Incubation, Chapter 1

Story by Toumal on SoFurry

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#1 of Incubation


Chapter 1


This story is (c) 2002 by Toumal (toumal at yiffstar dot com)

Redistribution is ALLOWED for non-commercial purposes, as long as this

disclaimer and copyright information is also redistributed unaltered

along with the story.

This story should not be read by readers under the age of 18 years.

You have been warned.

Begin of Document.

HOST: Welcome to the Live Internet Q&A Session at You can now log onto cnn's chat server and chat live with Mr. Kendall, whom many of us know as the "embassador". Mr. Kendall, thanks for taking the time to chat with us. At first, would please introduce yourself?

AKendall: Very well. My name is Andrew Kendall, I'm currently working as a contractor for the US Military, and am therefore responsible for new technology transfer and implementation. I'm also serving as cultural relationship advisor for several governments including the US, Russia and the EU area.

HOST: So basically we could speak of you as one of the architects of the peace?

AKendall: "If by that you mean that I was involved in the first stages, yes. There are many components that tributed to the agreement over which I certainly had no control, so-

HOST: I understand what you mean. I just wanted to emphasize that your efforts basically got the ball rolling, so to speak.

AKendall: I guess so.

HOST: We will now start with Q&A Session. But before we start, please let me ask a direct question: Who do we actually talk with? I mean, it's difficult enough to realize that you, as a being who can actually change shape as you see fit, prefer to walk around in non-human form for most of the time. Even though there are many who share your ability, your... "kind", if I may say so, appears alien to average humans. Now I-

AKendall: I can only emphasize the fact that I was born human, raised human, and live like every other human. Don't let my shape fool you too much.

HOST: What I meant to ask is, who's *really* in charge right now? You, or that alien... organism inside of you? Who's doing what, or do you really just exist as one being now?

AKendall: Heh, I actually expected that one to come up. Yes, *I* am really one being. There's no "we", at least not anymore. I did not give up any of my human qualities, and the "alien inside me" did not give up anything either. We are one being. I experience my life as a single person, even though I share the memory and personalities of two beings.

HOST: Alright, our servers are being hammered with questions, so now the participants of this chat will have a chance to ask you questions. Here's the first one.

Av3nGr ([email protected]): Hi, I'm from Belgium. I'd like to know you view of the events. Now there certainly has been much coverage from the media, but I'd like to know how everything started, from your perspective. How you got involved in the war, and what happened to you. My second question is more simple: Do you have a concience?

AKendall: Mmm, I love the chocolate you make in Belgium ;) As for your second question, yes I do. Whenever I ride the bus without a ticket, I feel guilty. Sometimes when I screw things up, I feel guilty too. I feel responsible for the people I work with and whenever I act carelessly or do something that that or hinders them, be it unintentionally or not, I get the same uneasy feeling that I know from the time before the change, the time before the war.

How everything started for me? Well basically it all began on...


July 24th, 2008




A hand tapped blindly into the air.


As the clock's signal became more insistent, the person whom the hand belongs to pondered the possibility of taking the annoying piece of electronics, and destroying it by smashing it against a nearby wall, crush it, or disabling it via any other method.


"Alright, alright"

Not being the rich kind of guy, Andy settled for simply switching the alarm of like any civilized person usually does - though not without hammering the little thing into tiny pieces in his mind. Right after that he fell asleep again.

Some 2 hours later he arrived at the office. It was, for the most part, like any other office - maybe except the fact that there were armed guards at the outer doors and security systems everywhere. Working for a weapons research company does have it's tradeoffs, though the board obviously kept in mind that a happy employee is a productive employee. Andy took the winding path to his room and finally fell into his chair. Tim Rikers, a colleague who went by the nickname "SlimRage", chuckled.

"So you played deep into the night again. Don't deny it, you got those tiny sleepy eyes that say yes"

Andy sighed, hoping that the discussion would end like that. It didn't.

"You know they don't like it when their valuable employees do private research on stupid kitchen ovens."

Fiddling with his keys, he replied "You mean Microwaves"

"Yeah, whatever. I don't know whether I should envy you or not."

