Satisfaction Guaranteed

Story by AnubusKiren on SoFurry

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"This stupid thing had better work." Beau sighed, tossing the emerald pendant and catching it a couple times. The weird little kiosk at the street fair had tons of little trinkets and other shiny objects, and Beau, a Siamese cat with a very short attention span, had somehow been able to tear himself away from every little twinkle to take interest in the doodad he now possessed.

"Guaranteed to ensnare the mind of any who hold it, once you recite the spell I give you." the odd gypsy-like lady manning the shop had said, providing him with a slip of paper with the supposed spell written down. It looked like gibberish to him, and while he wasn't exactly some master linguist, he could tell it wasn't in any known language. Normally he didn't believe in any of this supernatural garbage, but the thought of controlling someone's mind was a little too attractive a prospect... especially for the particular mind he wanted to try this on.

Things had never worked out between him and Emily, a human girl he'd graduated high school with and, a year later, now went to college with. They'd tried for a relationship once, but her parents hadn't agreed with it. Something about not wanting to see their grandkids climbing trees and chasing mice. It was a stupid reason, but Emily didn't want to put a wedge between herself and her parents, so she decided to break things off with her Siamese friend. He didn't begrudge her for it for too long, but that didn't put his desire for her aside.

"Well, at the very least, this is the sort of thing she's into. For fifteen bucks, even if it doesn't work, it'll make a nice gift." the feline said with a humorless laugh. The pendant was shaped like a coiled up snake with emerald scales and deep red eyes made of ruby. The whole thing shone with what Beau could only describe as supernatural energy. Or maybe he was just getting into what the old gypsy had told him and imagining things. He couldn't tell which.

A knock on the front door roused him from his musing. He and Emily were grouped up together for a school project, and they'd decided to get an early start on it so they wouldn't have to rush at the end of the week. Beau intended on doing the work, of course... but bending Emily to his will was the first thought on his mind. He even considered making her do all the work while he watched her.

Pushing those thoughts to the side for now, Beau opened the door and greeted his friend. Emily was a tall girl with black hair that she kept in long pigtails and eyes like two deep blue oceans. She was the kind of girl that wore mostly dark things, often in the gothic style. Today's outfit consisted of a black tank top, striped black and white skirt and stockings to match, plus a set of fingerless gloves that nearly reached her shoulders. Yeah, Emily was kind of a goth... and Beau loved it. She looked pretty eccentric compared to his casual blue t-shirt and brown shorts.

"So this is your new place, huh?" Emily asked, hugging the feline and taking a glance around, "Finally ditched your parents' house, I guess."

"At long last." Beau chuckled, trying not to purr too loud from the slightest contact with her. He had to keep his emotions in check until he could deliver the coup de grace, "It's not much, but I'm only one guy."

"Right. So, want to get started?"

"Ah... sure, but one second. I have something for you." Beau stuffed his hand into his pocket and produced the supposed mind-controlling pendant, holding it out to her, "I still feel a little bad, after all this time... you know, about hassling you about choosing your parents' opinions over being with me. So I picked this up while I was out and thought, hey, it'd be right up your alley."

Emily's raised brows betrayed her confusion, but the girl gently plucked the odd trinket from his fingers anyway, turning it over in her hand, "You still feel bad about that? It's been over a year, Beau... heh, but I do like it. Thank you." She smiled pretty genuinely, putting the cat's worries at ease.

"Well, go ahead and put it on. Let's see how it looks." he tried not to sound too eager. His excuse for buying her something at all was a little shabby at best, so he worked on keeping himself under control. He watched Emily clip the chain behind her neck, letting the pendant dangle just above her perky breasts, giving him a momentary excuse to ogle them a bit, "Hey, that looks pretty good."

"You think so?" she smiled and tilted her head, looking down at her new accessory, "Yeah, I agree. Goes well with the black."

Beau nodded happily and curled his toes against the rug. Now all he had to do was recite the cantrip that would activate the pendant and put Emily into a nice, obedient trance... hopefully. He cleared his throat and stood, tail twitching behind him uncontrollably, "Hey, I'll be right back. Gonna grab a couple drinks."

"Oh, sure. I'll get my stuff ready then."

Beau disappeared into the kitchen and tried hard not to jump in place. He fumbled through his pocket until he found the paper with the spell, murmuring it lowly so that Emily would not hear, "Well, here goes nothing... Mallus Serpentus Agum Re, Lori mas Postus Akin."

