Subject Nine Ch. 1.5

Story by rinnir on SoFurry

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I'm going to start writing brief interludes between each chapter. These interludes will have extra story to them and might give the story more sense.

Ch 1.5

A male coyote was sitting in an overstuffed chair. The room was dim, lit only by one lamp on a cherry wood desk. The little light that did shine put the room in a gloomy atmosphere. The coyote was sitting up listening to the static over a radio. After a minute a voice crackled over the radio.

"Subject Nine has escaped." A female's voice came out over the radio. She was speaking calmly as if nothing had happened.

"And? Has he been apprehended again?" The males voice had a worried tone to it.

"No sir. But we are looking into how he escaped. We may have a clue as to Subject Three's whereabouts also." The coyote's breathing was rapid as more bad news was relayed to him.

"Did she have a hand in his escape?" He asked, already knowing the answer.

"Yes, sir. We are commencing a city wide search and putting up blockades at the exits to the city."

"Not necessary. They've already left the city by now. Plus, it will only cause suspicion among the people. Subject Nine is top priority, Subject Three is of little concern as of now, so let her be." The radio was silent for what seemed like minutes.

"Y-yes sir." The voice sounded unsure over the radio but it mattered not to the coyote. So long as they followed his orders they all would be safe.

Subject Nine Ch. 2

Ch. 2 My name is Jed. I am a tiger with dark gray fur with white stripes. For two years I have known freedom. I plan to live free much longer than most people ever would. My power, as I've come to realize, is much more than absorption and...

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Subject Nine Ch.1

Subject Nine Ch.1 I have been transferred from one prison to another. Maximum lockdown is all I've ever known. They put me to sleep whenever I get transferred. I've never known sunlight or the smell of outside air. In truth no on but...

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