Three Dragoness One Human (Pre Relase story 2)

Story by eragon13666 on SoFurry

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He may not have many friends outside of school, or even in school. His family may not see eye to eye on things that he liked to do or talk about. Mostly the nineteen year old teen with long shaggy black hair and deep lush green grass eyes and slightly tan skin. But he had something held deep within his chest that he kept only to himself, that made him, to himself, the luckiest human in the world. Wearing the combo of red and yellow, his pants being the red with some black markings of dragons going down the legs, and his shirt yellow, also with dragon designs on the right shoulder, he slowly strode his way though the city he grew up in, walking over a bridge over the harbor toward the highway where the forest would be on his left and right. He held his headphones in his ears, listening to his music as he walked, never leaving home without it as he hummed or softly sang to the beep. Telling his foster mother that he would be gone for the next two days, saying that his friend from online wanted him to come up to visit, she really didn't care, and he knew it. She just wanted him back by next Friday so she could get paid. But like always, he lied to her where he was going, he was just going about an hour out of the city. Stopping, and turned to his right, looking at the forest before him. Smiling, he took the headphones out and made his way in, pushing past the low branches.

Slowly making his way though the think forest, the path that he always been trended to for as long as he could remember, he made sure not to make too much noise as he made his way deeper and deeper into the forest. Stopping, he heard the snap of a twig and slowly turned to see what made it. A blur was seen, pink like cotton candy as it went toward him, but he knew this was happening and leaped out of the way. The blur screamed out and tumbled on the ground, but even then it was not done. Another blur, this time red as a roar was heard from it, the teen laughed as he jumped right over the blur, as it slammed into the first one, both groaning as the teen laughed.

"You guys are getting sloppy!" he laughed crossing his arms as the two groaned, flipping off each other as he full saw them, two small dragons! The pink one, a dragoness groaned as she pushed the red dragon off of her as she stood up groaning in pain. She had small horns, much like dragons of her age, looking like small bumps on her head right now, as they went back down her back. Her wings just strong enough to allow her to fly, but not for very long, folded on her sides as she sighed, looking at the human before her.

"How do you keep doing that though!?" she huffed stomping her foot. "It's not fair Brandon!" the human laughed slightly going over and petted her nose as he knelt on the ground. When kneeling he would be the same size as the dragons before him, but when he was fully standing, their heads came just to his chest.

"Yeah!" the second one cried. "How you do that?" this one had some horns showing, small but showing as they bended on the side of his head. And the horns down his back. Brandon smiled then rubbed his head next until he gave a puzzle look.

"Amber...Greydor?" he asked looking at them. "Where's Twilight?"

"BONZA!" from behind the two dragons, another popped out, all black, with white markings over her body, eyes a deep red as she tackled the human to the ground, sitting on his gut with tail wagging; she was the youngest and bore no horns. "Got you Brandon!" she cried her smile wider then ever as Brandon groaned.

"Okay, okay," he groaned trying to push her off. She then got off as the other two giggled at him. All sitting before him until they moved closer, giving him each a hug which he gave back.

"So you're really going to stay with us for three whole days?" asked Greydor looking at him. "I mean, dad is cool and all, but we're the only males, and these two bug me like ants!"

"Hey, that's not nice!" Twilight squawked at him. "Not our fault you can't catch us when you wanna play!"

"Now, now you two," Brandon scolded them. "No need to fight or I can go back home and not spend time with you." the two dragons looked at him in shock and shook their heads as he laughed. "But you know I wouldn't really do that, oh and I brought you guys something!"

"Food?!" they all asked with tail wagging as he laughed.

"Yup," taking off the pack he had on he pulled out three packets of beef jerky which they snapped out of his hands and tore though the wrapper getting at the meat inside.

Standing up he smiled, these dragons, monsters as many would call him, were the closest thing he called family; and he couldn't be happier.

"Brandon come on," Twilight was already done and pushing him. "Let go see mommy and daddy so that they can tell us where you can sleep at!" laughing again, he followed after the three, coming to an area or the forest that pulsed with magic. To anyone who stepped feet in that the magic didn't know, it would just send them to another part of the area, but Brandon, like the dragons, could walk right inside. Once walking past the magical barrier he was greeted with the small of flowers and clean fresh water, a large pound that never seemed to shrink or overflow no matter the weather. The area cleaned of tree so that anyone could walk freely.

