The Lust of Flesh

Story by Jack Faebloode on SoFurry

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An Adventure I had with a lovely Dragoness and my pet Puma. Do enjoy

"Well well, we meet again." The female sand dragon spoke with a voice that rang in the air, pure and beautiful.

The large black furred wolf smiled from the couch he sat upon, arms stretched out upon the surface back, his chest scar glowing in the light of the room. At the foot of the couch lay his pet, a black furred puma with overly large breasts, sprawled out on the floor nude. "It's wonderful to see you again. We really should continue our conversation sometime but my beloved says you have another reason for coming?"

Samura nods, walking over and settling down on a nearby chair. "Something like that. Apparently, my body's mentality is wanting me to divulge in the pleasures of the flesh, so I'm sure you can guess what might happen." She sighs, stretching a bit as she watches up at the ceiling for a brief moment.

Jack smiles and shrugs, his eyes running over the Dragoness' body and down to his pet who had almost forgotten as shi lay their silently. He moved one of his bare feet to hir exposed cock, his padded foot running over hir ten inch length. Looking up at the female once more hir posed a question. "And how could me and my pet release you from the lust of your flesh?"

"It has come to my conclusion that when in a semi-full room, not one damn person is interested in a quickly with a woman like me." She giggled, recalling all the time she wasted in hopes of having someone at least talk to her. Eventually, she watched as he ran a foot paw along his pet's exposed cock, gathering a small thought at first, but passing it off for now. "But, to answer your question, I've finally gotten fed up with waiting for something to happen, and decided to seek out someone to try and help.

The herm on the floor starts to shudder, body jerking while trying to remain quiet for their conversation like a good pet.

"I find it works best" He replied, "when a women comes out to say they are horny to the room in hopes of attracting someone who would comply as the males here seem so...Shy. I can understand them not wanting to be rude but sometimes it's so sad watching them wait for females to make the first move. All though there is a certain... attractiveness to a female who approaches first" He shakes his head sadly at the first part, the male adding more pressure to his slave's cock as he focused more around the head of hir pulsing meat. He did this without looking down carrying on his conversation, "But you have not said how we may help. There are many ways to sate the lust and we are open to all." He smiled at the female with an amused look in his blue eyes

A small smile crept on her face as she listened to the male wolf talk. "I agree. It is a little.....disheartening? see the males in a full room being so shy." She paused at the end of her words to giggle to herself, idly watching the display he was giving his pet. "But, to truly answer your question, I am feeling in a semi-sub mood, but not to the point of being in the position your pet is in. I do have some standards, mind you..." She smiles, thinking of the many possibilities he was capable of, but kept a few of them locked away. "I'm here to get fucked, not be a slave/pet to someone I barely know. And for the record, I'm up for just about anything imaginable, but not too out of the ballpark in terms of randomness."

Kintasura Growls lightly at the insult, but then letting it slide as pre spurted from the tip of hir engorged cock "Mmmm..." Claws trailing along the ground and tearing neat furrows into the earth. Glowing eyes shined forth, out from underneath the thick lashes the herm used to cover hir vision while in bliss. Fur ruffling against the ground, moaning low at the gift that Master was giving hir.

He smiles at the female and a clear deep laugh escaped his throat. "Ah if only I had the chance to break such a one as you. I haven't had the joy of breaking anyone in so long..." He glanced down quickly and smiled at his slave. "Not that I complain my pet I do enjoy your eagerness a great deal,"' He winked at the squirming herm and reached out with his other foot to aid the other, slowly working their way up and down and around the head. He glanced back up his wolfish grin plain on his face. "Is there any part of your body off limits or anything you're seeking pacifically tonight? If so explain so we may start. I am eager to begin." A large bulge pressed hard against his leather jeans as he eyed the female before him, the echoes of his pet's moans ringing in the room.

Kintasura grunts, back bowing, not wanting to cum so soon but master's touch hurrying it along like a time bomb which had a wrong wire cut. Eyes widening as a low growl erupts from hir muzzle, almost upset with hirself. Seed starting to leak out from the engorged member, which had swollen due to the proximity to that of Cumming. Claws now tearing deeper and deeper furrow into the ground, tearing through carpet and through whatever else was made as the floor. Teeth bared in order to keep back the orgasm, waiting on master's word and permission to.

"As long as you do not get carried away with yourself, you're free to enjoy yourself fully." She arches a brow at his smile, not paying any mind to his earlier statement about breaking someone in. After a while, she decides to get comfortable in her own way, the clothes from her body simply vanishing into a fine swirl of beach sand as her now nude and exposed body becomes ever present to him and his growing bulge. "One thing I will ask, though, is that you do keep in mind that I cannot get pregnant, so feel free to blow that load of yours inside if you feel so inclined."

