My Brother's Best Friend - A Whole Mess

Story by Gruffy on SoFurry

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#5 of Brothers Best Friend

Jeff heads home and broods, and then relaxes.

This is a homoerotic anthropomorphic story. You stand warned! :)


Hello, and welcome to my miniseries "My Big Brother's Best Friend" !

This story is my mid-season replacement for the ongoing story "I'm Still With the Hockey Hunk" which will enter a brief hiatus. Meanwhile, I'm planning to write more about this story, so, enjoy y'all!

If you have any comments, please remember that all feedback is always enjoyed and considered! Also keep in mind that all votes, faves and watches help others to find these stories to enjoy as well!

Have a fun read!


Jeff took his time driving back home, not bothering to exert himself any more than he already had, as he slowly pedaled along the streets. He was trying his best to get his mind around all that had happened so far today, and he was really shooting blanks here, trying to comprehend it all. So much had fit into the span of twenty-four hours, least of it not being that he was almost just beaten up by his brother's best friend because Brand had thought that Jeff had come over to blackmail him over being gay.

And not just that, but Jeff had come out to him, too, for the first time he actually told someone that he was gay. Of course he had to do it in the hopes that this would stop Brand from beating the crap out of him, but it had worked...even though the presumably gay hunk had strictly refused to confirm his own sexual orientation despite Jeff's best assurances that he understood what the older boy was going through, and maybe he could, too.

What Jeff had envisioned was help much different to the one he had actually gotten, which happened to be simply a promise of not beating the living shit out of Jeff at the very next instance they might meet, if he promised not to tell anyone, especially Adam, about the photograph Jeff had hidden in his phone. In return Brand had promised to not to tell Adam about Jeff being gay, and that...standoff of sorts was the situation where Jeff had found himself in, now that he was slowly making his way back home.

The cool air felt nice over his muzzle as he biked along the semi-familiar path, nearing home by now, it wouldn't be too long yet. The idea of going up to his own room, closing the door and simply being alone and safe with his thoughts seemed like a good one, but then again, he still felt scared, not to mention, acutely embarrassed by the fact that he had cried in front of the older pony, really, tears and sobs and all as he had divulged his secret to him in his almost panic-like state. That might've been something of an excuse, but it was still really shameful, and not at all appropriate behavior for someone his age...sixteen was practically grown up, right? It was even worse since he had cried in front of Brand, anyway, the coolest guy Jeff had ever met, and the secret subject of his horny teenaged fantasies, of course.

Who wouldn't have wanted someone like Brand? He was popular, he was both handsome AND cute, because ponies were naturally cute, he had great muscles and an ass that always only barely seemed to fit into his pants, and he was always smiling and joking and generally just being awesome in all so many ways.

That said, this whole Plan To Get Into Brand Rockville's Pants By Blackmailing Him About Him Being Gay had backfired spectacularly and almost cost him his front teeth and maybe something else, too, if he'd been even more unlucky. Now he had only survived with a bruised ego and a ruined T-shirt which still would need an explanation. Maybe he should just throw it out along the rest of the trash and pretend that it never existed...or claim that the washing machine did something to it...

Bah, Jeff decided as he pedaled on and rounded the street corner at a leisurely speed, the shirt was hardly of much importance. He had much bigger concerns now, like the fact he'd spent the past twenty-four hours acting like some sort of a sex psycho, all of his thoughts centered on the arguably extremely stalkable Brand, his brother's best friend whom had been revealed to be gay in such a spectacular manner.

That matter the trouble it had caused, was not going anywhere, Jeff was sure of that, it was the best thing he had, and it'd have to do since there was no chance of anything else ever happening anymore, even less than there probably ever was, except in his twisted imagination.