"Ah, Brandon, I see you came!" looking toward a large cave opening, he came to see the mother of the three dragons, like Twilight, she was black, but she held no whiteness at all. She was large, almost standing taller then a house of two floor high. He eyes black, looking almost fearful, but Brandon knew, she was a kind dragoness.

"Yes Night," he answered walking up to look up at her, she was so large, that he had to just tilt his head a little to his left to walk under her. "I am, just as I promised the kids." He looked back to see them playing near the water, laughing and crying as Greydor pushed them under then took off swimming as they tried to gang him.

"They are blessed to have a friend such as yourself you know?" Brandon looked back up at her his head slightly turned to the side as he seemed puzzled by what she told him. "What I mean to say is, that there are not many young dragons around, and well, even how we came to find you thinking of what happened; you still promised to keep our home a secret and come to see our children." Brandon slightly nodded, turning toward the three as they still were playing with each other, as the human closed his eyes and remembered how he came to meet the dragons.

It was many years ago, when Brandon was just fifteen at the time, having fought with his foster mother once more, he ran out of the house as fast as he could, running into the forest outside of the city and stopped under a tree. His cheek burned from the slap he was given, and it also shivered from the cold. He wore only shorts and a shirt, ad he just barley got his shoes on before leaving. Hugging himself with knees held to his chest, he cried as he asked any god or angles above why this life was given to him. But like always, he got nothing back, but the silent of the world. He heard a small snap and an intake of air, snapping his head up, he came to look at a very small creature, black as the night with a small bit of white around its body. Brandon leaned forward in surprised at what he was looking at, not able to see fully because of the night, but that didn't stop him from trying to get a better look.

"Hey there," he called out. "Come on out little guy, I won't hurt you." The creature tilted its head and walked out more, his eyes grew wide as he saw the long tail on its backside, followed by the wings on its back. Brandon didn't dare move as it moved closer till it sat in front of him. Brandon tilted his head to the left, as well as the small dragon before him. He lifted his hand, as did it. "This is weird..." he told himself.

"What is?" Brandon jumped back as the dragon spoke, a small girl voice coming from her lips.

"Y...You can talk?!" asked Brandon as the dragoness giggled.

"Yes, what are you?" she asked moving closer. "You look funny, you have no scales, are you naked!" Brandon frowned slightly causing the dragoness to giggle more. "You look funny like that, what's your name?"

"Uh...Brandon," he answered as the dragoness smiled.

"I'm Twilight," she chimed. "I'm two years old!"

"I'm fifteen," the human answered sitting back up as Twilight eyes grew wide.

"You're old Brandon!" she cried placing her claws on his knees. Brandon slightly laughed looking down at her. It was always his dream to meet a dragon, and now, before him was one!"

"Well, not really, I'm still considered a kid to most." Twilight moved closer still, till she was almost lying on Brandon lap.

"Why were you crying?" she asked softly looking up at him. Brandon sighed and looked away.

"It's a long story," he answered as Twilight tilted her head.

"I like stories, can you tell me?" she asked as he looked to her and shook her head.

"It's not a happy story," he answered. "It's sad, well to me it is."

"But talking about it will make it better, that's what my mommy says anyway." The young teen thought about it for a moment, sighing he nodded, if this was all a dream, maybe speaking it to the dream dragoness could help.

"My mother was killed a few years back," he answered her after a while looking up at the stars above them. "A car crash, she threw herself in front of me saving me from the faulty death she got. I was given up to a foster mother, a women who cares nothing of me, only the money she gets for looking after me, and I know nothing else of the world outside the city, and she was the only one in the city who would watch me, so I can't leave." He sighed again as Twilight watched him. "I don't even have any friends,"

"I'll be your friend!" she tried, smiling until her head perked up at the sound of a large roar.

"What was that?!" Brandon asked in slight fear.

"That's daddy!" she answered. "I think he's looking for me."

