Space Sheep 7

Story by Ramseys on SoFurry

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#7 of Space Sheep

These stories are mine and mine alone. The persons and animals are totally thought up by me.

Of course having said that, some of you may start avoiding me.

If you are under age or are offended by humans and animals doing it.

Go Away!


Alan sat smoking a cigar on his new back porch. The old one had some 'soft' spots in it, and the bar owner didn't want one of his more portly patrons going through the floor. So he hired the guys that did such a nice job on his deck and bandstand, to come out and tear the old porch off the back of the bar and build a new one. In the process of dismantling the old structure, the crew had found four 'Bowie' type knives and a old single action revolver of unknown make. All with a heavy layer of rust. Alan sent them off to a friend that was into stuff like that. And he had done a great job of cleaning them up. Of course the gun was too far gone to be made functional again. But 'de-rusted' enough so it could be displayed along with the knives, behind the bar. The bar owner didn't need the old gun to work, several years ago he had bought a fine old Kimber Ultra Carry II, .45acp, in pristine condition. That is what he carried in a 'small of the back' holster, whenever he was alone in the bar. Alexis was in her enclosure, asleep. She had spent her Sunday running around the field as her human walked among the tires making sure trash hadn't been blown into any. When Alan closed the door behind her as she entered her outside home, he told her. "I don't want you running off, if I fall asleep." She was in heat and he knew that she would probably be driven by her hormones to wonder off to find a dog to mate with. The classical music station stopped playing Bach long enough to tell him it was 11:00. He allowed himself a few moments of bitter remembrance of the life he had to leave back in Indiana. A trespasser on his farm had seen him with one of his goats. Then tried to blackmail him. Alan, like most folks who do what he did, had a plan in the back of their minds. A call to a friend over in Ohio, and a midnight removal of all his livestock. New hard drives for his computer, the old ones along with all photos and papers went back to Ohio that same night. A good friend, a smart friend, he had removed his license plates from his truck and stock trailer. He met with the blackmailer the next day and wanted to know why he was doing this. "Just for the money", he said. Alan then told him that it was just his word against his. But the guy thought for a moment and then said he had photos. The bar owner knew this was bull shit, and told the man so. "Yea... We'll see". The cops showed up two days later with a warrant. The took his computer and him to jail. After a month out on bond, during which time he lost his job, they finally got around to a pre-trial. They had photos, looked like some that had been down loaded from on line. After taking off his clothes to prove that he didn't match the guy in the photos, they blustered and said they found stuff on his computer. But when their expert came in, to his credit, he said he didn't find anything on his machine. He stuck around for several months, but the rumors wouldn't die. Fervent glances and laughter behind his back. Finally enough was enough and even though the farm had been in his family for generations. He called up the developer that had been hounding him for several years, and sold it to him. His only joy was knowing that now there was going to be a big housing development going in there, and it would piss a lot of folks off. Alan dropped out of the zoo community for a while. Only visited non-zoo friends from time to time. The only zoo he stayed in contact with was his friend in Ohio. But even then he never went to visit him or his old goats. He didn't want to 'taint' him, by showing up. And then he got Alexis. Life started to be good again. He still wondered why he bought the bar. He's had a lot of fun so far. And Tom was a great friend to share his animals with him. Of course Alan had told Tom all about his 'trouble' back in Indiana. But his said it was no problem, what with the sheriff being his brother and all. Sitting back, propping his feet up on the chair across from him, watching the cloud of cigar smoke lazily drifting out from under the porch roof. Alan's thought drifted to last weeks events. Another 'Welcome the Aliens' party, went well... Good band this time too... The new draft beer was selling well... The computer seamed to have settled down. He never did figure out why the hard drive was acting so funny the past few days... Jenny was taking the next Friday and Saturday off to go visit her folks... I wonder if I can get my friend from Ohio to come down for a week or two. I'd bet he'd get along really well with Tom... Maybe I could contact some of my other old zoo friends, now that I was in a 'safe' place... It's been what? Three years now... Alan nodded to himself. Feels funny to have 'roots' again... Maybe he'd talk to Tom about boarding some animals at his place. He was sure the old Texan didn't mind sharing his critters with him... But he still felt funny about not having something to share in return... He never did like the 'user zoos' that always wanted to 'have a go' with your animals, but never had any of their own... Maybe some of those hair sheep he had been reading about... No wool to shear and tolerated the heat well... Man it sure is quiet tonight... I wonder how my ebay bids are doing? I'd sure love to get those autographed pictures of the original Star Trek cast. They'd look great over the bar... It's about midnight now, so another sixteen hours to go... Alexis sure has a big swollen twat, what a tight fit she was this morning... Maybe we'll turn in early tonight...

