The Camping Trip - Shadow Charizard TFs

Story by WyraachUr on SoFurry

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It was late one summer evening as Peter, Alex and Cynder were out camping in the clearing near the woods outside of town. Cynder was a shiny Charizard that Peter had caught a few years back, and had proven to be more intelligent than most Pokémon, even able to talk, a fact that had surprised both humans. And at some point, the trainer and his Pokémon had gotten into a relationship that went beyond the usual trainer/Pokémon standard, and they had gotten intimate for quite some time since then. Alex didn't quite understand the attraction at first, but as Peter was his friend, had supported him and kept the whole thing under wraps as best he could. The camping trip had been his idea so they could relax outside of town and without fear of something happening. As the campfire began to die down, Alex looked at the two and nodded. "Hmm....looks like I'll need to go grab some more firewood. Also left some food in the car. You two want me to go get it?"

"If that's ok with you." Peter said with a slight chuckle, his hand resting gently on the black Charizard's claws, the Pokémon responding by gripping it with a smile.

It's perfectly fine by me. I'll leave you two be, and I'm guessing you don't want me to hurry back, eh?" Alex chuckled and started making his way out of the campsite. He still didn't quite get it, but if it made Peter and Cynder happy, then it really wasn't his place to say anything against it. The Charizard was also oddly slightly bigger than normal, but then, not every Pokémon was the same size

"Don't worry, we'll still be here when you're done!" Cynder purred to Alex. After he was out of sight, she turned to her trainer and gave him a soft kiss on the lips, gently stroking his face with her free hand.

"You're looking especially beautiful tonight, Cynder...I'm glad we met..." Peter chuckled after returning the Charizard's kiss and ran a hand along one of her horns, something that he'd found she enjoyed quite a bit. The two's relationship was close enough that they were practically husband and wife...or mates, depending on the point of view one used. She let out a soft growl, her large right foot thumping gently against the soft grass as he stroked her horns, leaving a deep imprint after a few taps. "Same here, my darling Peter. It is never a dull moment when I am around you." "Haha...nope...almost seemed like we were supposed to meet, you know? I certainly don't regret being with you in any way at all." Peter continued to stroke her horns before leaning in to steal another kiss from the fire-type, clearly without a care in the world. They would almost certainly begin to make love soon, and with Alex gone as well as their location, they didn't need to worry about bothering anyone or attracting attention with their noises at all.

"Mmm...I can feel you're starting to get a bit amarous..." She cooed, running her hands down his thin, slender back as his hands reached for her plump chest, running them over her mammeries. "Then again, being in my beauty, I suppose you can't help it." She smiled as she leant towards him, whispering into his ear. "Would you prefer to disrobe yourself, or shall I do the job for you...that is, if you packed your spare clothes anyway." "Mmm...I brought plenty of spares, so do whatever you please, Cynder..." Peter was already getting hard, and feeling Cynder's scales against his skin didn't really help matters any. And with plenty of extra clothing, he didn't care if she even burnt it off of his body. Alex would probably take his time getting back so as to not disturb the two, so there was no major rush either way. "Then allow me..." She grinned, sliding her flaming tail up the back of his shirt. The flame burnt with such intensity, but didn't cause him any harm. In a weird way, it actually caused him an odd form of pleasure, a moan leaving his throat as his shirt was set ablaze, the firey fabric burn around him. "Oooh my...this is a new one..." He moaned, panting a little from the heat. "I thought you might like this..heehee..." Cynder pulled Peter forward into a kiss, and while she held the human in for a long, passionate kiss, she moved her tail lower, setting his pants and underwear ablaze, causing the pleasurable sensations to get even more intense as almost his entire garments were on fire, causing the human to begin to strip it off to get with her even quicker.

"Oooohhrr...You love this, don't you..." She growled, running a hand across her chest whilst the other moved to between her legs, grasping her wet cunny and parting the lips. "Tell me...tell me how hard you want to take me..." She panted, looking at him lustfully, her eyes gazing at the males rather impressive lenght. "I want to take you...unnghhh...harder than ever before...they'll hear us on the moon when we're done tonight!" Peter crawled closer to his lover, his eyes clearly full of the same lust as she had for him. Soon, he'd climbed onto her and began to grope and kiss her, and then with a warm smile shared between lovers, stuck it in and began to thrust in to her, slowly, and passionately. "Uuhh...oh that's it....good boy..." She hissed, her forked tongue flickering through her muzzle as she bucked gently against the human, holding him closer as she stroked his face with her burning tail.

