Tribal Lore - Prologue

Story by Zana An on SoFurry

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#1 of Tribal Lore




Before the piteous iron age of mankind, another time thrived to predate the pilgrims that ventured to these lands by a millennia. There hidden in the lost fragments of ages was the golden age of stone. Order from chaos had yet to be conceivable for the fouled nature of a crude land, the land of Unova. This was not to say that there were none as there were those secluded humans which were indigenous to these vast lands, and gifted with beauteous bronzed skin, but this beauty, for many, was purely superficial, skin deep.

Conflicting tribes clashed ferociously and often with one another. Violence, there was no other word to surmise this, it left the many sobbing to such, as the loss of life came as a common consequence. Though frowned upon in later times, some tribes had fallen so far it went beyond reckoning, and crimes that thrived in debauchery. They gave themselves over to a lust for the unspeakable, becoming nothing more than savage looters, rapists, and murdering cannibals. But one far outshone the others with evolved innovations, to create a society within humans to lead by example. So began one of the very early civil societies, one of better structure, of better wisdom, and of a better justice system that paralleled no other of mankind in the era gone.

Tribal Lore


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True in nature I was unto myself, truer still were the glorious teachings of harmony that were wrought upon, and preached to our young ears from the earliest of days. To such an extent this wisdom held power, some of which never would wither, forever stored therein.

We lived in a promising time when knowing that we were an integral piece in which made up a tribe that had become one with its surroundings in unison, one of perfect harmony that came with decades of understanding. The vibrant concepts and ideals that had filtered down to us, and finally maturing to what they are today.

Gliding on the wings of time, the days swiftly flew following the miracle of birth and to memories long before my days of remembrance, those to whence I'd underwent what all new babes still do todate. This, to the mentioning, was our blessed naming ceremony from our most revered shaman priests and their forecasts to our future roles in society. In faith we held that all are reborn after death, and in belief we're named in accordance to our earliest true forms, regardless of them being so many lifetimes left behind us in the wake of time.

Through the ages, a lineage has been left to us from our great ancestors who pioneered these innovations which still seek to evolve; for we continually aspire to broaden our minds. I was proud to be a part of this heritage. It imparted unto us the foresight to ascend beyond the other tribes and differentiate us from savages. We understood Pokémon as if they were that of our own kin, and not only Pokémon, but the many great spirits which reside around us.

My father was a judicious authority within our community. He was a man of impeccable stature, something which came along with the pride of being our wise leader and chieftain. More often than not, it was he himself who told me how proud that I'd made him when my mother bore me, and when the wisest of our shamans had created a small revelation when acquiring my name; Mika 'Zigzagoon With A Wise Heart'.

Referring back to my name, my father inquired at the time, to the smoking shaman drowned within thick plumes of grey,

"As to what nature is this creature Zigzagoon?"

Tapping his pipe which fumigated the wigwam, his answer came swiftly, merely replying,

"A benevolent creature from the furthest lands, dowsed in the finest fermentation of wisdom," for such was all he knew.

My father had been foretold it was I that would be his successor, despite my underachievement, and one that would be the first of the fairer sex to lead our tribe. He would never doubt their humble words, for they had yet to steer him wrong, or his forefathers before him.

Alas, not all was the delight of sweet Lum berries, and far from it, for his heart sank at the same time. Unknowingly I'd sinned in taking the life of whom granted it unto me through complications of childbirth. Instead of the disdain I found for this in my sisters, it was simply not the case with my father. Reasoning came as to why it made me all the more special to him, and in knowing I was the last remnant from his deceased love. I could tell how this testament stood true; he treated me differently to those of my other kindred, and that of more leniency and love.

Under starry skies we would sit and let our words sail to one another along the breeze. He would ask of my day, and of mischief I would have caused, not to be the harsh man he would mildly give a wave of his finger for my misdemeanors. At other times of my unruly conduct, would gently scold to speak to me of how I had my mother's latent mischief brewing within me. He spoke of her so passionately that I could stay awake just to hear of her childish plights at my age and the troubles she threw in the air to cause such turmoil around the settlement. He would only spend such evenings with me. Apparently my mother and I were so much alike, although I never knew her, I discovered the light hearted woman she was in nights like these.

So many nights were found like this, as there were problems he would share to none other than me, and an ear I gave him whilst taking the gentle embrace of his hand. He loved me so much in return that I equally shared my stresses but afew. Was this affection due to the resemblance I bared to a mother I knew not? But the occasional slips of his tongue while under the influence of his pipe, drew skepticism. He had once told me before my conception they prayed for a boy, although he remedied the quandary quickly by stating his pride and relief that it was a girl he had, still cast some doubt to my mind.

I remained a castaway to detachment every so often, able to tell how he longed for me to have been a son so that he may have an heir to his prestigious legacy. Sons he had none, but burdened with four daughters he had been, and with I being the youngest. Regardless of my sex, he remained optimistic that one day I may still fulfil his role. To shamanistic foretelling I was to be a woman to lead a tribe, which was considered pure sacrilege in the eyes of others of my tribe.

There were customs that held firm to never sway, or bend as a bamboo would to the wind, we knew very well what they were. Reaching adulthood was not dictated by age alone. No, in order to accomplish this, one must scale the soaring heights to reach the summit of Aiyanna, or, what our people called the glorious mountain that resides south of our settlement. She is the divine mountain spirit. To an accurate portrayal of her exalted name, the mountain goddess is the progenitor of the fabled flower, which could only be found at her greatest height, and, to such extraordinary ability, blossomed all year round. Hence, this flower is also called Aiyanna, meaning the 'Eternal Blossom', as they are one and the same, and part of the same spirit. We call this holy place where it blooms Wahkan, 'Sacred', and the place where we're given our rights. For me to become an adult I must first scale her, to reach her summit, but the fear of heights had deterred me in an unworthy cowards cringe.

