Rocking the Boat (General Gay)

Story by LionStories on SoFurry

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Two friends went on a boating trip together, which was something that both were looking forward to for a really long time. Instead of fishing at the lake, they rented a mid-sized boat and let it drift around the substantial body of water. Channing and Ivan decided to go boating during pleasant weather conditions, which allowed them to sit comfortably while basking in plentiful amounts of sun that gave their fur a warm glow feeling. Channing, an attractive tan-colored bull, stretched his arms and yawned as he let his eyes wander around the environment, admiring the scenery. His right, golden earring glistened in the sun. He removed his t-shirt and walked around the boat. Ivan, a dashing red wolf, wanted nothing more than to spend some time with his friend alone. Actually, he wanted to be more than just friends with Channing, but the wolf didn't know how to communicate his desires with him.

Ivan, who is gay, developed an attraction for Channing. The bovine had been single for a few years, and showed no clear interest in females. Ivan decided to take the risk and confront Channing about escalating their relationship to a romance. Prior to making that decision, Channing made plans for going boating on the lake.

Being in close proximity with Ivan made Channing feel at ease. He took the wheel of the board and steered it around unoccupied corners of the lake. Channing looked at Ivan a few times as soon as he moved his boat away from the other boats. The further he was from activity and civilization, the more comfortable he was. He felt the wind brush against his face as he accelerated the boat's speed. He chuckled as he felt some water splash around his shoulders. He turned to Ivan and asked him in an excited, gruff voice, "Isn't this fun?"

Ivan smiled, took a deep breath, and exhaled, "Oh yeah."

The boat motor sputtered, wheezed, and hummed before it went completely silent. Channing ran over to the opposite end of the boat to check out the motor.

"What happened?" asked Ivan.

"Hell if I know. I'm checking it out now."

"We can always paddle back to the docks," Ivan suggested.

"I don't think I brought any oars along."

"That's a problem." Ivan scratched his head. "Maybe something got caught in it, or -- I don't know. Just a guess."

"Doubt it, but you never know, right?"

Appearing irritated that the motor had stopped, Channing looked around and didn't see any obvious defect. He could feel his heart beating quickly out of desperation. The motor's propeller was stuck. He cursed at himself and flopped on a seat nearby. He looked down at the floor, and surrounded himself with the sounds of the water sloshing against the boat and birds chirping. Ivan, who wasn't as concerned as Channing, stretched his arms and grumbled. "I can't talk about this now," thought Ivan. "Shit!"

"No idea, huh?" asked Ivan.

"No idea," replied Channing, defeated.

"For now, we should probably just sit and relax. We don't often go boating like this." Ivan tried to be upbeat about the situation.

"That's true, I guess."

Ivan walked up to Channing and sat beside him. The wolf couldn't help but look down and admire the bull's crotch. There was much to look at. Channing's pants supplied a rough outline of his shaft, which hung across his right leg. Ivan resisted the temptation to rub Channing there by biting on his lip. Ivan's eyes wandered up to the next best thing: Channing's bare, muscular chest. "Wouldn't it be fun to just pinch Channing's nipples? That might get him going," Ivan considered. "Or better yet, just grind my chest against his, and let him know that I mean business." As Ivan toyed with the possibilities, he felt his pants getting tighter. He was getting aroused. His shaft slithered out of his sheath uncontrollably like a virgin at the very first hint of sexual excitement.

Sitting next to Ivan, Channing felt his friend's muscles stiffen. He wondered what was happening to Ivan, but he kept thinking about the motor. Still, he had this lingering feeling that something was about to happen between him and Ivan. He could just feel it. He couldn't ignore it. He couldn't continue to be angry because they were in the middle of nowhere, after all. It was just right. Channing had his own impulses as well. He looked at Ivan a few times and smiled. He enjoyed being close to Ivan. The closeness went beyond the male bonding experience. He could feel Ivan's warm, intimate breath pressing against the side of his face. He could smell the wolf's masculine, rich scent, which kept him on the edge of his seat. There was undeniable sexual tension that neither of them could no longer suppress for the sake of each other.

"Forget about the motor. We got time," said Ivan with a subtle nod.

"Why not?"

