The Woodland Visitor Ch 15: Happiness

Story by Duvalio Profaneth on SoFurry

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#16 of The Woodland Visitor

The Woodland Visitor Ch 15:


It was about two hours later when I returned to the house. One of the things he told me was that he liked it here and was wondering if I could talk to Brenah about staying. I walked in pondering what he said when I noticed Sienna wasn't in the living room.

I finally found her putting Natasha into her crib. Looking up and seeing me she placed her finger to her lips and quietly left the bedroom with me in tow. When we reached the living room she pushed me down on the couch and curled up at my side pulling my arm down around her.

"Dinners probably cold by now." She said.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to be gone that long."

"It's Ok, Tamanae told me some interesting things after you left. I was in shock when I heard her."

Holding her tight I asked, "Let me guess, she has fallen in love with someone."


"She wants him to dump the girl he's currently seeing and move in with her." I added.

"Yes, she does."

"So what did you tell her?" I asked.

"She asked me how I knew I was in love with you. I told her about how I felt when I left your house and everything I felt until I gave you the cane."

We both looked at the wall where I had a plaque made upon which the cane rested. It was a testament of Sienna's love for me. Hugging her tighter I smiled down at her.

"So, what did she say?"

Looking up at me she smiled and replied, "She said she felt the same way."

"Good for her." I said with a smile.

Leaning down, I kissed her then pulled her up as I stood up. Slowly we walked to the bedroom and curled up holding each other as we soon fell asleep.

The next morning, after having only been woken up once by a hungry baby we crawled out of bed and began what would be a very long day for us.

As Sienna Fed Natasha, I decided that I needed to get out of the room before I was drooling so I took a bath. When I was done and dressed, I took Natasha and entertained her while Sienna got ready.

Holding Natasha in one arm and with my other arm around Sienna's waist we went down to the market to meet up with Tamanae. Everyone stopped us and wanted to see the baby and both of us were only too happy to show her off.

A five minute walk turned out to be forty-five minutes by the time we actually arrived at the market. Walking around it took us another five minutes to find Tamanae looking at some dresses. Handing Sienna the baby, I walked up behind her and wrapped my arms around her waist.

"Hey gorgeous, what brings a hot wolf like you to a place like this?" I whispered into her ear.

She reached back with one hand and placed it on the side of my face while the other hand reached back and gripped my ass, pulling me in closer. "I'm looking for a new sex slave, wanna apply for the job?" she said turning around and wrapping her arms around me.

"I'm sorry but you will have to talk to my mistress about that." I replied with a grin.

Sienna stepped up and as she pointed to the ground beside her she said, "Get over here slave. I told you to greet her not jump her."

I walked over and knelt down beside her, hanging my head. "I'm sorry mistress but she's so soft and she's got a body that just makes me wanna..."

"That's enough slave." She said cutting me off. "If you don't behave, I'm gonna take you home and spank you for being bad."

Glancing up at Tamanae I grinned as I said, "Do you promise Mistress?"

Tamanae stepped over and ran her finger under my chin sending a shiver down my spine. "On second thought I don't think you'll do. I think I need to look further. For someone a bit more... my type."

Steve had walked up behind her and heard the conversation. Going to his knees like I was he asked, "May I apply for the job mistress?"

Tamanae jumped when he spoke and turned around to find him on his knees behind her. A stunned look crossed her face when she realized what he was doing. Everyone started laughing as we got to our feet. I put my arm around Sienna while Steve put his arm around her and we continued on to see Brenah.

* * *

We stood in front of Brenah's office. My mind drifted back to the first time I came here. Although I was told that I was welcome in the town I was still nervous so I could sympathize with Steve. After all this would be a huge step for him, moving away from everything he knows to settle here.

Sienna and I both agreed that if he wanted to stay... No I mean since he really wanted to stay that we would do everything we could to help him, just like we did with Diane and Duvole till the got used to being here.

Walking inside I saw Ariana setting behind the desk writing something in a book. Without looking up she asked, "May I help you."

"That depends on what time you get off work and how soon you can be in my bed."

She jerked her head up quickly getting ready to say something nasty but stopped quickly upon recognizing me. "Well it depends on if you think you could keep up with me."

Sienna smiled, "No... it depends on if he thinks he can keep up with 'us'." My eyes showed surprise as I turned to face Sienna. "You don't think your going to exclude me from the fun do you?"

The shock passed quickly and I reached up stroking my chin appearing to be in deep thought. "hmmm... that could be interesting. Venison and Zebra, my two favorite foods."

Tamanae slid her arms around my waist. "How about adding a little wolf to the mix?"

"Alright, now you're trying to kill me. No one alive could handle that kind of fun." I said with a grin.

