Capture My Heart

Story by Rakuen Growlithe on SoFurry

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I think this was the first story I ever posted online, some time in 2006. The old stories that I'm reposting are not revised so bad writing and errors are still there as they were originally.

Capture my Heart

By: Rakuen Growlithe

Disclaimer: I don't own Pokemon, Nintendo etc. I just enjoy it and write fan fiction.

Chapter 1: Capture

Flameshot, a growlithe, was lying peacefully on a rock in the mountains, just a short way away from Pewter City. His alert black eyes, nearly all Pokemon have black eyes, were watching a couple of pidgey flying above him when the rock beneath him began to shake. He jumped up and looked around to find the disturbance. There near the foot of the mountain, about 200m away, he could see an onix repeatedly headbutting the ground. He looked again and saw some smaller bodies, not onix, in the shade of a tree. He was already pretty peeved when a boulder dislodged itself and almost hit him. Yelping with surprise he jumped back and looked angrily at the onix. If it continued the whole mountain would start collapsing. Growling angrily he began down the mountain towards the onix. "Growl! Growl, growl, growl!" he barked at the onix, "What do you think you're doing!" The onix ignored him. "Hey, I'm talking to you," Flameshot said as he jumped to the ground. Suddenly one of the figures from the shade of the tree began to walk towards him and the onix. As the figure stepped into the light Flameshot saw it was wearing completely black clothes except for the red "R" on its chest. "So little growlithe," it started.

Flameshot cocked his head curiously and stared. The onix had stopped bashing the ground.

"You'll be our first prize," suddenly the figure's voice changed and became meaner, "Onix, tackle it now!" Before he had time to react the onix swung its head round and tackled him. Unprepared, he took the blow full on in the side and flew through the air, crashing in the dust a little way away. Winded, he struggled to his feet as the onyx's tail swung at him. He jumped but the tail caught his front paws sending him into a somersault and once again he crashed to the ground. Dazed, he struggled to his feet before spinning around to face he other pokemon and attacked with flamethrower. It hit onix but did nothing to its rock armour skin. He took a step back, unsure of what to do next. "Onix," Flameshot's ears twitched and he turned to face the source of the noise, "bind him!" Onix shot forward and wrapped his body around Flameshot. Flameshot struggled against it but onix was far too strong. The pressure increased and Flameshot was sure something would break. He struggled to breathe, his vision blurred and he felt as though he was falling. "Drop him" the trainer commanded. Flameshot's limp body fell to the ground and he lifted his head to see the trainer kneeling in front of him. He held a pokeball in his hand and smiled.

"Gotcha," he said and threw it against Flameshot's head.

He glowed and was sucked into the pokeball where he fainted from exhaustion and pain.

Chapter 2: Slavery

Flameshot opened his eyes and waited as the world came into focus. He was lying in a cage about 1m2. There was some food, some water and some straw bedding. He gazed through the bars of his cage and saw he was in a long room, the walls of which were lined with cages filled with various different pokemon. There was nothing to suggest that the people wanted any specific type of pokemon. He painfully got up, his whole body was covered in bruises, and limped to his water bowl where he lapped up some cold water. He then went back and lay down on the straw again.

A little while later the door at the end of the room opened and a lady walked in accompanied by a cruel-looking flareon. They walked straight to his cage, never even turning their heads side to side. The woman looked at the piece of paper on the outside of his cage.

"Pokemon #58, caught near Pewter. Yup, this is the one." Her voice was flat with no hint of compassion. She unlocked his cage and motioned for him to come out. Wearily he stepped out and looked around. The woman was locking the cage while the flareon was looking at a sick sandshrew. He took the chance and ran. The flareon reacted instantly. It tackled him into the bars of another cage and pinned him down, holding his right foreleg in her mouth. The woman, unconcerned, calmly locked the cage and walked over to them where she slipped a collar and lead over his head. She then led him out the room.

