Darkest Lust - Chapter 3

Story by Kaeryn on SoFurry

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"Urrrhhhhggg, I cant walk anymore! Can we please stoooop?" Naomi groaned. Tony looked back and laughed. "I thought you like walking? Never complain before!" Mica ran forward as they talked, to see how far it was yet to the village. "I know, but you know.. hill plus me equal bad. I dont do hills very well." Briahna hopped off Mythios and gestured towards him. "I dont mind walking, you can ride on Myth if you are tired." she smiled. Naomi shook her head, "No thanks Bri.. I have Nino for that." Briahna looked around just as Naomi too realized he was not with them.

"Ugh.. faster.. dee- yes! Ohh baby..." Pearl groaned as yet again, Nino was mating her. They had walked away from the group to have alone time, and since it was darker out as well.. the less of a chance they would be seen. "Mmm.. no knot this time, kay?" Pearl asked her frantic partner as he humped her mercifully. Nino groaned just as a pop was heard, his knot.. indeed inside of her. Pearl growled and turned against him, biting down against his neck as he got off her back to stand next to her. "I told you no!" Pearl was furious. Nino just shrugged, "I bet you they are looking for a campsite, it will be a while before they will realize we are gone. SO chill, and enjoy this." he grinned, pulling his knot against her insides to make her tremble.

As Nino and Pearl were enjoying themselves, Briahna and Naomi were sent out by the boys to go look for them both, one because Tony was getting a fire set up at the small campsite they made and two.. Mica earlier found strange berries and ate them after Tony told him he would be sick later if he did. So, it was up to the girls. Briahna and Naomi headed down the road they were just on, the campsite was on the righthand side of the road, just off a small path a little bit.. not too hard to find, but hard enough to not be seen through the trees. Following Bri and Nao was the panther, again.. not too close.. but close enough to keep an eye on them. As they turned a corner of the road they both jumped, as Nino and Pearl came bounding from the trees, this sent the panther off running back into the forest. "There you two are! Come now, you are not to stray away from us." Bri said, as she lead the way back to the campsite. The two wolves exchanged grins as they headed back.

As the night went on everyone told stories about themselves, of who they are.. where they are from. Tony had just ended his 'brave' story of how he got his fisher, Tika.. which really, she nearly killed him, knocking him out with a smash of her tail against him. "Hey! In my defense she was really fast!" Tony said as his eyes widened, everyone laughing at him. "Yea, more like you did not eat before your battle.. so you got whipped." Naomi gasped in between laughs as she held her stomach with her hands. Mica was already asleep, and Briahna on the brink. Tony looked around and stood from the ground. "Bed time, go sleep, companions watch out." he turned and plopped himself down onto a blanket he put for himself. "It's companions.." Naomi said as she lay herself down to rest as well.


The moon rose in the sky that night, the fire out.. it made shadows within the trees, branches snapping. Briahna jumped awake, still laying within her blankets she had put to the ground for her bed. She looked around as far as she could without holding her head up. Another snap. Bri pulled her blanket over her head, curled her tail in towards her, trembling. She twitched her ears, trying to hear if anything else was making any noise.. nothing. She slowly poked her head from her blanket and looked towards the roar, all she could see was the glow of the moon bouncing off some pools of water that were left over from the rain a few days ago. She sighed in relief as she turned to get back comfy again in her head. She turned, she looked down to make her blanket smooth again, as she looked up to lay down, he was there. His eyes just staring at her.. there glow brighter from the moon bouncing off of them. His teeth bared as he began to breathe heavy against her face. She did not move, nor did she want too. She wanted to scream, wanted her friends to know they were not alone. She opened her maw.. but nothing came out. The panther, eyes still on her.. took her blanket within his teeth and pulled it away from her. Bri's tail close against her as the panther moved down.. licking at her arm, her hand. He moved slowly down her body, running his nose against her flesh sending trembles down her, giving her goose bumps as the air was crisp. She closed her eyes, her hand moving to run against his head as he explored her. She gasped and grabbed a tuft of his fur as his tongue snaked into her short at her thigh, playing with her tender flesh. He pushed in more, taking a claw from his forepaw.. cutting away her shorts. He huffed and smelt her heat, his nose gliding along her thigh to her wet folds, licking them slowly.. awaiting the trembles his prey would make. Briahna bit her lip as she opened her legs, her hand moving down to run against his tongue as it played with her.. wet and soft, rough.. she arched her back and moaned as he dove his tongue into her, tasting her. Then he stopped, vanished. She was being shaken.

