Rite of "Passages"

Story by RandomWriter on SoFurry

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#2 of RoP

Kilara yawned and stretched, taking a moment to wake herself up by examining her new body. She smiled at her glistening scales. "I must be the most beautiful girl in the valley now..." she daydreamed, watching the golden edges of her scales glint in the dim light of the cave. She stood up and stretched, flexing her wings and looking them over. Instead of the somewhat stubby appendages she had before, her wings were like pearlescent silver sheets stretched across graceful diamond fingers...but to her confusion she also had fine silvery feathers at her joints. Feathers and scales? This was odd...she'd never seen a dragon with feathers. Fur, yes, the northern dragons often had manes and belts of fur on them, but feathers? "I'll ask daddy about it later..." she grumbled, yawning. "I'm hungry...wonder if they're out hunting..." She ambled into her parents' bedroom to find it empty. The scents in the air were old too. They'd been gone a while. "Yeah...hunting again. I hope daddy takes me hunting again, that was fun."

Outside, Jade and Diamant were returning to the cave with a scrawny doe, their only catch of the morning. "Are you sure about this, Aman?" Jade asked, her face full of concern and worry.

"I don't want to but we have no other choice...she'll be shunned. I was hoping to take her and introduce her to our friends but..." He sighed and shook his head. "No. You know what happened the last time."

"I know...I'm scared for her."

"That's why we have no choice...it's for her safety." They found Kilara waiting for them, sunning herself with her wings spread wide.

"Mommy! Daddy!" she cried, hugging them. They purred and nuzzled her, ushering her into the cave. "I have so much to ask!"

Diamant nodded and licked her nose. "And we have much to tell now that you're an adult. But first, breakfast."

"Why didn't you wake me up to go hunting?" she asked, following them to the back chamber to prepare the deer.

"You need to rest for a week, your body is new and it will take some time for you to adapt to it. You may not feel tired now but by the end of the day...trust me, you'll be thinking of nothing but your nest." Jade nuzzled her cheek. *Come, help me cook this, let's show you how to breathe fire."

"YAY!!" She skipped happily around her mother, sitting down by her. She was oblivious to her father's scrutinous eyes, his gaze wandering all over her body. Her scales were like gemstones, her wings were like metal and she had feathers in some places...very rare. When she was a baby they thought she would just be a silver dragon like him, but gemstones? She was also astoundingly beautiful...she was blessed, but that blessing was a curse in itself should she become known...

After breakfast they ushered her to the back room, their bedroom. "Okay Keelee, fire away," Diamant said, curling up in the nest with Jade.

"Why do I have feathers?"

They both looked at each other, not expecting that to be the first question. "Well...er...we'll get to that in a bit. Anything else?"

"Yeah, yesterday you said it would be my last meal, why? And can I drink from daddy again?"

Diamant sighed and chuckled, sitting up. "I guess this would be a good time to teach you another thing about being grown up." The little girl stared at the fleshy pouch dangling between his legs, suddenly fixated, a strange, alien flush running through her whole body. His penis quickly dropped out and began to throb and lengthen, standing up with every pulse of his heart. Jade purred and nuzzled his flesh as Kilara climbed into the nest for a closer look.

"The stuff you drink from Daddy's penis is called semen, or in more recent tongue, cum," Jade said, softly stroking Diamant's massive erection. "When dragons have children, the mother produces milk, and the father's semen loses its ability to make babies until the children grow up. Usually a mommy and daddy will have a clutch of eggs, around three to five or even seven, but because of the food problems in the last few decades, dragons have lost much of their fertility, their ability to have children."

"How does daddy's semen make babies?" Kilara asked, panting a bit. "Mommy...I feel weird..." She couldn't take her eyes off that throbbing shaft leaking pre all over her mother's paw.

"When a mommy goes into heat, daddy puts his penis in her. If he's fertile, his semen plus the mommy's heat will make eggs. If you mate with a male while you're in heat, the chance you'll get pregnant is extremely high."

Kilara leaned closer and lapped at her father's penis, then scrunched her face. "Ew it tastes weird now!"

