My Brother's Best Friend - Subterfuge

Story by Gruffy on SoFurry

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#3 of Brothers Best Friend

Pony Jeff continues along his dangerous path as he lusts after his brother's best friend, and plans to make him fall for him. Or else.

Hello, and welcome to the epic third chapter of my miniseries "My Brother's Best Friend" ! The plot thickens, as we dwell deeper into the mind of Jeff, trying to figure just exactly what happened yesterday.

It's been extremely fun to write, and hopefully you've been enjoying the story so far! Any comments would be extremely welcome, not to mention that all votes, faves and watches help others to find these stories to enjoy as well.

Sit back, relax, and enjoy your read!


"Jeff! Jeff, get up!"

"Uhhh..yeah, mum!"

Jeff rolled over to his side on his bed and snuffled to himself, ears flicking against the pillow as he checked the time from his phone.

Six fifty-five.


"Okay, Jeff, leaving for work now, have a fun day at school!"

"Thanks mum!" the pony yelled at the voice torturing him through the door and snorted to himself.


Jeff flopped down to his back again and yawned. He felt like shit after not sleeping nearly enough last night. Then again, he was sixteen, and no sixteen-year-old ever got enough sleep anyway, so at least he wouldn't be the only one acting like a zombie when he'd sit down for his first class at school. There was a weird morning taste in his muzzle, too, and he had to take a piss, but most of all, besides the tiredness, there was another feeling prominent in the 16-year-old's mind at the moment.

His cock and balls ached.

There was a vague throbbing feeling under his balls and inside his leathery, slightly crusty sheath, telling the boy pony that he'd been especially naughty during the night before. Jeff snuffled at the memory of having an all-nighter of sex dreams and pawing off to images of his brother's best friend Brand doing all sorts of sexy, mostly with Jeff, in the dark confines of those horny adolescent dreams. Jeff couldn't remember when he had been as horny as now, when even the simple act of scratching his heavy balls was starting to make his cock swell up and slip out of its sheath.

"Fucking shit..."

Jeff scratched his belly, too, as he heaved himself out of his bed and clip-clopped over the thick-carpeted floor into his bathroom to take that much-needed morning piss before any impending boners would make proper aiming impossible. He yawned some more and snuffled and scratched under his arms like a good pony should while the sloshing stream flowed into the toilet bowl and added its own tang into the always interesting-smelling teen boy bathroom. Jeff caught a sideways profile view of himself from the mirror over the sink, and it showed a few residual patches of naughtiness over his belly and chest, too. Jeff snuffled and scratched one slightly yellowish stain on his soft belly and chuckled quietly.

"I'mma horny bastard...," Jeff smirked as he gave himself the necessary shake before he washed his hands, quickly, and stepped into his shower.

He sure as hell had his reasons, too, the yawning pony thought as he turned on the water and waited for it to be hot enough before he got under the stream and started to soak himself up. It hardly was a co-incidence that he had been spending a lusty night with his right paw fapping off to thoughts of his brother's hot friend Brand. It was that same hunky pony he had photographed having naughty self-sexual activities over Jeff's brother's bed. There was nothing the big pony could do to explain such a thing, except the fact that was all too clear for Jeff, well, at least he couldn't think of anything else but that the hot friend was nothing but a horny fucker who got off on dudes, and their jockstraps, too, it seemed.

That, on the other hand, was of course something Jeff shared as a quality of personality with the hunky pony, even if he himself was much more modest when it came to his physical shape or the size of his cock. That didn't mean he wasn't any less horny for asses and cocks, and he had sixteen-year-old hormones on his side as well, keeping him thinking about sex all the time. It wasn't a surprise that he often thought about the bodybuilder friend of his brother's, simply because he happened to hang around their home ever so often, much to Jeff's amusement. That big body he'd gladly be pinned under while getting rutted hard was the consensus Jeff had reached with himself years ago, after a particularly fun jerking off session while fantasizing about hot buttsex with Brand on the backseat of the pony's car.

His cock was trying to swell up even now, but he batted it down with a genuine little smack over the rising beast. Jeff snorted and neighed softly at the sensation of hot water rushing over his dick, as he decided against any further masturbation for now. He picked up his bottle of shampoo instead, and squeezed a healthy dose over his palm before rubbing them together. He started to lather himself up, quickly, letting the water wash away any remaining evidence of his dirty acts and making him a squeaky clean pretty pony as he'd go to school to have another boring day of long classes, being picked at by the jocks and coming up with even dirtier sexy thoughts about a certain pony named Brand.

Jeff's ears flicked with delight as he once again considered the fact that hidden in his computer, in his phone and in his email account was the fuzzy photograph of the pony pleasuring himself, a certain proof to Jeff Jenner that the thick, muscled, lusty, sweaty-smelling 18-year-old regular hunk Brand Rockford played for Team Gay. The showering pony knew that he was a firm supporter as well, and that meant that he'd spent the past years lusting after a really sexy, hot pony who only took pleasure in taunting Jeff, the kiddo, the little brother, the insignificant necessary evil to coming over to their house to hang around with Adam, Jeff's big brother. How many times had he spied on the shirtless pony who always showed off his developing body, called him names and gave him wedgies? Hundreds of times? A thousand times? He wasn't sure if this true love or anything mushy and girly like that, but Jeff knew very well that he wanted to get into the older boy's pants, and he wanted it bad, and the fact that his cock was tender after so much jerking off thinking about the horny creature was more than enough to prove that he was serious about this.