Briahna opened her eyes as she woke from sleeping, her shorts were off.. her fingers were wet and between the folds of her pussy, Mica was staring at her beside her bed.. a worried look on his face, Tony and Naomi too were looking at her from their beds. Bri looked down and quickly pulled her blanket over her. "Bri.. tell me, why did you scream? I heard a blood curling scream, are you alright?" Mica asked, shaking. Bri could only nod, what was that?


Mica sat beside Bri, crossing his legs and laying a hand against her shoulder. "Tell me Bri, what was the scream for?" He looked at her with more love and care then she ever noticed before. She thought for a moment and shook her head, "I was just having a nightmare.. no worries. I will be fine, lets just go back to bed." She smiled at Mica and kissed the side of his lips before he had gotten up to go back to his bed. Pearl was now at his side, and Mythios as well was curled up next to Briahna.. where had they been? She thought they were always here. She shrugged and lay back down, maybe they went for a patrol or something.


Fifteen minutes earlier.. before the scream.

Myth and Pearl had gone for patrol, like Briahna thought.. they took one side, where as Nino and Tika took another. Myth and Pearl saw nothing, so they decided to hide in a little bit of bushes.. well, they were more than little because of Myth's size.. but still. After the two had gotten into the bush, Myth realized there wasnt as much room as they thought, he had to basically move Pearl under him and lay her down so they would fit. She didn't seem to mind. As the hunched in the bush, Pearl began to get a bit sleepy.. maybe it was from all the mating with Nino earlier, because she still is in heat.. and her smell to another wolf is intoxicating, Myth too noticed this smell though. As Pearl closed her eyes, Myth moved over her some more almost laying completely on top of her, she opened an eye and growled. Myth leaned down and licked her ear, "Shhh.. relax, I am just keeping you warm, it is getting a bit cooler now." He smiled as she closed her eyes again. He could feel himself getting hard, he closed his eyes and took in her smell.. it was different then a cats, like the one thats been coming off Briahna lately.. but still sweet. He licked at her ear again, moving his licks to her neck sweetly, slowly beginning to hump against her, but not penetrating her. Pearl groaned awake and sat up a little, making his light humps move against the base of her tail, she smiled and leaned up against him, letting him continue to lick her. "Show me enough affection and maybe I will let you mate me, considering I am awake now.." She looked as him with a smirk. He nodded and moved his licks to her muzzle and face, she liked it very much and began to wag her tail. Myth stooped and looked too her, "Could you stop wagging?" She laid down and rolled herself onto her back, "Nope." Myth grinned and began to lick her belly, circling around her teats with his tongue as he found them.. this making the wolfess shudder under him. As she lay yer head back, he took a paw and rubbed circles around her moist and swollen heat, this made her moan. Myth moved over her, moving her maw to his and kissing her, this was unexpected by her! She could only lay her head back and take his tongue into her maw.. playing and suckling on it as the kissed. He slowly moved himself in line with her heat.. humping against her before the tip of his member was at her hole. He waited a moment before pushing it in slowly.. getting a yip or approval from her. He groaned and began to thrust into her, a wolfess is sure smaller and tighter than any leopardess. Pearl rested her paws against her chest as he thrust into her, his grunts getting louder as his speed increased. She broke the kiss with him and moved to lay on her side.. the spine on his member scratching her inner walls, sending a tremble down her spine.. he too shuddered as she moved. She grinned and moved back onto her belly as he trusted deeper, now taking the cuff of her neck into his maw and holding her as he fucked her. After she had turned, it made both of them closer to climax as she thought. Myth made his pace even faster, panting and grunting into her fur as his movement quickened more.. Pearl dug her claws into the dirt below to not be moved as he got faster. Almost simultaneously they both reached their climax... Pearl howled and almost stood up as the rush flowed through her, as Myth let go of her cuff and pressed as deep into her as he possibly could. Pure bliss.