The feline held his breath and waited. A second passed... then ten... then a minute. After three minutes or so, he let out a heavy breath, peering out into the living room and spotting Emily... sprawled over on his couch?

"Oh, crap." he quickly ran over, touching her arm and shaking her gently, "Emily? What happened? Are you ok?"

The girl groaned softly and opened her eyes. Much to Beau's surprise, those deep-blue eyes had turned a deep emerald, slitted like a snake's! They had an odd, magnetic pull to them, and it took all his concentration to not get sucked into her gaze.

"Mmm Beau..." she groaned again and held her stomach, "Something's wrong..."

"Fffff... Alright, I'll call an ambulance." Beau kicked himself mentally. Messing with the supernatural... How dumb was he? Now he'd possibly gone and hurt his friend, all in the name of getting laid!

Emily's groans got louder, turning his attention to her once more. What he saw next defied everything he'd ever known. Her legs began to merge, ripping her stockings and panties, her flesh rippling like water or clay or putty. It molded together so easily, and it didn't seem like she was in pain so much as scared. She kept mumbling something incoherent, and Beau could swear that her frightened whimpers had turned into something of ecstasy. He watched as her now-merged legs lengthened, turning green and scaly, getting longer and progressively thinner until finally ending at a pointed tip.

"Holy... mother of god." Beau backed away from the couch as he looked upon his friend's horrifying, yet strangely beautiful form. What had he done wrong? Had he pronounced the spell incorrectly... or was that the spell's purpose all along? That damn gypsy could have tricked him, for all he'd known!

Emily turned her emerald gaze to Beau, panting softly and touching her scaly lower half. Disbelief was written all across her face-- one of those "I must be dreaming" kind of looks. She followed the scaly tail all the way down to its tip, suddenly letting out a shrill cry, "What the fuck!"

"E-Emily, calm down!" Beau cautiously approached her, still uncertain of the spell's effects, "Maybe we can fix this."

"Fix it? Beau, I'm half-snake!"

"I'm um-- I'm aware of that."

"How do you suggest we fix that?"

Beau stumbled over his words. He wasn't too keen on telling her just how it had happened, despite how blaringly obvious it was that he'd caused this. He put his hand on her shoulder and gave a firm squeeze, "Emily, please. Calm down. Panicking won't get us anywhere."

The girl took a few deep breaths, apparently in agreement with his suggestion. She managed to tear her eyes away from her serpentine tail, moving that piercing gaze to Beau's eyes once again, "Beau... did the pendant do it? You think?"

The feline felt an odd sensation wash over him as their eyes met, and before he even realized he'd said it, the words slipped from his lips, "Yes, it did."

Emily seemed suspicious, leaning forward and narrowing her eyes, "You didn't know about the effect it would have, did you?"

"Not... exactly." Beau tried to keep his mouth shut, but something in her endless emerald eyes demanded that he answer each question truthfully. What had he gotten himself into?

"What do you mean 'not exactly'? Beau, what did you think you were going to do? Prank me? Turn me into a snake?"


"Then what?"

The feline boy struggled for control over his lips, biting his tongue as hard as he could. The pain distracted him just enough to keep him from blurting out his intentions.

"Ugh." Emily sighed, closing her powerful eyes and rubbing her temples, "I'm sorry, Beau... I didn't... I'm just..."

Beau shook his head, partly to reassure her and partly just to clear it of the strange fog that had enveloped it, "N-No, it's... I'm sorry. I had no idea this would happen."

"Yeah... I know." Emily appraised her new form again and tilted her head from side to side, "Well... I suppose it could be worse. Maybe if I..." she reached back and unclipped the pendant, setting it down on the table. The two waited for five long minutes, but Emily's body remained in its serpentine shape. "Was worth a shot."

"Yeah. Well, don't worry. I'll find a way to reverse this." Beau sat down on a chair, eyeing her long scaly tail and trying to keep his guilty conscience at bay. If he could fix this, he'd just get rid of the pendant and just forget about trying to warp any minds, including Emily's.

The serpentine girl seemed to get curious about her new form as Beau tried to work out a solution. She curled her tail in on itself, making the emerald coils sway and churn, distracting the boy with their emerald radiance. Emily slowly slipped from the couch and balanced herself on her coils, finding it quite easy to slither around the living room, "Hey, I can see how snakes do this... It's real easy."

