Too Human Two

Story by DarknessWolf on SoFurry

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#2 of Too Human Pal

And now to continue my story into the unknown of a universe populated entirely by animals and all hope of me ever returning home is lost, still you've got out laugh don't you.

So to summarise my position, I've been living in this new world controlled by what I can only describe as animals for a mere 24 hours. In that time I rescued a talking fox from a group of hungry dragons and then had relations of a sexual nature with her just 6 hours after arriving in this world. Now that's what you call a good night. Although I was technically committing an unethical act, who's going to know. Jenny has allowed me to stay with her a while until I can find a job and my own place. She's out at the moment buying me some clothes that I can wear, because for some weird reason I don't think a women's size 12 is going to fit me. If I understood her correctly today is Sunday and I am in the city of Lenden, the similarities from what I've seen outside the window are outstanding. So there hasn't really been any improvements from the world I lived in, except they have gotten rid of all American Sitcoms except Scrubs, which has been nominated for best comedy of all time. This is a subject I feel very strongly about and am glad to hear. I mean come on, a man walks into a room and everybody laughs! Get it together already, I am not making fun of Americans in general, just the people who write American sitcoms but this is beside the point

I have had to come to terms with many things like the fact that I may never return home and will be lost in a strange place where I am an outcast of society. But the truly most harrowing thing of all is that alcohol is banned and is deemed completely illegal. At this moment in time I am completely 100% sober... this has never happened to me before and I find it deeply disturbing. I know longer consider myself to be the most charismatic and wonderful person who ever existed, which really is a frightening thought. Time seems to move very slowly in this world... or maybe that's because my watch is broken.

"Hey Pal, I got you some new clothes," a satisfied looking Jenny appeared from the front door. I was still wearing her gown she lent me so I at least I had some dignity, not a lot but some. She threw a bag onto the sofa I was sat on watching the 24/7 Scrubs channel. Taking hold of the bag and searching the contents I found three shirts, two pairs of jeans, socks and underpants. Something I noticed about all the clothes was that they all had medium sized holes in the back, except the socks of course.

"Uhhh... Jen, do you think you could do something about these holes?" I asked in that classic tone of 'aren't we forgetting something.'

"Sorry Pal I forgot, I'm not used to you yet, your still alien to me," she said with a small anger look on her face, I guessed she was angry with herself but with women you can never tell.

"Oh, cheers!" I exclaimed in a playful manner. Grabbing the bag from me with swift elegance she took it into the kitchen area. Curious to know how she was going to solve the problem I followed her holding my gown in place as I walked along behind her. She removed several large pieces of material from a bag she had in her hands and a sewing needle.

"Hey whoa! I want to fit in but I don't want to have a tail sown onto me," jumping backwards and grabbing my rear in a protective act. She did not speak and just gave me a look that said more than words ever could. She cut out circular patches in the material and sewed them onto my new clothes. Now I get the picture. Passing me the finished products I proceeded to the bathroom to get changed, I know she's seen me naked before and we've slept together but damn it I have to have some privacy. Perfect fit (almost) they ride up a little bit restricting freedom in the baggier department of my genitals, but beggars can't be choosers.

"I'll pay you back as soon as I can, thanks Jenny," I made sure I thanked her in the nicest way I could.

"Don't mention it, after all you did save my life, remember?" She replied with a gentle smile and a flick of her gorgeous, lovely, thick bushy, superb tail... mmmmhhhhh I love tails. Snap out of it!

Oh yeah I did save her didn't I, hey these should be on the house then! Ah well if I weren't for her I be sleeping naked and green on the streets, so it's all swings and roundabouts.

"Hang on I haven't asked, what do you do for a job," I really was curios because she didn't look very wealthy and there's me taking her money.

"I'm an insurance sales person working on the phones in a large office across town," she sighed unconsciously; I bet she's tired of having to say that to people or animal people or... whatever.

