Naked and Famous - Rock Out with Your Cock Out

Story by Toonces on SoFurry

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#1 of Naked and Famous

_Toonces, the Driving Cat, the Cat Who Could Drive a Car

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A thousand bodies moved as one, a body that seemingly hated itself as its components shoved and punched and kicked each other. A slow beat rocked them and for a single moment the punching and shoving stopped, and a thousand hands went into the air as the guitar riff kicked in, then went immediately back to moshing. In this giant, maniacal crowd, a small mouse, almost a head shorter than anyone else in the crowd, was taking the full force of every attack in an apparently vain attempt to reach the guardrails in front of the stage. Every step forward was a kick in the gut, a stomped toe, a bruised arm, or some other beating that he fought through.

However, he pressed on with unending courage, and with a mottled assortment of purpling skin showing under his white fur, he finally made it to the rail. He squeezed in between two two men wearing at least twenty pounds of metal and looked up at his rock idol, an otter that went simply by Zed. They were a Canadian Band. He wore a tight black shirt, ripped under the arms with the hems badly frayed. He could see two small rings where his nipples were pierced, outlined by skintight cotton. His right ear was pierced and cuffed all around the circular rim, and in the middle he had three studs in the shape of an upside down triangle. His fingers raced along the fretboard as he launched into a burning solo, the four of them tattooed K, A, N, and T. His custom Gibson was painted with the band's name, "M & M Enterprises," and partially hidden under the otter's left sleeve was a tattoo that said "Lucky Mud."

The mouse knew. He was a reader. Had ruined his eyes on books and had thick glasses now. His friends used to tease that his lenses were thicker than his body. But you don't have to be popular to rock out with your cock out, and now the mouse pressed himself up against the cold steel barrier, gawking at his favorite guitarist. Then he fell over.

Really, it was more of a shove. And it wasn't three seconds after a pair of paws pushed him face first into the concrete between the fans and stage that another pair of paws lifted him up and dragging him off. He fought against the grip, but his slender arms and legs were no match for the hulking security guard. He looked back up at the stage and caught Zed's eyes as he passed under him on the stage, staring in a daze as the otter continued to strum. The mouse's face pleaded for help, and the otter stepped forward, tapping the security guard on the shoulder and winning the mouse's freedom. Then, the guitarist extended a paw to lift the mouse onto the stage. The last song was just ending, and the mouse almost thought the roar of applause was for him as he climbed up and stood next to his idol, looking out into the crowd, pulsing still, cameras flashing every second.

The otter got on his microphone and the crowd died down to hear him. The otter gulped and looked at the audience. He seemed nervous about something. "This little mouse right here fought through that entire mosh pit just to get to the front of the crowd, and he can't be more than five feet tall. I'm no more than that, either, and after years at rock shows I know just how tough that is. He looks pretty beat up, but he got here. That is fucking rock and roll, right there." The crowd cheered and the mouse beamed in shy pride.

"What's more, though," Zed continued, "He had the balls to come to a fucking rock show with a rainbow necklace on. None of you assholes in the mosh pit will do anything half as badass as that tonight. Now, I've got two announcements. The first is that our new CD comes out the 28th. The second is this." The otter began plucking the intro to the next song and walked behind the mouse. He lifted the guitar over the mouse's head, the slipped it over him, pulling their bodies close together as the mouse squeaked in surprise. He turned to face the otter and was met there with a kiss. His paws rested on the otter's shoulders and he at first withdrew in surprise, then leaned emphatically into the liplock. The otter played, the guitar resting on the mouse's ass. The subtle vibrations of the guitar body against his cheeks made him quiver, and the cheering crowd was drowned out by music and a rush of blood to the mouse's head.

