Questions, Powers, and Decisions

Story by Sludawg on SoFurry

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#21 of Pokè-Treat

(C) to respected owners... etc.

Anywho, the dreaded retail season is upon us, but I think I may forego the hybernation session and continue typing this year. We'll see.

On another note, if all plays well, the next edition just may well be an extended posting. I originally planned to make it a three parter but I may just smoosh it together for the hell of it... Enjoy.

"You could have told me!" An angry female voice echoed through the empty halls of the Victarian castle. "How could you even keep this to yourself? Do you not trust us enough?"

"My dear love... I am sworn to protect this city. Speaking anything of it to outsiders can leave me without my head." Samuel Snowtail said barely above a whisper.

"You could have at least told me! I am your mate, right? Then how about sharing things with me!"

"Flame, you are going to wake the city. I- "

"Don't you dare!" "Dare what? I already risked my life by laying claim on our group and telling everyone who I am. Hell I was going to throw a limestone floor chunk at the King until mother stopped me. If I could get away with taking his life, I would not regret it. He is only acting all luvy-dubby only because his Queen said 'Sit.'"

"You know what you are? A stubborn, stuck up puppy!"

"Me? A puppy!? What about you? Huh? You are acting more like a pup than I am!"

"Really!? What if I told you that my emotions are high-strung because I am pregnant?"

Sam's jaw dropped, he was speechless.

"Yeah, that orgy with all those adolescents... I was in heat and you rode me hard and put me away wet." Flame growled and allowed a small amount of flames to roll out her mouth.


"You what?"

"I didn't expect that I could be compatible... I mean... I'm not a true yeah."

"Sure. Whatever! I'm going to bed."

"Alright- "


"But it's," Flame charged into the open room then kicked the door shut behind her. "My room. Damn it, Sam, why did you have to go and swallow your own tail?"

Sam turned and started to move to the room where Jason would be staying. He took a deep breath when he heard the sound of padded footsteps behind him. He kept moving even though he knew who it was, he didn't want to disappoint the old Nanny that had a bad habit of using her Psychic powers to follow her charge.

"Little Sammy..."

"Yes, Nanny May?" He stopped and turned to look at the old Espeon Morph.

"I can tell you that she is pregnant. If you are wise, you would ask her to go through the ceremony with you."

"Maybe when she loses that temper. I may be able to handle Fire types well enough, but I don't think I can take it from her. How can anyone stand having their mate attack them for doing nothing more than trying to keep a calm head?"

"Just be glad you aren't in the Scyther bloodline, the ferals bite off the male's head during the act. Not pretty."

"Not helping."

"Sorry. Still, you're lucky. She's very intelligent, and she's blessed on top of that. I'll give her twelve weeks of carrying. And no, I cannot tell how many. She's not that far along."

"That's fine. Thank you."

"Yet you are still agitated. I know my young charge far too well to know what you are thinking without my powers. You think if you told her about you origins you wouldn't have had this problem? Perhaps not, but you would have had a far bigger one. You know the laws concerning outside travels and that is why you did not tell them."

"Moon knew, I am sure of it. She dug into my mind when we first met physically to dig out my name. She knows the laws of the Legendary, so I something tells me the sisters are more than just regular 'eons."

"Perhaps. Only the Father knows for sure. Go to your human's room, he and his mate are still drinking with your father."

"I think I might go talk to Moon if I can find her, she tends to hide though. Care to join me? I think you and her would hit it off quite well."

"You have spent too much time with humans, dear, but yes, I think I will join you."

"I have seen a lot of things since I left, but non compares to what I know will come. Mary... I know it is not my place to ask, but when the time comes... protect Jude."

"She can- "

"I mean it. I don't know exactly, but what I do know is that a male will come after her. He will rape then kill her. I have seen it through his eyes. He's a Morph... that's all I know."

"When are you going to tell your parents about your... unique skills."

"You are the only one that knows and will know. I prefer to remain a normal Suicune. So, please keep it to yourself."

"Suit yourself. Hold still."

Sam cocked his head and stared at his nanny. She whisked him away in a Teleport. A brief heartbeat later, they phased in beside the four legged Espeon. The two Psychics nodded as they probed each other slightly with their powers. The younger one stretched before she jumped onto Sam's back.