What the? What looked like a softball, zipped past the edge of the light that spilled out from the porch. Getting up Alan went down the steps and looked in the direction the ball went... Nothing... Looking the other way, towards the tires... Nothing there either. Just as he was about to put it down to maybe being almost asleep and was seeing things... He looked again at the tire area... Nothing... But more then that, there was really 'nothing'. No stars, not even the distant radio towers that normally have red lights blinking... Power out over there? Looking one way then the other, he could see stars, but right in front of him was a huge... NOTHING! Stepping over to the power box on the side of the bar, Alan flipped the big switch up to turn on the lights he had put up for the 'paint parties'. That should have brightly lit up the nearest tires... Nope, not working. Wait a minute... Stepping out into the party area, he looking up, he could see the ever present bugs flying in the beams of light... But the light wasn't going any where? That can't be... Then he spotted the 'softball' again, hovering just above the pole the lights were mounted on. Looking back at the bar he saw another ball over the porch where he had been setting. Alan's mind went into 'high gear' but there wasn't anything he could get his mind around! "What the hell is going on?" He asked himself. Then out of the black 'nothing', another 'softball' flew up to him and stopped about four feet away at head height. The surface seam to be smooth with a dark sheen, like black chrome. "Please stand still and don't move." The ball said. The bar owner was about to say something in return when the huge black 'nothing' suddenly cracked and a door shaped rectangle began to appear.

Just like in countless sci-fi movies, Alan watched the top of the 'door' as it tilted foreword and angled down towards the ground, making the classic ramp. It's end was about twenty feet from where Alan stood. The light streaming out wasn't the, 'I'm blind now!' bright blue light, but was warm, like a late afternoon sun. The opening was pretty good sized, because two rather large armored bipeds, a good seven to eight feet tall, stomped down it. Well, it looked like they 'stomped', there was only a soft 'thump' at each foot fall. "Please disarm yourself." The bar owner only blinked at the ball. Then after a moment the ball tried again. "Please remove the weapon from your body." The little ball seamed please with itself that it came up with a more exact statement. Alan pulled the Kimber from it's holster and held the gun up, muzzle pointed skyward. "This?" he asked. "Please move it away from your area." The ball sounded a bit smug that it was successfully communicating with the human. Alan stood frozen for a moment. There was two rather large aliens standing at the foot of a ramp that lead up to a spaceship. Both of which looked to be holding at the ready some really impressive looking rifles that probably could vaporize him, along with half the county. "Well it's not like there's going to be anybody coming around wanting money for drugs right now." And with a shrug to himself, the bar owner stepped over to one of the gas grills and placed the gun on the little wooded counter that stuck out one side. Returning to his former location the man waited. From inside the ship came three more balls that flew out and arranged themselves in a triangle around him. Then the trio began a slow orbit around his body, working their way down until they were brushing the grass Alan was standing on. Then they orbited back up to circle his head for a good minute. "Should I turn my head and cough?" he asked 'his' ball. Well it never left him, it kept it's position about four feet out, head high. With a slight smile, Alan was pleased to note that his ball dipped a few inches... "Must of made the CPU usage kick up some." he thought to himself. Then after it probably got some help from inside the ship the ball answered. "If that will make you more comfortable." Then just as quickly, the three balls headed back into the ship Well at least they are not overtly hostile, or that 'scan' would have been a lot more, 'invasive'. And they are trying to understand and communicate with him. Speaking of which, "Alan Cooper" the ball said. The bar owner wasn't sure if that was a statement or a question. "Yes, that's me." "Goat Lover 3K" The ball uttered his screen name. That made the human rock back in surprise. "How..." Of course the hard drive in his computer, they probably accessed