Andy raised a brow in surprise. "Envy *me*?"

Tim nodded suggestively. "Guess who got a letter from the boss?"


"No, stupid. *You*. Whatever you did to get his attention, I don't think that's a good thing"

Andy swallowed, and reached for his inbox tray. Right under the usual round-robin memos was a oversized yellow envelope with a big red stripe over it. Confidential? Top Secret? Who cared, it all meant the same. Tim waited expectantly while Andy fought with the opening. After some struggle, he produced a small memo and an access card.

"Huh? But I already have a ca..." Andy's eyes widened in surprise as he read the "access level" line.

Tim was embarassed. "No. It can't be. Don't tell me you got 4."

Andy shook his head, turning the card's front towards his envious colleague.

"5" he said.

And five it was.

Access Level 5, that basically meant access to some of the most secret areas of the facility. Although many employees had that clearance, Andy's jump from level 3 to 5 was very atypical. The little plastic card was gazed upon in awe, at least until Mr. Kendall suddenly got a call from the boss of the "Research & Testing Department"


"Hello Andrew. I assume you received your new card?"

"I uh, yes. But.."

"Well would you please come over to meet me in Research so we can activate your card and etch out some details?"

"Yes.. I.."

"Fine! See you in a few minutes. Leave your stuff at your desk, we'll handle the move. *click*"

Andy swallowed, and nodded to Tim before heading for the elevator. As he got inside, he realised that he would probably not see his colleague anymore, but his attempts to leave the cabin and say something like "seeya" to him were cut short by the massive doors closing. He felt awful. Either something happened, or he screwed up something. Despite the fact that a higher access level was an honor, it was also like changing the job -No, it was even worse. As the elevator traveled downwards, his anxiety grew with his fear. For what it's worth, Andy didn't think of himself as brave. The unspectacular appeareance he had been graced with did it's part in keeping his self-estimation within a safe range. When the doors finally opened, he tried to banish his uncertainty into a secluded corner of his mind.

The security personell mustered him with their gaze, obviously recognizing him as a stranger on this level.

"What can I do for you sir?", one Officer behind a huge and massive white desk asked.

"I've been ordered here by the boss of Research and Testing."

"Ah yes, Mr.-", the guard squinted to make out the writing on the namesign, "Kandell. Well first, please read and sign this."

Andy was handed a piece of paper, a contract of sorts. One of those contracts who effectively say "Talk to anyone else, and you'll rott in a dark hole"

He was then led through a series of security procedures like retina- and full-hand scans, after which he was brought to a brightly lit corridor, sealed on the other side by a massive white-painted steel door. His handprint caused the door to open without further comment, at the same time he felt a surge of self confidence flowing through him, as if he now possessed some kind of magic ability of sorts.

Right behind the door, his future boss was already waiting. The overwhelmed Andy just stood there dumbfounded, unable to comprehend the machinery filling the vast hall they were standing in. The boss waited a moment, but eventually waved a hand into Andy's field of vision. He smiled and extended a hand as his opposite finally regained control of his senses somewhat.

"Hi, name's howard but you can call me shawn if you like. We'll be working on a new project together."

"What's all this?" Andy asked sheepishly.

"This is just, uh, support for our latest gimmick. I suppose you're a X-Files fan."

"Y-yeah, sorta."

"I'd afraid you won't enjoy that show anymore, once you see what I want to show you.."

With that, he nodded to the guards who promptly vanished through the door Andy previously walked through.

Shawn motioned a still dumbfounded Andy to come with him. While they walked past an impressive array of highly-complex and probably incredibly pricy equipment, Shawn talked to him as if the topic was on office supplies.

"We finally have it." he stated.


"A UFO. A Spaceship. Ok, a wreck of a spaceship. Maybe it's nothing more than a piece of alien debris, but it's totally new technology and we're absolutely sure that it's not from this part of the neighborhood."

"Um, so assuming you're right, and assuming I believe you - why do you tell me that? I mean, there are dozens of other folks who are way brighter than I am."



"I have to admit that we got a little suspicious about your home 'experiments', and searched your house."

