Full Circle

Story by Eli on SoFurry

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#6 of Revelations

((This would be the first section of the story I wrote since my big writing project, as usual, all characters and the dryeena species are copy written by me, though I give permission to use however anyone wants, as long as they don't claim the species as their own. This story contains a furry female / male / hermaphrodite sex scene, containing bondage and a non-consensual act, and uses the hir/shi format for hermaphrodites, so please don't yell that I didn't warn you. Please, you really can't read this section of the story straight up, please read the other sections first))

"Magic? Woo!!" Eli howled out as shi heard the words.

Eli always wanted to create magic, ever since shi was little. The young hyena-turned-dryeena somehow knew there was a way to do so, even if no one else believed hir.

"Yes, magic." Rain stood slowly and walked to a white countertop, she reached up to a soft wood cabinet and reached to a locked wall, gripping a panel and slowly pulling it. The cabinet opened and as soon as it was Rain reached in and took out a set of cups, slipping them onto the counter before reaching back in, gripping a combination lock on the back of the panel and slowly beginning to turn it, clicking the combination in place before that fell to the base of the cabinet. Rain reached in, grabbing a box of chemicals, slowly turning to the wooden table and pushing the chemicals onto it. She then stood up and turned to Jacob, who had awoken and walked out of the room, "Jacob, can you prepare please?"

Jacob had walked into the living room and had torn a hole in the walling. The new pet knew what his mistress wanted, and this was the only way to get to it. Jacob gripped a small metal box and brought it back into the kitchen, setting it on the table. He then began to unpack it. There was a chain, a few leather straps, a small yellow tablet of some sort and a gold cup.

Eli stared in curiosity as shi watched the other two walk around the house, grabbing various chemicals and containers hir mind racking hir on what was going on. Shi wasn't kept waiting long however as Jacob grabbed hir from behind and set hir on the table itself, wrapping the chain around the table and hir. He then chains hir to the table quickly, wrapping hir arms and legs in the leather straps and tying the tail to a cinderblock, speaking back to Rain, "Shi's prepared mistress."

"Good my pet." Rain smiled, gripping the golden cup in her paws, slowly raising it in the air and slowly pouring a few liquids into it. The first red liquid came in contact with a blue liquid, and soon after turning purple, it changed into a green jelly. Rain then slowly poured a bright blue powder directly into the Jelly, causing it to fizzle back into a liquid state. "Make the serum."

"Yes mistress." Jacob turned back around and took an orange powder; he then slowly pressed some fresh earth directly into the powder itself. Jacob was prepared fully for the task, being under Rain's tutelage for quite some time, he knew exactly how to make each step, showing great care and professionalism as he took a beaker full of crystal clear water and mixed with the earthen solution, laughing softly as he did. He turned back to Rain, walking slowly past her. He reached up into the unlocked cabinet and grabbed an empty bottle, opening it and turning it over the solution.

"What the hell?!" Eli screamed as shi began to struggle in hir bonds, watching the others work on the chemicals quickly, "I'm not a hir! Let me go! This isn't funny anymore!" Eli continued hir struggle, while staring into Jacob as he tapped the empty bottle into the mixture. "That's it! You people are insane! I'm getting out of here!" Shi screamed out loud as hir claws gripped into the leather straps, though through an enchantment Rain had cast earlier on them, they didn't puncture.

"It's pure air, love." Jacob continued to work, explaining the contents of the bottle as he did, "There is no use trying to escape, accept your fate, for there is no way around it."

Rain continued to mix chemicals as Jacob worked on his own, finishing up with an oozing glowing blue potion, slowly turning to the dryeena and sighing, shaking her head softly before slowly beginning to pour the mixture on Eli's new wings, "Shh... chosen one, your past incarnation would from on what hir soul has become."

"Incarnation?! What?" Eli screamed back out as shi continued hir renewed struggle, "What the hell did you pour on me?! Why are you doing this?!"

Jacob had finished the mixture and returned to the other two, gripping the tail of the dryeena in his paw and pressing a single finger into the concoction he had made, before biting the tail quickly, drawing a bit of blood from hir.

Eli screamed out as shi felt the bite against hir, the blood dripping into Jacob's maw even faster than before. A strange sensation then shot through hir, it tickled a bit, but shi knew it was there, "What the hell did you just do?!"

A soft chuckle came from Rain's lips as she heard the young dryeena speak, "Us? Nothing, but you did a number on poor Jacob." She pointed to him, as he appeared slowly from the floor, slipping on the tiling and falling once again, his white fur burned a bit. Rain turned back to the dryeena, who had calmed a little, hir own eyes glazed over with wonder as, "Dryeena can conduct a lot of electricity through their bodies."