Ivan unbuckled Channing's belt, pulled down the bull's pants, and fingered around his underwear. He pulled down Channing's briefs enough to get a good hold on his shaft, which -- to his surprise -- was already hard. Channing moved his hands up to his chest, and let Ivan work. Ivan was eager to please, and took Channing's cock into his maw. Ivan jerked his head back and forth, making sure he covered the entire length of his friend's shaft. He tightened his lips around the cock, and tickled its underside with his playful tongue. Channing smiled and said nothing as Ivan aggressively sucked him off. Ivan took his paws, and pushed against Channing's chest, thereby using his entire body to suck. Channing moaned louder and louder. He moaned, "Oh yeah. That's it. That's... damn... oh fuck!"

Channing pulled away from Ivan's maw, and he wanted to return the favor. The horny bull tugged down Ivan's pants. Ivan was panting with excitement. He wagged his tail furiously in anticipation. When Channing came across his hard, red shaft, Ivan grinned and watched his friend take in his cock. Ivan felt his body warm up extremely fast. He took off his shirt, and threw it on the ground. Channing ran his fingers around Ivan's sac, and rubbed them up and down very slowly. Channing was experienced. He took in the entire length without hesitation, and even pulled Ivan's cock. He played with it. This got Ivan sweating profusely. When he looked down at Channing, who was coincidentally looking up at him, Ivan felt his cock throbbing like he was about to cum. "Too soon! Too soon!" he thought. He quickly looked up at the sky and closed his eyes as he relished in the feeling of having his dick sucked.

The two males found themselves in the heat of passion without any sense of direction, and they didn't care in the slightest. They ended up naked on the floor of the boat, rocking it with their large bodies. Ivan wrapped his legs around Channing's waist as his tailhole was being pounded by the bull. Ivan continued looking up as he rubbed his balls with both of his paws. Ivan bit down on his lip every time he felt the bull's cock push harder into his small, puckered hole. Channing placed his hands down on the ground while thrusting into Ivan. Channing sat on his knees and gyrated his hips seductively. The bull's humping slowed down at times in order to savor the moment. Channing had tremendous endurance that surpassed Ivan's expectations and then some. Channing slowed down even more, but this time he grabbed onto his cock to make sure that it was going straight into Ivan's prostate. Once he was fully inside, Channing held onto Ivan's rear and started humping him furiously, which caused the wolf's very sore rump to wiggle from the intense pressure being applied to it. Ivan shouted to Channing, "Harder! Harder! Harder!"

Channing responded by muttering, "I wanted to do this for a long time, you little slutty faggot!"

The bull pulled off, and stroked himself angrily. He was approaching his climax very quickly, and he could feel his balls aching, waiting ever so patiently to cum. He grabbed onto his dick and rubbed it hastily until four large bursts of his seed sprayed all over Ivan's tailhole. Ivan reacted to the cum on his back by letting out a breath-taking gasp. It felt so warm and sticky on his back side, and it was soaking into his fur. He felt so used and abused like a "slut," which was a word that reminded him of how submissive he truly was. He masturbated as Channing was still oozing cum from the tip of his shaft. Finally, Ivan let a stream of soapy seed spill all over himself. He looked at Channing and smiled victoriously. Channing rolled to the side of the boat and tried to catch his breath.

"I... stopped the motor," the bull confessed.

"You did what?!"

"Yeah, I stopped it."

Ivan's tone suddenly changed. "You're kidding me, right?"

"Nope. I was gonna fuck you whether you wanted it or not. As it turns out, you wanted it as badly as I did."

"So, where do we go from here?" asked Ivan. "That was pretty intense!"

"Tomorrow... tomorrow sounds good."

Channing got the motor going while Ivan cleaned up. Both of them were tired, but in the end, it was a long and eventful day filled with surprises -- no pun intended. They put on their clothes shortly before arriving at the docks. It was sunset, and the sun had set over the lake. The stars were already out by six. The orange and yellow hues in the sky faded into a mysterious, but soothing shades of purple and blue. As their boat was docked and rocking gently in the water, they locked lips and kissed passionately under the stars. The evening ended with a song on Channing's boat radio by 1960s soul legend Otis Redding, called "Sitting on the Dock of the Bay."

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