Beau smiled, "Hey, maybe it's not such a bad change after all, huh?" A cheap way of trying to clear his conscience, but Emily's chuckle certainly helped. She'd always been a very optimistic girl, making the best out of the worst of times. Even losing her legs in favor of a tail couldn't put her down, it would seem.

"Well... guess we won't be getting any work done today." Emily joked, stretching herself out and settling down on her coils.

"Heh... yeah. Well, I'll uh... I'll do some research on how to break that spell." the feline boy secretly ogled his friend. Even with that snake tail, she was still quite attractive. In fact, she might have been even more so now.

"Where'd you buy it from?"


"Beau... The pendant. Where'd you get it?"

"Ah... Oh!" he blushed and cleared his throat, bringing his gaze up to Emily's eyes, momentarily forgetting their magnetic pull and once again becoming lost in them, "The... street fair had a little booth full of things like this."

"Figures. And it ended today, right?"


"Well, there goes that option." Emily slithered over to her friend and sat down next to him, not yet noticing the dazed look in his eyes, "Ah well."

Beau once again escaped her gaze out of luck. She'd turned away once she'd sat down. He shook his head again and squeezed his eyes shut, reminding himself not to make full eye contact with her again. That idea became a little more complicated when Emily leaned over and let herself rest against him, bringing a blush to his cheeks, "Uh..."

"What? Want me to stop?"

"N-No. I don't mind. I just thought..."

Emily laughed a little and reached up to stroke his cheek, "Beau, you know I'm comfortable around you. I wouldn't have dated you if I wasn't."

Once again their eyes met, and Beau fought for control over his mind, "Guess... so."

This time Emily did notice something strange about him. She moved her head to one side, then the other, a smile forming on her lips as she realized his eyes were following hers, "Beau... is something wrong?"

"Not wrong."

"Well something's up. Are you playing games with me?"

"No." his subconscious screamed for him to regain control, but her gaze was just too powerful to resist. His lips moved of their own accord, eyes following hers as she continued to rock back and forth, making their mesmerizing quality even stronger.

"Well what are you doing?" Emily didn't even seem to notice what she was doing, as if she was swaying on instinct. Perhaps a feature of her new body. "You look kind of sleepy."

"Sleepy..." Beau's eyelids fluttered. The tiniest suggestion of sleepiness made him feel like he'd just come home from a full day of classes.

"Yes, sleepy. That's how you look right now." Emily giggled, apparently unaware of the effect of her voice and eyes, "I'm the one who just went through a forced metamorphosis. I should be the tired one."


"Mm no, it's ok." she smiled and rested her head under his chin, arms draped gently around his waist, "If you're tired, you can sleep. I might take a nap myself."

Once again their gazes parted, and Beau cleared the fog from his mind, "Well uh... go ahead. I don't mind if you sleep with me-- ON me!"

Emily snickered and poked him in the sides, "Oooh, Freudian slip. How embarrassing."

"Sh-Shut up." he groaned softly and fought to keep the redness out of his cheeks, "Don't tease if you aren't going to deliver."

"Who says I won't?"

"Wh-- Ahh..." Emily's hand between his legs answered his question before he'd even asked it, "E-Emily..."

"Shhh." she giggled and brought her gaze before him again, trapping him in a hypnotic prison, "I know you want it, Beau. Why else would you invite me over?"

"S-So I could give you that pendant..."

"Mmm?" Emily grinned and pushed her palm against his quickly-growing shaft, "Now tell me the truth, Beau. You can't lie when I'm looking at you, can you?"

"No..." Beau moaned out, squirming against her. The nails were beginning to set in the coffin. He knew it, and was powerless to stop it.

"Good." she began to pet his member through his pants, narrowing her eyes and leaning closer, intensifying her gaze and grinning widely as she saw his eyes glaze over, "Now Beau, did you know what would happen with the pendant?"


"What did you think would happen?"

"I thought... it would make you a mindless slave." the truth came out as easily as it was asked of him. Somewhere in the untouched parts of his mind, Beau kicked himself over and over again for even attempting this.

Emily didn't blink. Surely she had to at least be surprised, right? But the satisfied grin remained on her lips, her teasing becoming more intense, making the helpless feline squirm all the more, "Well it seems you became the victim of your own plot... because you look pretty mindless right now."