" like this...hahha..." The two continued to slowly make love for several minutes, with Cynder continuing to tease and arouse Peter with her tail, before she gently tapped him on the head with it to get him to open his eyes, causing him to gasp slightly. Red markings ran all over her body, and she seemed bigger than before. "Peter...truth be told...I'm a Shadow Charizard. The reason you found me...caught because I wanted a mate. Wanted someone to be with...and I wound up falling in love. There's one other thing you should know...mating with me has caused my shadow energy to flow into you and corrupt you like me...or to put it another way..." She smirked wickedly, watching as Peter's eyes flooded with crimson and his eyes pulled into feral slits. "You'll become like me!"

"Mmmrraa...and...that's bad...why?" He said, giving her a positivly evil grin, groaning loudly as he felt warmth spreading through him. "If you really wanted to turn me from the had only to say..." He felt a growl leaving his throat. "But then's been more fun this way...the pay off is going to be....uuuhhhhh!" He groaned as he watched her growing a little more under her. "Going to be...mmmrr...orgasmic..."

"Oh, I knew you'd love it! I just felt like this'd be...mmrra...more fun..." While Cynder seemed to be growing larger, so did Peter as black scales rapidly began sprouting all over his body as it swelled both in size and in musculature, flooding the changing human with even more power and stamina. "Rrrhahg...fuck this feels so good..." Red patterns also snaked over his body in tribal patterns, making Peter look even more primal than he already did.

"Rrahhha...I feel..." He hissed, groaning as his stomach rumbled and gurgled, his belly starting to swell and balloon outwards, spreading his legs further apart as he continued thrusting into her. "Like a blimp?" Cynder joked. " a horny fucking beast!" "Excellent...then it's working..." Cynder began to buck into Peter's thrusts much more wildly now as even more shadow energy flooded into the changing human's body, and the two shared a sinister chuckle as his arms and hands swelled with his body, thick with muscle and power as his hands gained scaled pads and blood ran from his fingertips as massive black claws forced their ways out, easily several feet long. "Rrrraazzzhfd....ffffuck yeah..."

"Uuhh...come on, Peter.....ahhhhrrr....fuck me harder....make me roar your magnificent beast..." She panted breathlessly as he moved towards her breasts, latching onto one of them hungrilly. "I fuckin' meant it when I said they'll hear us...rhhaaa...on the moon!" Peter began to suckle eagerly as his eyes seemed to glow sinisterly, the corruption irreversable by now...not that he wanted it to be. By now, Cynder had to be at least 30 feet in size, and Peter was rapidly expanding to meet that, a large bump near the base of his spine snapping and cracking into a massively long and muscled tail, with a sinisterly purple-black flame roaring into life at the end of it.

"More...MORE YOU STUD!" She howled as he kept on thrusting harder and harder into the shadowy dragon, fueling their lusts even further as his tail thrashed around. "Rraagghhh! I fuckin' LOVE THIS!" Peter quickly complied with his mate's wishes and started to hump and drill into her even faster, as the ground underneath them was soaked with their fluids, though the two were beyond caring as Peter's legs became almost haunch-like and swelled in muscle and bulk, his toes merging into a trio of massive talons, blood leaking through where the claws had broken through as an intense burning sensation flooded into his groin.

"I know you do, you monster!" She howled, grasping his head and driving it between her large tits, letting them bounce against his head, only driving his lusts higher. Inside of Cynder's burning cunny, Peter's cock also began to swell, lengthening well over several feet long as his balls grew much larger as well, his cock also covered itself in a deep black and came to a barbed point before splitting into two, causing him to throw his head back in a pleasured howl. "FFFuuuck YESSSS! Raahghghh! You're fucking beautiful, you know that?" His pace got even quicker, even as Cynder's tits continued to hit his head.

"Mmmmrrr..." Milk leaked freely from her melons, soaking around his head as his new cocks gained huge spiky knots at the base of them, his balls slapping against her wet pussy "Hahhhhh...this is fuckin' amazing..." Peter shuddered as he knotted her, and then laughed as a massive pair of black wings burst out of his shoulderblades, black on the backs, and a brilliant blood red on the underside, punctuated by cracks and pops as his neck extended quite a bit, only driving the human wilder as even more corruption flooded into his body, the energy practically coming off of the two in waves. Cynder smirked - she had made the right choice...he was the one. "So....Peter won't really...oiugughhh...suit you anymore, now will it?"