Jeff wanted Brand.

He was sure that even if Brand knew that he was gay - which he obviously had never told to anyone, high school was enough hell even without that added bonus for the potential bullies - Jeff was sure that even if he was out and loud and proud, the now revealed-to-be-closeted pony would've never given him even a look. Brand was hot and hunky and could probably get any dude he wanted to have sex with him, while Jeff was much shorter, a classical pony body type, with a wide rump, not too long limbs, a thick body and long ears that made him look at least a little bit taller. He didn't have muscle definition, except for the newly sprouted abs over his belly, but since he had a little bit of baby fat left and didn't work out, they didn't really stand out as the classical six pack. He didn't have thick, muscles arms, his were simply sturdy and nothing more.

Hell, he was just a regular kid, nothing more than that, how was he supposed to do well in the sexual market? All the guys in porn were ripped, hot, bigger and better-looking, so why would anyone really want to look at him like that and think, wow, that's someone I'd like to screw with? He'd never even done anything with a dude, but Brand was probably already hugely experienced in the art of having fun with guys, doing all sorts of sexy things with other guys while Jeff was left to do with his own hand and his active imagination. There weren't even any other gay boys at his's not like he had anyone to even try to get to know and them maybe some...

...except that now he knew that there was someone else, and none other than the studly Brand Rockford, his brother's best friend...his very own hunk.

That even sounded like some sort of a cheesy porn title to him, Jeff mused as he washed his balls with all due reverence put to the simple, pleasurable act. My brother's best friend...fetish fuel in the making, it was, and Jeff again had to remind himself that he'd regret it later if he didn't give his cock some rest now after the lusty and musky night before.

Jeff's ears picked up the sound of another shower running, signifying that his brother had gotten out of his bed, too, and was now washing up as well. Jeff decided to hurry up his own shower to make himself ready in time, and soon stepped out, dripping and warm as he picked up a couple of towels and gave himself a good scrubbing to get the most of the water off before he was done.

The pony boy soon headed down stairs, clad in a T-shirt, some boxers and some jeans as he walked over to the kitchen and poured himself a bowl of cereal and some milk. He topped that up with a nice, fresh, crunchy apple and put the TV on to watch some cartoons while waiting for his brother, bleary-eyed still, but reinvigorated by his shower and the simply fact that he had a nice, firm boner hidden in his pants, something that had been inevitable after spending the past five minutes thinking about all sorts of interesting things in regards to Brand.

Adam came down the stairs after a while, a towel around his shoulders to catch any water that might drip down over his clothes from his still damp mane.

"Hi, Adam!" Jeff greeted, flicking his ears.

"Heyah, kiddo," Adam snuffled as he began to make himself some coffee and toast, working slowly, obviously not too keen for the morning either.

Jeff spooned some corn flakes into his muzzle and chewed, slowly, barely paying any attention to Spongebob on the television while his mind was continuously getting distracted by his overactive mind coming up with yet again new variation in the theme of Brand being naked and doing something awesome.

"I'm working tonight from two until eight, so you gotta be at home alone for a while again, kiddo," Adam spoke, standing next to the toaster as he impatiently waited for his bread to pop up.

Jeff flicked his ears quickly.

"Yeah, yeah, it's not like I don't do that every day," he spoke in his best little brother voice.

Adam snorted.

"Well you never know what you might come up with all alone here without nobody to watch over you," the big brother pony nickered as he made his case.

Jeff pouted.

"I'm sixteen, I think if I'm old enough to drive, I'm old enough to stay home alone!" he complained, playfully.

Adam shrugged.

"You still might get the idea of playing with matches and gasoline or something stupid shit like that," Adam decided to spend the time waiting for his toast by drying his mane some more with his towel, and for a while his eyes and ears disappeared under the blue cloth.

Jeff smiled privately as he watched his brother and then spoke again.

"Maybe Brand could be my babysitter," he suggested, innocently.

Fuck that was innocent.

Adam chuckled and neighed and brayed a little and tugged the towel down so that he could look at his brother.

"No way, filly!"

Jeff chuffed.

"I'm not a girl!"

"Could've fooled me," Adam snuffled.

Jeff decided not to go there, to protect whatever heterosexual public identity he had left, and simply ate his corn flakes and watches how Adam put his newly popped pieces of toast onto a plate and spread some butter over them before he headed over to sit down on the kitchen counter.

"So what were you and Brand planning to do then before you had to go to work today?" Jeff asked, ears flicking curiously as he continued chewing noisily.

"None of your business, kiddo" Adam snuffled over his mug of steaming morning coffee.

Jeff pouted.

"That's not fun."

