11 - Eldaron Returns

Story by Donivahn_Miros on SoFurry

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#11 of Summer Lovin'

Magna's tales was somewhat an anti-climax for me. The others, seemed already to know that, but my attention and Aisara's was completely directed to that, though. "Care to explain that better?"

"It goes back billions of years, before your people creation, before even human creation." Shi started. "We were always the biggest predators on planet. Dinosaurs, which many humans used to call dragons, were our main resource of food. A single dinosaur would be enough food for a family like ours." I felt a big 'however' coming. Irony is... However...

"He's coming..." Dizaly looked up. All family was away too distracted to listen for that. Well... another lesson about dragons' instincts: I don't know how I did, but with a growl, both my children and Aisara hid under my legs. Now that protecting my children was priority, I could hear clearly the 'flap flap' of immense dragon wings.

"Eldaron..." Somehow I knew. Just don't ask how...

Later, he landed. He hasn't changed a bit. Dark gray scales, many golden spikes, male form and evil look. Eldaron wanted the blood of the dragon traitors last time. "A whole village..." he started "A whole mortal village knows about your family and you just let it go?"

"What's the problem with that?" I asked. I knew that Magna would be there to back up me. Irony means... However...

"Eliza... Take it easy..." Magna said.

Only then I noticed. Magna didn't heard him coming! "What?"

"Oh... the young Thyamat didn't know?" he asked "When a Thyamat chooses hir successor, shi slowly lost hir powers, transferring it to the new one."

"Loses... power?" I looked to Magna who nodded.

"So it's only we child." he continued "Do you dare to defy me?"

"Shi's not alone!" Rock said and got up to my side. One by one, all my brothers and sisters, my mother and even Magna got up and faced Eldaron. "You may be a god, Eldaron. However, all dragons are supposed to have a part of god's power. Will YOU dare to defy US?"

"Your powers mean nothing near mine."

"You forget that I'm there, Eldaron." I said. "Even if I had just too much to learn yet, I already know enough to give you enough trouble for them to be a pain in your tail."

"Don't forget what shi said now. If she keeps hir mind, a war between dragons will soon erupt!" Eldaron said.

"A war for thinking like this just proves that you are just like my people, Eldaron."

"I will not demand an..." then he widened his eyes and grinned in an evil manner. "Well... thank you anyway. I must go now... see you around..." the evil dragon just took off and flew away.

"Okay... it's only me or he just figured something?" I asked.

"Sadly, darling... I fear we'll need to wait to know that and we will really see him again." Magna said.

"Why do you think he left?" Rock asked.

"Spread lies about the new Thyamat, of course."

"No, Eliza. No lies. But the truth." Magna said. "You said him clearly 'you are just like my people' so I do believe that he is thinking about using this against you."

"And while lots of dragons don't mind that, there are quite a few that will not accept it at all." Dizaly finished. "To make it short... Eldaron is preparing to a dragon war."

Besides my fury against myself, I managed to give a second growl, this time to relieve the distressed wyverns under me. My two children looked at me quizzically, trying to understand what happened. But while Aisara also was curious, she had must the same question as I.

"Dizaly... How do I know what Eliza said?" Aisara asked.

"And how was I supposed to know exactly what kind of howl meant what?" I finished.

"Howl? Eliza darling... that's the dragon language. A language long lost by the humans, but still shared by lots of animals. It's rustic, ancient and all, but it's useful since it is instinct and can reach far than human language should reach!" Dizaly answered. "Besides we talk with you in your language, your dragon instincts know pretty well how to ask for your children to look out for danger."

Then my eyes widened. "DAMN! MY CHILDREN!" Dizaly and Rock realized the same as me and we three took off. I knew that my two wyverns would be safe by my family, and they were also coming just after us, but my eggs were all alone on our lair with a demoniac dragon here, trying to kill me.

We've took a long time to reach the lair. If we took the same time, could be damn too late! I waited till Magna came near me. "Mom... there is anyway for us to travel fast?"