Jeff felt bad for rubbing it in Brand's face, too, because it was obviously something that was really difficult for Brand, being gay and never telling anyone, not being able to tell about it to anyone, and not even Jeff who had outright told that he was gay, and thus, safe. Maybe it was because he was so deep in the closet...or maybe simply because Jeff was his best friend's brother...and the kid brother, too. Maybe it was because of Adam...maybe he didn't want to risk it by giving Jeff any more weapons to use against him...any more dangerous words, or confessions. The photograph was bad enough as it was, surely, because it showed him in such a compromised posture, and there was certainly very little he could ever say to prove it otherwise.

But then what? It's not like Brand would want to do anything with him, especially now that he'd freaked the older pony out completely by coming up with this whole gay thing, head on, at him. How could he even think like that in the first place? Jeff had to wonder how he managed to be so much driven by his stiff cock that he'd gone down to these lengths to try and catch Brand as his...for whatever could take place between them, and he couldn't trust his mind to keep those things PG-13.

Jeff cycled down along the home lane and decided, with a sigh, that he was a moron, and for once agreed with his brother in saying that he really was a kid and an idiot.

How much easier this could be now, how much better, if he hadn't just rushed on it, if he'd just...somehow, when there was good opportunity, gone up to Brand and told him that he was an adult...well...kinda...well, someone Jeff could talk to, and then tell him that he had these...feelings.

Of course leaving out the part about humping the responsible adult in question, but that was just obvious.

Jeff hit the brakes and came to a final halt over his own yard, and got off the bike and even remembered to put it to lean against the tree before he made his sullen way into his empty home, tail flapping loosely behind him as he went.

Maybe Brand would've laughed it off and called him Princess My Little Pony or something like that, that was just normal, and ruffled his head furs like he sometimes did and made Jeff blush seriously, besides another inevitable physical reaction. They could've still remained friends and not...odds, like they now were, of course they way they could ever be the same.

Jeff was already dreading the next time Brand would come over to their house with Adam, and how all that would turn out. Maybe he could just close himself up in his room and pretend he didn't want be down there ogling at the potentially shirtless pony fresh out of the gym. Would Adam become suspicious if Jeff wasn't suddenly tagging along to their every move, and pestering them in general? Would Adam start to think that something weird was going on? Could he even suspect that there was something strange about Brand and Jeff, together? Was Adam smart enough for that?

Jeff went for the fridge and grabbed some fresh carrots and decided that a snack was never a bad idea, and he headed upstairs. He felt a twinge in his belly as he passed his brother's door, a strange mixture of shame and arousal, too, as he remembered what had happened behind that closed door, only yesterday. Jeff sighed as he felt his cocktip poke against his boxers and decided that he must've been especially depressed now that he even thought that a boner was an unwelcome thing to have. The young pony flopped down to his bed and didn't even bother to turn on his television or his computer, two electronic devices usually all too essential for his teenaged existence. Jeff didn't feel like it...well, he didn't really feel like doing anything much.


Cursing helped a little bit, but it would probably not be a long term remedy, Jeff wondered as he bit on one of the thick, juicy carrots he had piled up next to him on the bed. He took his time chewing, letting the veggie become sweet mush in his muzzle as he laid back, one arm propped behind his neck, and brooded.

Damn you Brand the fuck did you become so hot that you drive young, innocent gay boys into doing desperate things in an attempt to get to cop a feel of those luxurious butt cheeks or that gym-toned body or the certified nine inches minimum cock? Jeff hadn't really thought of himself as being quite that horny or desperate to get it on with a dude, but seems that today's actions had proven otherwise. Was this even normal? Should he go to talk to some counselor or something, or like...some internet forum at the very least?

Then again, it was Brand he had caught yesterday having butt and cock fun with himself in his brother's bed while practicing some sort of a jockstrap fetish, which either proved that all gay dudes were perverts, or that Brand just happened to have some questionable tastes. Maybe it wasn't so weird after all that Jeff wanted to do all sorts of things with the thickly muscled heartbreaker of a pony was a whole different thing to want to do sex stuff with another gay dude than a straight dude, right? Besides, it wasn't like Jeff had wanted to try anything kinky, he was a virgin, after all, no matter how difficult a fact that might be to confess to, and even some really basic stuff would've been, he supposed.