The band played on as the pair moved around the stage at the otter's guidance, the otter not missing as note as he pulled the guitar against the mouse's body, pressing mouse's frail body against the otter's pudgy belly. The otter's arms were thick, muscular, but it seemed as if a month without workouts had given him a soft belly. But the mouse loved it. He slipped down and lifted the shirt up so he could lick and suck at the soft belly, slipping his paws up the cutoff short to squeeze the otter's cheeks as he did. He didn't care 30,000 people were watching him bury his short muzzle in the otter's fur and nibble softly at the fat underneath. He sat back to admire it for a moment, then stood up, keeping his paws close to the otter's body. He found the steel rings around the otter's nipples and teased them, pulling gently and tracing his finger around the nipple's edge. Zed didn't miss a note, but he lifted his head and moaned passionately. "C'mon kid, I've got a show to play, making out is fine but don't get me worked up until the afterparty."

The mouse giggled, suddenly aggressive, and refused to relent. He tweaked the rings more and sucked on on the otter's neck. The otter's moans became almost labored as he seemed to be fighting off the pleasure, refocusing on playing his guitar. With a noticeable shiver, he gave in. The song ended and he pulled it off, tossing it to the lead singer with instruction to take it from there. The mouse was wrapped in his arms, the otter kissing passionately as if overcome by a rush of freedom after his show for the crowd. The mouse's teasing had made him too eager to dive right in, and now the otter dragged the amorous mouse behind a stack of speakers where no one could see them. Zed quickly unbuckled an unzipped his pants, clearly in a rush, displaying his unit to the starstruck mouse. The mouse could only sit on his knees for a moment, his mouth agape in awe at the unit, half hard and already impressively long. It hung in a lazy curve to the ground, a drop of precum stuck on the head. The balls were prominent in his tight package, each one pressing the limits of the stretched sack. The otter still had his pants up, the elastic of his underwear tucked under his balls.

Clearly the situation wasn't moving fast enough for the otter, the tapped his cock against the mouse's nose to remind him to stop looking and start sucking. The drop of precum stuck to the mouse's nose and a thin strand of liquid connected the mouse's muzzle and the otter's long cock. The mouse went to work then, wrapping his lips tight around the head, and had the rest shoved into his mouth. The meat felt soft against his tongue. He rolled his tongue against the bottom of the cock, sucking hard on the shaft as he did. He kept his nose buried in the otter's pudge, slurping the dick and feeling it grow harder in his lips. It slipped into the back of his throat and choked off his breath. The otter began humping slowly into the mouse's muzzle, the flabby stomach pressing against the mouse's face with each thrust.

With a last loving lick the dick exited the mouse's mouth, now fully hard, the gentle upwards curve slick with spit. The skin on it was smooth and milky, with a few veins being the only bulging imperfections in the skin. The head was fat and purple, like someone balancing a plum on a pipe. The mouse only got a momentary view though, as a moment later he was turned around and pressed against a speaker. It shook with bass, and the mouse's glasses rattled on his nose. Zed's hands fumbled with the mouse's buckle before pulling the tight pants down to his knees. The mouse's pert butt fell out of his jeans, small enough to match his figure, but full enough to bounce as the otter gave the cheeks a few playful slaps, a few lusty squeezes, and finally spread them open to reveal the mouse's button hole.

Zed wet his lips and let his tongue hang out, a rapacious appetite building as the clean white hole glistened under a thin film of sweat. He buried his tongue immediately, his nose pressed against the skinny tail as he slurped and loosened the tight hole. The mouse's whole body shook, part in pleasure, part from the speaker he was bent over. Between the mouse's legs, mammoth balls jiggled with the beat of the music. They seemingly didn't fit the mouse's figure, two golf balls hung in a fuzzy pouch. The weight of the balls seemed to pull the sack down, making them hang low and swing with the mouse's body. The otter switched between the two, first wiggling his tongue in the mouse's ass, then taking one of the balls in his muzzle, moving back and forth every so often. He pulled the sack and let it go, watching it sway and jiggle. He caught it in his muzzle again and sucked on the eggs. While he was rimming the mouse's orifice, his paw squeezed and stretched the sac, and when he sucked on the mouse's fuzzy nuts, a finger slipped into the mouse's hole to loosen him further.