After about five more minutes they had both calmed and got up, Myth sliding his soft member from her folds. As she stood he licked at her, taking both his seed and her fluids flowing from her. "Guess I filled you more then I have thought lovely." He smiled. "Well, considering you are a leopard and I am not.. I think I would be smaller." She grinned and walked from the bush, her ears perked as she exited it though.. Myth too noticed a slight difference in the wind. They both headed back to the camp. At about halfway there.. Briahna screamed and they rushed over, first checking the boundaries to see if anything was out there... nothing.

Myth went to Briahna's side as she kissed the side of Mica's lip, she smiled and laid her head against her companions head as he laid it down beside her. Pearl sat herself close to Mica's bed as he returned to it, her eyes kept on Briahna. Then her and Myth both heard branches cracking and looked towards the road, Tika and Nino came back in from their patrol, Tika riding his back, almost against his tail.. Pearl tilted her head and shrugged to herself as Nino laid down, Tika still on his back.


Before the scream, as Pearl and Mythios were getting to know one another, Tika and Nino were doing the same thing. Though.. they knew each other previously, because their masters are practically best friends.

"Ok let me get this straight, you fucked Pearl.. and never told me??" Tika looks up to Nino as they walked around their route. "Uh, kinda.." he smirked. "Well, was she in heat? You know we cant breed without our masters knowing or allowing because we can't do our jobs when carrying young." Nino rolled his eyes. "I dont know.. now lets jus-" he stopped and closes his eyes, tilting his nose up to the air, sniffing. "You smell that?" Tika raised her nose and sniffed, her smell wasnt as strong as his, but she knew that smell. Sex.

Nino and Tika picked up their pace to go see who was making the smell, they hoped it was Myth and Pearl.. they were seeing them eye one another for a while. Tika herself wanted a piece of Myth, he was just so big! As the continued to walk Tika decided it would be best to ride on Nino's back, because she could be too tired to walk back to the camp once they figured out the smell and finished their patrol.

The smell was beginning to get stronger in Nino's nose as they got closer, Tika just starting to get the strong bit of it. She looked up to him as he pointed towards some bushes a little bit into the surrounding forest. They both walked up and got in viewing distance of the two lovers, but it was not what they were expecting.. not at all. Both of their jaws dropped as they looked to one another, rubbing their eyes to get another good look. It was Tony and Mica!


Tony yawned and looked over to Bri and Naomi, they were both asleep. He smiled and looked to where Mica's bed was, he was not there. He stood and figured the girls would be fine for a few minutes while he went to see what happened with Mica, since the companions were all doing their rounds, someone was bound to come back soon.

Tony stretched and sighed as he walked along the road just a ways away from their camping site, the sun was just setting into the trees. Tony looked around to see if anyone was watching and ducked into the bushes, his tail getting caught on branches. "Fuck!" he cursed and tried to get the trees to let him go as he sat down. Sometimes he liked to go off on his own and meditate, it got him into the zone before long travels. As he was settling in he heard something.. or someone. He stood and looked over his shoulder, it was Mica. Mica has his cock in hand and pleasuring himself. Tony grinned and watched, his own member becoming slightly hard, poking out of his sheath.

Mica groaned to himself as he became harder, he spread his legs and began humping the air as he opened his eyes, he could hear someone was there behind him somewhere.

"Damn fickin tree go away!" Tony tried to keep in a hushed tone, didnt work. Mica stopped and turned towards him. Tony blinked, he was spotted. He stood and walked towards the stark naked Elf and shrugged. Mica pointed towards a stump. "You want to try it or no? I have been wanting too.. your tail has been so distracting to me the last few days." Mica grinned. Tony looked to him and went to the stump, it was just high enough for him to lay his forepaws against it to be bent over for Mica. "Yous know I not gay.." Tony said before he felt his shorts being removed. It had gotten nice out that he had taken his shirt off, and just left sorts on. Mica leaned over and nipped Tony's back. "Oh I know, I am not either.. though I have been wanting to try this still." He lined the head of his cock to Tony's tail hole and pressed in a little, some of his pre dripping from him to give lube as to not hurt Tony. "Mm.. you ready you sneaky foxy?" Tiny nodded and braced himself.


