Lending a Hoof

Story by SniperSpartan-977 on SoFurry

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#5 of My Little Pony: The Aeons of Equestria

Curious Twilight is lucky Reno is a typical guy

Warning : the following dark fanfiction contains material of a violent and sexual nature. Viewer discretion is advised... but we all know it's the hot Twilight Sparkle action y'all bronies have been looking forward to. Don't deny it!


My Little Pony

The Aeons of Equestria


Episode 4: Lending a Hoof

Reno sighed, sitting up in the sleeping bag Rainbow Dash had given him. Much to his surprise, the human had been given a reasonably manly bag to sleep in, deep black, unlike the pink, purple and other bright coloured sleeping bags the ponies were sleeping in.

Nothing had woken him. It was strange for him to be woken in the night after falling asleep. But Ponyville was just... too quiet.

No drunken neighbour attempting to break down the front door without realising she was at the wrong house. No city sounds like the traffic or busses steaming through the narrow city roads. There was no thumping music of a nearby house party. All there was to hear were the soft breathing sounds made by Fluttershy who snoozed against Reno's right side.

He recoiled silently, realising the shy yellow Pegasus had rolled and tumbled in her sleep and had snuggled right up to his side. He had to admit, the sight of the cute pony sleeping with some of her pink hair hanging over her face and one hand delicately resting on her cheek was absolutely adorable. Then he had to remember how dizzy all this 'adorableness' made him.

Quietly slipping out of his bag, the human felt a chill run through his legs as his bare feet touched the cold wooden floor. He dressed in just a spare t-shirt he'd found in his bag and a pair of boxers, the young man quickly picked up his KSK trousers and pulled them up over the bottom half of his body, securing the belt buckle at the front of his waist.

He was pretty tired physically, just not sleepy. Maybe there was a time difference between his world and Equestria that was fucking with the human's internal clock?

Lost in the serene night that settled around Ponyville, Reno squinted through the darkness, the only light guiding him was the huge full moon hanging in the clear starry sky. Its pale light fell through one of the library's windows, guiding his path along the bookshelves that curved along the gargantuan tree's internal walls. One hand reached out and brushed over leather bound issues of various books whose titles he couldn't even comprehend. There were no letters, or simple scriptures. All Equestria text seemed to be comprised of squiggly lines, combinations of scrawls and symbols almost like pictograms.

The young man noted a sleeping bag other than his was empty. It was where Twilight had settled to sleep. He figured the unicorn was also having trouble sleeping and had gone for a walk.

The human suddenly wanted to take a look at that book Twilight had found earlier, The Aeons of Equestria. He was sure he didn't know how to read pony, but he might make heads or tails out of the images. Maybe he'd get some clues as to what else the Shadow Legion might try to throw at him.

He was randomly browsing wondering where the unicorn had left that book when he heard a groan. It was muffled and came from the top of a set of stairs that curved up to one of the rooms above Reno's head. Frowning, he looked up and heard it again.

A soft 'aaaaaaah' that ended in a sharp yelp, then flowed into a frustrated sigh.

Carefully, the barefoot human moved like a curious ninja up the steps, listening intently for more activity. Another groan. It led into a moan, louder now that Reno was closer to the door at the top of the steps. And then a soft yelp.

"OW... shoot."

Without any sort of hesitation or inhibition, Reno closed his hand around the door handle, twisted and pushed on to step inside. In the back of his mind he was telling himself he was still looking for The Aeons of Equestria.

Through the door he found himself in a lantern lit bedroom. Twilight's bedroom in the library in fact. Although, the term 'bedroom' should have been used loosely. More like a renovated loft, the far wall was home to various book shelves containing Twilight Sparkle's personal collection of texts no doubt. The main floor was flat and circular, what looked like an empty dog's bed, probably where Spike usually slept, tucked beside a ladder.