Flameshot was lead along a corridor towards a desk. "Out of my way," the woman snapped as she swatted a zubat carrying a message. They eventually reached the desk where a slowking sat surrounded by numerous books, registers and other office paraphernalia. "This new pokemon needs work," she said in a bored voice. The slowking checked through the books and eventually gave her a piece of paper. "Ooh, the daily grind," she said in a bored yet sarcastic voice, "Get moving," she snapped giving a sharp tug on the leash, hurting Flameshot's throat.

The woman took him into another room and harnessed him to a spoke on a large wheel. He glanced around and saw three other harnessed pokemon, a rhyhorn, a ponyta and a granbull. All were weary and had a dull, dead look in their eyes. "This will be fun eh, 58. Every day you can turn the grinder to grind rocks into sand. Fun eh," she said mockingly. He watched her and flareon leave as the door thudded closed behind them with an ominous thud. "Ivy, ivysar! Get back to work." "Growl?" "Shut up and pull!" the ivysaur shouted as two vinewhips slashed his back. "Growl!" he yelped in pain, and started to pull. He was completely confused. "Where am I? What's happened? Why? What's going on?" he thought.

Chapter 3: The Daily Grind

It had been more than a week now since he had been captured and every day had been the same so far. He'd get up, have a quick breakfast and the women would come with her flareon and take him to walk in circles till the end of the day. No rest, no food, no breaks. He was completely exhausted and lonely, no one ever spoke to him except the Ivysaur at the grinder and that was only insults. The second day he had retaliated and now he was muzzled when he wasn't in the cage.

When next the woman arrived she didn't have her flareon with her. Flameshot wondered why as he was muzzled but saw her just when he got out of the cage room. She was standing and speaking with an evil looking arbok. As they walked past his ears pointed towards them so he could hear what was said. "There too few humans, apparently they're overworked," the arbok hissed. "About time, I'm sick of doing everything while they relax." "Ssss. They're bringing more pokemons from somewhere else." "I suppose it ..." He could no longer hear as they turned a corner.

When the woman had harnessed him to the grinder the ivysaur sauntered up to him. It sent out a long vine which wrapped around his muzzle and pulled his head so he faced the ivysaur. "Filthy fire dog. Like the muzzle, eh? I guess it's teaching 'er 'ay. That stinkin' mule had to get taught to respec' it's superiors. I heard more pokemon are comin', I'm gonna get me some 'elp and then we'll give yer some real discipline." It finished off by shooting him in the face with razor leaf, cutting him up. "Move it you morons!" he shouted as he stepped off their path.

The end of the day left Flameshot more tired than ever before and his cuts were itching badly. He was unharnessed and led back to his cell where he just collapsed and fell into a deep sleep.

"Get up." Flameshot felt a sharp pain brining him to his senses. Flareon had nipped his shoulder. "Get up," she commanded. He obeyed unquestioningly. He had always obeyed her master and she had beaten him when he first arrived. "Here," she muttered as she struggled to slip a muzzle on to him, "follow me." She led him to the grinder where a mankey was harnessing all the pokemon. She and the mankey left after checking all the harnesses. "'at's 'im," came a voice from behind. Flameshot recognised it as Ivysaur. "Well, well, well. A little pup is it. That's what attacked you? You weakling." Flameshot heard another voice mocking Ivysaur. The pokemon then stepped up to Flameshot. A wartortle. He gulped. "Poo!" spat the wartortle and a spray of water hit Flameshot. He whined and tied to shake it off. It burned him badly. "You better pull, weakling," the wartortle sneered.

The day was longer and harder than any other; not only did Ivysaur whip him but the wartortle would spray him at every opportunity. He could barely stand at the end of the day. Mankey and Flareon arrived and after the harness was removed he just collapsed.