"Well it would've been fun but I'll be stuck flipping burgers all afternoon so there's no fun ahead of anyone," Adam grumbled. "So forget it, kiddo, you'd never had a chance of coming along or anything, anyway."

Jeff chuckled.

"Wasn't this supposed to be the part where you'd tell me that maybe I could have come this time but oh man, nobody can go to have fun, better luck next time...kiddo?" Jeff raised his brow as he spoke to his brother, holding a deadpan expression over his boyish face.

Adam snorted and smacked his tail against the tall stool he was sitting on.

"You little shit," Adam snorted and nickered.

Jeff grinned cutely.

"Love you too, brother."

"Piss off," Adam harrumphed and sipped his coffee.

"But I don't have to go, Adam."

The big brother pony almost spat his coffee over the tiled counter as he put his mug down and scowled at Jeff.

"Seriously, Jeff, do you always got to twist everything I say into something completely stupid, man?" he groused.

"Dunno," Jeff swirled his spoon in his half-eaten bowl of corn flakes and looked innocent. "I'm just the kid, remember?"

"At least stop sounding like a sitcom character, okay?" Adam gave his brother a pointed look as he kept eating his toast.

"Sure," Jeff smirked and knew that he was going to break that promise before five minutes was over.

They sat in silence for a moment, until Jeff heard the familiar ping coming from his brother's phone. Adam took his cell out of his pocket and flipped the iPhone around to check out his new text. Jeff watched how he typed something up, quickly, and then put the phone back out.

"What was that?" Jeff asked.

He was expecting the usual "none of your fucking business" scowl from his brother, but got just a snuffle instead.

"Brand's gonna be here soon, he was just telling me he's leaving home."

Jeff's ears flicked happily at the mention of the pony friend, and he was already smiling at the prospect of catching a ride to school in Brand's car instead of having to walk. He began to eat his corn flakes at an increased pace, since not being ready when the car horn blared outside meant that he would not be waited for.

"Cool!" Jeff exclaimed.

Adam snickered.

"Who ever said that you're allowed to come with us on the car, kiddo?" the pony gave his brother a look.

"Well, me?" Jeff suggested, maw full of half-chewed cornflakes.

Adam's tall ears flicked as he chuffed at his brother's silly antics, but he let it pass for now and concentrated on his own breakfast. Jeff decided to finish his own cereal and apple, too, and after a good deal of gobbling it down he was ready and hopped off from his stool.

"Hey!" Adam snorted when Jeff was already halfway to the living room.

"Yeah?" the pony bro turned his head around and gave his brother a look.

Adam waved a hand over the abandoned bowl and spoon.

"Put that in the dishwasher, you slob."

Jeff flashed him his tongue but swallowed his pride for now and clip-clopped back over to clean up after himself.

"Good kid."

Jeff headed back upstairs and gathered his school stuff from all over his messy room, not wanting to miss their luxury ride when it would come at any moment now, he was sure of that. He had to search for his math book for a while but finally found it, halfway hidden under a pile of dirty clothes. Jeff stuffed his book in his bag and checked he schedule from a scrap of paper he had on his table, next to his computer keyboard, and also remembered to take his phone from its usual spot there, too.

The very sight of the slim cell phone reminded him about what was hidden inside it, that picture...that photo of Brand putting Jeff's world upside down in a single...ahem...stroke.

Jeff's cock gave an appropriate throb as he stuffed his phone into his pocket and put his pencil case into his backpack as well. He'd already forgotten it once this week and gotten into a lot of trouble for that, so he definitely didn't want to forget it this time...even if his mind was partially clouded by all the thoughts that now plagued him during every waking moment.

Jeff wondered how he could keep a straight face once he'd be in Brand's car, within three feet of the naughty pony he now knew to possess a very special secret, just like Jeff's own greatly protected one. How could he not show it, somehow, that he knew something he really shouldn't about the always smiling, cocky, confident pony who even some of the mares lusted after, even if there were real, big genuine stallions on the offer? Jeff didn't want to get into any trouble with Brand, not now that he had so many Plans...and possibilities about what he could do now that he had the weapons to use against his brother's friend.

It could be as simple as making him promise to not to call him names again...or always give him a ride to school...or get him booze...or make Adam include Jeff in the fun stuff they did...or...anything.

Jeff wondered whether this was how absolute power over someone felt, and he couldn't really find anything wrong about the feeling. He felt energetic, even if he didn't sleep too much, and he felt that he had ideas, thoughts that he'd never entertained before, coming to him now all loud and clear, as he contemplated on the possibilities that one simple jpeg file offered to him. The power he held in his hands, the strings attaching him to Brand...the dark possibilities were simply endless to him.

If he could now only come up with a way...


Jeff jumped off his hooves at the sound of the car horn telling him that subject: Brand was right here, waiting for them to show up.

"YOU HEARD THAT KIDDO, LET'S GO!" Adam's voice bellowed from downstairs.

"Coming!" Jeff yelled back and grabbed his backpack before he hurried downstairs and followed his brother out to the street.

Brand's familiar car stood there, on the street, with the engine still running as he waited for the pony brothers. Jeff had realized years back that trying to fight Adam for the front seat was a futile effort, and thus he was more than happy to ride on the backseat instead.