"You did WHAT?"

"What we found in your cellar is basically a similar technology the alien ship uses for propulsion."

"I was.. just experimenting with Microwaves"

"...and supercharged Plasma. And plasma accelerators. There are about 20 people on earth who have experience on that field, and you are one of them."

Finally, they approached a huge array of doors arranged similar to an airlock. Obviously automatically recognizing Shawn, the doors opened with a deep rumbling sound.

"You're way too valuable for us to have you conduct your experiments at home, so instead you'll help research the alien propulsion system. And this will be your new workingplace"

With that, he motioned him to walk though. Andy's jaw dropped. That moment, he realized 2 things: First, they weren't alone in the universe. Second, he'd probably not watch X-Files anymore..

The remnants of the crashlanded ship had a sleek and definitely alien quality to them. Despite the massive damage by an obviously violent impact, a forward-swept wing construction was identifyable. There was a hollow structure near the center which apparently once served as bridge.

"The alien engineers clearly had a few things ahead of earth, since no part of the surviving hull was punctured. The material was so strong that it proved impossible to drill holes by conventional means. Sadly enough for the passengers, a hull that strong is still no guarantee for survival", Shawn added in a matter-of-fact tone.

Andy silently wondered whether the occupants of the ship knew about their pending doom, and if they had time to realize their death before it happened. By "it", he reminded himself, he meant the sudden compression of all things aboard to a fraction of it's volume.

"The strong gravity field certainly was no match for the force of the impact, which explained why we were for the most part unable to retrieve working samples of technology."


February 3rd, 2012



This day, Mr. Kendall didn't wake at the sound of his alarm clock. In fact, he woke up 2 hours early, got dressed and left his apartment in a hurry. The clock's beeps would be left unheard today. Andy's anxiety grew as the bus he had taken stopped at a deserted place far outside the city. The fields around him were still covered with snow, the sky grey in grey.

"Today is the day" he recited, to noone in particular.

Everything they had worked on for almost 4 years would now be tested. A black van pulled to the border, and Andy wordlessy hopped in. The van's driver was wondered a bit, little did he know about the reason for Andy's anxiety, who just sat there and thought "Today she's gonna fly.."

In his mind he recapitulated all the work that had gone in this project. All the nights spent before strange pieces of scrap metal which later turned out to be a computer of sorts. All the failed attempts of reproducing the alien cooling system. Several minor accidents involving exploding plasma generators. That kind of stuff. Then the first test flights. A smile crept to his face as he remembered faces of the folk from the directors board when they launched a drone to Pluto - and back - using the technology and knowledge gathered from the wreck. Several unmanned and manned test-flights had been conducted, but of course the goal was to build something much bigger: A starship. Given the fact that they discovered and prototyped quite a few new weapon systems lately, funding for this project wasn't that hard to get.

The van passed a security perimeter, Andy was being blinded by flashlights of guards checking his identity. He could only chuckle at the attempts to keep everything under wraps, for undoubtedly intelligence agencies around the world knew very well what they were doing here. That they were actually going to conduct the first manned extrasolar flight. Most certainly Russia and other countries were either watching and harvesting their results, or preparing a similar mission themselves. The van stopped at a bunker entrance, and he unceremonously jumped out and was greeted by two members of his team. Alisha, a mathematical genius in the body of a lovely but not otherwise spectacular women, was holding the hand of Mark Frohnmeyer who's special kind of humor often helped easing things up for them. His job included computer research as well as operating most of the systems on board the ship.

"She's ready and waiting! Hurry up already!"

Together they stomped through the snow and through the bunker doors. After a short walk and an elevator trip they entered a huge cavern. The ship stood there, as if it didn't belong here. Andy loved this ship. The unofficial name was fitting: "Hummingbird". A sleek curved design made the ship look quite small, even though it's proportions were massive and the folks at NASA would probably wet their pants at the sight. At a lenght of roughly 120 Meters and a width of 30, it was both hundreds of times faster than the space shuttle as well as much more cost effective. There were accomodations for 50 crewmen, and Andy was going to be one of them.