"No it doesn't....uuuuuRRRIIIIZZZAARRRDD!" He howled, panting as his neck snaked longer and longer, bring his head closer to hers, staring into those lovely scarlet eyes, hissing and growling. "Call me........Wyraach.....ccchaarrrr..." "Aoouhghh...Wyraach...suits well..." Cynder smirked even more wickedly as a massive pair of horns thrust their ways out of Wyraach's skull as his hair burned away in a bit of fire as his head rapidly grew to match his new size, teeth falling out, forced out by large flesh-ripping fangs as his face pushed out into a draconic muzzle, and to finish it all off, his eyes moved to the sides of his head as her newly-improved mate exploded inside of her cunt, sending streams of white-hot cum into her with an earth-shaking roar. "RRRRRIIIIZZZARRRDDDSSSSSSAAAAAA" As he screamed, one could see his tongue fork and the red patterns finish encirling his body. "ZZZZAAARRRDDDD!! FUCK YESSSSSSSSSS!!!!" He writed in blissful pleasure as he kept firing into her.

"AAAOUGhhhhh...unhhhhyesss......" Cynder withed with pleasure as she drew her now-draconized mate into a long, passionate kiss while he continued to fire into her cunt. Nearby, Alex heard the roars off in the distance and went running towards them, slightly worried by the presence of TWO roars. Had something happened to Peter?

Their scaly lips pressed close to eachothers as their forked tongues entwined. With a low groan, he slowly pulled himself out of his mate. " like...this...Wyraach?" Cynder smirked as her lover pulled himself out of her and she leaned back against the ground, smiling strangely warmly for such a sinister creature. Alex drew even closer, but he couldn't see anything except for maybe the tip of Cynder's tail. Hearing this, Cynder looked up at Wyraach. "So...what about...your friend?"

"Yesss...I love it..." He panted, bathing in the afterglow as he wrapped his wings gently around her. "As for Alex...we can't really leave him alone now, can we?" "Mmrahh...we could always...haha...change him..." Cynder smirked as the footsteps got even closer. Though he wasn't her lover, the human had covered for her and Wyraach, while he was still Peter, so in a way, the shadow dragoness felt like she owed the human something more than just letting him live. She was sure that Wyraach would likely feel the same way towards his human friend. Her wings also wrapped around her mate for a moment.

"Yesss...I love the sound of that...being around the two of us will bring the beast out of him almost immedietly.." "Hahaha...and here he comes..." Cynder chortled as Alex emerged into the clearing and dropped the bag he'd had around his wrist. Not only was Cynder a lot bigger and more sinister-looking than before, but a 2nd Shadow Charizard also stood there, looking at him. "" "'s still a degree anyway." Wyraach grinned, showing off all his fangs. "And I don't go by that name anymore..." "...You can call me Wyraach now!" The shadow dragons grinned wickedly, then closed their eyes. A split second later, a massive wave of blackish-purple energy shot out of them and rushed into Alex, who collapsed forward onto all fours, eyes shut as his body began to twitch and pulse. "Arghhthhrr....cchhhrzziiii...."

"Mmrr...that's it...take it all in, my friend..." Wyraach laughed as Alex's eyes snapped open, now blood red with slitted pupils, glowing omniously as black scales spread across his face. "Rghhzzaaard...hahaha...this wonderful..." Alex snickered evilly as the changes swept across him, the sheer force of the shadow energy having taken a hold of him almost instantly. He looked up at Wyraach and Cynder with an appreciative look on his face. " two had fun..." "Yup...and now you're going to join us..." He hissed, watching his friend begin to slowly grow, his shirt starting to hang tight against his body, his chest expanding with each breath he took. "'d never ask..hahah..." Alex grinned evilly as his chest swelled even more, causing the shirt to become painfully tight all over his chest, which swelled with larger, stronger muscles underneath, black scales spreading like a flood.

Pale grey scales covered the front of his body as his shirt gave way, revealing his expanding frame, gleaming in the moonlight as the scales slowly consumed his humanity, his hands twisting and splaying as the changes reached them. " certainly look even better than before...I can see why Wyraach loves you so much..." Alex grinned, watching eagerly as his hands cracked and popped, growing to match the rest of his body as pale grey pads grew on his palms and massive, sinister looking claws popped out of his fingernails.

