him. "So... it was a... fruitful hunt?"

"Yep!" Kadell plopped down next to him, slowly and tenderly skinning their meal. He looked quite content with the small amount of food that could barely feed one.

Liolyn, on the other hand, looked rather annoyed, to say the least. "Really. There was nothing else?"

"The forest is full of creatures. I killed what I could." He gingerly laid the fur aside to be cleaned later.


"Really." Kadell ripped off a leg and happily gnawed on it, his stomach pleased with any type of food.

Liolyn made a little cat thrown in water growl, his tail puffing up. "Then why do you smell like deer?"

"Because that's what I caught first."

Golden eyes glared at the munching wolf, clearly not amused. "You're not going to willingly tell me, are you?"

"Not unless you ask." Kadell ripped off the other leg and offered it to the angry kitten.

Liolyn glared at the leg, then at Kadell before returning to the leg. He snatched it out of the wolf's hand and viciously tore into it. Meat was meat, after all. They needed some kind of food if he wanted bigger game. They needed energy to hunt and no matter if Liolyn had lost his taste for rabbit after the incident with Moku, he needed it to survive.

"You're annoying."

Kadell chuckled, leaning over to nuzzle the soft hairs at the nap of the cat's neck. "Yes but you like it." He nosed his way into that thick caramel hair. He sniffed, Liolyn's scent sending tremors down his body. "You smell good." His mouth latched onto the skin behind Liolyn's ear and began mouth it, sucking and kissing.

Liolyn's eyes rolled up before he caught himself swaying. His mouth opened in a gasp but didn't allow it to escape. His arm unwillingly rose to grip Kadell's bicep. Pleasure tingled and shot out and down from that spot. He had the urge to rub his thighs together to relieve some of the pressure building in his groin. "Stop that. I'm hungry."

"Mmm..." Kadell gave one last lick to the red mark he left before gently biting down on Liolyn's earlobe, scraping his teeth against it. "I have something for you to eat."

Liolyn was easily falling into the wolf's trap. Apparently, meat made Kadell a very horny puppy. "Is it hard and full of cream?"

Kadell moaned, sucking on the lobe before licking up the curve of the pointed ear. "Yesss..."

"Sorry, been eating it for three months straight. I need something that I can chew on."

"Oh really?" Kadell growled out, nose running along the under part of the cat's jaw, making it tilt back and expose the expanse of Liolyn's throat to him.

"Really." Liolyn breathed it out, shivering as he was leaned back so that he was lying down. Kadell fit so easily between his legs, everywhere in between tingling with excitement. His legs tucked under the wolf's arms and something hard pressed against his groin and he shivered in knowledge.

"I think you're still hungry for it." Kadell's hips began to roll fluidly against Liolyn's, pleasure feeling like static. It made his legs tremble and hips arch up to receive it.

Golden eyes were closed tightly, the starving wolf's mouth devouring every square inch of his neck. "I'm sorry. My mouth is sealed shut for that type of food." His hands fisted in the furs next to him, the rocking increasing in pressure and not speed.

Kadell raised his head to breathe out. "I never said I would feed it to your mouth..." His hot breath against the cat's ear made Liolyn's own breath shudder but he decided it might not have just been because of the air.

"I'm such a bad influence." Liolyn chuckled out, legs hooking at the ankle and pressing down, forcing Kadell faster. "Then feed me already."

Kadell let out a possessive snarl before attacking Liolyn's willing mouth.

"Boria, where's all the painkillers?"

Boria, a simple brown wolf with a timid yet protective nature, looked up at Gira. Her clawed hands tightened around the bag in her arms, hugging it. "They're being used."

Gira's light grey eyes scanned over the bag the female wolf was clutching like it was her child. They flicked up to meet dark amber orbs. "That's what you said last night when I asked you for the heavy duty stuff. I just need some simple ones now. There has to be something! If I give this kid I'm treating anymore of the herbs I've been then I'll accidentally poison him!"

Bottles clinked as the bag was almost crushed. "They are needed right now."

Gira studied the defensive position the other female was in. Boria was getting closer to the ground, muscles coiling and preparing to flee. "What happened last night?"

The she wolf gulped, her small body beginning to tremble. "There was a fight... a lot of the remaining hunters are injured, my mate included. They need the painkillers."

"Why was there a fight?" Gira was slowly stalking forward, eyes melting into cold steal. Her claws glinted in the flickering light of the torches.

Boria whimpered, glowing silver eyes making her crouch down submissively. "Please, Gira. I need to give Raklyn all the medical supplies he demands for!"

"Is Raklyn hurt?"