it. Well they knew about him, but what did they make of it, he wondered. "Goat Lover 3K" Again the ball said his screen name. "Yes, that's me also." "We have questions." The ball seamed to sound a bit hopeful. "I bet." Alan regained a bit of his composure. He figured if this was some kind of LEO sting, they really spared no expense. To make a ball float like that, if possible, would be some super top secret project that he was sure wouldn't be used out in the middle of Texas for a zoo sting. Than there was movement from inside the ship... Another large biped form started down the ramp. No armor this time. But he couldn't quite figure out the shape... As it came down the ramp into the light, it's feet were seen first then the legs. The two black legs looked rather skinny for the size of the body and feet... HOOVES! It had hooves, big cloven hooves and the legs bent funny, like an animals. The thighs were powerful and between them... A massive swinging scrotum! The black of it's legs extended up it's front. But now Alan could see the rest of the body was covered in white.... WOOL! Jesus, a Ram was walking down the ramp! A Suffolk ram, that would have been the envy of any sheep farmer, stood at the base of the ramp looking at him. Standing upright he was over seven feet tall. Two low set floppy ears extended out from either side of his head. Two wide set eyes that appeared to have binocular vision. A proud Roman muzzle ending in furred lips and nose. A collar of close trimmed white wool around his neck that gave way to the gloss black hair covered his chest and belly and of course down to those obviously male bits. The closely trimmed white wool covered his sides, back and down onto his upper arms and thighs. Black slender arms that ended in hands that were two fingered and two thumbed. Very hoof like only elongated. He had his own ball that hovered above his right shoulder, just out of range of his flicking ear. The ball must have spoke to him, his ear gave a flick and he turned his head slightly toward it and spoke softly to it. Soon after that two more forms started down the ramp. Another male, but not as tall as the first, and a ewe about Alan's height. They both wore what looked like vests, that held equipment of some sort. A captain and two scientists, Alan figured. And of course the two security guys. The male scientist walked around the Captain and pulled something from his vest, and headed to the power panel on the bar's wall. The bar owner turned to watch him. After waving his devise over the panel, and checking the readout, he headed towards Alexis' enclosure. "Hey.. That's close enough." To Alan's surprise he stopped and looked back." "Baanaaban will not hurt your companion." Alan's ball informed him. Turning back to the Captain, The human took a step towards him. "He better not." Alan spoke with as much emphases as he could. And trying not to flinch when the two guards shifted in their stance. Although he couldn't help but jump when a soft baaing came from just in back of him. The ewe had also moved while the human was watching the male ovine scientist. "We are not here to harm you or your dog Alan Cooper". His ball obviously translating her remarks. Alan turned and looked into a beautiful set of eyes. Some folks think goat and sheep eyes are creepy, but not him. "If you say so" the human spoke in a whisper. The ewe looked down at her hand held device, she pressed a button in it's side and looked at it again. Seaming confused she used her other 'hoof hand' to punch some more buttons... Looking over to her Captain, she spoke in that soft contented sheep sound. Then looked back at Alan. Again she spoke and the ball dutifully translated. "When I first talked to you, you must not have known I was next to you. I got a reading I can only guess was surprise at my presence, they returned to your normal for a moment, but now I'm getting a different set of readings. Can you please explain?" Alan stuttered not sure what to say... "I ahh.." Oh what the hell, he thought. "I ... think you're beautiful, I've always like sheep." Again the ewe looked at her device and seamed to scroll through some kind of data base. Look at the human's face she seamed to be trying to read his thoughts. "You are interested in mating?" The ball asked for her. Just as Alan was trying to figure how to answer that question, when a loud boom that could only have been his .45 going off, shook the area. Instinctively the human grabbed the ewe and both fell to the ground with the human shielding her body.