Jacob stood back up, the container he had held had collapsed in matter, the only thing remaining was a gust of transparent energy, "enough so... that I'm barely here still. Mistress, Hope's Essence is complete."

"What?!" Eli screamed yelling back out, "Now you're not putting no demons in me!" Shi began to squirm once again hir wings beginning to flap as shi struggled to get the chains off, but once again, shi was to no avail.

"Demons? No never. This is what you were destined to hold in you." Rain took the jar from Jacob and took it over to Eli. With a claw on each side of hir maw, Rain took the jar and slipped it into Eli's Muzzle, the energy inside of it slowly slipping down hir maw. Eli began to pant heavily, just before the energy took hold. The room began to swirl around hir, light blue lights began to shine from within hir, the energy grips and begins to take control. The air around hir began to host spiritual energies as they swirled and circled around hir, hir large ears wilt quickly as strange purple markings begin to cover hir form. Eli screams out for help, turning to Jacob and Rain, watching as they just stood there, Jacob's eyes filled with excitement and awe as Rain just smirked with a look of satisfaction. Eli turned back up to the ceiling, a thumping in hir chest; and with a large scream, Eli passes out.

Eli slowly awoke to a shock, watching a naked Jacob directly in front of hir. Shi howls in fear and begins to struggle again, yet shi was still tied to the table, shi continues to stare into Jacob's eyes, then turns to see Rain slowly undress to the side of hir. Shi calmed suddenly, watching the older chameleon slip out of her clothing.

Eli was suddenly entranced by the sight, seeing the floral dress slowly slip down the soft patched scales, watching as it slipped suddenly to her feet. Eli's eyes begin to widen as the female slowly gripped the cloth holding her supple breasts up, reaching slowly behind herself to a small latch, and with a quick flick, the cloth falls off, slowly falling to the ground.

"Hey mistress, I think shi likes you!" Jacob continued to watch the dryeena on the table, laughing as he watched Rain, gently murring, rubbing his larger malehood in his paw, making soft murring sounds just from the touch to himself, ready and prepared for what he knew was waiting.

"Hey... How do you know.. that?!," Eli yelped and howled, gripping to the table and thrusting hir body back against the table. They had taken hir clothing off while shi had been knocked out and shi stared down hirself to a new hardened pink member on hir own form. Eli wasn't too happy about this, as shi began to struggle once more in hir restraints, hir eyes closing as shi began to wish shi was in a dream.

"Oh, really? I thought shi'd be more interested in you, with hir past and all." Rain slowly spoke at the same time as the dryeena, slipping a single claw on each side of her panties, gripping the silk with each finger as her tail flickered straight up. She slowly bends over as she rolled the silk down her form, still turned away from the dryeena as she watched Jacob, showing them both her pink femaledom and her raw tailhole, attempting to get Eli more compliant."

"I... I am... was a lesbian," Eli whimpered as shi looked down on hirself once more. Shi was ashamed that shi ever was that, however at the same time shi was embarrassed that shi was in such a position, no matter how much shi enjoyed being tied up. Eli shook hir head as shi then realized what was going on, trying to break free once more, "RAPE! RAPE!" Shi screamed out, wanting to break free from the restraints and get away, "You're not doing this to me!"

Eli however, didn't have much of a choice in the matter, as shi continued to struggle, Rain had climbed on top of the hermaphrodite, resting her soft sex on the dryeena. She slowly waved Jacob into position, letting him guide his member to Eli's female entrance, pressing the wet tip against hir, waiting for Rain's word, "We need to jump start your body, your essence doesn't have enough emotional, mental nor physical stimuli to get full effect, and if you wish to learn magic, you need to do this."

Eli did exactly as Rain thought shi would, shi began to scream out louder and began to curse everyway shi knew how, reasoning with them both with every argument that shi could think of, including using hir new 'age' as an example. Rain however did not listen, raising her paw straight up for Jacob, she slowly sunk her femaledom onto the hermaphrodite, gasping quickly and moaning from the way it felt inside her.

Jacob smiled as he saw the signal, letting his marsupial cock slide into the dryeena's folds, letting soft grunts on his entry, quickly filling the folds of the hermaphrodite. His mind focuses just on guiding him in and out of hir, smiling from just the entry and hilting as deep as he could in hir.

Rain gripped hard to Eli's shoulders as she continued her decent down the dryeena, gasping and moaning softly as she descended on hir, her folds slipping against each of the dryeena's three ridges, never feeling anything like she had just then, as the tip of each ridge slowly flicked against her clitoris, before sliding in completely.

