The Woodland Visitor Ch 13: Revelations

Story by Duvalio Profaneth on SoFurry

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#14 of The Woodland Visitor

Again I apologize for the shortness, but it's hard to write this storyline the way I did and not give away the future plot. As always, all comments are appreciated and wanted.

The Woodland Visitor Ch 13


Sienna looked around the room and felt her rage build. "How could he? Out of all the people, how could he ruin something so perfect?

* * *

A lone figure made its way down the main road of the town. His head was hanging down and he was talking to no one in particular.

"Who does she think she is? Does she think I'm just a toy that she can use anyway she wants? She didn't even consider my feelings. What made her think I would want to do that? Haven't I given here everything I had?"

Without conscious thought he turned into a tavern and found a seat in the back corner. He needed time to think things out. He ordered a drink and sat there going over what happened in his mind.

* * *

A female wolf walked into the tavern and looked around. Slowly she made her way over to a table in the corner watching its sole occupant. He was so engrossed in the conversation he was having with himself that he didn't notice her approach.

She pulled out a chair and sat down across from him and smiled. "Care for some company?"

He looked up at the wolf setting across from him and half heartedly smiled, "No, not at all."

"You look like something is bothering you? Care to talk?"

"I'm just having girl troubles."

"Well, you're in luck. I'm a girl and..." An evil grin spread across her face. "I'm definitely trouble. So tell me, what's got a good looking human like you upset?"

He looked down at his hands and softly muttered, "I don't know, it's just that... I thought she loved me. Tonight was the last straw though."

Tamanae reached across the table and gave his had a gentle squeeze. He looked up at her and saw the look of concern in her eyes. Unconsciously he curled his fingers into hers and gave a sigh.

"What happened?" She asked softly.

"I... We were getting along so well. I thought I found the one I would be with forever. I looked forward to being with her. Every day was the best day of my life. I... I... don't know what happened. She just started screaming at me for no reason..."

* * *

Sienna came storming out of the bedroom. "I can't believe you. Don't you care about what happens to us?"

I followed her out, "Of course I do. You know that."

She turned to face me. "Obviously you weren't thinking about us when you did that."

"I thought you would understand." I replied.

"Understand what? Do you understand the repercussions of what you did? Did you take in consideration how I would feel when I found out?"

* * *

"She wouldn't even let me explain what happened. I tried to tell her everything. She wouldn't listen."

Tamanae thought for a second. "It sounds to me that if she got that upset as quick as she did that she doesn't really trust you. It makes me wonder if she loves you as much as you say she does."

He looked down, "I thought she did."

Tamanae gave his hand a gentle tug. "Come on, let's get out of here. There are too many people around to be talking about this. I know someplace quiet we can go." She pulled him out of his chair and led him out of the tavern without releasing his hand.

They made their way through the town and into a public park. She led him down to a pond that looked like it was made of molten silver. The full moon reflected off of the surface giving a glow to the surrounding trees that made it look very romantic. The fireflies added to the scene but only one of them noticed it.

Tamanae sat down against a tree and patted the ground in front of her. "Come... sit down."

"I... I mean... I don't know."

She grabbed his hand and pulled him down in front of her. "Come on, I don't bite... Unless you want me to that is." A little pushing and pulling on her part and she had him sitting in front of her. Wrapping her arms around him she pulled him back against her and rested her chin on the top of his head.

"I want to say something, but I don't want to get you upset at me. It's just that it sounds like she really doesn't love you. It sounds like you're just filling a need she had. A need that doesn't need as much attention as you are giving it. You need to ask yourself if you really love her."

He thought about what she said for a bit. Did he really love her? He thought she was the one from the first day he saw her. Could he have been mistaken? Did he just fill a need of hers? Then could she only be filling one of his needs. He thought he loved her with all his heart but something never felt right. Maybe he didn't love her as much as he thought he did.