"Settle down, pup. May, is it? Are you the same May that supplied SilphCo. with Psychic knowledge and power to adapt ferals?"

"Perhaps I am. But I do not recall ever leaving this island." May said with a sly smile.

Moon nodded. "Any way, you wanted to talk?"

"Yeah, I was kind of hoping you could help me later. Nanny May says Flame is... pregnant."

"Uh... how? I thought she could only get pregnant from another Entei."

"Apparently not." May leaned against a Light Barrier. "She has started her hormonal flux. So you may have to keep her in check."

"And how am I to do that?"

"Believe it or not, Moon, she thinks of you as a sister. I think you could very well do what I cannot." Sam sighed, wishing he could look the 'eon in the face. "Will you at least try? I know you are by far stronger than her, and for now, I am grateful."

Moon jumped off her perch with silent grace. As she landed, she flipped her tail up into Sam's face and rubbed his muzzle. Then without another word, she went strolling down the hall. Sam finally realized where they had jumped to, Moon had been listening to the royal couple talking to their Trainer. He drew a deep breath as he realized what he must do. The door cracked open as May chuckled then walked away as well.

"Thanks..." He muttered then pushed the door open. "Sorry for my interruption, but I have some news that is worth sharing..."

Moon teleported to the other side of the door. Flame had managed to lock it and now she was staring off into space as she laid on the small hay-filled mat that served as the Prince's bed.

"He sent you, didn't he? Clever male."

"No one sends me where I don't want to go." Moon slowly approached the obviously agitated female. Giving the Entei a quick Psychic probing, she found that the female was indeed pregnant yet the number of young was uncountable at the moment. "So... you think of me as a sister?"

Flame flinched but did not look at her.

"He asked me to calm you down, but I won't. Nor will I agitate you more. We will only speak further if you wish." Moon hopped onto the mat then sat. She closed her eyes and began to meditate while waiting for the larger one to speak.

Five minutes passed by silently with the Espeon unmoving. The Entei growled then turned her attention to her aggravator. "Fine! You want to know why I am angry at him? He never told us who he was or what he is. He could at very least have told me. Then he goes about spreading more lies about how he would lose his head if he told any of us the truth. And what is with everyone getting to know that damn Articuno? It seems everyone is out to drive me crazy and I am about to snap!"

"You done?" Moon said while Flame gasped for a breath.

Flame nodded.

"First, he was telling the truth. Even Crystal had to swear her life on the secret of this place before she could even take Samuel away. They both went through the swearing together. I kept my silence on the matter because he knew that his father always had an eye on him no matter where he was. Like it or not, he was being watched. Even through our own trials we were watched. The Old Clans still exist, and his bloodline is a part of it even though Victor refuses to acknowledge it in front of others. Now I can tell you the things he witnessed as a pup when one of those spies came back with violent humans in tow."

Flame did nothing but scowl at the wall.

"Here, showing may be better than telling-

Moon tapped Flame's brow with her tail and a flash took over Flame's vision. Suddenly she was transported into the body of her mate yet he was far younger.

Screams flooded her ears as she... he looked around. The city looked brighter, bigger. Below the castle, smoke rose up as the Fire type guards started to purge the city. Flame climbed the railing that separated her from the city, but a Psychic force stopped her from completing her jump.

"Now, now, Sammy, your father said to stay put."

"I am the Prince! I have my duties just as much as he does. I have to protect them! My city is burning down because of an unneeded purge. It is my duty to save the innocent!"

"Samuel, you are-

Flame blasted the nanny with a powerful water jet which broke her concentration enough for her to jump out the window and slide down the rocks below. She felt the pull of the ocean above her and begged for some of its strength. Water started to seep from the rocky walls that protected the city from the outside. Several tunnels flooded as she used the water to drown the fires around her. Once the fires were dead, she turned to the sound of gasping. A human male laid on the ground, face burnt. Flame crept over to him and looked over the human.

"You have created such a mess here, human, you shall pay. Now where is that little Pichu traitor?"

"I'm here, Prince. I beg forgiveness. I was forced to show the path here and-

"Silence. Judgment is not mine to call. Take the human's captives and follow me."

"Yes, sire." The Pichu took the belt off of the human while she grabbed the human and started drag the pained human by the shoulder. It was not long before an elderly Charizard guard arrived and took the human from the Prince's grasp.

