The end to Tails of fate

Story by Fangor Lycra on SoFurry

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#12 of Tails of Fate

Tails of Fate: The End

Disclaimer: I am sorry to all of my readers, who have been waiting for an end to this story for 4 years now. I have gone over many endings in my mind and just never had the motivation to finish the story. After reading some motivational stories, I finally decided to finish it. The ending was inspired by one of Stephen king's books, and as you know, he never has happy endings. So without further ado, I give you the ending to a long overdue ending.


I lifted my muzzle into the air, feeling the warmth of the sun beating down on my fur, warming my body and muzzle. Deep inside of my mind I knew that whatever was going to happen next, everything would be different. The wind rustled through my fur, making my ears slowly sway in the wind while it blew. I was enjoying the last few parts of happiness before the battle began.

Slowly I lowered my muzzle flat, and still ignoring my arch enemy in front of me I look over to my mate; My one true love. She was looking back at me, when our eyes met we stayed like that for what seemed like minutes, but in reality it was only a few seconds. Only when Richmanta said anything did I turn my attention away from my mate and look at the black fox.

"Stop daydreaming and let's get this done already." He said with a growl.

He got into a fighting stance, crouched low to the ground, his hatred and dark expression looked menacing, however I was contempt and ready for whatever fate would befall me.

"I am ready."

As I was saying this Richmanta lunged at me, his claws sharp and shining in the sunlight, while he had a big grin, showing his sharp fangs. I lunged forward as well, and soon the both of us were clawing at each other's bodies and trying to bite each other.

There was no need for magic, which was the coward's way; this fight was done hand to hand. Both of us were getting badly beaten, blood trickling down various wounds that have opened up. I was in the middle of an attack when something in Richmantas eyes made me falter, which gave him the perfect opportunity to strike.

What I felt next was pain like I have never felt before, even when I was transformed into this kitsune form. My paws instinctively went down to my stomach after Richmantas paw came away. Triumph was lit up in his eyes, my paws becoming bright red as I tried to stop my stomachs contents from falling onto the ground.

I was dying, I knew it and if I had looked at my mate right then and there, I would have seen the utter terror in her eyes, as she watched her mate dying. However none of that mattered to him, because he was looking into his eyes once again. Tony moved his paws away from his stomach and placed them onto Richmantas shoulders.

"You have won... however there is something you should know. I haven't seen it before but there is still good left in you... brother..." Tony said through labored breathing. His guts now spilling onto the ground, and his life being taken away, but still, none of that mattered.

With Tony's last words Richmanta's eyes widened not believing him. However Tony's eyes flashed and images went through Richmanta's mind.


Many years ago before Richmanta or Tony were born, 9 months prior to be exact, A couple lost in passion were in bed, a male black fox on the back of a human female. He was thrusting roughly into her sex, moaning and grunting sounds escaping the mouth and muzzles of the two lovers... beads of sweat trickled down off of their bodies as their passion built up high and higher.

"Oh God YESSSS! The male yelled out and he rammed her harder and hard.

The female hung her head down in pleasure, her peak getting closer and closer "Fuck me love! Oh yes, I don't know what has gotten into you tonight, but this is the best sex we have ever had!" She yelled out in extacy.

The male continued to pound in and out of her more and more, finally thrusting inside of her one more time before hilting his shaft inside of her, His hot sticky seed pouring inside her womb, filling her like never before.

She screamed out in her own eternal bliss, as she hit her own peak. Her pussy clamped down hard around the kitsunes shaft; which spasmed around it as she had an orgasm herself, coaxing all of the seed out of his shaft.

9 months later

"Push! I can start to see the head popping out!" The male exclaimed all excited as he says his son emerging from the tight confines of his wife, her face was red and sweating profusely from the exertions of pushing. The male moved his hand into hers, and she squeezed hard enough to break some of the bones in his hand.

Soon the kitsune emerged from her body, and feel into his arms, the doctor took him, put him on a table, which the nurses wheeled out of the delivery room. The doctor went back to her side and said. "Theres another one coming."

The fathers eyes went wide, as he looked at his wife, she looked pale at this point, and realized that if this continued he would lose her. "Hang on hun, your almost done, the head is starting to crown!"

She had tears in her eyes, never experiencing pain like never before she started pushing once again, but this time she new something was wrong, and soon her skin started turning dark, the doctors eyes went wide as he saw that she started bleeding internally. Quickly the twin was delivered, this one was a boy as well, however he was a human like his mother. I shall call you Tony, and your brother will be named Rich.

Tony was taken away as well, to be examined by the doctors to see if any harm was done to him. Later tests would show that he was not. His attention now was to his wife, who had slipped into unconiousness. The doctors had no time to take her to the er, and turned to the male kitsune with deep sorrow in his eyes. He took one look at him, and was deeply saddened, knowing that his wife... his mate was now dead from internal bleeding.

Tears welled up in his eyes and ran out of the delivery room. 10 minutes later the hospital was rocked when the sound of a gun shot went off, the husband and once father now dead.

The twins were crying in their pins, the nurses trying everything in their power to try and calm them. However everything they tried did not calm them, until finally tony calmed down, followed by Rich which took a lot more time. The nurses thought it was just because of the sound from the gunshot. The boys knew however, that their parents were now dead.

The boys spent the first part of their life in an orphan home. Soon Tony was taken in by a loving human couple. Rich on the other hand was not as fortunate. He was a very nice boy, carefree and happy.

That all changed when his new parents, also coloured in black fur took him into their home; turning the once happy child into the cold heartless killer that everyone knew today.


All this happened in a matter of seconds, and for the first time since he was a child he cried, looking at his brother through bleary eyes. Tony's mate was running towards the two of them, but by the time she was half way towards the two of them, Tony was too far gone to be healed, no matter how skilled they were.

Tony could no longer stand, and collapsed... into Richmantas arms, and held him there looking into Tony's eyes, the first time he was happy truly happy. Seconds later Tony died in his arms, he didn't hear or even care as his mate came up from behind, and in a fury of rage took her claws to the side of his neck, separating his head from his body.

She howled to the sky and sank to her knees looking down at the two bodies, failing to notice what had happened seconds before she killed the black Kitsune. She placed her paw on her stomach. "I wanted to tell you this after the fight... but you were going to be a father... I am having twins..."


Tony's eyes opened, and looked up at the roof of his cabin, It was a bitter cold morning, the furs not doing much to take the chill out of the air and his bones. He slowly got up out of bed and headed over to a wood burning stove, and put on some of the rabbit he had killed the night before into a pot and started to boil it. Once he had his fill of breakfast he headed out into the wilderness for his routine morning walk, to the lake inside the forest.

Thousands of miles away a dragoness lay in her cave in a tight ball, mourning the loss of her mate and two children. She couldn't take the anguish anymore. Running out into the open air, she leaped off of the cliff and headed for her watering hole, which they had spent many a long days together enjoying each other's company. Little did the two of them know, but they would meet, and their lives would be changed forever, entwining their lives together, for the world will need their help to take down the evil dragon who is about to unleash a great evil on the world, his name was Richmanta, a heartless dragon. Tony would find out that he was truly a dragon, which she would show him, train him; and one day the two of them would meet at a battle to the death...


This is Tony's life ever in a constant loop; destined to die, only to save another world from destruction.

That is it, If you do not like the ending, well too bad. If you'd like please comment and rate.

Thank you for waiting patiently.

The end... but never for Tony

PS: If you are wondering what Steven king novel I am talking about, look up the dark tower series, although I just ruined the ending for anyone who hasn't read the book.