Sweet Meats

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"Chicken." Tyler said to his friend Jacob, as be began to strip off his Cub Scout uniform. The badger squirmed as he watched his friend. Jacob looked up to the moon shinning above their heads, it was a crystal clear night, he could see for miles with the moons light. It was getting near full, but it'd be another day or two before it reached its peak. He saw the stars twinkling next to it, it was like nothing he'd ever seen in the city. He scooted closer to the edge, his ears ringing from the sound of cascading water, he looked down following the path of the waterfall to the pool underneath. Its inky black waters seeming to eat everything it touched. The moon reflected in the water's surface, casting what looked like a staring eye back at the badger peering down at it. Jacob shivered, "Dude, I don't think we oughta." The bear boy rolled his eyes as he stripped out of his krypto the super dog underwear, revleaing himself to his friend. "Fine chicken, but when we get back to the cabin I'm telling everybody how much of a scaredy pants you are!"   Jacob's fists clenched at that comment, "I'm not a scaredy pants!" Tyler shurged, "Whatever you say man..." Jacob scowled, and before the polar bear knew what was going on he was shredding his clothes and running towards the edge of the falls. He threw off his underwear just as he leapt over the edge, Tyler giggling and chasing after him. Jacob felt the warm summer air rushing through his fur as it blasted over his bare body. It felt so good falling like that, like he was weightless, like nothing in the world was holding him back. As he rushed closer to the water, he put his legs out straight, and slammed into the water. Bubbles swirled around him as he felt himself meet with the water, and it surround him, taking him into its depth. He began to kick and swim to the surface as he felt the water tremble and he saw Tyler hit the water next to him. He swam for the surface, throwing his head back, and taking a deep breath as he broke the surface. He stayed their panting for a sec as Tyler followed him. "That was awesome!" The badger boy yelled at the top of his lungs.   The bear panted a bit, "I know!" Jacob shook his head, sending water droplets sloshing around them both, most of them landing on Tyler who vainly tried to protect himself with his paws. He looked at his friend, grinning from ear to ear, like only a badger can, "Let's do it again!" He shouted. The bear held up a paw, and he began to sniff the air. He turned his head and saw a dim light jingling in the distance, coming down the path that led down to the pound. He quickly looked around, and saw a group of large rocks near the opposite shore that they could easily get to. "Someone's comin', follow me, and keep quite." He whispered as they swam over to the rocks and hid behind them. From their dark perch safely hidden behind them they began to watch the stranger as he made his way into the cave. It was an older wolverine, he had on a brown leather brer bear hat that obscured his eyes, and he was carrying a pole over his shoulder that had an old lantern strapped to it, that cascaded candle light all around him. He was wearing an old leather trench coat that covered his bulky frame, and kept most of his body from view.   The two naked cubs watched as the wolverine walked down the path, and made his way to the water fall. He jumped up onto a large rock next to it, and slipped behind the water, his light slowly fading, and disappearing as he made his way into the bowls of the falls. The two looked at each other and then the falls, "That was weird..." Jacob said first. "Yeah totally." Tyler added. He stood up, and began walking around the rocky edges of the pond making his way toward the waterfall. "What are you doing?" Jacob whispered. "I'm going to check it out," Tyler said as he looked back over his shoulder, and smirked, "Unless your to scared..." The badger growled softly, and furrowed his brow as he began to follow his friend. The two followed the path the wolverine took, and were soon behind the falls. There was a small cave behind the water that snaked back behind it, the two began to silently slink farther into the cave, their bare paws making hardly a sound. As they sunk in the cave the damp wet smell soon was replaced with a warm smell of a fire and something cooking, like a stew. As they went deeper, the moonlight was replaced with the dim glow of a fire in the distance. Jacob squirmed, he didn't want to be here, something was off about this place, every fiber of his being was telling him to run, but then Tyler would be right, and he'd really be a chicken. And he couldn't have that. Tyler on the other hand looked at it with a scene of wonder, it was as if he didn't feel like there was anything that could go wrong. They just headed deeper and deeper until they came to the wolverines Den. The walls were covered with various furs and leathers, there was a large fire flickering in the middle with a large stew pot above it. There was a small kitchen table, and a bed piled with furs. The smell from the pot was almost intoxicating it was the best thing either of them had smelled in two weeks, it was haven compared to camp food. Tyler moved closer stepping into the light of the fire that filled the large opening that was the wolverines den. Jacob clung to the shadows, keeping his distance from the light. "Tyler," he worriedly whispered, "Don't go in there, that guy could be back any second."   