Tony and Mica had then switched places when Tika and Nino got here, Mica was on his hands and knees as Tony was making him his bitch, his knot clearly visible as it grew.. moving closer and closer to Mica's hole. They both groaned as Tony slammed himself in, his knot tying them together. Tony held himself for a moment, stroking Mica's cock hard and fast as he began to thrust again, his knot putting pressure within Mica's ass. Mica groaned deeply as he exploded with his orgasm, making the ground under his wet and sticky. Tony began panting as his own took over, pushing into him deeply as he let stream after stream of his seed fill his partner.

Tika was licking her lips and rubbing herself as she watched, not noticing that Nino was humping her.. until the pain and pleasure of his own knot pushing inside of her. Tika almost screamed as it pushed open her vaginal walls, making her shudder in pure pleasure and orgasm. She looked up to Nino to only look down, he was laying beside her.. tongue hanging out. Tika poked Nino as Mica and Tony were finishing, Tony's knot popping out of Mica's hole. They both sighed and shared a passionate kiss.

Tony pulled from the kiss and smiled, "You are very attractive.." he kissed him again as Mica did the same. "Secret?" Mica asked, his face quite serious. They nodded together and got their clothes, heading back to camp.

Tika managed to get herself up on Nino's back without hurting him too much, his cock being able to move odd ways. She lay down against him as they walked back, Nino being careful as to not have his backside be seen. They were about halfway there when they heard Bri's scream. Nino moved himself into a trot to not hurt his little friend. As they got there, the incident was handled, and they went to find a play to lay, Tika noticing a wink from Mythios.


The following morning, Briahna was happier than ever before..no one could figure out why! Mica and Tony walked beside one another, trying to figure out this one thing as Naomi walked with Bri. "So you really did it Bri? How was it?" Naomi asked as they walked, they walked a bit faster then the boyus.. so they were a bit distant away from them so they could have 'girl talk'. Bri turned to look at her and smiled, nodding. "It was amazing Nai, just amazing. None of the men.. I really know get a smile that fast from their mate. I mean.. Myth was amazing, I dont know why he has taken to me so fast though." Naomi.. Nai for short, that is the nickname Tika had given her as they were setting up their camp, because her name at the moment of time was hard to say.. smiled at this, "I've always wanted to breed with one of the companions, I dont really know if it is possible. I mean, well.. I am anthro.. they are full on animals.. and well, you are kinda Elven and Tiger it would seem or something." Nai bit her lip. Bri chuckled and smiled, "Yea my father was an anthro tiger, I remember him sometimes, but not alot.. he wasnt really around all too often." The girls continued talking and walking, as the boys got lazy behind them.

"Too.. far.. walk..." Mica complained. Tony looked to him and laughed, "Never thought you be the one to complain mate! Comeon." Tony called over Nino and Mythios, the bigger of the companions and they both hitched a ride. "So.. you gots the feelin's for miss Bri dontcha?" Tony looked over to Mica with a wide grin. "Maybe, why do you want to know?" Mica spat back. "Whelp.. it is jus' cause I seen you look at her, an last night you be all moanin and humpin the air like no tomarrow!" Mica blushed and looked towards the girls. "I have had fantasies about her.. but none I will ever act upon." Tony looked to him, "Well.. comeon now! Tell us the story! We are all guys here yaknow." Mica nodded and looked towards Briahna, her tail swaying beginning to give him a bulge in his pants. "Well.. alright.." Mica sat back against Myth's back and began.

~Mica's Fantasy~

Mica had just come home from a days work, he was in a different village then he normally lived. Pearl was out back tending to her pups that she had conceived with a neighbors companion, they were cute.. little black and grey pups. Briahna lived a bit farther from him, but visited often. They had gotten closer, but not as close as Mica would have like.

After setting up the kitchen for supper in his hut, Mica went to get Bri. IT was a bit of a walk to her house, but worth it this day. He walked into her house.. much like the one she has already, and headed towards her room. She was trying to figure out what she would wear.