"That's how a male's semen tastes when he's fertile. It only tasted good earlier because when a daddy looks after children his semen turns nutritious so he can feed them if the mommy is gone. Children give off pheromones until the Lightning Dance, these pheromones are what make daddy's body make his semen good for you. Without those pheromones his semen goes back to normal, and now...he can get me pregnant again."

"I wanna have babies...I want daddy to make me pregnant too!"

Diamant groaned and shook his head, panting as his mate stopped stroking his penis. "Keelee...I can't do that. It's not right. I can mate with you but a daddy shouldn't get his daughters pregnant. I would rather you try to find anotehr guy first, someone to fall in love with. Someone who will take care of you. I may be your father but it's hard for a male to look after one mate and family, let alone two."

"I see..." The little girl found herself unable to resist licking her father's pre as it trickled from that silvery head. "Why can't I stop..."

Her mother purred softly. "You're feeling your first arousal, Keelee. When you're in my womb when you nap, you've felt it a few times surely."

That was true; as she sat there licking up her father's salty pre, she could remember feeling a similar feeling all around herself whenever mommy and daddy cuddled, followed by that rocking motion of them mating.

"It's your body's way of saying you want to mate..." her father grunted, eyes clenched. "Jade...I'm..."

Jade smiled and leaned down, joining her daughter in licking his penis. "Kilara...why don't you finish daddy off?"

Not needing any further invitation the little girl practically pounced her father's massive erection, hugging it with her forelegs. As a baby, she had barely been able to get her arms around it, only being about a third its length, but now she was half his body size, so his penis seemed much smaller to her...yet strangely, so much more attractive as she closed her mouth over the head and suckled on him, caressing his shaft with her paws. She had no clue what she was doing...it just felt...right. Even with her increased body size though, his member was still massive against her, her mouth just barely fitting around the tip as she guzzled his salty pre. It still had that sweet, thick taste; apparently the switch from nutritious to fertile semen wasn't instant. She didn't care though, all she knew amid that strange, needy heat all over her body was that she wanted more of his cream...she needed more.

And more she would get. As she serviced him, Diamant's soft moaning was turning into loud groans, his haunches pressed hard against the floor to keep himself from bucking into his daughter's face. "Oh fuck...Jade she's almost as good as you!!" he cried, then roared as his entire body shuddered, his penis throbbing heavily. Kilara's cheeks swelled and she gasped in surprise, coughing a bit as she struggled to swallow his first copious blast of rich cum. She just managed to get it down before another thick rope splashed all over her front, painting her chest and face in his gooey warm cream. She gasped loudly, feeling an incredible fire suddenly blaze up in her lower body as he ejaculated all over her, wave after wave of thick cum coating her until finally it slowed to a trickle. She leaned closer and purred as she suckled his softening penis, drinking up what was left. Jade giggled and purred as well as she licked her mate's cum off the little girl.

Diamant looked down at her, panting and smiling. "I'm still a little uneasy about it...but Kilara...if you want it, we could do the ancient dragon ritual of adulthood."

"What's that, daddy?" she asked, licking her lips and looking up at him with big curious eyes.

"If you want it, I will mate with you and make you a real adult."

"Yay! How do we do it?" she asked. He leaned over her and nudged her onto her back with his nose, licking her chest and tickling her. Her parents chuckled at her innocent giggling.

"First of all...we have to ease up your vagina...this slit here," he explained softly, tongue gracing over her labial scales. She shivered and cooed, watching him as that strange fiery feeling began welling up in her once more. His tongue kept wriggling against her entrance; she could feel the scales soften and part, his tongue touching her virgin flesh. It was a strange feeling to her, she had never been touched there before, but the more daddy persisted the more she welcomed it, spreading her legs eagerly for him. He purred, his tongue vibrating as he eased it slowly into her young passage. "Mmmmm...that's it...relax and enjoy it Keelee..." he murred, pumping his tongue in and out of her with caring undulations. She writhed and moaned on the floor, waves of pleasure rolling over her, her paws scrabbling at his nose. She had no idea how to handle this pleasure, all she knew now was that it felt wonderful.