"Okay sorry I asked," was the only thing that I could say to clarify my position on sales people.

"So what do we do now then?" shuffling my way closer to her with a suggestive look i.e. eyebrows moving up and down rapidly. She looked somewhat interested but pushed me away with a gentle nudge, I don't blame her. See this is what not drinking has done to me, I've just told myself that I'm not attractive! I don't know how bad it's going to get, next I'm going to be saying stuff like, 'baldness is not a sign of a virile man.'

"I'm going to watch the telly, there is a computer in the spare room if you want to look up some stuff," a flat voice beckoned with a furry paw pointing towards a door to the spare room, which I would most likely be sleeping in for a while, but not if I can help it. Onwards it seems to the computer room where I can indulge in some knowledgeable and intellectual research into this new world. Right, where's the porn? Searching... searching... Hello hello, Pumaella Anderson, gets down and dirty with her two sexy flat mates. SCORE! Hang on what's this, The Professor, answers any and all scientific questions presented to her. (What a surprising coincidence.)

"Hey Jenny, could you come here a second please," I yelled loud enough so my voice could be heard through the closed door. A few seconds later, Jenny entered the room.

"Who's this?" I questioned inquisitively. She took a few moments to read the information bar at the bottom of the screen.

"I have no idea but she lives pretty close to here." She answered rather plainly.

This will be the second time I have stepped outside into this new world and the first time I have allowed the public to see me. I'm pretty nervous, which is quite understandable considering the circumstances. I felt like I was naked all over again as I walked alongside Jenny in full public view. There was such a mix of critters that I couldn't name them all. There was every animal imaginable walking the streets and talking to each other, they were so human. But it doesn't take a genius, thankfully, to understand that they are all looking squarely at me. It's like I'm some kind of museum exhibit. As they stared at me I stared right back at them giving them a real shifty look like I was some back alley drug dealer, which may not be the best of ideas in my situation but screw them. Ha ha ha it's a walking pig I've never seen something so funny in my life before, it's a pig and it's walking. The temptation to shout out WHO ATE ALL THE PIES! Was just too much I had to concentrate on something else. That's a nice tail, all swishy and smooth... get a grip ... 'mmmhh' look at that one it's longer than me! Man do I have problems, crap Jenny's looking at me better say something.

"Is it far to this place then," I squirmed in a feeble attempt to shift her gaze from me. Thank god it worked, I need at least somebody who's not staring at me.

"No, just down the road there," Jenny answered removing some of the tension in my stomach. I couldn't help but wonder if she still had any feeling for me, I mean it was only a one-night stand, right?

We finally arrived at our destination allowing me to get back in doors and shield myself from the judgemental eyes of the entire city. A few knocks on the door later there was an answer.

"Come in it's open!" a somewhat distorted voice bellowed from inside the house. I am wondering why the owner of the house would allow somebody to just walk in. I guess they get it a lot.

When I first took a look at the inside of the Professors home I couldn't help think that it looked like a laboratory used to cut up aliens. Now I don't know about you but when you place me in a room with anybody else from this planet in a room side by side, who do you think they're going to say looks like an alien. I can see it now, this guy has probably read too many physics books, plays way too many computer games and has a gut the size of a hippo's, wait a minute, he probably is a hippo in this world.

"Hello I'm the Professor nice to meet you," that doesn't sound like a fat male hippo, that sounds more like a... tall, seductive, female Siberian tiger. WOW what a nice pair of hips moving like waves in an ocean side to side, it's mesmerizing. Her stripes were an intimate pattern dancing around on her fur. She wore glasses that perched just at the end of her muzzle. I don't think I've ever described somebody like that before.

