Everybody Needs Somebody

Story by Lightmane on SoFurry

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#12 of Love not Lost

The next day at school, Aidan and Leo were talking as they dismounted the lion's bike.

"Yeah, Mom noticed pretty much immediately that I was walking funny when I got home."

Leo laughed, "What'd you tell'er?"

"I told her I fell and hurt myself, but I don't think that she believed me."

Leo purred and pulled the cat against him, "Well maybe she could smell me on you."

Aidan giggled and looked around, then gave his lion a peck on the nose. "That must've been it."

Leo stopped and looked at his mate, then placed his paws on the white arms, and pulled

Aidan into a deep, passionate kiss.

Aidan, surprised at first, let himself get carried away by the moment, ignoring the few furs who stopped to stare at them as they kissed with wild abandon, Aidan's paws running through and messing up the lion's mane.

Aidan could feel Leo's paw on his back, and it slowly traced down to squeeze at his, "Hey!" Aidan exclaimed as he pushed the lion away, "We can't do that here." The cat rolled his eyes dramatically, "Gosh, sometimes I wonder how I can even be outside with you."

"Okay, I can't help it if you are so adorable!" Leo said teasingly as they walked to the front door.

"I'll bet that you say that to all the boys, you sex fiend." Aidan teased back, pushing the door open.

Ryan had been waiting on the other side of the door, and walked up to them, "Oh hey guys, what have you two been up to?"

"Oh nothing," Leo shrugged, "Oh Aidan, don't worry, I cleaned up all the shards from the lamp so you don't have to worry."

Ryan arched an eyebrow, "A broken lamp, eh? Doing something dirty?"

"Oh yeah, Ryan, we were painting the living room and accidentally knocked it over."

Ryan giggled, "Is that what everyone's calling it today?" He rolled his eyes, "Anyway, since you two already tear up the house, apparently, I'm having a party a week from Friday, I'd love it if you two were to come."

Leo perked up instantly, 'A party! Aidan, we gotta go!"

Aidan shrugged, "Meh, I'm not that great at parties."

Leo walked over to the fox in front of him and wrapped an arm around his shoulders,

"Okay then, I just guess that Ryan'll have to be my date."

"Hey, Hon! I didn't say that I wasn't going!" Aidan interjected, forcing himself between the other two males.

Ryan crossed his arms and pouted, "Hmmph, and I was starting to get comfy there."

"Well too bad, he's mine." Aidan said, sticking his tongue out at the fox.

"Fine! I'll just find my own big, strong, sexy, handsome man...," Ryan glowered at the two embracing lovers, "Will you two stop doing that! I'm starting to get jealous!"

Later, in first period, after the trio had parted, Aidan was sitting at his desk, head in paws, contemplating this whole party business. It could be fun, but Aidan was never really that social at parties, he was always a bit awkward.

Heh, geez, I can't believe Leo talked about the lamp right in front of Ryan like that, damn, but haha, that sure was fun.. Aidan began to purr softly as his mind wandered back to the previous day and his and Leo's encounter in the living room.

Leo turned and smirked at the smiling kitty, "What's got you so happy?"

Aidan seemed startled for a second, then snapped back, "Oh nothing, just thinking."

Leo gave a slightly puzzled look, "Okay, whatever. By the way, did you do the homework?"

"Wait, what homework?"

"Well, this class, statistics, English, all those."

"Geez, they completely skipped my mind!" Aidan started to get anxious and a little panicky.

"Don't worry, I'll let you copy mine. I can't promise that they're right, I did them sorta late last night, but here you go."

Aidan snatched them greedily from Leo's paws, "Oh man, thanks!"

Aidan managed to finish copying by the time the homework was collected, and the two spent the rest of the class getting continuously more bored, waiting for the bell.

When the bell finally rang, the students all made a dash for the door, and Leo and Aidan got pulled apart by the fast moving crowd, just to meet again a little further down the hall.

Halfway to the next class, Aidan stopped, "Oh Leo, I forgot my book, we need to go by my locker."

"Okay, I'll go with you," Leo offered.

"Alright, I'm sure we'll have a thrill" Aidan replied sarcastically.

They strolled to the kitty's locker, and when he got it open, a small collection of papers fell out onto the cat, "What the hell?!" Aidan exclaimed, trying to keep them all from falling onto the floor, simultaneously dropping all of his books onto his paw, "Ah, gaw!"

He squatted down and began gathering his things back up, then opened a note, "What are these? Lessee, Oh man, he's coming out to me!"