His smile never dropped but an eyebrow rose as he watched the clothes melt away into the sand. Moving his arms away from their resting place he brought them down to the button on his jeans, slowly undoing them, "Ah I almost forgot. I guess it is a tad bit important. My pet, "he glanced down, picking up speed with his feet, forcing the throbbing cock over the edge as he knew his pets limits "Is an interesting person to please so I had to change my body in a way I hope you don't mind." As he talked, he released his two already massive, semi-hard cocks into the cool room air, the pink flesh throbbing but hanging limp at a half size of 8 inches each. "This isn't a problem is it?"

"Shi did make mention of you sporting a double stick-shift, so it's not that much of a surprise to me." She nodded to his question, soon standing up and stretching for a bit, her supple DD breasts lightly swaying with each motion she gave, almost having the perfect size for someone her size. "Besides. If I really wanted, I have a few potions I got from a friend of mine that I can use to alter someone's physical make-up for a temporary time period, ranging from an increased size, bigger cum flow, or even breasts for those of'Boobie Deprived' variety, to quote my friend.

"Needless to say, she's a bit of a child at heart, even though she has a sex drive the size of a freight train."

He laughed and shook his head "I think your body will do and I think my size and... cum amount will please you. Perhaps you will introduce me to your friend someday?" He winked and pulled down his pants some before relaxing back and gesturing to his momentarily depraved cocks. "Care to taste? You might like it."

In a low gurgle shi came, hir cock seeming to act like a volcano. Seed spraying across the pristine fur that the feline had taken care of with hours of brushing and bathing, the startling contrast of the white seed spurting along the ash and coal black fur. The cum was thick and almost stiff in the manner that it stuck to hir fur. "Ugh..." Looking down at the mess that shi caused on hir pelt "Damn I'm going to have to have another bath after this one~" Cock still spraying seed again and again, almost seeming to never end.

"Hmm...." She thought for a bit, wondering which to start with first. In the meanwhile as she thought, she watched the herm pet finally submit to hir release, watching the cum flow along the carpet like a steady stream. After a while, she then came close to his chair, sitting on one side of his lap as a hand of hers comes down and rubs along his twin cocks, having a fairly gentle feeling for the rubbing.

Looking up the slave spoke to the male, " could have hir taste my cum...You know what it contains~" Shi murred lowly to him

He smiled down at hir and holds his feet up for her to clean off "Aphrodisiac Venom will not work on her. Her body is... unique."

"It's not venom master" giggling, the cum now slowing as it began to taper off "If taken willingly by any female...they will enjoy sexual activities more!"

"Believe me when I say this: If I was actually susceptible to the effects of any chemical, whether it be willing or forced, it will have a null effect due to my body's unique nature."

The male wolfsmiled at his pet shrugging at the puma as the dragoness told her the same thing he just did. His smile became slightly evil and his eyes a tad dark. "Next time pet listen to what I have to say. I know what I mean when I speak." He said nothing as the female began to rub along his cocks, though they both twitched in delight at the attention. His feet still held up to be cleaned.

Samura paid no mind to his 'evil' look, having dealt with many in her time on this earth. As she listened to him speak, her hand continued to rub along his now twitching cocks, even trailing far enough down to rub along his balls and back up the head of the lower cock. "I suppose it comes with the territory, though. Not everyone is equipped with the knowledge that the select few do, so don't feel too bad." She smiled, eventually moving off of his lap to give a bit of tending to his upper cock, her hand continuing to help the other feel tended to.

Kintasura Nods, head bowed and ears pinned back, feeling scolded. Drawing closer to hir master's feet, then slowly licking across the fur and pads. Licking away and swallowing the cum with a carnal delight. The cum sending small shivers through the feline's body as it began to get receptive once more "Master...I gave birth to the child when you were away last night...I'm also ready once bear you another one" Motioning to a panel that held a list of names that shi had installed when shi had time. One of the names was a female succubus that would be gone the very next day. Being a partial demon spawn and wishing to find her own prey.

He nodded at his slave only glancing over. "That will be something we talk about later in private my dear. Now I think for growling at our guest earlier I think you can help bring her arousal up. Why don't you start with her legs and move your way up?" His voice was hard and would tolerate no nonsense as he spoke the command. He then turned back to the dragoness and his face flashed with momentary pleasure as she continued to work on his hardening members no longer as soft and rising a few inches. He suppressed it quickly and spoke "Do forgive my pet's earlier transgression she seems to have forgotten hir manners." One of his hands, the closer one to her body, moved to caress the outside of her leg moving up slowly to cup her ass in his hand.

"No harm was received, so no harm is done." She smiled, not at all minding the attentions to her legs and ass as his hand grabs a healthy handful of her bare ass. Soon enough, her attention returned to his now rising cocks, idly licking along the head of one while stroking and rubbing the other, alternating between the two periodically so things didn't become dull between them. Her tail, in the meanwhile, offered the faint temptation to his pet, giving the same motions as a hand might do to bring someone closer as she twirled about an ankle for her to start with.