Flame could feel her jaw pop. "So, young one, what is your name?"

"My name is Zapperiah, sire. My friends used to call me Zaps."

"I am surprised the human did not kill you, Zapperiah."

"I think the only reason he did not was for the fact that I show... the other qualities of the Victar. I did my best to keep from changing to prevent showing more. I failed the oath. I am willing to pay the price, sire."

"There may be a way to keep your head, when you face the King, offer him that you are willing to free the human's captives and kill it. You just may redeem yourself."

"I will try. But either way, I am willing to die. I swore that when I swore the Oath of Protection."

Flame felt herself shift forward through the memories. She gasped as everything went through at a blinding speed.

"Your highness, the Prince and the traitor begs your audience." The Charizard guard that had carried the human stood in their path as he shouted into the throne room.

"Enter!" Victor shouted angrily. "Boy, you disobeyed me." "Forgive me, father, but I was not about to allow my future charges die without need. We even brought you the human."

"Your Majesty, I am willing to release the human's captives and kill him myself for it forced me to bring it here for my early showing of the other blood." Zapperiah prostrated himself as he begged for his life.

"Of what do you have to offer if I allow you to live?"


"He shall become my personal guard, sire." Flame flinched as she heard the words come out without thinking.

"Very well, if you are killed during training, so be it. Proceed and know that my guards have you marked should you try to keep this... human alive."

Flame gasped as another memory struck her. This one was from just before Sam left the city.

"Zaps, it is happening again." She said quietly as she stared out the very window from years back.

"Shall we stop the purge from starting this time?" A Pikachu clad in metal stepped up to the window his covered hands gripped the railing as his own memories hit him.

"I have heard that this one could be a voluntary bringing. You are still protected from those devices, so of course we will."

"As you wish, sire."

"Climb on and hold tight, it is time for a flight." Flame chuckled as she nudged Zapperiah.

The Electric mouse climbed onto her back then they jumped out the window without hindrance this time. Jude had been born just four weeks ago so the nanny was busy. They raced through the city to where the scouts had placed the sighting. The human and the returning feral Blastoise stood waiting at the end of one of the tunnels. The human was clad in a white coat and head fur that was beginning to change color.

The two bowed as Flame slid to a halt and growled.

"Prince Samuel, I did not expect this kind of welcome." The Blastoise said proudly. "I bring forth the human called Oak to meet the King and Queen. He is a scientist and could help our kind prosper."

"I don't like this. Zaps, take rear, should these two try anything, don't hesitate. You two, follow me.

Another memory jumped into play placing time a week before Sam left.

"Again!? That does it, Zaps, I'm going out there to prevent this from happening again."

"Sam... what about home... me?"

"I'll see to it that you guard Jude, but I must protect my city foremost. Now I must make a name for myself and take down this Charizard. Arceus knows father is just going to let the Fire Squad burn the bastard after the city is in cinders."

"I wish you luck, Sam."

The memory jumped to the finishing blow of the battle.

The Charizard laid at the feet of his Prince, his Life Fire growing dimmer by the second. The human that rode on his back laid in three pieces.

"By the power of the Father and the King, I sentence you to death for treasonous acts against our kingdom and risking the livelihood of our kind. May the Father forgive you." Flame clamped down on the throat of the Charizard and ripped the flesh away from the body. Blood covered her blue fur as it sprayed out of its vessel. The large chunk of flesh fell to the ground to splash even more blood onto her. "Tend to the bodies and the captives. I have to report to the King..."

"Stop." A female voice shattered her anger. An Articuno had appeared from the Pokèball. "I am the daughter of Arceus, I know of your wish to leave here to prevent another incident like this. Please take me with you."

Flame felt a sharp shock then the ache of a migraine as Moon pulled away her powers.

"See, not all secrets can be shared without consequences. Let your anger go."

"But..." Flame sighed as she shook herself. "What could it have mattered if he had just whispered it to me? It is not like I could have forced him to take me here. I have the secrets of the Clans to keep I could keep that one."

"This secret is his Clan secret, to these people we are outsiders. The only reason we were not attacked at the cave was because the King told them to remain alert for the return of their feral Prince. That scout did not want to chance attacking the Prince so he took us into the city."