"H-hi my... me named... Norman," was all I could string together through a rattled brain and a drawling mouth. I extended a hand to be shaken, even though it was already shaking, and OH MY GOD did I just introduce myself as Norman! Stupid, stupid, stupid man! Keep it together here she comes, steady the hand and maybe we can recover this in the handshake. With that I steadied my arm to a small shudder and... she walked straight past me like I was invisible. She greeted Jenny instead with a warm smile that could turn a gay man straight and kill a straight man. Hang on that cow ignored me! I'll give her a piece of my mind, wait second thoughts I haven't got much of one left so I'll just shout at her.

"Hey yo..." was all I could manage when I looked down at her ass, what a perfect tail, powerful and yet gentle at the same time. For shit sake stop fantasising about tails you're a human this is not normal! Oh No, Mr. Happy is waking up, down boy down! As I slowly crouched downwards with a hand discreetly tucked between my legs I noticed Jenny looking at me in shock. Luckily the Professor had her back turned as was still greeting Jenny.

"Nice to meet you and this is Pal (I think) he's why we're here," Jenny explained politely in her sweet voice, which was something like an angel singing. You stupid women that's just going to make her turn around! I gestured a clenched fist at her and she returned it with a scowl.

"Ummm... I ummm just want to ummm... know how you got all this behind me?" was all Jenny could think of to make her keep facing away from me. It seemed to have worked, now to get some self-control back. Okay brain stop fantasising and focus on un-sexy thoughts. Sonya from Eastenders, Cricket, Gordon Brown on the bog... Uggghhh my, that is a nasty thought, hang on yes perfect stick with it it's working. Now I don't know what's worse, being sick from the images in my head or embarrassing my self in front of the sexy Professor. Okay if it comes to it aim for the bin. I think I'm going to turn green again... no wait, yes It's subsided now abort all thoughts abort!

"So what do you call the species of this creature?" a snide sounding voice asked Jenny like I wasn't intelligent enough to answer for myself.

"Well he says he is a species know as Human," Jenny answered trying her best not to play into the Professors game. She was not succeeding in that venture at all; I'm getting very annoyed with the both of them.

"Human you say, most interesting, well it is obviously not from around here, maybe this thing whatever it is some kind of government experiment," the very superior sounding Professor bleated. Right that's far enough I am not an IT! I am not a THING! I am not an ANIMAL!

"Okay look this is getting very tiring, let me tell you myself what exactly happened," I decided at the last second that anger was not the best course of action and had to cool down. Never the less I still put some emphasis into the power of my words.

A long scattered recall of my stag night later I think she got the picture. She moved around her lab tapping her chin and humming lightly to herself. Then the silence was broken when the Professor spoke up.

"I presume you were consuming a large amount of alcohol and had many unclothed women around you at the time," she asked with narrowed eyes fixated on my own.

"You might put it that way yeah," I replied with a bit of a chuckle.

"And you say that you were painted green is that correct," she continued to interrogate me as if I was some kind of science project that went really wrong.

"Either that or I was really ill, which I kind of was," if I wasn't going to shout at her the least I could do was to be sarcastic.

"Well then it's simple, I've heard of it before but I've never heard of a true recorded case before," she said in a much brighter fashion perking up her ears and swishing her tail with powerful strokes.

"What is it then, how did I get here," I pleaded with so much anticipation I almost pissed myself, almost.

"This is most fascinating Jenny, you should enter this one in for some kind of the award," she turned towards Jenny again who had been waiting patiently in the corner. I really was in no mood for this anymore and I was just about ready to explode like a ticking time bomb.

"Hey I'm talking at you! How did I get here!?" I shouted out right to her face, I think I actually spat down her mouth as well but I didn't care at that moment.

"He really is very rude and persistent isn't he Jenny," she sneered at me talking to Jenny like I was an inferior pond scum. It was then that the time bomb reached zero.

"For fuck sake stop referring to me in the third person I'm right here! Do you honestly think you are so superior to everyone!? Now tell me what I want to know you stupid whinging bitch!" I was seriously pissed off at that moment, you can probably tell.