"Easy Keelee, easy..." Jade whispered, nuzzling Kilara's neck. She glanced up and spotted his penis already hard and throbbing again, no doubt eager to feel their daughter's virginity. Kilara squeaked and bucked off the floor against her father's muzzle, his tongue almost fully buried inside her. Her pussy was stretched into an O around that wriggling muscle as he lapped up her sweet nectar.

"Okay...this might hurt a bit, if you don't want to continue then tell me and I'll stop," he said softly, stepping over her. "Spread your legs wide, sweetie."

Kilara opened her eyes, panting, and spotted his massive shaft poised to enter her, a small trickle of pre already accumulating on her tail as the head throbbed just inches from her vent. She felt scared all of a sudden, intimidated by his sheer size. Her body was divided against her mind, her mind said to wait but her body arched up off the floor, rubbing her labia against his penis with urgent need. "Daddy...put it in me like you do to mommy..."

He nuzzled her and kissed her softly, sitting down on his rear calves so his legs propped up his thighs, keeping him from crushing her much smaller body. He smiled as he braced himself with one foreleg, wrapping the other under her neck to both cradle her and as leverage for when he'd penetrate her. "Mating is an act of love, always remember this...I'm doing this because I love you, my baby girl."

She hugged his snout, purring cutely. "Love me like you do to mommy...please daddy?"

How could he resist such an innocent request? He looked up at Jade for confirmation, receiving a warm smile and nod in reply. Arching his neck down again he drew her in for a loving kiss, wrapping his tongue around hers and purring melodiously to her while he drew his hips back, his throbbing erection begging for attention as it slid over her silky scales down to her most intimate flesh. She whimpered softly; he could feel her tense up in anxiety. "Shhh...relax...don't think about it sweetie...just let it happen. Tightening yourself will definitely make it hurt. Look up at me, baby, open your eyes..." She did, somewhat hesitantly. Using his paw propping her up he kneaded her back gently, watching her relax as he carefully pushed his hips forwards, the tapered head pushing softly against her sweet little flower. "Just pretend it's my tongue again."

That seemed to work, since the feeling was still fresh in her mind. She purred softly and bucked her hips against him, spreading her legs a bit more to accept him into her body. The little girl squealed softly into her dad's mouth as his tip entered her, spreading her wide. Diamant grimaced a bit; she was so TIGHT! She felt so good! He had to struggle to keep going slowly, easing himself into her. She grimaced too, mixed pain and pleasure spreading from her groin as he edged deeper between her legs. She moaned and bit her lip as he pressed against something inside her, causing a dull throbbing. "Daddy...it hurts..."

He nuzzled her. "I know sweetie...it always does the first time...just trust me and relax...it will hurt, but it'll get better once your body adapts..." He didn't tell her but he was pressed against her hymen...he was about to claim his daughter's virginity. "Relax sweetie...daddy's got you," he whispered as he held her to his chest with his foreleg and eased his hips faster, plunging into her.

A shrill scream echoed through the cavern. Kilara clung to her daddy's arm, panting and gasping and whimpering with every breath, sharp stinging pain racing from her crotch. Diamant was immediately on her, hugging her with his arm and licking her neck. "D-d-daddy..."

"Shhh...it's okay...it's gonna be okay baby...just bear with it...I've got you, it'll be okay," he whispered in her ear, holding his hips still and trying not to jostle her too much as he comforted her. Jade too was there in the mix, nuzzling her daughter.

"It'll be okay...it hurts every girl the first time...Daddy just claimed your virginity, after this it'll never hurt like that again...just relax baby...you're okay."

She shivered and trembled under her father, gasping sharply as every breath moved her on his shaft and seemed to renew the pain shooting through her tight passage. Diamant cuddled her close, purring and trying to comfort her, biding time so her body could adjust. Finally afer about five minutes she sniffled and tested herself, grinding her hips a bit against him. All she felt now was a dull throb and... she looked down between them. Diamant noticed her movement and chuckled softly, arching his back and lifting his belly enough for her to see. "This is the deepest I can possibly go sweetie," he whispered, his forehead resting lightly on hers. The sight sent thrills of arousal through her whole body. She was impaled halfway up his generous penis, a slight linear bulge going up her belly from her stretched pussy. She felt incredibly full inside, a very pleasant fullness. To prove his statement, seeing her having adapted a bit, he pushed forward a tiny bit. She gasped as the head of his penis pushed against another barrier in her, but this time it felt good. "Feel that, Keelee? That's the very back of your womb. I can't go any deeper than this without seriously harming you." He licked her nose, getting her attention again as she looked up at him with a curious expression. "Are you ready? Do you want to continue?"

