Spyro's In Love

Story by Yiff Dragon on SoFurry

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#1 of The legend of Spyro: Cynder’s love

Chapter 1

Chapter 2 will come soon...

This series is based off of "the legend of spyro a new beginning."

The story, series starts right after the end of the game...

PLEASE. leave comments. Enjoy

Spyro's In Love

A month has passed since spyro stopped Cynder from bringing back the dark master and broke her from his control. Not much has changed. Spyro has continued his training with Ignitus and the other dragon elders. He's still his kind, caring self.

And Sparx, well... he's still annoying, like always.

But the biggest change around the dragon temple is Cynder.

Ever since Spyro rescued her and brought her back with him, she's been very quiet and keeps to herself. Almost gloomy, she doesn't like to talk but she sometimes trains alongside spyro. But no matter what she's doing, or when spyro sees her she always seems so sad. everyone knew that was to be expected. Because she had grown up under the dark master's control all here life. She Even commanded an army. so they couldn't blame her...

Plus she was always the same age as Spyro but because of the dark master's control over her she had grown to adult size much more quickly. And now that she was free she had returned to the same size as Spyro.

Not only that but the elders seemed to be acting weird, And Spyro would sometimes hear them mutter things like.

"Could she be the one?"- "spyro's not alone" and "when will they find out?"

He had no idea what any of that meant. But it wasn't until a week after he had brought cynder back did he start to realize just what was going on. He woke up when the heard someone's rasped voice.

He sat up and walked quietly walked over to the large wood door leading into the main room. Being careful so not to wake Sparx.

He pressed the side of his head to the door to try and hear but he couldn't. Not wanting to burst thought into the room, he looked around. Then he saw a small sliver of light up in the top-right corner of the room. When he flew up to it he saw that it was a crack in the wall. So he grabbed the bottom of it and pulled himself up. There he could just see Ignitus, Volteer, Cyril and Terrador all gathered around a small crackling fire. There he could hear their conversation, Cyril started...

"Ignitus do you really think that cynder is the one?"

"Absolutely" he responded

Just then Volteer jumped in.

"But how could that be? It's..."

He was cut off but Terrador. "I agree with Ignitus, it explains everything. They are the dragons that the prophecy told of. We need to tell them."

"No, we cant their both far too young!" Volteer yelled

Spyro didn't have the slightest clue about what they were talking about. But just then he lost his footing and tumbled to the ground.

"What was that?" he heard one of the elders say form the other room.

He quickly jumped to his feet, ran to his bed and laid down just as the door opened behind him. He heard.

"No it couldn't have been, Spyro and Sparx are out cold."

He herd the door shut. But he still laid there wondering what they were talking about... what was this new part of the prophecy and why was cynder and himself so important?

As he thought about cynder that sensation returned. He grew frustrated. why did he feel that way whenever Cynder entered his mind? But he shook it off and went to sleep.

Now, a couple of weeks after that night Spyro woke up to the sound of someone crying. It didn't take a genius to figure out who it was.... Cynder. He was worried about her, she was his friend. And he wanted to do everything he could to comfort her.

But lately for some reason it became harder and harder to talk to her. Even if he just saw her. His head became heavy, his stomach churned, he would lose his balance. But he would get the most irritating sensation at his tail base, it was a burning pain. He had no idea what it was or what was happing to him all the time. So most nights he had to lay there and as he heard his friend suffer.

But that night cinder lay there in her light sleep enduring yet another nightmare.

It was the night it would all begin...


She remembered everyone that she had killed and all the lives she ruined along with the pure pleasure she got from watching people suffer. And She hated herself for it. She dreamed she was back on the roof of her lair. And she was her former adult form again. But it was as if she had no control of her body she looked down and there was Ignitus, the other elders and Spyro laying there. Blood covered all of them Ignitus was not breathing. And spyro's were slow and needy. She just looked in horror, she wanted to help them but she couldn't move and for some reason she began to laugh...

Did she think it was funny to see her only friends in pain!!! Just then Spyro's eyes opened and he slowly lifted his head up. She could see the terror is his eyes. She started to lift her claw up and aimed it right at spyro's neck.

"NO!" she thought

Spyro spoke in a weak voice

"Please cynder... don-don't... do this..."

She didn't want to but something was controlling her every movement.

She drew back her lethal claw, over her head.

"Spyro... I'm sorry..."

Then with amazing speed she hurled her claw towards spyro's neck. It came closer and closer. It was inches from sinking into spyro's flesh. Then just as it entered his skin.

She woke...

Screaming, she sat up gasping for air. She sat in a puddle of sweat, and looked around. Then when she realized it was all just a dream she began crying. Spyro woke from the sound, he heard.

"Why!?! Why!?! Do I get these awful nightmares?"

She couldn't take it anymore, what if she really did that... kill the only family she ever had. She wouldn't let that happen.

The decision was made. She walked over to the wall on the other side of the room.