If I were to become an adult -which, for most, was enough of a trial in and of itself- I would be required to endure the second trial; to appropriate and gain my companion Pokémon, that sacred creature which is accredited to us and sculpted into the stars to shape our very existence even before our birth. Only then, would I gain the coveted title of 'Ascended woman', and leave behind the fetters of a young adult.

I would say all this would be confusing to even me, but our culture didn't end there. It was vast and filled with richness that could only be truly appreciated through a lifetime of dedication. Wonder I had on this, many times, for how would I be so endearing to boldly claim my right and find my companion soul? In most cases I've known this to a very arduous task. At times to be even violent, a physical struggle to earn the respect of the beast through combating it, and therefore making it see the trial partaker a person of equal stature. However, in others' circumstances it was gentle, depending on the nature of the companion sought.

As a child of the settlement, I was never restricted to chores as those siblings of mine, and never more free to frolic in the pleasures of heartfelt play. I naturally had been given leeway while the women and girls gathered supplies routinely, tending to daily labours along with other menial tasks, and some that of their spouses.

Whilst reaching my sixth cycle of life I had discovered a talent to what many others lacked, but a gift to it I had, and to where I visualised I could throw the demons shot, to hit that of any moving target, a talent frowned upon, yet praised to by others. Mischievous I was, often throwing to hit Pidoves, and earning the upraised hands of my sisters.

Scolded, I would rebel, to once again do it another day, but of cruelty I knew not at the time. Once understanding came, so too did the guilt. I repented for my hostilities, Pokémon had suffered unduly in the pursuit of fun I had.

I'd mostly been alone without a Pokémon companion. Each and every person when reaching the humble age of thirteen was given the opportunity to take this test, and some failed at first, but always succeeded the following year. Save for one, and that one exception had been me.

Our beliefs were firmly rooted in tact and decency, untainted by those who we perceived as the true savages. Being also human, I failed to see their reasoning and how another such as they could snare human and Pokémon into captivity and butchery. It horrified me. This bared long hours of debate between my elders, and remained a dispute within my tribe since yesteryears lost to time. The question remained, should we send our teachers to outstretch our lands so they may pass our way of living far and wide, or would actions the likes of these draw newer threats and not the peace sought? We all deserve to run free and enjoy what little time life presented to us on this majestic plain before moving to the next life.

My tribe is one of the very few stepping beyond the threshold to ascend from our primitive ways, and one which thus far had yet to be challenged on the moral grounds of ethics by the lesser, more barbaric tribes that have yet to evolve beyond their violent ways. There have been many times aggressors have attempted to plunder our settlement, but were stifled quickly in their advance.

Turning the pages of remembrance in my head I found a specific leaf, a memory that imprinted a day of indifference to my stature. Recalling these visions, I peered to my fifteenth cycle. That's when it had been splayed out unto me so grimly. Screams and wails of widespread panic overran the tribe. Rushed to the shelter of sturdy wigwams, women and children were ordered not to leave save for if it were set ablaze. I knew not of what the commotion derived from, and so I asked. Quickly addressed in hushed tones, I learnt of the attack which had commenced on our settlement. Catching sight of my chieftain I yelled, remembering well of what I asked, and what was said in return.

"Permit my aid father, as you know of my accuracy, and know it to unparalleled the tribe over?"

Regardless of fear that I may have housed for self preservation at the time, it deterred not my want of intervention. I would shy not from the fight, as fear of loosing my father was the greater of the two.

"The striker's eye you may have, my daughter, but an adult you are not. Do not bear me dishonour by interfering with adult affairs." To hear such words from an origin I loved most, tore me, for he deigned me still to be no more than the child I was.

Even though we defended successfully, their people resumed taking what they needed from the other tribes that couldn't. They went so far as to commit vile acts upon their women, even in certain cases devouring other humans in their brutal ways. They heeded no thanks to the spirits of this land, and mindless they were. From the earliest cave drawings and right the way through to the more contemporary, we are educated on our history, and from those I learned how to this day they would still attack various tribes occasionally, but had yet to see them, having been cast aside to a wigwam for shelter.

Now on my nineteenth cycle of life, and at an age I should have wed, no suitors stepped forward to my father to make offerings for my hand, as I was yet to be deemed a woman. It brings forth shame to me and to my father's name, which I'm solely responsible for, creating me to be the oddity in the midst of my people.

My father even to this day still believes I would be the one that would claim his place to lead our people into a new era as his successor. Despite my failure to even become a woman he'd not lost hope, making me undergo tutelage from our elders which often I slackened to hear, to busy within my own mind, and flights of fancy. Occasionally father would spend greater time with me, and I would always love this attention he gave to me, showing me at times superior love than what he gave my sisters. But, this could not be said of all others as there were those who shunned also. As with all people, there are those that are good, and those that are bad alike.


End Notes: Beta's and those that gave me a little of their time to help with feedback, thank you all-

Mysterydude42 - Main Beta<

ShinjiHiroku - Pre-release rough draft reviewer, final Beta for Prologue

ServusSmith - Minor Beta, both Intro paragraphs, and Prologue, paragraphs 1 to 16

Last but not least thank you all for reading this beginning prologue. I hope you will enjoy the rest too.

Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended, and is applicable for all consecutive chapters that follow.