Not knowing, or just not caring where the baby dragon was, Reno closed the door behind him and let his eyes follow a wooden ladder leading up to an upper platform by a large window looking up at the night-sky. Under the window was a telescope, along with a large oak-carved bed big enough to house two.

Laying back in the plush sheets and cushions was the lavender unicorn, Twilight Sparkle. And she wasn't sleeping like Reno expected to find her.

The lavender unicorn was silhouetted in the dim lantern light. She was half propped up on a pile of pillows gathered on her bed, hooves gathered under her rounded flanks. Her knees pointed to the ceiling and her thighs were spread. One hand was holding up a small paperback book, at which she peered intently through a pair of reading glasses. The semi-translucent night-sky coloured nightie she was wearing was hitched up over her waist, and her other hand disappeared down between her thighs.

"Okay," the unicorn muttered looking down from the book. "Gently, aaaaand..." her whisper caught in her throat as her body trembled, her hand out of view started rubbing vigorously and her voice gave a soft _'oooooh-_OW!' Twilight physically jolted, and then let out an aggravated groan. "Rats!"

Reno suddenly cleared his throat. "Okay, are you actually doing what I think you are?" he asked with a cocked eyebrow.

"Whaaaa-?" Twilight sat bolt upright, her book flying out of sight as he pulled down her nightie. Her slender legs quickly closed and moved out over the side of the bed as she sat up, grabbing two handfuls of her sheets. In the dim light Reno could clearly make out the blush on her cheeks. "Reno, hi. How are things?" she quickly said with a trembling voice.

"Am I interrupting?" Reno asked glancing around for The Aeons of Equestria again.

"No, of course not, why would you be interrupting, I wasn't doing anything anyway..." she took a long breath and forced a smile. "Can't sleep?" she quickly changed the subject.

Reno shrugged as he casually wandered to the ladder with his hands in his pockets. "Ponyville is too quiet. Hopefully I'll be home before I get used to it though."

Hearing that made Twilight shrink for a moment, her eyes and ears drooping sadly. As Reno looked back up to her she quickly sat up and smiled again. "Hey, why don't you come up here?" she quickly patted the bed beside her. "Neither of us can sleep, may as well keep each other company."

Reno took hold of the wooden rungs and climbed to her level. Slowly he sank into the mattress beside Twilight, a good two feet of space between them. Contrary to the plan of keeping each other company, the two sat in awkward silence. Reno was scanning the loft, still looking for a book. Twilight however remained focused on the human's face. Avoiding his gaze, she let her eyes take in his young features and the moonlit glint in his eyes. There was just something about him. A mystery that compelled Twilight to keep thinking about him. To enjoy looking upon him. An invisible bungee that attracted her to him. As she stared, she slowly slid closer to him, until their shoulders brushed lightly together.

Reno's gaze swung around and met hers. They stared into each other's eyes for a moment before Reno slowly pulled away. "Y'know, it's kinda late. We should..." he started.

Twilight finished for him, blurting out something that made the pony's whole face burn a dark shade of red. "We should have causal sex." The last word 'sex' came out in a choked gasp followed by a light squeak. Clearing her throat, Twilight looked away and attempted to stop her whole body from trembling nervously. "It would be... you know... educational." She looked back up with a broad shy grin.

"Ex..." Reno paused to catch his breath, brain failing to comprehend the last bunch of words out of the equine's mouth. "Excuse me?"

"I could learn and document more about humans and their behaviour, as well as the act itself. I mean, you've had two filly... _girl_friends before, so you obviously know what you have to do. Your insight would really help." Twilight explained quickly. "And this could be the last chance we have some time alone together, we could take advantage of that."

"Excuse me?" Reno repeated blankly.