Spyro got up and walked thought the door of his room silently, he saw her claw something into the wall and walk out to the balcony of the tempal.

When she left the room Spyro went to the wall to see what she wrote. It was a simple two word note.

"I'm Sorry"

At first he didn't know what it meant but then it struck him... where was she going???

Spyro ran out the door and onto the balcony. There he could see a small dot out in the sky flaying away. Fearing for her safety he decided to follow. He took off after her.

It was very early morning and the sun hadn't come up yet.

He stayed back about fifty yards trailing behind her.

He was worried that she might look back and see him but she never did.

They flew for about thirty minuets. Past Dante's Freezer and tall plains. Until Cynder finally came to her old fortress. She landed at the foot of her large black tower and looked up at it. She let out a sad sigh and began to cry. She took off again up to the top of it.

Spyro landed on a large hill to the side of the building that was almost as tall as the tower itself so he could get a good view.

Once cynder landed on the top of the tower she just sat and looked up at the dark clouds that still loomed overhead. She noticed that they grew darker when she arrived, meaning that the evil still brooded inside her. She thought about what she was about to do. Finally she moved

Spyro just looked as she ran full speed towards the edge of the tower and leapt off it expecting her to glide down but she didn't... she was dropping like a rock.

"What is she doing?!?"

He noticed she folded her wings agents her body and she wasn't screaming. Then the thought hit him...

Was she trying to kill herself?!?

Without thinking at all spyro took off like a jet towards the falling dragon, as she continued to plummet getting closer and closer to the ground. He didn't even think about what would happen if he didn't reach her in time.

She was about 25 feet from the ground he knew he had to reach her. he flew faster than he thought was possible. The ground came closer.


He yelled at the top of his lungs. She looked at him, they both were about seven feet from the ground when spyro caught her. He gabbed her in his arms and quickly rolled around so he was under her. he spred him wings out to try and slow them both down but. They hit the ground and skidded a few feet before coming to a stop. Cynder looked down at the purple dragon.

"S-Spyro how did you..."

She was cut off by a very angry Spyro.

"What were you thinking!!!? Were you trying to get yourself killed???"

She just looked at the ground

Spyro took that as a yes.

"So you were, trying to kill yourself."

"Oh what do you care!?!"

Cynder screamed, tears running down her cheeks

"With everything I've done... I deserve to die."

She got off of Spyro. Spyro jumped up ignoring the pain on his back which was scraped badly.

"SHUT UP!!! You never did any of those terrible things that were the dark master's control over you!!!"


Cynder started again

"Cynder how could you even think of such a thing?!? What about all of us... we care about you, Ignitus, sparx

He paused...

"And what about me... I can't let anything happen to you."

Cynder just looked at him


Spyro didn't even know why he said that. Why did he feel like he had to protect her. Then it hit him, everything fell into place. The meeting the elders had, why he couldn't talk to her, the feeling between his legs, all of it.....

He was in love.

Spyro tried to push the thought away and dismiss it. But that was the only answer he could come up with.


She walked closer to him. Spyro's brain roared and repeated

"Tell her!!!" over and over again.

Then without another thought he got up on his hind legs and put his arms around her and whispered.

"Because... I-I love you Cynder..."

Cynder's eyes widened she was silent in his arms, she began to move. Spyro expected her to push him off but she didn't, instead she retuned the hug, she held him tightly.

"You, you love me?"

Spyro bit his lower lip in frustration, he didn't know to say.


Just then Cynder felt warmth at her tail-base very similar to what Spyro felt before. what she felt... she knew it was love too.



"I love you too."

He didn't expect this at all.... He was speechless.

Just then they both were hit with a signal, and before there minds could react their bodies acted on their own.

They broke the hug and looked into the other's eyes.

Cynder just starred into Spyro's bright hansome purple eyes.

Then without warning they kissed deeply. As they just went deeper and deeper into that kiss Spyro felt that raging inferno between his legs. He still didn't know what it meant.

They stayed there for about thirty minuets. Spyro was overcome with the sweet taste of her mouth.

He couldn't believe that the same dragon that had tried to kill him,

(Many times) was the same dragon he was kissing now. Back then the mere sight of her was enough to fill his heart with rage. But now she was the only thing that mattered to him.

Cynder's wings started to get very heavy and her head became light. She closed her eyes and fell to her side, Spyro caught her. She had fainted and Spyro wasn't surprised. She must have been exhausted. She groaned uneasily. Spyro caressed her sleeping face. It was amazing how soft her pitch black scales were.

"Don't worry, I'll be right here." He whispered to her.

He gently picked her up and placed her small frame on his back vertically so her head rested right between his horns. She was the exact same size as Spyro, but his wings lifted them both with out any trouble. He took off and headed back to the Dragon temple.

All the while she laid there in a peaceful sleep...

For once she had pleasant dreams.

Spyro wondered what would happen now.

But he wouldn't have to wonder for long...

To Be Continued...