As soon as he opened the door he was met with Brand's familiar, characteristic musk, hitting him in the head, filling his lungs as much as it filled the car. Jeff's cock jumped, his heart jumped, his belly clenched as he sat down and began to put on his seatbelt. It smelt like the pony never used any aftershave or deodorant...well that was just fine with Jeff, he slowly smiled to himself, as he settled down.

"Morning, bro," Adam greeted his friend from the front seat, newly settled down.

"Heyah," Brand replied, grinning as he pressed down the accelerator and took them off the curb and off down the sleepy suburban street, the car engine roaring as he gave it a bit too many revs.

"Hi, Brand!" Jeff greeted enthusiastically, deciding that business as usual was the way to go for now.

"Who told the kid that he can come too?" Brand snuffled, his big brown eyes catching Jeff's via the rear view mirror.

Jeff put up a confident smile and flicked an ear, causing it to brush against the ceiling of the car.

"I did," Jeff spoke, and wondered why Brand was so sexy even when he was shooting crap at him.

"Yeah, sure," Brand snorted as he concentrated on staring straight ahead of him, the car gaining more speed as they got out of the street and into the road heading towards the school.

"You okay, man?" Adam spoke.

"Sure," Brand replied. "You?"

"Not looking forward to this day at all," Adam yawned and scratched the side of his stubbly muzzle. "Gonna be around eight or nine before I get home."

"Fucking crap, man," Brand expressed his dude empathy with his words as much as with his derisive ear flicks, as well.

"No can do, need the cash if I ever wanna have that car of my own," the pony snuffled as he continued to rub his chin.

"Yeah, it sucks," Brand replied, "Sure we can do something fun tomorrow, though, like we spoke, yeah?"

"Yeah, should be," Adam snuffled. "Ain't fucking spending all weekend doing nothing fun."

"Yeah," Brand's ears flicked in agreement, just as they came to some traffic lights and stopped briefly before moving on.

"Will you give me a ride home, Brand?" Jeff chimed up from the back seat, eager and smiling to take part in the conversation. "I get out of class around one."

Brand chuckled loudly.

"In your dreams, punk," he snorted.

"Awwww!!" Jeff batted the car floor with his hooves-

"Quit that, Jeff," Adam snorted and gave his brother a dirty look.

"Besides, big boy school closes at two, kiddo," Brand added to the pain.

Jeff pouted and slumped down on his seat.

"That walk's gonna do good for you and your fat ass, too," Brand snorted. "Wobble wobble wobble."

Jeff growled.

"I ain't fat!"

"At least you're smelly," Brand snuffled loudly. "What a stink, man you farted or something?"

Jeff knew very well that he'd put on some deodorant after his shower, and he was sure he'd gotten all sex musk off his furs, too, so all that remained was a clean high school boy pony smell and nothing more. The same could not be said about the ripe scent of the car itself, coming off the pony driving it at the moment. Maybe he hadn't showered since last afternoon...after he'd jerked off in Adam's bed...

Jeff's cock threatened to burst out of his jeans, and just in case, he pulled his bag over his lap, and just sat there, quietly, not bothering with the taunts for now.


Brand parked his car over next to the school on the big student parking area, and the three of them walked over through the throng of furs populating the yard at the moment. They split after a while, and Jeff watched how the two older ponies headed towards the senior building, joking and batting each other's shoulders, playfully, as they walked, ears and tails flicking. Jeff couldn't help but watch Brand's ass for a while, how nice and juicy it looked in those well-fitting pants, how his rear end swayed...yum...


Something firm and warm was pressed against him, and Jeff almost lost his balance as he staggered backwards upon impact.

"Hey, where're you going?" a gruff voice spoke.

Jeff blinked and realized that he was now standing in front of the towering form of coach Wilkes, the huge Doberman boy's PE teacher who had humiliated the pony yesterday by making him do all those extra laps after he failed to perform up to the Dobie's norms. Now he stood there, big and tall and imposing in his normal gear, a T-shirt that looked too small and some gym pants with a noticeable bulge on them, the image completed by his cap and the whistle hanging around his neck on a chain.

"Coach, hi," Jeff felt meek and silly as he greeted the big, grunting male who always made him feel self-conscious.

"What're you doing stopping all sudden, you're gonna get someone trample right over you!" the Dobie demanded, watching him darkly, with a sharp tilt of his head down to glare at the smaller teen standing in front of him.

"Uh, sorry coach," Jeff's ears flicked down guiltily.

"You better look out, kid," the coach snorted as he made his hulking way through the crow of students and made his own unmistakable way along.

Jeff shook his head and sighed and watched how the Dobie went along his way, and he couldn't help but think that it'd be easier to hate the coach if he wasn't so much fun to look at.

The pony did remember that he was supposed to have Mrs. Anderson's class as the first lesson of the day, so he hurried up and made his way to the classroom and settled down before there was any danger of being late. The usual hanky-panky was going on around him, sure, all the loud-mouthed joking and name-calling and the like, but today Jeff was deep in thought from the moment he sat down, because now he could pretend to be concentrated on the class, and not in the thoughts coursing through his mind.