Andy couldn't help but to feel proud about their achievements. The crashlanded alien ship had given them many new ideas, and pointed them into the right directions. Still they had built the countless prototypes as well as this ship, THEIR ship, by themselves.

"I can't do it.", crewmen Andy exclaimed half-jokingly, half-serious. Alisha giggled. "Oh yes, you can. If not, we'll knock you out with one of Shawn's famous special drinks, and drag you aboard."

"Why thank you, I knew I could count on my colleagues."

Mark hugged the women he learned to love during his time on the project, and asked "And you're really not mad they don't let you come with us?"

"No absolutely not" she frowned. "You know that I'm a tad claustrophobic. And if everything works out, I'll probably be forced to fly with you one day or another."

Andy sighed as he watched the couple, and headed off to board the ship via the large loading ramp. He'd be responsible for the power and propulsion systems, so he went straight to the bridge. The ship had no "engine room", everything could be controlled remotely. As he approached his station, he could not help but wonder why the military was giving them so much freedom in carrying out this flight. Even though half of the crew served, there were going to be 25 civilians on this ship. The bridge was still deserted, and Andy let himself fall into his chair. He liked sitting here, and the fact that he'd be there for almost a week made him smile yet again. The bridge was quiet, so the pat on his shoulders surprised him even more.

"Morning!" a cheery colleague said. He smiled and nodded while he went for the station next to the engineer. Slowly the bridge was filling with people. One Captain, Commander Steven Whittfield. One Pilot, Devan Tyrell. Two Scientists, who's name he kept forgetting, and three Engineers: Himself, Mark, and a 39 year old NASA expert named Charles Duvall. Then there were two Soldiers, grunts in his opinion, who apparently did not do much besides situps and disassembling their rifles, who also had their own seats in the heart of the ship. The rest of the crew was aboard by the time Andy finished his checklist. Unceremonously the engines whirred to live, the massive cycle of superionized gas starting. There was no need for much launch precautions since there had been an abundance of test flights, both unmanned and manned, long before construction of this vessel had begun. Still, Andy clenched the armrests of his chair as the pilot announced the ship to be sealed, and ready for takeoff.

"Alright then, let's check out the neighborhood." the captain commanded.

A loud rumbling noise told of the underground base's roof doors opening, a few patches of dirt landing on the hull. Without any noticable change of inertia the ship lurched upwards, the lack of gravitational change making the motion look even more violent to those passengers who had an outside view. Andy gasped as he saw the snowy surface pass by, the road where he came from coming into view and already becoming smaller. Shortly after this the ship's nose rose, and everyone somehow responding to a change in gravity that was not there. Andy forced himself to check his instruments, which of course did not show anything out of the normal. What was normal? The engines screamed, and with a deep thumping sound they went off into the night. At first Andy did not notice anything special, but a side window revealed that they were indeed heading straight into space at a maddening speed. Just seconds later the sun appeared, blinding them even though the windows were fitted with adequate protection against the sun's more harmful rays. Only then did Andy realize that he had a cramp from clinging to his chair like that, and forced himself to relax.

"Setting direct course." the pilot announced, as the view in their windows rotated somewhat.

"Full speed."

"Full speed, yessir."

As if someone had thrown a switch the big blue planet behind them, the one they called home, suddenly disappeared.


September 19th, 2016



The chief propulsion engineer awoke to the eerie humming of his engines. Once, he had been scared to death when the ship lurched to full speed for the first time, but by now even the caleidoscopic colors and the wild blurred patterns racing across the windows had lost their terror. As he stared though his small window, he noted that they even had a soothing effect.

"Dangerously soothing", he thought.

With a yelping noise the ship exited foldspace, and the shield around the ship began to glow as small particles in their path bombarded them. Through the shimmering white of the stressed energy field he could make out the stars - but no formations he could recognize as familiar. A peculiar sense of loneliness overcame him. They were the only humans out there. If anything went wrong, nobody would be able to help them. If the crew died for any reason, the ship would try to make it's way home - a trip of three weeks. An emergency signal would reach earth in about 95 years.

"What the hell am I doing out here?" he muttered, as he rolled out of his bed.