Sitting up he turned to Tamanae to ask her a question but the second he saw her, the question died on his lips. The moonlight shining on her fur gave it a glow that made her look absolutely beautiful. He was at a loss for words as he stared at her. Slowly without realizing what he was doing, he leaned in and kissed her.

* * *

"If you would just listen to me..." I said.

"Listen... listen to what? You, trying to justify what you did. How could you?"

"I saw the opportunity and I took it. Frankly, I would do it again if I had the chance."

* * *

He slowly drew back, reluctant to part from her. He saw that her eyes were closed and she appeared to be breathing a little harder. Suddenly his eyes opened wide when he realized what he just did. "I'm... I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to..."

She grabbed him by the back of the neck and pulling him in, mashed her lips against his in a passionate kiss. When they again parted, she looked right into his eyes and quietly whispered. "I'm not sorry."

"I... I can't. What would... It's wrong. I love..." He trailed off as he looked into Tamanae's eyes.

"Do you now? Do you really love her?"

He looked down, "I... I don't know."

She sat up a little bit. "I think you do know. I think you're just afraid to admit it."

Standing up he walked over to the edge of the pond and stared at the water. All kinds of thoughts were going through his mind. It was just like in the cartoons with the devil and angel arguing back and forth. The exception was that Tamanae was the angel with beautiful golden wings and 'she' was the devil with twisted malformed horns.

It didn't take long for him to decide what he needed to do. It went against everything he knew. It would probably be a mistake but at this point, did it really matter. Turning, he slowly made his way back towards Tamanae.

She watched his face and saw the conflict he was going through. She felt sorry for him. Maybe she shouldn't have pushed him like that. Standing up she watched him come walking slowly over to where she was. She was just about to suggest they head back and get some sleep when he suddenly turned, pinning her to the tree and kissed her with more passion than before.

He felt her stiffen up in his arms. Did he misread her? Didn't she want him? Her body relaxed and he felt her arms wrap around his neck and hold him in place.

When they finally parted he just stared into her eyes and felt all of his problems melt away. Could he have been so blinded by her that he couldn't see what she truly wanted? Looking into Tamanae's eyes, all he could see was concern and love in them. Was that love for him? Could he forget about her and start all over again?

She wrapped her arms around his waist and held him close. She was hoping she didn't make a mistake by liking him. She wouldn't call it love right now although there was no other word for it. She would take it slow and hopefully he would feel the same.

* * *

"You would do it again wouldn't you? Did you enjoy ripping us apart that much?"

Grabbing Sienna by the shoulders I sat her down none to gently on the couch. "THAT IS ENOUGH! YOU WILL SIT THERE AND LISTEN TO ME AND NOT INTERRUPT! YOU GOT IT?"

Sienna sat there with her eyes wide open. I could see the fear written all over her face and watched her slowly back herself in the corner.

I sat down on a chair across from her and took a deep breath. "I had a reason behind what I did. If you will let me explain, I will tell you what I did and why."

Sienna was afraid, and I could see it in her eyes but she listened as I began my tale. Five minutes later she was still listening. "After that revelation, she couldn't wait to finish. We left and went to..."

* * *

He opened the door and let Tamanae enter before him. He barely got the door closed before she was all over him. He picked her up and carried her to the couch and sat down with her on his lap. They acted like a couple of teenagers. Even though their lips remained locked, their hands were roaming over each other. Both had thought to keep it slow and not scare off the other but when the door closed it was a different story.

She slowly removed his shirt and ran her paws all over his chest while his hands roamed under her shirt and caressed every inch of fur he could reach. Grabbing the bottom of her shirt he pulled it up and over her head, tossing it on the floor along with her bra.

She began to moan as his hands found her tits and began to caress them. Her breathing quickened and she broke the kiss when he began to play with her nipples. Arching her back into his hand she let out a long moan and began to pant.

He found her tits were suddenly in front of his face so he began to lick them and nibble them causing her to pant and moan harder. He felt her paws rubbing through his hair, pulling his head against her tits harder.