Chapter 4: A new friend

The first thing Flameshot noticed when he woke was that he didn't hurt, the second that he was in a proper bed. He looked around and saw he was in hospital. He sniffed the air and realised he was still with whoever had caught him. A chancey came to him, checked his temperature and IV drip then left. He then saw the Flareon eyeing him coolly through the window. She came in and reared up, resting her front paws on the bed. "You better?" she asked, a hint of concern in her voice, "You better not die on me." "I..I'm okay," he muttered. "Good. How come you're so weak? You have a high level. The amount of work you have shouldn't get you this worn out." "I..." Flameshot started but paused. Should he tell her? Could he trust her? Oh well, things could scarcely get worse. "It's Ivysaur and Wartortle, they hurt me, all the time." "Mmmm," she said, it looked as though she was thinking, "So that's how you got hurt. I was wondering." They stared in silence for a while, then she said, "Oh well, I got to go. By the way, my name's Firaga." "I'm Flameshot." "See ya, Flameshot." She walked out the door. Flameshot's head sank down on the pillow happy to have finally made a friend. Firaga trotted along the corridor, seething with rage. "So that's how he got hurt 'ey," she thought to herself, "They're gonna get it."

She burst into the grinder room, "Ivysaur, Wartortle, Where are you?" she shouted. "Firaga, baby. How are you?" "Shut it, Shell. Have you been torturing my charges? You know what that does to my reputation?" "He's only a mutt," Ivysaur answered. "A mutt! He's no mutt! You two better stop it or else!" "Or else what?" asked Shell insolently, "What are you going to do?" "I outrank you." "We outnumber you," he replied, "And I have type advantage." "Are you threatening me?" she asked, stepping forward. Shell fired water gun at her feet and laughed as she jumped back. "Yup."

"Thatss not nice. Threatening the lady." "Huh?" Shell turned and saw Arbok slithering in the door. "What isss going on?" "Uh? Nothing. Right Ivy?" "Wha? Uh, right." "Good," said Arbok, "Come Firaga, no need to hang around the commoners." "No torture," she called out as she left. "Thanks Arbok," she said when they were far enough away, "I don't know what I would have done if you hadn't shown up.' "It's nothing for a friend," he hissed and slithered off, leaving Firaga alone in the passage.

Chapter 5: Feeling Good

Flameshot was back in his cage after his hospital stay. He was still stiff but felt better than ever. He thought about his new friend and wondered if she would come, and if she did would it be to see him or just to take him back to work? The door opened and Firaga walked to his cage. "Here," she said, dropping some meat in his cage, "It's a lot better than what you normally get." She watched while he gratefully ate the meat. It was a lot better than the stale low-quality pokemon food he normally ate. "I managed to get you this day off," she said sitting down," I'm also going to try get you a better job." "Thanks," Flameshot mumbled between bites. "I need to go work, I'll come back later and we can talk." "Okay," he said and watched as she slowly made her way down the passage.

Flameshot spent most of the day stretching or resting, making sure he would be in top health again. Sure enough when the work day was ending Firaga came and unlocked his cage. "Follow me," she said.

They walked along passages Flameshot had never seen or had a chance to see as he never walked around. The whole place was huge.

Eventually they came to a small door. "This is my room," Firaga said. The room wasn't huge, but it was a lot bigger than his cage. The whole floor was padded and the food and water were in two troughs sticking out the wall. Firaga lay down and looked at Flameshot. "So, anything you want to know?" "Where am I?" "You don't know?" she asked incredously, "You are in one of the bases of Team Rocket. You were caught near Pewter and brought here to work." "It wasn't a fair battle," he complained. "Team Rocket doesn't play fair. They do whatever gets the results." "Where were you captured?" Firaga was silent. "I was stolen," she said finally, "As an eevee. I lived in nice mansion, then Team Rocket stole me and evolved me to make me stronger." "Sorry." "It's not your fault. Oh well, that was awhile ago. How old are you?" "About two years." "I'm almost three. One month left. Did you have a girlfriend or anything at home?" "No," Flameshot answered sadly, "I wasn't sure whether to get a trainer or not and I didn't want to be too upset if I was captured. Of course I didn't want trainers like this." "It's getting late, I'll walk you back." "Okay."

Flameshot walked into the cage and Firaga locked it. "It'll be work as usual tomorrow," she said softly, "Bye." Then she licked his nose and ran off leaving Flameshot standing stunned in his cage.

Chapter 6: A new job

Flameshot was unharnessed as he was led out. "How was your day?" asked Firaga. "Better. All they did was shoot me dark looks. They seem to have changed." "It doesn't matter anyway. As of tomorrow you get a new job." "A new job! What? Tell me!" he asked enthusiastically. "You'll see tomorrow."