They were visiting a twin system, one of the few locations in the alien computer they were able to identify. Two suns circling each other, a System once photographed by the Hubble Telescope. Back then, it was only a few pixels in size, but today the fierce glow of the two suns filled the whole viewscreen. As it turned out, two solar systems actually merged. A few planets collided in that process, the dust through which they had flown being the remnants of one of them. Andy had time to watch the view, as the various scientists gathered data and worked on their stations. He admired the powerful glow of the suns, their brightness being reproduced in weak intensity by the viewscreen. Was this their home system? Which of the 15 planets would be their homeworld? Or was their planet destroyed a long time ago?

As Andy stared at the screen deep in thought like that, he noticed a small area of darkness, apparently something between the suns and them.

"What's that dark spot over there?" he asked, trying not to sound too alarmed.

"The scanners don't show anything." the pilot grunted.

One of the scientists pointed at the screen and exclaimed "I can see it too!"

"Could that be a black spot?"

"No, it's moving"

"Yeah, but the suns move and rotate too"

"Not in that direction" the NASA-engineer countered

Not impressed by the phenomenon nor the conversation at all, the commander ordered to head 90 degrees right, and fly 2.000km. Answering the questioning gazes, he said "Then we'll be able to estimate how far away and how big it is."

When the suns came into the front view again, the dark shadow had moved considerably to the left.

"Now you got me interested. Pilot, bring us into proximity of that object. Do it carefully, slowly."


The shadow grew rapidly, increasing in size as well as contrast. As the "Hummingbird" closed in on the strange object, shape and contour became visible. It looked like a ship. Or, to be more exact, it looked very much like the one they had found on earth, only - bigger. Much bigger in fact.


"Look at the wings - they look almost exactly like our baby in the lab!" Mark exclaimed.

The captain obviously didn't trust the apparently dead ship. "Pilot: Hold position relative to the other ship"

Moments thereafter, the looming black shape stopped growing.

Whittfield spun his chair around, asking "Any suggestions?"

Andy instantly said "Let's go onboard"

His remark was met with a few concerned looks. "oh... okay, maybe that was a bad idea"

"Why not tow it back home?" Charles asked.

"That's dangerous. That ship is almost twice as big as we are, and we have no idea how the added mass would affect our engines" one of the scientists countered.

"Uh, Mr. Tyrell.. did I, or did I not, order you to hold a position relative to the other ship?"

"Yes sir. But either we are being pulled foward, or the other ship is moving towards us."

Everyone stared at the front view as the other ship majestetically spun around to face them, heading straight for them.


"Turn around 180. Keep a constant dista...."

A sudden glare of white engulfed the ship, the light flooding through the windows into the bridge and parts of the inner areas as a sudden jerk threw everyone off their seats.

"My god!! We're being held by something!!!" the pilot screamed, trying in vain to remedy the situation by punching various engine controls.

The white intensified in power rapidly. Andy heard an agonizingly loud, high-pitched tone that seemed to come from everywhere, and passed out.





Andy woke up on the floor of a blue room, naked. Sitting up, he examed what appeared to be a room without any apparent door, just a giant hole that looked out into space. Standing up groggily, he stumbled towards the hole which was covered by some sort of glass. He contemplated that maybe it wasn't glass, because it was either really clean and nonreflective, or some sort of forcefield. Whatever it was, it held the forces of vacuum at bay, allowing him to breathe, to live. "But for how long?" he asked himself.

A hissing sound brought him back to attention. The wall opposite of the "window" just became transparent, eventually disappearing. Andy gasped in shock as he saw a figure standing in front of a bright light - definitely no human figure. It stepped forward, apparently causing the wall to re-solidify again, blocking the light and allowing him to see his opposite.

The human shuddered, terrified - yet puzzled. It looked familiar, like...

"We read your computer memory." it said in a deep, male voice.

"We learned your language. And...", it added with an evil grin, "...we will take you."

And stammered "Wha...what are y-you?"

"Do you like this form? I found it in the quarter of the person my father took."

"You... what? ...who?"