While his mouth was busy on her tits, his hands began to rub through the fur on her back. He ran his fingers through her fur up to her shoulders, then curling his fingers he ran his nails lightly down her back to the edge of her pants.

She arched her back to the feeling of his fingers running down her back and began to wag her tail faster. Feeling this he ran his fingers down to where her tail came out of her pants and began to caress her tail from the base out as far as he could reach then back. He concentrated on the base of the tail, rubbing and caressing it.

Her eyes flew open when she felt him playing with her tail. The sensations that flew through her body were beyond description. She had always loved to have her tail played with but no one would ever do it. Now here she was almost to the point of climax, ready to shoot, and he was pulling the trigger.

When he felt her stiffen up he turned and drew a nipple into his mouth and lightly nibbled on it. It seemed that, that was all it took. Her body began to convulse and shake as her orgasm overtook her. Leaving one hand on her tail to hold her hips he moved the other one up to the middle of her back. The last thing he wanted was to have her fall and hurt herself.

As her orgasm passed she slowly fell forward and with her head resting on his shoulder, she tried to catch her breath. "Oh god... I never... had... anyone... do that... to me before." She slowly sat up and looked him in the eyes.

Her strength slowly returned and she stood up. Grabbing him by the pants she pulled him up and drug him down the hall to the bedroom. Once inside she wasted no time and stripped him naked, pushing him down on the bed she stripped off the rest of her clothes and pounced on top of him.

He felt her jump on top and felt her fur caress his naked flesh. She mashed her lips against his and slid her tongue between his lips. Removing her mouth from his, he felt her nibble and lick her way down his neck. Reaching his chest she nibbled on his nipples before continuing on down to his stomach.

She could smell his arousal and watched as the pre slowly dripped from the end of his hard shaft. She licked up the shaft from the base to the tip. Suddenly she engulfed the whole thing in one motion causing him to gasp and stiffen up. She slowly slid her muzzle up and down his shaft while caressing it with her tongue.

He was so turned on before she started that it wasn't long before he felt his balls begin to tingle and his dick begin to swell. She was completely draining his energy to the point where he could only grunt and groan as he felt his balls begin to pump his juices out and into her muzzle.

Tamara felt his balls being drawn up and his shaft swell. She engulfed his whole shaft, burying the head in her throat and began to swallow as she felt his hot cum spray out of the end. There was too much and some dribbled out of the corners of her mouth and ran down into his hair.

When the last pulses of cum had been sucked out she removed her mouth and licked up what she couldn't swallow. When she had him cleaned up she crawled up and curled up under his arm.

When he could talk again he looked down and saw her smiling up at him. "Oh god... that was... beyond description."

"If you enjoyed it half as much as I enjoyed what you did to me then I'm happy."

They lay like that for a while when he looked down to see if she was still awake. Laying his head down he softly said, "I don't want to go back."

She lifted her head up quickly and looked at him. "You mean it? You want to stay with me?"

"If you will have me, yes I do."

"I wanted you to stay but, I didn't want to ask incase you didn't want to."

"Then it's settled, I'll stay."

"You know, we have to tell Sienna."

"I'll tell her tomorrow, let's get some sleep tonight."

After they pulled the blankets up, she snuggled up against him again. A minute later she began rubbing her paw up and down his side. "You know, I'm not really sleepy."

"Neither am I." he said as he pulled the blankets up and over their heads and with a lot of giggling they again began to explore each others body again.

* * *

"I still don't see how you think that what you did won't affect us." Sienna said.

"It will only affect us if you let it."

"Do you just expect me to forget about it?"

"I'm asking you to, for us."

"I just want to know one thing... Who was it?"

"Well, you see, that's the funny part because you know her. It was..." I never got to finish because there was a knocking on the door, interrupting me.

Sienna stood up. "This is not over." She turned and was going to answer the door when she doubled over in pain.