Deep Black Files: The Shadow Over Cairo File #2

Story by Duncan213 on SoFurry

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#2 of Shadows Over Cairo

The Shadow Over Cairo File #2

Chapter 3-The Party

Aug. 28, 1926 the Lee Estate up state New York 10:00pm

That night is Annabel Lee's 34th B-day party. The party is in full swing after it started at 7:30pm. Joeseph is looking over a recruitment letter from Harvard Med School in the first floor study when Annabel comes in.

Annabel is in her human form, she is in a dark red flowing dress and gloves.

When Annabel sees Joeseph she asks "what are you doing, your missing the party."

Joeseph said "it's the second letter from Harvard Med this week, they know my sponsorship is almost up and they want to give me a refresher class for my license."

Annabel said "I keep forgetting your trained as a doctor, what happened when you where found in the snow?"

Joeseph said "All I remember is that I was treating someone then I was drugged for some reason and they took my watch and the few bucks I had at the time."

Annabel try to poll Joseph to join the party and said "come on and see the party."

Joeseph shakes his head and said "I don't know some of those people over there."

Annabel smiles and said "I have some champagne sent to our room for us to have some time of ourselves."

Joeseph said "let's go up there and have that party."

Master bedroom 10:15pm

The champagne is set up next to the bed in a silver ice bucket suspended over a steel ring and being held up with steel table legs. Joeseph is already nude because he's a big naga. The only thing she have on is a black blazer, he smiles a bit bigger when he sees two glasses on a tray on the bed.

He then said "you really didn't have to do all this on your b-day."

Joeseph wraps himself around a chair before popping the quark off the bottle one of his tail blades and pores the champagne into both glasses. He sits onto the chair and grabs one glass. Annabel walks over and sits on Joeseph's lap.

The more they drink the champagne the more Joeseph get drunk and horny at one point Joeseph lays Annabel onto the bed licking her neck as he unzips the back of Annabel's dress as Joeseph starts to kiss her neck.

The passion starts heating up as Annabel directs Joeseph's snout and kiss him deeply. Joeseph's claws runs up her skirt and slowly slips her panties off from her slender form.

Annabel brakes the kiss when she polls off the blazer from his back as his member start to come out from his slit. Joeseph spreads out and stretches when he feels his blazer finally slides off from his back.

Soon Joeseph's cock quickly gets fully erected, she gasps and writhe in pleaser when he slams his dick into her pussy. As they make love Annabel lifts off her dress from her now nude body.

As Annabel holds onto Joeseph's back when he slams into her a little harder, she starts slowly turn to her true form starting with her eyes turning red and yellow. Her teeth starts to turn long and sharp.

She throws her head back onto the pillows as he pins her down on the bed fucking her as hard as he can. Joeseph murrs loudly when her claws rip through her gloves and then tighten her grip onto his back.

After another 35 minutes Joeseph spins her around on his long shaft when he maneuvers side. Annabel smiles as he holds her back onto his chest and said "if I might think your trying to get me pregnant."

Joeseph grins and said "it's because I am."

Annabel smiles turning to her true form, an anthro coral snake and said "so be it, breed in be."

Chapter 4- The Call

September 1, 1926 9:56AM

Joeseph picks up the phone and Alexandra is on the other end and said "you and Annabel need to go to Cairo we have a case for 213 to take care with."

Joeseph said "should I take Annabel."

Alexandra said "yes, we just picked up Vance and Molder."

Joeseph asks "when are you coming to us up?"

Alexandra said "about two hours, agent."

Joeseph ask "why the extra time?"

Alexandra said "I can hear you two mating over the phone."

Joeseph then puts the phone on the night stand and placed his claws over Annabel's hips. Joeseph is sitting up in bed as Annabel riding his hard dick reverse cowgirl style. Annabel asks "what was that about?"

Joeseph said "we have a case at Cairo we have an extra time to mate." He then holds his right hand to her chest between her large tits and kiss her muzzle deeply.

Annabel gasps and moaning in shear pleaser when both of his clawed hands grip onto both of her tits. Then Joeseph then lick between her tits and neck.

11:02am at the frount driveway: Two men in black army uniforms stands outside a car. They can heir Joeseph and Annabel making love all the way from outside the house.

Guy #1 said "Wow, their really going at it, should we go up there and tell them that their time is up?"