Brand Rockford...a hunky high school kid on the outside...

...a kinky gay boy pony on the inside?

This erotically charged double life was proving to be a subject of fascination for Jeff, as much as a turn-on that made sure that he would not be wanting to get up from his desk before it was absolutely necessary. His mind was flooded with cock-stiffening ideas about what went through the pony's most secret thoughts.

Jeff wondered which jocks in the football team were Brand's type, and whether Brand liked doing any gay stuff, like...dunno, preening his mane in front of the mirror for a really long time, or use some conditioner with a French name on it. Now that he thought about it, he did always have really cool mane...and with this knowledge now deeply set in Jeff's mind, it didn't seem so strange anymore to think that the hair was actually put to be that cool and it wasn't just a result of Brand's natural awesomeness. The pony wondered whether the subject of his lust liked older boys or boys same age, and whether he could like someone like Jeff, even if he wasn't a bodybuilder jock but just a regular kid.

Mrs. Anderson walked in and started her lessons, speaking in the familiar monotone in her cougar voice, but Jeff hardly cared, except that he opened his book and took out some homework, as a deception, while his mind labored on in his private worlds.

Jeff wondered whether Brand had a secret crush on Adam, and that was why he hang around their home so often. Hell, he wasn't even quite sure to give up on the possibility that Brand actually had a crush on Adam's little brother, that was Jeff, hey, but he'd never even think of trying to do anything with the punky brother, who'd be more than certain to tell Adam that his best friend just tried to hit on him.

If there was one thing that was sure for Jeff, it was that he'd NEVER tell Adam that Brand liked dudes.

The threat of telling, however, seemed like a potent weapon to have and keep in mind, as he went on thinking about possible tactics on how to get into the hunky brown-furred male's pants. The transformation from the puny little brother into the dangerous little brother felt good, as he contemplated on his strategy, all the while the cougar was talking about square roots. Jeff had something much better in mind, that being him and his newly changed relationship with his brother's best friend.

Brand were in a dangerous position.

Jeff found it hard to find a single unpleasant thing to consider about the pony of his dreams. He was hot as FUCK, had a big cock, liked dudes and hung around in Jeff's vicinity often enough that Jeff could tell, for example, which T-shirt Brand had worn yesterday, or on the day before that, and compare that with his mental inventory of Brand's wardrobe. His scent was so familiar that Jeff would start to miss it if the pony didn't visit for a couple of days, and his presence would slowly fade away without a fresh extra dose of musk added. His laughter, when it wasn't directed at Jeff for being a kid, was loud and made Jeff's cheeks warm up despite his best self-assurances that having a doomed straight guy crush when you were sixteen wasn't such a good idea, even if it probably was an integral part of the whole teen gay experience.

Now that crush come lust was much more of a secret gay crush on a secretly gay boy, and he couldn't wait to do something about it!

It wasn't like he could just simply walk over to the dude, tug on his sleeve and come up with something like...

"Hi, Brand, by the way, I'm gay and hot for you and know that you're pretty hot for my brother's underwear, so...why don't we get somewhere private and..."

_ _

Or, maybe...

"Brand, I've got something to tell you."

_ _

"Piss off, kid."

_ _

"Brand, I..."

_ _

"Go play your Xbox or something, kiddo, I'm doing big boy stuff."

_ _

"I love you, Brand! I want you to love me back!"

_ _

Hmmm...a little bit too dramatic, perhaps. He wasn't even in love with Brand, not really, Jeff hadn't been in love with anyone before, and the fact that he got a boner within five seconds of seeing Brand probably didn't count as love yet, so a crush was as far as he dared to go.

"Brand, I want to experiment homosexually with you."

_ _

"Fuck off kid!"

_ _

"That's what I was saying."

_ _

Now that probably sounded funnier than it would be in the real life, and possibly would end up with Jeff bleeding from his nose, or his muzzle, or both.

"Brand, I've got photos."

_ _


_ _

"Brand, I know, I understand that it's just difficult to come out but if someone like you did it, everyone else would think you're cool and it'd be all fine and you'd be a hero."

_ _

"What the fuck are you talking about kiddo?"

_ _

"About you and you being gay, Brand."

_ _ seemed like simply going up to the pony and telling him that it was okay to be gay and that Jeff was gay too didn't feel like it had much of a chance of working. First off, there was no way that Brand would confess on being gay, and even if Jeff told the same to him, Brand could laugh it off, or maybe start calling him names. That would never do with Jeff's plans in actually getting to be with the pony, and to begin their secret gay affair with an argument probably wasn't the best thing to do.

But there was the photo...Brand, fingers, butt, cock, hand, jockstrap...his brother's dirty, musky, cock-smelling jockstrap...