Sienna began rubbing her paw over my chest lightly. "What's the matter? Not feeling up to the task?"

Trying to hide the erection that was forming, I began to stutter, "Well... umm..." Then suddenly I began to smile. "If you're going to lay a feast like that out in front of me, then I have no choice but to partake in the delicacies."

Everyone laughed at me as I wrapped my arms around Sienna. When Ariana was again in control of herself she wiped her eyes and looked up at me. "So what brings you here you bald little monkey?"

"You weren't saying that the other night when I had you screaming in ecstasy." I said with a smile.

"Don't you wish..."

"A guy can dream, can't he?"

Sienna hit me on the arm. "We're here to see my father. Is he free?"

"As it happens, I am free for a little bit."

Everyone turned to see Brenah leaning against the wall with a big grin on his face. "To what do I owe this pleasure... or is it business?"

"You could say its business that could lead to someone's pleasure." I replied as I watched Steve slightly blush.

"Well then, let's go down to my office and talk, shall we?"

We followed Brenah down to his office and I motioned for Steve and Tamanae to take the chairs in front of the desk while Sienna sat on the couch against the wall.

"So what's up?"

"Well you see sir, I'm corrupting your citizens again." I replied.

"No again, isn't changing our whole social order enough?"

"Hell no sir, I haven't created utter chaos yet."

"How have you corrupted my citizens?"

Placing my hand on Steve's shoulder I replied, "Well you see sir, I have another friend who would like to stay here."

Brenah stood up and slowly walked around his desk to stand in front of Tamanae. Reaching down he took her hands and drew her up to stand in front of him. "Let me guess. You're the one that he corrupted."

Tamanae looked down and in a soft voice replied, "Yes"

Lifting her chin he looked into her eyes. "You found the one that you've been searching for?"

Looking down at Steve she took his hand in hers. "Yes I have." She said with a smile.

Brenah hugged her and whispered. "Congratulations. I knew you would find him sooner or later." Releasing her he looked from one to the other. "So, have you set a date yet?"

Steve stood up and calmed himself. This was the part that he dreaded. They didn't set a date yet and he wondered if that would cause a problem. He wanted to live with her but they were too cautious to assume it would last. Taking a deep breath he steadied himself.

"We haven't set a date yet." Looking to Tamanae for support he felt her squeeze his hand. "We want to make sure that we're truly in love before we do."

"That's the most sensible thing to do." He said looking at the two of them. Then focusing his gaze on Tamanae he continued. "You know you mean as much to me as my daughter, And I will stand behind any decision you make." He placed his hand on the side of her face. "When your parents died, I promised them that I would look after you. You've become another daughter to me. I was... I can't lie, I was ecstatic when Sienna finally convinced me that she loved Tom and he proved he loved her. I can honestly say that I now feel the same for you."

He looked over to Steve and reached over to clasp his hand. "If you want to stay and she want's you to stay, I will not stand in your way. Just remember, I'm the closest thing she has to a father and... I love her like she's my daughter. Just keep that in mind and I'll be happy."

"I will sir." Steve replied.

"Oh... there's only one thing I'm going to say and I expect you to follow it to the letter. You are not to call me sir."

Tamanae wrapped her arms around Brenah's neck and just kept repeating "Thank you." Until he pried her arms off. "So now, what do you say we go celebrate your happiness. Lunch's on me."

Sienna walked over to her father and handed him his granddaughter.

Cradling Natasha in his arms he ushered us out of the office and down to the reception desk. "Arianna, did you have lunch yet?"

"Not yet, I was going to go in a couple of minutes."

Looking down at his sleeping granddaughter he smiled, "Get your things. I'm taking everyone to lunch."

"That's not necessary."

"I said I'm taking everyone out to lunch and I will not take no for an answer." He quietly said as he gently ran his finger along Natasha's cheek. When Arianna was ready he turned to hand Natasha back to us and was surprised when Sienna shook her head no, and motioned for him to lead the way. With a huge grin on his face he led everyone out of the office.

* * *

It was much later that evening when Sienna plopped down on our couch. I smiled and sat down beside her being careful not to wake Natasha who was sleeping soundly in my arms. When Sienna leaned against me and put her head on my shoulder I couldn't help but lean down and kiss her.

"I think daddy was happy with his granddaughter."

"I think so too. It was smart of you to suggest bringing her along. He got to spend the afternoon with her. I think you really made his day." I said.

"Tamanae and Steve were definitely happy. They couldn't wait to get out of there. What do you think their doing right now?"

"Let me put it this way. When you're fully recovered, I'll show you."

"Mmmm... I can't wait." She said as she leaned up to lick my cheek and lightly nibble my ear a little.

