The Woodland Visitor Ch 12 Kids

Story by Duvalio Profaneth on SoFurry

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#13 of The Woodland Visitor

I apologize for the delay in getting this chapter out along with the shortness of it. I just needed to set up future events.

The Woodland Visitor Ch 12


I climbed into bed and curled up next to Sienna. It had been a long week and I was looking forward to some good rest, but first there was something I had to do.

I wrapped one arm around Sienna's waist and pulled her close to me. Smelling her scent where I buried my face into her neck was like a sweet elixir. I know humans aren't supposed to have as good of noses as furs but her scent was arousing me more than I already was. I began to nibble on her neck and run my hand through the fur on her thighs.

"Mmmmm, aren't you tired?"

"If I was tired, would I be doing this?" I asked between nibbles.

She extended her neck and turned her head towards me. "Yes."

I watched her roll over before I planted a kiss on her lips. Then I kissed the side of her muzzle. "You know." I kissed her cheek. "I can..." Then her upper neck. "stop if you..." Then a little lower on her neck. "want me to."

Sienna arched her back when I began nibbling on her neck. As I made my way down to her chest I could hear her breathing deepen with excitement. "No... no ahh, there's plenty... of ohhh time to sleep later."

I nibbled around each breast slowly working my way to her nipples. Drawing them between my lips I lightly grazed them with my teeth bringing each to the hardness of diamonds while drawing murs of excitement from her. Leaving my hands to continue to massage her breasts, I continued my journey down. Sienna spread her thighs in anticipation of what was to come. Her breathing became shallower the closer I got to her sex. At the last second I began to kiss and lick up and down on either side of her lips.

It was like I started a motor. Her hips began to rock up and down, back and forth. I could hear her groaning in frustration as she tried to get me to lick where she wanted it the most. No matter how hard she tried I would always move with her, slowly driving her insane with desire.

I think she was too lost in the feeling of it because her paws never left the sheets she had gripped tightly. If she would have grabbed me by the head I would have done what she wanted. When she didn't, I just continued to tease her for a few minutes.

Without any warning I slipped my tongue into her sex and licked from the bottom to her clit. She let out a hiss of pleasure and arched her back even more. Concentrating on her clit I rolled my tongue around it a few times before taking it between my lips. Flicking my tongue across her clit as I sucked on it brought her that much closer to orgasm. The final thrust was when I brought my hand up and slowly slid a finger into her dripping sex. Hooking it slightly I brought my finger up and pressed it up against her 'sweet spot.'

Her body began to shake as her orgasm overtook her. I continued to nibble on her clit and brought her to a second orgasm. When her body collapsed I stopped my assault and slowly climbed up beside her.

Looking down at Sienna I watched her just lay there trying to recover her breath. Slowly she opened her eyes and looked up at me. I reached over and caressed her cheek, running my fingers through her fur. She closed her eyes and with a contented look on her face sighs as she slowly drifts off to sleep totally exhausted.

I just lay there propped up by my elbow beside her, just watching her.

"How am I so lucky?" I thought. Not only was my life starting to straighten itself out, but I was with the most caring and loving individual in the world.

Gently I reached over and ran the back of my fingers across the fur on her cheek and watched as a smile slowly spread itself across her face. Out of all the furs in the village, she had chosen me. Hell, out of all the people in the world, I was the lucky one.

She's so much like Tanya was. Is that why I was attracted to her? I didn't think so. Even though they were a lot alike, they were just as different. I smiled to myself. If someone were to ask me why I loved her so much, I would just have to say it's because I do. I mean, even after pondering it, I couldn't come up with anything that didn't sound cliché or corny.

Reaching down, I gently pulled up the sheet and covered her. As it slowly molded itself to her body, I couldn't help but admire her. God she was beautiful, even the sheet couldn't hide that fact. Placing my hand just under her breasts, I just lay there feeling the rise and fall of her chest, the beating of her heart. It felt as if I could even feel the love she had for me.

Laying back I placed my hands behind my head and stared at the ceiling knowing what contentment was for the first time in years. There isn't anything I wouldn't do for her and somehow I knew that she felt the same.

Sienna let out a sigh and rolled over placing her arm and leg over me, pulling me close as she rested her head on my chest. Reaching down I held her close as I kissed her head and slowly drifted off to sleep.