Boria gulped, eyes widening in cold fear but Gira was sure it wasn't all because of her intimidation. "I can't tell you that."

Gira's tongue slid over her fangs thoughtfully. Boria was a good girl. She loved her mate and feared the man he followed. She could respect that but things were getting interesting. Someone attacked Raklyn's group and Derek returned covered in blood with a half dead Moku in his arms. Very interesting. "How about this... you give me the painkillers I want and I'll help you treat the others that were injured. You know I have special medicine and skills. I can make sure your mate will make a full recovery and I'll give you all the credit for their recoveries. Deal?"

Boria's eyes lit up with hope. It was a well known fact that Gira had a special knowledge of healing. Her creams and medicine were not from their area. She would go somewhere special for them. And she would get the credit for healing the wolves. "Alright."

Gira gave her a friendly smile, tenderly taking the bag from the girl. She would find out the real cause of the fight.

"Oh god... Kadell... I think I'm full..." Liolyn panted out, rolling onto his stomach. He couldn't catch his breath. It felt like he just ran around the world three times with a butt plug in place.

Kadell rumbled out a growl, stretching out over Liolyn's back. Fangs gently scrapped over the cat's shoulder blades and he lapped up the beads of salty sweat with long swipes of him tongue. He nuzzled the trail of fur down the cat's spine before licking up it. "You're so beautiful."

Gold eyes cracked open, body tingling with exhaustion. "Kadell... we had... sex... what? Four times? I can't... take... anymore..." He swallowed in hopes of slowing his breathing. "We ate that rabbit in sections... breaking... for sex... and now... there's..." swallow and gasp "no more."

Kadell's strong hand slid down Liolyn's side, silver eyes following it, to curve around the cat's luscious ass. He gripped, kneading it a few times before sliding his hand back up, gliding it down Liolyn's arm to slip his fingers between the cat's. "Come on. One more time."

The whispered words against the back of Liolyn's neck made him shiver. He never thought he would be the one to say no to sex but, damn, he was tired. That rabbit was not enough food to give him energy for a nonstop sex fest. He didn't know how Kadell did it. "Are you always like this after you eat?"

Kadell growled, nuzzling his face into Liolyn's sweaty hair and inhaled deeply. He groaned, rubbing his half awake member against his lover's crevice. "Usually not to this extend but, yeah, it makes me excited. God, Lio... you smell so good."

Liolyn made an attempt to flick his tail around Kadell but all it did was rise up an inch before thumping back down. Not even the tip twitched. He was just too tired but damn, Kadell's words and rubbing was getting him back into the mood. "Mmm... is it almost spring?"

"It already is." Kadell nibbled on the rim of Liolyn's ear. "The snow's melting."

That spiked Liolyn's memory and he felt a dose of cold water on his heated skin. He didn't want to bring up the deal he made with the wolf those months ago. He didn't want to leave. He didn't want to go back. "Pheromones. Mating season should be coming up. Cat demons don't have a set date because there's so many of us but it's like a month long thing. I used to go to every tribe. There's like twelve. It was a get up and run to the next one type of deal."

Kadell moaned, biting and tugging on Liolyn's ear. "I want to fuck you again. Can you get on all fours?"

Liolyn let out a rumble of approval and somehow got onto his knees. He let his weight rest on his forearms, not sure if he could make it to his hands.

Kadell didn't protest and quickly positioned himself. He plunged in, growling at the heat that devoured him. One hand gripped Liolyn's hip while the other braced his weight against the furs. He rut into the cat, eyes closed and mouth open in pants. Pleasure was pulsing out from his groin, clouding over his mind. It throbbed with his pulse and made his limbs tremble.

Silver eyes forced themselves open so that he could watch. It was almost too erotic watching himself plunge into that willing body and he was easily hypnotized. He forced himself up onto his knees, both hands gripping those slender hips. He panted, vision blurring as he thrusting harder, faster. His mouth was dry as that body below his trembled violently and those hips twisted. A mewl escaped Liolyn's lips and his hands twisted in the furs. Liolyn gripped him and he faltered, gasping audibly.

He growled possessively and pulled out.

The cat let out a desperate cry before he was flipped over onto his back. Liolyn opened his eyes and watched as Kadell forced his legs open, spreading him wide for the wolf's hungry eyes. Liolyn shivered violently as those eyes devoured every inch of his heated skin. He almost came at the raw hunger that he saw in those silver eye. He felt exposed, erotic, put on display for the wolf's pleasure.

"Oh god... Kadell... fuck me..."

Kadell growled, grabbing Liolyn's hips and forcing them forward. He slammed back in with bruising force.