Mica stood at the door and smiles to her, putting the beads in the doorway aside.."You look beautiful." Mica smiled as Bri turned towards him. "Yeah right, everything I have is old and raggy.. I dont have anything fit enough for a dinner with you.." She fakely pouted as MIca walked towards her, taking his hand and moving it to her face,, caressing her cheek. "You will look beautiful in anything.." He leaned down and kissed her lips. She did a cute mrr as they kissed, her tail wrapping around his waist. Mica trained his fingers down her neck, to her shirt and slipped it over her shoulders.. she was wearing a dress, easy take off he thought. She shivered as the cool wind of the evening coming danced across her, her dress she wore slipping off and falling to the floor.

Mica stepped back and smiled to her, then taking her down the hall to her kitchen, where it was a bit warmer.. no draft coming from the windows. He lifted her up onto the counter and she spread her legs, she looked at him with lust and desire. He just grinned and leaned down, moving his tongue along her thighs.. She was wearing nothing under that dress, nothing at all. She lay her head back against the wall as he kissed towards her pink slit. He circled his tongue around her clit before stopping, hearing Briahna's moans. He stepped back and undressed himself before going back to work on her. Only he kissed her, and slid his hard cock into her.

Briahna groaned loudly as Mica pounded her, she grabbed his hair as he sucked and nibbled at her nipples as he fucked her. She wrapped her arms around his neck and began thrusting back against his own thrusts, Mica groaned and picked her up, moving them to the table that sat in the kitchen, laying her down on it as he continued to thrust, his come getting near as Briahna's walls tightened against him. He held on and waited as she too was getting close. Mica slowed his thrusts, this only made Bri go crazy as he climax hit. Her body shuddered hard as she pulled Mica close for a kiss.. Mica too shuddered as he thrust into her one last time, seeding his new lover. They rested on the table as they began to calm.. Mica looked to Bri.. "I love you Briahna.." Briahna smiled back, "I never knew you felt that way." Mica raised a brow and looked to her, she began getting clothing as he snapped back to reality.


They had stopped walking as they had reached their destination, Tony was laughing as Mica sat on the ground. Obviously Myth had kicked him off whether he was aware of it or not. Briahna was looking down at him, curious as to why he said that he loved her. "Mica.. wakey wakey!" Bei smiled as Mica looked up to her, "I never knew you felt that way about me.. and uhm, you may want to clean up before we see the Chieftain here." She giggled as Mica looked down.


As they entered the village of Nitank Tony went straight towards the well in the middle of town to refill their water. Briahna looked around in awe at the place she had stepped into, all the huts looked hand woven from vines, flowers grew outside of every hut and everyone was dressed in armor.. much like she is all the time. One in particular got her attention.

The people here were anthros much like Tony and Naomi were, only this particular anthro that caught Briahna's eye was much different. It was a horse.. or looked like it. It was a light brown Clyde, her hooves were feathered as were her wrists. The feathers around her arms were black, around her feet were white. She had the odd markings of a tiger on her as well with her light brown fur. Briahna walked closer to get a better look at her, and was just awestruck at her colouring, she had never seen a horse like this before. The girl had turned and noticed Briahna, she was about 5 years in age when she turned. Her made and tail were a slight grey with some black and white mixed into there in places. She had a flower in hand and looked as though she was planting some outside of her home. Briahna stopped and smiled to her.

The girl put down her flower and smiled back. "Hi! I'm Kaiana, this is my home. My mommy and daddy are inside if you are here for them." She pointed towards the door as a Tigress walked out. Only.. she was not all Tigress, she had the markings of a tiger around her head and shoulders, but they changed into spots going down to her tail. Her right hand was black as her left paw was black. She looked down to Kaiana. "Lunch is almost ready, go find your brother." Kaiana nodded and ran off towards the marketplace which was in view of their home. The tigress looked over to Briahna and nodded. "We have been expecting you, please.. come in." Bri nodded and headed inside, followed by Tony, Naomi and Mica.


