Kevin wants to play dirty.

Story by foxy101 on SoFurry

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True Love Chapter 4

This story may contain mature content not suitable for children under the age of 18.

If you are underage or find this material inappropriate please go no further.

Those of you who will continue reading, I hope you will enjoy it and please leave comments, and any ideas for future stories.

8:00 a.m.

I turn my head and I can see Kevin sleeping next to me in the darkness. The light creeping in through the window, just touch's his face. His silky fur, when I look into his eyes I feel like I'm lost in a huge blue ocean, and the only things I have are the three people I care about. I lay there looking at his face waiting for him to wake up, just so I can see his magnificent blue eyes.

"The prince awakes."

"Hey Jake, hope you don't mind I slept here last night."

"Of course not, you should've told me before we could've had some fun."

"Well, I didn't want to be too tired for today."

"I guess you're right, come on let's get some breakfast."

"Okay, I'll go take a shower."

"Hey what do you want to eat?"

"How about pancakes?"

"Okay, anything else?"

"Maybe some eggs and home fries"

"Sure it'll be done in about twenty minutes."


Kevin walks off and goes into the bathroom while Jake walks down stairs. Jake grabs some ingredients and pulls out a couple of pans. Mixing the ingredients and turning on the stove. He places a pan on the burner, and walks back up stairs. He goes into his room grabs something out of his drawer, and goes into the bathroom.

"Hey Kevin I want you to try something, okay?"

"What is it?"

Jake hands Kevin a 13-inch fox dildo.

"What's this for?"

"Well if you want to be able to handle Phil you're going to have to loosen up."

"Is it really that big?"

"A couple inches shorter, but definitely as thick."

"Then I really should loosen up. I thought you were cooking breakfast."

"Oh yea, I better make sure it doesn't burn. Make sure you use that"


He walks back down stairs, and flips the pancakes before they burn. He pours some vegetable oil into a pan, and starts peeling potatoes. When the oil started boiling, he put the chopped potatoes and onions in the pan.


Kevin slides the door open and grabs the dildo. He bends over and rubs some shampoo on the tip of the toy and places it at his entrance. He slides the first inch in and begins turning the rubber member. After he breaks through the first wall he pushes it all the way in until he hits his prostate. The sudden rush of pleasure causes him to moan. By now his cock is completely unsheathed and throbbing. He pumps the thick member in and out of his anus hitting his prostate as hard as he can preparing for a rough session with Phil. His knot starts to swell so he pinches the tip and waits until his cock is soft again. He starts ramming the dildo against his prostate making his member instantly hard. Each thrust getting harder and harder. He can feel the cum rushing from his member. As soon as he sees it hit the shower wall he pulls the toy out of his entrance. Now that his anus is empty, he can feel just how much he stretched it. Pleasure is now replaced with an empty and longing feeling. After he catches his breath: he stands up cleans off the fake member, and finishes his shower. He walks over to the dryer and turns it on. After he's fully dry, he goes down stairs in the nude and sits down at the table.


"Hey Jake, is the food done yet?"

"Almost. Hey, are you ever going to wear clothes?"

"Why should I?"

"Go ahead; just make sure you don't go out in public like that."

"What, you don't think people would like a free show."

"I don't know about them, but I sure would."

"Well maybe when Alex and Phil get here you'll get one."

"Hmmm that has possibilities."

"What do you mean?"

"Well Alex and I have to go somewhere."

"Then I guess you won't be getting a show."

"Maybe I can."

"What? Are you going to record it?"

"Would you be okay with that?"

"Are you serious?"

"Yea, Why not?"

"I'm up for it, and when you two get home maybe you can join in."

"Yea, that would be fun. We should talk to the two of them."

"How about we don't tell them."

"How come?"

"Remember two years ago when you tried to make a documentary of your friends?"

"Oh yea, Alex and Phil froze up when I turned on the camera."

"Exactly, but I have an idea."

"Yea, what?"

"Remember that hole I made when the light tipped over, well I was thinking that we could put the camera in your room and feed it through the hole."

"Yea and I have the perfect painting to put in front of it."

"Which one?"

"You'll see in a little while."

"Oh you tease."

"You know you like it."

"Okay, okay I'm done so I'm going to go charge the battery."

"Sure, I'm going to go call Alex and Phil."

"Okay, the battery should be charged in about fifteen minutes."

"Great, make sure your ready when they get here."

"Don't worry I'll be ready."

Jake goes to the phone and calls Alex.

"Hey Alex what's up"

"Hey man, nothing"

"Are you almost ready"

"Ready for what?"

"Don't tell me you forgot."

"Forgot what?"

"We were supposed to go to that new club today, remember?"

"Oh sorry, I completely forgot."

"How could you forget? We've been waiting for this since it opened."

"I know, but allot of things happened in the last week."

"I guess so. So are we still going?"

"Yea I'll be there in a little while"

"Okay, bye."


He hangs up the phone, picks it up again, and dials Phil's number.


"Hey Phil, It's Jake"

"Hey Jake, how are you?"

"Good, how about you?"

"Fine, So what's going on?"

"Well I was wondering if you wanted to come over."