Jeff swallowed a sloshy mawful of carrots and took another cracking bite and chuffed, disheartened by his gay existence that seemed even lonelier now. He'd blown his chances with the only other gay fur he knew around here, not to mention that the coolest fur around in general, who was maybe a bit of an idiot, just like Adam was, but still, he was cool, and he was hot, and he'd never been really nasty to Jeff before...except today. That wasn't even nasty, that was just scary and dangerous and still made Jeff's ears flatten as he thought about it. He'd never seen Brand really angry...not like that, flat out angry, was maybe the scariest thing he ever saw, even scarier than Furry Centipede, which he'd definitely shouldn't have watched, but amount of horror could make up for how scared he had felt today, pinned down over Brand's kitchen table and threatened with violence.

Jeff rubbed his broad, ill-defined chest slowly, checking out if there was any residual aches left, but thankfully found very little, and could relax again, or at least the best he could. He'd never felt this screwed up before, though...maybe he hadn't done enough stupid things and been shouted at for them to prepare for this awful feeling that made his heart beat rapidly and put his tail into a non-ending swivel, flapping against the bedspread as he laid down in the classic lazy posture and brooded.

What if Brand came over tomorrow, after Adam was finally free from work and Brand could come to hang out with his best friend again? How could he go downstairs to find the two of them laughing there like anything weird absolutely never happened? How could he meet Brand's eyes with Adam watching, unsuspecting that something fishy was going on between the two? That said, there was nothing going on between them, now was there, except this dark secrets thing that was becoming really old at record speed, Jeff had to confess to himself, with a quick snort. How cool had it been, to think that he could make the jock pony to do anything for him...literally anything he could come up with, and now he barely wanted to even see Brand?

That was a lie, though. Jeff knew that he desperately wanted to see the older pony, because despite all the charades they put up, the little brother, the annoyed cool older big brother's best friend, Jeff still liked to think that they were friends, at least a little bit, or at least enough that Brand could still give him drives to school in his car. He didn't want things to change, he wanted the big pony to hang around their house every afternoon, just so that there was some life over there, and he wouldn't have to be lonely in his room playing games or something. Sure, Jeff had friends, but none of the like that you could ask over to your house every day to have fun teenaged time together, not like Adam had Brand. To loose the playful pony's occasionally shirtless and often sweaty presence would be too great of a loss to Jeff, too, let alone to Adam. Jeff would never live down the guilt of driving Brand away from Adam, too, if should come to that, and he hoped, he really hoped that he hadn't broken that years-long friendship with his terrible plan.

Crunch went the carrot and disappeared into his hungry maw, and Jeff picked another from the little pile next to him, and noticed that they had made a wet stain over the bedspread. He didn't care much, it'd dry up, and he had other things to think about, even if it wasn't so much fun to dwell on it. It actually seemed that even American History homework might've been funnier than thinking about his new situation that had been brought on this whole jockstrap mess. It sounded like some sort of a bad story, up until around the time when he went over to Brand's house and confronted him. If this had been a story, that would've been the time when they'd simply tear each other's clothes off and had the horniest imaginable sex on the kitchen table. He almost got beaten up instead, and that if anything served as a soul-crushing reminder that life wasn't porn.

Beating himself around the head with it was probably not going to help so much either. It'd likely be best to do like Brand...just pretend nothing ever happened and go on, putting up a business as usual face and just go on around doing his usual stuff and stop thinking about what happened. Officially it didn't happen, right? Was that how this was supposed to be from now on? Pretending and lying, even to himself? It seemed to Jeff that Brand was very good at this whole lying and lying to himself thing, he had to admit that, and he was a bit scared about that thought, too. What if Brand was willing to do even more to protect his secret? What if he really could do anything to make sure nobody would know about him? What if he would try to blackmail Jeff instead and threaten to tell Adam about Jeff being gay? They had agreed to simply not to talk about it, but furs, especially scared ones, could change their mind in unpredictable ways. Jeff's stomach felt like it was churning again, as that odd sensation of nausea threatened to return, and he stopped eating his carrot for a while, wanting that feeling to pass before he dared to eat again.