The alien stepped forward into the sparse light emanating from the window. Andy's eyes widened at the sight. Standing there in front of him was an orca - or rather, a blend of cetacean mammal and human. It walked on two legs, had massive arms and five fingers. The large head was that of an orca, complete with the black back and white belly coloring. Swaying behind the creature was a thick, black tail with attached tailfluke. As Andy looked over the muscular body of the alien, he noticed two things: It was definitely a he, and he was not wearing clothes.

"You brought us great joy."


"The forms in your computer, thousands of new forms for us to change to. And billions of hosts for us to take."


"Yes", the orca smiled with a cold, toothy grin, "My father enjoyed taking Mark greatly..."

"M.. what happened to Mark?"

Andy was visibly shaking now, slowly backing up in futility.

"The human Mark, he had a certain fondness for this form. Thus my father assumed it while taking him and fathering me."

"What do you mean, taking hi.. -no. You can't possibly mean that"

"*I* was once called 'Mark'"

Andy didn't understand one thing anymore.

"I took his body. When my father's seed spurted into his bowels, I awoke. When he spurted his human seed in extasy, I took control, made his body mine."

"You.. - raped him?!?"

"Rape.", the cetacean's thought for a moment, then his face brightened, "Yes, that is a good word for what my father did. And I shall take you, as my father took Mark."

Andy scrambled from the corner of his cell, tried in vain to flee from this hideous creature. He huffed as a strong arm wrapped around his stomach, knocking the breath out of him and pulling him back against the creature. The orca held him to his stomach like this, while Andy struggled for his life. His blows and strokes had no effect on the musculous hulk. The alien laughed vicously. "YES! Struggle, my child. It's always more interesting that way. Fight me, defend yourself!" He pulled Andy close to himself, who'se struggles ceased aprubtly as he felt something brush against his leg. In horror he looked downwards, and saw a monstrous phallus protruding from between his legs. Although human-like in shape, he figured it was almost twice as long as his own cock, and considerably thicker too.

The large orca licked Andy's cheeks from behind, whispering "In the end, you will succumb, like all the others."

"NO!" Andy cried, trying to put some anger into his voice, but failing.

The sea mammal, that had claimed to once have been Mark, pushed Andy onto the floor with his rear pointing upwards. The poor human was to weak to realize what was going on, and tried to support his shoulder's weight with his elbows. The black giant chuckled, kneeling behind Andy and churring softly.

"Oh, look at that lovely virgin ass." he mocked as he aimed his massive prick at the puckered entrance, "..seriously though, you will enjoy that fine body of yours one last time. Then, my son will have it."

Andy sobbed. "You.. you can't!! I'm male too! Can't you have merc..."

With a thundering voice, the orca destroyed all of Andy's hopes.


That said, he plunged inside. Deep. Andy inhaled sharply, his eyes wide open in shock as his virginity was taken with one brutal thrust. That single thrust felt like he was being stabbed with a spear. He barely noticed the black, smooth-skinned hands gliding over his face, down to his shoulders. The pain was washed away the next instant, as the mammoth cowering over him pulled back, making his intestinys churn and gurgle. The hands on his shoulders grabbed him fiercly, he tried to cry - but didn't, as the next thrust cut his breath short. With a wet sound the orca's balls slapped against the human's, and Andy started to sob poorly as he realized that his asscheeks were pressing flush against the orca's crotch.

"No.. no! no! NO!" he repeated over and over

The alien smiled and licked the humans neck in an almost lovingly manner. "Yes" he said, simply. The powerful hands released Andy's shoulders, knowing the human was already far too weak to even try to escape. Not that he had any chance even if he did, anyway. He hugged Andy's waist, his hands eventually finding the limp human cock. He ran his smooth fingers over the human's sensitive skin, churring as his huge hips started with small humping movements. The orca knew he was already spurting small amounts of precum inside the human, and expected to notice the effects shortly. And indeed, Andy's embarrassment was heightened even more as he discovered that, despite all the fear he felt, he was actually getting aroused. Andy's boddy shook in disgust, it was impossible that he fell for this!!

"Ooh, I think the human enjoys it."