"I think I'm ready daddy...I wanna feel what mommy does."

"Does it hurt still?" Jade asked.

"K-kinda...it just...aches a bit now, but..." She ground her hips up experimentally, an adorable moan of surprised pleasure escaping her. Diamant chuckled and grunted a bit as he shifted above her, reclining on his other arm now, still holding her back to support her and cuddle her.

"I guess that answers it...get ready to become a dragoness, Keelee." With that he lowered his belly onto her just enough to stabilize her against the floor, then pulled his hips back slowly, the head of his penis catching on the tight grip of her cervix.

Every motion ushered gasps and moans of pure pleasure from the little girl as her father worked himself in and out of her tight virgin depths. She lost all control of herself and tried bucking off the floor with every slow thrust, but was held still by her father's belly pressing her against the floor, to keep her from hurting herself as he made love to her. He kissed her, wrapping his tongue around hers, his heart melting as she moaned cutely at him and reciprocated, her little paws reaching up and holding his jaw. "Oh daddy...oh daddy...yes...s-so good..." In actuality he was only able to slide in and out of her maybe three inches at best because of her youthful tightness preventing him from leaving her womb, but with her entire tunnel stretched around his shaft, every vein of his penis caressed her needy nerves, stoking that rising innner fire of pleasure. Next to them, Jade rolled onto her side and moaned as well, easing her tail into herself at the erotic, adorable sight of father and daughter intimacy. It brought back memories...she could almost feel her own father's penis buried in her depths again. Kilara squealed and purred under her dad as he pushed in as deep as possible again and lifted her up on his shaft, humping lightly as her hindquarters were suspended a few inches off the floor. "Daddyyyyy!"

"You like this Keelee?" he panted, smiling at her. She nodded eagerly, panting and gasping as pleasure wracked her young body.

"I...I wanna...mmmm!! I wanna do this all the time!!"

He laughed softly and kissed her again. "I have to save some for your mother too you know...mmmph...but the best is yet to 'cum'..." He looked up at Jade and the two chuckled to each other, Jade moaning lewdly as her tail writhed in her pussy at the thought of him cumming in their daughter. The word just barely registered in Kilara's hazed mind, but as soon as it did...the thought of so much warm, creamy cum being pumped into her... Diamant gasped and moaned in surprise as she suddenly tightened all around him, her pussy milking him as her back arched under him and she threw her head back in a silent scream, hips bucking against him. "Oh wow...she really wants it..." he whispered.

"Give it to her then," Jade murred, licking his cheek. "Fill her womb."

He'd been trying to refrain, but the lustful animalistic side of him found the idea of claiming his little girl's womb incredibly arousing. Shifting above her again he braced her shoulders against his arm and pressed her belly with his, effectively holding her still. Still gently thrusting into her he looked down at her, unable to help smiling lovingly at the sight of her face so full of enjoyment and bliss and the cute squeaks and moans proving that she was indeed loving this experience. He pulled back hard, the head of his penis popping free of her cervix and throbbing in anticipation at her entrance...

Her orgasm seemed to fade from one into another, the little girl writhing and screaming under her father as he humped her fast and hard, his shaft poking in and out of her womb, exercising her canal and cervix with 50 years of experience and control. Her tail involuntarily wrapped around the length of penis unable to fit inside her, stroking him every time he pulled out. He was already so incredibly aroused, and she felt so wonderfully tight and soft around his shaft, that it only took him a few minutes of passionately making love to her before he lunged as deep as he could into her and roared, fire spewing from his mouth to the ceiling as he held her to his chest and unloaded. Kilara's body was on fire from the inside out; the heavy throbbing of his filling shaft, the heat and force of his thick, gushing ropes filling her womb, her belly growing round with her cervix plugged by his shaft as it filled her...it was too much for her as she lay limp in his arms, gasping for breath as her body was wracked with pure ecstasy. Diamant leaned down and kissed her passionately, smiling as she returned it eagerly, both of them shivering with every strong pulse of his shaft within her. He carefully laid her back down in the nest and moaned as he slid out of her, holding still and covering her with the last few jets of his cum. She winced a bit at the splashes near her face, but purred happily throughout. "Now to finish..." he grunted softly, fighting off his afterglow haziness. Scooting up further over her he started rubbing the base of his sheath all over her belly, smearing his semen and working it into her scales. He paid extra attention to her pussy, smiling as she moaned blissfully at the touch. She hazily watched his penis moving over her, then reached up shakily and hugged it, purring and nuzzling his shaft, licking his cum off here and there as it still dribbled onto her. He chuckled and leaned down, nuzzling her forehead.