She turned her back on me giving a flick with her tail with a look of disapproval. Oh great job Pal, you've really got a lot of brains haven't you; now I'll never know how I got here. After a few minutes in an awkward silence with Jenny looking down at her shuffling feet and the Professor seemingly pretending that gravity had just became 10 times stronger, as she was parading around her lab with heavy feet whilst moving things with a loud slam. After even more minutes I had to say something out of guilt.

"Look I'm sorry I didn't mean... you were being very irritating," I said in a rather pathetic tone trying to explain myself.

"Jenny could you leave us please I need to speak to Norman alone," It disturbed me the way she put a lot of emphasis into the word alone. I kept expecting her to get out a giant tranquilliser needle and stab me. As I watched Jenny creep out of the room I started to wonder why she had sent her out. A knot grew in my chest as I was left alone in a room with an angry woman with claws the size of my middle finger. If that wouldn't frighten you then you're either very brave of very stupid. But I am a Police officer and if there's one thing I know that's how to handle a potentially life threatening situation, as you already know. She did not pull out a weapon or draw her claws, which left me in a bit of an odd position. The look on her face was not angry at all and more cheeky. I had absolutely no idea what she intended to do to me.

"Take your pants off, now" a very demanding voice calmly called. Now I get it, within three seconds the belt was off and the trousers plus pants were wrenched downwards. For anybody else striping naked in front of a near complete stranger would be an embarrassing situation, but for some reason this doesn't affect me anymore. Another three seconds later the shirt was off leaving me totally exposed. The Professor had taken the liberty of watching me with great interest as she saw another being not of their world completely naked. She looked my body over still with a finger on her chin and humming lightly.

"Very impressive Norman," she congratulated as she reached my genitals and admired my semi-hard on. I think what interested her most was the fact that my manly hood was all on the outside and not carried inside my body.

"Actually my name isn't Norman, it's Pal," I had to say something because I really dislike being called Norman. She ignored me and only smiled seductively approaching me in her wavy way. She ran a finger down my chest making my body hair stand on end and a shivering chill travel up my spine. I placed a hand in between her ears and rubbed gentle making her purr like a kitten, but this kitten can scratch. Her claws withdrew from beneath her soft fur fingers and scraped across my front. Sod it more damned claws was all I could think and all my body could think was OWWW! She didn't draw blood but it still bloody hurt like hell.

"On the table," another forceful demand came which I obeyed unquestionably. The strong metal table was ice cold and I had to arch my naked back away from it as I climbed onto it eventually lying out flat. The naughty Professor striped completely giving me a nice view of all her lovelies. She crawled up my body with the same grin inching her way to my face. I was the willing prey in her clutches and I was led like a lamb to the slaughter. She licked up the side of my face with her powerful tongue covering it in thick saliva. I could still not get used to the whole licking thing and remembered all to well what happened when I licked Jenny's cheek, hairball. Again that feeling of 'should I really be doing this' tingled in the back of my mind. But again the decision was made for me as sat up still on top of me and assumed the cowgirl position. She hovered her snatch just above my awaiting cock, which twitched madly in excitement. My brain said no but my dick said yes and I'm a bloke so who do you think I'm going to listen to?

Without any warning she suddenly dropped her entire weight down onto my groin slamming me into her with an odd sounding squelch. I could tell she had done this before as her cunt muscles squeezed around my manly hood on purpose. Looking up at her face I could see she was really concentrating on working me hard as she bit her bottom lip. I must admit I enjoyed not doing anything except pump upwards with her rhythm. It was only my second time with a fur so I was still learning but there really wasn't much difference. Her lubricating juices ran freely out of her well-worked hole and dribbled down the sides of my pulsating tool. She was using her knees to thrust herself upwards and gravity to collapse back downwards making her groan slightly. Her movements became more rampant as she was reaching her peak and I was enjoying myself even more when the speed increased. I could feel each and every tiny vibration in her inner walls, which stimulated me further. I now longed to empty myself into her letting her feel the full blast of my ecstasy. I felt the familiar tightening around my cock as her claws dug into my chest puncturing the skin but I didn't care. She reached her final goal before me, which surprised me a little when you think about it. A long moaning screech pored out of her furry muzzle drowning out all noise in the room.