Aidan threw that one down, and picked up another, "It's the same," and another, and another, all letters coming from other students coming out, about five in all. He looked up at Leo, blushing a deep red, "I guess we're the new hot couple now, huh Leo?"

Leo shrugged, then snatched one of the notes from the cat, "Ooh, let's see what he has to say, "Dear Aidan, I have been deeply in love with you since I met you in ninth grade, but was to afraid to tell you because I did not know you were gay. Now that you're basically out though, I was wondering if you'd be my boy friend if your not taken. Love forever! Wendell." Leo smirked after reading the small note, "That's so sweet heh, looks like all the boys like what you have to offer kitty cat."

Aidan blushed even deeper, looking away and quickly gathering all his things, snatching his note away from Leo, "Yeah, looks like."

The warning bell rang, and the two felines gathered up their things and ran to Statistics, barely making it before the tardy bell.

While the teacher prattled on about blocking, Aidan secretly read the notes, occasionally blushing, covering his face, and giggling.

Leo leaned over, looking at his cat, thinking, "Oh God, does he have to read them?" then tried to convince himself that he wasn't jealous as his cat blushed and shoved one note far down into his lap.

When the class ended, Leo and Aidan were walking out, the lion scratching his head and wondering out loud why they had to have so much homework, when a Dalmatian walked up to them and proceeded to lean in near Leo, "So, I hear you bat for both teams!"

Leo froze in his pawsteps, "Uh, excuse me?"

The Dalmatian, his temporary confidence suddenly gone, the blood draining from his face, "Uhh, well, I had just, well with what happened, I thought that you liked... you might want to go out with me, maybe?"

Leo turned to him, "Umm, I'm sorry, but I'm taken."

Aidan slowly walked up to him, grasping his arm, "Yeah."

The Dalmatian looked down at the floor, whimpering, his black spots now suddenly surrounded by pink as he stuttered out an apology and quickly, stiffly, walked away.

Leo, frowning grabbed the dog's shoulder, stopping him for a sec, "Hey, um, I'm sure you'll find one."

The Dalmatian smiled, and started to say something, but was interrupted as a scantily clad fox jumped out from behind him, a paw lightly brushing against his rear, "Yeah, like me!"

The Dalmatian, totally taken aback, stumbled backwards, petting his rear where the paw had touched, "Uh, wh-what?"

"Oh, I was just saying that if you were looking, I'm certainly available anytime, cutie."

Ryan replied, giving the dalmation a soft kiss on the cheek and another light butt grope.

"Uh, th-thanks," the confused dog replied, then staggered back, going down the hall again, "I'll, uh, catch you later! Gotta go!" he yelled back, trying vainly to hide the deep blush under his thin fur.

Leo turned to the foxy culprit, "Ryan, what are you doing here? Your class isn't anywhere near here!"

Ryan smirked and flipped his paw at the lion, "Oh, I know, but my gay-dar went off."

Aidan smacked his forehead, shaking it and sighing, as Leo scowled at the flamer.

Ryan just smiled and skipped off toward his next class, leaving Leo and Aidan to stare at his retreating figure, and then turn to run to their next class as the two minute warning bell tolled.

English went by uneventfully, other than the assignment of the novel Frankenstein by Mary Shelley.

As Aidan and Leo walked down the halls afterwards, flipping through the new novels, thin, golden, speckled arms wrapped themselves around his neck suddenly from behind, as Jess hugged him, squeezing the cat to herself, "Oh Aidan! You're such a lucky guy!"

Aidan having had years of training with his younger sister, gagged, stumbled backwards, and clumsily rolled her off his shoulders to his front, "Uh, hey, what?" he asked, rubbing his neck.

"I'm just saying that you are a very lucky kitty to have a man like Leo."

"Uh, thanks. It just happened." Aidan shrugged.

"Just happened? How do you mean? Just now, no it just happened to occur. Oh, okay,

how'd you do it?"

"I, uh, had sex with him when we were supposed to be studying."

"Ookay, but uhh," she leaned in closer to the cat, "What made that happen?"

"Well, Leo just helped me be gay, I guess. I really don't want to talk about it right now..."

"Ookay," the jaguar slumped her shoulders, and walked away from the kitty, just to press her frontside against the bisexual lion, "So will you tell me?"

"Sure!" Leo replied, then, to the groans and blushes of his cat, Leo started to tell the tale of their love affair, until the bell rang, telling them that they had to get to class immediately.