Tyler rolled his eyes, and walked over to the pot. He looked at the stew brewing inside of it, and he grabbed the ladle, and began to stir. He saw the brown liquid swirl with color as the veggies moved around inside, bumping against the large chunks of meat in contained. He picked up the ladle and brought the stew up for a testing sniff, before he gave it a testing slurp. He mmm'd as the blissful broth ran over his tongue. "Dude!" he happily shouted, "You gotta try this!" "Yeah "dude" you should try some, I got enough for everyone." Said a low grumblely voice. Jacob almost jumped from his skin as he felt a strong paw grasp his shoulder, and start ushering him inside. "Well, well, well, looks like I have some unexpected dinner guest. Why don't you two sit and stay a while." The way the wolverine said his invitation, it was obvious they couldn't turn it down. Jacob gulped as he was ushered towards the small table, he looked at it, it was mostly a thick block of wood, and there were a lot of strange cuts in its surface. He sat down in one of the three chairs surrounding it. "Wow thanks mister!" Tyler said happily as he walked shamelessly over to the table. Jacob on the other hand had his paws covering his crotch, and there was a blush slowly creeping across his fast, showing through the white streaks on his muzzle. "This is gonna be awesome compared to that junk they serve at camp."   The older wolverine chuckled, and he took off his hat showing his blue tender eyes and the scare that ran down the left side of his face. "Well your very welcome, cub." He slipped off his coat showing that he was completely nude just like the two of them were. This only helped to fuel Jacob's uneasiness, he couldn't help but take a quick glance at the wolverine's thick strong body, and the fat cock and set of balls that swung between his legs, they had to easily be 3 times the size of Jacob's. The large creature grabbed three bowls, and he poured them each a large helping of stew. He set the bowls down on the table, and sat to join the boys. "Sorry I don't really have much use for silverware, so you're going to sort of dig in." The boy's nodded, and Tyler was the first to pick up his bowl and with the table manners of a ravenous monster began to dig into his stew. Jacob on the other hand, stared down at his bowl, unsure if he wanted to really eat it what this wolverine was giving him. "So what are your names?"   Tyler barely looked up from his food as he spit out his name. "I'm Jacob." The young badger said softly, his paws still clutching his lap, cursing his stubby tail. "Well it's nice to meet you both," the wolverine said with a soft smile as he picked up his bowl and started to nurse on the broth. "So Jacob, don't like my soup?" Jacob shook his head, "No... it's just my mom always said not to take anything from strangers." Jeff laughed, "Well you're not a stranger to me. You're Jacob. Do you really think I'd let a stranger into my home?" The wolverine's soft disposition made the badger question everything his mother had said... he figured one bowl wouldn't hurt. He brought the bowl up to his lips, and gave it a sip. His eyes grew wide as the euphoric taste rolled across his tongue; it was everything Tyler had said, and more. Jacob followed Tyler's example and began to devourer his meal, as Jeff seemed content to sit back and watch the two as they ate his food. Tyler was the first to ask for seconds, and before either of them knew it they were on their fourth and fifth bowl. The two naked cubs hunched down in their chairs, content smiles on their faces. Tyler rubbed his swollen belly, all of the wonderful ingredients filling him to the brim, Jeff's wonderful food keeping him relaxed. "Wow..." he said softly, having to force the words from his mouth, past all of the food filling him. "That was wonderful mister Jeff,"   The big wolverine laughed, and began to gather up their plates and bowls. "You're welcome, but don't call me mister sunny, call me Papa-bone, or just Papa. That's what most everybody calls me these days." Tyler nodded, "Okay Papa," he said smiling, "So... can me and Jacob come back tomorrow night for another good supper like that?" Jeff shook his head from side to side, "I would love to have you both back... but sadly the was the last of my food, and I think it's going to be a while before I can get anything else quite that good." The bear cub sat up in his chair, his face growing with sorrow as he heard the older males words, "But... can't you just go to the store and buy some more?" The wolverine sat down on his bed, and leaned back, spreading his legs, and giving both the boys a view of his fat balls that lead against the fur covering his mattress. His fat dick laid limply along the side of his balls, easily six inches long, and as thick around as a Silver dollar. And that was just when it was soft. He sighed softly, and shook his head no. "Sorry sonny, its..." he paused for a moment to gather his thoughts. "Not that easy to get the secret ingredient that makes my food so special. I have to make it myself or it doesn't taste right."   Both boys watched him, and Jacob cocked his head to the side and asked, "What's the special ingredient?" The wolverine just smiled, "Fear..." he said as he cock gave a soft twitch. "I have to make the meat fear me or it doesn't taste right. When someone gets scared, their head starts pumping chemicals into their body that makes them taste better than anything you've ever eaten before." "How do you make a cow afraid of you? Aren't they too stupid to be scared of you, they just stand around on 4 legs all day eatin' and mooin' at each other." Tyler asked, his brain trying to put the pieces of this strange puzzle together. "You're right," Jeff said, "That's why I don't use some stupid cow... I use something that can understand what I'm doing to him. Something that can feel every hit, punch, kick, thrust, and understand just what he's about to become." The wolverine licked his lips, "That lost hiker was more afraid then he ever had been in his whole life, and I bet you boy's could taste it in every bite of that stew you just ate."   Jacob felt himself getting sick as Jeff's words really sunk in. They just ate someone, a living thinking, breathing being. Not some mindless animal. It was wrong, and even he was old enough to know that was something someone just never did. Jacob started to panic, but Tyler remained as calm as ever. The bear just looked at the creature before him "So who and what was it that we just eat!?" The wolverine pointed at the white and black spotted fur stretched out on a rack near his wall. "Dalmatian, I watched him walk around in circles for days before I finally approached him. I tell you what, he was happy as an otter finding a clam when he saw me... not so much when I had him tied up back here, and he was begging for me to stop. Mmm he's the best dog I've eaten in a while... he lasted a long while to, but sadly that was the last of him. It looks like I'm going to have to find someone new to replace my food stocks." Tyler watched between the large monster's legs, he saw that that dick had already grown at the memory of the dog he'd had here before them, it'd easily grown to eight inches, and thickened with its length.   "Isn't there a way you could get another hiker for us to eat?" The bear boy asked. "Tyler!" Jacob snapped back, unable to believe the words that were pouring from his friends muzzle. "You can't be for real, this isn't some stupid pretend game... he eats people! What's to say he won't eat us?" The wolverine laughed, "Well I promise you I won't do that, I'm not desperate enough. Jacob, you're my guests. I invited you into my home, I wouldn't be much of a host if I eat my dinner guest, now would I?" Jacob slumped back in his seat, his stomach was still churring from the realization of who he'd just eaten washed over him. "I guess not..." he whispered. Tyler squirmed in his chair; he could smell Jeff's musk slowly filling up the room, filling his nostrils with a musky scent he'd never smelled before, it was making him feel funny. "So... Is there any way you could get another one?" The older male shook his head, "Sadly no, not anytime soon anyway." He licked his lips, "You know it's too bad I can't eat you two, you have no idea how good young meat like you guys tastes. It's some of the sweetest meat that will ever past through your lips, it's even better when you tenderize it a bit, and make sure it's nice and afraid before you... harvest it."   The insides of Jacob's ears flushed red as he blushed... it was strange being thought of meat like that. In the meanwhile Jacob's face to one of unease, he had some many conflicting emotions about the ordeal. The meal had tasted so wonderful, so fantastic. But he still couldn't get over the fact it was a who, and not a what. "What if we could bring you a cub like us?" Tyler calmly asked. The old wolverine cocked his eyebrow, and grinned at the idea, showing off his large sharp teeth. "That would be great, but how would you get him out here without anyone knowing?" Jacob's head snapped to his friend, and his mouth hung open with shock as he listen to what he said neck. "There's this kid named Donny, he's always trying to hang out with us and stuff, but he's like such a dweeb that we always just blow off... but I bet if we told him we wanted him to hang out with us, he'd do whatever we wanted." He paused for a second, and shifted uncomfortably in his seat, his red cheeks and ears were showing how he felt uncomfortable talking about this. "If we do this... could you show us how to make him up right... so we could do it by ourselves one day?"   Jeff licked his lips, "I love that idea boy!" He sad happily as he looked down between the naked bear's legs, noticing the throbbing pecker pressing into the underside of the boy's belly. "Looks like you like it to," he said with a laugh as he reached forward, and gave the boy's hard little prick a little flick. Making the boy shiver. "Okay it's a deal, meet me back here tomorrow night, and I'll have everything set up and ready to go... all you two have to do is bring the meat."

After the two boys left the cave, and gathered their clothes they began to discuss what had just happened. Jacob was hesitant about tricking Donny like that, but after a lot of begging, and pleading he finally said yes, and the two put the plan into monition. They talked to Donny, and told him that they'd been so wrong about him being a dweeb, and how they wanted to be his friends. This over joyed the little Roo, he was always sort of an outcast being the only one of his species for miles around, he was so happy to have new friends. But they told him there was a catch, he had to pass a test if he wanted to really be their friend. They told him to meet them at the falls after lights out, he quickly agreed, and that's where we find all three of them.   Donny looked over the edge of the waterfall, as the other two boys began to strip off their Cub Scout uniforms. "All I have to do is jump once?" He asked, a bit of hesitation in his voice. "Yeah," Tyler said right away. "We've both done it too, 'em I right, Jacob?" The badger nodded, as he stripped off his underwear and threw it on into the pile with the rest of his clothes and Tyler's. He looked over at the chubby little black bear, and the bear's pecker told him that he was already excited for tonight. "Okay boys, let's do this!" Without another word, Tyler ran towards the edge of the falls, and leapt off. Jacob followed suite, and as they both surfaced they stared up at the kangaroo still wearing his captain Roo underpants. He looked down over the edge, "Do you guys promise to be my best friends forever?" He shouted down. Tyler rolled his eyes, "Yes, ya pansy. Now jump already! Before we take back our offer." The Roo disappeared behind the precipices of the waterfall, and after a few moments, they saw a dusty yellow Roo rump falling from the sky, and smacking into the water. Tyler cheered as the kangaroo broke the surface of the water, "Woohoo! You did it man, you passed the test!" The bear looked over to Jacob, "Ready to show him our secret hang out?"   