Twilight continued in an educated town. "Besides, I'm told an active sex-life is healthy, and if I were to have my first time with anypony, I would want it to be with somepony as brave..." she shuffled closer. "As mysterious..." one of her hands moved around the human's back. "As strong..." her other hand touched his knee and slowly inched its way up his leg. "And as handsome, as you, Reno." Twilight's head tilted as she leaned in close. He felt her whole body was shaking nervously as her soft breasts squashed against his arm. The equine's warm breath brushed Reno's face as her lips parted and locked gently against his.

The kiss was warm and sweet, as it had been before during their game of truth and dare. As wrong as it seemed to be kissing a horse, the sensation felt so right. She was anthropomorphic, more of a person than an animal.

This time Reno didn't lean away. He merely froze until Twilight slowly inched back, breaking their kiss with her eyes half shut. Looking at the young man through her eyelashes, Twilight gave a small smile. Slowly she slid further up onto the bed, and scooted towards her pillows. She'd read about seduction in some of the trashier novels Rarity had suggested to her. Twilight had learned that oftentimes it didn't take too much persuasion to get a male into bed with a beautiful mare. Just the right tone of voice, the correct flash of fur and a certain hint of innocence was more than enough.

"Excuse me?" Reno was pretty much left for words.

Laying flat on her back, Twilight kept her gaze fixed on him, one hand resting on her flat belly, the other took off her glasses and placed them on the bedside table.

Reno was a guy. On average, a guy thought about sex ever thirty seconds. When faced with a beautiful woman, that average decreased dramatically down to five seconds. Being face with this gorgeous mare was no exception. And there was no denying, Twilight may have been a bookish kind of girl, but she had a body that would rival most celebrities Reno would read about in magazines.

Perky breasts with erect nipples poking through the thin fabric of her nightie, a narrow waist, wide rounded hips and long slender legs may have been covered in fur and ended in hooves, but it was by no means a turn off. In retrospect, the way the lantern light and moonlight glistened on her lavender coat made it look like the unicorn was surrounded by a glittering aura. He found himself lost in her beautiful eyes as Reno gave a slow and dumb nod.

A certain percentage of his mind told him to get up and leave the room. That there were countries with laws against fucking ponies. But the other ninety nine percent told the minority to go fuck itself. You only lived once, might as well try something different at least once. The one thing that terrified him was the thought that he might actually enjoy this.

Mind suddenly blank, Reno crawled up to Twilight who started smiling. She almost had tears of happiness in her eyes as Reno accepted her offer. Her hand moved from her stomach and quickly wrapped around the human as she pulled him in close against her side. Reno wrapped one arm around her neck, propping himself up over her while his right hand touched her inner thigh.

Twilight's legs automatically spread further apart as his fingertips raked through her soft fur, higher and higher to a burning desire in the unicorn's groin. She savoured every inch he moved, her breaths growing shorter as she trembled against his body in anticipation. As he raked higher, Reno felt his thumb touch her wet nether-lips. They were swollen and soft, and parted easily to allow a droplet of fluid to drip down between the mare's legs.

The pony moaned, feeling the cold drop of her own fluids tickle all the way down before it was caught on the bed-sheets. She couldn't take it anymore, and with an impatient moan she grabbed Reno's head and pulled him in for a kiss. Their lips locked as Reno's hand moved up. Gently is index and ring finger parted her hot lips, the middle gently touching the tender flesh within, causing Twilight to squirm and sight into their kiss.

Pulling his tongue away from hers, Reno lifted himself up a bit, breaking the kiss. Twilight's eyes were shut with an expression of pure enjoyment, feeling the warmth of the humans touch on her most precious treasure.

"H-have you e-ever..." Twilight started before Reno's finger slowly slid up along her slit and found her clitoris, gently pressing on the nub of flesh. In response, Twilight inhaled sharply and arched her back feeling lightning-bolts of pleasure race through her body. "Oh... Celestia you have!" she hissed before moaning gently as she felt him rub softly.

"I've done it once or twice." Reno assured with a grin, the mare's enjoyment bring him happiness for the first time since he arrived in this crazy world. He could feel his shorts had already shrunk as his erection pressed against the fly of his trousers.