_ _

Blackmail sounded like a harsh word to Jeff, but he was sure that the pony would never even give him a second look, even in the perfect world where the two of them could be openly gay and be with anyone they wanted without persecution or regret. He wasn't anything special while Brand was in every way's special...the perfect hunky pony Jeff looked up to as if he was another big brother to him...and then some more, of course. Surely it wasn't so strange that he was so damn attracted to the pony as well, to his muscles, his smile, his...well, everything that was in him for Jeff to drool over, he'd have it in an instant if he was told to come and get it.

But he knew that he would not be told to come and get it, not now nor never. Brand remained in the closet as firmly as Jeff did, and Jeff was sure that the pony surely knew how to get laid, and that he certainly wouldn't have to resort to some fun with someone as ordinary as Jeff. He was the kid, not a high school hunk or even a college guy who more than certainly would want to have a roll in the sack with a mini-stallion like Brand. Maybe he already had a secret boyfriend, some really good-looking football player stallion who could pick the pony up and carry him around to bed before they'd get down and dirt at it.

Jeff felt a twinge of envy for the possible college hunk boyfriend and snuffled to himself, and decided that he could be just as good laid as any footballer, and maybe even better, too, since he was a pony, and no matter how much Jeff liked hunks of all species, he still preferred the stocky curves of Brand's body to more slim stallion shapes, for example. Surely the pony could see the good in an ordinary, nice-looking, friendly pony body that worked for sex just as good as a well-tuned and oiled sex machine in the shape of a stallion or a big canine or maybe even a big cat, if you were into that.

Jeff was into Brand and he wanted Brand to be into him, too, no questions asked. He wanted it bad, and Jeff knew that if he did the right things at the right time, now, he could get something good out of this, and fulfill his longtime fantasies. least some of them, maybe having sex with Brand in the locker room with both of them wearing football gear was a little bit too kinky for the real life, even if it made him almost jizz himself to simply think about it. His chronically erect dick throbbed in his jeans as he sat there, spaced out, eyes on the blackboard even though he wasn't seeing any of the numbers and right angles Mrs. Anderson had drawn over it.


Jeff spent the rest of the class in his private little haze, and the same thing happened throughout Spanish class and during the lunch break. He hardly even noticed what was on his tray full of pony treats, such as carrots, and instead simply picked on his meal and kept on thinking about his own secret thoughts. He was even glad that Brand and Adam weren't eating at the same time. Having the pony of his dreams present would've surely been an even worse a distraction for the young pony still struggling to wrap his mind around the reality that the pony liked dudes and that the dude-liking pony Jeff might actually now have a chance of getting it on with Brand!

He was almost tempted to take out his phone and gave a quick glimpse at THAT photo, but it might've been a bit too dangerous in such a public place, and he held back, just about. Jeff did have other pictures on that phone, secretly snapped of Brand when the jock wouldn't notice, mostly of him sitting on the couch playing games with Adam or maybe cooling off after a shower, sitting on a kitchen stool with only a towel around his thick waist. Those photos had supplied enough ideas to fuel a few very interesting jerking off sessions in the past, and he was having a bit of a chubby even now, but Jeff knew that he had to concentrate on other things than pulling his pud now, he had plans, after all...with a capital P...Plans.

Maybe he could print the photo on paper and send it to Brand as a letter, with a note he'd make by cutting off pieces off newspaper headlines and arrange them into words, like they always did on the television.

I KNOW you are gAY brand I WILL TEll aDaM that you jerk OfF over his bed I will ConTACT you later with INStructions if you TELL anyone I'll POST a photo of it on FaCEbook

Now that'd surely catch Brand's attention, and to be presented with such hard evidence would make it impossible for him to deny the fact that he'd been doing just that. Yeah...that could work...Brand simply would have to do anything Jeff told him to...he'd be his...he'd have to agree on Jeff's terms, or face social disaster if the knowledge spread that he liked it up the ass.

Then again, making a blackmail note was probably in all ways illegal, and mailing it would take time and someone other than Brand might open it, and Jeff had absolutely no need to tell any secrets to anyone who wasn't Brand that might make a letter out of the question. Besides, it'd be a bit difficult to find suitable newspapers to cut all the letters from, and that'd take time...and Jeff didn't have the most nimble hands to begin with. Maybe he wouldn't make a letter, but something else...hmm...

The bell rang to tell everyone still eating that they only had a few minutes to finish up before the seniors would have their turn at the school café, and even Jeff was shaken out of his thoughts. He quickly gobbled down a few mawfuls, even if he really didn't feel too hungry, and then returning his tray before blending into the flow of furs going in and out of the café. He made a quick foray over to his locker to get the book for the next class, American History, which would be his last for the day, thank God, and then he'd be was Friday...a whole weekend of no school ahead of him, and then some...

Most of all, he had more time to think about all sorts of things he could do to make Brand fall for him, hard, or at least grudgingly agree to helping out a virgin pony at becoming just a pony. Surely 16 years old was a good time to start getting it on, even for gay furs like himself, Jeff thought as he sat to the back row, out of sight so that he wouldn't have to answer any difficult questions while he brooded and tried to decide on a suitable course of action to follow next. His phone pressing against his thigh inside his jeans pocket served as a reminder of the photo, and all that entailed in it, while his more logical mind reminded the pony that he could do more wrong than right with that photo as well, if he acted too hastily. Being ferried to the hospital in a comatose state was a random possibility, of course, but other kinds of nuisance were also something that might happen, if he didn't think this through. Jeff knew that he might've been just a regular kid, except for the Brand-lusting part, but if he put his mind to something, he usually got into a pretty good solution, if he weighted all the pros and cons together before making his decision. This was way much bigger than anything he did ever before, so it certainly felt like a weighty presence on the back of mind, as the class started and he sat there happily not listening.