I think she didn't like the fact that I made her cum before I did by the growling look on her face and the force she was now putting down on my groin. I was not going to satisfy her cum hungry pussy just yet and had to hold it in. I might as well try and climb Mount Everest if I was thinking of doing the improbable. Our groins were grinding together hard and faster as she took my full length up her cunt. Her sticky fluid that had dribbled onto my crotch was making a wet slapping sound as contact between her and me was made. The feeling in my stomach grew as the time came ever closer and the volcano would erupt. The twitching became unbearable and I had to release everything I had in me. I went off like a rocket filing her hungry hole with my seed, which was gratefully appreciated. She wanted every last drop and slowed herself so she could tighten around me and slowly suck upwards. I had never experienced such an act until now and it felt glorious. I nearly passed out from the pure orgasmic pleasure filing every sense in my body. She collapsed on top of my breathing heavily into my chest we hot panting air. Her fur tingled my body all over making me needed to scratch. After a few minutes of recovering our breath and energy I decided to try and talk to her.

"I'm glad we had this little um... talk," I tried to speak clearly through a still orgasm clouded mind.

"I'm just sorry you couldn't 'talk' for any longer," a cheeky smile crept across her face and a very unappreciative look crawled across mine. Rolling off the cold metal table she cleaned herself off with a nearby towel, then threw it to me to do the same. She collected her creased clothes and slowly put them back on taking the time to let my dribble over her a little while longer. That was truly incredible, I'm used to taking control but I don't mind, I mean if I had tried to take control I most probably would have had my head torn off for my trouble.

"Soooooo... any chance of you telling me how I got here, please," I asked with the sweetest voice and smile I could pull off, which sounded and looked like I was constipated. Now with her clothes on and her large white coat draped over her shoulders, it seemed she was finally ready to talk.

"I'll start from the very beginning," she sighed in a relenting way.

"You consumed a large amount of alcohol that evening and ate a lot of very spicy curry shortly afterwards. Whilst at the gentleman's club surrounded by beautiful naked women an excessive amount of endorphins and testosterone was created in your body. You were then painted with what I presume was a unusually toxic green paint, which I also presume you swallowed some of accidentally."

"Uhhhhh... yeah accidentally," I mumbled with a somewhat flushed face.

"This special brew of beer, spicy curry, testosterone, endorphins and toxic green paint had some severe side affects. Such as, vomiting, drowsiness and the passing of certain gases created from this substance residing in your bowels. This gas was so dense that the negatively charged electromagnetic particles in the air created by the very rare ion storm close to earth and rapid diminishing of the earth's ozone layer were instantly attracted to the gas. The suns reflected rays from the moon also hit this mix of biological material and electro-particles. This created a small human sized rift in the time space continuum that stopped time and matter, which became a hole in space-time. This rift would have most certainly lead to a alternate reality where man was no longer the dominant species on earth and were in fact never created as a species." She took a deep breath as she had not taken one since she started.

"This explains everything! No wonder I found pieces of carrot in my chest hairs I had been sick of course that's it!" I exclaimed sarcastically, I honestly didn't understand a word she just said.

"You didn't understand a word I just said did you!" she shouted back at me. What do you expect!

"Well I was with you all the way up to the word alcohol, then the rest was just white noise, it was like I saw your lips moving but... nothing except Beeeeeeep," I got off the table and scrounged for my clothes. Her arms were crossed and she tapped a foot lightly in a repetitive motion. As I put all my clothes back on I thought seriously for a moment. I may not have understood the science behind it, but I do understand what's needed to get me back if it is at all possible.