In Mr. Tumlinson's class, Leo and Aidan were working together at building their project,

Aidan turned, and jumped back, dropping his tools as he found himself facing an awkwardly built, taller raccoon.

"Oh, I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to startle you!" The raccoon said timidly.

Aidan bent down to pick up the various implements that he'd dropped, "Ah, it's okay, I just have this thing about seeing someone when I turn around." Aidan smiled up at the raccoon, reaching for a nail.

"So, uh," The raccoon paused, the idea suddenly occurring to him that he could help pick up the tools.

"So, uh what?" Aidan queried, reaching for another nail.

The raccoon looked up at the cat and smiled in a strikingly attractive way for a second, confidently fumbling around and accidentally brushing his paw against Aidan's. At that instant, he blushed, and once more began to search for his words, "Well, uh, I was wondering if maybe you had, uh..." he finished the sentence in a small, meek voice, "Gotten my note?"

Aidan paused, surprised, and suddenly very unsure as what to say. Surely he'd gotten the note, but which one was the coon? "Uh, yeah, I got it, it was very sweet, and...yeah."

The raccoon hid his face and asked timidly, "Uh, and?"

Aidan was afraid that he'd get it wrong, "Well, I'm kinda with Leo."

Apparently, he'd hit a chord, because the Raccoon suddenly seemed much sadder, "Oh, okay. Well, thanks anyway."

Aidan, taking pity on him, pulled the raccoon to him and gave him a quick nose lick, "Hey, you're cute, you'll find someone. And it was very brave of you to finally admit it to yourself.."

The raccoon smiled, and was so glad that he didn't even notice Aidan giving Ryan the no gesture as the fox prowled closer.

The fox crossed his arms and did an elaborate, "What?" gesture, then turned his nose up haughtily and marched off with his tail raised up high.

"What were you looking at?" the raccoon's words brought Aidan's attention back to him.

"Uh, nothing, I thought I saw someone about to hurt themselves with the router."

The raccoon accepted that, and within a couple of minutes, they parted ways and finished class in their own little places.

In the next class, Aidan and Leo were already sitting when Rabu entered the room, and sat across from the white cat, smiling at him. Aidan gave him a glare, trying to communicate the message, "Don't do anything today," which received an even broader, more innocent smile and nod.

Aidan sighed, and hoped that that was the way that the cheetah had of agreeing.

When the bell rang, Mr. Podler trudged in, making a note to mention to Aidan that another outburst today would land him in hot water. The teen was too focused on his teacher's threat to notice the cheetah beside him suddenly smirking, apparently in thought.

Mr. Podler took the front of the class and began to speak, expecting notes to be taken as his words slowly rolled predictably one over the other on in a monotonous dredge that was putting a quarter of the kids to sleep. Aidan was among those starting to nod, when he felt something prod at his butt. Looking first to Leo, he saw that his lover was already head on desk, and so his head turned to the cheetah beside him.

Rabu was intently taking down notes, but his tail was obviously across the aisle between the desks, and must be what was now tickling his legs.

Aidan almost shouted at the other feline, but the words caught in his throat as he remembered the teacher's warning, and instead he rather smartly rapped the tail, causing it to bounce off the cage under his desk, simultaneously opening a wound in the flesh and causing a loud ringing, a ringing that, had Rabu not squealed in pain, would likely have been enough to get Aidan directly into that hot water.

As it was, the cheetah got sent down to the nurses to bandage his tail, and then had to walk down to the assistant principals' office with his write up.

At lunch, Ryan walked up to the table, pouting, and dropped his tray so that it made a loud noise, spreading his mashed potatoes all over the table, "Why didn't y'all let me have fun today? Do y'all hate me?"

Leo snickered, "Yes Ryan, we hate you."

The fox did an over dramatized finger point, "I knew it!"

Which made Aidan and Leo both break down into laughing, and, eventually, Ryan joined in.

So by the time that Catarina arrived, all the guys were laughing ludly, unable to give her a straight answer as to what was so funny. Finally, she, too dropped her tray and growled, "What the hell is so funny!?"

This merely succeeded at making her now funnier to the laughing males.

She huffed and crossed her arms, "Okay, fine, I'll let you get your little gay laugh out."

Leo finally calmed down enough to say to her, "Oh no, it's not that, we're fine now. Oh, and by the way, yesterday, very nice touch, the kicking."

Finally the panther smiled, "Oh thank you, I thought it was a good thing to do. I only got a few days' detention, too."