A glance at the clock told Jeff that it was four pm by the time he got up to sit on his bed, yawned, and decided that simply sitting around and moping would do him no good at all. It was Friday, after all, he was home alone, and it was time to do all the things he had wanted to do all week, now that he didn't have to wake up to school early next morning. He could stay up late, he could eat something nice and play his games and watch movies and whatnot, just like he always did when he could just be a lazy pony with nothing expecting out of him but just be young, ordinary dude. Hell, if it wasn't for the mess of today, he'd certainly been up and about to take advantage of the sudden time home alone and whip out his dick to have a good jerking off session before his family would be back home and watching his every move. That's how it felt like, anyway, that there was no peace for a young pony full of all sorts of hormones, until late at night when he could finally lay down and let it all out.

Jeff's slightly sore cock did give a sympathetic twinge even now as his thoughts began to wander around the old, familiar paths that involved him naked in his computer chair with something interesting running on screen. The dark screen was there, of course, the computer turned off for now, but it'd be so easy...with no danger of anyone walking in on him any time soon...

Jeff neighed and whinnied a little as blood pumped into his lower regions, filling out the overused shaft and making it stand out from its sheath and press against the front of his pants. He reached out and rubbed his bulge, almost idly, as his tail flicked and he reminded himself that it was his cock that had gotten him in the trouble in the first place, and by no means it deserved to have any more fun today, not to mention that he was feeling pretty sore, too.

Then again, jerking off was what he normally did, so it would be a distraction and return to the normal order of things, and if he got his rocks off, his mind could be set on doing something that wasn't in any way related to sex...yes, that might do, Jeff mused as he breathed out deeply. His cock felt heavy and hot and filled out his pants nicely now that he was fully hard, and his balls felt warm, too, in their loose sac. It was a good sensation, even if he wasn't really playing with himself yet, natural, it just felt good to be hard and have his heart beat just a little bit faster than usually, and not because of fear, like it had done earlier today.

"Guess there's only one way to get rid of this," Jeff snuffled and even smiled to himself as he got up and turned on his computer.

Since he'd probably have to shower anyway after his jacking off session, he might as well get all the way naked, too, Jeff decided, and began to undress, quickly, careful not to rub his slightly raw dick more than necessary as he got himself out of his boxers and pants and kicked them off to the floor. The damaged t-shirt was easy to pull over his head, especially now that the collar had been so badly stretched that it showed most of his hairy chest as well. Jeff held the shirt up quickly for his inspection and nickered at its miserable state before tossing it off over his bed. He'd figure out what to do with that later, but now he had something else in mind.

The young pony sat down comfortably over the fake leather than naturally molded around the familiar shape of his big pony rump, and pulled himself up to a comfortable distance from the table, with room to spare for his planned activities. His jutting cocktip touched the edge of the table, briefly, making him whinny again as the oversensitive flesh was pressed at, but he let it be for now as he logged in and then checked that the wireless was working before he opened the internet browser and typed in the address of his favorite dirty website, FurFuckFunnies. The name might've been a bit cheesy, but the content was good, a great assortment of free videos, obviously professional quality, though, in neat categories that made it easy to find something to suit his desires for today. Jeff chose the dudes-only section and then scanned the front page, slowly, checking what was new and what was being suggested as features clips for today, and decided to click open the "Newest Featured" section to see what kind of smut had been newly added.

His cock certainly found joy in the cheesy titles and the pre-view pictures that soon opened up in front of his eyes. There was something that was called "Brad Brandon Bones Eric Whick" which seemed to be all about two big bulls pounding each other's asses flip flop style, and the tags also suggested some hot facials to follow. Yeah, bulls were cool, even if Jeff preferred equines, but all big guys were a turn-on, sure. There were a couple of stallion vids on the offer as well, and one that featured a horse and a deer, which might be fun. Jeff's non-mouse-using paw cupped his overworked balls and fondled them slowly as he tried to decide on what to have as extra spice for his today's fun. There was a great temptation to simply go back to the Equines section and choose one of his favorite pony videos, but Jeff thought that perhaps he shouldn't tempt himself any further today, and instead decided that something else might have to do.