Alan woke with a dull ache in his head... "Shit what happened?" he wondered. Opening his eyes he saw he was inside... the ship? Soft light, cream colored ceiling and walls. Turning his head he saw the Captain looking down at him. "My scientists tell me you were acting on reflex. I want you to tell me why you attacked my crew member." "Attacked...." The human tried to think what he was talking about. "Someone was firing my gun. I guess I didn't want the ewe to get hurt. So I tried to protect her." The Captain looked over to a window in the far wall and the ram on the other side nodded. "Well in that case I guess we owe you an apology. The balls thought you were attacking and stunned you." The huge ram explained. Sitting up one the low bed, Alan's head swum a bit, but soon cleared. Swinging his legs over the side, he looked up at the Captain. "I'm sorry, I guess I should have thought of that and not touched her... Was anyone hurt when the gun went off?" The Captain gave what could only have been a snort of disgust. "I flew up and gave that idiot that picked it up, a bloody nose, but no it didn't hit anyone." Shaking his head the human said, "It's got two safeties, how did he fire it?" The huge ram only gave what was surely a shrug. "How long was I out?.. How's Alexis?" Alan looked around for the exit. "10 minutes and your dog is untouched by us, other then to keep her asleep." His ball told him. "We weren't going to bring you in, but Naanannun insisted we make sure you were not injured by the stunning." The large ram pulled a 'u' shaped stool closer and sat down, his sizable scrotum hanging in the opening. The human licked his lips and tried not to stare. "Since you are in here, we might as well have a talk, I'm sure you have some questions." Alan looked into the steady eyes of the captain. "Well you seem to know a lot about us humans, how long have you been watching us?" "Ten years now, I'm on my third rotation here." "How come we've never seen your ship? We are looking out there all the time." "We mostly stay behind your moon. The probes you send to it, all look down at it's surface and not up. And sometimes, like tonight we've come into your atmosphere to collect samples." "Samples?" "Not humans, lower life forms... And the animals you call sheep. We were very interested in them. Ever since we heard the sounds, that sounded very much like us on that disk you sent out." "Disk?... Oh the Voyager disk. You found it." "And the images showed that you shared your planet with many different species. In ten years we've also been able to see your television programs. At first many of us were confused at what we were seeing, then we figured out that some told fictional stories. While others told about factual events taking place on your planet. Past and present." "Yea, I imagine that was pretty confusing... But why me? And why now?" "You invited us." "I invited you?... Oh, the sign on the roof. 'Aliens Land Here'." Alan shook his head a bit as he thought to himself, "Well I did ask for 'em to land." "And why now?" "We had gone about as far in our study of earth as we could go, without talking to some of you." "How do you know I can help you? How did you know I just wouldn't start shooting the first time I saw you?" "Well that was a calculated risk on our part. And some good intel from our people that had been monitoring your World Wide Web. We knew there were many among you that would have reacted violently. But we were able to develop a 'profile' of the type of human that we felt could be approached." Alan suddenly knew where this was going. "Humans that not only got along with our own species, but also liked other species as well." "Sex is very important on your planet, and the control of it by many groups. They created what you call 'taboos'. Some break those taboos in their practice of having sex with your 'animals'. The ones that do, call themselves 'Zoos'. It has taken nearly the whole 10 years to finally get a, 'handle on it.' As you humans say." "So how do you know that I... am... one of these zoos?" "One of our trips here we left some 'balls' that studied you. So we know that you and a human named Tom Wilson, engage in sex with your lower life forms." "You've been watching me?" Alan was shaken by this news. The big ram's ear flicked as his ball told him something. "Please be calm, we are not going to inform anyone about what you did. I know that you fear reprisals from your fellow humans if they knew of your activities." Alan took a deep breath and tried to calm down. "Thanks, I appreciate that." he exhaled. "Naanannun was most interested in the affection you showed your animal partners. Animals that are treated very badly by many of your fellow humans." "Naananon?" "Naanannun, the female you were protecting outside." Alan looked at the big ram.... "Damn why does he have to be so good looking?" Then the human looked down at the soft brown floor... "I better be honest to these guys..." he thought. "Ahh.. look, you may think you know me, but I'm not any better then most folks out there... I mean I eat meat... I don't eat any of my partners, but still I USE animals