Soldiers in Love Part 1

Story by Daiki on SoFurry

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Author Says: Okay this is my first story on here. Tell me what you think.

Synopsis: A squad selected for a variety of skills readies for a mission deep in enemy territory in Manchuria. A Lieutenant develops a crush for his squad mate.


Freedom Army Base, Pacific Coast Region, North America. 0900 hrs:

Eight soldiers filed into the briefing room and took their seats. The light conversation among themselves became quiet for a moment as a new comer, an artic fox furre, entered and took his seat in the second row. Corporal Kurtis, read the new comer's name badge. They had been expecting a replacement for sometime; fresh in their minds was the last rehearsal, their security expert really out did himself, during the last live fire exercise; he got himself a few months in a hospital.

Then entered, Captain Blanche; he was a well groomed, and tall lion. His army uniform looked brand new; he loved his uniform, it showed. In fact, he was one of those officers that preached a high level of respect for the uniform. Of course, not as many soldiers had a many proud medals to put on as he did.

Blanche pressed a button on his handheld remote. The tall screen at the front of the briefing room displayed a map of Manchuria. Blanche spoke with raspy French country accent. "Now we've rehearsed for mission many times, but once again, details have changed. We now know the prototypes are too large for our underwater carrier therefore..."

Lieutenant Marley seated in the second row of seats from the front was looking at the new Corporal sitting a few chairs down. Corporal Kurtis had white fur, streaked with orange markings; he had bright white albino hair cut short. Kurtis was short, standing at 5 feet five inches. He wore black glasses with a thick bold frame over his bright blue eyes. Marley found him very cute. His pants tented. No not in a briefing. Marley shifted in his seat uncomfortablely, and crossed over his legs.

"... furthermore, we have a new computer specialist to replace our last Lance Corporal, meet Corporal Kurtis" The Captain smiled. "I hope you all will become familiar with him before the mission."

"Become familiar with him? You don't have to tell Marley twice Captain." Someone whinnied from behind Marley. Marley recognized the voice; Lt. Regis. He was a well defined equine, the tallest of the entire squad, reputedly the strongest. He did look impressive; he was built like a body builder. He always tried to look as casual as he could to show it off his physique. Regis often was found around the base in his muscle shirt, or his uniform would be open a few buttons. Whenever there was work to do, Regis would have his shirt off in a minute.

Marley tried to think of a come back, yet failed miserably. "Well... well... thank you. Regis."

"Anything for my favorite Raccoon." Regis patted Marley on the back.

Captain Blanche cleared his throat, and then wrapped up the briefing. "While I hope you will continue to hone your skills for the mission, I also recommend you enjoy the last few days before mission. The places you will be sleeping and eating breakfast in the few next weeks, will make this base look like five star hotel. So have some fun dahmit! Dismissed."


There he is. Marley thought as he spotted Kurtis heading for a table in the mess hall. Apparently he was hard to find, hardly ever at the gym, rarely at the bar, but he had to eat. Marley had been searching for him since the briefing with little luck, and it was only a few days before they would be inserted into Manchuria for the mission. Marley filled his plate full of potatoes vegetables and beef and took a cup of coffee then walked over to him. "Hey. Mind if I sit here?"

Kurtis had his laptop open as he nibbled his food. Hardly making a dent into his meal, he was completely hypnotized by the laptop's LCD screen. He took a moment, before he raised his eyes and looked at him. "Oh hi, Lt. Marley." He said meekly in a small voice. "Please sit down." His eyes shifted back to his laptop.

Marley smiled. He took his seat and looked at Kurtis' tray. "You're a vegetarian?"

Kurtis nodded.

Marley shifted in his seat, he didn't like the silence between them. "Not hungry?"

Kurtis closed his laptop shut and sighed shaking his head. "What? No. Just stressed, there is so much to do before the mission Lieutenant." He rubbed his eye and then began to poke a fork into his greens.

"Hey, I'm off duty. Please call me Victor." Marley said.

"Okay Victor." Kurtis blinked, he just then noticed Marley had a thick eastern European accent. He licked his lips a little and gave him his complete attention. "You can call me Sam... when we're off duty."