Eli did not know what was going on anymore, hir mind trying to keep off the fact that shi was actually enjoying this, but shi continued to howl out that shi was being raped. Hir body didn't agree with hir though, as hir hips slowly began to buck from Rain's decent bucking hir virgin member deep within the girl. Hir eyes close as shi continued to fight hir lust, hir mind ignoring hir body's plea to continue, as Jacobs member slowly began to pull out, hir walls gripping against it, trying to pull it back in.

Jacob began to thrust and hilt at a higher speed, murring from the way Eli's sex responded quickly to his penis's touch to hir, grinning as he continued, letting his member push harder into hir, each thrust pushing the table back just a small bit.

Rain yelled and moaned as she knew that Eli was giving in, knowing exactly what was going through Eli's mind and knowing this is exactly what shi wanted. She continued to move her body slowly up and down the member quickly, holding her entire body back from it's quick rise, milking Eli for everything she was worth, knowing that a quick release would cause much more energy than to wear on.

Jacob grinned as he pushed and pulled inside of the hermaphrodite more and more, his mind set completely on the act now as his claws responded to Eli's movements as such. A single claw quickly slips into the hermaphrodite's tailhole as he continued each firm thrust into the dryeena, leaking pre deeply into hir body as he watched his mistresses movements, getting a subtle hint from her as he began to move much faster suddenly, letting his member grow and neared himself.

Eli couldn't hold hir composure from the touch any longer. Hir mind wiped from the signals of pleasure hir body was sending hir, hir ears began to lactate from the feeling of them both against hir. Hir knot slowly began to grow inside of Rain as Rain continued her pumping outside of Eli. Hir walls slowly contract and hold against Jacob's member as shi closed, as shi began to emit soft moans from the work the other two gave to hir, finally giving in and letting them both take hir.

Jacob nodded to Rain, and Rain did the same back to Jacob, as they both slowed and began to buck simultaneously against the dryeena, letting them maximize their efforts inside of hir. Jacob was the first to release, his thick white kangaroo cum filling hir warm passage as he slowly thrust his claw as deep inside of Eli as he possibly could, mimicking his climax in their in everything but the cum. Rain smiled, finally letting her body go as she felt the movements signaling Jacob's climax, washing her own juices down Eli's member just as the knot tied with her, as she moaned out loudly, and awaited Eli's release. She didn't have to wait long however, as Eli gave a quick grunt, blushing and howling loudly as shi felt the way the two filled hir body, giving fully to hir instincts as hir own warm blue seed filled the chameleon girl quickly, hir eyes shutting as hir female juices slide down Jacob's shaft and drip out the connection between them, making hir moan more just before the second kick from essence kicked in.

Eli felt hir body warm quickly, howling as the feeling of multiple types of pleasure filled hir form. Shi felt warm, secure, happy and satisfied all at the same time, hir mind closing as shi suddenly felt an insight to so much of the world and hir own being. Yet, Eli fell back against the table and began to whimper once again, staring at Rain with a sudden look of anger, "Dryeena can never produce magic."

Rain gasped and looked up suddenly, breaking the knot between the two as she fell back against Jacob, as he caught her and shook his head, watching Rain and Eli, as Rain spoke back to hir, "why.. why not?"

"You must of read the books wrong, dryeena are not effected against spell cast magic, however, potions and element based magic can still have effect." Eli spoke with a calmer tone than normal, almost entirely switching places with Rain, who then began to search and scramble through her books, trying to find what she did wrong, "it's alright, I know what this world should look like and I'm willing to help fix it."

Rain smiled suddenly and pushed against the dryeena, then she smiled and spoke, regaining her demeanor, "then let's get to work."

They all slowly put their clothing back on as Eli's body slowly cooled, but before they could do anything else, Eli spoke again, "Rain... help..." a strange tone was in hir throat as shi did so. Rain and Jacob watched, not able to do anything to help her, watching hir fade away.

Kaila Lost (Tentical Rape)

(Before you read, if you don't like tentacle's don't read. If you don't like forced rape, do not read. If you do not like injury or pain, do not read this. Kaila the fluffy white wolf belongs to me. Story and rights to it are mine. Think, don't steal...

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Rude Awakening

(same yadda yadda as usual. So just don't steal my work. All characters and the dryeena species belong to me, though I do give permissions to artists and writers to use said species, as long as I get to know in advance, and credit goes to me.) A...

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journey Home

(Please Read the first few chapters before this one, or it makes little sense. All Character's are MY intellectual property, use common sense; don't steal my work. Yes there are spelling errors, but they are intentionally put into the dialog to mimic...

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