Liolyn cried out, arching, but wouldn't take his eyes off Kadell. The wolf was watching him, eyes locked onto his swollen and dripping member. Liolyn wasn't body shy at all but he'd never been watched so thoroughly by a lover before. It made every twitch his cock made, every bounce the force Kadell was screwing him at it made, every droplet of precome that dripped down, almost pornographic and uncomfortable.

He squirmed and mewled and became hotter at every moment. It was odd, feeling both uncomfortable and unbelievable turned out. It made him throb and beg to be touched.

"Don't come."

Liolyn let out a desperate cry.

"Don't come, Liolyn."

He mewled and twisted, legs gripping Kadell so tightly that they shook. He wanted to press his thighs together because there was no way we was going to last.

"God... Lio... don't! NYAAH!" Kadell came hard, shuddering and grinding.

Liolyn had to grip the base of his cock to keep it from exploding with the wolf. It was embarrassing, almost coming without stimulation.

Kadell panted, pulling out and exhausted. Liolyn immediately curled into a ball, thighs pressed tightly together and slightly rubbing. It was hot enough to make him want to get hard again.

He pried Liolyn's legs apart with some difficulty, the cat letting out a sob. It almost hurt to have him exposed again.

Kadell kissed one of his thighs and whispered. "Now you can come."

Liolyn arched and screamed as Kadell's mouth sucked in the head of his tormented erection. It took all his might not to force the wolf's head down and thrust into the mouth. The wolf sucked, getting in as much of Liolyn as he could. He moaned, the heat and weight of Liolyn's member on his tongue making him want to rub against something. He sucked, shivering at the cat's taste. Almost too soon the cat came shuddering and sobbing.

He swallowed as much as he could, licking up what he missed.

Katsu pressed the snow against his throbbing head, hoping to relieve some of the throbbing pain. "BORIA! WHERE'S THOSE DAMN PAINKILLERS?" He pressed the bag against some of his bandaged stitches, hissing in pain but anything to relieve some of it.

"I'll take care of him, Boria. You check on the group over there."

Katsu's brows drew together as he tried to place that voice with someone. It was escaping him because his mind was fuzzy but it was so painfully familiar.

"Hello, Katsu. Tell me where it hurts."

Katsu's eyes shot open and he roared in agony as a thumb was dug into his stitched side. He swiped at the person but a strong arm caught his forearm and he met silver eyes.

"Oh fuck."

Gira smiled sweetly. "Does that hurt? How about here?" She ground her fist into the wolf's groin.

Katsu let out a high pitched whine that normal ears couldn't pick up. "What do you want?" He nearly mouthed. His voice had fled with the hope of having an erection anytime soon.

"I'm here to check on your healing." Gira started to take off the numerous bandages that covered the wolf. "My, these look like claw marks."

Down Katsu's chest were four very distinct cuts that were clearly made by claw from a good swipe downwards. The stitches he had were for the slices in his side. They were deep and the attacker had sunk his claws in mid abdomen and must have ducked under Kastu's attacking arm to pull almost all the way through. He had numerous cuts and bruises all over his body but they didn't look too serious.

"What happened?"

Katsu glared at her. "I fell."

"Really?" Gira's hand immediately slapped over the red and irritated wound and Katsu's free hand grabbed her wrist. His other arm was still raised and gripped by Gira's.

Silver eyes locked onto dark grey and Gira smirked. She whispered. "Tear away my hand and I'll take your stitches with me. Keep my hand there and answer my questions and I'll put something on them to make them feel better."

Katsu let out a low growl. "Rip out my stitches and I'll rip off you head."

"Are you sure you would be able to? You're not in the best of conditions right now." Gira dropped her voice lower. "You were and are occasionally friends with my mate. You two grew up together and I respect his ties with you. I don't want to kill you and he doesn't want you to die. Tell me what happened last night."

Katsu smirked. "I tell you and I die. I don't tell you and I bleed to death. It's death by you or death by Raklyn. With those odds, I choose you. Do your worse, bitch."

Gira's eyes narrowed dangerously. Her claws sank in and she slice upwards, breaking free of Katsu's grip.

Katsu let out a roar but Gira slapped her bloodied hand over his mouth and muffled it. Katsu panted, eyes pin points of hatred.

"Just nod if I'm right." Gira said calmly. "Did Derek attack you?"

Katsu panted a few more times, still glaring at her. After a while he finally nodded.


Gira let his go and pressed a cloth against the bleeding wound.

Katsu continued to glare. "That's it?"


"Fuck. I could've told you that."

"Serves you right for being a bastard."