"You find that out by prying into minds?" Flame grumbled as she turned to Moon.

"No, by asking. I only pry when I feel something threatening from someone. Now, how about letting your mate back into his room?"

"No. He's still in trouble. He needs to learn to confide in me."

"You both need to learn to trust each other. Remember to keep your blood pressure level and keep your temper on the level as well."

"Why should I?"

"For your pups' sakes. You are pregnant and not by another one of your kin. Enjoy this for our Father has blessed you two."

"Blessed? Mood swings, odd cravings, vomiting. What kind of blessing is that?"

"One that makes you work for the result. I will talk with Jason and see if we can't put our hunt on hold until your litter is weaned. Or at least..." Moon turned her head towards the door and sighed deeply. "I am needed. Sam has returned to the door, consider letting him in. Good night."

With that, Moon vanished leaving Flame staring at the door. She growled but silenced herself when she heard Sam humming something outside.

"I don't know, dear, do you really think you will be allowed to enter without argument? I mean, even with Telepathy, humans tend to regard us as mere tools if not less." Adrian was trying to calm Lisa down as he rubbed her shoulders.

"I have a Trainer Card and a team. By Samoah law they have to let me in... or risk losing their gym."

"Your really studied this haven't you?"

"Yes, and that is why I am going to trade Jason and Grace for your balls."

"I have my balls. I could show them to you if you don't believe me."

"You know what I mean, but I will take you up on that offer anyway." Lisa smiled as Adrian chuckled and walked around the chair she was perched in. "Mmm, now those are a nice pair. They could use a good polish though."

"Oh baby..." Adrian smiled. "Oh, baby, what happened?" Adrian moved quickly away from his mate and left her with a puzzled look until she turned.

Mona had all-but crawled into her father's view. She had been cut up badly, blood matted her fur along with tears. She clamed her paws down onto her father.

"Grace... hurt." She pointed to the door.

Adrian picked her up and moved quickly. Just outside the door, Grace laid there in a bit better shape. Her eyes filled with a plea for help.

Moon appeared next to her and looked over the others. Moon nodded then took them silently to the hospital across the city. Moon phased them into the lobby and explained the situation to the Morph Chansey then vanished again.

"Sssir, you... you do good. Be... proud of... your boy. He strong." Jason hiccupped after he downed his third pint of ale.

The King and Queen laughed wholeheartedly at him as Azu sighed and allowed her boy to rest on her floater tail.

"Jason, I think you have had enough." Azu scowled at him.

"You right." Jason fumbled with his pint a few times as he attempted to place it on the table in front of him. Luckily he didn't drop it.

"Excuse me, Your Highnesses, but your daughter has been kidnapped and my Trainer's daughter and charge has been beaten severely in attempt to protect her. From what I could make out from Grace's mind, it was a Scyther male Morph. The image was filled too much with fear and panic to make out much more than that, I am sorry." Moon appeared in between the King and Jason.

"What!?" The Queen shouted.

"Guards! Sound the alarm! There are only two known Morph Scythers, find them!"

Guardsmen of all types scoured the city and every known crevice. The King abandoned his ale and went to the throne room and paced as he waited. Jason was forced to the guest room while Moon talked Lisa into control of the group.

An hour crept by, no news was heard. The nanny appeared suddenly with a male in her claws and an injured Jude clinging onto her. The King gasped and then rushed his daughter and held her. Jude cried silently into her father's shoulder. The male quaked with anger as he fought to escape his captor's grip until the King turned to him and took him by the segment he could call a throat.

"Why did you take my daughter?" Victor demanded.

The male spat at him.

"Tell me or so help me I will rip your puny head off your body!"

Mandibles clacked as the male stared at him.

Victor growled. "Very well, May, take what I want."

A twitch flowed through the male as May ripped the information from his head. She nodded.

"I hope this is painful." Victor placed one paw on the male's torso then pulled the head upwards with the other.

The sickening rip of sinew sounded as Victor finished his threat. The body collapsed then the King dropped the head.

"He succeeded to rape her but not kill her like he planned. He was another agent of this Darkrai."

Victor roared in frustration then threw the head into the wall.

"You have your son to thank. I know he wanted it to be kept secret... but... he has premonitions, he sent me because he cannot interfere himself."