Guy #2 said "five more minutes."

11:07am five minutes latter

The two men comes through the Lee Estate's frount door then closes in the master bedroom that is nearest to the grand staircase. One man knocks on the door and said "it's now 11:09 your sex times up."

Soon Joeseph in uniform and Annabel comes with a skimpy long robe like white dress with nothing elts under it. Once outside Annabel gets into the Model-A Ford and since Joeseph is too big for the Ford Joeseph have to hitch a ride on the covered truck just behind the Model-A.

Undisclosed warehouse New York harbor 11:39AM: Inside the warehouse's elevated over look office Alexandra looks over all the agents' personnel files scattered on the desk and said "we are still missing three more, M, Wickenburg and Applegate."

Then Alexandra looks over some papers and said "only one is close by, John Wickenburg doing a class at Miskatonic University."

Karin said "I can get him here, I might get pregnant in the possess."

Alexandra said "go for it, that is a risk you have to take this time."

5:40PM Supernatural research and defense 152

Wickenburg is just finishing a class "The curse of Tut's tomb when it was opened 4 years ago is all over the papers and news reels. But a case you won't be seeing is the case that demons that killed off guys on both sides of the great war and eat the hell out of them to the bone like a turkey in a Thanksgiving dinner."

Wickenburg continues "To cover it up in the western frount was to burn the bodies up along with the infected by the D-virus and latter put into mass graves. These nasty buggers that eat those folks up are called Battlefield Wraiths. That will be all tonight."

Soon Wickenburg heads to his office when Karin approaches Wickenburg out in the hallway "Mr. Wickenburg, I need to talk to you about a new mission."

Wickenburg said "follow me to my office and we'll talk."

Karin then follows Wickenburg to his office. When they steps in Wickenburg's office he locks the door and asks "what is the mission, I have to set up for."

Karin said "about the battlefield wraiths."

Wickenburg said "yes, that will be my follow up."

Karin asks "do you have someone to fill in for you when your on a mission?"

Wickenburg shakes his head and said "No, I don't have anyone, I never really had a mission for three years."

Karin said "I can fill you in as your class sub."

Wickenburg said "That is a great idea, you will start first thing tomorrow morning and you can company me to the Inn in town for the night tonight."

Lighthouse Inn Arkham, Mass. A few streets from Miskatonic University Room 4 6:25PM

Within a few moments after entering room 4 Karin smiles at Wickenburg as her dark red dress slips away from her body leaving her fingerless gloves and collar that previously held up over her robes over her slender form. Karin blushes when the silk of her dress brushes over her nipples and looks over at him when she lays her back onto the bed.

Wickenburg asks "what about your shower Karin?"

Karin said "I thought we can have a bit of fun tonight before I sub for you as you go off on your mission."

Wickenburg grins and said "I'm not complaining."

Karin said "come on over and take me dragon stud!"

September 2, 1926 6:46AM

By this time both Wickenburg and Karin are still at it. Karin is now riding his still hard, throbbing dragonhood at the sun slowly rise into the dark room. At the same time a black car drives in the small parking lot.

New York harbor 8:35AM

As previously agreed Karin stays behind to sub for Wickenburg at Mistonic University as he and four others get on a steam ship Cairo.

The USS Titan breafing room: In the middle of the Atlantic 1:40PM

The Five agents are quickly gathered with Alexandra at the far end.

Alexandria said "Welcome to the war ship USS Titan, we will investigating a grizzly crime scene with in the Cairo Museum of Antiquates. The arrival date will be September 7th."

Vance asks "Will the D-virus be evolved in this case?"

Alexandra said "We don't know about that detail yet."

Wickenburg asks "how big is the crime scene?"

Alexandra said "the whole museum."

Cairo Museum of Antiquities lobby September 7, 1926

The large stylized wood and steel doors open to a gory scene. Inside the lobby itself has a vary thick British influence, the dark polished wood frount desk is covered in blood and two bodies lay scattered on the white marble floor.

The marble can barely be seen through the scattered papers and the gallons of blood that stain the floor. The blood was so abundant that it flows down the steps outside the frount entrance.

Just at the outside gates a young white cobra female naga. Dr. Hawass finds her chance to sneak back into her office when she sees the 213 agents open the entrance doors.

End of Shadows over Cairo part 2