just like everyone else on this planet." The massive ram had actually been expecting something like this, and had watched videos of what humans did when one reveals what they consider an 'evil' thing to another. Standing up and stepping over to the, head bowed human, he put his hand on his shoulder and said to him. "Don't worry about it. We know about human eating habits. And I'm sure you don't eat your lovers. You have a couple of million years of instincts driving you. And when you think about it, we eat life forms too. Plants are living things." Alan looked up and stared directly at the small opening that was the end of the ram's sheath. And that wonderful male sheep smell... Quickly he tilted his head up to look the Captain in the face. "Thank you.." was all he was able to squeak out. Again he saw the ear flick and the Captain nodded to the window behind him. "My crew tells me that you have interesting bio readings just now... Is there something you'd like to do?" The human looked down at the padded bench he was sitting on and then over his shoulder at the now three sheep looking at him. Turning back to the huge ram standing over him he nodded. "May I touch you, sir?" "Of course, only if we can touch you in return." It was hard to gage what the Captain meant by that, but the human took him at his word and slowly reached out to lightly rub the black hair just to the side of his sheath. The big sheep took a step closer to the human. Alan figured that it meant he could continue. The human used both hands to rub over his lower belly and around to the sides to feel the tightly trimmed wool. God he felt just like the sheep at his friends place in Ohio, just after shearing. Bringing his hands around to the ram's front again, he let them travel lower. There was that same bit of hairless skin on the inside of the ram's thighs... And then the warn soft hair of his scrotum... They all went around naked, so they must not have the same hang ups about themselves as humans do... Alan did hear the massive sheep's breathing slow and become deeper... The human ran his hands over the black furred hide of the ram's sack. Carefully he hefted them, feeling the twin elongated testicles. The human then slid his hand around behind the ball sack and rubbed the area over the ram's sigmoid flexure... To his delight he saw the ball tip of the ram's cock peak out of the sheath. "I see you haven't confined your sex to just the females." The translation began to show some emotion in it's replies. "Only with handsome animals, not humans." Alan whispered as his kept rubbing the sweet spot between the ram's balls and anus. His other hand drifted from the scrotum and traveled up the thickening sheath. Somewhere in the back of the human's brain told him to not use his mouth, that might not be seen as a friendly gesture. So he only used his hands. More and more of the slim pink ovine penis slid out of the sheath tunnel. Once the ram was nearly fully extended, Alan move his hand from the taint and softly grasped the middle of the moist fourteen inch shaft. Sliding his hand slowly up and down he felt the powerful ram quiver. Alan then brought his hand up to the knobby tip and stroked it with a gently gripped hand. The ram's loins bucked once and Alan was showered with a squirt of watery sheep semen. The ram staggered back and sat on his stool, his cock slowly receding back into it's sheath. After catching his breath the Captain look at the human and gave what had to be a sheep version of a smile. "I see we picked the right human." he said to the human as well as the watching scientists. After a few moments the Captain rose from is seat and said. "Please wait here, we'll talk some more later." And then the huge ram strode from the room. Alan sat with his head swimming. "Jesus... Did I just give a hand job to an alien?... A damn sexy one, but still, I've been in contact with them for how long? An hour maybe?" The human looked around the room some more. The ever present floating ball, only now it floated above this right shoulder like the Captain's did. A padded narrow bed.. bench.. thing he was sitting on. Apparently with built in sensors that told the group behind the glass what he was feeling. Moving his feet around on the brown floor he confirmed that it did have a slight 'give' to it. "Probably easier on those hoofs." he thought. That funny 'U' shaped stool, and a small table over by the door, some of those hand scanners like that ewe had, were laying on it. The door was hard to make out, but now that he seen it open, he could see the outline of it. Cream colored walls, and a ceiling that seamed to give off a soft even glow. The whole room wasn't much bigger then his spare bedroom in the bar. Only this one had a window with three sheep and the Captain on the other side of it. They seamed to be having a deep conversation. One sheep, Alan thought it was the same ewe as the one outside, was holding up her scanner for the Captain to see. After looking at the small screen on the device, he nodded to her, turned and left. The ewe gave him a glance through the glass and also left. Only to appear at the door.