The mouse moaned in abject pleasure, pushed his glasses back up his nose as they threatened to be shaken off by the booming speaker. His belt clattered with the vibrations too, his pants still held up between his knees. The slithering tongue tickled his inside and made his body tense. His teeth chattered and beads of sweat dripped from his brow. His short, sharply curved cock was pinned against the shaking speaker, throbbing with the constant electric stimulation from the thick bass line. When the drum's bass hit, uncannily timed with a deep slurp from the otter's tongue, his cock would tense hard. It was almost as if he was fucking the music.

A quick spit lube had to suffice in the lack of AstroGlide and no time for a proper blowjob. The mouse laid down across the top of the speaker, and his long thin tail wrapped around the otter, still trying to comprehend the feeling of being so close to his rock idol. The otter held his long cock in his paw, guiding it to the mouse's slick, warm hole. A shrill, sustained note had the crowd going wild, though it was only a dull roar and a faint vibration that marked the otter's slow but forceful push into the mouse's tight tailhole. The mouse squeaked and his butt naturally clenched against the invading shaft, the otter not wasting time burying the full length immediately after first splitting the small hole open. The cymbals crashed when the otter's waist slapped against the mouse's cheeks, and from there the music went into a fast, fevered rush, the otter keeping pace as he punished the tiny mouse.

A true mosher, the mouse could only be grateful for such rough treatment. He begged between squeaks, leaning up on his hands as his the otter spread the mouse's cheeks open and fucked the tender hole raw. The otter's paws let go of the mouse's cheek, his right paw reaching around to grab the sharp curve of the mouse's uncut cock and pulled back the foreskin, the left paw resting on the mouse's boyish chest. His fingers reacted subconsciously to the familiar music, one of the otter's signature pieces actually, fingering the notes out on the mouse's body, unaware of his actions as he was lost in the tight, warm feeling of the rodent's tailhole. His right paw let go of the mouse's cock and reached for the far edge of the speaker, grabbing it and pulling, pinning the mouse between rock and a hard cock. The music built to a loud crescendo, shaking the speaker and making the pair vibrate with it, every nerve in their body twinging with each successive beat. The otter humped in time with the fast-paced anthem, his body set to a natural quick rhythm. His cock slipped in it's foreskin against the amp, pulled back with each thrust as the force of the otter's thrusts forced him up against the speaker.

Long, fast, powerful strides tore into the mouse, the spit lube quickly drying but neither feeling any worse for it. Zed bit his lip, still subconsciously picking the notes to the final solo, his fingers making the mouse's body tingle over the surface, though his core was wracked by the driving cock and the thumping beat, his cock pinned fast against the speaker, and when Zed leaned forward and bit the back of his neck he lost it. His body tremored, every input overloading the small frame, every bit of it focusing on his cock and balls after long journeys through limbs and torso, and amid shrill squeals that melted into loud groans, pierced by grunts with the otter's continuing thrusts, he shot thick wads of cum into his shirt. Cum rolled down his fur and dripped onto his pants still secure around his knees, though the otter was still not done.

The otter continued to bite into the mouse's neck, his solo over and now squeezing the body hard into his own. The mouse's ass squeezed tighter, fighting against each stroke as the cock became drier and thrusts became more labored, more painful for the mouse, who still welcomed the hard fucking with a metalhead's pride for pain. Finally, groaning into the mouse's fur, the otter shot his load inside the tiny mouse, providing enough lube for him to pound harder and deeper as he unloaded more and more of his jizz into the mouse's stretched, battered ass. His cheeks were pink and his hole was sore, and the he squealed in a delighted sort of agony when the otter pulled out, slipped his pants up over his dirty cock and ran for the stage. He stopped, ran back and pounced the still recovering mouse, tackling him to the floor for a long, passionate kiss.

Seconds later, he was back on stage for the next song.

Seconds later, so was the mouse, sitting on the otter's tail, his arms draped over the shoulders as he hummed along.