"Twilight where are you young one!" a deep rumbling voice called out, it sounded tuff and strong and Brandon already feared it. A large head pushing its way out of the trees showed a large red dragon, bigger then a house, maybe even two; Scars over his scales and wings so long that it looked almost limited to the human. Red eyes at once locked on to Brandon, who hand was over Twilight back as the dragon wagged her tail, hitting Brandon sides. "Release my child human!" he roared loudly causing him to fall back in shock as Twilight screamed from being flung off her resting place. Once she was away from Brandon, the red dragon pounced and held a claw on Brandon, only his head was seen between then spaces of the large claw as again the father roared.

"Daddy wait!" Cried Twilight placing her paws on his own, "Don't hurt Brandon!"

"Twilight move now!" the large dragon snarled. "This human was going to hurt you!"

"No he wasn't!" cried Twilight again. "Brandon my friend, we were only talking!" by then Brandon was knocked out from shock, and didn't awaken until some time later, body ached in pain as he felt something on his chest. Looking down, he found a green slime moving as he screamed trying to get it off. A large black dragon came in, unlike Twilight this one had horns curved a bit, no white marks and was smaller then the red dragon.

"It's alright Brandon," the human breathing hard as she bent down to look at him. "You're safe, it was just a healing magic I used to heal your chest."

"W...what?" he was confused, his shirt being off; he looked over to see it slightly ripped, but still wearable.

"My mate," the dragoness rolled her eyes. "Attacked you and took it the wrong way, Twilight was crying and telling him that you were a friend of hers', is this true?"

"I guess so," he answered. "Yeah, I guess we are friends."

"Good," she answered. "I'm Night,"


"Well then Brandon, my mate Vloor wishes that he see you, he wants to know something."

When he was ready, he went out, only to find out that Vloor was sorry for attacking him, saying that he remembered how humans were back in the day of old, and went on old memoirs. Brandon understood and met his two other children, Greydor and Amber, who like Twilight befriended him quickly. He had to leave a few hours later, but promised that he would never tell a soul of where they lived, and so began their friendship. Brandon went back to the house that day as well; the one 'caring for him' didn't even seemed to notice that he was gone, and if she did; she would've no doubt made a sob story how he did something to run away. He sighed as he shook his head, coming back to the time right now as the three children were now just lying on the grass, out of breath as Night leaned her head closer to Brandon.

"You okay?" she asked as he looked up, then back down and nodded.

"Yeah," he answered. "It just...I know you five think of me as family, for that, I thank you but..." he sighed as he shook his head. "I...I just wish I could stay here, and not go back."

"They why not stay here?" Brandon shot his head up at once as Night smiled. "You think you are the only human to have a dragon family? When I was young, I knew a few friends who had a human for a brother or sister. Our Elder allowed these humans to live among us, and then one day, if they proved themselves worthy, they would be changed forever!"

"Change?" asked Casey as she smiled.

"Can't tell you that part, but if you like, I would love to call you my son." Brandon felt honored; he gave a small smile before nodding looking toward the three dragon children before him, now his brother and sisters. "I'll have to talk to Vloor as well, something different then you becoming this family, but it still has something to do with you." Somewhat confused, Brandon only nodded, and when night slowly came for the area, the dragoness took everyone in.

"So you're my big brother now?" Twilight was lying on Brandon, she looking at him as she lay on her chest, her rising and falling with the steady breathing of the human below her.

"Yup," Brandon answered with a smile, rubbing her head getting a small murr from her. He smiled as she did, for some reason it always brought him to peace when she was like this. Since after Vloor returned home and said he would love to have Brandon as his son as well, the three Greydor, Amber and Twilight had played with him until he could no longer play. And until he got a room ready for him, he would sleep with Twilight or any of the other two if they so wished.

"Twilight?" Night head came into the small cave room as the two looked over to see the black dragoness looking at them. "Do you mind if I borrow Brandon for a moment?" she looked to Brandon, showing in her eyes that she really needed to talk to him, and with a nod, he got up and placed Twilight on he soft bed made of grass and leaves.

"Sure Night," Brandon spoke as he got up and followed the dragoness out, hearing Twilight yawn and her head on the bedding, falling asleep.

With Brandon out now in the main cave, the exit blocked just in case any human did make it though the magic gate, he saw Vloor laying in the middle, as Night went over to him and nodded her head as he too nodded back.

"Hello Brandon," he spoke in the same deep voice as always. "How are you?"

"Fine," he answered with a nod. "And how are you?"