Even if he wasn't quite sure of what to do, there were a few things Jeff was certain off. The first was that keeping Adam out of the loop was an absolute necessity. He'd have to make sure that his goofy bigger brother would in no way find out that Jeff knew something so dangerous about Brand. Whatever Jeff would do about it, he would have to be certain that Adam could never figure out what was going on. While it was a bit gross even to Jeff that Brand did that kind of stuff in his brother's bed, there was still no need to involve the pony, since that would cause problems to Jeff's plans regarding Brand.

Sure, the brother could be a nuisance as well, since it was usually a double team of Brand and Adam, and it might be difficult to actually catch the hunky presumably gay pony without his friend in presence as well. Jeff wasn't even quite sure how he'd go on doing that, since the two usually hung around almost every afternoon until late in the evening, when Brand usually left home. To catch him off-guard without Jeff's brother might be a challenge indeed...but a minor one compared to all the other obstacles. He couldn't just walk over when the two ponies were playing on the Xbox and ask Brand if he had some time to talk in private, because he'd just be laughed off, let alone he'd probably be called names and generally made fun for being a pussy, and that'd be all that could happen. Jeff didn't exactly want to do that either, because coming off as a whining kid never sat well with him, even if it was for the express purpose of doing something very interesting with Brand. Sneaking around behind Adam's back seemed necessary alright...damn...



...ohhhhh yesss....

Jeff practically purred as he realized that he had been offered the chance on a silver platter, during this very morning in fact, he thought, as a smile spread over his lips, exposing his buckteeth. It was so was so real, and it was convenient and it was perfect, and it was...ohh yes...



His spaced-out dopey looked seemed to have attracted the attention of Mr. Ryan, the big bear who now stood behind his desk and was glaring at the pony through his oversized thick-rimmed spectacles.

"Mister Jenner!"

"Uh, yeah?" Jeff said.

"Since you seem to be so extremely happy with the subject, why don't you tell us how you understand the Monroe Doctrine?" the striped sweater-wearing bear spoke in his loud, booming voice.

Jeff's ears flattened.

"Yeah, uhh...sure, yeah...Monroe..stuff..."

This wasn't going to be so glorious.


Jeff managed to avoid detention for being a bumbling fool, but only by just, and he left the classroom with flat ears and an extra 1,000-word assignment on the Monroe Doctrine to finish by next Monday, but it was still a minor blemish in his mind.

Jeff was a pony on a mission, and he couldn't stop smiling as he clip-clopped along the plastic tiles of the high school corridor, thumbs pushed under the straps of his backpack as he made his way to his locker to unload the books he wouldn't need for the weekend. Homework was hardly on top of his mind, anyway, because his earlier moment of clarity had grown into a fully blown evil master Plan during the last stretch of the last class of the day. It was simple, and it was there, and most of all, it could be done fast, because quite frankly, Jeff felt like during the night before Christmas - something gift-wrapped was almost but quite yet within his hands' reach, and he wanted to get there as soon as possibly. He couldn't stop thinking about Brand, and what could happen, if things went the way he wanted, and if there indeed was a chance to set things into motion, he would not waste any time getting there, now.

Much to his own surprise, Jeff found himself almost running as he tried to get home as fast as possible. He was huffing and sweating by the time he rushed through the front door, but he had only spent fifteen minutes on the trip, meaning that he still had time before he had to be on his next destination. Jeff's skin itched all over his body, his heart was beating fast and it was not simply because of his brisk walk, but due to all the ideas in his mind. His thighs ached a bit from the run yesterday and today, but he didn't care, he had to get moving again, soon, if he wanted to keep things going by the way he wanted them to do.

Only a few minutes later, Jeff locked the front door and picked up his old bicycle from the front lawn where it had been haphazardly left on the day before yesterday, the last time the pony had been driving around on his bike. Jeff's thighs were soon burning even more as he biked down along the curb, and he knew that his destination was a few miles away, but he bit down his lip and decided that a little bit of suffering would be necessary to accomplish this special Plan.

The pony was even more of a sweaty mess when he turned over to the driveway of the Rockford residence, but he didn't stop there, rather, he drove his bike around the corner of the house and only stopped once he was securely behind the house, on the back yard, out of sight. The panting pony got off his bike and pushed it to lean against the wall, while he wiped his chin, flicked his sweaty ears and sighed deeply. Brand's home seemed to be much longer than it had felt the last he was there, a couple of years back when he was still considered "little" and Adam had been forced to take him along to Brand's place when Jeff's parents had a night out and they couldn't get a babysitter. Jeff surely knew how to get there, but it had been a much longer bike ride than he expected, and he felt like he had to lie down and maybe have some Coke and television to regain his strength. There was no time for anything like that, and besides, his stomach felt odd, as if he might throw up at any moment. Jeff wasn't sure if that was the bike ride or his nerves talking, as he stood there, behind his brother's best friend's house, panting and trying to calm down a little before the next part of the plan.