"Mankey, take him to his cage."

The next day dawned with excitement. Flameshot was finally getting a new job. No more walking in circles for him. He eagerly awaited Firaga's arrival. "What took you?" he asked when she arrived. "It's earlier than normal," she muttered, "Come on."

"Jolt jolt!" "Stop," she told him, "We need a security check." "Jolt!" the jolteon barked, "Name, rank, reason for being here."

"I am Firaga, Pokemon Captain and I'm taking #58 to his new job." The Jolteon looked closely at them, "Jolt!" "We can go, Flameshot."

Eventually they came to a door marked "coliseum". "Here's where you will be working. You will be assigned a fighter and it will be your job to look after him or her and do whatever they ask. I don't know who you're with, speak to Hitokage the charmander, he'll tell you what you need to know. I'll see you at the end of the day."

Flameshot gulped and walked towards Hitokage. 'At least a fire pokemon's in charge this time,' he thought. "Excuse me," Flameshot said timidly. "What!" the charmander shouted, "Oh, uh sorry," it said in a normal voice, "Always shouting at the fighters. I'm Hitokage and I train the fighting pokemon in the coliseum. What do you want?" "I'm Flameshot, I got a job here now." "Oh, 58. So your name's Flameshot, okay. You are with Tyranitar, the current champion. He's in his room, room 36, in that direction. Good luck Flameshot."

Flameshot pushed open the door to see a huge tyranitar punching a punching bag. "Close the door," it said in a deep voice. Flameshot quickly closed the door and stared at the pokemon, which was about three times taller than him. Tyranitar finally stopped punching and turned around to face Flameshot. "Up," he commanded, pointing to a table. Flameshot jumped on a chair and up to the table. Tyranitar sat down so that they were at eye level, Flameshot was petrified. "How strong are you?" Tyranitar asked as he poked Flameshot. Flameshot gulped and tried to stay still as Tyranitar's hard hands ran down from his head all the way down his legs. "You seem tough enough," he glanced at the trembling growlithe, "But you're too chicken. Stop quivering." He stood up, lifted Flameshot and put him on the floor. "Use Flamethrower on me," Tyranitar said. Flameshot stood, wondering whether to obey. "Now!" Tyranitar shouted. Flameshot felt the heat in his body build up and he opened his mouth and released a column of fire into Tyranitar's chest. He kept it going for a while before stopping. "Good," Tyranitar said.

For the rest of the day Flameshot spent his time doing the small task he was told to do. Tyranitar cared little for him but at least he wasn't cruel like Ivysaur and Wartortle.

Chapter 7: Falling for you

That night, Firaga took him to her room. She closed the door behind them and lay down next to him.

"Well, how was it?" she asked. "He's not the most talkative, Tyranitar, but he didn't try to hurt me." Firaga nodded, "He doesn't care much about others but he doesn't just beat people up like Ivysaur. Don't let him challenge you, he likes to fight and he's really strong." "Mmm," Flameshot agreed. "Do you like me?" Firaga asked turning to face him. "What!" "Do you like me?" She asked her large black eyes sparkling. "Well..uh...yeah I guess so" he mumbled, a little nervous. "I like you, I liked you since I saw you. I' sorry I tackled you, but I couldn't let you leave." Flameshot stared at her. She crawled closer on her belly till their noses almost touched, "Kiss me." "Huh?" he jerked his head back. "You said you liked me. Kiss me." She moved closer until their fur collars touching. Flameshot just looked at her. Firaga put her head down, then leapt forward knocking Flameshot to his back. She stood over him, looking fondly at him. She lowered her body and lay on his chest and stomach and began to lick his face. Flameshot squirmed underneath her, trying to get away but it was no use as she was both bigger and heavier than he was and he had no leverage. He moved his head back and she began to lick his throat. He whined eagerly. He didn't want it but it felt so good. He brought his head back up and began to lick her face. They tilted their heads and their tongues met and pushed together. Firaga fell on her side and rolled on to her stomach. Flameshot kept licking her and stood over her, he rested his body on her back and entered her. Firaga gasped and began panting, she twisted her head around and they began to lick each other's faces. The two fire pokemon kept at it, their bodies getting hotter and hotter, until they collapsed next to each other panting and sweating, still licking each other as often as possible.