Ryan flicked his paw, "Oh Honey, you shoulda gotten a medal for that."

Catarina smiled at him, "Oh I had to do it for you, baby," then kissed him on the lips.

"Oh gross! Girl cooties!" the fox yelled, springing up and holding his paws over his muzzle.

Aidan pointed at the retreating figure, "Uh, where's 'e going?"

"Oh, he's jus' gonna wash his mouth out. He always does that."

Aidan snickered, "Okay then."

About then, Aidan saw Rabu walking by, arm in arm with his girl, seemingly not noticing him, except for a well placed tail flick in his direction, which Aidan ignored, and began to eat his sandwich.

"Okay class, today I'm going to give you a new assignment." Mr. Jones announced, clapping his paws together as he walked into the room from his office, the bell having rung five minutes ago, "You're all going to, uh try to familiarize yourselves with the uh, cameras. We're going to be filming campus life," the mouse concluded with a friendly smile.

A parrot raised her hand, "Um sir? What do you mean by, 'campus life'?" she asked, using air quotes to emphasize the quote.

"Well, uh, I basic'ly mean that, well, you'll just take the camera around the uh school and film what you feel represents uh campus life." He replied slowly.

"Oh, okay I see." The parrot nodded, turning back to the media player on her computer to switch songs.

"Now you'll be splitting into groups for this, and each group gets one camera. I only have so many, and I'll be taking down the names of everyone in each group. You'll all be responsible if the camera is lost." He explained with an upturned face and unnecessarily elaborate hand gestures.

The kids already knew who they would partner with, and split up rather quickly, Aidan and

Leo alone in a group not that much smaller than most of the others.

When the class was over, Aidan gingerly carried the camera assigned to them, number 13 (Something Aidan took as a good sign, it had always his lucky number) while Leo ranted, "Gawd! I hate how he talks! Did you even get what he was saying?"

"Yeah, I got it."

Leo smacked his head, "If he wasn't so cute, it would be really, really ahrd to focus on him and not get annoyed."

Aidan gave Leo a confused sideways glance, "Mr. Jones? You know he's like fifty, right?"

The lion looked at Aidan, "Really, huh, he doesn't look it."

Aidan shrugged, "Well he ages well."

Gym was actually not too far away from video tech, past two classrooms, down a staircase and there you are, So Aidan and Leo arrived with plenty of time to spare.

As Aidan was carefully stashing the camera in his locker, making sure that it was in the furthest back point, couldn't rock, and was about to take off his shirt and wrap it carefully around it, he felt a paw at his rear. Surprised, he wheeled around, about to scold Leo for being so public about it, only to find himself face to face with a pair of strange, if striking, deep blue eyes surrounded by white fur speckled in black. He stumbled backwards slightly in surprise, almost catching the camera strap that he had somehow not thoroughly secured, "Mwa! Uh, hello. That was my rump."

The snow leopard smirked, leaning against a locker, shirt already off to reveal a rather well built chest, "Yes, I know, but I thought you might like it, seeing as how you seem to like stronger men." He motioned toward Leo with his eyes, who was distracted with trying to remove his shirt, "Why don't ya ditch him and try for a real man?" he asked, subtly flexing his muscles.

Aidan could not deny that he was an incredibly hot guy, but really, the way he came on to him was borderline offensive, so he reached a paw out and lightly pushed the muscular chest so that the posing male had to ungracefully stumble to catch himself, "Um, no thanks, I like what I've got right now."

The leopard turned his head to the side, still smiling a rather nice smile, actually, and slipped a piece of paper into Aidan's rear pocket, "Well, if you ever change your mind." And turned before Aidan could retort, flexing his butt with each step.

Leo walked over next to his lover, nervously fiddling with his shirt, "So, um, do you like'em?" he asked meekly.

Aidan continued looking after the slowly retreating figure, "Well, he's cute, but I really could not stand his attitude, besides," now he whirled to face his lion, placing his paws on the larger waist, glancing about, and then licking his lover's nose, "You're a lot sexier.

And I love ya too much to run off with any guy with a nice bod." He said playfully, nuzzling into the thick neck mane, before quickly separating again as the door whined behind them.

Leo looked to see who came in the door, then looked down at his kitty and smirked, when Ryan, who had been sitting nearby the whole time clasped his paws, saying, "Aww, that's so sweet. "

Aidan folded back his ears, "Hey Ryan, don't you have some claw polish to apply or something?"

The fox grinned widely, showing off his bright pink claws, "Already did." Then, in an aside to the cat, "By the way, I think he was just a one nighter, myself."