A few minutes later Kaiana came running in with her brother, they were twins. Only her brother, Mondai looked more like his mother, all but the feathers around his wrists and feet like his sister. They sat down on the floor as lunch was being handed out. Mondai looked towards the back door just as loud thumping could be heard. "I'm home. Have our guests arrived yet dear?" A low voice called from the other room. "Yes my love, they did.. and they are here in once piece." The tigress stood and greeted the newcomer to lunch. It was her mate, a rather large clyde, now Briahna knew where the kids got the bulky look. "Well hello everyone, my name is Kaian, I am the Chieftain of this Village of Nitank, and this is my life-mate Kimayth. The tigress smiled and bowed as Kai walked into the room and sat. He was of a mocha colour, his mane and tail were black, and he had the fur around his hooves and wrists as his children did. "So, what brings you to our Village?" He smiled and gestured towards Tony.


After lunch Tony and Kai went out the back to talk, as the rest spent time with the twins and Kimayth. "So how did you two meet?" Naomi had asked Kim. She just smiled and shrugged. "Not really something I want to talk about around my children, but it felt like him and I were meant to be from the moment I laid my eyes on him. He is so sweet and kind, and our children are the most unique I have seen." She smiled as she watched the twins play, Mondai was riding around on Nino's back as Kaiana looked to be in deep conversation with Mythios. Briahna looked to Kim, "So how did you come up with their names? Kaiana and Kaian are practically the same." Kim laughed and nodded, "That they are.. and we wanted it like that because she looked so much like her father. Kaiana fit. Mondai on the other hand.. I have a friend that names her kids off the days they were born in a way, and these two were born on a Monday. So We came up with the name Mondai, plus Mondai in our tongue stands for Monday." She turned to look at the two, and placed a hand against her stomach. Both the girls took notice of this.. the boys were both too busy talking to Kai out in the back. "Another?" they both asked almost in unison. She nodded. "We hope for another girl, but a boy would be grand as well." Naomi all of a sudden burst out laughing as Mondai has made brought out a small saddle for Nino and put it on, "You look so cute Nino!" Nai called out. Kim, Bri and Nai just kept laughing as Nino gave Mondai a ride around the house.

As Mondai was riding Nino, Kaiana was indeed having a deep conversation with Mythios. "So.. name is Mythios, Briahana is your person.." "Master" he corrected her. "Master.." she nodded. "We have not anything like that here, we have uh.. animals, but we uh.. they have babies and we take care of them." Myth tilted his head and understood. It seemed these folk bred themselves with the creatures to get a higher understanding of the animal themselves. As well to build a strong community. As well, most of the companions anyone will get are from this village. There are mating pairs of almost all form of animals here in this area, and they breed like wild fires.

Myth looked to Kaiana, "So how are you able to talk to me, and they cant?" Kaiana smiled big, "We been taught in school. Erm.. we also been taught language." Mondai overheard them talking and yelled from a distance, "She means we can talk just like your people can, your animals. We are taught young how to speak and are very smart." He laughed as Nino had finally kicked him off.. it amused him somehow.


It began getting darker and Tony, Mica and Kai were still outside talking. Kim poked her head outside, "Beds are ready for you boys when you are done, more talking tomorrow if you want to head in early." Kai nodded to his mate then kissed her goodnight. Kim walked into the room where she had set up the girls, Kaiana too wanted to sleep there.. it was like a slumber party. "Sleep well you three, I will see you in the morning."

Mythios, Tika, Nino and Pearl were all outside.. Pearl had come back from the market late, Tony had asked her for a favor to get some supplies.. seems as though people here are fond of wolves and gave her everything they needed. As the four of them were beginning to rest, something moved within the town.. and a figure moved just within the light of the moon hitting the dirt road. It was the black panther.. eyes cold and staring right at them all.


As morning started to slowly awaken within the trees, Tony had gotten up. He was already outside getting the things set up that Pearl had brought from the marketplace for breakfast, then he remembered something. He stood and walked out the back door, walking towards where the panther had stood the night before, nowhere to been seen as of yet. As he was walking, something caught his eye. He turned, his tail was swaying cautiously as he looked... "Anakha? That you?" Tony stepped forward as a wolf cross stepped out from between two stands, following him was a alpine wolf, they were both of iron-grey fur colour.. both had emerald green eyes. Tony sighed and smiled as his new friend tossed a ball to him, "Was gonna go out and play some ball with Dren, you wanna come with?" Tony looked behind and noticed Pearl had stood, even though she is not his companion.. they had gotten to know one another quite well, since Mica and himself were practically best friends now.