"Thank you daddy...that felt..." She broke off into a wide yawn, her eyes glazed over with exhaustion.

"Shhh...just relax, Keelee," he murred, nuzzling her affectionately. "Just relax and sleep...enjoy your first belly full of cum. You're now an adult."

"Mmmm..." Her paws roamed over her bloated belly. She felt a strange contentment she'd never felt before as she smiled up at him sleepily, full of his love and care. "I love you daddy..."

"And I, you, my baby girl..." He kissed her again and she kissed back, both of them purring until Kilara fell asleep, her afterglow and the intensity of her first mating finally catching up to her. He carefully pulled away from her so as not to wake her, turning to his green-scaled mate. Jade was moaning lewdly into her paw, practically oblivious to his motions. The sight of him ejaculating into their daughter was so hot to her that she was a mess of lust now, her tail pumping rather fericiously in her vagina. Diamant smiled and shook his head; he was tired from two powerful climaxes, but he still owed his mate. Carefully he grabbed her tail in his jaws and yanked it out, exposing her throbbing inner flesh. She gasped at the interruptance and almost snarled, but regained herself at the sight of him standing there smiling at her suggestively.

"Looks like you need some help..." he cooed, nuzzling her.

"So do you," she giggled, eyeing his flaccid member. "How are you after that though?"

He just shook his head with a soft smile. "I didn't like the idea, but seeing her so happy made it more than worthwhile. I'm glad I was able to please her so fully." He leaned down, Jade stifling a loud squeal as he lapped at her entrance. "And I'll be even happier to please you."

Kilara smiled in her sleep, feeling warm and full like she never had before. Questions still nagged at her, but foremost in her mind was her father and the wonderful experience he'd just given her. As her parents quietly yet passionately made love beside her, Diamant giving Jade's belly a gentle bloating with his cream, the little girl dreamed about her father giving her a family, her belly full of eggs. Perhaps the times would change and allow her to be a mate with her daddy...

Hours later, Kilara yawned and stretched, waking up slowly to the sound of her mother's pottery wheel spinning and her mother humming softly, the slick sound of wet clay echoing faintly in the cavern. The little girl rolled over onto her belly, giving a moan of surprised pleasure at the pleasant sloshing feeling in her belly. Hazily she glanced down and pressed her paws against the bulge in her gut, murring at the pleasant feeling. She giggled to herself. "I look pregnant...I wish I was..." As she woke up a little more, she became conscious of a strange crusty feeling all over her front, especially around her tailbase. Looking down at herself she spied a dry, flaky film over herself; licking it brought a bittersweet taste that spurred her memories of what she'd done that morning.

"You'll need to wash up before daddy wakes up, Keelee," her mother said softly with a somewhat dreamy tone in her voice. "You're still covered in his semen."

"And full of it too," the little girl replied proudly, stretching again, curving back and murring at the feel of her bloated belly jutting out under her. Jade smiled and nodded. Kilara peeked over the edge of the nest at her, noticing mommy's belly was round too as she lay on her side with one paw carefully shaping the pot on the wheel, her other paw rythmically kneading the pedal to keep it spinning. "Did daddy fill you too mommy?"

"He sure did." Kilara smiled at the happy look on her mom's face. "Feels wonderful, doesn't it baby?"

Kilara nodded eagerly, beaming. "Can daddy fill me every day? I love having his penis inside me!" She tilted her head curiously when Jade shook her head in reply. "Awww...why not? It feels so good...I wanna do it all the time mommy!"