Aidan scratched the back of his head, "yeeeaahh."

The fox grinned, fully undressed now, and walked behind the cat, sliding his paw into Aidan's rear jeans pocket, making the cat yelp and jump up in surprise, "Wha-a! What are you doing there?"

Ryan, laughing and rubbing the cat's butt, waved a slip of paper in front of the brown eyes, "I guess you won't mind if I take this."

Aidan spun around to face the naked fox, taking that long to remember what the piece of paper was, "Uhh, no yeah, take it. Send me pics. Whatever," He rambled out.

The fox flipped his paw, turning and walking towards his locker, tail held high so that his whole rear was exposed, "Oh don't be silly." He slipped a paw inside his bag, and quickly produced a notebook, tossing it at the cat.

"What's this?" Aidan asked, tilting it around to inspect it.

"Open it," Ryan invited.

Aidan opened it to a random page and read a line, "Michael V. Smith 281-230-6907 12" smiley face, oh God, is this?" he continued to skim silently, "Claude Manchester 832-518-0989 ? ?, Jack Lynch blank blank blank," and so on, more names, numbers, measurements, smileys, frowns, smirks, blanks.

Aidan dropped the journal in surprise, then quickly bent to pick it up, "Umm, Ryan, is this what I think it is?"

"I dunno," he replied, batting his eyes, "what do you think it is?"

"Is this a sex journal?"

Ryan just smiled, taking it lightly from the kitty and slinking over to his locker, putting it back in his bag.

Aidan rolled his eyes, finally getting his shirt off, "So I guess that this means no pictures?"

The fox turned to look at the cat over his shoulder, saying, "Oh well if you insist so much, I can't say no," he said overly sweetly.

Aidan sighed and turned back to dressing.

The coach walked in, shrilled his whistle, and bellowed, "Alright you guys, let's move out to the gym! Hope you're ready to wrestle!" his eyes landed on Ryan, who was still mostly undressed, "And gad dangit Turner, get your clothes on!"

Ryan stuck out his lower lip, pouting, "You mean we can't do it Greek style?"

The coach rubbed his palm down his face, he didn't have to deal with this sort of crap, and walked towards the moving herd of students, waving his arms as if that'd help them move.

The students filed into the gym and sat on the bleachers, shifting and chatting as some scratched designs into the hard wood, some lay down, generally acting bored.

Coach Summers strode in, looked down at his clipboard, and shouted, "Alright, MacReynolds, Turner, you're up!"

Aidan grumbled and stood, whilst Ryan more of bounced up, running to the same floor

that Aidan hopped noisily down to.

Alright, you know the drill. They both nodded, Ryan assuming the top position and Aidan the bottom. The whistle shrilled, and the two boys began to pull and push at each other.

Suddenly, Ryan was hugging Aidan's arms tightly to his chest and sitting on the white back, getting him one point.

Aidan stood, rubbing his back, "Damn Ryan, I didn't know you were that strong!"

Ryan flicked out his tongue, flipping his paw at his opponent, "Oh there are a lot of things you don't know about me, kitty-cat."

They began again, and this time Aidan somehow ended up pinning Ryan, how he had no real recollection, but god that Fox had a surprisingly firm stomach. "Wow, huh."

"What is it kitty?"

"Nothing," Aidan replied as they assumed the position one final time.

Before the whistle shrilled, Ryan whispered to Aidan, "So, how's about we make this last round interesting?"

"How so?" Aidan replied, grunting as the whistle blew and they began to push at each other again, Ryan seeming to give as he spoke.

"Well, uhn, How's about if I win I-uh get your permission to sleep with Leo?" he managed to suggest between grunts.

"And what do I get, huh?" Aidan replied, getting the fox into a half nelson.

"Well, I can Hng, give you pics or vids of half the guys at school."

"And, uh, why would I want those?"

"Well," Ryan somehow turned himself so that he broke free from the cat's grasp and his

rear pressed against Aidan's groin, "I know you don't want li'l ol' me, so, guh, that's what I have to offer."

Aidan grunted and began bending the fox down, "Uh why not?"

"Ryan grinned, throwing Aidan off of him and to the ground, then pinning him, "Okay, thank you."

Aidan hissed, "Hey! That's not fair!"

Ryan smirked, climbing off and strolling to the bleachers, "We didn't say anything about bluffing. See ya in the locker room, kitty."

Aidan growled in frustration, clamping his paws, "Gah! Curse you, Ryan!"