He scrolled down the page, passing canine vids and a feline threesome where two lions and tiger were making a daisy chain, and there was also a cougar featuring in a self-suck clip, which of course might be something fun, since that was something Jeff could only dream of ever doing. His body was wholly unsuitable for contortion acts like that, and he had to make do with his very trusty hand, not that there was anything wrong with that. Jeff rolled his big balls around in his palm, lazily, as the throbbing in his cock slowly came down to the normal levels, as teenaged arousal replaced the earlier soreness, and everything felt good, plain and simple. There was sex everywhere, sex, sex, hot, sweaty, buttsex, muzzlejobs, paw-jobs, fingering, hard pounding, teeth-clattering ass-fucking and cum and messy furs and eyelids covered in cum after a huge facial. The small pictures showed him a hundred males in rut, wanting nothing but get off, to have sex, to do the dirty with another male, and these furs had done it for money, for the amusement of lonely furs like Jeff. Sex wasn't much more than a forbidden game yet, something that happened in Jeff's thoughts, or on those films he watched even when he shouldn't, the idea was as attractive as the reality, and Jeff knew too well that the reality was absolutely nothing like he had thought it would be.

Jeff grunted and sighed softly as his thoughts again turned to the terrified face of Brand after he'd told the big pony that he knew about it. He knew that the pony liked boys, or at least he was damn sure that was the truth, especially since Brand had first outright denied it and then kind of avoided the subject altogether. He couldn't' say it aloud, the thing Jeff was barely able to comprehend when it came to himself, that he was a gay pony, and nothing more, and he would never change. He didn't much want to change, he liked who he was, except maybe that part of him that had been displayed today, when he got beaten up...for being such a stupid horny kid. Being in such a state wasn't so bad when it was just him and his paw and the videos, but out there in the real life...fuck.

And yet Jeff knew that he wanted to fuck. He wanted to see a big ass up close, push his muzzle between thick rump cheeks and eat out that hot pucker before he'd put his cock in there, like a real man, and fuck his partner until he'd fill him with his seed. He wasn't too sure about bottoming, but he was sure that if done right and with someone he trusted, it'd probably be okay, and it felt good when he touched himself back there, it wasn't too bad. Maybe he wasn't ready for any of that in the real life, but he sure as FUCK knew that he one day wanted it, to get hot and physical with another male, and he wanted it bad. It was a craving, it was a need, it can't have been just hormones, Jeff thought, it was just who he was, who he was as a male...there was a need to rut. He was a horse, after all, a sturdy male who could mate who he wanted.

Shame that wants never really did well with the reality.

Jeff's mouse pointer now hovered over the image of a young, smiling, confident Doberman sitting on the edge of a big, expensive-looking bed, all tall ears and pretty thick arms, and the title of the video said: "Dobie newcomer Greg Edges has some hot twink sex with Sheppie star Anselm Maximus".

Oh well...doggie style could be one every now and then Jeff snuffled to himself clicked on the video to load and killed a couple of pop-ups before he sat back and waited for the clip. He kept stroking his balls, very gently still, while he grabbed his own pulsing shaft with his trusty right hand and gave it a small squeeze that made him neigh, softly.

The video faded into the bed room, vaguely familiar, somehow, but then again, almost all porn featured two or more dudes in a non-descript bedroom, so maybe it was just his memory playing a trick on him. The Dobie was sitting on the edge of the bed, relaxed, smiling at the camera, only clad in some jeans and a t-shirt.

"So, hi there, Greg."

_ _

"Hello" the Dobie said confidently and winked at the camera.

_ _

"So we've heard that you're new to the industry, Greg, is that so?"

