Pidgeot Valley (Why They Left It)
#2 of Pidgeot Valley
Part 2 of this atrocity and the abuse continues. A good amount of Pidgeot have also called it quits and, upon hearing their tales, it's little surprise why.
Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended.
"Well were you used like some cheap piece of toilet paper, thrown into a pile of dog shit, and then buried alive?!" The male Pidgeot asked of the female Pidgeot who'd left. We shall call her, Pid-Gee.
", but-" Pid-Gee started.
"Exactly!" He huffed, glaring at her. "I believe I've just won that argument!" We shall call him, Pidg-O.
The female flinched. She still believed she'd had it bad, but realized that this guy had also suffered horribly at the hands of the Arcanine. He'd finally decided to leave after that last humiliation, but there had been others. He'd been woken up one memorable night when an Arcanine had decided to use his nest, and indeed him, as a urinal. During a Heat Cycle a male Arcanine had grabbed him, forced his beak open, and then came down his throat until he was half-drowned. It'd then wiped it's cock off on the birds backside and sauntered off. A third time an Arcanine had actually crunched down on him, but spat the half-chewed bird out a moment later; deciding he'd rather be a vegetarian then eat something that tasted that foul.
"Yeah!" Pidg-O had screeched. "He left me lying there, half-chewed, near-death, and covered in his foul drool cuz he decided I wasn't even good enough to eat! Fuck Arcanine!!"
There were a several other Pidgeot with them. All who'd left the valley due to a bad experience. All who'd eventually found us in my new forest home.
One who'd been swallowed Whole by an Arcanine, but managed to escape......the next time he'd used the Latrine.
Another had been chewed up, swallowed, and was half-digested before the Arcanine remembered she was on a diet and threw it up. He still had no idea how he'd survived.
One who was captured by an Arcanine and who's cunt had been so filled with his hot dog semen that she'd actually gotten pregnant.
Another Pidegeot had been knocked into the recently dug Latrine hole of an Arcanine. The Arcanine urinated all over it and walked off; too lazy to shift it aside. The next day the same Pidgeot was knocked halfway into the Latrine of the same Arcanine. The dog shrugged, sat on the poor birds head, and did his business. He then buried his hole and walked off, leaving the Pidgeot looking like an Ostrich with its head in the sand.
One bedraggled looking Pidgeot had been grabbed out of the air by an Arcanine, who proceeded to blow her nose messily into his chest; tossing her 'tissue' down on his stomach after. Not a minute later another Arcanine came over, wiped his muddy feet off on the Pidgeots back, and kept going without batting an eye.
On that note a Pidgeot had had its face used as a nose-cleaner, and was still getting it all out of its feathers. It had also once been used as a toothbrush.
One Pidgeot had been sent flying by an Arcanine, right at the face of another Arcanine who'd yawned at the wrong time. The end result being the Pidgeot tumbled down its throat. The Arcanine was a vegetarian, though, and threw the bird up.
One poor female Pidgeot had been held down during the Heat Cycle, but instead of semen she found her cunt being filled with dog piss.
An even poorer male Pidgeot had run afoul of a Male Arcanine who'd been too lazy to dig a latrine, or even move from his spot on his back. He'd grabbed the Pidgeot as it had flown overhead, squeezed it until it squaked, then pissed down its throat for a full minute; tossing it aside afterwards without so much as a thank-you.
The Pidgeot behind her had once been used as a washcloth when a female Arcanine had decided to take a long bath in the river, and had been sure to scrub good between her legs and around her tail-hole. The Pidgeot actually hadn't minded that too much....until the Arcanine's Boyfriend had done the exact same thing.
During a heat cycle a female Arcanine had refused to let her captured prey go for a full week; cramming the poor Pidgeot into her pussy or ass before she went to sleep each night. A male Arcanine did the same. When he didn't cram the poor Pidgeot into his ass for the night he completely covered it in his sticky cum and then stuck it to the underside of his cock or nutsack. A third Arcanine tried keeping one in its mouth, only to wake up one morning and find he'd accidentally swallowed it.
Next to them was a particularly bedraggled looking female Pidgeot.
"So, uh, what happened to you?" Pid-Gee asked.
~ Flash ~
~ I was inside an Arcanine's mouth. His large, hot tongue was rubbing against my belly and I was completely soaked in his putrid drool. I had no means of escape. If he chewed twice or swallowed I'd be done. But, the Arcanine seemed to change his mind and spat me out. I thought he was gonna let me go, but that was just wishful thinking. Next thing I knew I was being crammed in a tight, dank, nasty hole. Apparently this particular Arcanine was suffering from constipation and, in the absence of any hebs or berries that could help, had decided to improvise. All in all, I'd rather it had just eaten me. ~
"Ohhh, that feels so much better." The Arcanine murmured, having pushed the poor bird deeper and deeper into its ass until it had started to feel loose. It then dug a latrine hole and, not wanting to waste precious time removing the Pidgeot first, sat down and slowly voided its bowels with a deep groan of relief. Another Pidgeot made the grave mistake of passing by just then. The Arcanine snatched it out of the air and proceeded to give his ass a good wiping with its face.
The Arcanine made a thorough job of it; being sure he got in between his cheeks and used it's beak to scrape off the caked up bits. He then tossed the Pidgeot into the feces with his other 'helper', kicked up a good layer of dirt over the mess and sauntered off without a backwards glance.
~ End Flash ~
Pidg-O sidled up to the two unfortunate individuals and hugged them.
"I think you and I will get along just fine."
The female Pidgeot, who'd set the trend by being the first to leave the dreaded valley, was busy contemplating; possible ways for revenge as well as ways to ensure such things stopped once and for all.