Ryan just huffed and slunk over to his seat, wiggling his ass.

Leo raised his brow at the two bottoms, "What's got you all flustered?"

Aidan sighed, looking over at Ryan, "Nothing Hon, nothing." And sat down beside the lion.

Leo looked over at the fox, mouthing the word, "What?"

Ryan shrugged and shook his head, climbing around to sit on the other side of the larger male.

The rest of the class period, there was a noted awkwardness hanging over them as they sat for the rest of the period, occasionally actually watching their classmates wrestle, but generally ignoring them.

Finally, in the locker room, As every one undressed, Ryan, who had somehow magically gotten nude already, turned to Aidan, "Say kitty, umm, you know, I was just kidding, right?"

Aidan slumped his shoulders in relief, "Oh thank you, glad to know."

"Yeah, I'll still give you pics." The fox stuck out his tongue at the cat.

Aidan hissed in reply.

"Hey, it's okay kitty, I was still joking, I won't force you to let me sleep with Leo. Don't worry."

"Yeah, thanks Ryan," Aidan replied, pulling on his pants.

Suddenly, Leo's finger looped and hooked through the tailhole of Aidan's pants, pulling the smaller male to him, "Hey hon," he whispered, "You may want to be a little slower at getting dressed."

Aidan blushed, getting the message and letting go of the waistband of his pants, so they slumped in Leo's grasp, "Oops."

Leo purred playfully, walking up close behind his cat, pressing his front to the cat's back, reaching a paw to the front to cup Aidan's boxers, and then lightly tease his zipper about halfway up. He purred, sliding his finger into the cat's boxers to slowly run it along the white furred sheath, nipping his ear, "Yeah, I think you get the idea."

Aidan nodded and purred, then quickly pulled away, blushing deeply and hoping that no one had seen.

Ryan giggled and walked up behind the cat, pressing chest to back, "Ah, you two are so cute!"

"Bah!" Aidan jumped and whirled on the fox, "Please, that's just weird when you do it."

The fox smirked, "Well I'm a weird boy."

Aidan and Leo stayed and chatted with each other and Ryan as the students slowly left the room to go home, the coach locking himself in his inner office to do paperwork.

Aidan stretched and looked over at the fox as the last otter left the locker room, "So, Ryan..."

"Yeeees?" Ryan asked, fluttering his eyes.

"Umm, well me and Leo.."

"Would like to have wild sex in the shower?"

"Well, uh, yeah. Heh, so..."

"Oh I don't mind."

Aidan sighed, shaking his head.

Leo came up behind his lover, setting his head on the top of his cat's, "But I didn't want to do it in the shower."

Aidan looked up at him, surprised, "Really? Then where did you wanna 'do it'?"

Leo glanced down a row of lockers, inviting Aidan's eyes to follow. Aidan looked confused, "Between the lockers?"

Ryan stuck his tongue out, snickering, and said, "Oh yes, that's a fabulous spot.

Especially if you anchor your-"

"Alright Ryan! Thank you!" Aidan interrupted.

"Well I was just telling you a fun way to, oh never mind. So, when are you two gonna do it?" he asked, straddling the wooden bench.

Leo folded his ears down, "Well, when a certain orange friend leaves."

Ryan feigned offense, "But what's the fun of public sex if no one's watching?!" He sighed, standing and turning to leave, "But, I understand."

"Thanks for understanding, Ryan."

The fox waved his paw at them without turning around, "Yeah yeah yeah, whatever."

While Aidan still waved goodbye at the retreating fox, Leo reached down and pulled the cat's zipper down the rest of the way. He pulled the smaller male close to his body and growled playfully in his ear, "Now where were we?"

Aidan giggled, reaching down to cup his lion's groin, gently massaging it before slowly unfastening his pants.

Leo looped his finger through the cat's pants' tail hole again, and dragged him by it to the aisle, leaving their lockers both wide open.

Aidan turned, and Leo pulled him into a kiss, coming together with his cat so that their bodies pressed to each other, vibrating with their combined purs, the heat between them rising.

As they kissed, Aidan could feel Leo's paws, one massaging the back of his neck, the other tracing down to the button on his pants, unfastening it so that they half hung from his hips. Purring loudly, his penis peeking from his boxers, he grabbed the lion's pants and undies and yanked them down lopsided, so that now the side of the half hard leonine cock was rubbing against his, knocking his boxers' tented fly lower down his shaft.