The helpless Andy sobbed again. This was not just embarrassing. It was humiliating to the bones. No way in hell could he get horny while being invaded by this huge shaft, which he guessed would make every man get on all f... "Wait! What am I thinking?!?"

Andy gasped out aloud as the black fingers curled around his swelling cock. The orca's humping caused his own hips to involuntarely rock back and forth as well, gently pressing the human maleness into the alien's fist. He groaned, suddenly noticing that the pain in his ass was subsiding rapidly. His hopes that this would be it, however, vanished quickly as another sensation in his anus took over.


Huffing erotically, the black orca was pushing his slick shaft deep into the once-virgin ass. Gnawing on the human's ears, the alien jacked off poor Andy's painfully erect meat with increasing power. Andrew's felt a lump forming in his throat. Why the hell did he enjoy this? No doubt it was something in the creature's semen, now circulating in his bloodstream. He started to gasp and cry like a little girl at the increasing force of the orca's thrusts. He faintly remembered that he should not enjoy this, that something bad would happen to him if he did. But these memories were blown away by the savage and insistent rubbing of the alien phallus against his abused prostate.

Suddenly, the monster bit down on his neck, drawing blood. He didn't even flinch, he was already too absorbed in pleasure. His own white-skinned hips thrusted back and forth in time with the cetacean's movements, both to catch more of that powerful cock, and to fuck the alien's pre-slickened hand harder.

"Mmm.. oooh.. d-deeper!"

The orca grinned evily. It worked. Not that it was much of a surprise, really. It always worked.

"Yes, you are mine.. you are..."

Andy's shoulder was released, but he had neither the chance nor the will to appreciate that. With a deafening shrieking cry, the big orca climaxed into his victim. With bulging, wide open eyes Andy accepted the alien's seed. Still, the humping didn't stop. Brutally, each does of semen was driven home by the next thrust. Andy heard himself squealing like a little boy, the hot fluid flowing into his bowels and entering his bloodstream.

The orca hugged him close, whispering "Cum... cum, and accept the coming of my son."

He didn't need any encouragement. All was lost, and he knew it the instant he went over the cliff of pleasure. He came and he came, spewing more seed than ever before in his life. Yet he was falling deeper and deeper. He remembered the orca's maw pressing against his mouth, a broad tongue intertwining with his in a fierce kiss. And then,






He awoke to the sound of silence. The light of darkness brought him back to consciousness. Or did it?

Andy could not feel his hands nor feet. There was no pain, no sensation of hot or cold. He knew it already, yet did not accept the fact: He was trapped. His consciousness filled a small space, hermetically sealed from the world. A featurless, sperical prison. He could not move, blink or breath. And all of a sudden, he understood the alien's words.

He was imprisoned in his own body.

Something else had taken over his body. It must've been in the thing's semen, some kind of microscopic organism maybe. He felt ashamed for letting this happen. Then he realized that he couldn't have prevented it. Still, why did he enjoy it? Realizig that it was useless to contemplate the past now, he tried to think about his alternatives. Did he have any?

"I could go mad" he thought. But then, that's probably what everyone else would do -or did- in this situation. Thinking practically, as he always did, he figured that this would not be of any use. His attempts to orientate himself in that strange "place" failed. There was no up or down, no location to go to and no place to leave.

"This is beginning to annoy me", he thought to himself. "Maybe I should become schizophrenic and talk to myself to keep me company..."

He realized his feeble attempts to fool or brighten himself up as what they were: useless. He tried to sleep, but couldn't. He tried to scream, but found he wasn't able to "think louder". Was that his end? Or worse: Would it be like this, forever? Like... like the orca had said? Just as he was about to give up all hope, go crazy, and let himself sink into agony, there was a light.

It was a small light. He saw colors in it. Movement! He clinged his whole existence to this small crack in his prison, and peered through it like through a keyhole.

(End of Chapter 1)

Incubation, Chapter 2

Incubation Chapter 2 =============== This story is (c) 2002 by Toumal (toumal at yiffstar dot com) Redistribution is ALLOWED for non-commercial purposes, as long as this disclaimer and copyright information is also redistributed...

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