"Some dragons can Teleport, Eliza. It's a rare talent, but you could use it to return to our lair." Shi said, touching as many of the others as possible. "And everything that is touching you should go too."

I nodded and waited everyone be in touch with each other. I remembered of the entrance of the cave, big enough for all of us and with less objects to intertwine. I truly wished to be there with my family and, in the next second, I opened my eyes to realize: I was there. Dizaly, Rock and I didn't thought about that too much, and we three quickly went to the nursery. All the thirty three eggs were there, not a scratch on them.

After realizing that they were secure, I calmed down a lot, and realized I was exhausted and collapsed there, just cautious enough to not harm the eggs. Dizaly and Rock made me company for as long as I was sleeping. After waking up, I looked to Dizaly, still not so secure about what have happened.

"So, Dizaly... how long before these eggs hatches?" I asked.

"I believe about... Twenty one days." She answered.

"Thank you..." Then, I exited the nursery, looking for Magna and Cloud. "Mom... do you still have contact with all dragons?"

"Yes, I do. That's the last talent I will lose, I'm sure." Shi answered.

"Can you contact the dragons? I'm sure they're gonna hear you. I would like to know those which are with me and those who are against me, so say clearly that we'll met at next summer in exactly thirty days from tomorrow. Enough time for the little ones hatch and learn to fly..."

Talking about little ones, my twins came to me and jumped on my chest, trying to throw me down. I helped them and played as a prey for them a little, losing my focus with their innocence. So young and already running around... for sure they would develop far faster than any children I would ever have before becoming a dragon. When Aisara decided to join them, what I thought to be some wyvern instinct, I returned my focus to Magna.

"I had the impression that you haven't finished your wish." Shi half asked.

"Indeed..." I agreed. "I would like you to not hide the reason for the call. I want them to hear me and my story, so they could make their own judgment about what is true and lies about me."

"Just fairness. I will do that..."

Then, I heard that sound again, the usual "flap-flap" of dragon wings. This time, though, they were four and far more gracious than Eldaron's.

When the dragon landed, I met her at the entrance, with the family protecting my backs, at least till Pyra recognize her.

"Ayrana!" Pyra asked and grinned to the newcomer. "How are you, sis?"

"I'm doing fine, sis. Found a mate recently and already have a hundred." She answered in a casual tone.

"Well... I found a mate too. However, she was just reborn..."

"Just born, you wanna say?"

"No. Really reborn. Pyra's mate is my sister and both of us were cats before turning into dragons." I answered, still a bit defensive.

"So you're the new Thyamat I've heard about? Eldaron is spreading lies about you. First is about your ugly form... what a lie... such a beautiful frame..."

Okay, a flatterer. Maybe that was her talent? "And may I know what are you doing here?" I asked.

"Well... I really do know my mother. Dizaly would never accept a person inside her family that she couldn't trust with her whole heart."

"And you also know that's true, Eliza." Magna came.

"Aunt Magna. Good to see you again." Ayrana grinned and traded caress with Magna for some time. Okay... That was enough for me. I backed off my defensive position and greeted her properly, inviting her inside.

Then I relaxed enough to really look at her. Graceful proportions, light gray scales perfectly fit one above another, two horns turned back from atop her head, two dark blue eyes as beautiful as sapphires, talons and fangs nicely curved, four perfect lined wings folded over her back. Besides the scales as a typical dragon, she also had some hair over her head and along her tail, with something like a lion's tail tip. The fur was slightly darker than the scales, and also made me wonder: do I have scales under my fur?

Ayrana seemed to occasionally pay a visit to their family. I found out that shi was just a hundred years younger than Pyra... Just a hundred years... what a terrible thought it is to know that I'm gonna live far longer that that... Well, as she said, she was mated with a male dragon now and living with him in a permanent basis. However, the 'hundred' she told about was the number of children she already had hatched. Also she said that she was expecting a few more eggs in a few days. Do dragons really try to populate the whole world so often?

She grinned and looked in my eyes. "You're brave, that's for sure. Many dragons doubt your capacity. While most of them wanna see you dead, they are willing to give you a chance for self-defense."