"Okay to put it in laymen's terms, it means you stepped through a door into a parallel universe," She spoke suddenly making me jump a little. She took a look at her computer screen and flicked through a few programs until she found what she wanted. I was obviously very confused so didn't bother to try and make it look like I knew what she was doing.

"Okay, I've been tracking that ion storm and it seems that it will disperse in... 12 hours give or take," she summed up my position in one sentence, I knew this meant that I had only 12 hours to get home.

"When will the next ion storm thingy be?" I asked with little hope that it would be soon.

"Well I can't pin it down exactly but I would say about... 3 million years," was the answer I got that confirmed my fears. It was all quite overwhelming for me and my stunned look said it all.

"Still if you look at it in ice ages then its only 5," she tried to console me although I knew she was having fun torturing me. This was really quite depressing news, I had only 12 hours to get totally pissed out of my head and eat copious amounts of curry. Hang on!

"Thanks for all your help Prof. I don't know if I'll ever see you again but we can only hope," I was joking of course I enjoyed our little get together maybe a little bit more than I should have.

"Yes and I'm only too glad I could help we should do it again some time," that gorgeous seductive smile came across her face again and I could already feel myself getting aroused. No, self control Pal if you're going to get home then you have to leave. Without another word and just a shared wave I left the lab room to find Jenny.

"So what did she say!" A very excited Jenny asked with much more enthusiasm than I expected.

"She said a lot of things, but the just of it was I stepped through a magic door," I tried to explain in the only way I knew how, poorly.

"All I need to know is how to get back, so first things first, where can we get some beer?" I hadn't forgotten that alcohol is banned I just wanted to call Jenny... well you'll find out.

"Pal I already told you alcohol is banned," she whined with a fed up look on her face.

"Poor naive little Jenny, haven't you ever heard of the black market?" I had to feel smarter than someone else right now and she was the closest someone to me.

4 hours to storm closure and one trip to the black market later...

We had set up camp in the small square outside Jenny's apartment, it was weird to think that Jenny had never tried alcohol before, man she's going to have fun tomorrow morning. Everything was ready, we had beer (Carlsberg), spicy curry, toxic green paint, the moon and the only ingredient missing was naked women. Well once Jenny's had a few I don't think I'll have to worry about that. The drinking had not started yet as we had one last comprehensible conversation before the slurring started. It was then something quite unsuspecting happened. You remember when I first saw Jenny for the first time she was in the clutches of a large dragon. Then I was nearly eaten but I shot him before he could and the other two dragons disappeared, well they're back.

"There he is!" one of them shouted pointing in my direction. The two very large and bulky dragons came pounding towards us. We both got up off our feet ready to make a run for it down the side street.

"Have you got the gun," I whispered to Jenny hoping it wouldn't come to using it again.

"Me! What the hell makes you think I've got it it's your gun!" she whispered back to me in a rasping voice. It didn't matter now because the two beasts were upon us. The largest and green scaled one stepped up towards me making himself look even taller.

"You killed our mate, okay he was a bastard but his was still a mate," the bigger dragon boomed shattering the silence of the alley.

"Well I um... um hmm...give me a minute I'll think of good excuse," I stood up tall as I could in front of the powerful beast trying to hide the fear. Tell me honestly that an angry vengeful dragon who's mate you killed wouldn't frighten you, if you can say that honestly then do you want to trade places with me?

"You will pay for what you did," he roared out giving me a good look at his really large and very sharp teeth.

"Yeah well I'm lost in a parallel world and you don't hear me crying about it," I smirked but with a sigh.

"You really want to die don't you?" he looked down at me with a grin. I hadn't actually thought about it much until now, maybe death is a better way, I've seen so much in this world how can I leave it behind. Okay that's it this has gone to far, I am not staying sober another minute.

"I'm going to grab a beer do you want one?" I was quite curious to know if dragons actually drink.

"Did you say beer" the green scaled one on the right asked with wide almost protruding eyes.