Jeff took out his phone and checked the time from the small screen. It was already a few minutes past 2 pm, meaning that school was now out for Adam and Brand...and if the pony didn't have anywhere else to go, especially now that his friend was out of the business, that meant that he would be back home at any moment...and that was the time when Jeff would strike. That predatory smile spread over his thin lips again as he watched the number five on the phone to turn into a six, as he sat there, listening for the telltale noise of a car turning over to the driveway, followed by the slam of a door telling that the young son of the pony family Rockford was home.

It still felt too long, excruciatingly slow, as the minutes passed. Perhaps staring at the clock didn't help at all, or that Jeff was feeling so nervous, more nervous than before dentist, or something like that, he simply felt like he might do something stupid and gay like faint out of being so fucking nervous. He had never done anything quite as sneaky as this, or dangerous, because his reputation was at hand, of course, and so was Brand's. They were talking about dangerous things here, big, huge, non-simple things, and he was up to his ear tips in it, and there was no backing out anymore, not now that he was so determined to fulfilling his long-standing dream...and there was no stopping.

It was already almost half past two when the car finally arrived, and Jeff's heart raced even more as he peeked over the corner of the house to see the familiar car glide into its place on the driveway and then come to a stop. Brand stepped out after a moment, and he caught a glimpse of the familiar pony, slamming his car door shut with a loud bang that made his own ears flick. Jeff couldn't help but think that the pony looked so damn confident, and muscular, and simply hot...he probably smelled great again, so great that you'd just want to sniff and lick him all over...

Jeff's cock threatened with another massive boner, and he had to whisper a quick "down, boy!" to himself before he took another deep breath and kept spying on the pony as he made his way across the small yard and then into the empty house.

This was it...should he wait for a while, let him settle in? Fuck, maybe Jeff could catch him straight out of the shower and already naked...wouldn't that be cool...his cock was certainly agreeing to that, but Jeff decided that he would not wait for another minute. This was it. This was THE Plan put into action, so serious, so preposterous, so...he was so gonna do it!

With shaking fingers, Jeff brought his phone up and composed a quick message.

You have five minutes

to come to the kitchen

window after you see

this message or I'll send

the photo to Adam. Don't

be late.

_ _

Jeff's fingers hovered over the images of the letter as he wondered whether we should add his name, but he decided against it, and instead chose the photo attachment, THE photo attachments, and, holding his breath, made his ultimate move.

The phone let out a satisfied beep and flashed the "MESSAGE SENT TO BRAND" text, briefly before returning to its normal dormant state.

Jeff's hand shook as he clutched his phone and waited, barely able to breathe normally. He wasn't sure if Brand would recognize his number, since they had certainly not exchanged them, but he had spied it from Adam's phone, and saved it for special needs...never would he have imagined this kind of needs. The pony nickered quietly under his breath, wondering if he had just done the hugest mistake of his young life by starting play with things he could not rightfully handle...but then...what was at stake? So much.

He also wondered just how long it might take for Brand to check his phone after getting a text, and whether he should already be going to the kitchen window, to meet his foe. A glance at the clock told him that a minute had passed...still four minutes of mercy before the time limit would close on his threat of exposing Brand to his best friend...if only he would come to the window...

Jeff took a deep breath and made his way slowly the back yard, staying close to the white wall as he rounded the corner on the other side, knowing that the kitchen window, one of them, would be nearby, now that he had passed what he presumed to be the windows into the pony family's living room.

Two minutes left in the time limit.

Jeff's tail flicked from side to side as he clutched into his phone, the very same phone that had began it all when he had slipped it into his brother's doorway, to take that picture he had just sent to the pony inside the house, the very same young male who was now in deep trouble, if he didn't do exactly like Jeff would tell him to do...if he wouldn't come to the window.

Only one minute left.

Jeff decided that torturing Brand shouldn't go on for any longer than absolutely necessary, and thus, with a deep breath again, he held his head high and stepped forward, before he turned around to face the window, and anyone who might be there on the other side.

What he saw was a pair of very wide eyes staring through the window adorned with floral curtains. Inside the kitchen was Brand, standing stiff with his phone in his hand, clutching it with his knuckles white. His ears were flat, and his maw had fallen open, as if he was yelling.

The window was already fogged up with his hard breaths by the time Jeff moved in to stood there, and simply watched the male through the barely transparent glass, and then he smiled, just a little.

"Hello, Brand!" Jeff waved his own phone in front of him, in his hand, and flicked his ears. "Mind if I come in?"



Wow! Eight and a half thousand words, what a chapter! How'd you like it? What might happen next? I'm always curious about all the feedback I can get, so don't be shy!

Stay tuned for further pony adventures in the near future!

Thank you for reading, and cheerio!