Naanannun stepped into the room, she no longer wore her vest, and started to walk towards the human, who quickly stood and waited for her. The ewe stopped and looked at him. Thought a moment and said, "In your culture you would be called 'old fashion' for doing that." Alan bowed slightly to her and explained, "A gentleman always stands for a beautiful female... And I see you really do know our world." The human noted that same 'smile' crossed her face as she continued to the stool and sat down. Alan followed suite and sat back down on the bench. Again she held her hand device out toward him. "What, the bench thing isn't giving you enough readings?" She poked it a few times and said. "Good, I'm getting normal readings from you for a change." Looking up she continued. "I carefully calibrated this unit to your bio signs when our medical balls scanned you earlier." "'Normal'?" the man asked. "I first got surprise when I startled you outside, then another set of readings I was trying to figure out when our rather stupid explorer picked up your gun and fired it... What were you feeling just before that event?" Alan thought for a moment. "Hell she just saw me jack off her captain, I guess there's no need to be tactful." Clearing his throat he told her. "I had just seen the most beautiful pair of sheep eyes, and I was feeling the beginnings of lust." The ewe stood up and put the scanner down to her side. She stepped toward him and stood with her hooves even farther apart then she usually stood, as if she was displaying herself to him. Alan didn't quite know what to think of this, but none the less his eyes did roam over her body. Her markings were very similar to the Captain's. Even had the same white 'bib' of white wool around her neck. Her black chest was smooth, but barreled shaped, and with out nipples, as it should be. Because sheep have a small compact udder between their hind legs. As his inspection of her traveled down, he smiled at her plump belly. She was a ruminant so she had extra stomachs in there. So she might have been 'svelte' by sheep standards, he just thought she looked 'comfortable'. With an even bigger smile he noted that her teats were in the right place. Soft and hairless, with just a slight tinge of pink around the teat nubs. Strong thighs, long 'back bent' legs and large shiny black hooves. Seeing that his gaze had traveled down to her hooves, the ewe turned around so he could see her back as well. Alan suddenly noticed that they didn't have any tails. Sheep normally have tails that are docked at birth, he wondered why the would do the same. "You don't have a tail." he told her. She spoke and of course the ball told him. "We 'dock' out tails for the same reason that you are circumcised, it keeps us cleaner since we have a hard time reaching that area of our bodies." The human nodded. "So you are not any more flexible then earth sheep?" "We are some, but still find it hard to reach that area." Then she bent over so she was, 'on all fours', with her rump towards him. She look exactly like an earth sheep, only with longer legs. The white wool covered her rump and down her thighs to stop just above the 'knee'. It was, however, the inverted teardrop shaped dark patch under her dock that drew the attention of the human. The short black hair around the tightly puckered anus looked very clean. Of course they would have ways of reaching there, a simple sponge on a stick would easily allow them to keep that area clean. And if they produced the same dry pellets like earth sheep did, then the need for cleansing would almost be non-existent. Remove the tail, keep the wool trimmed, and Suffolk sheep were some of the cleanest of farm animals. But that was all secondary to the human, for in the middle of that dark patch of fur was the most perfect sheep pussy he has ever seen. The small, dark chocolate, vulva was ever so slightly puffy and moist. The fleshy point at the bottom of the slit, thrust out like a stubby finger. The ewe stood up and turned back around to look at Alan, as the human was trying to adjust his cargo shorts to hide his sudden erection. Again she checked her trusty scanner and this time she definitely gave the human a smile. "Ok, your turn... Please take off your clothing." "Now?" Alan's voice cracked slightly at the thought of having to show his erection to everyone. "Yes now please. And please don't worry, I've seen you in an aroused state before." The bar owner wasn't sure if that made him feel any better... But did what he was asked, and pulled off his T-shirt and unlaced his boots. Taking off one then the other followed by the socks. Everything was in a small pile on the floor next to the bed. Finally he took a deep breath, stood, and unfastened his cargo shorts, letting them drop to the floor. No underwear, today was Sunday. "At least it's not sticking straight out." Alan was grateful that his penis was loosing some stiffness. This time it was the ewe's turn to look at the human's body. She seam to nod to herself as if ticking off various anatomy features in her brain. The length of time she stared at his genitals, Alan was wondered of that was all purely scientific. "Turn around please." Alan stepped out of his shorts that lay around his ankles, and kicked them into the pile of the rest of his clothes, then he turned his back to the ewe. After a few minutes. "Ok bend over." Alan was glad he had a shower just before coming out onto the porch a few hours ago. "All done looking, you may stand up now." The human rose and turned to face the ewe again. "I'm going to touch