2 hours shhhhlater...

"Row, row, row your boat gently down the stream, belts off trousers down isn't life a scream, CHUG!" all four of us were harmonizing perfectly in a slurred mixture of grumbles and words. We were sat in a line making rowing motions with our arms. Why we were doing that you say well to be perfectly straight forward I really don't know. We were all completely hammered so none of us knew what we were doing and talking to each other in incomprehensible slurs.

"Jen-jenny... Jenny, I think I've... had one too many," I spluttered out what I hoped were words and not just globules of spit.

"No-no... I don't know... is this what drinking does," she mumbled dribbling slightly on my shoulder as she was slumped over me.

"If we do not succeed then we run the risk of failure," the largest green dragon barked. No I don't know what he means either but he's doing better than his other friend who's now passed out on the floor.

"Sooooo... um what are we doing?" I had pretty much forgotten why we were out here; all I knew is that I had eaten way to many curries, drunk too much and why the hell am I green.

"Your going home," she blurted making a scary backwards and forwards rocking motion. Oh yeah now I remember, all I need now is testosterone and endorphins. How was I going to find that at 4 O'clock in the morning? Then without warning Jenny gave me a wet kiss on the lips that developed into a French kiss overtime. Looking down at my now expanded trousers I remembered how I was going to get those two remaining things. When the drunken smooch ended I felt happy and ready for some action. But my thoughts were side tracked by the drink when I finally realised that I really was the most charismatic person in the universe. It's good to be home.

"Here Pal I want you to remember me," a very sentimental looking Jenny whimpered like she was almost in tears. I didn't even think about how my leaving would hurt Jenny, I didn't know she had actual feelings for me.

She held out a paw, which contained a small silver locket. Taking her paw into my hand I took the small trinket and open it. It contained a picture of her cute fuzzy face giving her patented warm smile. I looked at it with a small smile of my own caressing it in my palm. I placed it snugly into my jeans pocket and looked into the eyes of the women I loved, or was that the beer goggles. She looked right back at me managing that smile of hers and we held hands moving our lips closer and I closed my eyes...

"Pal, wake up you dumb ass and get up off my damn couch," a hard voice echoed in my ears. I opened my eyes again, which glazed over in a misty blur. I found myself lying on a brown couch in a familiar apartment but it wasn't my own.

"Hey Pal, man you've been out for days, I've never seen some one pass out from drink for that long," the voice called again, it was so familiar but I just can't tell who it was. Hang on, no it couldn't be...

"Frank is that you?" I asked feeling soreness in the back of my throat as I did.

"No it's your mum of course it is," he answered back, it definitely was Frank I'd know that kind of sarcasm anywhere. As my vision returned I saw Frank standing over me with that bloody irritating grin of his smiling down at me.

"What happened to me?" I mumbled putting a hand to my head as it still hurt quite a bit.

"After the party I had to drag you green naked ass back to my apartment," he answered with a slightly annoyed sounding voice.

"But what about Jenny and the dragons, she was so nice and she had fur," my memories came together giving me recollection of the previous evening.

"Mate you must have had one crazy dream because you're not making sense," he laughed making me really confused.

A dream... was that all it was, was all what I did just a figment of my imagination a crazy drink induced fantasy world. Frank walked away from the couch with a small shake of his head. I guess it has to make sense, how could I travel to a different world and have sex with animals. If I admit to that then I would be admitting I'm some kind of weirdo. Sitting up on the couch I realised it was Monday morning by the calendar on the wall next to me, crap I really had been in a drunken coma for three days. I wondered why somebody hadn't bothered to take me to the hospital but I guess that's another story for another day. Standing up stretching my unused muscles I felt something in my jeans pocket. Obviously Frank had been kind enough to dress me, the thought of which made me cringe. Reaching into my pocket I felt something small, I pulled out a small silver locket that glinted in the morning sun.