The badger gave a soft forced smile, and did his best to fake his enthusiasm. "Yeah man." He replied. The three of them swam to shore, and headed to the rocks that lead behind the falls. They showed Donny the way, and once inside he was awe struck just like the other two had been the night before. They took him deeper and deeper into the cave following the same path they'd taken before, the whole time the little Roo beamed with a joy that could have blinded a thousand sons. He finally had some true friends, he was finally going to have someone to hang out with, and be his pal. Play video games with, watch movies, play silly bored games, and most of all have a group that actually cared for him. As they walked into the wolverine's den, there was already a fire burning brightly in the middle of the room, and the table was set for three. The kangaroo whistled as he looked around the room, "Wow how did you guys do all this?" "They might have had a little help." Said a deep grumbely voice from behind them. Donny spun around to see where the voice was coming from, stepping from the shadows from behind the two boys was the large figure of a wolverine, he was completely naked, except for the flappy leather hat that covered his eyes in a dark shadow. He lunched forward with the speed of a cheetah slamming into the fat roo boy with all his might, bringing him down to the ground with a mighty thud. Donny struggled under the man's power, he kicked, clawed, and pushed, but he was no match for the full grown adult that had easily three times his own weight. Jeff flipped the naked kangaroo onto his stomach, and began to bind his arms behind his back. Next he moved to the kangaroo's thighs, he grabbed the cub's dick, and pulled it back before he started to wrap the rope around his things, locking his dick in place. He set the roo up on his knees, and pushed his face into the floor, making his face grind against the fur of one of the wolverines victims. "Tyler!" The Roo shouted as he looked over at his two new so called friends. Tyler was watching with almost transfixed eyes, taking in everything the wolverine was doing, while Jacob did everything he could to look away. The badger's eyes stared down at the floor, as he crossed his arms. It was almost as if he was trying to block out the world around him. The wolverine grabbed the kangaroo's thick tail and he wrapped rope around the base of his tail and tied it to the roo's wrists. He took a second length of rope, wrapped it around the tip of the roo's tail, before tying it to his wrists. He took a step back, and smiled at his handy work, "Step one: always make sure your meat is secure before moving on with anything else. Now sometimes you may need to gag them depending on where you are, but no one can hear us down here. That boy can scream and scream all he wants, but ain't on one coming for him."   The Roo struggled against his bonds, but he knew it was no use. Tears began forming in the corners of his eyes, "Is this part of the test guys? What's going on?" He said as he started to panic. "Okay time for step two, tenderization." He licked his lips as he ushered both boy's over to Donny. "I'm going to let you both prep him before I do the really hard stuff. He got down on his knees in front of the boys. He reached out and started to fondle both of their packages, "I don't know how much you boy's know about sex... So I'm going to give you the basics. First thing that needs to happen is these little peckers of yours need to get hard." Tyler didn't take much more encouragement then merely having his dick played with, Jacob needed a little more motivation. Jeff had to give his balls little squeezes, and give the tip of his dick a little suckle before both of them were raging hard. "So basically find a hole, and slip your dick inside until you know when to stop, and trust me you'll know." Jeff led Jacob over to the roo's muzzle, and grabbed Donny's head. "Your gonna get your first blow job son, and this little sluts gonna give it to you." He took his thumb and tried to force open the sobbing kangaroo's muzzle, after a while he hit him as hard in the head as he could with his free fist, making Donny scream out in pain. He glared down at the roo, "Now play nice, and suck on this boy's badger dick like a good little cum bucket. And if he feel's any teeth, or you try anything funny, I'll tear out your teeth one by one, and feed them back to you, got it." The roo just sobbed in the wolverine's paws, not giving a response. Jeff slammed the kids head against the hard floor, making him cry out in pain, and blood start to drizzle from his maw. "I asked you if you had it."   The roo nodded the best as he could, "Good meat." Jeff cooed. He walked away, and Donny stared up at Jacob, his eyes pleading. It was taking all the badger's strength not to break down crying then and there, he grabbed the kangaroo's head, and pressed the head of his dick to Donny's lips. "I'm sorry..." he whispered before he thrust his dick inside. The wolverine crouched behind Tyler, one strong paw on his shoulder, and his muzzle next to his ear. "I'm giving you a special treat young one," he whispered into the little bear's ear. He reached around, and wrapped his fat fingers around the little bear's shaft. "I'm letting you pop this sweet little roo's butt cherry." Jeff grabbed a bowl filled with rendered fat that he'd gathered from the creatures that he'd lured here, and now lined his very cave. He grabbed the roo's pudgy rump and spread his cheeks apart revealing the sweet little pucker that lay between them, and he smeared on a thick layer of lard before he did the same to Tyler's cubby dick. He guided him forward until the head of the bear's dick connected with the roo's anal virgin hole. Jeff gave the bear's ear a little nibble, before he whispered, "Now just thrust forward."   The bear did as he was told, moaning as his virgin pecker sunk into that warm tight hole. He moaned as he felt those tight muscles squeeze down on his cock as they tried to force him out. He groaned as he fought to keep his dick inside, "Feel that boy? All virgins feel like that when you take their cherry, it's like someone's squeezin' down on your dick and they won't let go unless someone cuts off the arms their hands attached to. Now just start to rock your hips back and forth, and let nature take over." "I do Papa... it feels so good, it's so warm and tight. Its making me feel all tingly inside." The bear moaned as he began to rock his hips back and forth, letting his dick slide in and out of the puckered hole, the speed and intensity of his thrusts increasing the more he got the hang of it, and he built up momentum. "Fast learner, you're turning out to be such a good boy." He whispered as he began to kiss and nuzzle the little black bear's neck making him giggle. The wolverine's weathered paws began to dance over the cub's boy eventually finding their way to his rump; he took it into his paws and gave it a hard squeeze, before nibbling his way up to one of the bear's stubby ears. "You know, it feels just as good to have something wiggling up inside of your rump, as it is to have that pecker of yours inside of someone." He said as he gave the spot between the bear's ears a gentle kiss. "Let me show you." The bear took one of his lard covered fingers and ran it along the back up the little cub's sac, over his taint, and finally finding the hole that the boy's rounded cheeks kept hidden away. He softly bit down on, and nibble the little black bear's neck as his finger thrust inside of the cub's fuzzy hole, making the boy gasp for air as a strange new sensation tried to write new neural pathways in his brain.   