"As long as Jude, I will not press matters. Speaking of which, help my daughter clean up. I would like to keep her free of that male's seed while there is still time to get it out."

"Very well, sire. This way, dear."

"Send the guards in here to deal with the body on your way out."

"Already done." May bowed then turned as she grabbed Jude.

Later that night, Jason woke with a hangover migraine. His stomach lurched as he rolled over to throw his legs over the bed. When he felt a large lumpy floor, he looked down to see Sam stretched out beside him. He frowned slightly then moved gently to escape the room. Once he was free of the bed and Pokèmon, he got dressed in the previous day's clothes and stumbled out to get fresh air.

He managed to walk to a balcony that overlooked a path down a rather steep incline. He leaned on the railing and watched the city below twinkle like the night sky. He could see guards patrolling the semi-dark roadways. This place amazed Jason, he could say that they were technologically advanced for a medieval civilization. Jason did not hear any footsteps approach him, so he jumped when a paw slapped his shoulder.

"Dear Arceus!"

"Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you. Zapperiah told me that I am to accompany your group to the outside world. I have everything packed and ready to go when you are."

Jason turned to the voice and was shocked. "You're... you're...."

"Hmm? Oh! Yes, I am Mewtwo. I had to hide after my pitiful defeat. But I have to admit that that Red did show me what life was really meant to be. I fled to this seemingly uninhabited isle only to be brought in by these people. I think I have been here nearly a decade now. Anyhow, I am glad to meet you."

"Yes, likewise. Um, I'm Jason, but I suppose you already knew that."

"I can tell you are nervous around me and the ale hasn't helped that bit out either. Don't worry, I'll prove myself as a changed being. Now, you get back to bed. I have one other to meet with before I go meditate."

"If it were that simple..." Jason sighed then turned back to the vista. "Can I ask you something?"

When he received no answer he turned to an empty hall.

"Psychics... always running out of time to be no where." He returned to his own 'meditations' and studied the moving lights below.




"Don't go..."

"Not there!" Lisa shouted and lurched up out of bed readying an Aura Sphere. Her breaths came heavy as she looked around. "Damn... they're starting again. At least this time I didn't attack someone. Oh, my poor Richard...."

And I didn't wake any- why is Jason up? Better go see.

Lisa made her way out of the room she was sharing with the females and children and joined up with Jason. She said nothing, only grunted as Jason nodded and waved her over as she approached. He tossed an arm around her and pulled her close.

"I've been thinking. Since we have taken on a few extras and have a short term pregnancy on hand, would you be willing to take Flame, Zaps, and the apprentice home? Don't worry, I'll send Adrian with you this time." Jason said out of the blue.

"Are you sure you aren't developing Psychic abilities?"

"I don't think so, but I assume that is a 'Yes?'"

"Yes. When we... I get home, may I try to get the badges like a real Trainer?"

"As long as you get your hands on a Psychic that can teleport you to safety should things get hairy... yes, you can try. Just remember, Trainers don't join the fight, only instruct."

"I'll remember. I'll even glue the card to my palm if I have to."

"Let's not get carried away, my dear daughter." Jason chuckled. "You know, I don't think I will ever get used to saying that. Any way, if the storm has passed, we'll be leaving soon. With any luck, you can get along with the apprentice better than humans can. He's...unique."

"What do you mean?"

"Mewtwo is the apprentice. He has seemingly changed since Red knocked him down from Team Rocket's attempted control over him. Just keep tabs on him more for his safety than others. Oh, and when you save up enough, get yourself a Pokètch that way you can call me. Mitch has the number of mine."

"Will do. This means I have to figure out what three I'm trading out."

"Easy, give me Shadow and Miguel. Give Grace Falrin." Jason drew in a relaxed breath then smiled. "Well, I guess I'm sober again, so I am back off to bed. Don't be up too much longer."

"Jason... dad... wait. I could use someone to talk to for a while. I've been having my nightmares again."

"What nightmares?"

"There from the day I found Richard... you know..."

"Ah, I understand. Let's take your mind off of it for now, hmm?"

"What do you have in mind?"

"Let's walk for a while and perhaps talk."