Leo grabbed both cocks and turned and squeezed them in his paw, his rough tongue now rolling in his lovers' mouth as the kitty moaned and grasped the lion's furry shoulder blades, pushing into the paw.

Aidan could feel the smoothness of the back of Leo's claws tracing down his shaft, to hook onto his boxers and slowly inch them down his meat. The cat finally broke the kiss to pull his boxers down and step out of them, then squat in front of Leo and lick his cock as he worked his lover's pants and undies to the ground.

Leo's mouth hung open, deep purrs coming from his chest as he stepped from his clothes, kicking them to the side as Aidan began suckling on his cock.

At the far end of the aisle, a little red light blinked unnoticed as the hidden student finally got the camera he'd snatched from an open locker to focus perfectly, not yet aware of his own growing arousal.

Back at the other end, Leo pushed Aidan's muzzle off his pride, then squatted down and licked his lover's lips, his own flavor on the cat's breath. Purring, he slowly peeled off Aidan's shirt, and then his own before they both stood, Aidan licking his mate's nose as his paws roamed over the muscular body.

Leo placed his paws on either side of Aidan's hips, letting the smaller male's paws explore his body, Aidan able to feel the muscle in the lion's chest as the fur rippled back down into place, "Oh Leo, you're just so damn sexy," he whispered.

Leo broke the kitty's reverie by pressing him back, so that both paws pinned him against the locker as his lion bent down into a soft kiss, one which Aidan gladly returned, their purrs vibrating the door lightly.

When Leo broke the kiss, Aidan watched as he bent down to grab behind the slender white knee, then lift it, moving forward until the kitty felt his mate's cockhead bump his rear. Aidan purred, shifting his tail and moving to try and help the lion meat to find his pucker. Their lips met again in a passionate, purring kiss as Leo's arm moved behind his precious one's head, cushioning it from the hard locker.

By the time that Leo gave that push forward that finally entered the cat's rear, causing him to wince and moan, head pressing back into the cushioning arm, the figure at the other end could really not hide his erection, and was getting annoyed at himself, adjusting it and trying to think of women even as he struggled to keep the camera from shaking too much due to his paw shifting his hard rod. Yet somehow he still managed to zoom in on the cat's rear as the low moan began to soften, inciting Leo to push the rest of the way into him, getting a lovely shot of the actual dick pushing into the ass.

Slowly the camera tilted up to catch Aidan's pained yet pleasured expression as his lion pushed into him, then zoomed back out, where it could be seen that Leo's eyes were focused solely on his lover, his jaw agape as he panted hot gusts of breath over the body beneath him. He kissed his lover again, parting slowly as he pressed the side of his head against his love's just as he began to pump firmly into the cat so that his body jumped with each thrust.

Aidan mewled softly, grunting each time his lover reentered him, the lock next to his head bouncing slightly, clanging surprisingly loudly in the empty locker room. Fortunately, the coach loved to listen to eighties pop at high volume while doing paperwork, so he heard nothing.

But the camera man's pants were starting to get a wet spot on the front. He considered whether he should get his shirt on so that he could make a quicker run for it, but was somehow unable to turn away from the two fags fucking.

Just as the cameraman was thinking about leaving, Leo moved his head down and began to lick and nip at the cat's neck, so that the smaller guy shifted forward on that side, ha!

A perfect shot of that birthmark of his. The camera light continued its unnoticed blinking.

Aidan moaned each time Leo's mouth met his shoulder or neck, shifting his head to the side so that more neck was exposed. His paws played with the lion, one clenching the mane whilst the other lightly pricked his side with claws.

Finally, Leo seized the slight white neck in his maw, holding it firmly, yet gently while he pumped slightly harder, faster, the lock finally stilled somewhat by the cat's shifted head.

Aidan could sense Leo's orgasm approaching, and somehow managed to still the lion long enough to make a request, "Uhn, could uh we change positions?" he panted out, lightly scratching his back.

The camera man recorded, somewhat confused as the two stopped, then the dominant one released his bite on the smaller's neck, letting him go with just one more quick pump, and then the thin white cat stood and walked over to the bench, where he squatted on the edge and raised his tail, revealing his slightly stretched hole to both the lion and the camera. The lens made a soft whirring sound as it focused in on the hole, showing the smeared pre all around and inside the pink opening.

Aidan looked back at his lion, purring, and wiggled his exposed rear at the lion.

Leo purred, licking his lips, before he stooped and began to sniff at the cat's hole, then carefully flicked his sandpapery tongue over the entrance. At Aidan's moan, he began to lick more roughly, harder, sliding his tongue inside so that Aidan moaned out louder, grabbing the wooden bench hard and thrusting toward it.