The little bear squirmed as he felt that finger find its way deeper and deeper inside of him, until it hit that little pleasure button that made his whole world explode into fireworks around him. He grabbed onto that roo's hot little ass and pounded his way in, he threw his head back and let out his best roar. Jeff chuckled, it'd be a few years before it sounded more intimidating. The little roo began to sob as Jacob thrusted away into his muzzle, his own instincts replacing his feelings on the subject. Tyler felt something hard, and warm slide between his thrusting thick thighs. He felt the underside of his balls just gently tease across the top of Jeff's shaft, sending tickles that ran up his spine, and made him giggle a little. "Can you feel his fear growing boy? Can you feel it making that tight little hole of his spasm around your dick?" He nodded, and closed his eyes, enjoying the new found sensations both Jeff and Donny were giving him. It all felt so wonderful. Jeff looked over at Jacob, his eyes were closed tight, and he was biting down on his lower lip as he fucked the Kangaroo's face. Donny was still sobbing. He would choke and gag as the badger's dick rammed down the back of his sore throat, only adding to his torment. Jeff watched as Jacob pulled out, and with a moan his hot spunk shot across the roo's face, giving him white streaks, almost like the badger himself.   It wasn't too long after that, that Jeff felt Tyler's insides start to churn around his finger, and he saw those little black orbs start to pull up. He saw the bear's thrusts grow erratic, and he felt his tail hole clamp down on his finger. The bear thrusted forward, and he began to pump his first load into the sweet little roo's ass. He collapsed forward onto the roo, and laid there panting for a few moments before Jeff leaned down, and kissed Tyler between his ears. "That's enough practice for one day, let me show you how it's really done." Jacob and Tyler moved to the side as they let the wolverine work. He grabbed the kangaroo by the head, and slammed his face against the hard floor, "You gotta make sure the meat knows he's going to die. If you give him any hope what so ever, that defiance can taint the flavor." Jeff took his throbbing fat dick, and pressed it to the roo's bear cream filled pucker, "then you gotta make sure his rump roast is nice and tenderized." He thrust forward, his thick member impaling the broken kangaroo making him scream out in pain. The bear pressed the roo's face into the floor as he began to pound away at the roo, making bear cum and blood trickle down over his balls and onto the floor. "You gotta make sure you get nice and deep in him to."   The roo's teary eyes, and bloodied face stared at his two so called friends, "Guys..." he said with a wheeze. "Please help me... stop him." Jacob felt more sickened with every passing moment, he didn't want to be doing this, but the thought of how the roo would taste after kept him going. While Tyler watched closely, he kept moving closer to get a better view of what the wolverine was doing. He had an almost macabre fascination with the whole thing. Jeff grunted, as he gave another hard thrust into the roo's ass, "Now you gotta tenderize him some more." Jeff punched as hard as he could into the smaller kangaroo's side, making him cough up blood across the floor. "Please..." he cried. "Stop it... it hurts." His pleas fell on deaf ears as the wolverine continued his assault sending punches and hits all over the boy's body. "Mommy," he cried. Calling on the thing all cubs do when their terrified. Jeff laughed above the kangaroo, "Your mommy ain't coming for you boy, nothing can save you now." The kangaroo's cries and sobs filled the cavern until finally the wolverine grabbed onto kangaroo's ears and lifted him back, stretching out his neck. "Tyler!" He barked.   "Yes Papa?" he asked quickly. The wolverine grabbed a knife from next to the fire, and handed it to the bear boy, "He's ready, harvest him, take the knife and slit his throat." Tyler looked down at the knife, and up at the wolverine. His face beamed with excitement, he'd been given a great honor in his eyes- a nightmare in Jacob's. Tyler walked up to the kangaroo, and pressed the blade to his throat, he looked into his eyes as he sliced the blade across, a cascade of blood following his blade. Tears ran down the kangaroo's cheeks as he tried to scream for help, but all that came out was a gurgling sound. "That a boy!" the wolverine said with a wide toothy grin. Jeff let out a deep pleasure filled growl as he felt the roo's insides clamp down tighter down tighter on his cock then anything had in a long time, and with a groan of satisfaction he pumped his dick up inside of that roo's ass. With one powerful thrust the wolverine's dick coated the roo's insides with his pent up load. Just as he was pulling out, and his cum dribbled out of the roo's abused hole, the cub let out one final breath, and his light faded from the world forever. Jeff dropped the roo's carcass onto the ground, the blood slowly trickling to a stop from his neck as he bled out on the floor. Jeff grabbed the knife from Tyler, and went about prepping the roo. "Now pay attention boys I'm only going to show you this once."   