The two made their way down to the castle doors and managed to squeeze through them then they began to walk along the outside walls. Lisa would quietly ask about various mannerisms she should use for interacting with other Trainers she would meet. He would just say that the eye contact would start the main battle and could even start up trouble. The general rule, he told her, is that the official battles were three-on-three unless both sides had at least five on their teams. While unofficial was all-out. Jason chuckled then looked at his daughter.

"You do know that all of this is in the handbook, right?"

"Well, yes. But it is always different in real life than from a book."

"True, but Trainers have to follow strict international laws to prevent accidental deaths. That and it's to prevent people from becoming freelancer thieves. Which they still do, but they are usually stopped before real damage is done."

By their third lap, they both agreed to call it a night and went in.

When morning came, Sam was the first to wake. He rushed out of the room as quietly as possible and went to the kitchen to bother the cooks as he used to before he left. Surprisingly enough, the head chef already had a bowl of warmed oats sitting out at a table waiting for the Prince to join them.

"Ah, monsieur, I am glad you are still cooking for my parents." Sam said as he hefted his torso up to lean on the table. "Oh... strawberry oats, I haven't had these for a long while. Thank you."

"Indeed, I am, my Prince. The grapevine tells me you are expecting, no?"

"Tis no lie." Sam smiled as he took a long sniff at the oatmeal. "Smells almost too good to eat... almost." He lapped at it slowly to savor the taste.

"I am glad for both. Tell me, do you expect many to be like us or like them?" The chef turned to wave a spatula haphazardly as he spoke. The chef held himself proud as he is a feral Ursaring and one damn good cook.

"I am hoping like us. That way I don't have to explain anything right off. But if this war I am a part of goes to the human eyes... well... the Victars will be out in the open anyway. Especially if I have my way."

"Seems a little dangerous to be trying to change the rules of the King."

"True, but he won't live for ever and for right now... I am the only heir that has mated and is with child. Even if I don't want it, the throne is mine. And when that time comes... well..."

"You would start a war just to stay away from the power you were born for?"

"I already have my power. I work for Arceus, always will."

"But you're the Prince."

"So- shit not now..." Sam's eyes went wide and clouded over.

The chef just shook his head then pulled a knife to start peeling a carrot. Sam gasped and looked around frantically as his eyes reverted to normal.

"Only me. So?"

"I got to go. This one I have to interfere with, I was told to." Sam jumped away from the table and looked back briefly. "Thanks for the oats. The outside world doesn't have such exotic foods."

"That is because it comes from a land where no Pokèmon live. Go on, do your thing. I need to go back to cooking."

"Does the Master require us to bathe him?" A young, perhaps adolescent, Ralts spoke up for a group of servants all of them female.

"No! No, I just wish for a private moment." Jason had covered himself under the water of the large garden tub. "You are dismissed."

"As you wish, Master Jason." The girls bowed respectfully then retreat from wherever they had come from.

"Finally... no wonder Sam left this place, these people even want to breathe for you."

Jason relaxed himself and stretched out. The hot water, heated to one hundred-eight degrees Fahrenheit soothed him and melted the stress out of him. In what space he had, he let the water float him. He had woken up right after Sam had shut the door to his room. The silence was starting to return the call of slumber upon him when Jason heard the clack of claws on the stone floor.


No response.

"Fine," He sighed. "Who is it?"

"Guess who?" The voice chuckled behind Jason's head making him jump.

"Arceus?! What's going on?"

"You are about to go into the next phase of your transformation. Do not be mad with your fellow Blades, they are only protecting the innocent. And be prepared for pain. For that I am sorry, but for your body to house the power that I am slowly awakening in you, the body must change harshly. Oh, don't forget to wash behind your ears, you will never know what you may find there." Arceus chuckled then vanished in a cloud of vapor.

Jason took the washcloth and scrubbed behind his ears, an amulet fell onto his shoulder. It glowed lightly on its own with power.

"Funny... Well then, I guess my private moment is officially done... guess it's true: A Hero never rests even when the job is done."

After Jason had gotten out and dressed, he wandered down to the main hall and sat on a bench while looking over the amulet. The glowing jewel in the center looked to be a Fire stone yet it held the essence of Water in its center. He opened up the golden chain and lifted it over his head.

"Well, here goes nothing."

(someone's a peepingtom aint he ;) )