Chapter 8: Breakdown

Inside the Team Rocket base there were too few trainers so most pokemon were looked after by other pokemon like Firaga and some, like Flameshot, hadn't seen a human for almost a week. Discipline was breaking down and the Pokemon were beginning to form small gangs. Fights were breaking out and the small hospital was fuller than it had ever been.

When Flameshot opened his eyes he realised something was wrong. He was not in his cage and everything felt and smelled wrong. The room was dark and he couldn't see. As his eyes became accustomed to the dark he saw he was in Firaga's room. She was lying stretched out on her side and he was lying at an angle resting his head on her neck. He jumped up and headed for the door. It was locked and he was unable to unlock it. He now remembered what happened the night before and desperately wanted to get away. He heard Firaga stirring and began scratching and clawing at the door. "What are you whining about?" asked Firaga. Flameshot hadn't even been aware he was whining and whimpering. Seeing him recognition dawned in her eyes. They stared uncomfortably at each other. Firaga opened the door. "Uh, maybe I'll see you after work," she said. "Right," he replied and they went their separate ways.

Flameshot walked towards the coliseum, ignoring some irritable pokemon wanting a scrap and past Jolteon into the private passage to the coliseum training grounds. He greeted Hitokage and went to Tyranitar's room.

There, in a daze, he helped feed, bath and do the many tasks that Tyranitar couldn't or wouldn't do. All the time he thought about Firaga and last night. He didn't even watch a practise match between Htmonchan and Tyranitar. Tyranitar won. He was still not paying attention when Hitokage called out to him, "Ready for the tournament tomorrow?" Flameshot looked up surprised. "Tournament?" he asked. "You can't not know," Hitokage said in astonishment, "Everyone's talking about it." "Oh, right," Flameshot said, he vaguely remembered something about a tournament.

Outside, Flameshot met the Arbok who he had seen Firaga talking to. "Flameshot, come here," it hissed.

Flameshot walked up to the giant snake. "Due to the competition many more pokemon are here so you will be sleeping with Firaga," it informed him then slithered off. Slowly Flameshot began to walk to Firaga's room.

Flameshot entered her room and saw that she wasn't there. He lay there thinking about everything that had happened since he had been captured. About an hour later she came in. Her fur was ruffled all over and she was limping slightly. "What happened? He asked her concernedly. "Hey. There are small scraps all over. I've been breaking them up and taking the pokemon back to their cages. I don't know where the trainers are." She lay down a little way away from him. "You're bleeding," he observed. Her shoulder had a small cut but it went deep. The blood had seeped out, staining her creamy-coloured collar of fur. "It's nothing," she said. Flameshot crawled up to her and began to lick her cut. She began to give a contented growling purr. Without realising it Flameshot licked higher till they were once again licking each other's faces. Firaga rolled onto her back and Flameshot crawled on top of her stomach, licked her nose and they fell into peaceful sleep together.

Chapter 9: Death and Glory

This time when Flameshot woke he licked and nuzzled Firaga until she woke. She licked him and they ate their breakfast. "I've got to help Tyranitar get ready," Flameshot said as he began to leave. "I'll see you tonight," Firaga whispered as she straightened her ruffled fur.

Flameshot arrived in Tyranitar's room just in time. "Where've you been! I was about report you. You're meant to be helping me!" he yelled in a rage. Flameshot said nothing and just did as he was told.

"Welcome everyone to the annual Pokemon Rocket Rumble," Hitokage's voice echoed around the stadium, "The first match. The previous champion tyranitar against Steelix." The crowd roared as the fighters came into the stadium and began to battle.

Flameshot barely paid attention to the battles; he just wiped Tyranitar clean and counted down the time until he would see Firaga. Before he knew it, it was the final match.