The wolverine finished cutting off the roo's head, setting it to the side, his face was locked into a state of agony as his tongue lolled from his muzzle. He untied the roo, letting his body go limp on the floor. He grabbed the carcass's boy bits in his paw, and sliced around them off, before tossing them next to his severed head. He ran his blade up from the cut he just made, to the base of the roo's rib cage. He reached inside and began to gut the roo's body, pulling out his organs, and letting them spill to the floor. He began to strip the roo's flesh from his body, peeling it back, to reveal the red fatty meat that laid just beneath the surface. When he reached a foot or hand, he'd simply chop it off so he could take the skin in one big smooth piece. He took the knife, and cut around the anal star minutes ago contained his cock. He made a slice from that taboo place along the underside of the roo's tail, and peeled it off like it was nothing more than a banana skin. When he was finished with the front, he flipped the roo over, and tore the rest of the skin off of the former roo's body. He folded it up, and placed it next to the roo's head.   The two boys looked at the former roo, he looked so different from what he did a few hours ago. He was nothing but meat now. Something for them to eat, and forget about. Nothing more than a burger from McNasty. Jeff stood up, and wiped the blood and fur covered blade on his calf. "Jacob, go grab that long silvery pole leaning against the wall behind you." The badger turned around, and sure enough behind him was a 9 foot long stainless steel pole, it had a sharp pointed tip, that seemed to sparkle in the fire light. The badger boy had a hard time with it, hanging to drag it over to the older wolverine. Jeff chuckled, and when Jacob got close he walked over to him. Jeff took a hold of the pole, and made his way over to the roo. He placed the tip of the pole to where the roo's tailhole had once been, and he slid it through with ease, taking it through his chest, smashing it through what was left of the roo's windpipe, and out of his severed neck. He tied the roo's arms above where his neck used to be, and tided his legs and tail to the back of the pole. He rolled the roo onto his back.   He stood up, and grabbed the bowls of stuffing and veggies he'd prepared earlier. He took fistfuls of chopped onions, peppers, potatoes, and some mystery meat, that smelled strangely like sausage. When he was finished, he pulled the flaps of meat that once made up Donny's belly together, and sowed them shut. He grabbed the pole on either side of the boy's body, he placed the pole on the spits support brackets that were hammered into the stone floor . He walked back to one of the darker parts of the cave, and came out carrying a car battery and an electric motor. He attached a small gear to the flat end of the pole, and ran a bike chain from the gear to the motor. He hooked the motor up to the battery, and with a spark the rig came to life, turning the roo's body over the open fire. Jeff stood up, and grabbed a sheet of tin foil. He took the roo's cock and cut away his sheath, and fished the boy's nuts from their pouch, before he tossed the extra fur onto of the pile with the rest. He rinsed off the boy's bits, and placed them in the tin foil along with some seasoning and some extra veggies. He wrapped the boy's bits up tight, and placed packet on the outer rim of the fire to cook. He turned his attention to the boys, Tyler was still stroking his little pecker, and Jacob had his knees pulled up to his chest, and his head was resting upon them. The badgers eyes had a strange combination of regret and existent to them. "Well this has a few more hours before it's ready, what do you say we all go clean up in the pound?"   The boy's agreed, and after Jeff had gathered some supplies they followed the wolverine to the mouth of the cave. They slipped down to the pound over the rocks, and into the warm summer water. The blood, cum, and gore washed off of them as the water did its magic. Jacob made his way over to the shallow end, and used a wash cloth to scrub off the blood spatter from his fur. Even after he looked clean, he kept scrubbing, this whole night had made him feel so dirty. Jeff had taken residence on a rock that stuck just above the water, "Hey Tyler." He said softly. "Mind helping me wash off? I'm offley tried after getting dinner ready, and a helping paw would be so nice right about now." Tyler smiled, "Sure Papa." Jeff smiled, he loved the fact the boy had taken to calling him that so quickly. The cub grabbed a wash cloth and some soap and made his way over to the badger. He climbed up onto the flat rock next to the wolverine. He dipped the cloth in the water and got it all soapy and wet before he started to scrub the blood and gore from his fur. The white parts turned a foamy pink as he scrubbed, and the wolverine growled in pleasure as he felt those smaller paws work their way over his body. He felt them run up his thick arms, down his sides, over his flabby pecs, and finally over his belly working lower and lower as the insides of the bear's ears turned redder and redder. The wolverine chuckled as he saw this, that bear was just too cute. He reached down and grabbed the bear's cloth, and guided it to his crotch where his pole was already gearing up for a second go of the night.   The cub panted for air as he felt his fingers wrap around the slippery flesh, and began to stroke up and down along the Jeff's pole. The wolverine chuckled, and reached with both of his paws, and cupped the bear's cheeks. He squeezed down on those little buns before he pulled up, letting the boy rest against his slippery belly, the bear's cock rubbing against his fur, as the wolverines thick man hood sprang up between the boy's legs. He took four of his fingers, two from each paw, and slid them inside of the bear's still slick tailhole. Thankfully the grease didn't come off in the water that easily. He ground his cock between the boy's legs, letting his fuzzy little boy balls rub against the length of his dick. The boy moaned as the wolverine made him feel things he never imagined possible as he thrust his dick against Jeff's furry stomach. "Oh Papa," he moaned. "I wish I could stay here forever." The wolverine nuzzled the top of the boy's head, "Me to cub however much I'd like you to stay, having two predators in a house at once is usually a bad idea. Now if..." the wolverine paused and shook his head softly, "Nah never mind there's no way."   