"Same old I guess," he answered moving his wings a bit until he sighed and looked toward the human. "Brandon, I...we need to ask you something,"

"Sure anything," he answered with a smile. "I mean, you two have allowed me to stay with you, so it's the least I can do." The two older dragons looked to each other and then back at Brandon. "What?" he asked tilting his head.

"What do you know about heat?" asked Night as Brandon rubbed the back of his head.

"It's when the body is ready to give young right?" asked Brandon as the two nodded. "So why ask me about heat?" again the two dragons looked to ach other and then brought their heads down to see Brandon fully.

"You care for Amber and Twilight right?" asked Night as Brandon nodded. "And you would do anything for them right?" she asked again, as he too nodded. "You see Brandon, Amber had already been though her first few heats, it drove her crazy and Vloor had to keep himself and Greydor in another room until her heat died down. Twilight will enter her heat tomorrow and Amber once more."

"What we are about to ask you may seem shocking to you at first," answered Vloor looking at Brandon. "But we ask you this because we trust you will care for them."

"Which is...?" asked Brandon as the two looked to themselves then him again.

"Brandon," Night spoke lightly. "We wish for you to mate with them...and me tomorrow."

The human's eyes nearly bugged out of his head when Night asked him that, he blinked brought a finger up as if saying to give him a moment went to speak again, but still nothing came out.

"Big black dragoness say what?!" he asked at last as Vloor laughed and Night slightly chuckled. "Hold on, I mean, I'm not saying that I wouldn't because I didn't care for you three, but what if I give you know children or something?!"

"Brandon," he laughed some more until claiming down enough to speak. "You are but a human, we are not, and you can not breed with us no matter how many times you mate with our daughters or my mate." Brandon was still trying to bring this all in, not only did they wish him to mate with Night, but with Twilight and Amber too? "Before you ask, we told the girls last night that we would ask you," Vloor went on. "They also wish to mate with you, saying that they want their first time to be with someone they care for."

"But why do you want Twilight to mate on her first ever heat?" he asked as Night spoke.

"The first heat is always the worst, as you get older it will become easier for one to control it. For me, I can go almost a full day, but after that day I will slowly start to go mad with need and lust." Brandon was still thinking his through, he didn't want the kids or Night herself to suffer from heat, and they did allow him to live with them, it was the least he could do at least. Looking up, he gave them a slight nod as Vloor smiled lightly.

"Thank you Brandon," he answered. "I and Greydor will be gone for the next few days, the heat last up to maybe two to three days, depending on the seasons." Brandon only nodded as he closed his eyes and rubbed his eyes slightly until reopening them.

"Just let me ask you this,"

"Sure," Vloor answered as Brandon pointed to Night.

"Is she gonna hurt me while we mate?" the two dragons roared with laughter as Brandon only groaned.

The human teen woke up later the next day, slightly sore because of sleeping on something other then a bed for the first time. Even when he went to camp, they still had beds in the sleeping area, not really camping to him, but it was still fun doing all the things that he got to do. Sitting up, he found that he was alone in Twilight cave room, a plate of cooked meat sitting outside of the mini nest as he smiled and leaned down, picking it up and slowly eating. He loved the taste of the meat whenever Night made it, it was weird, but when Vloor made the meat with his flames, it didn't hold the slight flavor it had when Night made it. When he asked her years ago about the taste different, she answered by saying that just like fresh water and salt water has different tastes, so does each dragon fire. After eating all the meat, he laid back down on the nest of leaves and other soft things as he started to think to himself about what it would be like for the next few days.

Okay, so from what I was told from Vloor and Night, is that Greydor and Vloor will be gone for the next two days because of the heat the other three, Amber, Twilight and Night will have. I can understand why Vloor would want to be away, maybe not wanting to have a child with his own kid. But still, me mating with each of them for two to three days? He sighed and sat up again, rubbing his eyes softly. It is every Furry or Scale lover dream to mate with the creatures they love, I mean, I have myself wrote sex stories about humans and dragons becoming mates, even though I never had sex even with a human...and they want me to mate with Twilight first! He looked down, thinking even more. She's just a kid for goodness sake, that's like me babysitting someone back home and then fucking them, saying it was al just a game and should be kept to us only...but still; they didn't seem to mind about me mating with their daughter to help, or the fact that she's my step-sister now. He brought his hands to his face and hummed slightly as he thought about this more and more, Twilight was smaller then her brother and sister, while they came up to his chest, above the nipples when standing on all four, she only came to his belly button. He was worried he would hurt her badly, and he almost didn't want to do this. But there was another part of him, begging, almost commanding him to mate with each of them. Sighing, he stood up and tried to see where they were at, and when walking into the main cave, he found Twilight curled in a ball whimpering slightly. At once he ran to her and knelt beside her, seeing if she was harmed in anyway, but a smell, even to his human nose, hit him hard as he backed away a bit. The smell was musky, almost to the point it made him dizzy, and seeing her shift a bit under him, he saw where the smell came from when she moved her tail.