* * *

I slowly climbed my way back up to consciousness, against my will, to the most exquisite feeling coming from my groin. As my foggy brain slowly cleared I was able to connect the feeling with the bouncing motion that my body was going through.

As my eyes slowly opened I slowly focused on the most beautiful way I was ever woken up with.

Sienna slowly came into view squatting over me and bouncing up and down. Looking down further I watched as my rock hard dick slid in and out of her. Tracing her curves as my eyes slowly traveled back up her body I watched as her hands worked over her tits. She would grab her tits and slowly let them slide out of her hands catching her nipples and giving them a twist just before letting them go, just to repeat the process. Her head was tilted up with her eyes closed and her mouth hung open in pleasure. I could hear her grunt every time she buried my hard cock into her now dripping sex.

My breathing was becoming labored as I reached out and ran my hands from her knees up to her waist curling my fingers and digging into her fur there. Her eyes slowly opened and she looked down at me with a smile that was quickly replaced by the pleasure she was giving herself with her morning ride.

"Good... ugh... ahhh... morning... ugh... ugh... mmmm." She gasped out between thrusts.

My hips started moving on their own as I sensed her getting closer to release. Sliding a hand to her thigh, I worked my way up to where we were joined. Sliding my fingers into her wet folds I found what I was looking for and slowly began massaging her clit.

Her eyes clenched tightly shut and her body began to shake in climax. It was the most beautiful sight I ever saw, and felt. Her body shuddering as her velvety smooth walls clamped down on my cock sending her juices cascading down my pole and through my hair.

Watching her climax was all it took for me. I felt my balls clench as my own climax swept over me like a tidal wave. Pulse after pulse I felt my energy draining into her body which seemed to shake and quiver as it accepted each jet of cum that I released.

When the feelings that I wished would last forever had finally receded, Sienna slowly leaned forward to lay on my chest. I could still feel the aftershocks of her orgasm lightly gripping my now shrinking cock.

Wrapping my arms around her, I held her to me not wanting to ever let her go. Slowly regaining her strength, she rolled off and lay beside me on the bed. Rolling on my side I propped myself up on my elbow and just drunk in her beauty.

Her eyes were closed and she had a look of complete contentment on her face. Lightly I ran my fingers through the fur on her belly and felt movement under them. Sienna's eyes quickly opened and as a grin spread across her face she softly said, "I think you woke him up."

I placed my hand on her belly and felt the baby move as if it was protesting our morning activities. "You woke him up, just like you did me with your morning activities. Not that I'm complaining. I could think of worse ways to be woke up other than being buried in the one I love."

I felt him give a strong kick which caused Sienna to scrunch up her face in discomfort. Placing my head lightly on her belly I began to hum a lullaby I remember being sung to me when I was younger. Soon the baby stopped moving as if he was listening to me hum.

After a little bit I moved up and kissed Sienna's lips gently. "I don't know how you do it." She said, "You are so tough but when it comes to the baby, you're so gentle and calming to him."

"It's because I love you so much, I can't help but being so gentle. You bring out the best of me."

"I love you so much, I can't picture my life without you."

"You don't have to. I will be here with you forever."

Sienna pushed me down on my back and snuggled up against me. Reaching over I lightly caressed her cheek as she gave a sigh. "Thank you." Was the last thing she said before she fell asleep in my arms.

"No dear heart, thank you." I replied as I drifted off to sleep.

* * *

It was a warm day, not to hot, but just the right temperature for a party. I looked across the park and watched as hundreds of furs enjoyed the warm day. Every so often I would catch a glimpse of a human talking to some furs, laughing and joking, or just enjoying the company.

Over towards the edge of the group I saw Duvole standing with an older tiger couple who I was told was his parents. They had smiles on their faces as they looked at their son standing with his arm around Diane.

The party was being held in their honor as the couple just got 'married', for lack of a better term, this morning. I have to admit, they make a good couple.

Feeling an arm around my waist I looked down to see Sienna beside me looking at the newlyweds. Putting my arm around her I looked back up at the couple when I felt another arm go around my waist.