The bear's ears perked up, and he looked up at the wolverine with excitement. "No, what?" "Well... if you wernt a predator... and you were pray that would be different." The bear's eyes grew wide, "You mean..." he gulped. "You wanna eat me?" The wolverine licked his licks, and moved his fingers deeper making the boy moan. "Not right away, I'd spend a while fattening you up, getting you made into the perfect roast. I'd wait until your whole body was as fat as a pigs, with a nice round rump, soft chest, and legs and arms I could sink my teeth into." He slide on paw from the little bear's rump, and scratched under the cub's chin. "Oh course... there's one other thing I'm going to have to do. You're of that age when your meat starts to grow tough and stringy... and I'm going to have to do something to make sure you stay tender and sweet as I get you ready to eat." He gently pushed Tyler forward, and ran his paw down his pudgy belly to the orbs between his legs. "I'm going to have to take this away, and turn you from a boy to a steer."   "But... isn't there some other way? I like being a boy." The wolverine shook his head, "Sorry Tyler, it's the only way. If you want to stay with me its something you'd have to do." He nibbled on one of the bear's stubby ears as he whispered, "But if you decide you want to stay, I'll make sure you and your friend are very happy with me. You'll always have food in your belly, and I'll make sure to treat you like a good little steer and do the things a bull should do for his calves." He gave the cub's throbbing prick a few strokes before he kissed his head, and whispered, "just think about it." Tyler nodded, and they went about washing each other off. The wolverines body exploring every part of the bear's anatomy before, they all headed back inside. The hour's pasted the small cave filled with the smell of wonderfully cooking meat. Every now and then the smell would intensify when Jeff would baste the roo's meat with his sweet marinade that he made to compliment the boy's tender flesh. The whole cave was filled with the sound of cooking meat and sizzling grease, the cave only seemed to amplify every crack, and every simmer. As the hours passed Jacob noticed the his friend and Jeff grow ever more intimate, it started with stroking, then cuddling, and now the wolverine was freely stroking the little bear off in front of the badger. It was making him so uncomfortable. After a while Jeff stood up and checked the meat, he took a fork and pressed it into the flesh pulling out a larger brown chunk and tasting it. He smiled, and looked at the boys, "He's done."   The wolverine spread a large white cloth over his kitchen table, and he grabbed a pair of oven mitts. He pulled the roo from the fire, placed him on the table, and removed the pole from his body. The wolverine shifted the boy onto his back, and sliced down his stitches letting the wonderful smells from within the boy's body escape making all the meat eaters' mouths water with anticipation. The wolverine grabbed the tin foil pouch he'd taken off the fire hours before hand, and he placed it on the table. He opened it up, and opened it up, the smells swirled with the one's already present only adding to the intoxicating aroma. He beckoned both the boy's over, and he had them stand in front of him. "Now I'm going to give you boy's the best part, but you're going to have to share." The wolverine lifted up the roo's dick, and he held it out in front of him, the head facing Tyler and the severed base facing Jacob. "Now each of your take an end and work your way to the middle." Tyler was the first to latch on, sucking on the tip moaning as he tasted the flavor. Jeff laughed, and ruffled the cub's head fur, "Looks like you were made to do that, sonny." Jacob was the second to latch on before the wolverine let go. Both boys started to nibbled their way closer and closer to the middle of the roo's dick until their lips met, and Jeff's paws came down behind both of their heads pressing them together. "Now kiss."   Jacob's eyes widened with fear. He hadn't signed up for this. Tyler on the other hand grabbed a hold of the badger's waist, and pulled Jeff into him. He shifted the head to the side, and kissed the other boy. Jacob fought at first but soon melted into his friends, their lips smacking, still covered in the sweet taste of roo dick. The boy's shafts rubbed together as one boy thrusted against the other. They stayed like this for a while before Jeff pulled them apart, "How ever much I would love to watch you boy's go on, our foods going to get cold." Both boy's agreed and the three of them made their way over to the table. Jeff was the first to do anything, he crawled up onto the table, and sank his teeth into the boy's thigh, pulling his head back, and ripping a large chunk of cooked flesh from the roo meats bone. Grease drizzled down his chin as he chewed up the mouthful of meat, and swallowed. The boy's both followed suit, Jacob went for an arm, and Tyler went for a leg. As they feasted Tyler and Jeff kept working closer and closer to each other, Jacob could tell the meal had them both excited considering the throbbing erections between both of their legs. They moaned as the pair descended on the roo's ass that both of them had partaken in. it was just like the wolverine had promised, their treatment had made their meal so tender and soft. Jacob watched as the wolverine took Tyler and pinned him on his back on the table, he watched as Jeff lifted up the bears little legs, and pressed his knees against his chest. He ran his paw over the meat, gathering grease in his paw before smearing it over his throbbing hard cock, and thrusting inside of the boy's virgin hole. Jeff reached down grabbed one of Donny's former legs, and ripped it from the sockets. He held the leg between him and Tyler for them to eat as he pounded inside of the boy's little cub hole.   