"Sam it is. Have you been following the Captains advice?"

"You mean about being prepared for the mission or having fun?"

"What do you think?"

"Well, I did play some DDR yesterday, but it wasn't that great."

"DDR?" Marley held back tried to hold back his laughter, something about it made Kurtis seem cuter than ever.

"Yep. Well it was just by myself, its more fun with a partner though, but I haven't met anyone who's into it." Kurtis pouted.

"I like DDR."

"Really?" Kurtis began wagging his tail a little quickly.



Marley nodded.

"Wanna play sometime?"

"Yeah, whenever. Just come by my quarters when I'm around."

"I will." Kurtis said, looking at Marley sweetly.

The conversation went back and forth for a few more minutes. Then, there was a long pause of silence.

"I heard you're good marksmen." Kurtis said, and then bit into an apple.

Marley chuckled, leaning forward a little. "My score still hasn't been beaten back at the Academy." Marley narrowed his eyes a little slyly. "You must have read my record. You don't look like the type to 'hear' things."

Kurtis blushed a little. "Yes. I looked over everyone's, I have to." He sipped on his green tea. "But that fact seemed to stick out a little."

They each cleaned their trays. Marley finished first. He shook Kurtis's hand, wishing him luck on the mission. He began to walk away towards his quarters. He shook his head a little. Why did I tell him I like DDR?


"Rawr! Stupid computer." By now Kurtis's eyes were bloodshot, he slammed his laptop shut. He was regretting the last four hours of his life spent, e-mailing cyber friends, studying data, trolling in chat rooms and looking over mission blueprints. "I will have fun before the mission starts. I will have fun."

He looked at the calendar; three more days, till he would leave for mission. "Even though my job is the security, I should be training my combat skills." He pouted to himself. He looked at the clock, 8 pm. He cleaned his quarters, folded his clothes, cleared his desk, and packed away all the cables to his laptop. After he was satisfied he leaped onto his bed, snuggling into his body pillow.

He sat up and looked himself over in the wall mirror. He slipped off his shirt and flexed his lean muscles. He licked his muzzle and unzipped his pants. "Victor..." He closed his eyes and wrapped his paw around his growing shaft. "Mmm... Victor you stud." He slowly stroked himself and then, a vivid fantasy burst through his mind.


Marley pushed Kurtis a little roughly against the wall. He leaned over Kurtis, emphasizing their height difference. His brown eyes stared into his. His muzzle nearly touched Kurtis's, he was so close that Kurtis could feel his hot breath trail across his fur.

Kurtis shivered as he felt Marley's hot breath. Kurtis was breathing quickly, his could feel himself blushing beat red. He didn't move at all, he wasn't resisting at all. His heart beat rapidly as he waited excitedly for Marley's next move.

Marley closed his eyes and pushed his lips against his giving him a forceful kiss, pushing his head back against the wall. Then he slow pushed his tongue into Kurtis' muzzle.

Kurtis moaned sweetly. His paws wrapped around Marley, stroking his back gently as he welcomed Marley's tongue with his own.


Kurtis whimpered submissively, and pulled down his pants and boxers hornily. He mouthed kisses to his imaginary partner. As he stroked his weeping member he imagined his own paw was someone else's. He blushed looking about the room, until he had convinced himself, someone was watching him. Then he shot a little burst of pre. Kurtis gasped, he hadn't been this horny in a long time.

Kurtis rolled over on his stomach waving his bum in the air. "Yes. Please Victor! I want you inside of me! Please Victor! I want you inside of me." He breathed quickly as he pushed his finger inside of himself as he continued stroking quicker and quicker. "Murr! Don't stop. Faster!"

His muscles tensed. He let out a sharp gasp. He aimed his member at his stomach as his cum burst up to his chin. "Mmmm!" He moaned happily.

Kurtis rolled over on his back and stared into space, panting heavily. He wore wore a satisfied smile. He pawed off some of the cum on his neck and then licked himself paw clean.

Kurtis frowned. He turned to the wall mirror, looking at himself with a slight frown. "But, it could be better if it was real." He sighed.