Kintasura nodded, slowly crossing the floor with a low murr, cum dripping from her muzzle to the floor. "Apologies miss. Please forgive me" Slowly crawling along the floor, crossing it to get back over to the dragoness, "May I?" A hand hesitantly sliding across her rump, massaging it with experienced fingers. Asking to pleasure the female with all of hir ability and talent.

"You may", replied the quickly arousing dragon." and nothing too harmful was said to me, so no worries." She smiled, letting out a low rumble of a murr from her chest, the feel of her bare breasts along his thighs starting to press in slightly the more she worked on his twin cocks. As shi came closer to her, her tail swayed a bit before moving out of the way for her to work.

The male smiled partiality relieved as she said this, his eyes watching her progress, his cocks throbbing softly and leaking a good amount of pre as she worked the members trying to bring them to their full length and girth. His eyes moved to her unattended breasts and his hands ran over the smooth yet brittle feeling scales on her back and sides, maneuvering around and under to the softer scales of her breasts witch he cupped momentarily with his massive hand. It fit perfectly but something was missing. He felt the lack of a pearling nipple and began to use his fingers to seduce the pink nubs of flesh to hardness, pulling and twisting gently.

Feeling the hand slip under and feel along her supple breasts, she leans up and back enough for his hand to work freely. As he worked to get her nipples hard enough to peak, her hands continued to work and stroke along his twin cocks, working their best to get him to his full hardness as his pet tentatively slowly and expertly rubbed and massaged her pert and plentiful ass. The combined feeling of their pleasures, along with her own, caused a soft and low rumble of pleasure to escape her muzzle, finding the moment to be rather enjoyable.

He smiled as he finally pulled a noise from the dragon. His cocks stood hard and stiff, pre still dribbling down from the tips. Only now at about 14 inches they had a few more inches left in them. His fingers masterfully and with much obvious experience, brought both nipples to peakness quickly, his hands now moving in circles under her pink mounds, rubbing them softly along his fur. His paws twitching for something more to experiment with.

The master's pet murred, nuzzling under the female's legs, smelling the scent of the female and her arousal. "Mmmm" Suddenly slipping her tongue along the draconic folds with an obvious delight, one finger rubbing along the clit and slipping along the folds as hir tongue worked deep into the dragoness folds. "Please accept this as an apology" Feeling like she still was in fault for growling at the guest

Shifting yet again, the dragoness managed to now situate herself to be directly in front of him as she starts to idly suck and elate the lower cock head, a hand of hers keeping the upper cock nice and hard for the moment as she finally enjoys herself. As his pet's tongue started to penetrate inside her slightly damp folds, her legs spread open wider for hir to work better, clearly enjoying the combined attentions of hir tongue and his hands. Her breasts, now in a better position, somehow appeared to build in size as they settle down on either side of his twin cocks, giving him the possibility to use them how he wished for added pleasure.

The wolf groaned as she took one of his members into her mouth, His members now standing fully erect and ready, throbbing hard in both her grip and her muzzle. He hoped that his meat was satisfactory for her needs and took her free hand and the other on her upper cock, bringing them down to her growing breasts. His hands cupped hers as he forced her to cup her own mounds, meshing them together over his meat. Slowly his hips began to buck, in between the soft mesh of her scales, bringing about another moan. Enough room still remained for her to use her mouth freely on his members or on other things if she desired.

Not forgetting about his pet, using the only body parts left, he brought his foot back up to rub hir balls. She was too close to the other member for him to reach anywhere else so he hopes this was enough to please hir for the moment.

Kintasura murred, licking deeper and deeper. Her feline tongue acting like a pleasurable sand paper "Mmmm" Shi moaned from underneath the guest "So good!" Crying out as shi once more was brought into a heat like state, pressing the muzzle deep into the depths of the female. Suckling on the clit and pinching it lightly in between the fangs and rumbling hir approval to Master. The scent of heat now washing over through the room, hirself breathing in the scent that came from the fem loins. "Mmmmfffff!!"

She made no immediate reaction to his actions with her hands and breasts, rather preoccupied with enjoying the feeling of both hir muzzle now pushing inside her inner depths and his cock sliding along her tongue as he bucked up into her maw. After a bit of adjustments, she compensated his actions by bobbing her head at a slower pace, somehow remaining the same speed as her tail swishes about with her only signs of approval and enjoyment.

The Image fades out into darkness. Muffled moans and groans still heard in till the three were lost in the shadows left to their own devices.

Hello I'm Jack and I write stories as you can see but I have not been getting feedback. So I thought I'd tease the public and end this little story here in till I receive at least 10 comments and 20 rates. Writers love to right and we also love Criticism so please comment and rate and if you have time and are not too busy whipping the cum from your fur check out my other work.

Also I am looking for wolves to join my pack we are small but growwing. I'm looking for artists and writters or anyone who wants to RP ^.^ pm if you have any questions.

Bloode Saga part 3

Part 1) []( Part 2)[]( It's been awhile sense I've done anything with this series so I...

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