you now." the ewe stated before reaching out. The dark thick nails felt cool, as she ran her two fingered hoof-hand over his chest. "Christ isn't there anything this ewe can do that's not a complete turn on for me?" The bar keep thought to himself, as he felt 'twitches' coming from his loins. She stepped closer and the human could smell her light sheep scent. Like spring time and lanolin. Alan could see the ewe's nose as it twitched as she scented him. "Between your human musk and that of the Captain's, you smell very sexy". Alan looked into her golden sheep eyes, and slowly exhaled. He could imagine her sitting in front of a mirror brushing the black hair of her face, giving her a well manicured appearance. The human couldn't help himself, but he lightly stroked his finger along her long jaw. Thinking of the sheep his friend in Ohio had, how he love to stroke their faces and rub behind their ears. And the way they closed their eyes in enjoyment. "Thanks." he answered the compliment. This time it was the human that stepped closer so that his chest and her barreled one were touching. Their noses were just inched from each other. She leaned her head closer and rubber her furred muzzle along his cheek, he felt her fuzzy lips move and a quick flick of her tongue on his skin. leaning back she looked at his face to see his reaction. The human just smiled at her and asked. "Did you just kiss me?" The ewe smiled and nodded. Alan then leaned his head foreword and mimicked her action by lightly brushing his tongue against her lips. Again she leaned her head foreword and they stood cheek to cheek, arms around each other. The human rub one hand over her back and the other was rubbing the back of her head, while she was running one hoof over his back and the other was exploring his rump. Alan would have been happy to stand like that forever, but the ewe's rumen had other ideas, and with a rumble from deep inside her, she gave out a tremendous belch. Alan quickly held his breath, he had been on the receiving end of sheep burps before, and knew they could be quite powerful. But the human couldn't stop himself and started laughing. Stepping back the ewe wasn't sure how to take this reaction to her perfectly normal belch. "What is humorous?" She asked the human. Alan could only shake his head and explained, "I don't really know... It's just that, I've had earth sheep do that to me also, and for some reason when you did it, Well... it was funny." Looking down the ewe saw that the human's erection had returned. "Other then getting belched at, did you do anything else with earth sheep?" Alan figured she already knew his answer. "Yes." He answered, "I also like to kiss them on there 'other' lips." The ewe nodded and said, "From the reaction we've seen when you were with your dog, Tom's goats and pony, I bet you do that really well." "I'd be happy to demonstrate." It was Alan's turn to watch to see her reaction. Naanannun stepped foreword so her body was again pressed against his. Her deep sheep voice 'baaed' softly in his ear. "I'd like that." the floating ball told him. The human looked up at the floating orb and told it. "I think I could have figured that one out myself.. Why don't you be quiet for a while." The sheep said something to it and it replied. "Ok.. Just a moment and I'll turn it off." She stepped away from him and trotted over to the door where the little table was standing. Among the items arranged on it, she plucked a small bottle shaped object and trotted back to him. "We saw you using a liquid substance when you were with your animals, and we've made some for you." The human took the offered bottle and watched as the ewe walked to the bench. While the space sheep had longer legs then the earth one's, they were still shorter then his, and when she stepped to the low bench, while a bit low for the human, it was just right for her to stand at the end and to lay her body across it. Alan walked behind the prone ewe and knelt down. The soft floor was easy on his knees as he looked once again at her lovely nether lips. Setting the bottle down, Alan then ran his hands over her rump, he leaned foreword and rubbed his face over her black patch. The soft puffy flesh felt so nice on his skin, pressing his nose against the her fur he inhaled her ovine musk. His tongue then flicked over the thin line of naked skin that was her sex opening. A slight wiggle from her, made the human increase the pressure he was putting on her lips and his tongue tip parted her labial lips. Slipping it inside a fraction of an inch, he ran it up and down in her small slit. Alan was happy to find that she also had a slim pointed clitoris buried in the soft folds of sheep flesh at the bottom of her vulva. Flicking his tongue over it, he heard a sharp baa come from the ewe. But she made no move to stand up, so he pressed on, sliding his tongue deeper into her animal twat. Pulling it slowly back out he then pursing his lips, he began to softly suckle on the fleshy tip that stuck out, sucking her into his mouth. Again he got a reaction from the ewe, she pushed her rump back into his face and gave a low moan. Releasing the vacuum he let her flesh spring back, only to dive in again with his tongue and tease her clit more vigorously this time. The ewe's rump jump at each swipe of his oral love making. A pleading sound 'baaa' made the human stop. "I guess you wanting to move on to something else." he mused to himself. Picking up the bottle he saw it had no top but when he squeeze it, a small drop of liquid appeared at the end. Wiping the fluid