_ _

That weird, rough, disembodied, slightly perverted-sounding voice continued to make all sorts of stupid questions at the Dobie who sat there trying to look as sexy as possible while being asked about his cock size and all sorts of obviously made up details about his life. Jeff didn't mind, this was how these things happened, and he spared his hand for a moment to skip over the first few crappy minutes, and brought the video to a point where a slim German Shepherd had someone appeared next to the Dobie. Jeff wasn't sure yet which one was going to bottom, both seemed to be pretty twinky, though the Dobie was maybe more muscular, but the Sheppie didn't act much girly, at least during the half a minute or so the pony bothered to listen to the crappy talk.

"So, why don't you two guys show what you can do?"

_ _

The perv-voice finally went quiet, as Jeff watched the Dobie grab the Sheppie's muzzle and kiss him, smacking his lips loudly as their maws met. It was not a romantic kiss, but tongues were immediately added to the mix, and they started to make all sorts of sexy moans and grope each other. Jeff contented himself with slowly stroking over his own six inches while his other paw kept his balls all warm and happy. They felt sweaty and hot in his gentle grip, and good, and that made Jeff nicker, gently, as he enjoyed himself, slowly. The video was heating up, too, with the Dobie tugging off the Sheppie's shirt to reveal a toned body, slim, with small muscles, not a heavy, thick body like Jeff liked, but it was still okay to look at, he didn't mind, this was just different. The Dobie was a bit more bulky, but still lost much to Jeff's favorite body type, thick and muscled and covered in soft

Jeff shook his head to remind himself that this was done to make him stop think about Brand in that way, he'd blown it off, there was no point in it, he'd just have to make do. He decided to ramp it up a bit and pushed his hand down under his balls, over his taint, to rub gently against the thick ring of his muscled tailhole. The pucker clenched under his touch, sending a little wave of interesting pleasure through his belly, reminding him of all the feelings that could be had back there from his rump side as well. His main focus was on the slow stroke of his palm over his shaft, as his eyes took in the sight of the two canines on the computer screen, taking turns at licking each other's nipples.

"Ahh, fuck, suck those little nubs!"

_ _


_ _

"Yeah, suck them!"

_ _

Jeff's cock began to leak little globs of pre which he diligently spread over his shaft, watching the doggies on screen get off their pants and then grope each other's big, swollen canine cocks through their white briefs.

"Wuffy seems horny, wuffy want some?"

_ _

The Sheppie wagged his tail and licked his lips.

_ _

"Give it to me stud."

_ _

The Sheppie pulled down the Dobie's briefs and dived down on his cock, taking several thick, veined inches into his slurping muzzle. The Dobie rumbled and grabbed the Sheppie's head and held him down to his dick. The Sheppie made a gurgling sound. Jeff rubbed his index and middle fingers over his hairy, sweaty taint, stroking the soft skin surrounding his tailhole. His fingertips glided smoothly over the silky hairs and the slick skin, making him grunt, softly, when he probed his black ring of muscle, just gently. His tail flicked and swiped against the back of his chair, and he could feel himself squeeze down on himself as that strong pucker reacted to being fondled from the outside, curious about the sensation of being directly touched. He drew a deep breath and boldly continued stroking himself, slowing down his jacking motions over his shaft and making his grip lighter, as he now wanted to draw this experience out and feel more.

The camera was now concentrating on the slide of the Dobie's slick pink length between the Sheppie's lips, driven through those black lips into his maw at a rapid pace, both canines grunting and huffing loudly.

"Suck it bitch!"

Jeff pulled his paw away from its place between his rump cheeks and sucked on his digits for a whole to cover them with his saliva before he brought them back over to his backside and stroked the newly slick fingertips over his wrinkled skin.

"Yeah, suck it!"

_ _

The Dobie pushed the Sheppie off his dick before using his paws to manipulate the young male over to his back so that he could start sucking on the Sheppie's cock, taking his own turn in slurping up and down on some hot doggie dick.