"The final match! Rhydon Vs tyranitar. First in, from Cinnabar Island, Rhydon! Measuring 1,9m tall and weighing 120kg! And now, all the way from Mt. Silver the reigning champion Tyranitar! Measuring 2m tall and weighing a whopping 202kg." Tyranitar and Rhydon began to circle each other warily. Rhydon attacked first. 'It's a horndrill attack by Rhydon. But no, no Tyranitar has caught. A good mega-punch there. Rhydon's up and it's dug underground , a brilliant dig attack! Look at poor Tyranitar ! No, he's up again! It looks like Hyperbeam! It hit!" Rhydon was forced back smashing into the stadium wall causing many spectators to run away to avoid injury. "He's back up!" Hitokage called out, "He's going in with a tackle!" But at the last moment Rhydon leapt over Tyranitar. Rhydon then dived into the ground and time seemed to stand still. Suddenly the ground split under tyranitar knocking him out. "Fissure, a one-hit KO! Rhydon is the new champion!"

Flameshot, helped by some other Pokemon dragged Tyranitar to his room and called a nurse. "I guess I'm not needed here now," Flameshot muttered to himself as he walked to Firaga's room.

As he was walking he met Firaga. "Hey," he called. "Hey," she muttered, "I'm kind of busy, if you like you can come with me." "Sure."

"There," Firaga said, "Another fight. Let's break it up." They went to the scene of the fight. A pikachu and sandslash were facing each other. "Pika, pika, pikachu!" "Slash, sandslash, slash." "Pi-pikachu." "Hey break it up, what's going on?" A sandshrew stood in her way. "Shrewsand, the pikachu won't pay its bet." "Too bad. Forget the stupid bet," Firaga said trying to go around the sandshrew. It moved in front again. "Chuuu!" A blast of yellow lightning lit the corridor. The sandslash was stunned by the light but quickly recovered and tackled the pikachu. "No!" Firaga shouted, but the fight had started. The pikachu scratched and used tail whip but the sandslash's spikes blocked the attacks. Suddenly it lashed out with slash, catching the pikachu in its belly, ripping through the soft flesh. The sandslash's claws came out red. The pikachu collapsed, its intestines spilled out on the floor. Blood spread out in a circle from the dying rodent. Firaga and Flameshot stared in horror. No one tried to help the pikachu and no trainer arrived. Shocked into silence the two fire pokemon began walking back to Firaga's room.

Chapter 10: Escape

It was the middle of the night. Firaga and Flameshot were lying down facing each other. "We can't stay," Flameshot said. "But, our masters."

"They're not our masters, they're criminals! They stole you. When last did you even see that woman?" Firaga said nothing. "We must go tomorrow. We need to get away as soon as possible. It's too dangerous to stay here." "I know the way out, but it won't be easy." "We can do it." "The doors are guarded. You can't leave without a trainer." "We'll bluff it, if it doesn't work we'll fight and run. Okay?" "Right," she said nodding.

That morning they skipped work and waited till everyone would be at work. "Let's go," Flameshot said. The two of them left and headed toward the exit.

"Jolt?" "We're taking a message to the door guards." "Jolt."

They went along more winding paths. "There," said Firaga. The door was large and open but there were two golems and a fearow. Flameshot gulped, "Oh well, lets try." "I'll talk," Firaga said. "Right."

"Where going? Where trainer?" "Our trainer sent a message to go to Viridian where he is waiting." "No trainer, no go." 'He will not appreciate us not coming because of a big rock." "What call me?" "Flameshot run!" Firaga shouted as she launched firespin. He ran, but stopped, "Firaga!" A golem had just thrown a rock at her. "I'll be fine. I'll get some revenge too, now go!" He lingered a few seconds longer then ran.

Flameshot stopped at a river and lapped up some of the water. "Firaga, why did you have to go?" A tear rolled down his muzzle and fell in the river with a plop. He looked down and saw red. There was blood in the river! He looked upstream. Firaga! She was standing a short way away, one of her ears hung down the side of her head, she was covered in dust and bled from numerous wounds but her eyes sparkled when he saw her. They ran up to each other, reared up placing forelegs on each other's shoulders and licked each other.

The End