"It's my eyes, isn't it? The serpentine transformation gave me some... useful quirks."


The girl chuckled darkly and flicked her new forked tongue, closing her eyes and searching within her mind, looking for the source of that new power of hers and momentarily freeing Beau from her gaze.

The feline boy's cheeks were beet red, partly from her touching and partly from his admission of guilt. He continued to writhe as her hand kept up its caress on his crotch, whispering out softly, "You're not mad at me..?"

"Oh, Beau... I'm not mad at all." Emily's eyes opened again, now glowing with a dazzling emerald light, "You gave me this wonderful power, after all."

Beau had had a hard enough time resisting her when she'd casually met eyes with him. Now that she was actually trying to enthrall him, the boy had not a chance in hell. He immediately fell under her sway, eyes glazing over once more, the heavy fog settling over his mind and trapping him in her mesmerizing gaze.

"That's a good kitty." she scratched his ears gently, giggling at the loud purr that rumbled in his throat, "I've got an idea... Since you were so keen on enslaving me, why don't you tell me just what you'd have done, had it worked."

Beau didn't stop for more than a breath, murmuring out in a dull, monotone voice, reciting exactly what he'd had planned for Emily, "I would have made you my obedient sex slave. Would have made you act normal on a day-to-day basis, but become completely obedient when around me."

Emily's grin widened. She'd never known that Beau had such a naughty side to him. She unbuttoned and unzipped his pants, tugging his hard cock out and giving it a firm squeeze, "Details, kitty."

Beau continued in between moans, bucking his hips like a needy slut, "I... I would have had you strip for me... Give me a lap dance, then ride me... bend over for me whenever I was horny..."

"And now you're at my mercy, thrusting into my hand like you're desperate for stimulation." Emily giggled softly and kissed him on the lips, keeping her glowing eyes trained onto him, "Well Beau... you'll be happy to know that I am not angry with you. In fact, you pleasantly surprised me. I always thought you were a bit of a prude."

"N-Not a... prude..."

"Oh, I know that now." she grinned and squeezed his cock again, beginning to stroke it firmly, listening to her boy toy's wanton moaning, "Your one attempt at being assertive seems to have backfired, though. Too bad for you... but good for me."

"G-Good... good..!" Beau moaned out and spread his legs instinctively, little trails of precum dripping down his shaft and making the human-turned-lamia's fingers quite slick.

Emily giggled and kissed him on the lips, never releasing him from the hypnotic pull of her eyes, "I think, for your punishment for trying to enslave me, you should be my slave. That's a fair call, don't you think, Beau?"

"Fair... yes..."

"So tell me you'll be my slave."

"I'll be your slave..." Beau's cheeks were clearly red beneath his fur. Was it really that easy to just... become someone's slave? Well, clearly he believed that, considering he was trying to enslave Emily with a pendant and a few mumbled words.

"Good kitty." Emily slowly began to undress him, leaving his clothes in a pile on the floor before taking off what was left of her own clothes. She quietly mourned the destruction of her stockings and panties-- they'd been real comfortable. However, she was sure she could get her new slave to get her something to replace them... among other things. Soon she had her Siamese slave boy nude and ready to fulfill her every desire.

"Now, Beau." she said, her long, emerald tail beginning to slide around and coil up the feline's body, "I'm going to give this new body a, um... test drive. Tell me if I squeeze you too hard or anything, ok? I don't want to hurt my sweet little slave, after all."

Beau's purring intensified as he felt those coils begin to wind their way around him. They were pleasantly cool and smooth, and the way they slid around his fur was so relaxing. He murmured out softly in response to her command, "Yes... Emily..."

"Mm, call me Miss Emily. Or Mistress." Emily grinned and gave her slave's nipples a firm pinch, bringing a yelp from his lips, "Yes, Mistress will do very nicely."

"Yes Mistress..!" he corrected himself, panting softly and settling into Emily's coils, gazing helplessly into her eyes. There was no question about it now. He was Emily's slave.

The lamia didn't waste any time once her boy toy was completely coiled. She parted two thick sections of tail to free his cock, squishing it between them and having them grind back and forth, basking in the ecstatic moans that followed, "That's right. You love my new body. You love being embraced in my scaly tail and teased like the good, obedient slut boy you are."