Just as Aidan was beginning to press back toward the lion's muzzle, Leo stopped and knelt, then positioned himself in a wrestling like stance with his mate, carefully positioning his cock and then, rammed his cock all the way into his cat, then pulled slowly out. Then he thrust right back in, and repeated this, over and over, a single thrust, a pause, and then another, each pushing the cat forward on the bench, so that his grip had to tighten just to stay in place.

The sensation got to be so much for Aidan that he risked moving too much, and moved a paw down to his cock, starting to jack himself off. But Leo shifted, laying his front on the cat's back with his chin between the shoulder blades, and he batted away Aidan's paw, pumping his mate off with gritted teeth and closed eyes as he continued his hard thrusts into the kitty.

Aidan gasped and moaned loudly, pushing forward into the strong paw. But, over stimulated as he was, it did not take long for the kitty to cum under his lion's ministrations, yowling out as his seed shot all over the cement floor, his whole body tensing with the sensation.

The camera was sure to catch the action as the kitty came, zooming in on the pointed head as the leonine paw pushed and pulled the foreskin over it and back, hot kitty seed squirting onto the floor. It even panned back to catch the lion now pumping harder and faster with longer strokes into the kitty rear, barbs flared with each withdrawal, slightly pinked pre dribbling down the soft white furred sack. The camera man caught himself playing with his now erect cock, before angrily stopping himself and shifting his mind away from the scene he was recording for black mail purposes.

Aidan could now feel Leo's teeth moving across his back, occasionally catching and pulling at skin as he pumped even harder into the shaky kitty, paw still working his mate's spent cock. Then suddenly he grabbed his love's chest, pulling him flat back to his chest so that they both knelt straight, and bit down on the graceful feline neck.

Aidan felt his neck flesh vibrate more than heard as Leo roared, thrusting hard into his ass and spraying his hot lion cream deep within the kitty's crevices, so that Aidan could feel the sticky solution fill him up, then dribble out with his lover's continued thrusts, dripping onto the golden sack before dripping to the floor.

The cameraman almost dropped the camera then, so hard a time was he having not pawing and holding the camera straight, yet he still managed to capture the lion's powerful orgasm. Deciding this was enough, he turned off the camera and returned it to the open locker, tape securely stowed in his pocket as he rushed out, then returned for his shirt, then rushed out again, trying to get home before his erection completely died down to paw off to bigboobvixens.com.

Aidan could feel Leo's body shake as he continued to weakly pump into the kitty.

Tenderly he reached back and gently pushed on the lion's head, pulling his neck away at the same time so that Leo released his grip, then pulled out and fell back against the lockers, sitting and panting. Aidan slid down off the bench and sat on the cold cement floor opposite Leo, feeling the cum inside him trickle down as he purred and panted and smiled at his lover. "So, we got a mess to clean up." He said with a smirk.

Leo panted, smiling at the cat, "Why bother cleaning it up? I'm sure that the janitor won't mind."

Aidan turned onto his stomach and reached for a nearby towel, "We have to make some effort."

Leo crawled over and licked over the kitty's cum coated pucker, causing Aidan to shake and pur, then climbed up the soft white body. "But why do we hafta clean up?"

Aidan purred, giggling at his lion and reaching back to grab a golden butt cheek, "Yes, well I somehow think that finding a huge mess of semen would only lead to bad things."

Leo sighed, grabbing another abandoned towel from the floor and helping his kitty clean up, "Yeah, I guess you're right."

They rubbed up most of the cum, and then dressed slowly, purring at each other and playing a little. Aidan kept mooning his lion with his cum filled butt.

Leo, in turn, made sure to put on his underwear and pants last, letting his balls and sheath hang out for as long a time as possible.

Finally, both felines were fully dressed, and Aidan went to grab his stuff, only to notice something strange about the camera, "Leo, Mr. Jones didn't give us a tape for the camera."

Leo took the camera, opening the compartment to see for himself, "Huh, well, do you think he's still here?"

Aidan shook his head, taking back the camera, "No, I think he's gone home by now, we'll just have to visit him tomorrow morning.

Leo shrugged, "Okay." Just then, they heard the door knob to the coach's office turn, and rushed out, Leo pushing Aidan ahead of him as the greatest hits of the eighties flooded out of the small office into the locker room, none the wiser of what the camera Aidan carried had been privy to.