off and rubbing it between his thumb and finger, he figured they had duplicated his lube. Squeezing some more out, he coated his ragging erection with it. Standing up he had to spread his legs apart slightly, to make him the proper height. Holding the base of his dick, the human looked at the trim white wool of the ewe's back before him and said. "I hope this is what you are wanting." Then Alan stepped closer and pressed his glans against the sheep's vulva he had just made all puffy and wet. The ewe's soft nether lips parted and expanded easily to allow the human to enter her sex. A soft groan came from the prostrate sheep as the human slid his cock deeper into her warm tunnel. The sheep's vestibule was snug around him, and didn't 'end' quickly like a goat's did, in a big roomy vagina. But it felt like he was sliding his manhood into a warm fleshy tube that gripped his cock in a cozy embrace. As the last of his seven inch shaft slid into her, he felt his glans slip past her inner band of muscles and enter her soft vagina. Alan loves goats, but sheep pussy has to be some of the best there is. The one voice in his head that was screaming, "My god! She's a space alien!". Was being drowned out by the one going, "Ohhh FUCK YEAH! she feels sooooo damn goooood!" Alan savored the animal warmth and wetness of the pussy he was buried to his balls in. But a wiggle from her hind end reminded him he had a job to do. "You feel so damn good." He said aloud. And with that he pulled his cock gradually out of her sensuous sheep cunt until just the head remained in her puffy labium. Then he pushed back into her thick delightful tunnel... The human lightly grasped the sheep's hips as he stroked her... In and out he slowly fucked, his glans pushing through her carnal flesh with each stroke... Naanannun gave out a deep moan as the human fucked her. He's hefty simian cock felt as she dreamed it would... Filling her, stretching her cunt... Not as long as a ram's, but the thick shaft dragged over her clit, sending shivers through out her body... She had wanted to take him to her bed, but the Captain was adamant about the first time was to be in the med-bay, with her in contact with the scanner... No wonder his animals all were eager to have him mate with them... What he did with his mouth and tongue before he started fucking her was amazing... No ram could do what he did... And now his wonderful human cock was sending waves of pleasure through her... Even the feeling his hairless body pressing against her rump, when he was fully in her, added to her excitement. "Damn she's tight!" Alan thought. He was doing his best to not cum too quickly. "Got to make mankind look good." The human increased his fucking, and was soon slapping her woolly rump with his groin with each thrust... The lube was perfect, he could feel the smooth texture of her ovine cunt walls, sliding around his slick dick with each stroke... Looking down he could see her dark labial lips being pulled out slightly as they were dragged out with his human penis, only to be pushed back in as he pumped her bestial twat... "Definitely have to get some sheep out to Tom's place." Thought the bar owner, who was doing his best to not shoot... But the sensuous tunnel he was burying his cock in on each fuck stroke, was doing it's best to bring him to orgasm... The first drops of his pre-cum leaked from his piss-slit, adding to the wet mixture in the ewe's cunt. The ewe's head lowered to her crossed arms that lay the padded bio-bench... She could hear the human's breathing becoming more labored... Her own breath puffed warmly on her arm fur... In all her years of fucking males, she never feel anything like this... She could feel the swollen ridge around his glans, as he stroked his turgid cock rapidly in her sex... The sounds of his fucking were becoming louder... The tingling in her loins was reaching a fevered pitch... Giving a staccato baa... Naanannun's orgasm flashed through her body... Her ewe jizz flowed over the human's pounding cock. Alan felt the ewe shutter and bleat loudly. Her cunt cinched tightly around his shaft and sensed her cum washing over his dick... Gripping the sheep's hips firmly, the human fucked the soppy bestial cunt even harder... A sudden tightening in his loins... The human hilted himself into the hot sheep pussy and hosed his simian seed deep into her... Wave of muscle contractions and another blast of cum was added to the first... The bar owner seamed to collapse slightly as he held himself over her ovine rump... Another blast of thick human semen was jetted into the animal... Feeling ten times more cum flood into her, then she had ever felt before, the ewe's body was thrown into a second orgasm... A guttural baa escaped her mouth as her sheep twat milked the last of the human's cum from his body. Behind the sound proof window, there was excited baaing from the medical team watched the readouts from the sensor bed. Looking into the med-bay, they watched as the two different species become motionless, their groins still pressed tightly to each others. Alan felt his cock give a few feeble twitches and then began to soften. With a loud sigh, he pulled out of the ewe's sloppy pit. Staggering slightly he went around her still prone form and sat on the bench next to her head. Looking up at his ball, he told it, "You can start working again." He then turned to the sheep and in a hushed voice he told her, "That my dear ewe was about the best sheep sex I think I've ever had." Again habit took over and the human reached out and began to stroke her ear.