Doing right where Twilight had previously been doing wrong, Reno rubbed her clitoris slowly and gently, applying very little pressure. It was almost like he was tickling her, the sexual fluids lubricating his action. Twilight's hips bucked rapidly, as if aching for more, but Reno had found with his previous girlfriend that denying the body what it ached for made an experience more intense.

And what Twilight was feeling was certainly intense. She moaned and whimpered, softly whispering to Reno to give her more. "Please... please, Reno I wa... aaah, more... I neednnnghhhhaaa!" she quickly clapped her hand over her mouth to stop herself from crying out loud and waking everyone in the library.

Reno gave her a little more now. Dipping his finger into her folds, he submerged the first few inches and wriggled into her wet depths. Twilight felt the finger gently push into her, drawing a fresh set of quieter moans. Gently he probed deeper and deeper, exploring her wet cavern before suddenly pulling out. She almost felt empty and opened her eyes to see what Reno was doing...

When all of a sudden the finger plunged in again with a wet 'squelch!' the unicorn clamped her eyes shut and bucked her hips into his hand, gaining another millimetre of depth. She was rewarded with fresh tingling sensations of pleasure building up within her. For every inch she gained, her body craved for another mile.

Slowly his finger moved out again and touched the soft nub just above her opening. Twilights whole bod was out of control. She couldn't control the twitches. He rubbed quickly, from side to side now, bobbing her clitoris around. Her nerves were on fire. There was something building up, building pressure within her. The unicorn's mouth went agape beneath her hand. Her other hand holding on to the human grabbed a handful of his t-shirt and pulled him in tight. The hand moved from her mouth and wrapped around Reno's neck as she started bucking, every muscle in her body convulsing violently.

Her legs kicked hard, deadly hooves clopping feebly against the matrass of the bed causing the wood to creak a little. Pulling him in, Twilight locked her lips against Reno's, almost screaming with pleasure into their kiss. Her tongue invaded his mouth, pressing tight against his own tongue. Her horn was glowing, white light all of a sudden erupting from the tip in a neat orb. Cracks formed over the orb and beams spilled across the room; searing light slashed this way and that illuminating patches of the room as if it were spilled with sunlight.

She exploded. The dazzling light nearly blinded them both through their eyelids. Her hooves slammed into the sheets and her hip's left the bed, thrusting up into the air involuntarily. With every thrust she pressed her clitoris harder against Reno's finger. And with every press came a warm wave of pleasure causing a tornado to rip through her loins. Fluids ran freely from her slid, drooling over Reno's fingers, the mare's inner thighs, matting her loose tail and dripping onto the sheets, leaving a large wet stain.

Wave after wave passed, even as her buttocks rested back into the cool, damp sheets. Her whole body was tingling and glowing with glorious heat, as if she was laying naked under a pleasant afternoon sun. The light from her horn faded away. Her screams of joy muffled my Reno's mouth turned to light murrs of pleasure as she lost herself in the afterglow. Her head was spinning. She wasn't sure what to register first... what should she document? How should she document it?

"I... l-lo..." Twilight managed to mumble, before her head lolled into her pillow and she fell asleep.

Reno didn't quite catch her soft tone as she pulled the covers over them both, trapped in her arms, held tight against her soft bosom. As he finally felt tired and fell asleep in Twilight's arms, Reno didn't care anymore for anything really.

He had completely forgotten what he'd originally been looking for.


The comforting bask of the summer's night did not settle for long upon the town of Trotton. Instead, the town in the grassy flats known for its exquisite pear orchards was engulfed in the fiery glow of the blaze that made the skyline crumble. Flames licked at the night sky, casting a blazing halo around the town. Dark figures in heavy armour thunked through the streets, cracks ringing out as the barrels of their weapons flashed. Bullets from the clockwork warriors' weapons picked off the stragglers who missed the conscript blades, and those who weren't burned alive.