Quickly looking over I saw Tamanae smile across to Sienna as she placed her head on my shoulder. Smiling down at the both of them I said, "The food should be ready soon, what do you say we go and get in line?"

As if he read my thoughts, Brenah stood up on a table and announced that the food was now being served. Sienna steered me over to a vacant table and sat down carefully. Her belly was getting big and it was harder for her to maneuver around.

"How about I wait here and you go get in line."

"Anything for you, love. Would you like anything in particular?"

She just smiled up at me, "Surprise me."

Caressing the side of her cheek, I turned and with my arm around Tamanae, headed off to get our food.

"Hey guys, wait up."

Turning I saw Steve running up to us. "Steve, glad you could make it."

"Told you I wouldn't miss it. Where's Sienna?"

"She's setting at the table over there. It's hard for her to stand for long in her condition so I'm on my way to get her food."

"I'll go with you, that way I can pay my respects to mama."

Tamanae wrapped her arm around Steve and the three of us headed over to the food. Setting back down, we dug into our food and chatted about everything under the sun. The day turned out to be just what everyone needed.

It was made even better when Sienna and I were cornered and told some good news.

* * *

"I wanted you two to be the first to hear the news. Right now only Doc Travis and Duvole know. I ask you to keep it quiet for now. We're not ready to disclose it yet."

"Come on Diane, what's the big secret?" I asked.

"Alright, Doc Travis gave me a checkup yesterday because I wasn't felling well. He told me that I am pregnant."

Sienna was the first one to react, she grabbed Diane and hugged her tightly. "That's great, Duvole must be Ecstatic."

"He is. Neither of us were expecting it but we both agree that it's not unwanted. I'm just a little bit nervous is all."

"Nervous, of what?" Sienna asked, looking as concerned as I felt.

"Well, I always knew that sooner or later I would want kids. It's just that I never considered the father to be..."

"Such an animal?" I finished for her.

Sienna looked up at me sharply as Diane quickly replied, "I really wouldn't call him an animal."

"Yea right, I bet you call him more than that when you two are in bed."

Diane quickly looked down and blushed and Sienna smiled, "Don't start or I'm gonna let slip some of the things said when we get in bed."

"Don't start with me or else I'm going to have Venison for dinner tonight."

"Ohhh, you're gonna eat me? Is that a promise?"

"I could go for a nice juicy rump roast about now."

"You are incorrigible, you know that?"

"Only with you sweetheart. Anyway if it's because you two are 'different', I think that Amanda might be able to help you. She had the child of a fur and probably had the same fears you're having."

"I didn't even think of her, thank you."

I stepped up and wrapping my arms around her I picked her up and spun her around. "You're welcome and congratulations. You'll make a great mother."

When I set her down she wrapped her arms around me and placed her head on my chest. "You really think so?"

"No I don't think so, I know you will. Just don't forget that you have so many people who will help you whenever you need it, all you have to do is ask."

"I know, but thank you anyway. It's nice to know I have such good friends." She said as she gave me a squeeze.

"Yep, now I have two kids to spoil rotten." I said with a grin. Sienna and Diane hit me at the same time and started laughing.

Looking up I saw Duvole looking over at us. I picked up my drink and held it up in a silent toast and mouthed, 'congratulations' to him. He held up his drink and mouthed 'thank you' back before we each took a drink.

* * *

The festivities lasted late into the night but I took Sienna home early, not wanting her to over do it. As we sat on the couch in front of a crackling fire Sienna put her head on my shoulder and quietly asked, "So, what do you think about those two?"

"What do you mean?"

"Your friends, falling in love with animals?"

"First of all, I actually resent any of you being called animals." Turning to look at her I saw the mischievous look in her eyes along with her big grin. "Second, If you keep teasing me like that, I'm gonna put you over my knee and spank you for it."

"Easier said than done with this in the way." She said while running her paw over her belly.

Placing my hand on her belly I kissed her and softly whispered, "Well then, I'll just wait until the baby's born and your feeling better and give it to you then. Until then I'll just have to keep score."

She looked into my eyes, "Looks like I'm going to be plenty sore then."

"Yea, and the spankings are going to hurt too." I said just before I kissed her. Leaning back we both stared into the fire, each thinking about how lucky we are to have such a loving and caring person to share our lives with.