The slit below her tail open slightly, juices oozing from the love hole of the untouched pussy, a small nub easily seen as well as her tight little tail hole. Brandon gulped slightly when he saw what he was looking at, and when Twilight looked to her, her eyes wide with both confusion and need.

"Brandon..." she gasped looking at him. "What's...wrong?"

"It's...your heat," he answered her, rubbing her neck softly trying to clam her down. "Remember when your mom and dad told you how I would help you?" she thought for a moment, her body shuddered until she nodded looking back at him with pleading eyes.

"You're...going to help me?" she asked as Brandon nodded, rubbing her more.

"Yeah," he answered. "But Twilight, I don't know if this will hurt at first, the human and dragon body are two different things, so I don't know how this will be, alright?" Twilight bit her lower lip slightly while nodding her head, and before Brandon could say something else, she rolled to her feet and looked him right in the eye.

"Wait!" she cried as he stopped to look at her. "If...if your going to help me, can I help you first?"

"What do you mean?" he asked.

"Well..." he answered. "I heard that humans do different kind of sex then what dragons do...can you show me what oral sex is?" Brandon blinked, confused on how she knew such a term, but as he thought about it, if he was going to do this every time her heat came around until she wanted a child with a dragon, might as well show her a few tricks for her future mate.

"Alright," he answered with a quick nod. "I'll show you, all you have to do is do as I say alright?" again Twilight nodded, a small smile on her face as Brandon backed away to take his clothing off. Already he was hard, just thinking of mating was making him harder then a rock, and the smell made him hornier then he ever was. With his eight and a half inch cock springing forth, hitting his belly slightly, Twilight moved closer to sniff at it, looking down at his balls in confusion. "I'll tell you about those later," he promised as she looked up at him and nodded. "So oral sex is pretty easy thing to do," Answered Brandon as he sat on the ground with his legs opened. "But before I go on, I'll tell you a bit about my body that I know of, alright?" Twilight nodded as Brandon started to tell her all he knew from school, his foster mother never really telling him much of the subject of sex, and he did learn a bit more from the internet. He told her about what cum was, and what it did for the female, the little dragoness taking it all in. when he was done, he was slightly soft, having almost for got what he was going to do with the dragoness until she looked up at him with her eyes.

"So what do I do first?" she asked as Brandon rubbed the back of his head.

"Well..."he answered. "Let's start with you licking my penis first alright?" Twilight nodded moving closer until she lay on her belly, her muzzle close to his member which jumped slightly when she took a slow long lick; causing him to gasp slightly.

"I'm sorry!" she squealed moving back as Brandon laughed slightly.

"It's alright..." he told her rubbing her snout. "It's...well...this is my first time as well."

"Really?" she tilted her head as he nodded.

"Yeah, just be careful with your teeth as well alright, if you hear me gasp, don't stop unless I push you away alright?" again she nodded and moved closer to him, slowly sticking her tongue and started to lick him softly.

Brandon groaned and let his head fall back a bit as the small dragoness before him oral him slowly, her tongue slightly wrapping around him as the spit that dangled from her mouth trailed down his staff. He smiled as he watched her with half closed eyes; her eyes were closed as she made slight purring sounds, her tail moving back and froth as she went on with what she was doing. He saw that her leg would slightly twitch at time, even her mouth clamping slightly, making him slightly worry that she might bite him by mistake.

"Twilight...s...stop for a moment," the dragoness did as he was told, looking up with worry in his eyes. "I know this might be hard for you to control, seeing how you're in heat, so let me help you while you help me, alright?"