In one of the streets a Pegasus mare screamed as a conscript stud dragged her across the ash-strewn cobbles by her mane. The pony's wings had been clipped, bloody stumps spreading sickly crimson stains over the back of her silken night-gown, a blood stained knife held in the conscript's free hand. He dragged her to a caged carriage where a plethora of similarly abused ponies were being held, beaten and broken. A clockwork warrior wrenched open the door and the clipped Pegasus was thrown in with the others. All across Trotton were similar scenes of horror and brutality.

Three conscripts ganged up on a screaming unicorn in an alley, her pain only fuelling their vulgar thrusts into her body. A particular clockwork warrior tore a bundled baby from the arms of its mother, discarding the newborn into a flaming building before beating the crying mare down into a pulp with the butt of its rifle.

Near the town square, the lord overseeing the pacification of Trotton stood tall with his arms clasped stiffly behind his back. There was a young couple before him, the two ponies holding their hands out and pleading at the tops of their lungs over the gunfire and commotion raging around them. Standing between the lord and the ponies were four other figures. One conscript was holding a nine year old pony by the arm, holding the colt away from his parents. Two clockwork warriors kept their weapons trained on the couple pleading for mercy.

Commander Karskin watched silently with his gloved hands balled by his sides. In the lord's eyes, the commander was a model second in command. Everything about Karskin oozed discipline and obedience. His uniform was donned perfectly. The pouches around the commander's waist were neatly packed in a standard 'assault' configuration. The unimportant equipment was loaded to the back of the waistline, and combat imperative objects such as ammunition loaded to the front. Attached to the commander's right boot was a Shadow Legion bayonet, a long straight edge dagger that ended in a vicious point. The rifle slung across his back hung at a perfect angle at all times, and the head-wrap Karskin wore gave nothing away of the stern expression underneath. All that was visible were his eyes.

The commander watched impassive as the father of the minor tried to step forward, only drawing a threatening shrug from one of the clockwork warriors. "Please, ah'm beggin' 'ye, don't do this!" the stud was crying, tears streaming down his cheeks.

Still, it was nothing compared to his wife. She was practically on her knees, sobbing into submission. Through it all though she managed to call out to her son. "Don' look, sweetie-pie!" she screamed. "Look away! Jus' don' think about it!"

Karskin glanced at the screaming colt trying to wrestle free and reach his parents, but the conscript did not let go. Slowly the commander looked to the lord.

The lord gave a very slow nod before turning and walking away. Commander Karskin snapped his head to the clockwork warriors and imitated the lord's nod, adding a hand signal to the mix.

There was no confirmation or hesitation from the mechanical soldiers. Fingers jerked and thunder rose from their weapons. Karskin started after the lord as the clockwork warriors fired, and unbeknownst to even him, the fading gunshots and the intensifying scream of grief from a now orphaned colt caused the commander to miss a step.

He only looked back once, to see the ranking conscript had taken command over the clockwork warriors and was moving them on to clear the next sector. The creatures stomped away, leaving the blood splattered nine year old pony wailing over a pair of still, unmoving corpses.

Karskin gritted his teeth and caught up to the lord. His lord and master commanded over the 84th Legion mobile infantry. Among the ranks were fifty clockwork warriors, two squads of scouts and eighty conscript close quarters infantry. They were a combat battalion; warriors intended to deal with threats that fought back. So why were they doing this grunt work the likes of 1st Legion sweepers could do? It didn't make sense! Putting the 84th on this sort of honour-less work was a waste of recourses.

As if reading his mind's objections to this kind of work, the lord halted on a stone bridge running over a canal cutting through Trotton. It was the one canal that fed water to the town's important pear orchards. But it was all dried up, syphoned off by the Shadow Legion forward operating base a few kilometres upstream. All that was left below was a trench of mud and gore where conscripts under the supervision of squad leaders tossed the bodies of the fallen Trotton inhabitants.