"Anyway, my meeting with them will be only on summer. I have quite sometime to thing about it right now..." I answered. then my children came and climbed on my back.

"They're yours?" Ayrana asked with a grin. "A handsome male and a beautiful hermaphrodite. You must be proud of them."

"Indeed I am." I answered, playing with my baby dragons.

"Have you passed by mom's trial or asked for the full change?" she grinned to me.

"Trial." I grinned. "All of them are great lovers, I must say. Some with good tricks."

"I know." She then looked to Rock. "So little bro... may I have some time with your mate?"

"If shi says yes, shi's all yours." Rock answered.

"Go have her, Eliza." Dizaly said.

I grinned. We used Dizaly's den, which was mine and Rock's also since we all mated, and she lose no time, putting herself on mating position, lowering the front of her body and looking back at me.

"Straight to the point?" I asked.

"With me? Yes, it is. Oh... and please... if you've mated Dizaly too, use your full size on me... I like it big and rough..."

"Are you sure?" I started increasing my height, one thing that surprised her a lot. "I can get bigger..."

"Since you can fit, the bigger the better..."

"And the eggs you're about to lay?"

"They're safe inside me." When she lifted her tail, I understand what she said. She had three openings under her tail. Her vagina, and her anus was the basic ones, however, between them, was another one, rather tight to be another vagina and also too loose to be another ass. An egghole! That's what she meant by safe.

I grinned and touched her pussy with my giant dragon-cock before remembering what Dizaly said on the beach... Then I switched holes, aiming for her ass, forcing all my dragon meat inside that just too tight and warm hole of hers, making her scream of pain at first, but quickly switching for pleasure, which also overcome my fears of doing something wrong.

"Let me... guess..." she said between moans due to my strongest strokes ever. "Mom s-said... ab-about th-the... family... basic fetish...?"

"Oh yeah... she told me... And now, more than ever, I do believe on her words." I made everything possible to intensify even more my thrusting on Ayrana, loving her groans and even more that tight ass pressing more and more my maleness. I hold her body as strong as I could, feeling my body adapt on the curves of her back. Only then I found out how bigger I was to her: I could only see two thirds of her long neck coming between my forelegs. I tried to imagine what was entering on that supposed to be tight ass and only an image came to my mind: Rock trying to ass fuck me on his dragon form while I was a cat...

That thought only give me even more desire, so I stroked stronger, pressing her against my belly, groaning louder, almost roaring, when finally I felt my cum fill her belly. Indeed, it was so tight that my cum couldn't leek by the sides, making her belly grows anything but slightly, while she stored all my male dragon's milk.

"Wow... Eliza... You would never said you were a female cat..."

"I heard that very often..." I grinned, taking my cock off.

"OH NO! Don't take it off now, please... will be a mess in the room..." She said and walked back to slid whatever I took off her.

"So what we'll do?" I asked back.

"They retired in pairs among the other dens... walk with me to outside. Let me walk, and you only keep that delicious cock inside me, okay?"

Easier said than done. However, we managed to walk properly and at the entrance, she aimed her ass outside and I took all my cock out of her with same strength I was pushing. I never saw someone losing that much weight in so little time...

I had to grin at the scene. If someone was climbing the mountain, of course that person would have a great surprise... we returned to the den and I returned my cock to her ass as she asked, but we just curled to rest.

"You seem to go more on this anal stuff than the 'basic fetish' of the family." I asked.

"Indeed I love it..." She grinned. "My mate is about your size right now, and he also loves anal sex, so we hit it off very well."

"Let me guess that you have a mess room just to play this?"

"We have." She agreed. Then she looked to me. "Let me guess... This talking is making you horny again..."

"It's not that hard to feel a cock the size of mine hardening inside of you, is it?"

"Of course not... Just answer me. Inside or outside the cave?"

I grinned. I can clean this den later. There were no reason so we couldn't have a little mess around... When we finished, Ayrana couldn't touch her ass on ground, which was completely covered in a white cum blanket of five wild ass fucking sessions...