"How?" she asked as he smiled.

"Put your back legs over my head, and move your muzzle back to my penis." She gave him a puzzle like look as he laughed, doing it for her as she yelped as he picked her up with ease and span her around until her back side was to him. She looked back at him, seeing that his head was covered by her rear, wondering why he wanted to be like that; when she felt something warm brush onto her pussy lips. Yelping once more, she felt something wet slide over her rear, looking back and lifting her leg to see that the human under her was licking her! At first she thought it was a little weird, but it felt so good for her. She groaned loudly as more and more of his tongue found its way into her folds, shuddering and moaning more until she bent down and started to lick him once more, a soft groan coming from her jaws as Brandon licked at the small nub of her dragon pussy. He groaned too, causing air to blow into the female vent causing her to shiver and moan loudly, a shot of pre shooting out into her mouth as she gasped slightly drinking down by mistake.

"What was that?" she asked in a confused look making, making Brandon groan slightly from the lack of wetness around his penis.

"That was pre," he answered. "It just means that I'll be close to cumming."

"Cumming?" she asked cocking her head to the side.

"It's well, it's my seed you know, say if I was a dragon," he answered rubbing her rear. "If I were to mate with you as a dragon while you're in heat, you would have my child."

"But if you were a dragon and I was not in heat, I wouldn't?" she asked as he nodded.

"That's right," he answered. " you keep going...I'm almost there." She nodded slightly and dipped her head back, closing her eyes as she bobbed her small head, taking all of his meat down her jaws as she sucked and licked; Brandon groaning and moaning under her until he went back to licking.

Brandon's cock jumping in her mouth as she sucked, causing her to gasp slightly, but still she went on. His toes curling on the ground as he moved away from her rear long enough to speak.

"Twilight...I...I'm going to...c...cum soon!" she didn't answer, for some reason she wanted to taste him. Redouble her efforts to bring her brother and now temperately mate to climax, she sucked and bobbed as fast and as hard as she could. She was doing it so fast in fact, that it was getting pretty messy, her salvia dripping down his shaft and her jaws as she sucked more and more, until he couldn't take it. Cursing out loudly he started to cum, burst after burst shooting into the young dragoness maw as she gulped it down with ease, but since she was so small, it became too much, and some fall out of her jaws and down her snout. With the last of his cum now out of his body, he fell back from tiredness, it was his first sexually encounter with anyone, he enjoyed it very much as he closed his eyes basking in the afterglow, but when he felt Twilight shift above him, he opened his eyes to see her looking at him and whimpering. He knew she was in need and needed to cum as well, so slowly sitting up, her hanging upside down as he flipped her on her back, only her shoulder and neck on the ground; she watched as he slowly made his way to her vent and started to lick her deep and fast. And that's all it took, that last lick took her over the edge as she made a small whelping roar, her cum shooting out of her hitting her human lover over his face as she was rocked with pleasure she didn't knew could happen.

When she was relaxed enough to breath right, Brandon laid her down on her back fully, him laying on his side, his member slightly hard again after seeing her cum as he rubbed her belly softly, her cooing as she looked to him.

"What was...amazing..." she gasped looking at him with half closed eyes as he chuckled. "Have you ever mated before Brandon?"

"Nah," he answered still rubbing her softly. "I haven't." this seemed to confused the young dragoness as she turned to lay on her side as well, looking at Brandon still with half closed eyes.

"But, all the things you did to me, how did you learn all of that?" her human step brother laughed slightly rubbing her head.

"The internet is a guy's best friend."


"Never mind," he chuckled again then sighed. "So how are you now, feel better?"

"A little," she answered with a nod. "It was weird, it was like an itch I couldn't itch you know, it was really bad, but after doing that, it feels a little better."

"A little?" he asked as she nodded. Brandon thought for a while, he knew he had to fully mate with her for her heat to go down a bit, then there was the day after today where he would have to do it again. His penis now slightly hard again, enough that he knew he could easily slip inside of her, but he wanted to make sure that she was ready before going again. Twilight's eyes glazed down to see his harden member, before looking back up at him, her lust was easily seen as her instinct now guiding her as she rolled to her feet and turned her back to him, lifting her tail high in the air, while dropping her chest to the ground, her head on her paws as the human behind her watched.