"Yes Mistress... I do..." Beau could barely move in the cocoon of coils. Whatever stimulation he would receive would be completely up to Emily now. He was entirely at her mercy. The Siamese boy panted and let out a frustrated whimper, trying to buck his hips, "Nnghh... Mistress... I can't..."

"I know you can't." Emily grinned and leaned in close, hissing into her slave's ears and flicking her tongue over the furry appendages, "It's maddening, isn't it? I'm in complete control over your pleasure, and all you can do is beg for it. I could even take that away if I wanted to, and leave you completely unable to bring yourself any stimulation." "N-No, please... Please don't, Mistress..."

"Aww, Beau... I would never." she smirked, rubbing his ears and kissing him once more, "I like the sound of your begging far too much to ever deny you of the ability to do so."

Beau let out a relieved sigh, "Thank you Mistress."

"Mm don't thank me yet." Emily's coils slid back around his cock until something very warm and wet pressed against his cock, "I just noticed... I have two sexes now. I wonder how... this feels." With one swift movement, Emily's serpentine sex pushed itself down and around Beau's cock, the two crying out in unison. Her coils tightened around Beau momentarily, and she struggled to keep control over her nerves and muscles, "Holy fuck... I could get used to this!"

Beau completely lost himself to ecstasy as Emily began to milk his cock with that tight sex, writhing helplessly in her coils, quite happy with his new role in life. Being used by the girl of his dreams as a mindless sex toy... and she was a lamia to boot! Yes, he was quite happy indeed... or maybe that was just the hypnotic conditioning talking. Beau couldn't tell which, and he likely never would after this.

Emily panted and moaned loudly each time she squeezed Beau's cock, pushing her thick coil against his crotch to engulf it over and over again, her fingers busily pinching at her nipples as she was quickly overwhelmed by the pleasure. It took all the self-control in the world to keep her from crushing Beau to death with her powerful tail, and the power high she got from that thought only made the whole ordeal more delicious to her. She stopped right before she hit climax, panting and grinning down at her slave, "Somehow I don't think you mind so much that I'm not your slave right now, Beau."

"N-Not at all... Mistress..." the kitty boy could barely speak, panting and gasping for breath and whimpering like a needy slut. He didn't want her to stop squeezing, but he knew he wasn't in control. He would sit there and take whatever his Mistress would deliver, like a good boy.

"Good. Don't worry, now. Mistress won't make you wait for your orgasm for too long." she licked her lips and took a deep breath to regain her composure, then began her squeezing once again. The second round of ecstatic cries began, and this time they wouldn't stop until they'd had their fill of the amazing pleasure. Beau, in his mesmerized state, was so very susceptible to even the tiniest stimulation, and Emily, with a brand new body, had brand new nerves that were practically aflame with sensation. It didn't take long at all for either of them to reach their climax. Beau hit the edge first, and before Emily could tell him to hold onto it, he was cumming explosively inside of her, squirming frantically within his coily prison as thick spurts of kitty seed flooded his Mistress' insides. The heat of Beau's cum set Emily off immediately afterward, her sex clamping tightly around the feline slave's cock and not letting go. The two practically screamed in ecstasy, Emily nearly passing out from the powerful new sensations she was experiencing.

Gradually their moans died down, ending off in exhausted panting and gasping. Beau was purring like he'd never purred before, and Emily's face was completely red. It had been quite the experience for both of them. Emily eventually found the strength to move and looked up into Beau's eyes, her own still glowing powerfully, "Good slave. Mmh, very good. You are mine now. Understand?"

"Yes... I belong to Miss Emily." Beau was too tired to even attempt to resist anymore, and even if he wasn't, he didn't want to. Being Emily's personal sex puppet was all he wanted anymore.

Emily giggled and kissed him on the lips, looking down at her shiny emerald coils and flicking her tongue as she thought aloud, "Now how am I going to go to class like this?"

"I'll... find a way to reverse the spell."

"Good boy!" she giggled and kissed Beau's nose, "Now, sleep, slave. Sleep, feeling safe in my scaly embrace." It was all the convincing he needed. Beau's eyes snapped shut immediately, and he drifted off to sleep, held comfortably in a bed of coils. Some part of him wondered about his plot to enslave Emily, and whether it was worth the price he paid.

"What price? Oh yeah, fifteen bucks. Fifteen bucks for a hot snake woman Mistress who wants your dick? Yeah... totally worth it."

Totally worth it, indeed.