"Is this pleasure or research?"

"This kind of research is pleasurable"

"I guess you want me to teach your brother a few things. Right?"

"You guessed right."

"Sure I'll help the little guy out."

"My hero" he said in a mocking female voice.

"It'd be my pleasure little lady."

They laugh for a little bit.

"Okay, see you in about twenty minutes. Bye"


Jake walks into Kevin's room.

"Hey Kevin is the battery almost done charging?"

"It still needs a few more minutes"

"Okay. Phil and Alex are on their way"

"Alright. Hey Jake do you have any handcuffs or rope I can borrow?"

"Yea. Wow I want to see this video."

"Well you're going to have to wait."

"It'll be worth it. I'll go get the cuffs."

"Hurry up."

Jake walks into his room and grabs the cuffs out of his drawer. He walks over to his closet and takes out a bag.

"Here you go Kevin."


"Here try this on."

"What is it?"

In the bag the following items were found: A gag ball, leather crotch-less bottoms, handcuffs, nipple clamps, a five-foot long whip, and a bar that extends from the ceiling.

"Where did you get this?"

"Well, remember the girl I dated last year?"

"You mean that skunk, Mary?"

"Yea, she was into that kind of stuff"

"Oh okay, thanks Jake."

"No problem. You need some help putting it on?"

"That's alright. I think I can handle it."


"So where is this picture you said you had?"

"I get it. It's in my room."

The doorbell rings.

"Wow they're here already"

Jake runs into his room and grabs an oil painting of a swirling vortex then brings it back to Kevin's room. He hands Kevin the painting and walks down stairs to open the door.

"Hey Alex, Hey Phil"

"Hey" "Hey"

"Let's go Alex"

"What, you two are leaving?"

"Yea, but don't worry you'll have fun with Kevin. Make sure you teach him that thing you do with your tongue. Bye"

"Bye and I'll make sure of that."

"Kevin's in his room don't bother knocking."

Phil walks up stairs and goes toward Kevin's door.

"Kevin. Are you in here?"

"The doors unlocked."

Phil opens the door and sees Kevin lying naked on the bed.

"So you're Kevin. I've heard allot about you."

"Oh really. I hope they were good things."

"VERY good things."

"That's good to hear, but enough talking let's get down to business."

"Wow you seem excited."

"Well I always get excited when I try new things, and in more ways than one."

"Since this is obviously not your first time, that must mean we're going to step it up"

"You got it."

"Okay, let's get started."

Kevin slips the leather bottoms on, reaches into the bag and pulls out a pair of handcuffs. Phil puts them on Kevin and hooks it to the bar attached to the ceiling. He looks inside the bag and pulls out the gag ball, clamps and a whip. He straps the gag ball in Kevin's mouth, and attaches the clamps.

"I thought you might want to do something like this so I brought a few items from home."

Phil reaches into his backpack and pulls out a cock ring and some sort of electronic device. He puts the cock ring on the tip of Kevin's member, plugs the device into the wall, and hooks it to the clamps. He turns the dial to 5 and Kevin begins moaning, some tears escaping his eyes. Phil picks up the whip and cracks it in the air causing Kevin to yip in surprise. He whips Kevin's ass, blood dripping on the floor, and he cries out in pain. He whips him again, and again adding to his erection. Phil lines the tip of his cock at the base of Kevin's tail hole pushing in sharply, and massaging the young kits balls. The two moan in unison. Phil pumps his cock in and out of Kevin's ass increasing the pace every time he pulls out. He grabs his member behind the knot so not to tie him to the kit. Phil pumps into the now loose tail hole continuously rubbing against the kits prostate until hot streams of wolf seed is shot into the fox's ass. Phil pulls out completely and kneels in front of Kevin. He pulls off the clamps and attaches them to his balls. He licked along the shaft, and slipped the member into his maw coating it with saliva. He swirls his tongue around the tip while pulling it in and out of his mouth. Pre starts leaking from the fox's member. Kevin begins humping Phil's mouth, he can feel the cum boiling in his balls almost at its peak. Jets of cum flows from the fox member into Phil's awaiting mouth. He makes sure to swallow every last drop.

"Hey Alex it looks like we're too late for the main course."

"I guess we'll have to settle for seconds."

"Hey already", Kevin says between breaths.

"Yea the club got boring after the first 20 minutes. All it was was a bunch of drunken perverts."

"What do you mean?" Kevin asked in a caring voice.

"They kept asking us to strip. I might have considerate it, if there were any hot guys to strip for."

"Hey, what about me?" Alex said in a jealous tone.

"Well you'll get your own strip show."

"Hmm maybe it could be more than just stripping."

"Well we'll just have to see about that."

"We sure will. You guys up for another round?"

"I am, but Kevin doesn't really have a choice."

"So my little brother is turning into quite the sex-slave."

"Yea, and after a few weeks, who knows what he'll learn."

"Well everything does seem to come quickly to him."

"And every one."

"Yea. And it looks like Alex wants a turn."

Phil turns around and sees Alex lining his cock with Kevin's tail hole.

"Hmm time for seconds."

To be continued...