The House on Rainbow Road - 19 - Michelle

Story by Little Red Wolf on SoFurry

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#21 of The House on Rainbow Road - 2011


The sound of skin and bone striking meat sent an empathetic rush of pain and anger through Michelle as Rachel flew through the air and crashed into a collection of plants on a different side of the room. The girl did not move as a trickle of blood oozed from her nose, but that did not stop the magnificently muscular demon, who entered the greenhouse and allowed its impressive wingspan to fill his side of the room.

"Flesh!" the creature bellowed, creating a savage kind of heat which seeped into Michelle's muscles. She felt rooted in place as her limbs swelled with strength. A dozen terrible desires began to claw through her as the monster stepped toward her friend. An amber fire blazed in her eyes, as she watched him move toward lesser prey... ignoring her... inflaming her hatred of all he represented.

"Mine," the creature rumbled, and she could not stand another moment. With more speed than she had ever possessed, Michelle rushed forward, crashed in from the side, and knocked the beast to the floor.

"Stephanie!" Michelle shouted as her body continued to swell with her sister's rage. "Go! Save Molly!"

"What about..." her voice trailed off as Michelle flexed in preparation for her next attack.

"I'm gonna kick his ASS!" Michelle growled savagely, and as the demon got to his feet, she let out a roar and tackled him. A cacophony of destruction reigned as they smashed into a stand of plants and then crashed through the outer wall. Once again they were outside. The familiar surroundings triggered a memory and she found herself laughing evilly at the burn marks that her sister had splashed onto her opponent's chest.

Swollen muscles pushed the stitching of Michelle's clothing past its limits as her limbs slashed vicious claws. Bluejeans burst open as she sprang forward, tearing at the demon's wounds, attacking points which were already weakened from her sister's holy water. A horrendous bellow of agony erupted from her enemy, but he was no stranger to battle's dance.

The demon rolled his body and cut the air with his wings, bringing the barrier between them, causing the rest of her attacks to fall upon a non-vital part of him. A flurry of blows fell upon the budding monster, which climaxed in the crunching of bones within her own flesh. The entire world pitched violently and then she tumbled to a halt near a collection of trees.

Michelle was no match for him, she had always been the passive one, never raising her voice, never fighting back. The element of surprise had worn off, and there was now little she could do against this demonic soldier... which is when fortune came to her aid.

A blur of claws and fur seemed to appear from nowhere and attack without mercy. The two figures twisted for a moment then the newcomer knocked his opponent to the ground. The demon rose to its feet once more, but was struck down again. The savagery of the battle rose to a fevered pitch and then the demon's arm was torn away, followed by its head.

A victorious howl sang a long and glorious note, and then all was silence. A massive, amber-eyed, werewolf turned to face Michelle. His snow white fur was stained in blood, but he stood tall and proud as he looked upon her. The scent of him told her she was safe, but it also created a desperate longing in her body which made her feel she might go mad.

Something akin to a body-wide cramp doubled Michelle over and left her spasming violently on the ground. An agonizing shriek died forced tears to fill her vision as she lost control. Strong arms wrapped around her body, drawing her up off of the cold earth and holding her close. Warm fur covered hard muscles, and the aura of his might calmed her fears. The loss of self control no longer frightened her. This mighty male was an alpha... her alpha... and he would keep away all which wished harm upon her.

Michelle shuttered in his arms as her muscle and bones thickened, twisted, and pushed out. Dark fur... white fangs... the grace of a tail... the wolf sprouted from the human, bursting through shoes and clothes in a savage rebirth. The typical horror of such an event was muted by the presence of he who had already gone through this change. The alpha's calm was her calm, and the more like him she became, the more she wanted to be with him.

Time rolled by like the mist of her breath. Agony became ecstasy, climaxing with hope, and finally acceptance. As she settled into this new form, she finally looked up at her alpha, and knew her place. She could smell the alpha-female on him, and there was no doubt that she would never defeat this mighty rival. But though the rules of the pack did not allow her to mate with him, she knew that his strength would protect her. Thus, comforted with the knowledge of her place in the world, the she-wolf followed her alpha, and ran through the forest where her sister rested with the rest of the pack.

The House on Rainbow Road - 20 - Mary

**Mary** The walls of the chapel stood silent, save for the occasional whimper of the young woman who huddled inside. None of the others had made it to her, and she was certain they had all been claimed by other demons which she was certain...

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The House on Rainbow Road - 18 - Stephanie

**Stephanie** The sound of skin and bone striking meat sickened Stephanie, as Rachel flew through the air and crashed into a collection of plants on a different side of the room. The girl did not move as a trickle of blood oozed from her nose,...

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The House on Rainbow Road - 17 - Michelle

**Michelle** Michelle rushed through the halls with Rachel in tow. She practically had to drag the normally independent girl whose mind seemed to have shattered into a thousand pieces, but there was little she could do outside of keep moving....

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