"As long as Pearl come too, seem she wants to have fun." Tony laughed and motioned Pearl over. She trotted over, not even noticing Dren who was enchanted by her look. Anakha nodded and told them to follow as they walked towards a clearing.


In the girls room Naomi was beginning to wake, the little girl whose home they are staying in was gone, and Briahna was looking horrified as she looked towards the door, Nai had yet to look and walked to Briahna. "Bri? Why is your face so.." she too now looked towards the doorway. It was the black panther. How the crap did it get inside?? Nai reached over for a dagger on the table that Kimayth had left them, incase anything like this had happened, though of course she said it never does. Nai held the dagger steady.. "Don't you DARE come any closer! I will use this!!" Nai's eyes were now narrowed with anger. The panther just sat and tilted his head. Nai looked to him, keeping the dagger ready if he made a move. Briahna now blinked and looked to her friend. "I think he has come for me.. I keep seeing him everywhere." Nai blinked and lowered the dagger.

Bri got off her bed and went down to the floor, her eye kept on the panther as she did. Nai put the dagger back on the table and she too went to the floor. "What do you think he wants?" Nai had asked, "Not sure.. though he has been following us for a while.. he, kinda reminds me of Nathan's panther." Nai raised a brow, "Who is Nathan?" Bri smiled and looked into the panthers eye. "He was the local companion giver person, he helped each of us gain our companions and he has a panther just like this one, Thunder.. I think his name was." "Yes, it is Thunder." Both the girls nearly jumped out of their skins as the panther in front of them began speaking to them. They looked to one another, awe struck.


It was slowly turning afternoon as Tika hopped into the boys bedroom, seemed she had forgotten something before joining Tony and her friends in the field when she noticed Mica still sleeping. She walked over and hopped up to his bed, seemed he was out cold.. dreaming pretty deeply. She sniffed his chin then proceeded to nip his nose to wake him up before his arm began to move, and his hand stretch out to grab something.. her! She jumped out of the way as his hand ventured down his side and under his sheets. He then groaned.. what was he dreaming about? Tika wanted to find out.. her curiosity getting the best of her. She sat at the edge of the bed, waiting.. as he groaned again, a bulge was starting in the sheets. Tika licked her lips.

Tika moved onto him and moved the sheets from him, locking them within her teeth and pulling them off slowly. She noticed he had no pants on, and his cock was growing! I bet he is dreaming about Briahna she thought. She moved closer to give him a lick, to see what his reaction would be. Nothing. She licked some more then gasped as quiet as she could as she was grabbed. He held her in his hands, bringing her lips to his in a kiss. Tika couldnt move.. yet she was enjoying this. His next move would surprise her the most. He lifted her up and took his cock into his hand, saying outloud.. "Ride me baby, I want to feel your tightness surround me.." he smiled and let her go. Tika looked from him to his throbbing cock and shrugged. What could it hurt? He is sleeping still, for all he knows it is all a dream!

Tika positioned herself over him and slide him inside of her, a tight fit. She groaned and squealed as she hilted him within her, only to moan as he turned them over, and started to slowly make love to her.


Over at the field, as Tika was having her fun. Tony as becoming worried. "She should be back by now" he began stroking his tail as he walks in circles. "She should be fine, but if you really want we can go see to her and see if she is fine." Anakha suggested. Tony nodded and they headed back towards the hut.

Tika by this time was back on top and riding Mica harder then she had ever rode well.. anything. Her tail swayed behind her as she was mated, Mica still dreaming, occasionally yelling 'Oh Briahna!' out at the top of his lungs. He then suddenly opened his eyes, Tika stopped and waited to be caught white handed as Mica turned them back over, kissing her passionately. "You are mine now Bri.. I am going to fill you." He grinned and began pounding harder and faster into Tika who began screaming.

Briahna and Naomi heard her scream and stopped their conversation with Thunder to run to the other room, Tony and Anakha too heard her. As they all ran to the room they looked at each other then inside at the sight. Tika waved just as her climax hit, and Mica's hit him shortly after.. he groaned in pleasure and lust, then looked towards the door. He looked at everyones faces, "What?" he then looked down and saw Tika grinning and waving to him.