"'re starting to look pretty sexy yourself" She winked, a bulge forming at the back of his trousers, as the front of them started to bulge as well, the head of his cock poking out past the waistline. "'re really eager, aren't you?" "RRrizzgha...what...can I...say? You're...fucking sexy..." Alex didn't care that his cock was starting to show - all human modesty had pretty much been erased from his mind the moment the energy had flowed into him.

"Then come here...get between the two of us...and let the fun commence..." They both licked their lips as his cock began to grow larger, taking on a crimson hue as the head pushed itself into a spike-laden point. "Mrgaghh...don't mind...if I do..." Alex stumbled a bit, but soon found his stride as his legs and feet swelled to massive proportions to match his changing body, nasty-looking claws forcing their way out of his three remaining toes, allowing him to mount Cynder and stick his still-changing cock into her and begin to thrust into her rapidly.

"That's it, take her nice and hard..." Wyraach grinned, watching Alex thrust into her, noticing her tailhole was unclaimed. With a bit of repositioning, he drove his twin cocks deep into her vent, causing her to really roar. As Alex's pace quicked, his cock gained a barbed knot, slowly splitting into two "Hahhh....don't worry buddy! Rrzziiard...that's the plan..." Alex grinned wickedly as he continued to buck and thrust into Cynder as red patterns began to spread all over his scales, looking somewhat gothic in appearance, pace quickening and his neck began to crack and pop as it began to extend. "rgghah...feelin' good, Cynder?"

"Uuuhhh....oh yeah...." She growled, eyes watering as she was being ridden hard by two duel wielding Shadow Charizards. Alex soon grew to match their height as a pair of broad, magnificent wings grew from his back, red webbing running towards the fingers as they flapped gently. "Rrzzhard...good...haaah..." Alex grinned as he flapped his new wings a few more beats before quickening his pace as his hair rapidly began to fall out of his head and a pair of horns began to sprout out of his skull as the two males continued to pleasure Cynder. " call" Alex hissed as he revelled in his changes.

"Such a lovely name...." She grinned, a large, thick tail snaking its way out of his rear, lashing wildly behind him as the tip burst into an eternal purple flame, burning with such beastial intensity. "Rggha...glad you...think so..." The new tail behind him was him. His old human life was all but gone now, and he was glad to be rid of it as scales continued to consume what little was left of his humanity as he continued to screw the shadow dragoness, his face starting to push out into a muzzle while his tongue forked as it got longer inside of his mouth. His nose sank into his forming upper jaw, nostrils flaring wide as his teeth were pushed out, serrated blades roughly five feet long grew outwards, blood trickling down his throat as the changes completed.

"RRRRIIIZZAAAAHHHRDDDD!" Kazan roared loudly and with pride as he exploded inside of Cynder, filling her even more, throwing his head back while he roared, gladly leaving his humanity behind in favor of his new life. He owed so much to Wyraach and Cynder...least of all his new form. "Hahhh...what a fucking rush..." Wyraach roared with him as he also came hard into her, thick trails of cum leaking from her cunny and tailhole "Mmmraahh...I know, right?"

"Hahhhaha...I have no idea what you two did to me...but that was...hahh...I can't believe we were so weak..." Kazan tried to pull out, but his knot hadn't quite deflated yet, so for the moment, he was stuck in her. But the feelings... the power...were so overwhelming. "Now I see why you two became lovers...hah..." They just chuckled. "Yes, I was waiting for the right time to reveal my true nature to was well worth it for all the pleasure it brought..." She purred happily, nuzzling Wyraach and Kazan.

"I don't think anyone present will disagree..." Kazan began to purr a little as he returned Cynder's nuzzling, slipping out of her with a wet slurp at the same time. While she'd let him mate with her, ultimately, this night belonged to her and Wyraach, and he could probably find a mate of his own, given enough time. "So what shall the three of us do now?" Wyraach purred "Hmm...well, something tells me you two still need to finish what I interrupted...then perhaps we could go out and spread our...unique view of things, perhaps..." Kazan sighed happily as he laid back on the grass. He wasn't hungry, not yet...but perhaps in time, he would be.

"Hrm...well the two of us could easily go for another round before we have to worry about food...perhaps in that time you can find your own mate." Wyraach smiled. "Perhaps so...heheh...but perhaps taking it slow like you did would be better. After all, it did take you to quite some time to...reach this point." Kazan had always admired their relationship, Wyraach and Cynder's...and despite their nature, perhaps finding a lover was the only real soft spot they had...and he knew exactly who was looking for a shiny that fit the bill.

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