I was just beginning to enjoy her nibbling when I felt Natasha squirm in my arms. We looked down and watched as she gave a big yawn and then looked around. Settling her eyes on us she cooed and then started licking her lips.

"We had our dinner, now I guess she wants hers." Siena said giggling.

A minute later I looked up as Sienna reached for Natasha. My breath caught in my throat as my eyes settled upon Sienna. She had removed her shirt and stood there naked from the waist up. I was mesmerized and could only watch as she took Natasha over to her chair and proceeded to breastfeed her.

I must have been staring because I was jolted out of my thoughts when Sienna finally got my attention by calling my name several times.

"You know you'll get your turn later. Just leave some for your daughter."

Standing up I walked into the kitchen and got a glass of water. Sitting down at the table I slowly sipped it and thought about what just happened.

~What did just happen? That actually turned me on. But why? It's not like I have a fetish about it. I've seen other women doing it. Why does it turn me on so much when Sienna does it? She doesn't mean anything sexual by it. It's just how she feeds our daughter. So why is it so erotic? Why do I just want to grab her and throw her on the bed and...~ My imagination started running wild with pictures of what it would be like to be doing what my daughter is right now.

I sat there with my head in my hands pondering why I would have them thoughts when Sienna came up behind me.

"What's wrong?" she asked as she placed her paw upon my shoulder.

I jumped when I felt her paw. "What?"

"What's wrong? You left so fast."

I looked down at the floor. "I'm sorry, I don't know what I was thinking."

Pulling a chair over she sat down beside me and turned my head so I was looking right at her. "Let me guess. What I was doing turned you on."

I pulled my head back and again looking down I nodded.

"You've never been turned on by that before have you?"

I shook my head.

"Why does it bother you?"

"It's not right." I softly said.

"I don't see why it's not right. Hell, knowing it affected you like that turned me on. I wanted to jump you right there."

I slowly looked up at her. "It did?" I asked.

She rubbed her hand down over my crotch and with a sexy smile said, "More than you know."

It was only then that I noticed that she was still topless. Leaning down I kissed her softly and felt her hand slowly unzip my pants.

"But what about..."

"She's asleep, it's just us now."

She leaned forward and again kissed me. Then she moved down kissing my neck several times before backing up and turning my chair sideways. Reaching down she finished unfastening my pants and reached inside. Grasping my hard dick she pulled it out and lightly stroked it.

With an evil grin on her face she leaned forward and pushed her tits right in my face. My eyes opened wide as I felt her rub her nipple across my lips. A shudder went through my body as her warm milk slowly coated them. I hesitantly ran my tongue around my lips tasting her milk for the first time.

When she saw me do that she again pushed her nipple against my lips, giving a slight gasp as I hesitantly took her nipple into my mouth and started to suck on it.

I could taste the milk as it slowly leaked from her nipple and without even knowing what I was doing, increased the suction.

Sienna was moaning and with one hand she was rubbing my throbbing cock and holding my head to her tit with the other.

My brain basically shut down as I felt her milk trickle over my tongue and down my throat. My hands slid up and gripped the fur on her sides as she continued to moan to my actions.

A few minutes later Sienna pried my lips off her breast and waved her finger in front of my face. "You don't want to over eat or you'll get a belly ache." She said with a grin. "Besides it's my dinner time now."

Slowly she slid down until she was setting on the floor in front of me. Looking up with a mischievous grin she slowly pulled my pants off and tossed them aside. Looking down I watched as her tongue cleaned up the pre that had slowly seeped out during my feeding. Then she slid her mouth over the end, engulfing most of my cock before she came back up.

With one hand holding the base of my cock she slid her mouth up and down its length as she ran her tongue across it with each stroke.

Catching movement I looked further down and saw that she had somehow removed her pants and was slowly sliding her finger across her slit. My dick hardened more as I watched her close her eyes and moan around my cock as she slowly fingered herself.

Opening her eyes she looked up at me and with a smile she bobbed her head faster. I could feel the tell tale tingling begin to grow. "Oh god, I'm close." I moaned opening my eyes and looking down again. Her fingers were rubbing her clit vigorously as her body began to shudder.

That's all it took for me. I felt spurt after spurt of cum empty into her mouth. Even with Sienna shuddering in climax she still managed to swallow every drop I had to offer. As we came down from our respective climaxes I felt her slowly stand up.

"Need to wash up."

Grabbing her arm I pulled her to me and took the fingers she used on herself and slowly licked each one clean. I could feel her tremble each time my tongue touched one of her pads.

Standing up we went to the bathroom where she washed her paws and putting her arm around my waist led me to the bedroom.

"Still think that your thoughts were wrong?"

Pulling her tighter to me I just smiled thinking that milk does do a body good...