Jeff harrumphed as he pushed the thick tip of his index finger against his anus and gave it a little poke, wanting to see just how firm the muscle was. It felt hot and moist, good, yes, he liked the sensation of playing with his ass, it was cool. Jeff rubbed a couple of circles around the inner rim of his hole and then repeated the poke, pushing more firmly now at the center of his hole, trying to see if he could get through.

The dogs on screen wagged their tails, and the Sheppie was barked as the Dobie played with his balls and seemed to be taking him in his muzzle up to the knot. The Sheppie's eyes were closed and his head was thrown back, and he moaned loudly.

"Oh, shit!"

_ _

Jeff's cock twitched as he felt his hole knead down on his fingertip, but allowed it to pass and push into his warm, dry insides. His tailhole clenched, sending another of those off little surges of pleasure through his body, at that odd presence within his body, his own finger, pushed up to the first joint and simply held there. It was not something he did every day, so it was still quite new, and different, and made him breathe harder, roughly, as his body closed down upon himself.

"Gonna fuck you in the ass, slut."

_ _

The corny porn scene progressed now with the Dobie pushing the Sheppie over to his belly and straddling him over his back. The twinky Dobie sat down on top of the Sheppie and grabbed his tail to pull it to the side before he mashed his muzzle under it to lick and suck on the the Sheppie's pink little asshole, all in crisp HD, of course.

"Ahhhh shit!"

_ _

Jeff's own maw watered a little as he watched the Dobie bore down on the Sheppie's glistening pucker with his tongue. He wasn't quite sure why he always thought that rimming was one of the sexiest thing he ever saw on porn, and it was definitely high on the to try-list. Maybe it was simply so naughty an idea, to pry firm ass cheeks apart and then push his tongue in there, over sweaty rump until he'd get a muzzle full of pure ass and musk. It'd be the perfect way to prepare a tight hole for being pierced with a thick, throbbing, leaking cock, that'd spread the muscled walls open and push deep into the submissive male's guts. The pony licked his lips, slurping, as he slowly began to stroke himself more firmly. His fingertip toyed with his own hot tailpucker, stretching him out very gently, but even if it was just a single finger, he still definitely knew that it was there. His hand began to move faster over his slick shaft, the sensations were growing and he felt impatient and needing the release he was craving.

"Gonna bury some bone now wuff!"

_ _

The hot rimming was replaced by an extreme closeup of the Dobie's cock pressing against the Sheppie's pucker and then into him, slowly, accompanied by a lot of huffs and grunts and face shots of both parties involved in this hot rump fuck. Jeff rumbled, deep from his broad chest, working his own body with practiced ease as he watched the two canines fuck on screen. They didn't bother with things like warming up or letting the bottom to get used to it, it was all-out tailpounding from the very moment, and presented from a variety of ball-slapping angles. Jeff's balls began to burn, trying to produce yet another load from their churning depths. The pony nickered and brayed as he jammed his finger deeper into himself, wanting to feel all of it, every sensation possible. He wasn't quite touching on his prostate, but the pressure against the wall of his tail tunnel felt good, and helped the pony to reach his orgasm, which erupted out of him after a few more teeth-clenching moments of frenetic stroking.

"Ahhhghhhh!" Jeff neighed, his cock twitched in his grip and he got a splash of sperm over his neck, followed by heavier, thicker globs which landed all over his chest and ran over to his belly.

His tailhole sucked down on his fingers and his hooves clopped against the floor, he threw his head back and closed his eyes, the porn faded only to the grunts and huffs coming from the two buttfucking canines, it was Jeff's own private little world now, ruled over by the pleasure coming from his tortured flesh, filling the air with the musk of his seed. The young pony nickered and felt his whole body tense, briefly, before he slumped back, his cock just about finished with spitting more white spunk over the teen's chest. Jeff breathed hotly but steadily, exhaustion was starting to take over, and his hands fell over his messy belly as he rested, tried to catch his breath, and let his worries be forgotten for a least until he would have to get up to clean this mess up.


There we go! Yet another chapter in the making. What will happen next? Any ideas? All feedback is most appreciated!

Cheerio everyone!