"Tiresome work, is it not the one labelled Karskin?" The lord growled in his peculiar tone. Karskin always thought the lord sounded like his voice was being projected directly into the minds of those around them.

"M'lord, this is surely work for the sweepers, not a combat unit." Karskin stated, rather than asking.

"The orders come from the Goddess herself." The lord reasoned. "We are to find the throne of the moon. Our search takes us further north, closer to Canterlot every day."

"We risk intervention from Princess Celestia's troops wandering this far north, m'lord."

"Thus we must leave no witnesses. No survivors. The further north we venture, the slower our progress becomes. The larger the town, the longer it takes us to pacify." The lord's dark eyes followed a carriage being drawn, loaded with abused ponies. "More meat for the abattoir."

Ignoring the ponies being carted to the FOB for interrogation and conversion into conscripts, Karskin stepped before the lord. "M'lord, with the trail of destruction we leave in our wake Celestia is sure to catch on. And our scouts tracking the interloper from last night have not yet reported back. It is my opinion that we should forgo this sweeping," he indicated the town of Trotton ablaze with atrocities preformed upon its inhabitants. "And we should focus on searching for the throne of the moon as quickly as physically possible in a combat ready pose in case Celestia takes notice. We call a sweeper battalion to re-enforce and clean up as we pass."

The lord's eyes narrowed. "Take heed, the one labelled Karskin. You underestimate your expendability. This one does not take kindly to such a tone addressed to him."

Almost fearfully Karskin quickly stepped down, averting his eyes from the lord. "Of course, m'lord. My sincerest apologies. I merely wished to properly fulfil my duty as second in command and deliver my tactical opinion."

"If this one required your opinion, he would give you one." The lord snapped viciously. "See to it that such a slip of the tongue does not occur again."

The lord seemed like he may actually strike Commander Karskin, but his mood, and hand, was stayed by the arrival of a messenger. The messenger, a conscript stud with blueish gray fur and a light lemon mane ran closer, his crossed eyes filled with a mixture of eagerness to serve, and a bit of uncertainty at the sight of the lord's disposition.

"Err... my lord!" the messenger called, standing to perfect attention, his shoulder bag dangling neatly by his side, with one hand clutching a hastily rolled up scroll. "Word by dragon-fire from Ponyville!"

The lord turned, a puzzled look in his partially concealed eyes.

"Dragon fire? Are you certain?" Karskin demanded. "We have no dragons in that region."

"A new recruit it would seem, sir." The messenger said, acknowledging the commander now. "His name is Spike. Here is the message, sir." He quickly handed the scroll to Karskin and took a brisk step back, before twisting and disappearing again, the Pegasus' wings spread as he fluttered off clumsily.

Karskin read it over once, then his eyes jutted from left to right just to re-read and be absolutely sure. With some surprise he looked up to the lord, his official stance faltering for a rare moment. "M'lord. It seems to be an official report from one of the scouts we sent after the unknown human. A conscript by the name of Preacher. He has identified a human by the name of 'Reno' in the town of Ponyville and..." he paused to roll up the message and regain his posture. "And he has found directions to finding the Throne of the Moon. It's all here. Pages out of a book known as The Aeons of Equestria. With this we can fine the throne."

The lord moved past the commander, rested his hands on the wall along the edge of the bridge and took a deep breath, further relishing the destruction around him. "These heathen creatures will meet the steely gaze of the Goddess either way. Sooner, it seems, than we all expected. See to it this divine work is completed quickly, commander. We march home at dawn. And see to it this 'Spike' receives a title. Assign him as a forward sleeper cell. Instruct him to lay low and wait for further instructions."

Karskin eyed the lord, unbeknownst to the leader, but then like a curbed dog, the commander merely nodded and walked away to do what was asked of him.

Warm Welcome, Cold Reception

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Dinner in Ponyville

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The Arrival (Part 2)

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