She did look back for a quick moment, showing with her eyes that she needed it now, and Brandon knew that without words how badly she really did need it. Moving up behind her, on his knees to that he could be her size, her tail she ranked up high in the air and curled backwards onto her back, she closed her eyes as she felt the tip hit her lower lips, her body shaking for what was to come.

"I'll go as slow as I can alright Twilight?" he told her while rubbing her flanks as she nodded slowly, remembering what he said that he didn't know if it would hurt her not. Her claws ranked the ground below her as she took a deep breath as Brandon slowly started to push into her.

She was tight.

Only the head was in and she was already tighter then what his hands could do. This causing him to shudder and moan out slightly as the dragoness below him gasped being filled for the first time by a male, it didn't even hurt, her juices that leaked out helped the human behind her to push in more, as inch and inch of himself slowly went into her; and before ether of them knew it, he was hilted inside of her, no pain what so ever! The feeling to her was amazing; he would've never thought that something going inside her could feel this good! Her eyes closed as she let out a shaking moan, rocking her hips back and froth trying to move it, finding it to feel even better then when it wasn't moving. Brandon picked up on this quickly and started to slowly pull his way out, then push himself back in, her little body moving forward with his hump as she groaned out loudly, her pussy tightening around him as he too groaned. Never having sex before, and now having one with his step-sister, had it made him feel, weird in a way, but like Night and Vloor told him, he would not get the dragonesses pregnant; so he didn't need to worry about that. The tightness of her vent hugged him all around, pulsing and trying to push him even more into the hole below her tail, he thrust going a bit faster. The wetness that came from her love hole began to make small patting sound as their hips collided softly, his knees slightly hurting, but he didn't care. Leaning so now that he was on all four, his arms on each side of her head, he kissed her neck and groaned hotly in her ear, casing her to purr slightly and turn her head to lick his cheek, nuzzling his neck to show how much she was enjoying herself. His moaning turned to slight grunts, pre flowing into her vent, and the dragoness felt it, sighing softly as she started to rock her body to his, causing their power of sex to increase, both of their eyes closed as they shared their bodies with each other.

Her head lying on her paws as she moaned and purred loudly, her tongue laying out of her mouth as Brandon's hips started to thrust faster and harder into the dragoness, his , even hers' coming closer as she started to moan and slightly grunt loudly, looking back over her shoulder to see the human's eyes closed as she moaned his name.

"B...Brandon...I'm so...close!"

"Me too..." he grunted going harder into her as she gasped at his forwardness.

"H...harder please!" she begged as Brandon grunted once more, going as hard as he could for the last few thrust, until hilting inside of her, and cursing loudly as he came.

His white spunk, pouring into her vent and into her womb, his cock pulsing and jumping inside her causing her to reach her tip as she too came around his shaft; roaring once more in her whelping like voice as her pussy tightened hard around the human's cock, causing him to shiver and moan. Once they came from their high, breathing heavily, Brandon slowly made his way on his side, taking the dragoness, who was still surrounding him with her vent, as he hugged her around her chest, her purring softly as she cuddled closer to him. No words were said between the two, they knew that the other would ether want to have the penis in them, or to keep it in the other pussy lips. After a while, Brandon moved a bit so he could speak.

"Maybe we should go to your room?" he asked as he also laughed. "I would hate to have someone walk in while in the middle of this room." The small dragon giggled slightly but nodded all the same.

Twilight lay in his arms as she slept her heat now sated for now as Brandon rubbed her back slowly and softly. He left her for only a moment to dress in his pants, in fear of getting something somewhere he couldn't reach. The dragoness of which he mated with just under a hour ago, his first time as well, shifted in her sleep slightly as Brandon smiled, then frowned when he thought he heard something outside her room. Moving away and standing up, he slowly made his way out of the room, to find Night sitting beside the wall.

"Have fun?" she asked as Brandon groaned softly. She giggled slightly, watching the human below her blush madly as she only shook her head. "You know I'm only playing around with you, and Brandon." She smiled again. "Thank you for doing this; you have no idea how hard it is to have heat when you're a small child." Brandon only nodded slightly as she smiled again. "And don't worry; I have a treat for you when it's my turn with you. Now if you want to find Amber, she's behind the cave." Brandon only gave a confused look as Night walked off, thinking what she meant by a treat for him, shaking the thought for his head, he just went off, exiting the cave and made his way around it, the sun started to fall from the high noon when he and Twilight woke, giving it a nice orange glow, not the yellow of noon.