Before long the excitement of the night got to Tyler, and his little dick spasmed and shot across his belly, making his tight little hole clamp down on Jeff's dick. With a roar the wolverine thrust inside of the boy's little rump, and sprayed it with his cream. Jacob eventually subcame to the wolverines advances as well as his belly grew full and he didn't feel like putting up a fight to stop him, their sex filled meal soon grinned to a steady stop, until all three of the grease and sweat covered meat eaters were collapsed onto a pile on the table. Jacob was sucking away on Jeff's limp grease and cum covered dick, and the wolverine had his tongue buried in the little bruins ass, fishing out every drop of cum the boy had trapped inside. The wolverine slide his tongue from the cub, and took little nibbles on the bear's low hanging black sac. "So did you decide, Tyler?" Tyler giggled, and looked back at Jeff, "Yeah about half way through..." he blushed brightly as he smiled at the wolverine. "I want to stay."   Jacob coughed around the wolverine's dick as he pulled it out as quickly as he could. "What do you mean stay?" He asked shocked. "We gotta get back or they'll come looking for us, and what am I supposed to tell the camp when you don't show back up." Tyler shrugged, "I don't know... but I know I can't go back. I don't wanna, I like it here too much." Jacob's heart fell into the bottom of his chest, he wasn't going to stay here, but he couldn't leave his best friend behind. "You cant! I wont let you, I'll tell them where you guys are, and they'll come and get you and throw him in jail where all the monsters like him belong." The wolverine's eyes grew with a darkness neither of the boy's had seen before. "Tyler, do you trust me?" The wolverine asked with a sharp growl in his voice. The little bear nodded, "yes." "Good, then don't try and stop me." Jeff reached out and grabbed Jacob, pulling him into a head lock, he wrapped his legs around the boy's waist, and started to squeeze. Jacob struggled against the wolverine, kicking, and clawing. Doing anything to escape the monster's grasp, but before long he felt himself relaxing in the wolverine's arms, and drifting to sleep.   "What did you do to him?" Tyler asked in a panic. "Just put him to sleep, he'll be fine. But I think he hasn't gotten used to the idea of staying with us yet... so were going to have to do something to make sure he doesn't ever try and run away..."

Jacob caught glimpses and voices every now and then, but it all seemed to blur and fade together, he was lost in some strange darkness and he didn't know the way out. One day he felt himself starting to rise from his sleep, he felt sore, and cold. He reached up to rub the sleep from his eyes, but for some reason his paw wouldn't reach his face. When he opened his eyes, and looked down at his body he stared in shock. His arms and legs had been removed, they were nothing but stumps now, his nipples had been pierced and the connected with chains to a piercing through the head of his dick. His sheath had been cut away, and his balls had a tight metallic ring around their neck. His eyes widened and he tried to scream, but nothing came out. He felt his heart start to race, as he yelled and yelled, but only the sound of wind came from his throat. That's when he noticed something else... he ran his tongue along the inside of his muzzle, and to his horror none of his teeth remanded.   Jacob eyes darted around the cave, and that's when his eyes landed on Jeff and Tyler. Jeff was sitting on the edge of his bed holding Tyler in his arms. The bear was riding up and down along the wolverine's dick. His arms and legs were still intact, but he seemed pudgier then the last time he saw the bear. Tyler had the same nipple piercing and chains, that lead down to his sheathless cock... but he had the distinct absence of his balls. The pair growled as the wolverine's face scrunched up and he gave one hard thrust into the bear, filling his ass with seed for the thousandth time. Tyler panted as his eyes moved over to his old friend. His face beamed with glee, "He's awake!" Tyler shouted happily as he struggled to get off the wolverine's softening dick and over to his friend. He slid down on his knees, and hugged the badger tightly. "I was so worried about you, but your okay just like Papa said." Jacob had so many questions but it was impossible for him to form the words. "Oh yeah sorry but Papa had to tweak your vocal cords, those first few days after your first surgery you screamed and screamed, and we couldn't get any sleep so he had to fix it."   The wolverine walked over to the badger, and smiled down at him, his limp dick still twitching and covered with his cum. "Well now that he's awake we can do the last thing to him, are you ready?" he asked Tyler as he smiled down at him. "Yes Papa, I've been dreaming of it." "Good," the wolverine grabbed the badger's toothless muzzle and forced it open, shoving his dick inside. "Mmm this feels fantastic, it's too bad you can't get your boy dick up anymore, I'm sure you would love this." The little bear blushed as his new Papa made fun of him late that, but he had to admit he liked it. He bent down between his friends legs, and took his white pouch into his muzzle. He nuzzled the underside of the badger's sheathless dick, before he took a deep breath in, and chomped down with all his might. The badger's eyes shot wide open as a new singe of pain shot through his body making tears form in the corner of his eyes. The bear sat up, his friends orbs tightly packed in his cheeks. He smiled as he reached in his muzzle, and pulled out the badger's skin leaving his boy hood inside. He moved the badger's nuts over his muzzle, and chomped down. The badger twitched as he heard his balls destroyed forever as the fowl taste of the wolverine's dick danced across his tongue. Tears started to pool down his cheeks as he began to think of all that he'd lost because of what that'd done to Donny.   Jeff looked down at the boy and smiled, "Look, he's so happy he's crying!" He chuckled and looked over at Tyler, "So how'd they taste?" Tyler swallowed the badger's nuts, and smiled, "Just like chicken!"  

Doctor Klump

Dr. Klump spun an invitation in his hands, it was red, trimmed with gold, and had golden lettering that scrawled his name across the front. The old rhino sighed softly to himself, and took off his small round-frameless glasses to rub his eyes; those...

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