Jade giggled and smiled, enjoying her daughter's innocent curiosity. "Daddy and I will explain it to you tonight, along with your other questions you no doubt have. For now though, I'll tell you this sweetie, mating makes males very tired. Your father ejaculated twice for you and three times for me, needless to say he's very tired and will be VERY hungry and thirsty when he wakes up."

"Oooohhh..." Kilara looked down at her mildly swollen midsection, idly rubbing it with her paw. It seemed a bit smaller now than it did before...and oddly, a bit warmer. An idea hit her and she jumped to her feet. "I know! I'll go catch something for daddy!"

"Oh you will?" Jade asked, looking at her in surprise. "Don't wander too far sweetie, dinner will be ready soon. We already have it cooking."

"I'll get him something after my bath," Kilara replied, already trotting out...or more like half-waddling, not used to her new body or the extra weight in her womb. The crusty feeling also made her itchy. Set steeled herself against the discomfort though and made her way to the cliff edge, taking a moment to spread her wings in the afternoon light and look herself over. Her wings were magnificent, and far longer than bafore...how would they handle now? She leapt off the cliff and spread her wings, gliding down to the forest stream below. When she attempted to brake for a landing, she yipped in surprise as her longer wingspan caught more air, moving her several feet backwards in the air. She rather clumsily landed and shook herself off, waddling towards the sound of the running water. As she weaved sinuously through the trees (which shocked her, they seemed so much smaller now), she came across a patch of flowers and fruit vines. "Ooohhh...mom's failed garden..." She sighed at the memory of how disappointed her mother had been; months of dedication and tender care had gone into this patch, and still the plants just didn't seem to have the will to live or bear fruit. "If only I could fix this for her..." she whispered, sniffing at a large red flower. As she stepped past the flower though, a sudden contraction in her belly made her freeze; it didn't hurt, but it was something she'd never felt before. Alarm immediately raced through her, but before she could formulate a reaction, another hit, her thighs buckling almost instinctively into a crouch. Before she knew what had happened, pleasure assaulted her and the next thing she knew she was panting, her vagina dripping freely. Glancing down she spotted a huge puddle of gooey, cloudy white under her, her belly back to normal. She was both amazed at the sheer volume and disappointed that her body had just ejected her father's entire load... Sighing, she stepped away, but her tail slipped over something...weird. She turned around and froze.


Her tail rested upon what looked to be, at first glance, an egg, albeit a small one. As her daddy's now-fluid semen seeped into the ground she stared in total confusion at this new development. It...looked like an egg, but when she drew nearer and sniffed at it, nosing it very lightly, she found that it wasn't an egg, but instead some sort of...jelly-like object, and through the translucent gelatinous skin she could see a pearly, swirling fluid. Hesitantly she brought he paw closer to it and poked it with her claw. Immediately the jelly skin seemed to liquify all over and the pearlescent fluid oozed out over the ground, the same consistency as her father's cum. It was an unnatural pure white, and where it caught the sunlight through the trees it seemed to glow softly, more than just reflecting light as a normal fluid would. The ooze thinned itself over the ground and slowly sank in, disappearing into the soil.

Mystified, Kilara just sat there, trying to process this. Whatever had just happened...deep down in her gut, she had that nagging feeling that this was important. Yet, at the same time, she also felt that this was something she couldn't ask her parents...not yet. Sighing in frustration at these unfamiliar yet pressing feelings, she headed over to the stream and cleansed herself, rolling all around and rubbing her underside against the soft sand and gravel on the streambed to scour her scales. She emerged looking and feeling fresh and much cleaner than before; with a sigh of relief she leapt into the air with a sweep of her wings, meeping again at the sudden speed gained from a flap that used to be just barely enough to get her airborne. "My new body..." she whispered to herself, then thought back to her parents. "I'm glad I got to share my new body with daddy..." she murred...then gasped and almost dropped from the air. Daddy! He was hungry and she'd said she would bring back something to eat! Catching herself from her near-fall she swooped back into the forest, determined to find at least something to bring back for him.

After all, he had just given her the best experience ever and had shown her just how much he loved her. She wanted to show him how much she loved him in return.