Amber with her pink scales watched out at the small river behind their home, which would go toward the lake they were playing at just the other day; she seemed transfixed on the flowing water that slowly flowed toward the lake. She turned back when she heard Brandon walk up to her, smiling slightly as he sat beside her.

"I love the way the water moves you know?" Brandon turned his head to look at her, tiling his head in slight confusion. "Water never stops moving, nor is it scared to more forward, It never flows backwards, always forward, doesn't know where it will lead, but even then, it still goes on..." Brandon knew there was some point in the way she was speaking to him like this, and the way that she was speaking, it made her look older then she really was. "You know Twilight loves you right?" she answered looking at Brandon as he only blinked.

"Well, I am her friend and I guess brother right?" but Amber only shook her head looking back at the river.

"I mean really loves you," (While I'm writing this, I'm listening to N's Farewell tell me where this song his found and you'll get a guest spot in Two Kings one Prince) "Haven't you've seen it, for a few weeks the way she acts around you Brandon?" the human thought for a bit, closing his eyes as he tried to remember. "It doesn't matter," she answered. "She is not the only one who loves you," again Brandon was confused for a moment, until his eyes grew wide and slowly turned to look at Amber as she too looked at him.

"You mean...?" he asked as she smiled looking down playing with a loose rock by her foot.

"Yes," she answered. "But well, I know how you humans go on, thinking that it's wrong to have more then one mate, but well, Twilight really wants you as a mate, and I do as well. We even talked about it, we wouldn't mind both of us being your mats, and even mom and dad thought it would be alright." Brandon head swam as he blinked a few times before falling onto his back slowly so not to hurt him, looking up at the sky, the white large clouds going by as Amber too, did lay on her back to watch with Brandon.

This is just getting weird, he spoke to himself. Amber here is telling me not only does Twilight love me, but she does too? And they both want to be my mates? Well I did have sex with Twilight, so there no need for awkwardness anymore on that part, and Amber, well she is older then Twilight so it won't fell like I'm fucking a kid but still. He sighed loudly and sat up rubbing his eyes.

"So you both want to be my mates?" he asked as Amber nodded looking at him.

"It's not uncommon for a dragon or dragoness to have more then one mate." She answered. "I mean, my dad had another female before she died from humans, you can see why he attacked you the first time you met."

"Yeah don't remind me," Brandon answered with a laugh as Amber too laughed, going under his arm so he was hugging her sides lightly, her head in his lap as she closed her eyes. His finger tracing her small horns and back as she sighed in content like sate; leaving him to smile as he closed his eyes. "Alright," he answered looking toward her as Amber looked up at him. "I'll be both of your mates,"

"Really!?" she cried out sitting on his lap at once as he smiled and rubbed her muzzle nodding.

"Yes, but please, no fighting over who gets me on days, I will love you both the same as I always have, but now we'll have...other things to do." She nodded still looking at him with her tail wagging slightly as Brandon smiled. She started to lean up to him, causing him to blink when she pressed her lips to his kissing him softly.

He didn't know how she could kiss him with her muzzle, but it didn't matter much, she was and that was all. Holding her hips in his hands, he kissed her back as well, lying back on his back with her on top. Their face turning slightly as his hands traveled up her sides causing her to mutter in the kiss slightly.

Another preview to cum ahehehe

Two King One Prince: Part Eight

"Ok, what's the big deal?" Sage released Terra as they made their way outside of the portal she made and into a large stone wall area. Her face was blank, and for the first time didn't talk back to Terra about yelling at her. "What the heck did that...

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Two Kings one Prince: Part Seven

"There no way in hell that I'm wearing white!" Brandon frowned as he crossed his arms over his chest. Zel had brought up a white suit, much like the clothing he wore when he was en year old, it was all white save for a bit of blue on the side and...

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Two Kings One Prince: Part Six (full)

"This is where we part ways I'm afraid." It had only been a day since the trio made it out of the clutches of Sage's fortress, no doubt lucky that they were not caught, even when they each took turns watching for any sighs of movement in the area....

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